
jrwrenbrousch: a bit less than it was, but still very wet00:11
dzhoyou'd think all the other great lakes would be empty by now01:10
=== _jame_ is now known as rjclay
cmaloneyGood morning15:24
jrwrenits almost noon.15:27
cmaloneyStill some morning left in the ol' girl.15:28
wolfgerit's after lunch, it's afternoon :-p15:35
greg-gday's just starting :)15:58
cmaloneyhttp://5by5.tv/b2w/226 <- lisen from 36:10 onward18:46
wolfgerwhy are we listening to this?19:49
cmaloneyI sent them a note that I'm totally nabbing soundbites from that episode. ;)19:49
cmaloneygive it a second19:50
wolfgerthey hate you? But that's much later than 36:10, and seemingly completely unrelated19:50
cmaloneyit's a different Craig19:50
ColonelPanic001there is no craig but craig20:27
cmaloneyWe are all Craig20:28
ColonelPanic001I'm not a polycraigist20:28
ADAG10You have been spooked by the spoopy speletango man!20:45
greg-gHis name is Craig Maloney. His name is Craig Maloney.20:45
ADAG10Er, wrong channel.20:45
* ColonelPanic001 was spooked20:46
_stink_that should be /topic'ed20:46
greg-greally, his name is meat loaf, but whatever20:46
ColonelPanic001cmaloney is not meat loaf20:47
ColonelPanic001he is probably made of meat, though20:47
greg-gI wouldn't be so quick to judge20:47
ColonelPanic001many of my friends are made of meat20:47
greg-gand some of my enemies20:48
KlaudiohColonelPanic001: many but not all?20:48
ColonelPanic001I said many.20:48
wolfgerI am Craigicus?21:01
cmaloneyi'm actually grain fed23:37
cmaloneyand hops drunk23:38

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