
mparillo_Probably Kubuntu wire which feeds Planet KDE and Planet Ubuntu.00:07
ahoneybundamn it KCM02:30
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sick_rimmitGood Morning08:00
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Tm_TRiddell: testers factoid updated08:27
Riddellthanks Tm_T08:27
lordievaderGood morning.08:52
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Riddellhola chicos09:05
clivejo:( I hate Windows, its been installing all night and still only at Installing update 126 of 20609:09
clivejothats me put in a bad mood for the day09:10
Riddellooh that's bad, I tried to upgrade to windows 8.1 when I got fed up for it telling me too and it took all night and in the morning it said "upgrade failed, will now downgrade" and it took another day to get back to 8.009:17
soee_Riddell: looks like ksysguard issue has been fixed09:17
Riddellsoee_: yep it finally transitioned, still waiting on plasma-desktop09:18
soee_atleast it doesn twant to remove plasma-dekstop  anymore :)09:18
clivejoI really want to format it and put Kubuntu on it09:19
soee_nd done :) no errors 09:21
clivejois wayland already in wily?09:26
Riddellclivejo: you know you want to09:27
Riddellclivejo: there's some wayland bits around but nothing uses it yet, you need the latest kwin from git to do that09:27
clivejonot my machine though!  It was full of virus'ssssss09:27
clivejowill wily be based on wayland?09:36
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BluesKajHi folks10:34
clivejohi BluesKaj10:39
BluesKajhi clivejo10:39
mparilloximion: You willing to be the subject of a Kubuntu Wire Post? Do you have any sites you might want mentioned (other than the kubuntu membership application)? If you have a G+ Identity, I can also post a link to that via the Kubuntu G+ account.12:27
ximionmparillo: you could mention my blog (blog.tenstral.net), on G+ I am +MatthiasKlumpp12:29
soee_upgraded my development server (web dev) from debian 7 to debian 8 and it works much better i must say :)12:42
soee_Riddell: each nvidia driver version needs some special configuration to work in sddm >12:49
soee_*with sddm12:49
ximionDebian 8 is a gorgeous release :)12:56
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BluesKajquote, "The Kubuntu team are committed to releasing 15.10 in October. Updates, bug fixes and future releases are currently uncertain." Who wrote tha on the Wily alpha release page.  Seems irresponsible, it's creating speculation and rumours already about Kubuntu's demise.13:44
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palassoBluesKaj: I think Riddell wrote it according to history: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WilyWerewolf/Alpha1/Kubuntu?action=diff&rev2=45&rev1=4414:56
palassoIt's already reported on phoronix14:56
BluesKajpalasso, yes, thanks for that, I realized that after I posted my remarks14:57
ahoneybunthis link will still be active right? http://kubuntu.org/community17:36
_Groo_hi/2 all18:08
_Groo_Riddell: sooo, what is this stuff phoronix is talking about, about kubuntu future?18:08
ahoneybunhey Etriaph18:14
EtriaphHey man18:14
EtriaphHow goes it?18:14
ahoneybunwhat do you think Etriaph18:17
EtriaphIs it a DVD insert?18:18
Etriaph"Know someone who does not now about Kubuntu?" <-- should be "not know about"18:19
EtriaphWhere it says "Try it. Love it, Share it!" could maybe read "Try it. Love it? Share it!" ?18:21
ahoneybunopps lol18:22
EtriaphIt's visually appealing, I would suggest (other than the typos) is not using the Ubuntu font for anything but the Kubuntu trademark.  Oxygen Sans is the default KDE font, that would be the choice I'd make to keep the typography distinct between brand and content.18:23
ahoneybunyes Etriaph it is a DVD18:23
ahoneybuntrue, I was thinking about that18:24
