
=== m0nkey__ is now known as m0nkey_
diddledanso, as this is a "family friendly" environment, when is it safe to talk about wily?03:34
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
MooDoomorning all07:28
mappsstruggling to sleep:(07:30
MooDooI did last night, didn't get to sleep until after 107:30
mappsive been up since 11am yest...4am-11 slept then got flight at 4 then work07:31
zmoylan-pislept from midnight to 040007:31
mappsim getting irritated lying there trying07:31
zmoylan-pisome sort of projector that projects sheep in a field on the ceiling...07:35
directhex"relax melodies" for android/ios/wp07:41
knightwisegood morning everyone07:42
knightwisezmoylan-pi: have you tried grey noise ?07:42
knightwisei listen to loops of scifi sounds to get me to sleep07:42
zmoylan-pijust about to say a white noise generator.  relaxing waves sometimes helps07:42
mappsi sleep with the tv on have done for years..maybe its keeping me u too tho07:42
mappsthe light and the noise07:42
knightwiselike 12 hours of the Enterprise warp core and stuff07:42
zmoylan-piin summer the drone of fan in bedroom helps.  i can get asleep but after 4 hours wake up07:43
knightwisethis guy makes great loops07:43
zmoylan-pino matter how tired and then can't get back to sleep07:43
zmoylan-pilight from new tvs might be bad for you.  versus crts that is07:44
knightwisehave you tried f.lux ?07:45
knightwiseapp to adjust your screen temperature07:45
mappshm  wats that07:45
mappsi use laptop to watch tv btw not a proper tv07:45
zmoylan-pifor a good guide to good sleep habits see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep_hygiene07:46
zmoylan-pii use twilight on android tablet when watching shows at night which adjusts the screen temp07:48
knightwisezmoylan-pi: thats a great app too. I use that when I read ebooks07:56
zmoylan-pion my feature phone which i use as ereader i just have it set to green text on black background for night mode07:58
TwistedLucidityzmoylan-pi: Hipster! :-P08:05
bashrc_happy hug a hipster day08:09
foobarryjust don't wear velcro08:10
MooDooyay for debmirror :D08:12
MooDoohow is everyone doing this morning?08:42
popey\o/ school sports day08:45
popeyI'm outta here o/08:45
TwistedLucidityMooDoo: I am shattered, was up w-a-y too late last night/this morning helping a mate.08:52
ujjainpopey, have fun at school sports day, don't let the kids bully you08:59
foobarrybe careful in the dads race08:59
MooDooTwistedLucidity: yeah i was up late :(09:00
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Global Beatles Day! 😃09:03
TwistedLucidityDown with globalism! Support your local Beatle!09:04
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:08
MooDoomorning brobostigon09:18
brobostigonmorning MooDoo09:18
zmoylan-piwell liverpool is close to dublin...09:19
davmor2JamesTait: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cz8zVQ0XTR809:29
JamesTaitdavmor2, wrong kind of Beatle. 😉   Interesting anyway, though. I didn't realise they were that big.09:31
MooDoomorning davmor209:37
davmor2JamesTait: :)09:45
davmor2MooDoo: morning dude09:45
davmor2it's popey coming round the last bend, oh he stumbles, drops his egg and then stamps on it, they think it's all over it is now!09:47
davmor2JamesTait: https://vimeo.com/8612020709:49
streaminghi all, I'm installing a program and I'd like a confirmation. does the  program compile all the operating system?10:37
davmor2streaming: depends on the program, depends how it installs and depends what platforms it is available for10:38
foobarrydo you mean you are installing the operating system10:38
foobarryif so, then the OS is already compiled10:39
streamingok, lubuntu 15.04 and linphone 3.8.410:39
foobarrywhat instructions are you following?10:40
streamingreadme included in the package...10:40
foobarryyou can install it here. you don't need to compile it10:41
streamingok, thank you very much for info10:41
foobarryno problem10:42
