
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
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bzoltan_robru: do you know what does that mean? https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-011-2-publish/59/console04:33
bzoltan_kalikiana:  ^ look, this is the blocker04:33
robrubzoltan_: yeah you guys pushed new commits since the last time the build job was run. You need to rebuild.04:35
bzoltan_robru:  I see.. that I can do04:36
bzoltan_robru:  I am not sure if I get this ^05:35
robrubzoltan_: https://code.launchpad.net/~bzoltan/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/landing_12-6-2015-gles/+merge/261832 MP is wrong, you put the vivid version in, needs to be the wily version. (15.10 instead of 15.04)05:41
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bzoltan_robru: thanks, i fixed that09:14
* sil2100 off to lunch11:06
bzoltan_robru: sil2100: now the version is on wily, but now it does not like that it is not high enough ... (silo11)11:21
ogra_the wonderful world of -gles11:22
sil2100bzoltan_: yeah, PPAs don't allow same-version uploads, looks like it has been already uploaded once?11:24
bzoltan_sil2100:  it seems that the main build produced the right gles package... so my rebuild was not necessary. The PPA has all the packages now.11:31
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rvrkenvandine: jgdx: Silo 3 approved12:30
jgdxrvr, whee thanks!12:30
sil2100jgdx, kenvandine: https://code.launchpad.net/~jonas-drange/ubuntu-system-settings/fix-1441192/+merge/255402 unapproved12:38
jgdxsil2100, you mean the need fixing from ci?12:39
sil2100Please top-approve it12:39
sil2100It needs to be reviewed and top-apptoved by someone, we don't allow releasing non-top-approved merges12:40
jgdxsil2100, the mr you linked to has something to do with silo 3?12:40
sil2100jgdx: it's the only merge in silo 312:41
sil2100jgdx: this merge needs to be top-approved before we can release silo 312:42
jgdxsil2100, oh, was looking at the wrong silo 3. Okay so https://code.launchpad.net/~jonas-drange/ubuntu-system-settings/fix-1441192/+merge/255402 needs top approve. Right12:42
seb128it's top approved no?12:43
seb128Approved Edit status12:43
seb128Approved by: Ken VanDine on 2015-06-1112:43
jgdxlooks like it, but maybe it's counting votes?12:43
seb128it's rather than it got a commit since it was approved12:43
sil2100Yes, sorry, was fast with not reading the error message12:43
jgdxsil2100, since the CI stack has broken down for USS, could you hold the phone a bit on that landing?12:43
sil2100jgdx: this branch might need re-building though...12:44
seb128jgdx, how has "the CI stack has broken down for USS"?12:44
kenvandinesil2100, i don't think so12:44
seb128is that being tracked?12:44
sil2100jgdx: it seems the packages were built and afterwards someone pushed new revisions to that12:44
jgdxseb128, for all long running tests suites12:44
jgdxseb128, yes12:44
jgdxsil2100, ack, thanks12:44
kenvandinesil2100, the new revision was just merging trunk12:44
seb128do you have a bug number about that?12:44
jgdxkenvandine, ^12:45
kenvandineshould be safe12:45
seb128kenvandine, yeah, but seems that revision is not built in the ppa, if it's needed we need a rebuild12:45
sil2100kenvandine: was that a clean merge?12:45
jgdxseb128, bug v12:45
jgdxbug 146802912:45
ubot5bug 1468029 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "unity8 crash breaking autopilot tests entering text with OSK" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146802912:45
seb128jgdx, thanks12:45
sil2100hm, still...12:45
kenvandinethat one is driving me nuts!12:45
kenvandinesil2100, we can do a rebuild12:45
sil2100kenvandine: why was the trunk merged?12:45
seb128kenvandine, why did we do a rebase merge if there was no conflict/reason to remerge?12:46
kenvandinedunno :)12:46
kenvandinejgdx, ^^12:46
jgdxkenvandine, can we wait until AP pass?12:46
kenvandinejgdx, i'd rather not, the wifi tests pass12:46
kenvandineand there's no eta on when the unity8 crash will be fixed12:46