EtriaphAlso maybe swap the Kubuntu with the text on the bottom of the two coloured pages so it reads: Kubuntu before the version number, same on the other side with the "Try it. Love it? Share it!"18:25
EtriaphPeople tend to put brand names before any other particulars or slogans.18:26
ahoneybunother then those though, looks good Etriaph?18:28
EtriaphYes, sorry if that seems like a list :D18:28
ahoneybundone. uploading18:28
EtriaphI've worked with a lot of designers and learned to put their hats on when I needed to.  :D18:28
ahoneybunnice, Etriaph http://i.imgur.com/gG8mtzP.png18:29
EtriaphThat looks excellent Aaron.18:30
EtriaphNow to start burning ISOs :D18:30
ahoneybunI just need to make sure of the artwork is being used right18:30
ahoneybunif I need to put some names on there18:30
ahoneybunlike "Artwork done by KDE Artwork Team" or something18:31
EtriaphWell, I'm sure it wouldn't be difficult to figure out who created the wallpaper for Plasma 5.18:31
EtriaphAnd though it's likely released under the CC license, it would be nice of you to acknowledge them18:32
ahoneybunI do want to acknowledge them18:35
ahoneybunand don't want people to think for even a second that it is my work18:35
ahoneybunScottK: I need some legal advise on this: http://i.imgur.com/gG8mtzP.png18:36
ScottKLegal advice comes from lawyers.18:36
ScottKI would replace the word legal with free.18:37
EtriaphScottK: Good point.18:38
ahoneybunfree advise then?18:38
ScottKahoneybun: You can also link to http://www.kubuntu.org/legal if you want.18:38
ahoneybunI just want credits to be in the right place18:39
ScottKOK.  I'd replace legal with free and then add a link to the legal page.18:40
ahoneybunnew version: http://i.imgur.com/URNOW0H.png18:44
ahoneybunScottK: is that clear enought for a printing and making of DVD's?18:52
ScottKExcept /legal is more than copyright.18:53
ScottKI would change legal to free and then just say something like, "For details see [link]."18:54
ahoneybunoh right18:55
ahoneybunScottK: better? http://i.imgur.com/yvisXHN.png18:58
ScottKBetter.  I was thinking about putting the for details bit immediately after free to copy and share.18:59
ScottKNot at the bottom.18:59
ScottKThen it's clear what it refers to19:00
ahoneybunmaybe a * to link down to it19:00
ScottKI would just do it as <a href="http://www.kubuntu.org/legal">details</a>. and not worry about it.19:03
ScottKNo need to actually display the URL.19:03
ahoneybunthis is a dvd cover19:04
ScottKThat works.19:13
ScottKDidn't realize it was for printed material.19:13
ScottKBurying the hyperlink works rather less well in print.19:14
ahoneybunworking on the back now19:31
ahoneybunScottK: so it is all good free wise then?19:31
ScottKI think so.19:31
ScottK(IANAL and all)19:31
ahoneybunScottK: I'll bring this up to the rest of the KC then19:33
ScottKNo.  I don't think it's needed.19:33
ScottKThe KC is really for resolving disputes and making high level policy decisions.19:33
ScottKThe KC doesn't need to review DVD jacket designs.19:33
ahoneybunoh ok but is it really just up for me to make the decision?19:34
ScottKSend a mail to kubuntu-devel and see if anyone objects.19:34
ScottKThen JFDI.19:34
ScottKJust "really" Do It.19:34
ahoneybunI'm thinking the F stands for something else lol19:35
ScottKThus the quotes.19:35
clivejo24hours later and windows 7 is STILL updating!20:05
sgclarkahoneybun: stick to 15.04 CDs no one at akademy will want kde420:28
ahoneybunI saw that20:28
ahoneybunsgclark: every nonLTS release gets 9months of suppot20:29
ahoneybun*support 20:29
ahoneybunnot 18 anymore20:29
sgclarkoof ok20:29
ahoneybunso once 15.10 comes out, users and wait 3 months to move from 15.0420:29
sgclarknot much we can do, plasma5 will not be backported to trusty. qt5 got to be too much of a hassel.20:30
ahoneybunoh I see20:30
sgclarkof course 16.04 we will be golden20:30