streamingI selected linphone but not sure if it's the best choice for lubuntu. is it?10:46
davmor2streaming: if lubuntu has empathy install there is a fairly reliable telepathy-sofiasip plugin you can use for empathy10:49
davmor2streaming: if it is using pidgin there might be a sip plugin for that too10:50
davmor2czajkowski: one for you http://dog-shame.com/post/46575891914/i-eat-crayons-and-poop-rainbows10:55
davmor2czajkowski: see I know :)10:58
* brobostigon just heard HMS enterprise on DP, and smiled.11:18
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)11:52
MooDooafternoon even bigcalm :D11:56
davmor2MooDoo: tis always morning on the t'interwebs12:00
MooDooit's always morning for someone12:01
shaunomorning is a function of caffeine, not time12:02
DenHaagenDazsknightwise: I made it to Holland ! Just sat in the hotel room on reddit - sisters wedding is in 2 days !12:04
knightwiseWicked DenHaagenDazs :) How is the flat country treating you   ?12:15
knightwisemake sure you try out some "Maatjes" and "Broodje kroket"12:16
DenHaagenDazsPretty good - loads of cyclists & mopeds about - the boat from Hull took about 11 hours .. shame I can't meet up - but there you go - just have to keep listening to your podcasts.12:17
knightwiseNo worries man :) Yeah , the ferry from Hull takes a while :)12:17
knightwiseWe use to do weekend trips from Oostende to Hull12:17
DenHaagenDazsMight be a nice place to retire to ?12:18
knightwiseWhere are you at ? den hague ?12:18
DenHaagenDazsI mean - everyone just seems 'normal' .12:18
DenHaagenDazs"Normal" - it's been a while.12:18
DenHaagenDazsI'm in Voorschoten at a hotel.12:19
DenHaagenDazs posh one too.12:19
knightwiseCool beans :) yap , you are way up north from me :)12:20
DenHaagenDazsOk , how's it like where you are ? 'cos here - it's baking hot .12:21
knightwisekinda the same:)12:21
DenHaagenDazsfair dooes.12:21
knightwisebut just a smooth summer day :) you must not be used to much :p12:21
DenHaagenDazsNo , the folks have all gone to town with sis.  said I'd hank around the posh hotel for an hour or so.12:22
knightwiseif you want to taste the "special brownies" you're in the right country :)12:23
DenHaagenDazsAny Ubuntu news happening/occuring while I've been offline ?12:23
DenHaagenDazsNote: I'm still trying to get @JonoBacon to join in with a community session - bad voltage is out today.12:24
DenHaagenDazsi.e. the Tuesdays 4pm QnAnswer session with popey etc.12:25
knightwisedoes anyone know any good Mumble channels where they talk tech  ?12:27
knightwisekinda looking for some background chatter when I work from home12:27
DenHaagenDazsknightwise: Stay away from linuxbasix - Try the LAS crew - they do mumble.12:28
DenHaagenDazsknightwise: This seems pretty current at moment : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvVUBZy_MHE12:31
* popey restarts ddrescue for the bazillionth time13:05
* davmor2 think popey is exaggerating 13:10
davmor2popey: how was the egg and spoon race?13:10
popeyits at least 20th time13:11
popeyrecovered 62GB of 120GB13:11
popeygetting there, does about 3GB per run then the disk dies13:11
DenHaagenDazsHoly Mojo : I'm 37 and I've just realised I've got afew grey hairs ! Jeeszsh - I hope it's the sun effect and not for ever.13:35
foobarryi have some13:35
foobarrythey arrived with child number 1 , 2 and now i'm 40 i have to manage the situation by occasional plucking13:36
DenHaagenDazskinda scarey isn't it ?13:37
davmor2pfffff I've been greying and bald since I was 18, get a life with your pluckable greys13:37
DenHaagenDazsI wonder if smoking has an effect ?13:37
DenHaagenDazsshould I collect them and have a funeral pyer at the end of my thirtees ?13:38
popeyi find my hair looks less grey if I have 'product' (ick) on it13:39
popeyif it's just been washed/dried it looks really salt+pepper13:39
DenHaagenDazswhat the heck is (ick)  ? Is that just for men or smething ?13:41
