
OvenWerksThe Midi Category is more of a problem. Lots of things include Midi but not other things. 00:34
OvenWerkszequence: Even though there is a Midi Catagory, it is pretty much useless. Midi as a category is very common and we really want MidiUtilities... 03:46
OvenWerksOr we want the rest of the apps with Midi in them to also have something beyond Audio and Midi such as DAW/AudioVideoEditing/Sequencer or whatever. The X-instrument/Effects would help too.03:49
OvenWerksSo, on the audio front, the good news is that the Mutimedia Players menu only uses the category Player with no filenames. Audio production works as a catch all for any new audio applications. Probably a good default.03:55
OvenWerksVideo is quite good already. Basically we can do AudioVideo No Audio No Player and there are only two Applications we have right now that do not work. Blender (which calls itself graphics) and xjadeo which includes the Category Player... which really it is. But it is a specialized player meant for syncing Audio.04:01
OvenWerks:P spoke too soon. I would still go with it though. The problem is that there are a number of audio things that do not have Audio. It makes a lot more sense to call a Video tool AudioVideo as most support audio and video. It should be easier to ask the dev of an Audio tool to include audio than a Video tool to also include video.04:13
OvenWerksI have put Tuner in with Audio utilities as at least one guitar tuner uses it and more than half the applications that turned up in a tuner search were audio pitch related.04:31
OvenWerksI am not sure there are enough publishing applications to make a sub menu worth while.04:36
OvenWerksBasically there is only Scribus in there...04:43
OvenWerkszequence: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntustudio-menu/ubuntustudio-menu could use an upload... Or we can build it as refference for those who want to comment of menu direction.21:26
OvenWerks(add it to our US PPA)21:26
OvenWerkszequence: every time there is a <filename> means something need another category.21:27

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