
Guest87101hi, i am inmersed in a game that must be solved, its based on images and guessing things, anyone interested to join me and see if both we can solve it ?00:00
k1lGuest87101: better ask in #ubuntu-offtopic of ##chat00:00
Tex_NickGuest87101: this is really the wrong channel for questions like that ;-)00:01
reactormonkschlerp, ah sad, the live cd crashed... no trolling then :-( I wanted to see how long it takes my roommate to figure out it's not a mac os :D00:05
ivancp /join #linuxperu00:10
azizLIGHTdo you guys like vmware workstation better or other vm software for ubuntu00:22
bazhangazizLIGHT, try them and see for yourself00:24
RemobothDoes anyone know how I can fix a battery indicator onto my taskbar in LXLE?00:24
Tex_NickRemoboth: I've never used LXLE, but maybe this will help ? ... http://all-tech-thoughts.blogspot.com/2014/04/how-to-add-battery-applet-to-lxle.html00:27
azizLIGHTbazhang: well vmware comes with no deb00:28
azizLIGHTis that good/bad00:28
LoshkiI've used both vmware and virtualbox and, for casual use at least, found them equivalent. One is free. There are yet other solutions, but I haven't tried them.00:29
bazhangazizLIGHT, what is best for you only you can decide00:29
bazhang!vm | azizLIGHT00:29
ubottuazizLIGHT: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications00:29
schlerpi personally use virtman and qemu for my VM00:31
schlerpbut id recommend virtual box to begin with00:31
Groovy_doAnyone here knowledgeable about Citrix Receiver on Ubuntu?00:35
xyzzy__Hi all I'm trying to follow these instructions to get my wn823n usb dongle working but it's not asking me for my github username. I've used this fix before and it never once gave me any trouble. Thoughts? https://github.com/pvaret/rtl8192cu-fixes/blob/master/README.md00:37
ubuntu188Groovy_do: You can just describe the issue for help00:38
neorpehushey guys is there some way to disable being sent straight to this channel when i launch xchat?00:38
ubuntu188neorpehus: prefrences in xchat00:38
Groovy_doneorpehus, I would guess it's preference. I just installed and am prompted w/ a startup window that allows designating a default channel.00:39
neorpehusi dont see it anywhere in preferences00:39
Groovy_doubuntu188, the problem is when printing from the Citrix session, the print is skewed to the right cutting off portions of whatever is printed.00:39
Groovy_doThe ubuntu box itself prints fine locally.00:40
ubuntu188neorpehus: Right keep looking been awhile sine I've used it, but it's there.00:40
neorpehusoh wait. i found where one would add default chanels to a network. but this channel isnt listed00:40
neorpehuswondering if maybe its invoked via an argument when xchat is launched00:41
ubuntu188Groovy_do: Err not to me but the channel. details are all you need here.00:41
Groovy_doubuntu188, I don't have anyway to make changes to the session directly. I don't have permissions and I've looked at all the config files in ~/.ICAclient and nothing for the printer is defined.00:41
ryankarasonhello all. a friend of mine is running Ubuntu Server and he was attempting to spin up an instance of Collabdraw.. seemingly Collabdraw uses the package Cario which is apparently deprecated in the package manager.. is there any way around this?00:41
ubuntu188neorpehus: there is a config for it in ~/.config00:42
schlerpwhat server side print driver is being used by citrix?00:42
schlerpwhat type of citrix too?00:42
schlerp*version of citrix00:43
Groovy_doschlerp, UPD for a Brother 7360N.....um.....version of the client?00:43
neorpheusdid i miss something?00:43
Groovy_doschlerp, the client version is 13.1. Server version, I don't know.00:45
ubuntu188<ubuntu188> neorpehus: there is a config for it in ~/.config if you delete it you will all vanilla00:45
ubuntu188be all*00:45
schlerpis this citrix to a windows server?00:46
schlerpive found 99% of the time its the server side being derp when i need tp print in citrix00:46
schlerpcan you ctrl+F1 in the citrix session and get to task manager?00:47
Groovy_doI'll have to try. What are you looking for once I have it up?00:47
schlerpbasically to see what the printers are on the server side00:48
schlerpcus if the server doesnt have the same driver as you it will map to a universal one00:48
vlozhttps://youtu.be/ND-W4e-pqMo?t=42s   <=== Does it works with ubuntu console?00:49
schlerpgrooxy_do also i suggest trying #Citrix00:49
Groovy_doControl panel is restricted. I can only view the printers through a print dialog. From what I recall it's a couple of different pdf printers and then the UPD 7360n driver which I don't even have permissions to set as default.00:49
schlerpif you can print from ubuntu fine but not citrix its probably more to do with citrix that ubuntu00:49
vlozI press alt+click in elementaryOs terminal and nothing happen... :'(00:49
schlerpahh i see groovy_do00:49
allizomryankarason: I've never heard about that software. However from what I read it seems that you need libcairo2-dev. What makes you think that's deprecated?00:49
ryankarasonallizom: i have a feeling that is the package as well00:50
ryankarasonit was my friend that was setting this up.. and i wasn't in proximity00:50
ryankarasonand he had to sort out a bunch of other bugs in the installation process such that he didn't want to investigate00:50
ryankarasoni have a feeling that whatever package name the program Collabdraw uses is no longer a valid pacakge00:50
ryankarasonlooks like the source was last worked on 2 years ago00:50
Groovy_doschlerp, I attempted to set the ubuntu side driver to "fit to page" and then to "scale" but it doesn't seem to do anything.00:50
ryankarasoni did an apt search.. and i found libcairo2-dev.. so that is probably the solution00:51
ryankarasonif that doesn't work.. i will be in here later for more ???s00:51
schlerpyeah sorry groovy_do i dont have a brother to test with and my citrix reciever prints perfect atm so i dont know how to recreate and investigate for you :(00:52
schlerptry #citrix00:52
Groovy_doschlerp, I will and don't expect you to fiddle w/ your config....they're hard enough to get right :)00:52
schlerphaha nah i have a bunch of vms set up :P im on windows at work where i support citrix on a windows network :P00:53
schlerpps. citrix is a prick 99% of the time iwth printing but when it works it is quite impressive :P00:53
schlerpcan you rdp to the server haha thats what i do when citrix wont print...00:53
schlerpor print to the xps printer and email it to yourself or something?00:54
schlerpi have a pdf printer on my servers so worst comes to worse i can normally print to pdf and some how get that to myself  to print as a local pdf00:54
schlerpits not a solution but it can save the day when citrix wont play ball00:55
sudoMattCan anyone tell me how to force my laptop to lock/prompt for password when I close the lid?  I'm running Ubuntu 15 with Gnome01:04
STizzleHello Ubuntu geniuses, I learn a lot by just spying on this room!01:08
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schlerpsudoMatt look at power settings in system settings01:13
schlerpor brightness and lock srry cant remember which one and i dont have my laptop handy to test01:14
sudoMattThanks for responding.  Checked, lock is on, but function doesn't work.  Also tried the keyboard shortcut to go to lock screen and still nothing01:14
budddhey, my computer is having troubel with memory, so i started it back up with my usb ubuntu, but partway through the memory test, it just turned off01:19
budddwhen i turned it back on, it's starting up ubuntu without asking me01:21
schlerpyou need to have in the lock settings the ask for passwrod ticked then you need to have it actually suspend when the lid closes01:21
schlerpbuddd asking you what?01:21
budddif i wanted to memory test or start in safe mode etc etc01:22
budddoh this is the usb ubuntu01:22
schlerpbuddd hold shift when your booting up it should pause the grub screen01:23
budddthen what01:23
budddlast time i tried memory test it just shut off halfway through =[01:23
budddcheck dis for defects?01:25
budddadvanced options?01:25
schlerpbuddd if your memory is bad your memory is bad01:26
budddwell how will i knkow if its bad01:26
SourceSlayerSomeone borrowing one of my computers decided to edit /etc/hosts to block websites. :| This is not my area of expertise, so I just wanna know if this is in anyway dangerous?01:26
ses1984hi--i'm trying to connect to a vpn. i click on the network icon, > vpn connections, then select my vpn...and nothing happens01:29
ses1984it was working fine a few days ago01:29
schlerpsourceslayer its pretty fun to redirect all google sites to "less than savoury" websites01:29
schlerpsourceslayer i personally do it in mine and i havent had trouble01:30
SourceSlayerschlerp: Could it have caused any security issues? Can I just get rid of all of the modifications and will it behave the same? Because even on the sites that are supposed to redirect, I haven't noticed any differences...01:31
schlerpsourceslayer yeah if you dont want the mods you can just get a fresh one01:33
schlerpill find you one01:33
budddit shut down during the memory test again :(01:33
julioHI again01:34
moss_mobilehas anyone noticed that you have to be on the same network in order to connect via ssh to a new 14.04 install?01:34
schlerpsourceslayer https://bpaste.net/show/c031305858f201:34
schlerpbuddd try pulling out your ram sticks one by one01:35
schlerpyou may be able to run on half ram01:35
schlerpliek one dimm instaed of two01:35
juliohi sorry01:35
budddhrmm so you think one of the ram sticks is bad?01:35
julioi'm new01:35
schlerpwhy are you testing memory in the first place?01:35
schlerphi julio whats up01:35
juliohi schlerp01:36
SourceSlayerschlerp: Thanks.01:36
julionice to get answer from some body01:36
juliowhat are talking obout here?01:36
ubuntu188julio: This is support not chat is all.01:36
julioits my first time in irc01:37
julioI have some idea on tech01:37
juliocmaybe I can help01:38
somsipjulio: if you want to be helpful, wait for a issue that you can answer and answer if you can. But chat and random comments belong in #ubuntu-offtopic01:38
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julioI undestand01:39
schlerpbuddd why did you start to test the memory in the first place?01:41
budddi was getting memory errors last night01:41
budddi wish i pasted them somewhere other than here so I could regurgitate them01:42
Jakethepython1Hello room, i am having trouble mounting a raid array01:42
schlerpjake using mdadm?01:42
Jakethepython1No it is a hardware raid01:42
Jakethepython1i assumed that if it was set up in the raid controller i didn't need to use mdadm...yet this could be a very bad assumtion on my part01:43
schlerpahh sorry jake i havent used hardware01:43
schlerpbut i can recommend mdadm01:43
julioJakethepython1, do you supect about physical damage?01:43
DeaDSouLhi, how can I print all the desktop main and sub-menu in terminal ? or where is it being stored ?01:43
Jakethepython1no i don't suspect any physical damage to the drives01:44
schlerpand its setup up correctly in your bios?01:44
schlerpi had plenty of grief with hardware raid and moved to mdadm01:45
schlerpDeaDSouL you using unity?01:45
jhutchinsJakethepython1: Welcome to "Why RAID isn't as good an idea as it seems".01:45
Jakethepython1this is the problem. the setup appears to be correct when it boot's it has them as Raid 1 for the 2 drives and then it has raid 0 for the single system drive01:46
Jakethepython1haha thanks jhutchins01:46
Jakethepython1cannot faind in Fstab01:48
Jakethepython1is what it tells me01:48
DeaDSouLschlerp: no, gnome 301:49
budddschlerp: is that the only way to solve this? to test each ram stick?01:49
budddis there anyway I can just get access to the harddrive?01:49
god_phantomnot sure really what channel to ask this - anybody have any good luck with OCR software?01:50
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Jakethepython1how do i add this to fstab?01:53
schlerpwhat is this sorry i dropped out01:54
mbt829does anyone know if amarok can add songs to ipod/iphone? i can't find that anywhere in the program01:56
schlerpmbt829 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone01:57
schlerpmentions amarok01:57
tewardschlerp: might not work for iPhone without latest upstream libimobiledevice... latest iOS doesn't sync with 15.04 even (and i poked it a couple times)01:58
tewardand latest upstream as in source code compiling.01:58
mbt829it's an older iOS01:59
mbt829i tried clementine and it just crashed when i told it to transfer the song to the device01:59
mbt829rhythmbox didn't work either01:59
mbt829does anyone know of an application that can add songs to iphone/ipod?02:01
* orlock ducks02:01
mbt829come on..02:01
STizzlewe had to, sorry02:01
schlerpsounds like banshee has the best support02:02
ubottuitunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee02:02
mbt829ya i'll try banshee thanks02:03
riphow to use gdialog02:03
klobsterI've got questions about vpns ISPs and DNS02:04
klobsterI'm not all that IRC friendly, it's been years since I've been here02:04
ripI'm new here02:05
klobstershould I lurk more?  I don't want a kick/ bankick02:05
klobsterwhat @rip said02:05
somsipklobster: it sounds like your queries are not likely to be directly related to ubuntu support, which is what this channel is for. Maybe use the search bot to find better channels to ask in02:06
somsip!alis | klobster (this search bot)02:06
ubottuklobster (this search bot): alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*02:06
orlockIs anybody here using Ubuntu with AD user authentication enabled?02:06
klobsteroh I remember somethig about ubottu02:07
orlockI'm getting intermittent, non-consistent login issues02:07
klobsterok thanks02:07
somsipklobster: ubottu gives canned responses to ubuntu support FAQs. I think alis might be better for you for now, but if you have anything that is ubuntu specific, just ask02:07
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klobsteris there a sort function?02:09
somsipklobster: no idea - see the bot message "For more help or questions relating to  alis, please join #freenode02:10
budddyesterday I got some memory error, but when I tried to memory test today, my computer has shut down twice during the memory test02:10
klobsterwhy would freenode help me?02:10
dive-oAnybody using smartcards with ubuntu?02:11
somsipklobster: beause your queries relating to finding channels on IRC, not ubuntu support. this channel is for ubuntu support02:11
dive-oSpecifically, putting certificates(etc) on them02:11
somsipbuddd: sounds very much like bad memory. What is your real question?02:11
budddthat's my question, my computer keeps shutting off when i memory test. what do i do02:12
klobsterI suppose that could be true, but the IRC is big and filled with wolves, whereas i have done support in this room many years ago, so i trust the judgements within02:12
dive-obudd: replace the RAM02:12
somsipbuddd: do a secondary test around the memory (try in different computer, try different RAM in your computer, etc)02:12
OerHeksbuddd, test every ram-module seperatly, to see which one is bad.02:13
dive-owhen in doubt, replace it02:13
xangua"i have done support in this room many years ago" then you already know the answer klobster02:13
somsipklobster: yeah, you're coming across as trolly now. Shame, but I tried to help.02:13
Remoboth_In a folder I have a text file.02:13
Remoboth_And a backup file.02:13
somsipRemoboth_: all on one line and concise please02:14
Remoboth_How do I restore the backup file?02:14
dive-oHow was the file backed up?02:14
Remoboth_Automatically by gedit02:14
klobsterwhat i am saying is that i am old and slow, and have little faith in the organic groups that form around a title.  But thank you for the suggestion of freenode, I will look to them to help satiate my queries02:14
orlockklobster: you could always try #networking or maybe #cisco02:15
orlockklobster: You will find that the "official" support channels for any OSS project try to stray pretty strictly on-topic02:16
klobsterthank you orlock and lol at stray02:16
xyzzy__Can anybody recommend a good RSS reader for ubuntu?02:17
schlerpklobster freenode are nice dw you will get the answer you need02:17
xanguaxyzzy__: most desktop RSS clients usualy load the entire feeds everytime you open them02:17
xyzzy__xangua: So any will do? Just looking for something simple and not overly bloated.02:18
schlerpxyzzy__ write up a bash script and call it from conky ;)02:18
somsipxyzzy__: not used this, but saw it recently FWIW http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2015/06/tickr-open-source-desktop-rss-news-ticker02:18
xyzzy__schlerp: Hah I think that's beyond my current capabilities for the time being02:19
xyzzy__somsip: Thanks. Will check it out02:19
budddwith using only one ram chip, do i want to strike 1f1 key to continue, f2 to run the setup utlity or f5 to run onboard diagnostics02:19
schlerpf1 you are going to do your own diagnostics02:20
budddi don't know how to do diagnostics02:20
budddso f2 or f502:20
schlerpi meant run memtest02:20
budddgot in some fail safe mode02:21
schlerpbut maybe try f5?02:21
budddi bet it still fails02:21
klobsterTBH I just jumped in here because I assumed it would be the most active room02:21
klobsterthanks everyone!02:21
ablest1980your welcome02:21
ablest1980youre all welcome!02:21
argylehow to I get an ffmpeg binary for ubuntu. I want it in a folder where I'll run scripts. read top google returns and this is ridiculous. how fucking hard does this have to be?02:22
schlerpit could be other thigns like dodgy psu's etc buddd02:22
argylejust the regular old ffmpeg binary02:22
budddits an old dell 1530, they are kinda dodgy to begin with02:22
schlerpargyle https://www.ffmpeg.org/download.html02:23
argylefollowed thoes links, schlerp, didn't see the binary02:23
schlerparglye ... http://johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/02:23
schlerpfrom the Linux Static Builds link on the last page i linked02:24
argylethanks, I'll give it a try02:24
schlerpno probs!02:24
neonixcoderGood day team. I want to boot my machine with out wait time to default OS, I set GRUB_DEFAULT =0 AND GRUB_TIMEOUT = 0. And I checked it is working fine when we shutdown properly but this is not happening when the system is not properly shutdown..02:25
neonixcoderany suggestions team?02:25
klobsterdid you update grub?02:26
schlerpneonixcoder sudo update-grub02:26
schlerpyou need to actually tell grub to recheck the etc directory02:26
neonixcoderschlerp: I did that..02:26
zykotick9neonixcoder: doctor it hurts when i do X.  <- stop doing X.  in your case, shutdown correctly - instead of whatever X you are doing...02:27
schlerpyou sure thats the grub you are using?02:27
neonixcoderschlerp: I did once again, let me test..02:27
schlerpdude its always gonna let you pick if the system didnt shutdown properly this is by design02:27
schlerpgenerally not shutting down properly represents a crash... and when something crashes you gotta be able to recover..02:28
budddnope, computer turned off02:28
budddmidway through memory test02:28
schlerpsorry i read your initial question as "is properly shutdown"02:28
neonixcoderzykotick9: I have some shaky power supply which I can not predict when power goes off and comes in. My requirement is to boot to default OS which I selected..02:28
klobster@schlerp me too02:29
neonixcoderschlerp: If I dont have second point, what is point it ask me to select one?02:29
zykotick9neonixcoder: if your hardware is faultly, how can your software be expected to work as designed?  i'd say, fix your hardware issue... best of luck.02:29
schlerpadvanced settings etg safe mode...02:29
schlerp*edit boot params02:29
budddcan a computer turn off it just overheats02:30
klobsterto give you time to go to command line02:30
zykotick9!reisub | neonixcoder perhaps this can help, a bit?02:31
ubottuneonixcoder perhaps this can help, a bit?: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key02:31
klobsterreissue ubuntu?02:31
klobsterwhat does reisub stand for?02:32
neonixcoderzykotick9: Let me put my requirement in more detailed way..02:32
budddnow my computer says : "syslinux 4.07 EDD 2013-07-25 copyright (c) ......02:32
argylethanks, schlerp, worked fine. I don't understand how using the 'ubuntu software center' can't handle a simple ffmpeg binary, nor this https://launchpad.net/~mc3man/+archive/ubuntu/trusty-media02:32
budddwhat do i type into it02:32
zykotick9klobster: i remember it using "Raising Elephants Is Sumtimes Utterly Boring"... no idea on the real answer...02:32
budddwhat do i type, it says boot:02:34
neonixcoderzykotick9:Our servers are in remote locations and there is no backup power and there will be no technical person to see the system. We have to do it all from remote location so we require this system too be booted with out any manual interruptions.02:34
orlockneonixcoder: what is it you want? fsck auto-repair?02:35
zykotick9neonixcoder: good luck with that... i've got nothin' to suggest02:35
neonixcoderorlock: I set fsck check option /etc/default/rcS but still I see this issue happening..02:36