sil2100kenvandine: since if someone landed something to u-s-s after building the package, we need to rebuild as otherwise it'll not include those commits in the released package12:46
jgdxkenvandine, oh right, they do.12:46
kenvandinethe silo build includes the same trunk12:46
kenvandinethe revision that was merged in was from last week's landing12:47
seb128kenvandine, is anyone looking at that unity8 issue? is it confirmed to be unity8?12:47
kenvandinewell, we know that crash happens everytime we hit the problem12:47
kenvandineit's also affecting webbrowser-app12:47
seb128kenvandine, I don't understand what was the point of that merge? if somebody went out of his way to do it that's probably for a reason?12:47
kenvandinesil2100, i can do a rebuild though12:47
kenvandineto be sure12:47
seb128and if so why do we discard it now?12:47
kenvandinejgdx, what prompted the trunk merge?12:48
sil2100kenvandine: you could check the source packages as well and see if the changes you merged in from trunk are in there12:48
sil2100SInce a rebuild might trigger a re-test ;p12:48
jgdxkenvandine, failing ap tests, who knows. Want me to uncommit it?12:48
jgdxmost likely desperation from failing tests12:48
kenvandinethat's what i was thinking12:48
kenvandinesil2100, confirmed, that merge from trunk only includes the previous landing which was in trunk before the silo was built12:50
kenvandineso it won't revert it12:50
kenvandinesil2100, the diff from that merge is included in the ppa12:51
kenvandine+  [ Ken VanDine ]12:51
kenvandine+  * Activate the accessPoint on click12:51
sil2100kenvandine: ok12:52
sil2100uuuh, we don't have any override flag for this12:52
kenvandinesil2100, lets let jgdx uncommit that?12:53
kenvandinesil2100, ok?12:53
sil2100kenvandine: yeah, let's revert that commit and bzr push --override to the branch12:53
kenvandinejgdx, be careful... make sure the last revno is 138612:53
jgdxPushed up to revision 138612:53
kenvandinemzanetti, any thoughts on bug 146802912:55
ubot5bug 1468029 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "unity8 crash breaking autopilot tests entering text with OSK" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146802912:55
kenvandinemzanetti, i'm seeing a unity8 crash while running the settings AP tests, and after the crash all text input from the OSK fails12:55
kenvandinerestarting unity8 fixes it12:55
kenvandinemzanetti, not sure if the bug is actually in unity8, but that's where the crash is12:56
sil2100Publishing :)12:56
kenvandinemzanetti, not sure who to harass about it, just want to make sure someone looks at it12:56
kenvandinewe can't get passing CI right now :/12:56
kenvandinesil2100, thx12:56
jibelkenvandine, do you know when it started?12:57
kenvandinejibel, i think i first saw it monday12:57
kenvandinebut oSoMoN saw it before then12:58
kenvandinejibel, i can reproduce it 100% of the time, when running the full test suite12:58
kenvandinesmaller test runs work fine12:58
seb128kenvandine, did you try to downgrade unity8 to the previous version and see if that resolves it?12:58
kenvandineonce it fails... i have to restart unity8 to get any of the tests to pass12:58
kenvandinei had some dependency issues doing that12:59
seb128downgrade those as well ;-)12:59
seb128I don't think we had a transition involving half the archive12:59
jibelkenvandine, on vivid and wily or only wily?12:59
kenvandinewily and vivid12:59
kenvandineunity8 has had dual landings13:00
seb128vivid is stable though, we didn't get any unity8 sru13:00
kenvandinevivid overlay13:00
seb128oh, that's on the device13:00
kenvandinejibel, oSoMoN has seen it on krillin with vivid too13:00
seb128did you try on a desktop?13:00
kenvandineso not just mako13:00
kenvandinecouldn't reproduce it on the desktop13:00
kenvandineit's only on the device13:00
seb128well if it's an osk issue...13:00
kenvandineand it happens when unity8 crashes13:01
jibelseb128, I meant overlay, sorry. There has been 2 uploads in a week13:01
kenvandineeverytime it happens, there's a unity8 crash13:01
