
ochosimorning all09:01
ochosistatus quo of the LO icons: http://i.imgur.com/gjTOzqG.png09:01
knomeochosi, pleia2: http://xubuntu.org/?page_id=3352&preview=true10:35
knomeochosi, pleia2: ygm re: derivative questionnaire10:59
ochosiknome: nice! from my pov you can publish that page as is11:20
ochosiform looks good to me too11:21
ochosiso +2 from me11:21
knomeochosi, even with the "abc" "def" "ghi" list?12:02
knomei still want input from you and sean for the packages12:02
ochosiyou mean the fact that the list is collapsed or the list of packages?12:14
ochosioh, i thought those things were clickable :)12:15
ochosididn't really give it too much thought, just read the text12:15
ochosire: packages: what is ldm-xubuntu-theme?12:16
knomeDescription-en: Xubuntu theme for the LTSP Display Manager LDM is an ssh based X11 display manager, this package contains the Xubuntu theme for LDM.12:17
ochosii guess x-d-s contains some branded stuff like the launchers for the menu for the website etc., but yeah, that one feels like ppl can use it12:17
ochosiok, i have no idea what LDM is and who made that package12:18
knomei wouldn't be awfully sorry if we moved that stuff to another package12:18
knome"LTSP Display Manager"12:18
knomeMaintainer: Ubuntu Core Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com>12:18
ochosieven with xubuntu-icon-theme i'm not sure12:18
ochosii mean yeah, the distributor logo. but again, could be moved12:18
knomewell that's why i'm asking...12:18
ochosiin the end though i'm not sure whether this is really worth it12:19
knomeit would make me feel warm inside if that helps :]12:19
ochosifor one, it's easy enough to modify a package for derivatives12:19
knomewell basically,12:19
knomeit would also make the maintaining for us easier12:19
ochosinot sure12:19
knomeif you remember that i've been talking about slight changes to the logo12:19
ochosiinitially it'd be work12:19
knomethis way we only would need to maintain/change one package12:20
knomeinstead of poking many many12:20
ochosiyou mean "xubuntu-branding"?12:20
knomewhy not12:20
knomebut sure, i understand the other side too12:20
knomeit IS work12:20
ochosiright, i'd say discuss that with sean, since he'd be the one doing the heavy lifting12:20
knomeand for example, i don't think we should overcomplicate this for us and start ripping branding off the documentation12:21
knomebecause that would also mean that we should limit ourselves to not mention the name xubuntu in the docs either12:21
knomethat is just not realistic12:21
knomemoving the start page to a separate package, however, might be sensible12:21
knomebut then i don't know how much difference it would make (except that the start page points to our support channels, so we wouldn't want derivatives to ship that even if shipping the docs would be okay)12:22
ochosii'm ok with any changes that make you feel warm inside as long as i don't have to do the work. and as it happens, this is all in bluesabre's, Unit193's and Noskcaj's department (packaging)12:23
knomeyeah, it's not a big thing12:23
knomeand doesn't have to happen overnight12:24
ochosiso for now i guess if you wanna take those guidelines seriously, the package list is fine as is12:24
knomeit can be a slow transition that gets done while we do other modifications to the packages 12:24
ochosithing is, even the package names contain the name "xubuntu"12:24
knomebut as we've discussed12:24
knomethe point is not to police derivatives literally (as you imply)12:25
ochosii really don't wanna rename them to "bluesabres-preferred-settings"12:25
knomeit's just to point out that this is our ideal situation12:25
knomebut they aren't his, they're mine!12:25
knomewow, that package (ldm-xubuntu-theme) has an ancient xubuntu logo12:43
ochosican we sue them?12:44
knomelikely not12:44
ochosi(and yeah, i'm not really surprised that a package neither you nor i really knew about is outdated..)12:45
knomei wonder if it really would be a big loss if there wasn't a "xubuntu" LTSP login theme12:45
knomeThis package was created by Vagrant Cascadian <vagrant@freegeek.org>12:46
knomein December of 2007.12:46
ochosii presume many would (silently) weep12:47
knomei wouldn't want to keep it as is, because old logos are eww, but i wouldn't want to refresh it, because more maintaining is aargh12:48
=== ganglere1 is now known as ganglere
pleia2knome: lgtm16:16
pleia2once we have the list of packages, of course16:17
knomeso maybe also time to publish the "developers" menu then16:18
pleia2survey looks good too16:19
knomebbl ->16:24
pleia2see you16:24
=== logos is now known as Guest97097
Noskcajbluesabre, Are we ok with making libxfce4panel-2.0-dev not depend on xfce4-panel-dev? debian's completely splilt the two packages20:39
knomebluesabre, oi! i found another dvd that plays on vlc, but problems on parole21:48
ochosiknome: so what does parole do/sayß21:50
knomegstreamer warning/criticals on stdout21:51
knomeui just freezes, eg. shows a black screen when the chapter should begin21:52
ochosihm, usually it's just gstreamer21:58
ochosii guess (still) the only way to test that hypothesis is installing totem21:58
knomejust a minute21:59
knomenope, doesn't seem to work with totem either22:01
knomelooks like the same warnings/criticals22:01
ochosiok, i guess then it's time for an upstream gstreamer bugreport22:06
knomei guess so22:06
knomei'll worry about that later22:06
JesuwopeI installed Xubuntu but it hadn't asked me to set a root password.  How do I go about logging in to root??22:35
knomeJesuwope, don't.22:35
knomeJesuwope, use sudo22:35
knome!rootsudo | Jesuwope 22:35
ubottuJesuwope: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo22:35
Jesuwopefine, thanks.22:36
knomeand generally, support at #xubuntu22:37
Jesuwopewhat about that graphical Xubuntu software install app22:38
Jesuwopewill that work with my normal user password?22:38
knomebut please, let's keep the support questions on #xubuntu22:39
Jesuwopeok 22:39

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