
bazhang<tsoutseki> antonio__, copy paste the home folder08:58
bazhangThats gonna work!08:58
bazhang@random twerk HURD08:59
tewardops are needed in #ubuntu - Bremmyfag is making noise and obsceneties15:56
tonyyarussoteward: Sure it's #ubuntu?  I don't see anything.16:01
tewardtonyyarusso: went silent, but 11:53 was the incidents (my time, UTC-4)16:02
teward[2015-06-25 11:53:21] <Bremmyfag> THAT FAGGOTFUCK METALEER IS BACK ON FREENODE ITS BOTCHLAB16:02
tewardand again at here:16:02
teward[2015-06-25 11:54:47] <Bremmyfag> THAT FAGGOTFUCK METALEER IS BACK ON FREENODE ITS BOTCHLAB!!!!16:02
tewardand yes i know copypasting spam is bad16:02
tewarddon't smack me plz :)16:02
tonyyarussoohhh, there they are - I'm blind.16:02
tewardobserved: [2015-06-25 12:01:12] * Bremmyfag is now known as FUBotchlaB16:02
teward(from #freenode)16:03
tewardtonyyarusso: happens to the best of us, but yes they're still there.  nick changed but still present16:03
tewardnot doing anything probably because other reasons, but eh16:03
teward'course, #freenode is an interesting read right now with them xD16:04
tonyyarussoRemoved and added to hilight so I'll notice if it reoccurs16:05
tewardtonyyarusso: thanks!16:06

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