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openstackgerrit | Scott Moser proposed stackforge/cloud-init: tox: disable proxies when running nosetests https://review.openstack.org/195294 | 13:55 |
smoser | claudiupopa, are you there ? | 13:55 |
smoser | can you tell me if https://review.openstack.org/#/c/195294/1 works on windows ? | 13:55 |
claudiupopa | yeah, seems to work. | 14:05 |
smoser | can you +1 ? or +2 if you want. | 14:07 |
claudiupopa | done. | 14:07 |
=== smoser changed the topic of #cloud-init to: cloud-init || cloud-init 2.0 reviews: http://bit.ly/cloudinit-reviews | ||
smoser | claudiupopa, so why did that not merge ? | 14:44 |
smoser | does it need a jenins run, and if so why didnt it run | 14:45 |
claudiupopa | http://status.openstack.org/zuul/ seems to be a pretty big merge queue. | 14:46 |
openstackgerrit | Merged stackforge/cloud-init: HACKING.rst: mention signing the contribors agreement https://review.openstack.org/194340 | 14:59 |
openstackgerrit | Scott Moser proposed stackforge/cloud-init: tools/tox-venv: support running other than ./tools/tox-venv https://review.openstack.org/195631 | 15:14 |
openstackgerrit | Merged stackforge/cloud-init: tox: disable proxies when running nosetests https://review.openstack.org/195294 | 15:19 |
openstackgerrit | Scott Moser proposed stackforge/cloud-init: tools/tox-venv: support running other than ./tools/tox-venv https://review.openstack.org/195631 | 15:20 |
openstackgerrit | Scott Moser proposed stackforge/cloud-init: Clean up stale auto-generated autodoc files. https://review.openstack.org/191139 | 15:22 |
Odd_Bloke | smoser is on a rampage. | 15:47 |
smoser | harlowja, around ? | 16:47 |
openstackgerrit | Scott Moser proposed stackforge/cloud-init: Bring over the 'safeyaml' from bzr https://review.openstack.org/170252 | 16:54 |
smoser | claudiupopa, if you want, you requeseted test there, i added some ^ | 16:58 |
smoser | or Odd_Bloke if you want to review that. | 17:02 |
openstackgerrit | Merged stackforge/cloud-init: Clean up stale auto-generated autodoc files. https://review.openstack.org/191139 | 17:06 |
harlowja | smoser suppp | 17:24 |
smoser | harlowja, i was gonna ask about how to add tests to your existing change id | 17:33 |
smoser | its really wierd.. ijust --amend | 17:34 |
smoser | and git review | 17:34 |
smoser | and my patchset rplaced yours | 17:34 |
harlowja | hmmm, lol | 17:34 |
smoser | which is wierd in my opinion | 17:34 |
harlowja | :) | 17:34 |
harlowja | touching my patchesets, how dare u | 17:34 |
harlowja | lol | 17:34 |
harlowja | so what u did is one way, the other way is to make a dependent review | 17:35 |
harlowja | where u make a new patchset (using the initial one as the base) and then do git-review -R | 17:35 |
harlowja | *which makes that new review have a dependency on the first | 17:35 |
harlowja | otherwise ya, the patchsets sorta just get added ontop | 17:36 |
smoser | yeah. i think the way i did it makes more sense here. | 17:40 |
smoser | as the dependent review would then hav both of them in the git log | 17:40 |
smoser | but yours wasnt acceptable without the tests | 17:40 |
harlowja | :-P | 17:42 |
smoser | hm.. | 17:44 |
smoser | what to do here. | 17:44 |
smoser | looking at the templeter | 17:44 |
smoser | and tests for it. | 17:44 |
harlowja | up to u, how much of it u want to keep :-P | 17:45 |
harlowja | smoser one option, remove the basic_rendering support, leave jinja2 | 17:50 |