davmor2DenHaagenDazs: probably bryl cream knowing popey :D13:43
DenHaagenDazspopey: Has anyone aired the need for a Ubuntu snap for phones program that is being dev'd , but not yet released, recently ?13:43
* DenHaagenDazs wants some juicy bits of inner knowledge today :)13:43
popey"ick" is my reaction after using the word 'product'13:45
* popey wonders if it's overheating13:45
* popey points fans at the ssd13:45
DenHaagenDazspopey: One last question: Can you record voice ( phone conversations ) on the Ubuntu touch at all ?13:45
popeynot yet13:45
popeyubuntu phone will move to snappy13:46
popeyprobably next year13:46
DenHaagenDazsoh pooey.13:46
DenHaagenDazsyou can do on *droid (just sayin').13:46
* DenHaagenDazs just realised that his chromebook automatically adjusted to Eu time-zone That's pretty mint.13:49
popeyThere's a lot you can do on Android, the phone platform which has been around for 7 years and is funded by a 66Bn dollar company13:50
popey\o/ 92G13:50
* bashrc_ is doing some android stuff currently (openkeychain)13:50
davmor2popey: that was quick has it got to the empty bits of the drive or something?13:51
popeyI think it's because the drive is on its side13:51
popeyit comes out faster13:51
* brobostigon uses openkeychain on droid with his yubikey neo.13:51
bashrc_are yubikeys worth having?13:51
davmor2bashrc: they are if you have the infrastructure that can use them :)13:52
bashrc_I think yubikey is something like OTP. I've not investigated how they work13:53
brobostigonthey can do otp amongst other things, i use mine as an openpgp smartcard as well.13:54
bashrc_to store the private key, or just the passphrase?13:55
brobostigonprivate key, and subkeys.13:56
davmor2bashrc: they basically transmit a block of data and a newline key, nothing though dictates what the data block is, so you can add google authenticator to it or whatever else :)13:56
bashrc_I see. I don't think they're very expensive so I might get one and play around with it13:56
DenHaagenDazsok bye for now .. not sure if I can log on again in holland - wish me luck for my piece at the wedding. bye14:02
awilkinsYeah I keep meaning to get one14:12
awilkinsThey do NFC ones too14:12
awilkinsI think  Password Safe supports the NFC on Android14:13
brobostigonthe yubikey neo has nfc. it does yes awilkins14:17
awilkinsI've never had a mess around with one14:17
awilkinsBeen aware of them for a while14:17
brobostigonthey are quite flexible.14:18
awilkinsThey are *rather* more expensive than SecureID tokens14:18
awilkinsBut I have no idea what the SecureID infrastructure costs are14:19
* brobostigon googles SecureID14:19
awilkinsRSA's wee time-synced 2FA thing14:19
awilkinsOk, that was a bad way to price them14:20
awilkinsApparently they run from $25 to $100 a shot usually14:20
brobostigondefinatly more expensive than a yubikey.14:22
awilkinsThe $50 yubikeys definitely have more features14:22
awilkinsAnd are probably a world easier to use14:23
awilkinsWith the RSA it's a game of "type the number before it disappears from the screen"14:23
awilkinsYubikey - plug-plip - done14:23
brobostigonyes definatly.14:24
AzelphurThat feeling when your boss asks you to do something for the first time and you tell him you already did it, yesterday :P14:34
davmor2popey: so did you win the egg and spoon race I never did get an answer ;)16:27
popeyNo eggs or spoons were hurt during the making of the sports day.16:28
zmoylan-pithough the 3 legged race ended up with a suprising number of amputations...16:37
davmor2zmoylan-pi: they'll wish they used rope instead of handcuffs16:44
zmoylan-pisome used epoxy to save time... :-)16:44
linuxrulesam trying to win an argument with a friend - which is more revolutionary - iphone or ubuntu phone16:48
linuxruleswhat do people say16:48
shaunoiphone, easy16:49
bashrc_why is iphone revolutionary?16:50
zmoylan-pibecause it made most of the population run apps on their phones even though they could already do that16:51