kenvandineoSoMoN, do you have an idea when you first saw it?13:01
seb128kenvandine, unity8 segfaulting doesn't mean it's not a qt or lib bug13:01
kenvandineseb128, right... it's just as low as i was able to bisect it13:01
seb128would be useful to downgrade to nail down the buggy component13:02
kenvandineand once it happens i can't get even a single test to pass using the OSK until i restart unity813:02
seb128can you open the osk manually?13:02
kenvandineand that works13:02
kenvandinejust not from autopilot13:02
kenvandineright... i thought the same thing13:02
kenvandinevery easy to reproduce13:02
seb128let me phablet-test-run on my bq13:03
kenvandinewell... with an hour long AP test run :)13:03
jibelautopilot send input event and don't really use the osk13:03
kenvandineit raises the OSK when entering text though13:03
kenvandinemaybe a focus issue?13:03
kenvandinekeyboard.write doesn't work once it gets to that state13:04
kenvandineor whatever that function is :)13:04
jibelbrendand, have you seen bug 1468029?13:04
ubot5bug 1468029 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "unity8 crash breaking autopilot tests entering text with OSK" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146802913:04
kenvandinei spent a bunch of time narrowing it down this far, but had to move on to something else13:04
brendandjibel, i don't think i've encountered it personally13:05
oSoMoNkenvandine, I don’t remember when I first saw it, no, but I would say at least a couple of weeks13:18
sil2100Need to jump out to the vet13:22
sil2100kenvandine: hey! Could you keep one eye on the train for me in the meantime? :)13:22
rvrpete-woods: Hi. The merge proposal of silo 35 hasn't been reviewed. The silo is blocked for QA.13:25
jibelpete-woods, I'll verify silo 35 since I was affected by the issue but could you have someone to review the MR and top approve it?13:25
rvrjibel: lol13:26
pete-woodsjibel: yes, will do13:31
kenvandinesil2100, i need to run out for a few minutes myself, but i can look in on it when i get back13:32
kenvandinei won't be long13:32
sil2100Same here13:33
sil2100kenvandine: anyway, thanks! ;)13:33
kenvandinesil2100, i'm back :)13:49
jibelsil2100, is there anything to discuss in the landing meeting tonight?14:20
charlestrainguards, ubuntu/landing-004's changes are top-approved now and ready to publish14:54
davmor2kenvandine: I think sil2100 run out for a few minutes was longer than yours :)14:57
kenvandinedavmor2, indeed :)14:57
* davmor2 prods sil2100 repeated till he gets annoyed and nolonger pretends to be away ;)14:58
kenvandinedavmor2, something i can help with?14:58
kenvandinecharles, thx14:58
davmor2kenvandine: no14:58
davmor2kenvandine: I just like to annoy sil2100  :)14:58
kenvandinecharles, published14:59
charleskenvandine, thanks14:59
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pete-woodsjibel: top approved now15:36
robrudavmor2: I can hear & see you just fine15:59
sil2100jibel: ping16:03
jibelsil2100, pong16:29
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karnirobru: hi, I'd like to request access to the CI Train sheet so I can put Telegram in18:49
robrukarni: ok one sec18:49
karniIs there any template for "Test plans to run"? We already have one, but it seems clock and reminders-app are using their 'own'/different layouts, so I guess that's fine?18:51
robrukarni: I would just copy & paste an existing one but then change the details to be specific to your program18:51
robrukarni: ok I've given you edit rights on the spreadsheet and also put you in the lp group necessary for triggering builds.18:52
robrukarni: did you read the details about how the train works?18:52
karnirobru: thank you18:52
karnirobru: I think that would be difficult, as our testing sheet is quite extensive https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12ZcjGNJuWCjT4cRSGrwkK10bWbbdAy9S2p3cPkVDW9k/edit#gid=118:52
robrukarni: oh well if you have a document that explains how to test it, just link that URL in the "test plans" field.18:53