orlockahh, dunno then02:36
Fragydoes anyone know where the origami thing or invitation is on the MX4's site?02:36
dive-o4;5~3;5~4~ .02:36
neonixcoderorlock: After setting fsck auto correct in /etc/default/rcS do I have to execute any command to take this effect?02:36
neonixcoderzykotick9: This future used to work in 10.04 with out any issue, how many times you do a power failure it all ways boots up with out manual interruptions. But as 10.04 is dead now, we are migrating to 14.04. So I am puzzled how come this is working in 10.04 and not in 14.0402:38
orlockneonixcoder: Unsure - i've only ever implemented it on CentOS/RHEL, i try to avoid Debian/Ubuntu systems for servers - i find the QA too lacking for my taste02:39
budddubuntu says syslinux 4.07 EDD 2013-07-25 copyright (c) 1994-2013 H. Peter Anvin et all" "boot:"  what do I type?02:39
zykotick9neonixcoder: well, i _guess_ you could have an argument to call it a regression...  good luck.02:39
neonixcoderorlock:hmmm let me check if I can find some where else..02:40
neonixcoderzykotick9:Did not get you..02:40
neonixcoderzykotick9: orlock: Trying this one: http://serverfault.com/questions/243343/headless-ubuntu-server-machine-sometimes-stuck-at-grub-menu I will update you people in some time02:44
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ralphI am haveing a problem with a printer can anyone help?02:48
ralphI am using Linux Mint as os02:49
neonixcoderzykotick9: orlock: This future is working now, I tried 5 times by removing power cable and all the time it booted with out fail. I will try to check today before moving this change to production.02:49
Bashing-om!mint | ralph02:50
ubotturalph: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org02:50
squintyralph: linux mint is not supported here.  they do however have their own channels02:50
zykotick9neonixcoder: nice...  but i wouldn't just yank a plug and NOT want my filesystem checked!  this honestly, kinda seem shortsighted to me.  best of luck though, and glad you found a fix.02:50
ralphokay thanks02:50
Bashing-omralph: :)02:51
neonixcoderzykotick9: I have implemented that fsck for every reboot by editing /etc/default/rcS file.. which do a fsck for every proper/improper reboot02:51
budddubuntu says syslinux 4.07 EDD 2013-07-25 copyright (c) 1994-2013 H. Peter Anvin et all" "boot:"  what do I type?02:51
neonixcoderzykotick9:I have one more question..02:52
neonixcoderzykotick9: I am using 14.04 server and my rc*.d folder contain just 5 services but when I am booting a ubuntu I see all crap which I dont require. You can find the services which are started here http://pastebin.com/i7n1tmfi. I dont know what are those service till 54 line.02:55
neonixcoderAny suggestion if I can remove those services?02:55
budddi don't think any question answerers are here02:56
budddjust question askers02:56
zykotick9buddd: i've seen you post this a couple of times... i DON'T have an answer - BUT, you should NOT be seeing that!  ps. i have had 1 (just one) computer that failed to boot because particular syslinux versions.  you should try version perhaps, or verifiy the ISO image you have right now as a source...  good luck.02:56
neonixcoderbuddd: Just press tab.. you will get platora of options02:56
neonixcoderbuddd:If you just want to install, type install and press enter, it will take you to installation screen02:57
budddtab says: "append" "boot:"02:57
cfhowlettplethora --- FTFY02:57
budddi don't want to lose what's on my harddrive =[02:58
neonixcoderbuddd:are you seeing just append?02:59
cfhowlett!server | neonixcoder, server channel would know02:59
ubottuneonixcoder, server channel would know: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server02:59
neonixcodercfhowlett: I dont know that we have a ubuntu-server channel, thanks for pointing me to it.03:00
cfhowlettneonixcoder, happy2help!03:00
budddi have tried two different ram chips seperately, and my computer keeps turning off in the middle of the memory test03:00
=== shlerpM is now known as schlerpM
lalaHello. Does anyone have a newbie guide for dual booting Windows 8.1 while installing Ubuntu Server 14.04.2 LTS?03:17
aeon-ltdlala: install windows first, is the first ideal step of every windows dual boot03:18
lalaaeon-ltd: Okay. Got that.03:18
lalaaeon-ltd: And then I burned the Ubuntu Server 14.04.2 LTS iso file onto a CD.03:19
lalaaeon-ltd: How should I proceed?03:20
lalaAnother side-question: Do you think swapping an internal hard drive for a different OS will mess up the boot loader?03:21
aeon-ltdlala: wut?03:21
aeon-ltdlala: what do you mean by swapping the internal hdd for a different OS?03:22
lalaaeon-ltd: Yes.03:23
lalaI have Windows 8.1 installed on my 2 TB hard drive inside the computer. My computer loads Windows from that 2 TB hard drive.03:23
lalaI also have an old 500 GB hard drive that's inside my closet.03:23
lalaIf I unplug my 2 TB hard drive and plug in the 500 GB hard drive and install Ubuntu on it, will I still be able to load Windows if I plug in the 2 TB hard drive again?03:24
aeon-ltdyes if that hdd boots first iirc03:24
lalaWhat's iirc?03:24
aeon-ltdthe bootloader for windows remains on that 2tb hdd03:24
aeon-ltdIf i recall correctly03:24
aeon-ltdto have it seamless (so no changing the boot order or removing hdds) you need to have grub properly configured (no idea if grub2 is automatically doing this) to load the second hdd windows bootloader03:26
OerHeks if not, update-grub will, or os-prober03:26
lalaThese suggestions don't make much sense for me.03:27
aeon-ltdlala: if you want them isolated just do it that way, separate installs on different hard drives03:27
aeon-ltdgrub is the default ubuntu bootloader it can also load the windows bootloader; this is called chainloading03:28
klobsterno I'm on #ubuntu I refuse to put a # in their name03:28
aeon-ltdlala: let's just go back a bit, what do you want to achieve?03:30
lalaaeon-ltd: So I need to use Ubuntu to compile a bunch of stuff. I've been using a virtual machine, but it will take more than a day to finish compiling stuff even though I've tried to set it up so it wastes as little resources as possible.03:31
aeon-ltdlala: how often do you do this?03:31
lalaAfter waiting for over 2 hours, it only finished about 5%...03:31
lalaaeon-ltd: Well uh... Not too often, but having a stable OS such as Ubuntu Server would also be nice.03:32
aeon-ltdi would recommend installing on the 500gb hdd and then just using that hdd by itself when you use ubuntu if you don't do this often03:32
aeon-ltdif it's not often then modifying the windows install (which ubuntu has to do) with an install of grub is not worth it03:33
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lalaaeon-ltd: The only advantage of using the virtual machine was the ability to create "snapshots" of the system, so I can easily restore it.03:35
lalaIt was super easy to use, but it just took forever.03:35
lalaEven if the virtual machine messed up, I can still fix it with a simple click.03:36
aeon-ltdcompiling on vms is known to be slow even with an i7.03:37
aeon-ltdyou can create install images once you've finished the install with something like clonezilla, it's a longer process but mostly the same idea03:38
cfhowlettVM's demand significant system resources so performance will be sub-optimal in any case.  Some find that acceptable ...03:38
lalaDarn... I'm having trouble trying to find that hard drive.03:38
schlerphi zeus03:42
lalaaeon-ltd: Okay... I found them..03:42
lalaaeon-ltd: They're actually 2 extra hard drive.03:43
lalaaeon-ltd: See, my computer used to have a raid 0 configuration or whatever. There are two hard drives that are 250 GB each.03:43
lalaAnd then something happened to the thing and the raid thing stopped working.03:43
lalaSo I bought another hard drive (the 2 TB one) and took out the two 250 GB hard drives.03:44
lalaDo you think the raid thing will mess it up?03:44
schlerpunless your raid died cus one of your drives died...03:44
lalaschlerp: My raid thing died probably because I cut the power while the computer was working.03:45
schlerpwhen installing ubuntu you can format the drives and create a new partiton03:45
lalaDo you think that messed the hard drives?03:45
schlerpit could have, id still try and install ubuntu on em!03:45
schlerpwhat are you compileing if its taking that long you may ned more than 250g space...03:46
OerHeksyou will find out soon.03:46
lalaaeon-ltd: Okay. I put in the other hard drive.04:01
lalaThose screws are hard to tighten.04:01
lalaI tried booting from the CD. It says "Error reading config file".04:04
lalaDo you think the CD wasn't properly burned?04:04
lalaFlippin' computers are so frustrating04:04
schlerplala i personally always go with usb cus its faster04:05
lalaschlerp: I don't know how to put an iso image on a usb.04:07
grunhartlala: There are many methods for such goal.04:18
schlerpsorry lala i dropped off i dont know if you saw my comment about unetbootin04:19
lalaschlerp: Oh I din't get that message.04:19
lalaBut I already finished burning another CD.04:19
schlerpahh i see! unetbootin is a lifesaver imo if you have to use windows :(04:21
shanemikelI just broke grub somehow.. I'm wondering if it's because I used grub-mkconfig instead of update-grub04:22
ubuntu188shanemikel: so what's happening?04:26
jooncheolAnybody know how to enable '<shift>+<insert>' to paste from x selection in ubuntu 14.04 ?04:27
kiubyhola, esto es real?04:30
schlerp!es | kiuby04:31
ubottukiuby: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.04:31
kiubyHi, is this real?04:31
schlerpque tal?04:31
schlerpbut no sorry this is english04:31
schlerpwhats do you need a hand with kiuby04:32
kiubyjaja es la primera vez que entro en esto04:32
kiubysolo estoy experimentando04:32
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.04:32
schlerpes ok, pero tu puedas #ubuntu-es?04:33
shanemikelubuntu188: I just broke grub somehow.. don't know how exactly.  I tried booting without quiet flag and it looked like it died just around the time it finished loading the initram04:34
shanemikelI fixed it by using supergrubdisk to boot and reinstall grub (I'd still like to know what happened)04:34
schlerpdid supergrubdisk give any output?04:34
shanemikeloutput? I don't know I just used it to get into the system04:35
ubuntu188shanemikel: Ah, not sure here the context is the key, there is a #grub channel I believe04:35
shanemikelI'm not sure it is a grub problem04:36
schlerpso you broke grub, and now youve fixed it? or have jsut just botted back into using some tempporary meethod?04:36
shanemikelAlso, now would be a good time to mention that grub ran and tried to boot but failed after loading initram04:36
shanemikelNo it's fixed for the time being04:36
schlerpwhat did you do in the first place to break it? id still try #grub though04:37
ubuntu188shanemikel: The channel is not really a forensic place in this context.04:37
shanemikelubuntu188: at first I thought it had to do with installing virtualbox (because it uses kernel modules right?), but all I needed to fix it was reinstall grub (so that can't be it right update-grub doesn't make the ramdisk)04:39
daveinflaGood morning all04:42
shanemikelbut I guess that's the trouble with using gui's for installing software and everything else (you have no idea what is happening)04:43
lalaThis is really frustrating.04:48
lalaTime for the USB.04:48
schlerplala yeah unetbootin! if that doesnt work id say your shoudl download the image again!04:49
* lala facepalms.04:49
schlerpi had issues being on wifi and downloading cd images... they seemed to be fine but when i booted it just wouldnt work till i donw loaded it again! (you can check th md5 to save you downloading again though!)04:50
lalaI'll tell ye'. These computers are going to drive me crazy.04:50
lalaschlerp: Do you know how to check the md5 using a Mac?04:51
lalaschlerp: Oh I got it.04:51
lalaIt says "MD5 (/Users/Ana/Desktop/ubuntu-14.04.2-server-amd64.iso) = 83aabd8dcf1e8f469f3c72fff2375195"04:52
lalaschlerp: I found the same md5 thing on here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/MD5SUMS04:53
daveinflachecksum looks good, 83aabd8dcf1e8f469f3c72fff2375195 *ubuntu-14.04.2-server-amd64.iso04:54
Koyaanislet me download it and see what i have as checksum04:54
daveinflado you have any other bootable media you can test the CDR/DVD with?04:55
daveinflato make sure it's not the drive?04:55
Koyaanis83aabd8dcf1e8f469f3c72fff2375195 :P04:55
laladaveinfla: Uh... Yeah..04:55
daveinflaI was just confirming it, not asking04:56
daveinflathe checksum that is04:56
Koyaanislala: what are you trying to do?04:56
lalaEh... Let me copy and paste from the logs.04:57
lalaKoyaanis: When did you join the channel?04:58
Koyaanisbeen here the whole time. you are on mac and you tried burning it to a CD right?04:58
schlerpoh... i didnt realise you were on a mac04:59
schlerplala is trying to compile software but its too slow on a vm so he is setting up an ubuntu machine04:59
Koyaaniswith ubuntu server?05:00
Koyaanisi never used that so i wouldnt know if thats even an appropriate OS05:00
schlerpand it keeps failing trying to boot the cd, im advising to try usb05:00
Koyaaniswhy not boot it from the harddrive05:01
Koyaanisim confused05:01
Koyaanisi can just add the ISO file to my virtual machine (vmware)05:01
Koyaanisim sure other virtual machines have that feature too..05:01
jak2000hi cant install mysql: sudp apt-get install mysql-server http://pastie.org/10257814  any advice how to fix?05:03
schlerpKoyaanis the issue is vm is too slow to compile, so they are setting up proper bare metal machine to compile software on  on another harddrive in their machine, no vm's need05:04
lalaschlerp & Koyaanis: Here is a log.05:04
TrivialGravitasho Do you connect to wireless with XFCE?05:04
lalaKoyaanis & schlerp: I'm currently doing the UNetbootin thing.05:06
* lala is starting to get tired of all computers.05:06
schlerpthat log seems to be blocked by my work proxy hahah use usb and unetbootin to create the bootable usb05:07
schlerpfrom there its a standared install05:07
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate05:07
lalaschlerp & Koyaanis: here is my log again on https://gist.github.com/vivaolet/1518b79eccd27c93f41705:08
lalaHopefully it isn't blocked.05:08
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:11
schlerpMAfternoon here lotus05:12
lotuspsychjeschlerp: hello mate05:12
lotuspsychjeschlerp: did you fix your issue from yesterday?05:13
schlerpMLotus: Can't even remember what it was haha im just on here to help out05:16
schlerpMI think I asked about what's the best ircd, anyway good morning!05:16
lotuspsychjeTJ-: good morning05:16
lotuspsychjeschlerp: join #ubuntu-discuss for a min plz05:19
lalaI think I messed up my BIOS thing. :(05:23
lalaEven with my USB drive and my CD drive or either are in, even with my hard drives disconnected, I can't seem to boot into Ubuntu.05:24
lotuspsychjelala: can you enter bios?05:25
lotuspsychjelala: uefi system?05:25
TJ-lotuspsychje: I wish it was! It's given me a head-ache already :)05:26
lalalotuspsychje: I don't know what that is.05:26
TJ-!uefi | lala05:27
ubottulala: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI05:27
lotuspsychjelala: does your system have win8?05:27
lalaNot on the hard drive I'm trying to install Ubuntu on.05:27
lalaI can press F2 and it will load this thing called "Pheonix - AwardBIOS CMOS Setup Utility"05:28
TJ-lala: That sounds like Legacy BIOS but maybe if you give us the make/model of the PC we can check05:30
lalaTJ-: Dell XPS 630i05:31
TJ-lala: Yes, the manual indicates it is a Legacy BIOS - it only offers setting the boot device sequence, not adding boot menu entries (as in UEFI)05:34
lotuspsychjelala: if your system has win8 and you want to install ubuntu single: disable fastboot and secureboot in your bios05:34
TJ-lala: At boot-time are you pressing F12 to get to the manual Boot Sequence menu?05:35
lalaOkay. Let me explain. I have a 2 TB hard drive inside that has Windows 8.1 on it. I thought that instead of messing around with the boot loader and whatnot, I can use one of my old drives (a 250 GB hard drive) for the Ubuntu installation instead.05:36
lotuspsychjelala: so its gonna be a dualboot?05:37
lalalotuspsychje: No.05:37
lalaIt's going to be a single boot.05:37
lotuspsychjelala: on wich hd, you have 2?05:37
lalaI'm going to disconnect my 2 TB hard drive. And connect the 250 GB hard drive.05:37
lotuspsychjelala: make an ubuntu usb stick, change boot order to usb, and you will be able to install ubuntu single then05:38
lalaTJ-: Pressing F12 shows the Boot Device Menu, but pressing Optical Drive will show "No Boot Device available - Strike the F1 key to continue, F2 to run the setup utility.05:38
lotuspsychjelala: also let us know how did you make the ubuntu usb exactly?05:39
TJ-lala: Is that with a bootable CD/DVD inserted? If so, what image is on the optical disk ( Ubuntu Desktop Live, 32 or 64 bit, etc.) ?05:40
lalaTJ- & lotuspsychje: I have my USB inserted with Ubuntu put on using the UNetbootin thing, and when I press F12, and select "USB Device" it gives the same message "No Boot Device available - Strike the F1 key to continue, F2 to run the setup utility."05:40
TJ-lala: Are you inserting the USB device directly into a port on the PC?05:40
lalaTJ-: The iso image I used to do that stuff is "MD5 (/Users/Ana/Desktop/ubuntu-14.04.2-server-amd64.iso) = 83aabd8dcf1e8f469f3c72fff2375195"05:40
lalaTJ-: Yes, right on the back of the computer. The port is part of the motherboard.05:41
TJ-lala: OK, thanks... trying to cover the basics before we get complicated :)05:41
lalaTJ-: Good idea.05:41
TJ-lala: Are you using Linux/Ubuntu from another PC right now?05:42
lotuspsychjelala: have you tested the usb somewhere else to make sure it works?05:42
lalaYou mean right now on IRC? I'm running OS X on my MacBook Air.05:42
lalalotuspsychje: Not sure where else I can test it.05:42
TJ-lala: OK ... does your Mac have Virtual Machine software you can use to test booting the USB device with?05:43
lalaI can make one.05:43
lalaTJ-: Okay... I don't seem to know how to boot the virtual machine using my USB.05:49
murchahow can i update a huge destination file that i copied it from huge source file using the cp -avr command?05:52
TJ-lala: It will vary based on the VM software but it should simply be a case of attaching the USB device to the Mac, and then in the VM selecting the host USB device to be attached to the VM guest05:52
lalaI don't even know how to use this VirtualBox thing.05:54
lalaAnd ehhhhhh.05:54
* lala feels hopeless.05:55
lalaTJ-: Even with it connected, I'm unable to have the VM recognize that it exists.05:59
lalaDo you want me to boot using CD?05:59
lalaThe USB is in MS-DOS (FAT32).06:01
TJ-lala: Try booting the VM using the CD too, yes. If you created both of those media from an ISO file I would suspect either corruption of the original image you have downloaded, or the data was corrupted as it was written to those external media devices06:01
lalaTJ-: Even if the md5 is correct?06:02
TJ-If your local ISO image hash matches that on the download site then the next step is to generate the hash from the media itself (the USB and/or DVD) to ensure what was written is what you think it is06:03
lalaTJ-: The VM is not even booting using the CD.06:04
lala"Operating System not found".06:04
mangolionhi o.o06:04
mangolionis this an Ubuntu support channel?06:04
lalaLet me get started on downloading the ISO file again.06:05
* mangolion is an Ubuntu illiterate06:05
UllarahHi all, just for my own reasons, would removing systemd and installing sysvinit have any impact? Will be trying it later for myself, but was also wondering if anybody else had reverted back to sysvinit too? :)06:05
jdqx[]lala: yea, do that if you don't feeling like computing the local MD5 hash06:06
jdqx[]mangolion: do you have ubuntu installed?06:06
lalajdqx[]: I did compute the local MD5 hash.06:06
lalaAnd it was correct.06:06
TJ-lala: OK ... then check the hash of the USB device. You'll need to calculate the hash over the length of the ISO image *not* the size of the USB device06:06
Ullarahlala, if you are currently using windows, using a program like this may help you, https://rufus.akeo.ie/06:07
lalaTJ-: How do you check the MD5 hash of a USB device?06:07
lalaTJ-: It's not an iso file.06:07
lalaUllarah: I'm running Mac on IRC.06:07
t3chguyHello, I was messing around with zsh and fish yesterday, and this morning I try and connect over ssh and am unable to, apparently "server refused our key", so I hit up the web console, and after logging in, I can see my SSH Banner for a split second before I'm returned to the login prompt. Any ideas? (I'm thinking its a broken shell :/)06:07
TJ-lala: Do you have the ISO file you downloaded (ubuntu-14.04.2-server-amd64.iso) available there on the Mac?06:09
lalaTJ-: Yes.06:10
lalaTJ-: MD5 (/Users/Ana/Desktop/ubuntu-14.04.2-server-amd64.iso) = 83aabd8dcf1e8f469f3c72fff237519506:10
lalaTJ-: It says the MD5 hash is 83aabd8dcf1e8f469f3c72fff2375195, which is correct.06:11
TJ-lala: If so, I'm hoping the Mac *nix tools should work similar to the Linux tools, try this: "DEV=/path/to/USB/device; ISO=/Users/Ana/Desktop/ubuntu-14.04.2-server-amd64.iso; dd if=$DEV ibs=$(stat -c %s $ISO) count=1 | md5sum"06:11