shaunodid you see what android looked like before it ?16:51
popeythey couldn't do that very well16:52
popeysymbian got a store very late in the game16:52
popeyand it didn't have many apps16:52
zmoylan-pisymbian store broke symbian as the cost of putting apps in there was too much16:52
zmoylan-piloads of apps were available for symbian but every year a new variant of symbian came out making all previous apps incompatible16:53
zmoylan-piwhich annoyed developers for some reason16:53
popeywho knew, people like compatibility16:53
zmoylan-pievery year i had to find a new ereader :-)16:53
zmoylan-pibut that was too much hassle for most folk so it never took off16:53
shaunothis is what android looked like in 2006, the same year the iphone was released - http://obamapacman.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Android-prototype.jpg16:54
zmoylan-pithe original iphone DIDN'T shoot video, run apps, do 3g data, multitask, last all day16:54
zmoylan-pistill waiting on the last one :-D16:54
shaunono, but it did pretty much define what smartphones meant for the next 10 years.  broke the control the telcos had over the phones, and sank most the major phone makers of the day16:55
bashrc_maybe so. I don't pay much attention to iThings16:55
zmoylan-pithe mainstream media jumped on board with the jesus phone but it was and to me still is a mediocre device16:55
zmoylan-pii got one to see what the fuss was.  i offered it to anyone who wanted it at half price and got no takers16:56
popeyyou suck at sales16:57
zmoylan-pinot really, i only insisted they try it for a week first.16:57
zmoylan-piand for folks used to nokia battery life that was for most the deal breaker16:57
shaunothe original was pretty sketchy, but I still think it's fair to say it kick-started a revolution16:58
zmoylan-piit showed the success of marketing over intelligence...16:58
shaunoand most the big names in phones today are companies that got on that revolution.  plenty got off.  most the 'big names' 10 years ago are footnotes today16:59
zmoylan-pidon't rule nokia out yet :-P16:59
shaunoare they the one msft bought?16:59
=== diddledan_ is now known as diddledan
zmoylan-pii have a ms nokia dumbphone here.  great device16:59
shaunohah, sure.  I'll offer up some claim chowder and write them off then :)17:00
shaunountil msft are willing to put android on them instead of windows, they down with blackberry fighting over the dog's dinner17:00
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
zmoylan-piseems ms are going to push dumbphones as their own winphone is going nowhere fast17:01
zmoylan-pibut only in developing markets17:01
zmoylan-pinokia branded phones will be back on the market next year.  renting the name out by looks of it17:03
shaunoI do like that apple & google have come out roughly 50/50 in this one though.  the competition is good.17:04
shaunoI don't own stock, a winner doesn't benefit me. the competition does.17:04
zmoylan-pii like the powerbank phone :-D you can offer to recharge your mates iphone or android while you use it http://qz.com/411330/the-mystery-of-the-power-bank-phone-taking-over-ghana/17:05
shaunoI can see the value, but I live in a country where I can reliably expect electricity at home, so I don't need an extra kilo of battery17:07
zmoylan-pirelaible electricty is reliable till a power cut17:09
shaunoright.  I mean I can make a reasoned judgment on how often I'll regret having a kilo in my pocket vs how often my power goes out17:09
shaunoI've lived here 9 years without a power cut.  but I do wear pants quite often17:10
zmoylan-pimy brother living in rural area expects to have a few days per year without leccy.  he ususally runs the house with inverter in his van17:10
shaunoI did pop the breaker though, when I set the kitchen on fire.  that might count17:11