karniLong story short, I want a single row to be addressed only, but I'll leave that for the notes section18:53
karnigreat, thank you robru18:53
robrukarni: you're welcome18:53
karnirobru: where can I read up on 'how the train works'?18:54
robrukarni: also note that the spreadsheet will be replaced in 1-2 weeks so don't spend too much time learning how to use it ;-)18:54
karnirobru: ok, that's ok :)18:54
robrukarni: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/citrain/FAQ is a good start with links to other docs18:54
karni*oh, that's ok - haha18:54
karnirobru: thanks!18:54
robrukarni: you're welcome!18:54
robrukarni: any questions, feel free to ping me, or 'trainguards' to get somebody timezone-appropriate.18:55
robrukarni: and when in doubt -- ask for help before making a mistake ;-)18:55
karniaha, I see the chan title now. great :)18:55
robrukarni: the train isn't as terrible as it used to be, but it still has a lot of bespoke gotchas. you'll learn them over time, no worries.18:56
karniok :)18:56
karnitrainguards: what should I put in "Additional source packages to land" (column G of "tarballs and clicks" sheet) in CI Train sheet?19:26
karnioops.. not sure if I should have used that word (I hope only some folks have highlight for it)19:26
karnirobru: if you're around, question ↑19:27
kenvandinekarni, that's only if you have packages to land that aren't included in bzr branches19:29
kenvandinelike a manual upload19:29
kenvandineor a sync from a different series19:29
karnikenvandine: I'm sorry, I still don't get it :( I have a click, it's a non-citrain upload to the store. I have a click I want to have QA'ed. What should I put in there?19:30
bzoltan_robru: sil2100: so what blocks the silo11 from landing?19:30
kenvandinekarni, you have a merge proposal right?19:31
kenvandinei'm actually not familiar with building clicks with citrain19:31
karniyes, to a library that our app (in a different branch) is using19:31
kenvandinebut i'd imagine you have bzr branches19:31
robrukenvandine: karni: the train doesn't build clicks.19:32
karniwell.. the build is more complex than bzr branch and click build TBH. we have a dependency19:32
kenvandineso you skip the addition packages19:32
karniokay :)19:32
kenvandinebut i guess it isn't what you want anyway :/19:32
robrubzoltan_: did you miss my last message? I said you have to fix the version number in your MP, you put the vivid version when it needs the wily version.19:32
robrukarni: basically you have to indicate in the notes not to assign a silo because that's meaningless, then you need to build your click yourself and link to it from the MP field. then ping QA about it.19:33
robrukarni: basically this is a giant hack and totally unsupported by any infra. but the spreadsheet replacement will come soon and handle this better.19:33
bzoltan_robru: sorry, I am confused. The PPA seems to have right packages: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-01119:33
karnirobru: gotcha, thanks!19:34
karnikenvandine: thank you for your help anyway :)19:34
robrubzoltan_: wtf... looking19:34
robrubzoltan_: I don't know what's going on, did you delete revisions from the branch or something?19:36
bzoltan_robru: I have not done anything special... after your message I have updated the branch and pushed a new build... what failed with the message you can see on the silo dash19:36
robrubzoltan_: as far as I can tell from what's in the MP and what the build logs indicate, it looks like you built -gles correctly with the correct version number, then broke the version number, then built again and got the error that the version number is wrong, then changed the MP back to the correct version number, but didn't rebuild again.19:37
robrubzoltan_: if you look at the build logs, there's a successful one an hour before the most recent failed one, and they both reference the same revision number.19:38
bzoltan_robru: so what should I do?19:38
robrubzoltan_: I'm going to try a watch-only build and see what happens. worst case it might need another rebuild. but the MP looks correct at this point.19:38