TJ-lala: But you don't know if the data on the USB device matches that, is my point, so you need to generate a hash of the same number of bytes from the USB, to be sure06:12
mangolionjdqx[], I just did, last night06:14
* mangolion managed to get xchat running06:14
jdqx[]hexchat is better06:14
jdqx[]hexchat forked from xchat awhile ago. xchat is nolonger maintained06:14
jdqx[]welcome to the world of linux/ubuntu06:15
mangolionthere we go :D06:16
jakepetroulesis there a way to find the current JDK path in Ubuntu? (i.e. the value of JAVA_HOME). I do NOT want the path of java or javac, bur the base path of the JDK.06:16
lalaTJ-: Uh...06:16
lalaTJ-: https://gist.github.com/vivaolet/02f3e61263e8f52d220806:16
mangolionjdqx[], is there a reason why I can't use shift + home/end?06:16
TJ-jakepetroules: "echo $JAVA_HOME"06:17
lalaTJ-: md5sum isn't a command on the Mac. Instead, I used md5.06:17
jakepetroulesTJ-: debian/ubuntu policy means that JAVA_HOME won't be set in the environment.06:17
jdqx[]mangolion, what does that normally do? i know alot of keyboard shortcuts, but not that one. does it select?06:17
TJ-jakepetroules: So it'll be set by some script that starts java{,c}06:18
jakepetroulesTJ-: so basically there isn't a way to find the current JDK path?06:19
TJ-jakepetroules: Do you mean the path to the current default (as set by update-alternatives) java JRE?06:20
jakepetroulesyes, but JDK, not JRE06:20
mangolionshift+ home highlights all text from the cursor to the beginning of line in Windows06:20
jakepetroulesor does the alternatives system only track paths to individual tools like java, javac, jar, etc?06:20
ikoniajakepetroules: the JDK will be used by the same version of the JRE06:21
mangolionhmm it seems home in numbpad isnt working06:21
ikoniaeg: the java 1.8 JRE won't use the java 1.7 JDK06:21
jakepetroulesso how do I get the base path from alternatives?06:21
ikoniapath of what ?06:21
ikoniajakepetroules: what is the actual problem you are trying to fix06:21
jakepetroulespath that I would set as JAVA_HOME06:22
ikoniathats a different thing06:22
jakepetroulesfor example, /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk-amd6406:22
ikoniaso you set that to whatever YOU want06:23
ikoniayou can point it at whatever you want06:23
jakepetroulesyes, I know that.06:23
Ben64why are you wanting to do that, what problem are you experiencing06:23
jakepetrouleswriting a configure script to find JDK tools, basically06:24
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ikoniaso just evaluate it based on the java --version string06:25
TJ-jakepetroules: something like this would work: JAVA_HOME="$(readlink -e /usr/bin/javac)../.."06:26
lalaSo even when I use Windows, it doesn't recognize the hard drive.06:28
jakepetroulesI'd rather not assume that corresponds to JAVA_HOME/bin/javac06:28
ikoniathen don't assume06:28
ikoniawork it out by evaluating the java -version string06:28
TJ-jakepetroules: you mean that you expect that /usr/bin/javac might not be a symlink?06:30
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jakepetroulesfor example, on OS X, /usr/bin/javac is a symlink to /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/javac ... so for example you cannot use the path alone to determine the location of, say, rt.jar. Instead you'd run /usr/libexec/java_home. so this is the reason I want to get the JDK base path directly, rather than calculating it from the path of javac.06:32
Ben64you know you're in an Ubuntu channel, right?06:33
TJ-Jake: The you need to run a simple java program that outputs the environment06:33
TJ-jakepetroules: The you need to run a simple java program that outputs the environment06:33
jakepetroulesfor example?06:36
jakepetroulesif you mean printing the java.home system property, that'll be the JRE path, not JDK06:36
jakepetroulesanyways I think I'll just check for /usr/lib/jvm/default-java for now06:38
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TJ-jakepetroules: If you want the library paths then simply "javac -verbose -cp . Dummy.java" will get you data you can parse the path from06:56
TJ-jakepetroules: E.g. :"javac -verbose -cp . Dummy.java |& grep 'class files' | cut -d, -f 2"  --> "/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/lib/rt.jar "06:58
Stony2Can anybody help me with an ARK dedicated server on ubuntu? It's up and running smoothly, but it randomly has the shootergameserver server crash07:20
histoStony2: any logs for ARK or whatever that is?07:23
Stony2i wish07:24
arcskyhey guys how do i change keyboard layout ?07:25
arcskyin cli07:25
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hero100arcsky, how about dumpkeys and loadkeys?07:29
barqWhen I do apt-get update I get the error W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net trusty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY C2518248EEA1488607:29
barqI tried sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys C2518248EEA14886, but get ?: keyserver.ubuntu.com: Host not found07:30
barqHow can I fix this?07:30
arcskyhero100: $ dumpkeys07:34
arcskyCouldn't get a file descriptor referring to the console07:34
hero100arcsky, what do you mean "in cli" ?07:36
arcskyno guu07:36
Stony2when i run dmesg i get a spam of UFW block, what does that mean?07:36
ObrienDaveCLI - Command Line Interface07:37
hero100so dumpkeys and loadkeys is the only way I find work07:37
hero100you need sudo07:37
hero100dumpkeys |sed 's/Caps_Lock /Control /g; t; s/Control /Caps_Lock /g' |loadkeys, just a hint07:38
MonkeyDustyes but no07:46
livcdheya...anybody familiar with rdesktop ? how i can check which parameters are required ? it worked for older version but the new one spits just a help menu with the command and parameters i am using08:01
elachecheMorning! Wy the 12.04 Users can't have the LATEST version of Chromium Browser!!08:04
Stony2Hey guys i launched a server in 14.04 and now i can't type to launch tmux how do i get a prompt back without taking the server down?08:05
elachecheStony2, how you're connected to that server? physically, vnc, ssh?08:06
Stony2I need an ubuntu server expert08:09
elachecheStony2, you need to answer my question so I can help you :) <elacheche> Stony2, how you're connected to that server? physically, vnc, ssh?08:10
Stony2O i'm so sorry, SSH, putty08:10
Stony2so much connect spam08:10
elachecheStony2, you can execute tmux ls to see if there is any running sessions08:11
elachecheif so, Stony2 you can use tmux attach to attach that running session08:11
Stony2I'm still in the session, i just want to make sure it doesnt close if putty closes08:12
Stony2how do i make sure that it wont close if i disconnect?08:13
elachecheAh Stony2 I understand now :D You should use the "binding key + d" to detach the tmux session08:13
MonkeyDustStony2  use putty to ssh into ubuntu, then start a 'screen' session (similar to tmux) ... when you close and reconnect putty, use 'screen -dr' ... the session is still there08:14
elachecheStony2, even if you close the window it still works, you should not use the exit command..08:14
Stony2i just detached08:14
Stony2did that close the server?08:14
elachecheNo Stony2, use tmux ls to see that the session is still running08:15
* elacheche offer this https://robots.thoughtbot.com/a-tmux-crash-course to Stony2 08:15
elachecheStony2 you can use "tmux attach" to attach that running session08:15
Stony2thx elachenche08:17
elachecheWelcome Stony208:17
Stony2i'm terrified of killing the server by accidently killing my putty connection.08:17
Stony2now i can sleep08:18
elachecheWhy the 12.04 Users can't have the LATEST version of Chromium Browser!!08:18
Stony2Elech you wouldn't have any insight as to why a service would randomly crash on my unbuntu server?  It's that new game ARK:SE08:19
Stony2Or do you have any websites you could suggest for optimzation for game servers running on ubuntu?08:19
hateballStony2: It's more specific to the game rather than Ubuntu, their official forums probably has some info08:20
elacheche+1 hateball.. Stony2 you should check the official forums of that game.. And you should take a look at the logs too..08:21
MonkeyDustStony2  try  #ubuntu-server08:22
elachecheMonkeyDust, hateball Any idea why the 12.04 Users can't have the LATEST version of Chromium Browser!!08:25
mcphailelacheche: why would they?08:25
k1lelacheche: i would file a bug if there is none already, and ask the maintainers08:27
MonkeyDustelacheche  try the !backports08:27
chrisss123456Hi, I have a question about power management in 14.10. In 14.04 there used to be a /etc/modprobe.d/audio_powersave.conf. What's the equivalent in 14.10??08:27
MonkeyDust!latest | elacheche08:27
ubottuelacheche: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.08:27
elachechemcphail, The latest version for 12.02 is 37.0.2062.120-0ubuntu0.12.04.1~pkg917 and for Trusty  43.0.2357.81-0ubuntu0.
MonkeyDustelacheche  i guess what you want, is a rolling release of ubuntu08:28
mkquistanyone familiar with opencl?08:28
fishcooker1what is  apt-xapian-index... is it useful?08:28
elachecheMonkeyDust, no chromium in the backports http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=chromium-browser&searchon=names&suite=precise-backports&section=all08:28
mcphailelacheche: running an LTS isn't about having the latest software. If security fixes are needed, they should be backported. But you don't get updates for new features08:29
fishcookeri've got error that db lock08:30
elachecheEmm I see, thanks mcphail, but that version is ages away from the last one :/08:30
mcphailelacheche: yep. That's the deal, I'm afraid08:30
Stony2What is a 00M ubuntu server?08:31
k1lelacheche: ask the maintainer (file a bug) if its possible to release the latest one for 12.04 too.08:32
elachechek1l, right away :)08:33
elachecheThanks guys :08:33
MonkeyDustelacheche  if you want anything newer than what's in the repos, you need a ppa or a .deb or so, but that's not supported here08:36
tsoutsekiwhat does the ubuntu community has to say about that?08:36
MonkeyDusttsoutseki  no random links here, please08:36
tsoutsekiMonkeyDust, ok08:36
elachecheMonkeyDust, even the 12.04 PPA offers the same version as the official repo -_-08:37
Stony2if you add -log to a launch command where does that log go?08:37
MonkeyDustelacheche  what do you want me to say? better go to #ubuntu-offtopic08:38
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elachecheMonkeyDust, it's ok :) I reported a bug :)08:40
chotaz`wguys, how can I know when my sysadm ssh's into my machine? I mean, is there a way to automatically detect and be notified of incoming ssh sessions, and further, monitor them somehow?08:40
mcphailelacheche: Agonisng over this isn't going to help you. An LTS is a stable release, roughly in the tradition of Debian Stable. It doesn't roll, and doesn't update packages for new features. Any foreign .debs or PPAs you install break the benefits of stability, which defeats the purpose of the LTS.08:40
k1lwas the 37 chromium some sort of long time releease?08:41
MonkeyDustelacheche  mcphail indirectly confirms what i just said: you want a rolling release08:41
tastybudsGuys, plz help. What is the magic command so that I can open a root shell in my external hdd ubuntu install?08:41
chotaz`wctrl+alt+f1 tastybuds08:42
elachecheThanks MonkeyDust k1l mcphail :)08:42
mcphailelacheche: np. If you would like slightly more up-to-date software you could upgrade to 14.04LTS or reinstall for the 15.04 standard release08:44
elachechemcphail, yeah that's not that easy on a Work Desktop :D I'm planning that soon..08:44
mcphailaah, ok. Good luck and enjoy08:44
* mcphail wishes he could have Ubuntu as his work desktop (apologies for going offtopic)08:45
antonio__I need to update to the latest version...08:53
antonio__How can I tell what version Im on currently?08:54
DJones!version | antonio__08:54
ubottuantonio__: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »08:54
k1lantonio__: "lsb_release -d" gives you what?08:54
ObrienDaveantonio__, cat etc/issue08:54
tsoutsekiantonio__, no offense, and i am not an official ubuntu representative or someone of importance, but why don't you google a little bit? it will help you learning the procedures of finding info in the future08:54
MonkeyDustantonio__  that's !eol08:54
k1l!eolupgrade | antonio__08:55
ubottuantonio__: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades08:55
ObrienDaveJUST a bit out of date :)08:55
antonio__How can I safely update from this version to the current version?  I need to keep everything I have on here still (files/programs)08:55
MonkeyDustantonio__  your ubuntu is too old, upgrade first, then come back08:55
k1lantonio__: but that means 12.10 -> 13.04 -> 13.10 -> 14.04 so that is gonna take some time.08:55
antonio__So how do I do this?08:56
MonkeyDustantonio__  make a backup, then fresh install ... during the new installation, create a separate /home partition for your personal files08:56
k1l!eolupgrade | antonio__08:56
ObrienDaveback up /home to external drive. start fresh, restore /home08:56
k1lantonio__: see the bots message08:56
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)08:57
antonio__monkeydust: whats the easiest way to backup everything?08:57
chotaz`wHow can I get notified of incoming SSH sessions?08:57
tsoutsekiantonio__, copy paste the home folder08:57
ObrienDaversync, copy and paste, take your pick08:57
tsoutsekiin an external hard drive08:57
MonkeyDustantonio__  rsync -a --progress [from] [to] is fast ... do you have an external drive?08:58
tsoutsekiantonio__, are you running on root or a user08:58
antonio__yes i do08:58
mcphailchotaz`w: you can keep a watch on /var/log/auth.log08:59
antonio__how can I tell if root or user?08:59
k1lantonio__: its ubuntu, it doesnt use root08:59
ObrienDave!root | antonio__08:59
ubottuantonio__: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo08:59
ObrienDavethere are ways around that ;P09:01
DoverModoes anyone know a font that covers this, 💩09:10
k1lDoverMo: the standard ubuntu font does09:11
DoverMobut it doesn't work in firefox09:11
ObrienDavetry chrome09:12
k1lso see what fonts firefox uses.09:12
michael_pif i upgrade to 15.04 can install software from 14.1009:18
bazhangmichael_p, no09:18
antonio__argh..computer crashed...09:18
antonio__So how do I backup my home folder fast?09:18
antonio__monkeydust: how do I use rsycn to backup my entire home folder?09:19
MonkeyDustantonio__  in a terminal, type   rsync -a --progress ~ [destination]   <-- ~ is your home folder09:21
MonkeyDustantonio__  do you know where/how to find your external device?09:21
antonio__No I don't09:22
MonkeyDustantonio__  in a terminal, type   lsblk09:22
antonio__sdb - sdb109:24
MonkeyDustantonio__  great. is it mounted? find out with the command   mount09:24
MonkeyDustantonio__  in a terminal, type   mount09:25
antonio__yep its mounted09:27
MonkeyDustantonio__  what's the name?09:27
antonio__/dev/sdb1 on /media/antonio/TOSHIBA EXT type fuseblk09:28
antonio__er..I think /dev/sdb1 on /media/antonio/TOSHIBA EXT09:28
freddyb_I have a problem with waking up from suspend, and I'm not entirely sure on how to debug thi, since it seems to be a problem with either graphics or my x session, rather than waking up in general (i.e. higher-level than https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelSuspend)09:28
MonkeyDustantonio__  ok, now, in a terminal, type     rsync -a progress ~ /media/antonio/TOSHIBA09:29
MonkeyDustantonio__  ok, now, in a terminal, type     rsync -a --progress ~ /media/antonio/TOSHIBA09:29
antonio__will that make a copy of /home in there?09:29
freddyb_when coming back from suspend I dont see a gnome screensaver window but just a grey rectangle of the same size. I can interact with it normally, it looks "weird". If i guess the location of the "swithc user" button, then gdm comes up and it looks perfectly fine. from then on re-logging into my user restores proper graphics09:30
MonkeyDustantonio__  yes, make sure you don't overwrite anything... create a new folder on the external device09:30
freddyb_if not going through gdm and just gnome-screensaver, I get grey rectangles instead of windows everywhere. there's nothing in my .xsession-errors09:30
freddyb_how do I debug something like this?09:30
antonio__damnit...firefox froze on me09:33
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antonio__monkeydust: this is the output I got09:35
MonkeyDustantonio__  what is? use a pastebin for multiple lines http://paste.ubuntu.com/09:37
antonio__monkeydust: sorry, FB crashed my system when I tried to get the pastebin to you..going to try again09:42
sabgentonis there a way to see which driver is running the wifi card09:46
sabgentonlsmod shows a few09:46
k1lsabgenton: lspci -v09:47
EriC^^sabgenton: lspci -k | grep -A2 Wireless09:47
sabgentonah did not know -k09:48
MonkeyDustantonio__  what's the output of   ls -l /media/antonio09:48
antonio__total 009:49
MonkeyDustantonio__  what's the output of   lsblk09:49
MonkeyDust(use a pastebin)09:49
MonkeyDustantonio__  what's the output of   lsblk;mount09:51
mangolionwhen I tried to install github (all) packages, it threw an error :<09:51
mangolionand now sudo dpkg --configure -a also returns an error09:51
mangolionme no know how to fix :(09:51
antonio__monkeydust: I didn't have it plugged in just now ;)  ls -l /media/antonio returns total 28 drwx------ 1 antonio antonio 28672 Jun 24 23:26 TOSHIBA EXT09:52
MonkeyDustantonio__  all right... now re-enter the rsync line09:52
k1l!paste | mangolion please put all the outputs there09:53
ubottumangolion please put all the outputs there: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:53
MonkeyDustantonio__  rsync -a --progress ~ /media/antonio/TOSHIBA09:53
antonio__getting the same output from that first pastebin09:53
MonkeyDustantonio__  odd... what's the output of   lsblk;mount09:54
antonio__here  http://pastebin.com/vPYS5mY709:55
MonkeyDustantonio__  can the name be 'TOSHIBA EXT'? try     rsync -a --progress ~ /media/antonio/TOSHIBA EXT09:57
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antonio__should I create a new dir in there?  or will it copy /home straight over?09:58
akkishaz94Hey, I mistakenly removed unity and now even after installing it again it's not showing up09:58
MonkeyDustantonio__  create a ne dir, if you're not sure09:58
k1l_mangolion: seems like it looks for upstart but 15.04 uses systemd09:58
k1l_akkishaz94: make sure ubuntu-desktop is installed09:59
antonio__ok I created a new folder named install...what should the syntax be /media/antonio TOSHIBA EXT/name ?09:59
akkishaz94yaa that is installed too but still09:59
mangolionI just removed both runit and git-daemon-run09:59
mangolionand  it shows no errors now09:59
MonkeyDustantonio__  /media/antonio/TOSHIBA EXT/name09:59
EriC^^antonio__: you need to use quotes if dirs have spaces10:00
antonio__ah ok10:00
EriC^^rsync ... "/media/antonio/TOSHIBA EXT/name"10:00
antonio__ah ok10:00
akkishaz94can anybody please help me with this10:00
antonio__think its working now :D10:01
antonio__yep it be working!10:01
MonkeyDustantonio__  phew! in time, this becomes a routine... you'll do this with a finger in your nose10:01
k1l_akkishaz94: what is the errormessage?10:02
akkishaz94@k1l_ there is no error message, it is just that Unity dashboard and menu bar are not showing up10:03
k1l_akkishaz94: does the guest account or other user work?10:04
MonkeyDustantonio__  now save that rsync command somewhere, in a text file or so10:04
k1l_akkishaz94: see in .xsession-errors what is going wrong10:04
akkishaz94k1L_ : guest account works10:05
k1l_akkishaz94: so see in that users home folder with "ls -al" and see what is owned by root10:06
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FleuvSupport on this one would be appreciated: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31042543/system-wide-cms (NEW, doesn't exists yet!)10:23
mangolionI'm trying to extract eclipse EE zip file into opt10:24
kv102tanyone know how to stop rsyslog posting to CLI when it's active?10:25
mangolionthis is the command that I used:10:25
mangolioncd /opt/ && sudo tar -zxvf ~/Downloads/eclipse.tar.gz10:25
mangolionit gave me this error:10:25
mangoliongzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--format violated10:25
yienhow ro use it10:27
mangolioncould someone give me the proper instructions to install eclipse on Ubuntu?10:30
mangolionpreferably Eclipse EE10:30
mangolionnot the 3.8 version you get from sudo apt-get install eclipse10:30
roryHow do I prevent the postfix service from starting automatically, without uninstalling it completely?10:32
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chrisss123456Hi, I have a question about power management in 14.10. In 14.04 there used to be a /etc/modprobe.d/audio_powersave.conf. What's the equivalent in 14.10??10:43
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ibrofame_hello my fellow genius10:44
ibrofame_Hi, I have a question about why windows software particularly corel draw not installing on ubuntu  os when u tri installing it with wine ?10:48
