
wxlianorlin: can you double check bug 1434774 in wily?17:34
ubot93bug 1434774 in lxpanel (Ubuntu) "lxpanel volume applet settings opens empty terminal window" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143477417:34
wxlrafaellaguna: do you know anything about bug 1466191?17:37
ubot93bug 1466191 in lightdm-gtk-greeter (Ubuntu) "lightdm has black greeter background for Lubuntu" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146619117:37
rafaellagunagot it noted17:37
wxlseems there's an easy workaround in mate17:38
wxlnot sure if it's true for us17:38
rafaellagunabut again I'd like a screenshot17:38
rafaellagunawxl, I can confirm it didn't happen in my emulated Lubuntu17:41
rafaellagunaI'll do another clean install and upload the screenshot17:42
wxlrafaellaguna: which?17:42
rafaellagunalightdm backgroun17:42
wxlrafaellaguna: you didn't report that one on the tracker darn you (bug 1468529)17:44
ubot93bug 1468529 in lxappearance (Ubuntu) "lxappearance segmentation fault" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146852917:44
rafaellagunano, sorry :(17:44
* wxl slaps rafaellaguna 17:44
* rafaellaguna lowers head expecting his deserved punishment17:44
wxlrafaellaguna: any other bugs i need to know about? :/17:45
rafaellagunaemmm nope17:45
rafaellagunafor the moment! :D17:45
rafaellagunaI'm not fully sure about the lightdm bug., though17:46
wxlan unconfirm would be nice17:46
rafaellagunayes, I'm finishing the alternate install (sloooooow)17:46
rafaellagunaomg, how many virtual systems can we have before VirtualBox explodes?17:48
wxli need lsc bug numbers please17:48
rafaellagunayou mean #1467517 ?17:48
rafaellagunabug 146751717:48
ubot93bug 1467517 in lubuntu-software-center (Ubuntu) "LSC can only 'see' installed applications" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146751717:48
wxlif that's the one17:48
rafaellagunayes, the only one. lately :D17:49
wxlphillw apparently did not report that on the tracker either17:49
wxlbad boy17:49
rafaellagunawe're bad boys. or call us lazzy17:49
rafaellagunamay I ask why are you collecting bugs in hysterical mode?17:50
wxlfor release notes17:50
rafaellagunaoh yes, right17:50
rafaellagunaI thought it was, you know, a phase of yours17:51
rafaellagunaoh god17:51
rafaellagunaI have another17:51
rafaellagunathere's a button in lxpanel that doesn't use any theme at all17:52
rafaellagunait looks like crappy GTK117:52
rafaellagunathe network menu17:52
rafaellagunaplease, the tracker url?17:53
rafaellagunaalmost there...18:00
rafaellagunasorry. I confirm lightdm bug (screenshot uploaded)18:04
rafaellagunawxl, two more things18:06
rafaellagunagrub menu labels are wrong (say Ubuntu). is that a bug?18:07
rafaellagunawxl, bug #146885418:12
ubot93bug 1468854 in lxpanel (Ubuntu) "lxpanel-indicator-applet-plugin doesn't use themes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146885418:12
ianorlinrafaellaguna: no it isn't because what if you install multiple DE18:13
ianorlinwhat should label say then?18:13
rafaellagunano, this is a clean Lubuntu alternate install18:13
rafaellagunafirst run also18:13
rafaellagunaoh sorry, ianorlin :D18:14
rafaellagunathat. Grub should say "Lubuntu"18:14
Unit193Sure, only if you don't want to work with UEFI though.19:04
wxlrafaellaguna: go for it20:23
rafaellagunawho does fb? I don't20:28
phillwrafaellaguna: both Fb areas and G+ done20:39
rafaellagunaokay. I'm on Twitter and Reddit20:39
rafaellagunaboth done20:41
phillwi think that's them all.. seems there is two G+ ones to do.. just done the 2nd one.20:52

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