
dholbachcould somebody put up  a quick post on the fridge linking to https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-community-team/2015-June/000646.html?15:02
josedholbach: I can do a cross-post if that's ok.15:08
josedholbach: for mailing list posts, what we do is re-post the whole email on the fridge.15:22
dholbachah ok15:23
dholbachcool :)15:23
dholbachI still can't log in to the fridge any more :-/15:23
dholbachI don't know why15:23
josedholbach: let me check that real quick15:24
dholbachit looks like I'm in a openid login loop15:24
dholbachor something15:24
josehmm. let me try giving you a logout link to see if that helps15:24
josedholbach: https://fridge.ubuntu.com/wp-login.php?action=logout15:25
dholbachI'll try15:26
dholbachno, still same problem :-/15:26
josewant me to ping IS on it?15:26
dholbachI think I'll just send a ticket15:28
dholbachthanks for your help jose :)15:29
joseno prob!15:29
josedholbach: oh, just to confirm. planet too?15:29
dholbachczajkowski, ^15:31
czajkowskithanks folks15:32
sladenI've stuck <blockquote>s around the content on https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2015/06/25/joint-statement-from-the-cc-and-kc/16:35
sladenand given it a one-line introduction to try the make the origin/authorship/context clearer16:36
sladenand pre-empty potential confusion16:36
sladenand pre-empt potential confusion16:36
pleia2we don't usually do that16:37
pleia2but ok :)16:37
pleia2seems reasonable in this case16:37
sladenit's normally done for Ubuntu News:  {introduction} {snippet}16:41
sladenI've found another email-posted-in-directly  http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2015/04/30/ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx-end-of-life-reached-on-april-30-2015/16:44
sladenwhich would concut that usual practice seems to have changed/headed that way16:45
sladen...at least for The Fridge, even if not Ubuntu News16:47
pleia2that's how we usually do them on the fridge16:47
pleia2no intro, no blockquote, just straight copy from the mailing list16:47
pleia2I'm really ok with the change for this CC/KC statement, just noting that it's usual :)16:48
sladenin light of recent confusion observed, it might be worth pondering about changing/tighening this up16:48
sladenthank you16:48
pleia2the citation at the bottom is supposed to make it clear, the CC post that was removed had no citation16:48
pleia2which I think was the problem16:48
sladenthe revision that I looked at had one (when I looked really hard!), though if I'd missed it, most readers probably had too16:49
sladenso it was there, but coming /after/, it was unclear or getting missed between the  By-line, and the content from somebody else16:50
pleia2yeah, so are supposed to put <cite>Originally posted.. blah blah</cite>, but in the case of the CC post it was an etherpad that the CC just asked jose to post, so no place to reference16:50
pleia2anyway, this post is fine16:51
* pleia2 back2work16:51
* sladen nods16:52
pleia2adding alpha1 to fridge19:58

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