k1l_ibrofame_: see the wine database what is the known issue and if there is s solution10:49
ibrofame_Ok, thanks i will do that right away @ k1l10:50
cfhowlettibrofame_ wine is an emualator.  only.  software is written for windows, not windows emulator, so performance may vary.  OR you could use linux alternatives; gimp, inkscape for starters.10:50
sonic_hello, how can i download the latest version of vlc? whenever i do so it only gives me the 2.1.6 version.. how can i download the 2.2?10:51
mcphail!latest | sonic_10:52
ubottusonic_: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.10:52
cfhowlettsonic_, wait or install from source10:52
ibrofame_Ok, i have inkscape install on my laptop on like corel draw the mode of operation is different may be i have to get tutorials on inkscape  to become guru10:53
sonic_so i should just wait for it to be update in my software center? but just for technical purposes, how do i download the 2.2 if i really want it? i mean i went to the site and when i press download it prompts me to choose an application, how do i go about it? im really new to ubuntu, its just less than i week since i formatted my laptop..10:54
mcphailibrofame_: WINE is not a solution you can depend upon. It is nice if it works, but it is often broken10:54
cfhowlettibrofame_, "the book of inkscape" or see inkscape.org for not shortage of tutorials and support materials10:55
cfhowlettibrofame_, also #inkscape10:55
mcphailsonic_: please read the factoid the bot addressed to you. Ubuntu does not update packages in a release, unless it is for security purposes. You won't get a newer version through software centre until you upgrade Ubuntu to the next release10:56
ibrofame_Thank to mcpwlett, cfhowlett and k1l i really appreciate10:56
cfhowlettibrofame_, www.fullcirclemagazine.org     inkscape special editions10:57
sonic_i kind of get what your trying to imply sir that for stability and security purposes the softwares in the software center is not up to date, but what im asking is that if i really want to install the newest version, is there a workaround for it? im just asking this so i may know more how to use the new system that i have which is ubuntu..10:59
cfhowlettsonic_, install it from source10:59
sabgentonEriC^^: Kernel driver in use: bcma-pci-bridge , but that doesn't show up in modeprob heh11:00
sonic_from their website, right?  what application should i choose to open the package that available for download in their site?11:00
sabgentonEriC^^: lsmod*11:01
cfhowlett!source | sonic_11:01
ubottusonic_: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html11:01
sonic_okay thank you sir, your help is much appreciated11:01
hateballThere is also a PPA for VLC11:01
MonkeyDustcfhowlett  apt-get is now shorter: try sudo apt upgrade   <-- without 'get'11:01
wil2Hi, I'm having an issue that is driving me bonkers - I have a cron that needs to ssh upon startup, I have generated keys and it works great on one unit, I did another unit and when I try ssh-copy-id -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub user@machine, I keep getting mktemp: failed to create file via template11:02
wil2any ideas!?11:02
hateball!ppa | sonic_ there is also this instead of compiling https://launchpad.net/~videolan/+archive/ubuntu/stable-daily11:02
hateballubottu: Go on11:03
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge11:03
sonic_thank you sir, ill have to read the materials carefully first..11:04
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MrJonesdoes someone know the python3 pyvenv package?11:14
MrJonesfor trusty11:14
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MrJoneshttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python3.4/+bug/1290847 claims it's python3-venv, but there's no such package in trusty/14.0411:15
ubottuUbuntu bug 1290847 in python3.4 (Ubuntu) "pyvenv fails due to mising ensurepip module" [Undecided,Fix released]11:15
Guest18046i have some kind of problem with the clicking capabilities of my mouse and touchpad.. it seems that after some period of time that im using my laptop (i just installed ubuntu 14.04 a few days ago) the clicking abilities dont work both on my mouse and touchpad.. sometimes there are items i can click some i cant, but most of the time i doest work for like 3 minutes.. but i can use my keyboard and do alt-tabs.. after alt tabbing it w11:21
Guest18046then the problem recurs again, does anyone know the fix for this problem?11:22
BluesKajHowdy folks11:30
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darxmurfhi all11:49
IsntFunnyhello everyone. i am trying to use nano but everytime i want to edit something it shows me no content of the file and if i create a new file it tells me "Segmentation fault".. any ideas?11:49
hateballIsntFunny: Are you trying to create a file where the disk is full or you have no permissions?11:50
IsntFunnyi am root and the disk is like 90% free11:51
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darxmurfI did clone a Xubuntu install from one laptop to another (same hardware but bigger screen) everything is working except the boot screen which stays black. Is there a way to reconfigure the whole X server ?11:52
darxmurfI tried dpkg-reconfigure xorg11:52
darxmurfdid not change anything11:52
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MonkeyDust!nomodeset | darxmurf try this11:53
ubottudarxmurf try this: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter11:53
styler2gohateball, also it tells me: [ Couldn't determine hostname for lock file: File name too long ]11:53
styler2go when i try to create a new file11:53
darxmurfha ! it's an NVIDIA card11:54
darxmurfthanks mate11:54
cfhowlettdarxmurf, if ubuntu 14.04 = nvidia doesn't support it.11:54
darxmurfit is :x11:55
darxmurfit works, I can boot and all11:55
mcphailcfhowlett: ????11:56
darxmurfor I can install the nvidia driver11:56
cfhowlettdarxmurf, yeah.  nvidia rescinded the 14.04 drivers.  15.04 and up works.  I'm an LTS only guy, so  using xorg drivers at present11:56
cfhowlettmcphail, nvidia retracted 14.04 gpu support.11:56
darxmurfI'll try11:56
mcphailcfhowlett: maybe, but the drivers are still in the repos11:57
darxmurfas we will give those laptops to a school I will make it simple11:57
mcphailcfhowlett: both official repos and xorg-edgers, as far as I can tell...11:59
cfhowlettmcphail, I never explicitly removed them, but after a dist-upgrade, the nvidia support is gone11:59
mcphail!info nvidia-current trusty11:59
ubottunvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-304): Transitional package for nvidia-current. In component restricted, is optional. Version 304.125-0ubuntu0.0.1 (trusty), package size 4 kB, installed size 35 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)11:59
mcphailseems to be there...11:59
darxmurfit proposed the 311 too12:00
darxmurfI installed it, reboot in progress12:00
Ben64cfhowlett: i don't think that is accurate12:00
cfhowlettBen64, mcphail I would be overjoyed to be wrong ...12:01
Ben64i'm on 14.04, no ppa drivers, everything works fine12:01
Ben64you may have encountered the bug though...12:01
mcphailcfhowlett: if they _have_ been removed from the official repos, the xorg-edgers PPA still has them. Used them last night12:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 1431753 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-331-updates (Ubuntu Trusty) "duplicate for #1268257 Nvidia binary driver FTBS due to DKMS layer violation" [Undecided,Triaged]12:01
cfhowlett:)  thanks  will check12:02
BrutusUnixI'm trying to do "kill $(piof test)" , This works if test is running but if test is not running it errors.  How can I by pass if not running?12:02
darxmurfdriver 331.113 sorry12:03
darxmurfnot 31112:03
darxmurfavailable and tested from the ubuntu software center12:03
darxmurfhmmm still no bootscreen12:04
mcphaildarxmurf: you won't get a splash screen if usinf proprietary drivers but should get text then the login screen12:04
mistralolBrutusUnix: if [ -d /proc/$(pidof test)/fd ] ; then kill $(pidof test) ; fi12:05
mistralolBrutusUnix: note that will fail if more than one of test is running12:06
darxmurfyep I had "loading xubuntu" un "console" mode12:06
BrutusUnixyea should only be one12:06
mistralolBrutusUnix: if you want to do it with more than one wrap a loop around it differently like12:07
mistralolBrutusUnix: for i in $(pidof test) ; do kill $i ; done12:07
mistralolBrutusUnix: that is probably cleaner :D12:07
BrutusUnixyea :)12:07
darxmurfnomodeset with the nouveau driver boots and stays in 640x480 :D12:10
mcphaildarxmurf: nomodeset disables the nouveau driver. You'll be running the vesa drivers, hence poor resolution12:12
darxmurfokay thanks :)12:16
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Samul`hi all12:19
Samul`is anyone here familiar with openshot?12:19
rypervencheDepends on what your question is :)12:19
Samul`I want to put an image (some text on a trasparent background) while a video plays12:19
Samul`I have the image file and I imported it into the project12:20
Samul`but I cannot do what I'm trying to12:20
MonkeyDustSamul`  #ubuntustudio is multimedia dedicated12:20
EriC^^Samul`: put it in the timeline above the video12:20
Samul`EriC^^: in the same clip? I tried, it still doesn't work12:20
EriC^^no, the timeline that's above the video12:20
Samul`oh lemme try it12:20
Samul`it works, thank you so much EriC^^!12:22
EriC^^no problem12:22
darxmurfmcphail: http://www.binarytides.com/ubuntu-fix-nvidia-graphics/12:22
darxmurfspashscreen back \o*12:22
darxmurf \o/12:22
MonkeyDustdarxmurf  what solved it?12:23
darxmurfinstalled the nvidia driver (331)12:24
darxmurfand followed this procedure to put back the "boot screen" : http://www.binarytides.com/ubuntu-fix-nvidia-graphics/12:24
darxmurfas those computers will be used by kids, they will slap the screen if there is no image during the boot :D12:25
alkanalayınızın amına koyarım lan12:27
Johnny_Linuxwhat kind of machines are they12:28
alkanwho want  hot sex ?12:28
KartagisI'm back to my beloved Ubuntu12:33
Kartagiscan you remind me how I can query what given package installs and also query what package provides given binary?12:34
mistralolKartagis: dpkg-query -l12:35
the_drowdo any of you know a maintained and up to date version of tuned for Ubuntu? There's one here but it's really old https://github.com/edwardbadboy/tuned-ubuntu12:36
mistralolKartagis: dpkg -S /bin/cat12:36
Kartagismistralol: dpkg-query -l tells me whether that package is installed12:37
MonkeyDustKartagis  apt-cache spolicy ... apt-cache show12:38
the_drowAlso, is systune a good alternative?12:42
ntzsomebody asks me (customer) for help with installing his ubuntu .... the question is, does 14.04 Desktop iso support creating a sw raid (mdraid) volumes or is required (like in past) alternate iso ?12:43
ioriantz , server or alternate   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID12:47
MonkeyDust!raid| ntz start here12:47
ubottuntz start here: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto12:47
MonkeyDustioria  was faster12:47
mangolionhow do I install Eclipse on Ubuntu? I just managed to install Ubuntu last night12:48
MonkeyDust!info eclipse12:49
ubottueclipse (source: eclipse): Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.8.1-7 (vivid), package size 15 kB, installed size 122 kB12:49
MonkeyDustmangolion  sudo apt install eclipse12:49
MonkeyDustKartagis  no, try apt, see the difference12:50
x44x45x41x4EIs avahi-daemon a common system process in Ubuntu-based distros?12:51
raubmangolion: if you prefer using the gui, you can do it that way too12:51
MonkeyDustx44x45x41x4E  yes12:51
MonkeyDust!info avahi-daemon > x44x45x41x4E12:52
x44x45x41x4EMonkeyDust: I see. Thanks. Do you have knowledge as to what is mainly do?12:52
x44x45x41x4EMonkeyDust: Oooh there. Thanks.12:52
MonkeyDustx44x45x41x4E  i know avahi manages (wireless) connections12:52
x44x45x41x4EMonkeyDust: Alright. Thanks. So I shouldn't be paranoid about it? Right? The description may be a bit vague for me though.12:53
Abhijiti cant googlify min hardware requirement for 15.04. is 2GB RAM enough?12:54
ubottuHardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu12:54
Kartagiswhat allows me to query what package provides a given binary?12:54
al2o3-crso 15.04 uses systemd now?12:54
ubottusystemd is the default init system for Ubuntu 15.04 onwards. For information on transitioning from upstart to systemd, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers12:54
Ben64Kartagis: you were told the answer to that already, dpkg -S12:55
al2o3-crthanks rory :)12:55
KartagisBen64: it allows me to query that for existing packages12:56
anderson_alguem do brasil na sala12:56
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.12:56
Ben64Kartagis: correct12:56
KartagisI'm looking for something like yum whatprovides12:56
PiciKartagis: apt-file, or dpkg -S (which is for installed packages only)12:57
PiciKartagis: the former is not installed by default.12:57
ioriaapt-cache search <package>12:58
KartagisMonkeyDust: apt gives a progress bar (nice) but doesn't honour bash-completion (not nice)12:59
Abhijitioria, no.13:00
Abhijitioria, he is looking for which software will install specified file/program.13:00
Kartagisapt-file seems to do that13:00
MonkeyDustKartagis  you're right, tab doesnt complete, using apt13:01
Kartagishttps://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/11918318/20150625_155121.jpg why am I getting this when I do alt+tab?13:05
k1l_Kartagis: what sort of system is that?13:06
Kartagisubuntu with cairodock on it13:06
Kartagisand compiz13:07
k1l_unity? what ubuntu version? maybe that is a cairodock issue?13:08
Kartagisk1l_: any ideas?13:13
=== Neo31` is now known as Neo31
k1l_k1l_> unity? what ubuntu version? maybe that is a cairodock issue?13:14
Kartagisubuntu 14.0413:15
Kartagisalt+tab wasn't functional so I install compizconfig-settingsmanages13:16
hdgarroodhi, after a recent reboot my sound has stopped working, can anyone help?13:17
mohsavahow can i increment speed of kvm ?13:17
mohsavai have a AMD A8  is it good to virtual ?13:17
k1l_Kartagis: i bet its caused from the cairodock. i think that is catching the alt+tab13:17
k1l_alt+tab works on unity without cairo dock13:18
Kartagisk1l_: I disabled application switching in ccsm and turned it on in system settings > keyboard13:18
hdgarroodthere used to be entries in system settings > sound > "Play sound through" but now there's nothing there13:19
Kartagisheh, it doesn't work13:19
Kartagisokay, I at least got what I wanted13:22
Kartagisin ccsm, static application switcher13:22
pyluacould I use mmap to map data in memory into a file?13:23
barqHow can I set a pointer such as jdk -> jdk1.6.0_45/ to a different location? I tried ln -s but that didn't work.13:23
mcphailbarq: what was the precise command you used and what, exactly, was the error?13:25
barqmcphail: sudo ln -s jdk1.7.0_79/ jdk no error but pointer the same13:25
mangolionMonkeyDust, that install the ancient 3.8 version13:27
mangolionI want Juno or Mars13:28
barqmangolion: Istall Mars13:28
mcphailbarq: and you were in the same directory as "jdk" when you ran the command?13:29
barqNo in the parent13:29
barqDo i need to remove the symlink first?13:30
barqBecause when I run that it creates a link within where the jdk points to13:30
barqI want to replace the symlink13:30
mcphailI usually delete simlinks first, but don't know if you have to.13:30
mcphailbarq: I think these symlinks are managed internally, anyway. You usually don't have to set these manually13:31
barqHow do I remove? just sudo rm symlink?13:31
mcphailI'm on an old debian box. Does /usr/sbin/update-java-alternatives still exist on modern ubuntu?13:32
hateballbarq: you can use unlink also13:33
MonkeyDustmcphail  yup, it's here13:33
MonkeyDustmcphail  note: this is 14.04.213:34
mcphailI _think_ that is the correct way to change the java symlinks, isn't it?13:34
mcphailbarq: might be worth investigating the correct way to change things before manually changing symlinks. You want to make sure you don't annoy the package manager13:36
chrisss123456 Hi, I have a question about power management in 14.10. In 14.04 there used to be a /etc/modprobe.d/audio_powersave.conf. What's the equivalent in 14.10??13:36
barqmcphail: I don't know, but Eclispe seems to be accessing that and since I updated to Mars I need jdk7 not 613:37
TJ-barq: I think I came in after you described your problem but if you're trying to set the default JDK you need to use update-alternatives13:38
=== Pupeno_ is now known as Pupeno
barqTJ-: I am not. I removed the symlink and pointed it at jdk713:39
TJ-barq: So what is the problem?13:40
mcphailTJ-: he was having problems changing the symlink13:40
barqI updated Eclipse Luna to Mars and Mars won't start because it needs jdk7 and I only had jdk6.13:40
mcphailTJ-: I was vaguely remembering you shouldn't change the symlinks manually, but rather use something like update-java-alternatives13:41
TJ-Ahhhh, I see. I have JDK6, 7 and 8 and use update-alternatives to switch between them if I need to change defaults.13:41
mcphailTJ-: just normal update-alternatives rather than update-java-alternatives? Been so long since I've done this I forget13:42
barqTJ-: I used update-alternatives, but for some reason it is still referencing the symlink from Eclipse13:43
barqSo update-alternatives had no effect.13:43
TJ-mcphail: That's more useful for changing the links for all the java* tools, yes. I always forget that.13:43
mcphailI haven't used java for ages My knowledge has atrophied13:44
regeditTJ-: yo!13:44
* regedit huggles TJ-13:44
TJ-regedit: Hiya :)13:48
TJ-I have a build of openjdk-8 for trusty in one of my PPAs; been testing that extensively and it seems stable13:52
makarahi. I install ubuntu-restricted-extras successfully, all except for ttf-mscorefonts-installer, which keep reminding me it failed to install. How to install, or at least kill the reminder??13:53
chrisss123456Hi, I have a question about power management in 14.10. In 14.04 there used to be a /etc/modprobe.d/audio_powersave.conf. What's the equivalent in 14.10?13:54
cfhowlettmakara, should stop reminding you once you complete the installation script13:54
makaracfhowlett, it doesn't13:55
makaraotherwise I wouldn't be asking13:55
cfhowlettmakara, weird.  logout/login.  sounds like there's still an active install happening13:56
devmarkanyone know anything about Sophos AntiVirus?13:57
pbxdevmark, not relevant to ubuntu. why do you ask?13:57
pbxdevmark, oops, i take that back13:58
pbxdevmark, i use clamav and have never looked further. AV is a good idea but not a do-or-die thing like it is with windows13:59
devmarkbeen reading more about AV protection...a lot of talk comparing Sophos with Clam AV13:59
devmark@pbx I get that! just asking for some direction...you say Clam is sufficient?14:00
pbxdevmark, for my purposes it is sufficient.14:01
devmarkcool. thnx!14:01
pbxdevmark, FWIW i added a gui called clamtk just for convenience14:01
phveektorit seems ubuntu doesnt need an antivirus?14:02
cfhowlett!antivirus | phveektor14:02
ubottuphveektor: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus14:02
pbxphveektor, like i said, it's not do-or-die like it is with windows, but linux isn't inherently impenetrable.14:03
TJ-phveektor: it depends on how the PC is used. There are security bugs from time to time that can lead to compromise, the same as with Windows.14:03
pbxas cfhowlett points out, it can be a kindness to not be a vector.14:03
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pbxthat AV page is a good resource. it doesn't mention MS Office document infections, maybe that's not a thing anymore but it used to be the main reason i ran AV on my osx machine14:04
en1gmaim on ubuntu 14.10 and am going to upgrade to 15.10 right now. is there a way to upgrade so it dont mess with the bootloader as i like it how it is right now14:05
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cfhowletten1gma, upgrade in place will retain current settings.  clean installing would write a new one by default14:05
TJ-phveektor: If you want to see how regularly serious vulnerabilities happen, check out http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/14:05
devmarkto clarify, I use dual-boot machines, and on a WinServ network, shared with several ppl. I'd rather err on the side of caution when sharing files, and have the AV sit idle, than not have it when I do need it.14:05
en1gmai was thinking about doing a clean install to the same partitions with 15.05. that would be even better but i dont want to lose windows 714:06
en1gmaor that ntfs partition14:06
cfhowletten1gma, no such thing as 15.05   but yeah, you should be good14:06
en1gmayou know thats a typo14:06
en1gmaok but how do i do it14:07
en1gmai just installed ubuntu 15.04 to the usb stick14:07
vfwen1gma: What is unique about the bootloader you have now?14:07
en1gmaits dual boot14:07
cfhowletten1gma, clean install, and either skip the bootloader (that'll keep the current then you must do sudo grub-update) or let the installer configure the new bootload which is the default option14:08
en1gmaimportant info on the ntfs partition besides win714:08
