
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed stackforge/cloud-init: Bring over the 'templater' from bzr  https://review.openstack.org/17025700:03
harlowjasmoser ok updated with fixtures usage00:03
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed stackforge/cloud-init: Expose api response properties and cache buffer decoding  https://review.openstack.org/19580000:11
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erhudygood morning, i'm having a bit of an issue with some openstack vendordata that's clobbering /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg and breaking things when launching instances from ubuntu cloud images14:29
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smosererhudy, example ?15:30
smoseri'd consider it a bad idea for vendordata to clobber /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg15:30
erhudyi've been digging into it more and it seems like something is happening with the vendordata that's causing freakouts in user_data.py15:52
erhudyit writes out the raw data to /var/lib/cloud/instance/vendor-data.txt15:52
erhudyand then when it goes to write it out in mime multipart format to vendor-data.txt.i15:52
erhudysomething along the call stack silently malfunctions and it never writes that file out and other things seems to short-circuit15:53
erhudyit's really weird15:53
erhudynot familiar with cloud-init as a whole but i'm guessing the whole thing is wrapped in some sort of exception handler that could be silently consuming some exception that's getting thrown15:56
erhudyspecifically in user_data.py, in convert_string() where it tries to evaluate data[0:4096].lower(), at that point it seems like execution just stops and it unwinds the entire call stack all the way back to the top15:58
erhudyi pickled out data and then loaded it in python and it looks like TypeError: unhashable type is getting thrown and silently eaten16:01
erhudythat was ambiguous, i pickled out the data variable and loaded it in the REPL16:01
erhudybasically it looks like util.decomp_gzip() is returning a dict and things below it expect it to be returning a string16:03
erhudyactually, raw_data is already a dict, so util.decomp_gzip() doesn't do anything with it16:14
erhudythis is with 0.7.5 which is what canonical is still including, it looks like the code i'm looking at has changed slightly in 0.7.716:22
smosererhudy, please open a bug.17:07
smoserif it is non-sensitive, if you can give the content of vendor_data that'd be wonderful.17:07
erhudyi think it was fixed in 0.7.717:15
smosererhudy, open a bug and we can get it fixed in 14.04 images.17:37
smoservia SRU to 14.04.17:37
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smoserharlowja, so with safe_yaml just 'yaml.load'... any reason to not just abandon that at the moment ?17:48
harlowjaas long as people use 'yaml.safe_load' and not yaml,load17:49
harlowjalet me tweak it a little17:50
smoserhere. let me push first17:51
openstackgerritScott Moser proposed stackforge/cloud-init: Bring over the 'safeyaml' from bzr  https://review.openstack.org/17025217:51
smoserthere. thats what i did. basically just used safe_load and assert that loading python should fail17:52
smoserthings i need to fix:17:53
harlowjaoh man, u to fast17:54
smoserso i want to test fixtures with the fixtures on 14.0417:57
smoserand basically want to put in some way to test "will this work on 14.04"17:57
smosereven build/test17:58
erhudysmoser: will do18:05
erhudysmoser: i actually opened a canonical case already asking for cloud-init to get updated to 0.7.7 in UCI, but i'll file a separate bug on cloud-init18:06
smosererhudy, ok. thank you.18:07
smoserwe wont update 14.04 -> 0.7.7, but we can/will SRU the fixes.18:07
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed stackforge/cloud-init: Bring over the 'safeyaml' from bzr  https://review.openstack.org/17025218:08
harlowjasmoser ok did some other additions18:08
harlowjasucked over the logging module from taskflow, which sets up a new less than DEBUG level, and a nullhandler and all that crap18:09
smoserthank you for the YAMLError18:10
smoserwhat is shell ?18:10
smoseri thikn yoru load_file is 'util', no ?18:11
harlowjaidk, i guess common shell stuff18:11
harlowjaunsure, ha, i'll put it either place :-P18:11
harlowjashell-like stuff in shell?18:11
harlowjaor util, or both, idk18:11
smoserk. but shell, i tihnk i copied the meaning from the python-<openstacktool>18:12
smoserthe intent was that would be where the main was18:12
* harlowja moving18:12
smosermoving as in houses ?18:13
smoseras in you're moving to michigan now?18:13
smoserleaving that west coast non-sense.18:13
* harlowja is coming to stay with u man18:15
harlowjain your basement18:16
harlowja*we can share the basement*18:16
smosersweet. party on wayne.18:16
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed stackforge/cloud-init: Bring over the 'safeyaml' from bzr  https://review.openstack.org/17025218:16
harlowjaparty on gerrit18:17
erhudyfiled https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1469260 for you smoser, let me know if you need/care about tickets in salesforce18:25
smosererhudy, i'll mostly let them take care of it. they may or may not bother me.18:26
smoserbut thank you.18:26
erhudyokay, i referenced the LP ticket in the other one18:27
erhudythanks for your time18:27
harlowjatickets in salesforce?18:27
smosercanonical support18:28
smoserif you ahve a support contract it goes up that way18:28
smoserharlowja, i think we want to ditch requests.18:32
harlowjaoh man18:32
smoserquite possibly my code that was leaking.18:33
harlowjau got alot of openfiles18:33
smoser(not explicitly requests, but we couldn't reproduce it)18:33
harlowjaopen less files?18:33
harlowja1 file per day, keeps the doctor away18:33
smoserit was leaking file descriptors.18:33
smosermany more than 1 per day18:33
harlowja2 files per day keeps the doctor away18:33
harlowjalots of peopel use requests (all of openstack) so it makes me wonder...18:34
smoserhm.. maybe it is just mine then.18:34
smoserbut for cloud-init id ont really think we gained a lot from it.18:34
harlowjaagreed, we probably don't18:34
harlowjaexcept for ssl support that works18:35
smoserurllib3 has that.18:35
harlowjaya, pretty sure requests uses urllib333318:35
harlowjaand vendorizes it :-/18:35
harlowjawhich afaik most packagers un-vendorize, lol18:36
smoseroh nice.18:41
smoseri didntk now that.18:41
larskssmoser: what decides between DataSourceConfigDrive vs DataSourceConfigDriveNet?20:01
larsksI want cloud-init (0.7.x where x < 6) to consider injected network information on openstack, but it checks for 'self.dsmode = "local"', and with DataSourceConfigDriveNet self.dsmode is always 'net' (and this check ignores any user-set dsmode).20:02
larsksOr harlowja ? ^^^^20:03
smoserwhen it runs.20:04
smoserlarsks, the idea is that config drive net would run in 'cloud-init init --local'20:05
smoserand *should* have the opportunity there to apply networking config20:05
larskssmoser: but it won't, if self.dsmode == 'net'.20:05
larsks...which appears to always be the case when it checks before trying to run on_first_boot(), which is what seems to handle network config...20:06
larsksI tried forcing datasource_list: [ ConfigDrive ], but I still end up with dsmode == 'net'..20:06
larsks(I am looking in particular at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/cloud-init/trunk/view/head:/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceConfigDrive.py#L119)20:08
larskssmoser: Oh wait, I get it; the call with --local changes self.dsmode. Okay.20:13
larsksSo, let's see what happens in that case...20:13

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