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drinkcoffee | s | 00:38 |
rosco_y | Are there any graphical utilities that help to see the layout of your hard drives? | 00:54 |
rosco_y | fdisk -l would be start, I suppose | 00:55 |
Roey | ros | 01:01 |
Roey | doh | 01:01 |
baudspark | Hi all. I had a simple script that was autostarting with kde4 that no longer autostarts. I discovered that it's because the xdg autostart standard is now limited to launching .desktop files, so I created one that launches my script. When I run the .desktop file from plasma shell it works perfectly, but when I add it to autostart it does diddly squat. What should I paste, and what M should I RTF? | 01:17 |
klobster | Hey K friends | 02:17 |
klobster | I've got questions about vpns ISPs and DNS anyone out there to help me/ help me find a room? | 02:20 |
klobster | man kubuntu used to be fun | 02:27 |
klobster | you guys have changed man | 02:27 |
ChrisCopp | hello | 03:11 |
ChrisCopp | I was wondering if I could get a little guidance, or maybe a help page | 03:11 |
ChrisCopp | I'm using chromium and can't seem to watch facebook videos. | 03:12 |
ChrisCopp | I have the latest updates installed, do I need to install Adobe flash on its own? | 03:13 |
valorie | hi Roey | 04:31 |
* valorie was afk for many hours | 04:31 | |
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alvin | Raah. My locales are wrong again. KDE should leave these settings alone! | 07:55 |
alvin | C.UTF-8 doesn't exist, right? | 07:56 |
sick_rimmit | Good Morning.. | 08:00 |
alvin | Is there anyone who knows what packages is responsible for asking if you want to install Flash every time you log in? I'd like to file a bug. Asking once is ok, but asking a user every session if he wants to install proprietary software that might compromise his system is a bit weird. | 08:04 |
hateball | alvin: I *think* kubuntu-notification-helper | 08:07 |
alvin | Sounds plausible. Thanks | 08:08 |
hateball | I've got that package removed anyhow since it was broken in early 15.04 | 08:08 |
alvin | Hmm. Where does Firefox gets its certificates? I've used a startssl cert, end Firefox trusts it. Kontact does not. Could it be that the startssl CA is missing from KDE? | 08:10 |
hateball | Firefox uses its own certificate store afaik | 08:11 |
alvin | continue - this session only - KDE crash handler with akonadi_imap_resource. Segmentation fault. There we go again. It's going to be one of these days. | 08:11 |
hateball | I'd guess Kontact uses systemwide certs, /etc/ssl/ | 08:12 |
hateball | Or perhaps it too uses its own keystore, but I dunno since I dont use it :| | 08:13 |
alvin | System Settings -> Network Settings -> SSL Preferences is what it uses. But I suspect Firefox of having it's own store. | 08:14 |
alvin | Firefox doesn't integrate well with KDE and that irks me sometimes. I mean, on a default Kubuntu install it wants to open .zip files with Gwenview and stuff like that. | 08:14 |
hateball | I use Chromium instead, it plays nicer | 08:14 |
hateball | Even uses kwallet | 08:15 |
hateball | Dunno if Firefox does that these days | 08:15 |
alvin | startcom is in that store. I'll have to look further. | 08:15 |
alvin | It does? No, firefox does not. | 08:15 |
alvin | On the other hand, Chrome installs a binary blob now? Don't know about Chromium. | 08:15 |
hateball | the whole voicesearch thing? | 08:15 |
alvin | Yes, that one | 08:15 |
hateball | supposedly chromium did, but I checked my system and couldnt find it enabled anywhere | 08:16 |
alvin | I still miss Opera. Yes, it was closed source, but what a browser! Started using Firefox again, and it's ok. But it does crash a lot when closing the browser window. | 08:17 |
lordievader | Good morning. | 08:19 |
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Roey | hey valorie. I'm trying to figure out why the KDE tablet service is not started. I have libwacom installed. How do I start this service? | 11:13 |
BluesKaj | Howdy folks | 11:29 |
Roey | heya blue | 11:36 |
BluesKaj | hi Roey | 11:57 |
Roey | yo Blues, I had issues with this computer--my mounted external hard drive mysteriously starts giving i/o error until I run the mount command again; couldn't get the wacom tablet working; etc. but I fixed them | 12:01 |
alvin | For a moment there I thought Roey was talking about "KDE active". Has that project been revived yet? | 12:27 |
* Roey shrugs and is off to shower & work | 12:28 | |
BluesKaj | Roey, have you considered a setting in /etc/fstab for your external drive using UUID. Check the UUID by running sudo blkid. | 12:59 |
kallah | okey im about to install kbuntu, do i need extra drivers for my computer or can i use the one included? | 13:17 |
hateball | kallah: Everything is included | 13:20 |
hateball | kallah: You might have some wifi or gpu that does not come enabled at install-time, but you'll be prompted afterwards to enable those drivers | 13:20 |
kallah | will it run much faster installed to hdd then from the live usb session | 13:20 |
hateball | It'll likely run slower, but it will boot faster | 13:21 |
hateball | Since when you're live-booting, it's read into RAM | 13:21 |
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eduzen | thks regedit!!!! | 14:32 |
regedit | eduzen: uh sure thing (what about agaijn?) :) | 15:12 |
eduzen | jaja | 15:35 |
eduzen | also! | 15:35 |
eduzen | haha | 15:35 |
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dev_ | whats the k for | 17:36 |
lordievader | dev_: From Wikipedia: The K was originally suggested to stand for "Kool", but it was quickly decided that the K should stand for nothing in particular. | 17:36 |
dev_ | kool | 17:38 |
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Roey | Blue_Xombie: I will do that. | 20:43 |
Roey | Blue_Xombie==BluesKaj? | 20:43 |
Blue_Xombie | nope | 20:44 |
Blue_Xombie | wrong person | 20:44 |
eXistenZe | hey | 20:47 |
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