cfhowletten1gma, so you back up everything first14:08
cfhowlettas usual14:08
en1gmayea ive done it before but im about 50% of getting it right. ill try the "skip" bootloader install if its avail14:08
vfwen1gma: Ok, well that is duplicated when you do a re-install.  Dual boot bootloader configurations are very common.14:09
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en1gmaok cool. thanks all14:09
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vfwen1gma: That is not to say that it can not be messed up, or that you can not accidently loose your MS Windows install, because it can happen.14:10
vfwen1gma: But if you are careful, you should not have a problem.14:11
kiubyGood morning everybody!14:14
=== CAlifornia is now known as LolllWhat
MonkeyDust4.15 pm here, kiuby14:16
vfwgood day to you 2, MonkeyDust & kiuby ;)14:16
kiubyok, goog aftenoon, i'm in mexico14:16
Dv108New to this, have a windows xp till, have put ubuntu on but no touchscreen. It' Elo, does anyone have any experience of this?14:18
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch14:19
ricardI could be reflected xmp not leave me in the bios because the ram does not have the option xmp14:23
ricardhelp please14:24
OerHeksricard,  how it this related to ubuntu support?14:25
vfwricard: Can you re-state your question?14:25
vfw(I'm not sure we fully understand what you are asking.)14:26
dbuggerHi fellas. Does anyone know if there is a way to stream what is displaying my TV to my PC?14:26
vfwdbugger: Depends on what is streaming. (The source.)14:26
vfwdbugger: If it is broadcast TV, mythtv would be what you are looking for.14:27
vfw(Just an example...)14:28
DammitJimis there a reason why I have a 2 second "delay" when ssh'ing into these ubuntu VMs I'm creating?14:28
chrisss123456 In 14.04 there used to be a /etc/modprobe.d/audio_powersave.conf. What's the equivalent in 14.10?14:28
DammitJimwhat should I look at to figure out why the delay exists?14:28
TJ-DammitJim: probably the handshaking between client and server14:28
moobasewhat more desktop linux distros are there in the same class as ubuntu?14:29
DammitJimTJ-, so, is that normal?14:29
ricardyes it is possible that the BIOS does not leave me because my ram XMP memory option does not have that option xmp14:29
cfhowlettmoobase, none.14:29
ChargedLightHello. I am currently using ubuntu 14.04 and it's my only OS on my laptop for now. But now i reaaly need Windows for dualboot (guest virtual machine don't do what i need). I've read official docs about installing Windows with ubuntu already installed and this way isn't recommended and may cause a lot of problems. So i decided to fully reinstall my system. I want to format my SSD, Install Windows first and Ubuntu after it. I want to create some kind14:29
ChargedLight of backup of my current ubuntu, so i can then fully reinstall it with all programs/files/etc. There are also a lot of tools for that. But i am not an advanced user, so i want to ask: what is the simplest way to do what i want?14:29
somsip!flavors | moobase14:29
ubottumoobase: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.14:29
pbxmoobase, that's an advocacy question, not an ubuntu support question14:29
ricardyes it is possible that the BIOS does not leave me because my ram XMP memory option does not have that option xmp14:30
moobasepbx: I think my question is asked in the right forum actually14:30
lotuspsychjericard: try the ##hardware channel for hardware questions14:30
ricardvfw, what you think14:30
moobasepbx: if someone here (an ubuntu fan) suggests another distro, I'm pointed in the right direction.14:30
chrisss123456does anyone know about power management in 14.10?14:31
dbuggervfw, It is a Samsung Smart Tv14:31
somsipmoobase: this is the wrong channel. This is ubuntu support, so anything to do with non-ubuntu distros does not belong here.14:31
pbxmoobase, this is a support channel.14:31
lotuspsychjechrisss123456: its best to ask your real issue in channel14:31
cfhowlettmoobase, !flavors has the suggestions that answer your question.  let's move on.14:31
chrisss123456lotuspsychje: haha i have to no answer :( basically,  in 14.04 there used to be a /etc/modprobe.d/audio_powersave.conf. What's the equivalent in 14.10?14:31
moobasesomsip, pbx: I doubt any of you would have complained if I was talking about ducks or cats. I just hit a weak fanboy-spot.14:32
ntzchrisss123456: create that file on demand if you need it14:32
chrisss123456lotuspsychje: i'd like to turn off the audio power management, as it makes a nasty click when there is no sound for 5 seconds14:32
ntzfiles from modprobe.d/ are taken to the account automatically all14:32
cfhowlettmoobase, trolling is not needed or welcome here.  move on to actual support or ... move on.14:32
somsip!ot | moobase (there is even a special factoid just for offtopic chat - now please show some maturity or leave)14:32
ubottumoobase (there is even a special factoid just for offtopic chat - now please show some maturity or leave): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:32
lotuspsychje!sound | chrisss12345614:33
ubottuchrisss123456: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.14:33
chrisss123456ntz: it seems like there is already a power management setting that just needs to be turned off...14:33
ricardhardware channel tells me can not send channel14:33
vfwricard: Probably need registered nic14:33
TJ-chrisss123456: I can't locate that file in 14.04, are you sure it wasn't manually created? "apt-file search  audio_powersave.conf" -> ""14:33
somsip!register | ricard14:33
ubotturicard: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode14:34
MonkeyDustricard  register first14:34
ntzchrisss123456: if you're looking for something specific (it may be already elswhere), just use god old grep ... eg grep -rI foo /etc/modprobe*14:34
tewardricard: you should be in #freenode asking that question, not here, but you need to register your nick, yes.14:34
vfw*nick* (correced spelling)14:34
chrisss123456ntz: i've scoured the depths of modprobe.d and there is nothing like it... but i'll give it a go14:34
moobasericard: discussion ##hardware is not on-topic. This is an ubuntu support channel. Please take that elsewhere.14:35
pbxmoobase, your assumption is incorrect, ducks and cats are discussed in #ubuntu-offtopic14:36
chrisss123456ntz: nothing :( nothing that mentions power to the soundcard14:37
ntzso create it ...14:37
ntzcheck other files if you don't know (or unure) how the format should looks like14:38
moobasechrisss123456: have you tried unmuting the card?14:38
chrisss123456moobase: what exactly do you mean?14:38
chrisss123456ntz: i'll try the solution that worked for 14.04 i guess, but that was only changing one line in the file that i said should exist14:39
moobasechrisss123456: nvm, I misread your problem14:39
ntzit **could exist .... not should ... if it doesn't, create it14:39
eowilsonWhat do I install to get the "deb" command, so I can follow the official percona install instructions14:40
chrisss123456ntz: ok fair enough. but aren't there many more lines which would be relevant? i can hardly imagine that making a .conf file with just options snd_hda_intel power_save=100000000 such that it idle;s after a very long time14:41
MonkeyDusteowilson  sudo dpkg -i   to install a deb14:41
chrisss123456- would work14:41
ricardthe channel hardware see my cannot send to channel14:41
MonkeyDustricard  type /j #freenode, ask there about 'cannot send'14:42
vfweowilson: But first, you should see if is in Ubuntu's repositories.14:42
ntzchrisss123456: it works like that ;)14:42
kris_from India14:42
ntzno rocket science in it ..... create your file even with single line and put your options there14:43
chrisss123456ntz: well :P haha thank you so much!14:43
vfweowilson: I did a google search and discovered https://www.percona.com/doc/percona-server/5.5/installation/apt_repo.html14:43
ntzchrisss123456:  `modinfo modulename' will also give you more hints about supported options14:44
eowilsonI discovered the same thing. Then I found that I don't have a 'deb' command. Then MonkeyDust said I could use sudo dpkg -i, then you discovered the page.14:44
chrisss123456ntz: it doesn't work... :(14:44
ntza lot of modules have manual page14:44
ntzwhat doesn't work ?14:44
MonkeyDusteowilson  next time, start from the beginning, what brings you here14:45
eowilsonOh did I do something wrong?14:45
chrisss123456ntz: after a few seconds idle, the sound card shuts off14:45
kris_am planning to try open SUSE folks14:45
ntzyou need to reload that module14:45
eowilsonSo this question is way too confusing and wrong is what you're saying: <eowilson> What do I install to get the "deb" command, so I can follow the official percona install instructions14:45
ntzor write it to the /sys14:45
chrisss123456ntz: ah that's silly of me. how do i do that?14:45
cfhowlettkris_, go to #opensuse for support.  offtopic here.14:46
eowilsonApologies then14:46
chrisss123456restart the computer?14:46
kris_sure...my bad14:46
kris_the system update window which appears every now and then14:46
ntzchrisss123456: cat /sys/module/snd_hda_intel/parameters/power_save14:46
ntztells you what ?14:46
kris_do i need to install all the updates every time?14:46
kris_at some point, my system hanged every 5 min14:47
vfweowilson:  It is not stating a command, but a line to add to sources.list  (But this is not official Ubuntu so beware).14:47
chrisss123456ntz: 114:47
chrisss123456and if i plug in the laptop, 0, which one would expect (the problem doesnt happen when its plugged in )14:47
chrisss123456so i want to make it always 014:47
chrisss123456regardless of whether the laptop is plugged in or not14:48
billydaz hi what is the possibility of upgrading my Nagios on oneiric server to 14.04 without breaking anything14:48
TJ-chrisss123456: see for more info: "modinfo snd_hda_intel | grep power_save"14:48
cfhowlett billydaz there's a chance but you doing and eolupgrade so you are already late to the party.  plan for breakage, backup and go ahead.14:48
lotuspsychje!eolupgrade | billybob243514:48
ubottubillybob2435: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades14:48
chrisss123456TJ-: this is very promising: it gives me two lines,: power_save:Automatic power-saving timeout (in second, 0 = disable). (xint)14:49
chrisss123456parm:           power_save_controller:Reset controller in power save mode. (bool)14:49
billydazI dont mind the breakage14:49
billydazit is onl the nagios monitoring the server is used for14:50
billydazhow do I back up14:51
mcphailbillydaz: probablt quicker and simpler to do a full reinstall14:51
TJ-chrisss123456: Yes, those are the parameters related to power saving which you can put into a file in "/etc/modprobe.d/audio_powersave.conf" - something like "options snd_hda_intel power_save=0"14:51
lotuspsychjebillydaz: yeah fresh installs are reccomended14:51
lotuspsychje!backup | billydaz14:51
ubottubillydaz: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning14:51
billydazThanks guys14:52
chrisss123456TJ-: this makes sense. thanks so much! would i need to reboot to make it work?14:52
vfwchrisss123456: Reboot or restart the api deamon14:53
billydazI have this error though No apport report written because max report is reached already14:54
chrisss123456vfw: silly question: how do i restart the api daemon?14:54
vfwchrisss123456: sudo service acpid restart14:54
chrisss123456vfw: TJ-: ntz: awesome. thank so much for your help! :)14:55
elfeckhello, can someone help me with ntop?14:55
moobasedo ubuntu and debian share repository?14:55
mcphailmoobase: no14:55
lotuspsychjeelfeck: ask your specific question to the channel mate14:56
elfeckmy problem is that everyone right now can view ntop with http://mydomain.com:3000 Can I somehow make this private?14:56
moobasemcphail: but isn't ubuntu a derivative of debian?14:57
mcphailmoobase: partly. Doesn't mean they share repos14:57
cfhowlett moobase yes.  with different repos.14:57
ntzelfeck: does "everyone" include root in your terminology ?14:57
ntzroot will always see that14:58
mcphailmoobase: using a debian repo on Ubuntu is a _very_ _bad_ _idea_ (tm)14:58
vfwmoobase: Ubutnu and Debian are close relatives but they are not twins, (not the same).14:58
elfeckno I mean it's publicly viewable on the internet14:58
elfeckis that working-as-intended that way?14:58
moobasevfw: how are they related?14:59
ntzelfeck: wait, try to explain what you mean ... you're confusing ..14:59
moobasevfw: how does a debian update change ubuntu for example?14:59
moobasethe debian upstream*15:00
mcphailmoobase: this is offtopic here. Please move it away from the support channel15:00
elfeckokay so I have the ntop daemon running for eth0 to log traffic15:00
vfwmoobase: Many ways, (as are all Linux distros, some more than others).15:00
elfeckand it's supposed to be viewable through a web-interface15:00
tgm4883elfeck: you could block traffic to port 3000 from non-local subnets15:00
cfhowlettmoobase, http://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0LEVv6CF4xV1jEANgknnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTEzNDgyZmhhBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDRkZHRUMwXzEEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1435273219/RO=10/RU=http%3a%2f%2fwww.ubuntu.com%2fabout%2fabout-ubuntu%2fubuntu-and-debian/RK=0/RS=4hqCOMie9tua.MZL9oZVbAk4JKU-15:00
tgm4883elfeck: but if that's just viewable by default anyway, it sounds like you're doing something very wrong15:00
yaccSo what's the idea to report X (Intel driver) crashes? Well, technically the crash with kernel oops just happens when one ssh and plays with chvt after X freezes.15:01
elfeckmy thought tgm488315:01
elfeckbut I don't know why15:01
elfeckI mean if I want to use the webinterface I will need to be able to view from the outside as I have no physical access to my server15:01
elfeckbut I though they would user/login protect it15:02
* yacc is getting tired of these fucking X11 freezes, and considers whining in a corner.15:04
tonyyarussoelfeck: Is your ntop page being served by Apache or something, or is it direct from ntop?15:04
n-iCequestion what does the swap takes of your RAM?15:04
n-iCeOr how can it affect my system?15:04
IdleOneyacc: Please mind the language15:04
max3this might not be the right place to ask this but is there a way to open up an ssl connection to a server, that requires credentials, but send the login/pw encrypted using that server's public key?15:04
elfeckdirectly from ntop15:05
yaccIdleOne: it's just getting tiresome.15:05
ntzelfeck: check what hidepid=X does15:05
ntzI think it covers your issue15:05
IdleOneyacc: I get that, please don't curse.15:05
elfeckcan you elaborate ntz?15:05
elfeckas argument?15:05
ntzelfeck: read please your $kernel_src_path/Documentation/filesystems/proc.txt15:06
yaccmax3: that's offtopic but that's basically how https with basic auth works. Well technically the credentials are protected by the symmetric cipher that was negiotated at the initial SSL handshake.15:06
ntzelfeck: try adding hidepid=2 to your /proc mount opts and remount a /proc with that15:07
max3yacc, i understand that after the handshake the credentials are sent encrypted the problem is that in my program they're plaintext. what i'm imagining is caching the credentials already encrypted15:07
chrisss123456vfw: TJ-: ntz: uh oh :( big problem15:07
chrisss123456now i dont have any more sound15:07
yaccIdleOne: Well don't see the exact relevance to solving my tiny bit problem :(15:07
yaccmax3: they are not sent plain text.15:07
chrisss123456and it seems that /sys/module/snd_hda_intel/power_save is gone15:08
ntzelfeck: ofc, if you're not root, you won't hide anything ....15:08
elfeckI am root15:08
yaccmax3: if you want to prevent the server seeing the password, you can always you digest authentication at the http layer.15:08
vfw!sound | chrisss12345615:08
ubottuchrisss123456: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.15:08
chrisss123456all of snd_hda_intel15:08
elfeckbut how does this interact with ntop15:08
TJ-chrisss123456: check the kernel log for clues: "/var/log/dmesg" for boot-time logs and "/var/log/kern.log" for all kernel logging15:08
tonyyarussoelfeck: So what you can do is configure either the daemon or your firewall to make that accessible only from localhost, and then make an Apache/Nginx virtualhost proxying to it with authentication overlaid.15:08
elfeckI mean how will I access the webinterface if it's idden15:08
max3yacc, do you mean server side? or client side?15:09
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elfecktonyyarusso: ah15:09
elfeckhow can I configure the daemon for only localhost15:09
barqHow can I change the default colors of my gtk?15:09
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elfeckthere is no config in /etc/ntop15:09
yaccmax3: basically SSL creates a "secure" (for whatever you configure it) TCP like tunnel.15:09
barqWhich theme do I need to change?15:09
BluesKajchrisss123456, run sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel , that should load the driver , there will be no output unless it errors, you'll need to reboot'15:10
yaccmax3: now there is another http authentication beside basic-auth that has the nice property that the password is not sent over the underlying connection.15:10
chrisss123456BluesKaj: its an invalid argument :/15:11
TJ-chrisss123456: so you've mistyped in the file you added15:11
chrisss123456TJ-: I've found the culprit, i think: [   16.952055] snd_hda_intel: `false' invalid for parameter `power_save_controller'15:11
chrisss123456but i don;t understand since the option controller for that was a bool15:11
TJ-chrisss123456: that setting is a bool, which means 0 for false, 1 for true ... not the literal texts15:12
chrisss123456TJ-: oh thats just embarrassing.. haha15:12
TJ-chrisss123456: :p15:12
tonyyarussoelfeck: Not sure - check with the software's support channel for that part.15:12
BluesKajchrisss123456, sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel is an invalid argument ?15:12
elfeckokay thanks tonyyarusso15:13
chrisss123456BluesKaj: sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel    modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'snd_hda_intel': Invalid argument15:14
regedithow can i make my volume control key execute something like pactl -- set-sink-volume 0 150%15:14
chrisss123456BluesKaj: I also tried with underscores, no dice15:14
TJ-chrisss123456: Remember the Linux kernel is written in C, and doesn't use the C99 'bool' type from stdbool.h, it defines the value itself so it can map onto int easily15:14
ntzchrisss123456: there are underscores15:14
chrisss123456TJ-: thanks for the tip, i'll try rebooting15:14
TJ-chrisss123456: once the setting is changed you can simply load the module with modprobe again15:14
chrisss123456ntz: got the same error with underscores, but i think TJ- is right15:14
TJ-chrisss123456: you rarely need to reboot for such things15:14
chrisss123456TJ-: great! it works and it fixed the idling issue! thanks so much for helping me out guys!15:15
klephow can I verify my /etc/network/interfaces syntax is correct without doing an ifup --no-act or a service networking restart? is there a lint test that can be performed against the file?15:15
yaccShouldn't apport give me an option to file a bug with launchpad?15:16
BluesKajchrisss123456, underscores  or dashes it makes no difference , the command should work if you have the driver available15:16
TJ-klep: see "man ifquery", it might do the lint test as a by-product15:16
chrisss123456BluesKaj: I think maybe it didnt work because of my option problem? not sure. but it works now :)15:17
BluesKajchrisss123456, great15:17
vfwklep: The commands in that file are pretty clear.  If you need some examples, see:  http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/15:17
ntzelfeck: consider using hidepid=2 for your proc .... it effectively stops sharing an /proc info between users, so users don't know/see a connections, processes and other info among them15:18
vfwklep: The best way to test a network configuration is to use it and see if it works.15:18
omxhello,where's Ubuntu mate irc?15:18
klepthanks vfw15:19
cfhowlett!mate | omx15:19
tonyyarussoomx: #ubuntu-mate, apparently.15:19
vfwomx: I don't know if any mate-specific irc clients.  I just use irssi15:20
MonkeyDustomx  I use ubuntu mate in vbox, what's your question15:21
yaccIt's frustrating find 5 years old bugs similar to mine in effect but with completely different hardware.15:23
vfwyacc: Can you be more specific? (What exactly is your problem / question?)15:24
yaccvfw: my laptop freezes (say every 24-48h) with the mouse pointer being the only thing responsive. sshing into it, issuing a chvt 1 (long wait, kernel oops) and chvt 7 (again long wait), sometimes fixes it.15:25
yaccvfw: sometimes it does not, then the next escalation step is of killing X (that can take quite long). If you do a kill -9 on the D-state X server, you end up in the X11 could not start helper menu (that offers to show you the X.org log, go back to text console and so on).15:27