zmoylan-piand i have noticed that while a lot of folk have smartphones an increasing number have ancient nokias for backup when batteries die on smartphones17:11
diddledanshauno: firekitchen ftw17:11
zmoylan-pideep fat fried android....17:11
zmoylan-pideep fat fried iphone would be the healthy option :-)17:12
shaunoI do have a nice big usb battery thing though, for when I'm travelling17:13
zmoylan-piand most people with smart phones carry chargers to top up during the day17:14
shaunothe main difference there though isn't the battery.  it's that people with smartphones tend to use them all day17:15
shaunoit's not just sat on standby waiting for a call for 99% of its life17:15
zmoylan-pithey use them till they start to run low17:15
shaunoa dumb phone is just one function away from just carrying around a battery all day and marvelling that it never runs out :)17:16
zmoylan-piwell my dumbphone is ereader, web, irc, email, music, fm radio, camera, rss17:16
zmoylan-pithere is an ssh client but i haven't set it up yet17:17
zmoylan-piand heavy use 14 hours or so on saturday was still 50% which is furthest i've got it down in 1 day17:18
shaunohm.  I just noticed my soldering iron was on17:23
shaunothis could be an interesting electricity bill.  it's been at least a week since I used it17:23
shaunohm, logs ftw, the 15th, when I was trying to route more power to the serial ports on my amiga17:25
shaunoluckily it's a temperature-controlled one, not just a 'shove electricity into the element' one, so it shouldn't idle at its max wattage.  but still.  what an idiot.17:28
zmoylan-pithankfullly no one hurt17:28
diddledanzmoylan-pi: except shauno's pride?17:45
runtime-exceptioIs there a command I can do or a function I can call within Python to list all currently mounted ramdisks on the system?17:53
funkyHatruntime-exceptio: mount -t tmpfs && mount -t ramfs17:55
funkyHatOh bye17:55
diddledandoes anyone have a brief synopsis on how canonical's lxd is different to lxc?18:09
popeyI can smell bbq18:09
popeydiddledan: https://linuxcontainers.org/lxd/introduction/18:11
diddledanit's something I keep meaning to find out about18:13
diddledanthanks popey18:13
diddledanI see, so lxd is a bit like an lxc-specific libvirt-style thing18:13
diddledanlol: http://www.viper007bond.com/2010/06/12/so-apparently-wordpress-can-guide-missiles/18:32
popeyi found a fun one in doctor who. they used the source of an svg file from wikipedia18:34
diddledanI was carbon-copied into dr who: http://tardis.wikia.com/wiki/Daniel_Llewellyn18:34
diddledanthe alpha wily has been unleashed!?!18:39
diddledanhttp://t.co/oUld9zRGQT <-- LOL18:42
davmor2popey: I love the smell of BBQ in the morning18:47
zmoylan-piprorbably a ham sandwich left on shauno's soldering iron... :-)18:49
=== m0nkey__ is now known as m0nkey_
sebsebsebbanyone got a meizu ?20:19
diddledansebsebsebb: have they run-out already?20:19
sebsebsebbdiddledan: I don't know I got a invvite straight away when I tried to get one :)20:19
sebsebsebbnot bought just yet though, but soon20:19
diddledanI don't have money yet20:19
sebsebsebbwell not sure if they will sell after tommorow...20:20
sebsebsebband meant to use the invite in 72 hours I read20:20
sebsebsebbwhat  bothers me a bit is how it only seems to be the 16gb version like that, and really there's a 32gb MX4 phone as well20:20
sebsebsebbdiddledan: as  for the colour, what's better white and silver, or white and gold hmm.  I think I am going Gold just, because I don't really have any tech devices so far in that colour20:21
diddledangold sounds nice20:22
sebsebsebbyeah, but it's just a colour20:22
sebsebsebbnot real Gold :d20:22
sebsebsebbyep two colour options, but the white silver one looks like ipad to me20:22
sebsebsebbdiddledan: wel it's a white front, and then silver or gold on the back it  seems20:28
=== m0nkey__ is now known as m0nkey_
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away

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