bzoltan_robru:  All right. Just ping me if I need to rebuild the main and bump the gles version19:39
robrubzoltan_: can you smoke-test the silo contents since they were rebuilt?19:40
bzoltan_robru:  only tomorrow morning :) I am on holiday and soom 10pm19:40
* bzoltan_ hides from the wife already19:41
robrubzoltan_: ok, watch_only seems to have worked, but my concern is that the packages were rebuilt since QA approved it, so there's potential for regression there.19:41
bzoltan_robru:  is there a friendly QA dude around here who could take a quick look?19:41
robrujibel: any qa'ers that can quickly recheck silo 11?19:42
robrudavmor2: ^19:43
robruToyKeeper: ^ ;-)19:43
ToyKeeperOi, what changed in the rebuild?19:45
ToyKeeperUITK isn't generally a "quickly recheck" sort of deal.19:45
robruToyKeeper: basically nothing, just need a quick smoketest to make sure it didn't explode.19:45
robruToyKeeper: i think it's just a version bump because of reasons, but it needed a rebuilt19:46
ToyKeeperWhen it was tested before, it took 5 hours.19:46
robruToyKeeper: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzoltan/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/landing_12-6-2015/revision/1536 here's the newest commit that got rebuilt, just translations.19:47
ToyKeeperFortunately, it's almost always solid.19:47
robruToyKeeper: yeah we don't need the full 5 hours, if you could just poke at it for 10-20 minutes to confirm it turns on that'd be super.19:47
ToyKeeperI'll take a look...19:48
ToyKeeperrobru: I don't see anything obviously broken...20:09
robruToyKeeper: great, thanks!20:10
ToyKeeperA little confused why it didn't land three days ago after being approved though...  or did it?20:10
robruToyKeeper: no it didn't. what happened was they pushed new commits since the approval so the train refused to publish because there were new commits that hadn't been built20:12
robrucjwatson: bah, I broked copy2distro on snakefruit, can you help me troubleshoot? http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/cicopy.log says "not found" but it shouldn't be that bad...21:30
robruinfinity: ping? ^21:34
infinityrobru: I'm wandering by in passing between a nap and a nap, but lemme look.21:48
robruinfinity: so i modified that file, but i didn't move/delete it, not sure why it would say "not found"21:48
robruinfinity: a previous copy of that log had a traceback I was working to fix.21:48
robruinfinity: can you paste me a copy of /home/ubuntu-archive/cu2d/run.sh ?21:49
infinityrobru: Because you switched from python2 to python3, and snakefruit no haz.21:49
robruinfinity: can we make it have python3?21:49
infinityrobru: If 3.2 is good enough for you, you could ask IS nicely.  If you happen to need various extensions ported, though, and you mistakenly believe snakefruit is a recent release, you'll be disappointed.21:51
infinity(it's precise)21:51
robruinfinity: I have backports of stuff I need prepped, but it's all for trusty21:51
infinityAre you familiar with the saying "write to the infrastructure you want, not the infrastructure you have"?21:51
infinityIf not, that's because no one says that.21:52
robruinfinity: well 99% of what I'm dealing with is trusty, so what's what I write for. then snakefruit stabs me in the eyes out of nowhere.21:52
infinityMake it both 2 and 3 compatible, and use a 2 shebang for now until snakefruit is upgraded?21:53
infinityI mean, assuming you need stuff that's not built for 3 in precise, but that seems pretty amazingly likely.21:53
infinityEspecially if you use, say, lplib.21:53
robruinfinity: ok, will do. it's just that I dropped python 2 support from a bunch of stuff recently thinking I had all my deps covered for trusty.21:53
robruinfinity: snakefruit has python-six right? I think I asked for that a while ago21:55
infinityrobru: https://pastebin.canonical.com/134046/21:57
robruinfinity: goodie, thanks21:57
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robruthere we go22:23

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