yaccAt that stage a new X11 server refuses to start, complaining that it could not access kernel DRM because of a permission issue.15:28
yaccThat's when I need to reboot the laptop, usually, more than once, because on the first reboot it does even have issues to get plymouth initialed, it asks for my LUKS phrase in text mode.15:29
yaccvfw: btw, the the kernel oops that I can trigger talks about drm page flips or so, usually.15:29
yaccvfw: Recommendations? The ugly thing is that the initial failure (everything but the mouse pointer is frozen) shows no error messages, not in the kernel, not in the X.org log.15:30
vfwyacc: 14.04?15:31
yaccvfw: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14633#c17 comment 17 basically describes my issue, it's just from 2009.15:32
ubottuFreedesktop bug 14633 in Driver/nVidia (proprietary) "X freezes with Composite and Mouse Wheel, mouse moves, no keyboard." [Major,New]15:32
yaccvfw: 14.04.15:33
yaccvfw: but I wouldn't swear it's the same, my laptop manages to hang even if nobody is at the keyboard/mouse.15:34
vfwyacc: What video driver module are you using?15:35
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yaccintel, the stock 14.04 showed it, it might be that I have the x driver ppa currently enabled, anyway: xserver-xorg-video-intel-lts-utopic == 2:2.99.914-1~exp1ubuntu4.2~trusty115:36
yacclibdrm-intel1:amd64 == 2.4.61+git1505281830.97be70~gd~t <= that sounds like the PPA, but as said, I'd be happy to revert to the stock 14.04 setup but sadly it showed the same issues.15:37
yaccvfw: i7-4712MQ with the embedded intel gpu, I've also got a nvidia GPU that is AFAIK unused in the laptop.15:38
yaccvfw: I cannot even install the newest Intel supported drivers, because Intel does not support 14.04 anymore, ...15:41
vfwyacc: lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use'15:41
yaccKernel driver in use: i91515:42
vfwyacc: I'm wondering if your issue could possibly be hardware related?  overheating or ram or ...?15:43
vfwyacc: You could try a live CD or USB and see if it happens there.15:43
yaccvfw: completely new laptop, and it happens with the i7 cpu temp sensors reporting 50° on all cores too.15:43
yaccvfw: slightly hard as the issue usually happens after at least 24h usage.15:44
vfwyacc: Is your 14.04 install completely updated?  If not, try:15:44
yaccvfw: temps as reported i7z15:44
vfwsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade15:44
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zhengfuchanghow are you every15:46
yaccvfw: the only graphics related stuff that upgrade would upgrade comes from that "Updated and Optimized Open Graphics Drivers" PPA.15:46
vfwyacc: I should also note that "completely new" hardware can also be defective.  (I have personal experience.  For instance, I've bought new RAM that was defective.) Have you done a RAM test?15:47
vfwyacc: And I suppose that Graphics Driver is not in use?15:47
yaccvfw: yes I've done half a day of memtest86 before installing Ubuntu. I don't trust it either.15:47
vfwuname -a15:48
yaccvfw: well that graphic driver PPA did not help the issue any.15:48
vfwyacc: I personally am not a big fan of ppa's15:48
vfwyacc: What kernel are you on?15:49
yaccvfw: and no, the hardware seems to be quite stable under load (work related), but according to i7z I was able to keep 2.8GHz under load for hours.15:49
yacc3.16.0-41-generic #57~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP15:49
vfwyacc: 32 bit?15:50
yaccvfw: that (basically the CPU has been chucking at a healthy turbo level frequency for hours) suggests to me that the cooling is very adequate.15:50
yaccLinux asterix 3.16.0-41-generic #57~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 18 18:01:13 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux15:50
vfwyacc: uname -a15:50
mmchow can i install graphic driver on guest ?15:51
vfwyacc: You might revert to an earlier kernel.15:51
vfwmmc: su15:51
yaccvfw: I'm open to all suggestions ;)15:52
mmcvfw : what is su ?15:52
najmimmc: superuser15:52
najmitry sudo su -15:52
najmior su -15:52
vfwmmc: su - other-user15:52
yaccvfw: I've even considered going to 15.04 so I could install the intel linux drivers, ...15:52
yaccsudo -u OTHERUSER command|-i15:53
najmianyone compiling Android ROM here?15:53
najmii'm on scaleway's ubuntu. but it's on ARM!15:53
najmiso it didn;t worked ;)15:53
najmias usually it needs x64 systems to run (intel alike arch)15:53
mmcvfw : i can not understand you mean15:54
vfwmmc: su - other-user would mean that you can use the su command to switch to a user that has admin privilidges.15:54
yaccmmc: but as ubuntu comes without a root password, you cannot just run su, you need sudo su ...15:55
yaccmmc: disregard my last comment. Yes you need to use su to change to a different user first if you have no sudo rights.15:56
vfwyacc: Thanks for the correction.15:56
mmcvtw : i installed ubuntu on a kvm  ,, can i install graphic dirver on ubuntu installed on kvm ?15:56
tonyyarussoyacc: You mean sudo -i, not sudo su.  Or sudo -u someuser -i for non-root users.15:56
vfwmmc: As tonyyarusso suggests, sudo -i might work  for youl.15:57
yacctonyyarusso: If you'd follow my messages you'd see that I mentioned sudo -u OTHERUSER command|-i but that assumes that your current uid does have sudo rights.15:57
yacctonyyarusso: if you don't you need to run su first to get to an user that does have sudo rights.15:57
mmcvfw : i know all comman linux but my problem is on ubuntu installed on kvm15:57
yaccvfw: so what kernel would you recommend?15:58
mmcubuntu installed on kvm is very slow15:58
vfwmmc: Don't know for sure, unless you can su to another user that has admin privileges.15:58
mmcvfw : do you understand i mean ?15:58
vfwmmc: Not fully...15:59
yaccvfw: 32 bit on an i7 quad with 16GB RAM?15:59
mmcvtw : i installed ubuntu 14.04 on kvm (virtual machine) but it is very slow15:59
vfwmmc: Yes, I understand that it is a virtual machine.  But do not understand why it is very slow, or why you are unable to acquire admin privileges.16:00
emiliodifferhello everybody!16:00
yaccvfw: especially as I'm developing software where single processes can use 8+GB of memory. So no, a 32bit kernel would not solve my issues ;)16:01
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mmcvtw : my cpu is AMD A8   is it good or bad ?16:01
vfwyacc: Sorry, I was not suggesting, I was asking.  (Was asking if it were 32 bit or 64)16:01
yaccvfw: 64bit16:02
vfwyacc: gotcha16:02
mohammadhdgoodday all16:02
yaccLinux asterix 3.16.0-41-generic #57~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 18 18:01:13 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux16:02
mmcmy cpu is AMD A8 2.0GH  is it good for virtualization ?16:04
Pifaanyone good with dovecot set up ?16:05
yaccvfw: so what's your suggestion?16:06
vfwyacc: See my pm16:07
vfwyacc: Did you try another kernel?16:07
pagios_hi all16:08
pagios_anyone using nodm ?16:08
yaccvfw: only the kernels that Ubuntu has supplied me the last month or two.16:08
yaccvfw: as this is not a bug that is 100% reproducible, sometimes it does not show it's ugly head for days, I'm not exactly sure if there has ever been a version that did not have the issue.16:09
pagios_anyone using nodm ?16:13
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MonkeyDust!ask | pagios_16:20
ubottupagios_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:20
pagios_i am trying to make my system run i3 directly on boot time16:24
pagios_installed nodm and  configured it it doesn t work still16:24
pagios_i can run on console starts and it picks it up just fine, need to automate this process16:24
EriC^^pagios_: can't lightdm run it?16:24
pagios_EriC^^: i tried slim not lightdm16:25
ioriapagios_ cat  /etc/X11/default-display-manager16:25
pagios_i did fix that16:25
EriC^^are you sure it's in /usr/bin and not /usr/sbin?16:26
errorlevelI'm seeking a bit of advice on a remote desktop solution.  Right now I'm using VNC to my machine running Ubuntu.  It is connected to vino running in a Gnome session.  I like that the session sticks around if VNC gets disconnected.  I don't like that VNC is slow, there's no sound, and I need a monitor connected when gnome starts.  Anybody have any recommendations for a remote desktop solution which fits these wants?16:26
pagios_apt-get remove nodm; apt-get install lightdm ; lets see16:27
adenull hi16:27
pagios_EriC^^: ioria ok lightdm booted but into a login screen16:27
pagios_i need it to run i3 directly16:27
adenull 5hi16:27
compdocerrorlevel, not many work with the 3d Unity desktop16:27
EriC^^pagios_: set /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf user-session=i316:28
jseutterDoes anyone know how to get logging output from systemd?  I set verb=9 in my openvpn config, and see it when I run it manually, but I can’t find the output when I run ‘systemctl start openvpn’..16:28
pagios_EriC^^: can i set it to run as a specific user?16:28
pagios_coz it is running as another user16:28
EriC^^and autologin-user=<your user>16:28
N_ickhi guyz ;)16:28
EriC^^it will login automatically16:29
pagios_EriC^^: login automatically to which user?16:29
EriC^^the user you set it to16:29
N_icki'm using cat /dev/ttyS0 to read a continuous data flow from my serial port via ssh, i'd like to add a 3 seconds delay to stdout display16:29
N_ickis that possible? :)16:29
MonkeyDustN_ick  maybe with the 'sleep' command16:30
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EriC^^N_ick: while sleep 3; do cat /dev/ttyS0; done16:30
pagios_EriC^^: my question us where do you set the user16:31
EriC^^pagios_: in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf16:31
N_ickyup, already tried that. sleep just waits 3 seconds and then start the command. what i need would be something like a pipe that stores the datas in memory for 3 seconds and then sends them to stdout16:31
pagios_EriC^^: i create that file as new file?16:31
pagios_and username=myUser?16:31
N_icksomething like cat /dev/ttyS0 | delay 3s16:32
MonkeyDustN_ick  maybe with cat... | xargs sleep 316:33
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N_ickhey, thank's ! i'll try this out16:34
EriC^^N_ick: maybe use watch?16:34
EriC^^watch -n3 cat ....16:34
pagios_EriC^^: for instance i rebooted now, the lightdm didsnt start16:35
pagios_it started previously16:35
pagios_so sometimes it picks up sometimes it doesnt even whe i dont change ocnif16:35
errorlevelcompdoc: I'm running Gnome Classic, so I'm quite okay with that.16:35
EriC^^pagios_: you probably have something wrong with the config16:36
compdocerrorlevel, ahh! Then go with x2go16:36
pagios_EriC^^: where16:36
EriC^^you just set, cause it tried to autologin and failed16:36
whatevereverforehello. i am running ubuntu with lxde and i am having issues with my panel (the thing on the bottom of the screen that has the 'start' button etc.). i am some way trying to restart my lxde or someway just remove some config fine that controls it so that the panel will be restarted (and reseted)16:37
whatevereverforeany ideas?16:37
EriC^^pagios_: this is my lightdm.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/11774192/16:37
whatevereverforeconfig file*16:37
newkehi. ive installed mopidy and if i want to start it i have to first sudo service mopidy stop. how to disable it from starting?16:37
errorlevelcompdoc: I'll give it a try.  I have a VM I can test this stuff on, take snapshots of in case anything goes wrong, and get my configuration right before doing it on my desktop I'd like to keep running correctly. :)16:37
EriC^^pagios_: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 81 May 20 15:15 /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf16:37
jak2015hi friends, how to check WHY my server crash? in wich log file i see?16:38
compdocerrorlevel, it requires a client on the othe end. I use it with Windows 7, and everything from the remote guest just works: clipboard, sounds, and its fast16:38
jak2015and give me a sample of messages16:38
jak2015to search16:38
pbxjak2015, define crash with as much specific info as possible16:39
MonkeyDustjak2015  better ask in #ubuntu-server16:39
pagios_cat /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf16:39
pagios_[SeatDefaults] autologin-user=root user-session=i316:39
jak2015MonkeyDust thankssssssssss16:40
Groovy_doDoes anyone know how to run the printer dialog from the commandline?16:40
roryGroovy_do: system-config-printer16:41
Groovy_doThank you.16:41
nopeaI was trying to set the permissions for my WordPress directly using find /path/to/your/wordpress/install/ -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; but I left the path empty assuming that it would work on the current dir. only16:41
auronandacepagios_: you should never login as root on a desktop system16:42
nopeaBut it seemed to chmod files on my entire system - would this be a problem?16:42
rory"find" by itsself will only do the current directory16:42
roryyou might have put find /16:42
roryand run it as root. in which case you're basically hosed.16:43
feodorannot sure if this is the right place to ask, but: is it possible to install texlive on exfat (as a portable installation)? I get a "Cannot create symlink to ..." error16:43
nopearory: thanks.  I ran as sudo16:43
rorywell ls -l some file16:43
roryls -l /etc/hosts16:43
rorywhat is the permission?16:43
nopeathey are the same as the permission I set (644)16:43
rory...bad example16:43
rorythat file is 644 anyway16:43
nopeaI see that most files on the system are 644 - not sure if that is how they were set before I ran the command16:44
EriC^^nopea: not really, /etc/shadow is 64016:45
nopearory: /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini is 64416:45
EriC^^also most files have 5 as the last bit16:46
EriC^^in /usr etc.16:46
nopeaEriC^^: here /etc/shadow is 64016:47
JC_SoCalDoes anyone know a good way to run a script and have ubuntu ensure the script constantly runs, and in the event it fails, to restart it?16:48
Pifadid you try setting up a cron job ?16:49
nopeaso 'find' without a path would only work on the current directory?16:50
EriC^^nopea: yeah16:50
roryJC_SoCal: while true; do some_command; done16:51
Pifanopea: yes sir16:51
Pifaanyone good with smtp authenitcation and postfix ?16:51
nopeaEriC^^: thanks guys -then I should be ok.  I ran find -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; and was scared that I was setting the permissions for the entire system16:51
JC_SoCalthx rory16:52
rorynopea: in future, run the find without the exec, and it will show you the files it's going to run on16:52
EriC^^nopea: you can do find -type f -exec echo chmod 644 '{}' \; to see what files and the command it's going to run, it's good practice16:53
nopearory: thanks for the tip.  Would it be better to use chmod -R instead of find?16:53
Kartagisthat would affect also the directories16:55
Kartagisnopea: ^16:56
nopeaKartagis: thanks - makes sense :)16:56
finetundrawhat's the arch linux irc channel?16:56
Kartagisfinetundra: /msg alis list #arch*16:56
nopeaphew... 'find -type f' only shows me a list of files in my wordpress dir. (which is the only files I wanted to chmod).16:58
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freezeveeI am trying to start stop services but nothing appears in the new line. service X status also gives me a "no instances running" message17:01
freezeveeany ideas ?17:01
vfwfreezevee: If it says it is not running, must be that it is not running.17:06
vfwfreezevee: What exactly are you trying to do?  What command do you give?  What does the system say back to you?17:07
freezeveevfw: I am running a ruby daemon script17:07
freezeveeand by running service.rb start I get nothing17:08
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OerHeksin Ubuntu 15.04/SystemD it would be:  systemctl status service.rb17:09
veebullseem to be having an issue in the terminal window where my mouse scrolls the shell history, not the screen output.  I don't think it was this way before, but I'm not having any luck finding how to put it back.17:16
freezeveevfw: actually runs with sudo but not with my user17:17
freezeveevfw: and the permissions are 777, chowned by myself:myself17:18
freezeveewtf ?17:18
alqassamhey guys17:26
DJonesalqassam: Please stop17:27
DJonesaliensbrah: This is Ubuntu support, if you have a support question, please ask it, the channel isn't for general chat or keyboard testing17:28
h00kDJones: late to the punch :(17:28
DJonesHeh, I was faster than everybody else, nobody else commented17:29
azizLIGHTat least he quit17:29
aliensbrahalqassam, heaven17:32
alqassamgood to know someone is alive17:32
DJonesalqassam: Please stop17:33
DJonesaliensbrah: This is Ubuntu support, if you have a support question, please ask it, the channel isn't for general chat or keyboard testing17:33
alqassamhow do i create my own channel17:34
aliensbrahlol DJones why do you keep saying that to me, I've only said one thing17:35
DJonesaliensbrah: tab failure17:36
alqassamnet call net call this is trojan6 key check over/17:37
nopeais it safe to assume that all new dir. created will inherit the parent dir's permissions?17:38
SourceSlayerI seemingly randomly got this error when I logged in: "Could not apply the stored configuration for monitors" "Error on line 1 char 1: Document must begin with an element (e.g. <book>)"17:42
SourceSlayerIt seemed random as I didn't change any monitor settings or plug in another monitor17:42
SourceSlayerWhy does this happen?17:42
SourceSlayerAlso, I'm not sure if it's related but my volume buttons on the keyboard have stopped working.17:43
EricBBif I have a 4mbs download speed why would my system monitor show me staying right around 500kbs even having multiple downloads simultaneously?17:48
OerHeksbit <> byte, 4096/8 = 51217:50
teward^ that17:50
Pici5 megabits per second == 400 kilobytes per second17:51
aeon-ltdthey should really start standardizing that for users17:51
jdqx[]indeed, they should17:51
aeon-ltdbut marketing eh?17:51
tewardPici: i thought 4 MBps is about 500KBps?17:51
Piciteward: er. yes/17:52
Piciteward: I transposed them17:52
tewardPici: happens to us all17:52
tewardEricBB: 4 Megabits per second (mbps) is about 500 Kilobytes per second (KB/s)17:52
tewardEricBB: which is why your speeds show around 500KB/s.17:52
OerHeksThere is always overhead, so 499 kb/s isn't bad17:53
EricBBteward ah thanks, I didn't realize it wasn't megabytes per second17:54
tewardEricBB: capitalization is important17:54
tewardEricBB: Bytes are usually with a capital B17:54
tewardEricBB: bits are usually with a lowercase17:54
EricBBteward oh i gotcha17:54
tewardEricBB: such that Mbps is MegaBits per second, versus MBps is MegaBytes per second.17:54
teward(or mbps vs. mBps)17:54
tewardbut yeah, mbps != MBps.17:55
EricBBteward thanks for the info17:56
EricBBhave a good day guys17:56
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gawdAhoy !!18:01
mekhamiwhat's the name of that replacement for systemd that's just better than systemd18:04
mekhamii can never remember what it's called18:04
DJones!upstart | mekhami18:05
ubottumekhami: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/18:05
OerHeksmekhami, wayland better than systemd?18:05
n-iCeGuys, if my Ubuntu system does not reach my 4GB's RAM is it worth it to buy 8GB ram? or not18:14
n-iCeI mean, will I see any difference or what would be only in case my system goes up to 4GB?18:14
k0d3g3ardoes anyone here have experience with grub boot on a 2xssd raid 0 array (hardware raid)?18:15
k0d3g3arwhat is the optimum partitioning setup for a 2 x 1TB SSD based RAID 0 volume on a 32GB RAM system?18:16
n-iCek0d3g3ar: ROOT 15GB home all, no swap18:18
n-iCefor me18:18
k0d3g3arThe RAID volume is 1TB and its working fine.  I have it partitioned with 2mb free space, then 1 partition for the rest.  Can install Linux Mint to it, but it won't boot GRUB.  Where should I look for a solution?18:18
k0d3g3arn-iCe: yes, I have no swap in mind as well18:18
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stayonthehustleHow do I make sure I have the latest Intel drivers installed and in use? (Using 15.04) I've tried installing 01.org's latest intel graphics installer but it won't run on 15.04 and I've also tried xorg edgers ppa and that doesn't seem to work either...18:20
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cl1m4xsomeone alive here?18:52
cl1m4xsomeone know a lot about the metasploit scans?18:53
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Picicl1m4x: The people in #metasploit probably do18:53
cl1m4xcool I'm new in xchat thanks for the advise pici18:54
TrfsrfrWhere is a good place to go for graphic display issues? Everything is too big, webpages and games mainly???19:00
MonkeyDustTrfsrfr  ask your question here and wait19:03
Trfsrfr Where is a good place to go for graphic display issues? Everything is too big, webpages and games mainly???19:03
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jKaideNHi guys, I need help with fail2ban.19:07
jKaideNWhen I "/etc/init.d/fail2ban restart" i get this msg:19:07
jKaideN * Restarting authentication failure monitor fail2ban    [ OK ]19:07
jKaideNIs this normal message?19:08
freezeveeanyone please http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31055688/how-can-i-run-a-ruby-script-as-a-service-including-sinatra-in-ubuntu ?19:08
