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jogarret6204hi.  where can i change settings in .juju-persistent-config files?  for example debug settigns are true, and I want them to be false for openstack components11:34
jogarret6204is this on stae server somewhere?11:34
jogarret6204i see them in the input yaml file for juju-deployer, and I can change them there.  But this is post-deployment with working vms.11:35
lazyPowerjogarret6204: i'm not sure I understand. the .juju-persistent-config files - can you break this down a bit more for me so I can get you an answer?13:20
beisnerjamespage, can you have a look at bug 1468511 and the linked merge proposal?14:02
mupBug #1468511: leading spaces in ceph.conf template cause functional test failure (configparser) <amulet> <openstack> <uosci> <Charm Helpers:New> <cinder-ceph (Ubuntu):New> <cinder (Juju Charms Collection):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1468511>14:02
tvansteenburghjogarret6204: `juju set myservice key=val`14:08
jogarret6204@lazypower - thanks.  the initial yaml files used by juju-deployer had debug : true.  I want to now change to debug:  false14:12
tvansteenburghjuju set myservice debug=false14:12
jogarret6204@tvansteenburgh;  thanks - will give that a try14:12
lazyPowerheyo tvansteenburgh14:43
lazyPowerare you running cassandra tests atm?14:43
lazyPowerok, i just terminated all of them (troll)14:43
lazyPowernot really - just in queue curious14:43
lazyPoweri had one substrate kick my test suite, the rest were cassandra, i had a big whaaaa face after the fact14:44
tvansteenburghyeah, i'm in revq and running tests for the stuff i'm reviewing14:44
cholcombelazyPower: is there something special I need to do to get the 'merge proposal' button in launchpad?14:44
lazyPowercholcombe: the project you wish to merge into has to exist to get a MP button.14:45
cholcombehmm ok14:45
lazyPowercholcombe: what you're looking for I imagine, is the create bug so you can assign a review to your branch :)14:45
cholcombei'm just trying to merge into marco ceppi's gluster branch14:45
cholcombeoh i see14:45
lazyPowercholcombe: https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable/authors-charm-store#submitting-a-new-charm14:45
marcoceppicholcombe: not really worth merging into mine, just submit as anew charm14:45
marcoceppicholcombe: because my charm isn't promulgated14:45
cholcombealright then14:45
marcoceppicholcombe: also, it's so badass that it's written in rust14:46
cholcombelol :D14:46
cholcombethanks man14:46
lazyPowermarcoceppi: oh man, i dont see the whole "open a bug" workflow in our submit a charm docs :|14:46
marcoceppilazyPower: it's there.14:46
cholcombeok so i have my charm pushed to lp14:47
cholcombenext is creating the bug ?14:47
lazyPowermarcoceppi: yeah just found it14:48
cholcombeah ok cool14:48
marcoceppilazyPower: this doc sucks14:48
marcoceppinew review queue for life14:48
lazyPowerits kind of hiding in there, i was looking for a big blinking sign14:48
lazyPoweralas, we have no webm's in here14:48
lazyPowermarcoceppi: looks like i'm primarily responsible for this doc too... I wrote this Sep 24 201414:51
lazyPower#blame me14:51
marcoceppilazyPower: I always do15:02
marcoceppilazyPower: hopefully July will give us some time to fix up the review queue15:03
jogarret6204tvansteenburgh:  thanks.  juju set worked great.  Is there any easy way to examine all juju parameters that are available per service?15:18
tvansteenburghjogarret6204: `juju get myservice` will list them15:20
jogarret6204doh!  thanks again.  was trying juju list, juju show..15:20
tvansteenburghjogarret6204: `juju help commands` will be useful as well15:23
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aisraelcholcombe: marcoceppi: a charm written in rust? That's awesome.15:30
cholcombei'm writing the bug report/ review submission now15:30
cholcombeaisrael: i added you to the bug report :)15:34
cholcombeaisrael: oh do i link people to the branch or the bug report?  I linked to the branch15:35
aisraelcholcombe: The bug report would be good15:36
cholcombealright charmers team is on the bug15:37
aisraelPerfect, thanks!15:39
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