harlowja | that might help reduce the amount of stuff to test (and meh, do we need that other way anymore?) | 17:50 |
harlowja | otherwise, include a bunch of test-templates.txt, ensure they get expanded to expected-out-test-templates.txt or whatever | 17:51 |
harlowja | and blow-up if not | 17:51 |
smoser | i think just if its not declared, then we use builtin | 17:51 |
smoser | its fine for some things. | 17:52 |
harlowja | k | 17:52 |
* harlowja doesn't have any attachment to it :-P | 17:52 | |
harlowja | my precious! | 17:52 |
harlowja | lol | 17:52 |
smoser | harlowja, i have this right now: | 17:54 |
smoser | http://paste.ubuntu.com/11774661/ | 17:54 |
harlowja | seems fair to me | 17:54 |
smoser | the value in it is that we have *some* builtin renderer | 17:54 |
harlowja | agreed, which probably suits 90% of the cases anyway | 17:54 |
harlowja | except for weird i need to have for loops in my tempaltes and such | 17:55 |
smoser | well. yeah, i think as we start offering $datasource.hostname | 17:55 |
smoser | and such, the builtin will probably fall appart | 17:55 |
Odd_Bloke | Why do we need a bultin renderer at all? | 17:56 |
smoser | i'm wondering if you were right though, an djinja should be the default | 17:56 |
harlowja | as long as jinja2 doesn't die like cheetah, lol | 17:56 |
smoser | i dont know, Odd_Bloke | 17:56 |
Odd_Bloke | It's more stuff for our users to learn, and more code for us to maintain. | 17:56 |
smoser | its only really for backwards compat. | 17:56 |
Odd_Bloke | Backwards compatibility is probably an argument for it though. | 17:56 |
Odd_Bloke | ^_^ | 17:57 |
smoser | so lets say things.. | 17:57 |
harlowja | should we support cheetah to then :-P | 17:57 |
harlowja | for backwards compat ;) | 17:57 |
smoser | the thing it comes down to is selecting a default | 17:57 |
Odd_Bloke | /kick harlowja NO | 17:57 |
harlowja | lol | 17:57 |
harlowja | but but but | 17:57 |
harlowja | ha | 17:58 |
smoser | any template can declare what it needs to be rendered with | 17:58 |
smoser | but if there is no header ('##template: jinja2') | 17:58 |
smoser | then what do we do? | 17:58 |
smoser | what i did just right there was fall back to the builtin | 17:58 |
smoser | if we say instead "undefined is jinja2" | 17:58 |
smoser | then in the far future world of jinja2-is-dead | 17:58 |
harlowja | jinja3 ftw | 17:58 |
smoser | then we are in the position of basically *having* to break someone | 17:59 |
smoser | as we wont be be able to render their undeclared thing | 17:59 |
Odd_Bloke | Jinja2 is very unlikely to go anywhere. | 17:59 |
harlowja | jinja3 ftw | 18:00 |
harlowja | lol | 18:00 |
Odd_Bloke | And if it does, we just vendor it in and warn people that it's deprecated. | 18:00 |
smoser | meh | 18:00 |
smoser | i think i like basicaly requiring the declaration | 18:00 |
harlowja | ya, we can do that to | 18:01 |
smoser | you either declare what you want, where we can then definitively render it or not | 18:01 |
smoser | or you dont | 18:01 |
smoser | and you get harlowja's crappy builtin renderer | 18:01 |
harlowja | da best ever! | 18:01 |
harlowja | lol | 18:01 |
smoser | i think i'll add a alias for 'basic' from 'harlowja-crap' | 18:01 |
Odd_Bloke | I think it would be good to warn people against using harlowja's crappy builtin renderer. | 18:01 |
harlowja | u have to rename it 'crappy_built_in_renderer' | 18:01 |
Odd_Bloke | Something in the log or somesuch. | 18:01 |
smoser | Odd_Bloke, why? we can maintain that. | 18:01 |
smoser | its not hard. | 18:01 |
Odd_Bloke | I guess. | 18:02 |