h00kjKaideN: yes19:10
h00kjKaideN: it monitors for authentication failures ;)19:10
h00kjKaideN: the important piece of that line is [OK]19:10
jKaideNi see thanks19:10
h00kjKaideN: "Restarting the 'authentication failure monitor called fail2ban'" : success19:11
jKaideNh00k, and we modify the conf instead of local right?19:11
dtigueAnyone know why VPN settings don't work right? If I try to enter the IP settings when setting up a new VPN then I get a connection failed error, but if I use automatic settings for IPv4, the VPN will connect but I can't access remote machines until I run 'sudo ip route add via' it will then work and allow me to remote in to machines on the VPN network.19:11
h00kjKaideN: I haven't modified mine, but: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fail2ban19:12
h00kjKaideN: if you want something other than the default. It is set to work out of the box19:12
soulissonHello, i'd like to know if there is a way to list the keys currently loaded in the ssh-agent?19:22
soulissonI tried ssh-add -L but it only displays my current key and my current key is  not loaded in the agent19:22
Trfsrfr Where is a good place to go for info on graphic display issues? Everything is too big, webpages and games mainly???19:22
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guest8574Man, I wish I had a button on my laptop whose sole purpose was to instantly terminate Firefox!19:34
freezeveeanyone please http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31055688/how-can-i-run-a-ruby-script-as-a-service-including-sinatra-in-ubuntu ?19:35
guest8574Unfortunately, Firefux freezes the computer into a deadlock and I have to wait 5 minutes to switch into a console and run killall -9 firefox.19:36
SchrodingersScatprobably /can/ make a keyboard shortcut for that19:36
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kudosI have an encrypted os disk on ubuntu server and on boot i get the keyphrase prompt but the keyboard doesn't seem to work19:37
* maxxxxx sighs19:37
kudosi've found some bug reports that look similar, but nothing that matches19:37
TJ-kudos: Is the keyboard on USB?19:37
maxxxxxWhy does Apple hate us?19:37
kudosTJ: usb, yes19:37
kudosit works for grub, and works for ubuntu rescue disk19:38
NwSHeya guys, any ideas how I can see through command line what is using the RAM? It doubled since yesterday :/19:38
guest8574Has anyone gotten USB passthrough to work with Qemu on Ubuntu 14.04?19:38
TJ-kudos: I'd guess that a required USB driver for HID (Human Interface Device) is not in the initial RAM disk image.19:38
guest8574After upgrading, guest OSes no longer see attached USB devices.19:38
TJ-kudos: In GRUB the motherboard firmware's "Legacy USB" driver is active but once GRUB has loaded the kernel, the kernel needs its own driver loaded19:39
kudosWeird, it worked at some point though19:39
guest8574NwS: Yes. free19:40
NwSguest8574, free says that it buffers 6GB but where to? :/ hmm19:41
guest8574Arrgh! I feel like ranting my heart out on how crappy Ubuntu 14.04 is, but I'll restrain myself.19:41
maxxxxxDoes anybody know why I can't use startup disk creator to make a windows boot thumb drive?19:41
kudosthanks anyway TJ-, i'll investigate that19:41
TJ-kudos: Easiest solution is to boot the system completely using a PS/2 keyboard and use "lsmod | grep usb" to identify the driver (probably usbhid), then add that driver to "/etc/initramfs-tools/modules" and then do "sudo update-initramfs -u -k all"19:41
ub015maxxxxx: It is for ubuntu iso's, many usb loaders out there do.19:42
TJ-guest8574: Are you using libvirt to manage qemu?19:42
maxxxxxAh okay. Didn't realize it was ONLY for Ubuntu.... ub015 do you have a reco on a program I could use for it?19:42
kudosTJ-: well i've the os mounted in rescue and can install it without a PS/2 keyboard19:43
guest8574TJ-: No, I'm just running it from the command line.19:43
ub015maxxxxx: what windows release?19:43
TJ-kudos: OK ... as long as you choose the correct USB keyboard driver... dmesg might help you confirm the driver required19:43
kudosso where do i find that driver?19:44
TJ-guest8574: does the user running qemu have permissions to read/write the USB device?19:44
guest8574TJ-: I'm running it as root.19:45
TJ-kudos: You only need to know its name from 'lsmod', dmesg, or whatever.19:45
kudosoooh, modules is a file19:45
kudosI assumed it was a dir19:45
guest8574I get no errors, and it looks like it's detached from the host, but the guest OS (Windows XP) can't see it.19:45
TJ-guest8574: So what is the command-line you're using and what error does qemu report, if any. Can you pastebin them if there's quite a bit of output?19:45
TJ-kudos: Yes, just a simple text file, one module name per line19:46
stayonthehustleHow do I make sure I have the latest Intel drivers installed and in use? (Using 15.04) I've tried installing 01.org's latest intel graphics installer but it won't run on 15.04 and I've also tried xorg edgers ppa and that doesn't seem to work either...19:46
maxxxxxub015: 10 technical preview19:46
guest8574qemu-system-i386 -usb -usbdevice host:154b:fa05 -hda WinXP_harddisk.img19:46
maxxxxxI need it for iTunes :(19:46
TJ-kudos: See "man initramfs.conf"19:47
ub015maxxxxx: I use this tool, works well.  http://www.pendrivelinux.com/multiboot-create-a-multiboot-usb-from-linux/19:47
TJ-guest8574: I'm testing it here, give me a mo19:48
guest8574maxxxxx: There's a tool called WinSetupFromUSB which I know for a fact works with Windows 8, so you can try it if that doesn't work.19:49
TJ-guest8574: Works here for me. Are you sure the host doesn't have a hold on the USB device?19:51
guest8574I right clicked the icon in the panel and clicked Eject, so it shouldn't.19:52
guest8574Screw this. I'm trying VMware.19:52
TJ-guest8574: I'm not sure of the GUI but 'eject' will remove the hardware. All you need is to umount it19:53
guest8574TJ-: In any case, it should never fail silently.19:54
guest8574There's no excuse for crap like that.19:54
guest8574I've been trying this for 2 hours straight, with about 10 different ways to specify a USB device on the command line, and no luck.19:55
kudosTJ-: no luck19:56
kudosit's definitely picking the keyboard up19:56
aramil248I really need help because my pc just it self down without warning just like i lost power but my house still has power19:56
kudosI get debug output when I plug it in and out19:56
aramil248Shut it self down*19:56
cryptodan_laptopguest8574: what have you tried19:57
kudos[<timer>]usb 5-1.2: New USB device found, idVendor=05ac, idProduct=125019:58
kudos[<timer>]usb 5-1.2: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=019:58
TJ-kudos: That's the device, but is there also an HID device?20:01
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TJ-kudos: On my laptop for example: hid-generic 0003:0A5C:4502.0002: input,hidraw1: USB HID v1.11 Keyboard [Broadcom Corp] on usb-0000:00:1d.2-2.2/input020:02
kudosit's talking about loading xhci_hcd20:03
rmblrd21hello. I am looking for a package that makes the transition seamless when e.g. logging out the user session and going back to the login screen20:03
TJ-kudos: Yes, that's the basic USBv3 port driver20:03
kudosoh fuck, is this because it's usb 3?20:03
rmblrd21usually there would be the tty screen shown up for some seconds but ubuntu masks this20:03
TJ-kudos: No... because the HID driver isn't available20:03
rmblrd21what is the name of this package?20:04
TJ-rmblrd21: that is a consequence of the display manager stopping and then starting the X server20:04
rmblrd21TJ-, ok, but there must be something that masks the tty because of the transition if should be appear for some time20:05
rmblrd21so how's that solved in ubuntu?20:05
TJ-rmblrd21: The Xorg server is run on tty7 so what you see is the text-mode remnant from when the system was booting before the X server first started20:06
TJ-rmblrd21: lightdm is the default display manager20:06
aramil248So no one is going to help me because right now im scared that my pc might be fried or a component is20:06
kudosTJ-: wishing I had a PS/2 keyboard or adapter lying around now20:07
TJ-kudos: Is it stuck at the initrd waiting for pass-phrase?20:08
buntyis anybody having ubuntu desktop on nexus 7 2013 wifi tablet?20:08
rmblrd21TJ-, using gdm3 shows that tty text-mode remnant when logging out. so it is display manager specific?20:08
squintybunty: ask in #ubuntu-touch20:09
buntyi had ubuntu touch20:09
buntybut i need ubuntu desktop20:09
buntysquinty: need ubuntu may be 13.10 rarring on nexus tablet20:10
TJ-rmblrd21: when Xorg server stops it puts the screen back into the mode it was in before it started. That causes the previous framebuffer to be reused which shows the text artifact until Xorg starts again and takes over the VT and puts it back into graphics mode20:10
rmblrd21ok, with lightdm this is somehow suppressed because i do not see this when logging out. with gdm3 it happens.20:11
ub015bunty: There are no supported ubuntu desktop images at this time I believe, you want the correct channel to confirm this.20:11
rmblrd21TJ-, can this be masked in a general way?20:11
Bray90820So ubuntu won't detect any of my bluetooth devices20:11
Bray90820In decvice search it shows for like half a second then disapears20:12
kudosTJ-: yes20:12
buntyub015: so more ubuntu desktop support on tablet?20:12
ub015bunty: Your phishing, go do the research.20:12
buntyub015: no more***20:13
TJ-kudos: the only thing I can think to do is, from another system with the same Ubuntu release and architecture, copy over via USB flash drive, the kernel module(s) you think you need and manually load them20:13
ub015I have a nexus, nothing that works on it s supprted here20:13
dayaffehey so I have ubuntu installed on my macbook pro, but I have no access to wifi20:13
kudosTJ-: i have it booting from a rescue usb20:13
kudosoh wait, i see what you're saying20:14
TJ-kudos: OK, and that has the keyboard working?20:14
k1l_bunty: ask in #ubuntu-arm for the desktop port. or in #ubuntu-touch for the touch ui port.20:14
TJ-kudos: Ahhh OK, that might make the job easier then!20:14
dayaffecould anyone help me?20:14
TJ-kudos: so you've manually unlocked the encrypted file-system?20:14
Bray90820So ubuntu won't detect any of my bluetooth devices20:15
Bray90820In decvice search it shows for like half a second then disapears20:15
buntyK1l_: i had ubuntu touch on tablet but i need a X server so i want to install ubuntu desktop on my tablet20:15
TJ-kudos: If that's the case you could use a chroot to add the required module(s) and update the initrd20:15
kudosthat's what I did20:15
k1l_bunty: so see #ubuntu-arm . but you dont want the old xserver apps on a tablet, they are a hell to use with touch20:15
kudosthe rescue system prompts me to mount the disk and chroot to it, so that's straightforward20:16
buntyk1l_: ubuntu touch isn not supporting RTSP20:16
TJ-kudos: right, so the rescue is loading the correct driver. Did you identify which driver was required from the rescue boot's dmesg?20:17
kudosi added 4 hid modules to the modules file and did the update-initramfs thing20:17
TJ-kudos: OK .. which modules did you add?20:17
kudoshid_apple usb_hid hid hid_generic20:18
kudosalthough under dmesg i'm seeing hidraw0 for the keyboard20:19
k1l_bunty: did you talk to the devs in #ubuntu-touch about that? and see if they need a hand to get it working?20:20
TJ-kudos: That means Human Interface Device Raw number 120:21
kudosunder lsmod I see the "hid 110425  2 usbhid,hid_apple"20:21
buntyi had a chat on ubuntu touch channel but they said till now no support for RTSP20:21
TJ-kudos: and 'hid_apple'  is in the list in "/etc/initramfs-tools/modules" I presume20:23
kudosalong with 3 other hid modules I added20:23
TJ-kudos: I wonder if you need "mac_hid" too?20:23
kudoswell rescue doesn't seem to have mac_hid loaded20:23
TJ-kudos: Is that module loaded, according to 'lsmod'  ?20:23
TJ-kudos: OK, maybe not then.20:24
TJ-kudos: Could you, temporarily, unlock the file-system using a key-file (I assume you're using LUKS) so we could capture the dmesg of it booting?20:25
kudosis that where I put a file on a usb disk and that is used to unlock it?20:25
TJ-kudos: Yes, or temporarily put the key-file in the initrd even20:26
TJ-kudos: This is how I set it up:  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11775494/20:28
TJ-kudos: (I have /boot/ encrypted too, and have GRUB2 unlock its root file-system)20:29
dtigueAnyone in here familiar with setting up pptp VPN's ? When I set one up it will never connect if I enter in specific IPv4 addresses, if I leave the IPv4 settings on automatic it will connect to the VPN but I can't access anything on the VPN's network. However, I did find that after connecting to the VPN I can manually run 'sudo ip route add via' and I can then access remote desktops, etc. on the VPN's network.20:32
TJ-kudos: with the script I show there, and the entry for LUKS_Hephaestion (which is the VG containing the LV containing the root file-system), the cryptsetup hooks in intramfs-tools copy the script and parameters into the initrd and use them20:33
TJ-kudos: One nice feature of GRUB prompting for a passphrase is at that point it is using the system firmware's keyboard driver, too :)20:34
kudosI'm attempting to make an unlocking usb key instead :D20:35
kudosI really appreciate all your help20:35
leonichelllo does ubuntu have a webroser that sopprt the newst flash and don't eat all my memory20:35
TJ-kudos: OK :) .... you just need to ensure there's a supporting script put in the initrd ... I *think* there's a script shipped with cryptsetup to do that... you'll need to ensure the USB mass storage device drivers are also put in the initrd, and loaded, prior to trying to unlock the root file-system.20:36
kudosgotta make life hard for myself :)20:36
zykotick9TJ-: ahhh, your /boot is encrypted?  i find that difficult to believe, UNLESS you are using core/libre-boot so grub (and it's files!) resides in bios.  grub MBR itself (it needs it's /boot/grub/ files as well) cannot boot luks...20:38
TJ-zykotick9: I've been using a LUKS encrypted GRUB2 boot for at least a couple of years20:38
zykotick9TJ-: i don't see how that's possible...20:39
TJ-zykotick9: All it needs is GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y20:39
* zykotick9 goes to research...20:39
TJ-zykotick9: The luks/encryption modules are built into core.img when using GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y20:39
zykotick9TJ-: OMG thanks!  very interesting...20:40
TJ-kudos: cryptsetup includes the passdev tool for reading a key-file from  media but I'm not entirely clear how the initramfs-tools hooks determine if it will be needed20:47
TJ-kudos: ahhh, according to "/usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-top/cryptroot" it looks for a crypttab option cryptrootdev=yes20:50
TJ-kudos: correct, crypttab option is simply "rootdev"20:52
TJ-kudos:  s/correct/correction/  !!20:52
haled_I'm using 14.04, and the machine seems not to respond to xorg.conf files I put at /etc/X11 . Could it be that they're just not being read from there ?20:56
histohaled_: do you have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d  directory20:57
TJ-haled_: "/var/log/Xorg.0.og" will reveal if Xorg is reading and parsing an xorg.conf20:57
histohaled_: and are there any conf files in there that are in there.20:57
haled_histo: histo, no20:58
haled_TJ-, what should I look for in that file?21:00
TJ-haled_: near the beginning of the file it will list the configuration files it has read and what settings from those it is using21:01
TJ-haled_: e.g. :(==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf":21:01
haled_TJ-: it says its using /etc/X11/xorg.conf, but also using the config dir usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d21:02
TJ-haled_: yes, that sounds correct... now read the next few lines to see where it is getting the ServerLayout from?21:02
haled_(==) No Layout section.  Using the first Screen section.21:03
TJ-haled_: here's mine as an example: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11775632/21:03
haled_TJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11775642/21:05
TJ-Haled: so it is using a default Screen entry, which points to a Monitor and Device21:06
TJ-oops, 2 nicknames the same!21:06
attlasbotCan someone help me with i3 settings?21:06
haled_probably my other machine :)21:06
TJ-haled_: what is the real problem? the xorg.conf is being read, so maybe you have an incorrect option. Read the rest of the Xorg.0.log for any "(WW)" warnings or "(EE)" errors21:07
dillahHey guys, running ubuntu server 14.04, trying to find a detailed guide to enable upnp on my server which is running as a router. Any tips?21:08
haled_TJ-: my problem essentially is that I have a bug or something with a flickering short white stripe at the top left portion of my screen. I mainly want to workaound it by fiddling with xorg.conf21:08
Omiluni have two problem ... 1. i have not grub ... i have a grey screen ...21:10
Omilun2.i have not logo of ubntu-mate loading before load login panel21:10
TJ-haled_: Sounds like you need a custom modeline... is the output device a consumer TV by any chance?21:10
Omilunand i use update grub but have warning21:10
haled_TJ-: laptop screen. quite common ;)21:11
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TJ-haled_: Hmm, not in my experience, LVDS outputs are usually fine. Is the screen providing a valid EDID?21:11
haled_how do I check that?21:12
TJ-haled_: The Xorg.0.log again :)21:13
histoattlasbot: what do you need help with21:13
TJ-haled_: why don't you "pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log" so we can look?21:14
attlasbothisto: I need to find a way to set my volume keys with out using the function key21:14
haled_TJ-: sure, sec21:14
histoattlasbot: without function key?21:15
attlasbotyeah with out the fn-f12 combo21:15
attlasbotIt's to far away and stupid21:15
histoattlasbot: oh your laptops default keys?21:15
histoattlasbot: you should be able too use XF86-volumedown or whatever it is. Hold up let me get the right name21:16
TJ-haled_: Remember those "(EE)" errors I warned you to look out for? "(EE) Device(s) detected, but none match those in the config file."21:16
Omilunany can help me?21:16
attlasbotyeah yeah, it didn't work by default on xubuntu/ubuntu but I think thats because it wasn't one of those keys21:16
k1l_Omilun: the warning is not important21:17
histoattlasbot: XF86AudioRaiseVolume  and XF86AudioLowerVolume21:17
attlasbotThank you21:17
Omilunk1l_: but i can not see grub and loading page21:17
k1l_Omilun: open "/etc/default/grub" and make a "#" in front of the line: GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=021:18
k1l_Omilun: then the warning is gone21:18
haled_TJ-: I put the vesa on "device" on purpose, wanted to see it use the vesa driver as a sanity check that I'm reading xorg.conf21:18
histoattlasbot: wait you don't want to use those keys.21:18
histoattlasbot: what are you using for volume control pactl or alsa?21:18
histo alsa/amixer21:18
Omilunk1l_: then i can see grub?21:19
k1l_Omilun: no, than the warning is gone.21:19
TJ-haled_: I think the answer to your question is "YES" then :)21:19
attlasboti would prefer to use pulseaudio21:19
Omilunk1l_: i need fix my grub page21:19
k1l_Omilun: to see grub press the left shift button on startup. if you only have one OS installed there is no grub shown automatically.21:19
Omilunk1l_: and loading page too21:19
histoattlasbot: bindsym whateverkey exec pactl set-sink-volume 0 +5%   and bindsym .... set-sink-volume 0 -- -5%21:20
attlasbothisto: do you know how to use $mod-z to $mod-c to change audio settings21:20
Omilunk1l_: i have only ubuntu21:20
histoattlasbot: yeah bindsym $mod+z exec pactl set-sink-volume 0 +5%    etc...21:20
attlasbotwhats pactl??21:21
histoattlasbot: the command your key will call to control the volume21:21
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histoattlasbot: I misunderstood your initial question sorry for the confusion with XF86-Audio...21:22
histo!info pactl21:22
ubottuPackage pactl does not exist in vivid21:22
haled_TJ-: thanks :)21:22
attlasbotThanks cool dude21:22
SchrodingersScat!info pulseaudio-utils | attlasbot21:22
ubottuattlasbot: pulseaudio-utils (source: pulseaudio): Command line tools for the PulseAudio sound server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:6.0-0ubuntu6 (vivid), package size 50 kB, installed size 258 kB21:22
attlasbotdo I need to do and apt-get install pactl21:22
histoattlasbot: pactl is provided by pulseaudio-utils21:22
histoattlasbot: no you should have it21:22
histoattlasbot: or install pulseaudio-utils if you don't21:23
attlasbotthat didn't work......21:23
histoattlasbot: did you reload your config21:24
histoattlasbot: in a terminal does running pactl set-sink-volume 0 +5%  raise your volume?21:24
histoattlasbot: any output?21:25
attlasbotnothing at all21:25
ponyhofSpricht hier jemand deutsch?21:26
histoattlasbot: try 1 instead of 021:26
SchrodingersScat!de | ponyhof21:26
ubottuponyhof: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!21:26