* harlowja surely will miss cheetah though, lol | 18:03 | |
harlowja | we could also default to https://github.com/Yelp/yelp_cheetah | 18:04 |
harlowja | lol | 18:04 |
smoser | harlowja, we can bring it back. | 18:04 |
smoser | just for old times sake | 18:04 |
harlowja | :-P | 18:04 |
smoser | We really recommend that you don't choose cheetah for new projects, and certainly not this hacked fork | 18:08 |
harlowja | lol | 18:09 |
smoser | i think i'm going to add things like that to all my code from now on | 18:09 |
harlowja | don't listen to them, jeez | 18:09 |
harlowja | lol | 18:09 |
harlowja | :) | 18:09 |
smoser | "i really recommend you dont use this." | 18:09 |
harlowja | :) | 18:09 |
smoser | instead, maybe go outside and get some exercise! | 18:09 |
harlowja | isn't that what all those licenses are for, lol | 18:09 |
harlowja | thought they did the same thing, use at your own risk, its just opensource mannnn | 18:10 |
harlowja | lol | 18:10 |
harlowja | *aka u can't sue me ... | 18:10 |
harlowja | https://github.com/stackforge/cloud-init/blob/master/LICENSE-Apache2.0#L144 (that section, lol) | 18:11 |
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smoser | alright. i almost have tests for templter whoo hoo | 19:32 |
harlowja | woooo | 19:33 |
harlowja | u da man | 19:33 |
smoser | the key to improving test coverage is reducing lines of code | 19:43 |
=== natorious is now known as zz_natorious | ||
openstackgerrit | Scott Moser proposed stackforge/cloud-init: Bring over the 'templater' from bzr https://review.openstack.org/170257 | 19:44 |
=== smoser changed the topic of #cloud-init to: cloud-init || cloud-init 2.0 reviews: http://bit.ly/cloudinit-reviews | ||
harlowja | :) | 19:50 |
harlowja | i still see lines of code there | 19:50 |
harlowja | its not 0 | 19:50 |
harlowja | lol | 19:50 |
smoser | what i didn't say was one of the things i did was join lines. | 19:56 |
smoser | because 2 lines of 30 characters is 2 lines. | 19:56 |
harlowja | :) | 19:56 |
smoser | but one line of 60 chars is only 1 | 19:56 |
smoser | :) | 19:56 |
openstackgerrit | Scott Moser proposed stackforge/cloud-init: Bring over the 'templater' from bzr https://review.openstack.org/170257 | 19:58 |
smoser | harlowja, you want to review your code there + my tests ? | 19:59 |
harlowja | :) | 19:59 |
harlowja | sureeeee | 19:59 |
harlowja | oh man, whoever wrote that code is super | 19:59 |
harlowja | lol | 19:59 |
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harlowja | smoser ok added a comment | 20:06 |
harlowja | i think the fixtures test library can replace that custom tempdir | 20:06 |
harlowja | commonly used in other parts of openstack (since the author works there) | 20:07 |
smoser | harlowja, i dont want to just grab dependencies. | 20:14 |
smoser | i dont like writing code just because either | 20:14 |
harlowja | this would only be a test dep | 20:14 |
smoser | yeah, thats not so bad. | 20:14 |
harlowja | :-P | 20:14 |
smoser | harlowja, if you want to add fixtures useage thats ok. | 20:20 |
harlowja | k | 20:20 |
harlowja | i can after that goes in | 20:20 |
harlowja | ok with u | 20:20 |
harlowja | i'm cool with that | 20:21 |
harlowja | bb | 20:21 |
smoser | but can we make sure it works iwth trusty | 20:21 |
harlowja | sure, | 20:24 |
harlowja | afaik the package exists there | 20:24 |
smoser | its 0.3 in trusty | 20:31 |
harlowja | ok, thats pretty old, but should be ok for this i think | 21:01 |
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