attlasbotTHAT WORKED!!!!!21:27
attlasbotbut it doesn't working on mod-z21:28
attlasbotI'm using super as mod should i try alt21:28
histoattlasbot: bindsym $mod+z  exec ..... not mod-z21:28
histoattlasbot: super should work fine21:28
histoattlasbot: you get it going?21:30
attlasbotokay well now whats the mute short cut21:30
histoattlasbot: pactl set-sink-mute 1 toggle21:32
new0looking for a channel that solve the problem of: virus lock the laptop bios with password21:33
Ben64##hardware maybe21:33
histonew0: witch virus?21:34
Ben64sounds very unlikely though21:34
new0histo, just know the result21:34
histonew0: I've not heard of one ever being able to do that.21:34
attlasbothisto: Thank you!21:34
new0histo, it just happen to a laptop21:35
TJ-new0: is it a BIOS or UEFI firmware ?21:35
histonew0: you can just reset the bios21:36
new0TJ-, well, what can i search for every optoin?21:37
histonew0: what is your native language?21:37
new0histo, how? remove the Battery? it's Lenovo laptop not sure it can be done21:37
Ben64should continue this in ##hardware21:37
histonew0: not easily. what OS were you running?21:38
TJ-new0: which model? if its UEFI there may be a way whilst the OS is running via the firmware interface21:38
histoBen64: I suspect he is speaking of his encryption key not bios password21:38
jKaideNAnyone have experience with SquirrelMail, dovecot and postfix ?21:38
new0histo, Windows 8 or 7 come with the laptop21:38
histonew0: Are you sure it's the bios password21:40
new0histo, TJ-, i will try to find out. Ben64 ok. i just try this channel too because there is reall Geeks around here21:40
new0histo, i know it's getting Password prompt when it start. i will try to find out more21:40
Ben64new0: this channel is for Ubuntu issues only21:40
new0Ben64, ok21:42
histonew0: you can /join ##hardware to go there21:47
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Ice_StrikeOn Ubuntu, why it wont let me write on the NFS mount dir?21:52
Ice_StrikeI get error:21:52
Ice_Strikemkdir testing21:52
Ice_Strikemkdir: cannot create directory ‘testing’: Read-only file system21:52
Ice_Strikethis is NFS mount: on /mnt/unraid type nfs (rw,addr=
histoIce_Strike: what's int he exports for the server?21:53
skinuxAnyone know of mod of WebMin that makes it work well in terms of how it installs modules?21:53
Ice_StrikeI included rw21:53
Guest65858Hi man. I have next problem: I have bluetooth headphones Platronics back beat go 2. It works with android device, but does not want to work with my ubuntu laptop (ubuntu 14.04 with different kernel). I read that this device cannot work with pc. That is right ? Can you advice me vector for solution. With the best regards, Vladimir.21:54
GlenKhi.  I added an eclipse.desktop file (http://paste.ubuntu.com/11775817/) to ~/.local/share/applications.  I'm still not seeing it show up on my menu though.  any help?21:54
skinuxGlenK: Install Alacarte....should help.21:55
GlenKIce_Strike: the nfs server will have an /etc/exports file.  what's it saying in there a bout /mnt/usr/Media?  and for that matter is /mnt/usr/Media writable even on the nfs server itself?21:56
k1l_skinux: best is to not use webmin at all21:56
histoIce_Strike: what are your settings in your exports on the server?21:56
kostkonGlenK, paste its contents on paste.ubuntu.com if you want, for us to have a look at it21:56
GlenKkostkon: didn't I just do that?21:56
skinuxI'd just like to find a free control panel which I can install both locally and on a VPS in the future.21:57
kostkonGlenK, did you? oh yeah, sorry!21:57
skinuxI've found XPanel and VistaPanel previously, but I couldn't get either one to work.21:57
kostkonGlenK, question: did you make it executable?21:57
TJ-GlenK: The only difference I see with my own Eclipse desktop files is I have "NoDisplay=false     Categories=Development;IDE"21:58
dillahseriously, anyone got any tips on upnp?21:58
GlenKkostkon: yeah, it's executable21:58
Ice_Strikehisto "/mnt/user/Media" -async,no_subtree_check,fsid=100
=== Betal_h is now known as Betal
k1l_dillah: see minidlna aka readymedia21:59
kostkonGlenK, i just realised where your problem lies22:00
dillahk1l_: i don't think that we'r on the same page, i'm looking for something that will automatically open ports when needed, as far as i know UPNP is the correct 'protocol' to use?22:00
kostkonGlenK, line: Terminal=/bin/false   should be: Terminal=false  maybe?22:01
kostkonGlenK, same for StartupNotify22:01
k1l_dillah: ah, i thought you meant dlna/upnp which is about streaming media in local networks22:01
TJ-dillah: have you looked at mediatomb ?22:01
dillahk1l_: well kind of, my plex server won't work without upnp it seems, nor my airvideo server, however this would be a simple portforwarding issue if it didnt require upnp forwarding22:02
sdsadw22ss12hello for some reason on startup my network-manager isn't showing up in the tray icon anymore.... i tried sudo service network-manager start and still nothing22:02
kostkonGlenK, also since it's a java ide, you could put these as categories:   Categories=Development;IDE;GUIDesigner;Java;22:02
sdsadw22ss12i also tried doing a wlist scan and it says device doesn't support this22:03
k1l_dillah: if i understand you right look at gupnp-tools22:03
GlenKkostkon: argh.  haha.  I give up for now.22:03
skinuxI'm also having a problem with Ubuntu saying it's got low disk space. Right now I've a gig of available space. According to baobab or whatever app it was, /usr/share/ is taking up the most space. Which I believe means I somehow (again) have installed too much stuff?22:04
TJ-GlenK: see "man xdg-desktop-icon" and in particular XDG_UTILS_DEBUG_LEVEL22:05
kostkonGlenK, also do the trick: run:   xprop WM_CLASS   in a terminal, then take the 2nd value of the output and set it as StartupWMClass,   e.g.   StartupWMClass=eclipse-studio22:05
k1l_skinux: what does "df -h" say?22:05
GlenKk, thanks guys22:06
skinuxAbout the entire disk or just /usr/share?22:06
k1l_skinux: dont know your setup. so put all into a pastebin22:06
skinuxGonna have to give me a couple of minutes.22:07
dillahk1l_: thanks but no luck =/22:07
kostkonGlenK, xprop WM_CLASS then click on eclipse's window, sorry i forgot to tell you this part.22:08
histoIce_Strike: not on your system but the server22:09
sdsadw22ss12hello for some reason on startup my network-manager isn't showing up in the tray icon anymore.... i tried sudo service network-manager start and still nothing. i also tried doing a wlist scan and it says device doesn't support this22:09
TJ-sdsadw22ss12: That's the Network Manager applet, not Network Manager itself, and it hides if there is no network interface for it to manage22:10
sdsadw22ss12ok.... now the wifi works... but there's still no network manager icon showing up22:10
sdsadw22ss12oh kk22:10
sdsadw22ss12how do i get the applet to show itself if there is a network to manage?22:10
TJ-sdsadw22ss12: you can usually reload the applet from a terminal using "nmapplet& "22:10
marushello, how can i rename all file aaa.* to aaa-old.*22:11
marusi have many file with same name aaa, but different extension22:11
TJ-sdsadw22ss12: you can also, from the terminal, check status with "nmcli nm" and other options like "nmcli con"22:11
sdsadw22ss12im using xfce btw22:12
Ice_Strikehisto any idea?22:13
Bray90820Can someone help me have this script run every time I connect my bluetooth mouse connects22:15
histoIce_Strike: what are the permissions of the directory you are trying to share22:15
histoIce_Strike: or you could pastebin yoru /etc/exports22:18
Ice_Strikehisto I only have: "/mnt/user/Media" -async,no_subtree_check,fsid=100
Ice_Strikein /etc/exports22:19
cacotennis anyone?22:21
sdsadw22ss12sudo nm-applet start makes the icon show again, but it disappears when i close the terminal with the command running22:22
sdsadw22ss12in the terminal it says afterwards nm-applet-Message: using fallback from indicator to GtkStatusIcon22:22
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_schlerpsdsadw22ss12 man nohup22:27
GlenKkostkon: some gnome docs I'm seeing say the .desktop file should be utf8 encoded.  suppose that could have something to do with my issue?22:28
_schlerpsdsadw22ss12 eg. nohup sudo nm.....22:29
_schlerpsdsadw22ss12 no sorry "sudo -b nm.... "22:30
_schlerpsudo -b forks it into the background22:30
james139any idea why my pc freezes & needs to be restarted when installing a game using wine?22:30
_schlerpnohup means no hangup22:30
sdsadw22ss12_schlerp, thank you never knew that22:30
_schlerpno worries!22:31
sdsadw22ss12wait.... so why is it when i do xfdesktop to show my desktop icons they remain persistent even after i close the terminal window?22:31
_schlerpjust speculation: its probably because your cfdalling s scripts thats calling back ground tasks inside of it22:32
_schlerpyou could try whereis xfdesktop22:33
_schlerpthen cat the file to see if its a bash script?22:33
sdsadw22ss12how do i check to see where that is saved?22:34
james139nobody answers me. I'm gonna do22:34
_schlerpman whereis to see the manual for it22:34
_schlerpsorry james139 your too general in your info22:35
k1ljames139: see the logs like "syslog" or dmesg what was going on back then22:35
sdsadw22ss12hmm i c22:35
sdsadw22ss12also for some reason my external memory drive has certain files that are read only...22:36
_schlerplike a howl partition of just files?22:36
sdsadw22ss12i can open other files such as pdfs but this .nbk file (keepnote file) is not budging22:36
sdsadw22ss12no not a sep partition22:36
Bray90820How would I have a command run every time my bluetooth mouse is connected?22:36
james139I'm gonna leave22:36
james139how can you22:36
_schlerpjames139 : cat /var/log/syslog22:37
sdsadw22ss12it's in the same directory as files that are read and write22:37
_schlerpsdsadw22ss12 ah... is it an external hard drive you use witha windows machine (is it ntfs?)22:38
=== attlasbot is now known as cofeecupp
sdsadw22ss12im on a linux machine and i made the external hard drive ntfs22:38
sdsadw22ss12like a noob22:38
sdsadw22ss12if i wanted to make it work on both windows and linux i should've made it what format?22:38
k1lsdsadw22ss12: as a data partition ntfs is fine for a external drive22:39
_schlerpntfs was a good choice for a big drive as linux can read and write to it22:39
Guido2Hee, I have a problem with my WiFi settings. In one Netwwork the acces paswoord has to be changed from time to time on my laptop. If I open the settings of the network i can change it, but for some reason i can not save the changes22:39
xamhello there22:39
sdsadw22ss12_schlerp, o kk so why is this 1 file (one of my most important ones!) read only? O.O22:40
_schlerpim not sure about permissions with ntfs on linus though so personally what id try is looking at those fiules from a windows machine and checking the attributes and making sure they arent readonly22:40
sdsadw22ss12how do i change it to read and write?22:40
sdsadw22ss12chmod won't work on the external22:40
_schlerpyeah id try from a windows machine sorry i cant be of more help i dont run windows anymore and never use ntfs :(22:41
sdsadw22ss12it's cool i will find out22:41
_schlerpjames139 you manage to cat that syslog?22:42
james139I dont understand what you're saying. goodbye22:43
_schlerpjames139 take care!22:43
_schlerpjames139 : open terminal and trype this to read a file (eg. your syslog) cat /var/log/syslog22:44
james139but I dont want to22:44
_schlerpjames139 i cant offer you assistance if you refuse.22:47
_schlerplets start with something easy, how are you using wine? do you use play on linux?22:48
=== shawniverson is now known as Guest32773
spidey_ran update-grub, it saw the new kernel and updated grub.cfg, but on boot the menu still doesn't show the changes22:51
mango_that james dude was hillarious.22:52
_schlerpmango_ hes still here, hopefully hes going to tell me his wine setup...22:57
Bray90820is it possable to connect to a bluetooth device through the terminal23:00
histoIce_Strike: that doesn't look right to me.  I thought options when in ()23:00
_schlerpbray90820 check here: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/96693/connect-to-a-bluetooth-device-via-terminal23:01
histoIce_Strike: also you have to check the permissions of the actual directory you are sharing23:01
_schlerpor https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup23:01
histoIce_Strike: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide/network-file-system.html23:02
Bray90820schlerp: what I actually wanna do is run a script for my bluetooth mouse after it connects23:02
scotty^G'day all.  I'm using Trusty.  Are there any Vivid users here who can perform a couple of quick eog tests for me?23:03
_schlerppaste bin is blocked on work proxy can you try bpaste?23:04
spidey_anyone have an idea why grub wouldn't be updating?23:05
InterNICspidey_, Use sudo23:06
_schlerpscotty^ i have a vivid vm i could fire up?23:08
scotty^Can anyone test eog on Vivid?  See bug 119632323:08
ubottubug 1196323 in eog (Ubuntu) "Exif rotation tag" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119632323:08
scotty^_schlerp OK.  Cool.23:08
scotty^_schlerp See bug 119632323:08
=== qwerty is now known as Guest29210
Guido2Hee, I have a problem with my WiFi settings. In one Netwwork the acces paswoord has to be changed from time to time on my laptop. If I open the settings of the network i can change it, but for some reason i can not save the changes. how can i solve this problem?23:09
bluenemohi guys. How do I configure to execute a command or script when I press a specific button? I've got a new thinkpad x250 on 14.04 and brightness and stuff wont work. also I want some custom stuff with Fn Keys. I used xev / xmodmap to get german umlauts on my US layout, but I dont get how to execute scripts for specific keys.23:10
_schlerpscotty^ so how would i test it?23:11
_schlerpi opened an image and rotated it then saved it23:12
scotty^_schlerp What do you see when you open the image?23:12
_schlerpthe thumbnail changed too?23:12
_schlerpthe image23:12
scotty^_schlerp Is it rotated onto it's side?23:12
scotty^Don't worry about saving it.23:12
_schlerpnah its normal orientation23:13
scotty^Ah OK.  So not fixed then.  Thanks.23:13
scotty^ImageMagick gets it right.23:13
_schlerpthe image opens as expected?23:13
_schlerpthen i rotate it and save it and open it again and it opens roatted as expected23:14
scotty^yes, in ImageMagick it opens already rotated.23:14
scotty^I haven't tried that - I'll do that and compare the metadata before and after as displayed by eog.23:15
_schlerpsorry scotty im proibably misunderstanding but eog handles exactly how one would expect in 15.0423:15
OwnixUbuntu is actually running pretty damn fast off this USB 3.0 flashdrive23:16
scotty^There is one more bug you could test, but I have to warn you that it will likely crash your user session.  But then again you are using a VM so it might not matter as much...23:16
OwnixI actually installed it and GRUB to the flash drive itself23:16
scotty^What do you say?23:16
_schlerpyeah ill give it a shot scotty23:16
_schlerpi got plenty of throw away vms hahaha23:17
scotty^OK, take a look at https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=71078923:17
ubottuGnome bug 710789 in image viewer "on loading uncompressed 264MB TIF file eog crashes the whole user session" [Critical,New]23:17
=== NubSlayerVov is now known as Vovvy
_schlerphmmm... where am i goign to find a 264mb image23:17
scotty^Download the file in  comment 9.23:17
Bray90820schlerp: the link you sent me was only for audio devices23:17
scotty^Then open  it in eog.23:18
_schlerpbray bluez does more than just audio from memory23:18
scotty^_schlerp How did you go?23:23
zmbmartinWhat are the best options to mount a nfs? Would noatime cause changes to files to not be notices right away?23:25
Bray90820Can someone tell me why this script fails but if I run each command individually it works23:28
TJ-Bray90820: you've not told us how the script fails23:29
Bray90820My bad here is the output of it failing23:29
TJ-Bray90820: does bluez-test-input not need "--device=" to specify the ID?23:32
nf7How do I search for the name of a package? For example, when I used `apt-cache search atom`, I get hundreds of completely unrelated results, most of which don't even have the string "atom" in their name or description. How can I narrow it to JUST showing results that have atom in the name?23:37
TJ-nf7: "apt-cache search -n ..."23:37
Bray90820TJ-: I would assume not since the command works on it's own23:38
nf7TJ-: thanks23:38
Bray90820but in all honesty I am not sure23:38
Trinityhi guys23:40
Trinityim using firefox 38 and for some reason my firefox always uses 100% cpu23:41
Trinitymy cpu is overclocked to 4.2 ghz and i noticed it's always one core's thread that gets blocked completely23:41
TJ-Bray90820: I think you only need that if the PC has more than 1 bluetooth device23:41
Trinitythis happens more often than not on amazon sites if i open a lot23:41
Trinityany ideas on how to fix?23:41
Bray90820TJ-: I have a bluetooth mouse, keyboard and trackpad23:42
Johnny_Linuxtake it to 3.823:42
TJ-Bray90820: The message indicates the device isn't listening (Host is down) as best as I can work out23:42
Tex_NickTrinity: using "System Monitor" or TOP ... look at process cpu usage ... see if it's plugin-container that's eating cpu23:43
Bray90820TJ-: then why would it run fine on it's own23:43
TrinityTex_Nick, nope it's firefox23:43
TJ-Bray90820: I have no idea, I can't reproduce that here23:44
TrinityI do have a bunch of tabs open like around 5023:44
Bray90820alright thanks23:44
Bray90820Anyone else?23:44
Trinitybut even then when this same computer was on windows, it never hit any issues23:44
Tex_NickTrinity: um ok23:45
TJ-Bray90820: I tested the same here, and 1st time it reported Host down. I did it again immediately and it connected23:46
TJ-Bray90820: that suggests a timeout issue23:46
dj3000Hi, I'm trying to re-instal ubuntu froa usb boot disk23:48
Bray90820TJ-: I changed sleep from 3 to 10 and it ran fine23:49
TJ-Bray90820: Yes, it seems that bluez-test-input returns too early23:49
=== Guest87101 is now known as Duanys
dj3000But on restart, my thumb drve isn't being detected23:49
dj3000can someone please help?23:49
Duanysanyone can help me to listen 4 letters en english?23:49
Bray90820TJ-: Thanks for your help23:50
dj3000I've tried to modify the bios boot order, but no luck.23:50
dj3000btw, I'm typing this from an ubuntu mache23:50
Duanyswhat letters do you listen in this 10 seconds video? https://vid.me/QUqC23:50
mtndj3000, will your machine boot another boot disk? has it ever booted an usb boot disk?23:51
nubuntuDuanys: This is ubuntu support only.23:51
Duanyswhere can i ask?23:51
dj3000machine. sorry, my keyboard input is laggy and i'll have a lot of typos. Part of the reason I'm reinstaling :-(23:51
daftykinsDuanys: nowhere23:51
dj3000mtn, yes23:51
mtndj3000, then this boot disk must be faulty23:52
Duanyscome on23:52
Bray90820TJ-: would you happen to know how to change the default values tho so I wouldn't have to use this script?23:52
scotty^Trinity:  Try disabling flash or Javascript or both.23:52
dj3000mtn, OK. I will try agai.23:52
SergioEDuran1I am installing Ubuntu GNOME on my HDD, I have chosen it over others such as Mint because of the official Ubuntu support but I preffer the Cinnamon desktop,how does Ubuntu GNOME looks with Cinnamon?23:53
dj3000mtn, i just restarted and used the same usb boot disk that I've installed this ubuntu copy on.23:54
TJ-Bray90820: I think the timeouts are coded into the bluez tools23:54
dj3000and still, it's not detecting it.23:54
mtndj3000, are you saying you remade the boot disk?23:54
Bray90820TJ-: my bad I meant the last two commands23:54
dj3000mtn, no. the boot disk is the same. i actually have two. one for 15.04 and the 14.04 (previously successful) one. I just tried the 14.04 stick, and no dice.23:55
mtndj3000, does the other one work?23:56
SergioEDuran1the last time I tested Ubuntu GNOME with Cinnamon it has looked ugly,because all the apps with CSDs had menubars instead of their app icon / menu inside of the headerbar23:56
dj3000mtn, no.23:56
TJ-Bray90820: You'd want those setttings in the xorg.conf file, in an InputDevice section23:56
SergioEDuran1Somebody has tested it?23:56
mtndj3000, then it looks like something is wrong with your bios or boot settings. some computers need you to hit a boot menu key combo to get a boot menu to come up23:57
TJ-Bray90820: see http://www.x.org/wiki/Development/Documentation/PointerAcceleration/#index2h223:57
dj3000um, let me try tinkering with the bios boot order one more time.23:57
nubuntuSergioEDuran1: You have to do this yourself, we are here to help with actual issues.23:57
DustHeadhow can you check which PID is using a particular port?23:58
SergioEDuran1nubuntu Ok23:58
TJ-DustHead: "sudo netstat -np" plus whatever other options you need, such as "-t" for TCP23:58
SergioEDuran1but somebody has seen how it looks?23:59
DustHeadughhhhhhhhhhh the -p flag23:59
DustHeadi knew it was something simple23:59
DustHeadTJ-: Thanks!23:59

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