ahoneybunthat will be a great and awesome releae20:31
ahoneybunvalorie: new DVD artwork: http://imgur.com/a/axpzW20:34
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valorievery nice!20:38
clivejoahoneybun: are you putting these on the website for download?  20:38
clivejoalso, why dont you put the url on there too20:38
valorieclivejo: my sympathies about windows20:39
ahoneybunclivejo: what what?20:39
valorieI have to use windows to pay bills, and it is a Major Pain20:39
clivejofor help, support or a chat visit www.kubuntu.org20:39
clivejosame here valorie20:39
clivejoI fix them20:40
clivejoand all I want to do is put linux on them20:40
valoriewell, this is my husband's computer20:40
clivejoIm so sick to death of Windows is Updating20:40
valorieand I don't want to be his computer support20:40
valorieand if I turn our bill paying stuff into linux, guess who will get stuck paying the bills forever?20:41
valorieno thanks, he can deal20:41
ahoneybunvalorie: I moved my dad to Kubuntu and I stopped being his support after he left Windows lol20:41
clivejoId move my mum to Kubuntu, but I know that the printer doesnt work and thats a big deal for her20:42
ahoneybunalso notice on new artwork that I talk about Muon Discover not the Ubuntu Software Center thing lol20:42
ahoneybunclivejo: Printer/Scanner/Fax worked for me20:42
clivejoahoneybun: so people can download the artwork from kubuntu.org20:42
ahoneybunclivejo: for the dvd?20:43
ahoneybunnot a bad idea really20:43
sgclarkit is the default wallpaper20:43
clivejoand put the website on the artwork20:43
clivejomaybe beside the downland iso ?20:43
clivejowhile its downloading, you could be printing the cover :)20:45
sgclarkgood idea, for folks that go to conventions unprepared like me!20:45
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: I know your awake20:46
* ahoneybun pushes that idea to ovidiu-florin and puts it on the trello board20:46
clivejowow, windows is finally updated. Two days later after a recover!20:47
clivejo4Gb of updates!20:47
sgclarkheh, they need point releases lol. Unfortunately you get one CD (if your lucky) and that is it, hense the brutal reinstalls20:48
clivejoI have a huge upload to mapillary to do, my ISP is gonna love me!20:49
ahoneybunthere you go clivejo20:50
clivejothanks ahoneybun20:50
clivejois there DVD label art?20:50
ahoneybunI've yet to do that20:51
ahoneybunwas wondering if I should20:51
ahoneybunI don't have the design to work with from the Design team20:51
ahoneybunI would think the DVD cost would go up a lt20:52
ahoneybunclivejo: I'll try to get the template20:54
clivejomore a personal thing20:54
ahoneybuntrue but it would be nice20:54
clivejoI like to print out labels20:54
clivejowhats the best M$ Office alt on Windows?20:57
clivejoIll intall that on it ;)20:58
clivejowhat is the difference between still and fresh?20:59
ahoneybunI think Still: LTS;  Fresh: non-LTS20:59
ahoneybun4.4.3 is a great release20:59
clivejothats the fresh one?20:59
clivejowhats on wily?20:59
ahoneybunmight need to be repackaged21:02
valoriethat is one beast to package, that I know21:06
clivejoI can imagine21:06
clivejodoes Nixie Pixel use Kubuntu?21:08
valorieI don't follow her often, but I've never seen that21:09
ahoneybunsee often talks about Ubuntu21:13
ahoneybunvalorie: sgclark clivejo http://i.imgur.com/Xa8zBAy.png21:48
clivejocould you but the colours as a background?21:48
ahoneybunthat is imgur21:49
clivejoahoneybun: I meant something with the colours, like this - http://postimg.org/image/9kq9s9rgh/22:00
clivejobut away from the blue as its clashing with the gear logo22:00
clivejothe gear logo around the dvd hole is a nice touch, I likes it a lot22:01
valorieme too22:02
sgclarkoh neat22:02
clivejomaybe put the Kubuntu logo at the top, with the full codename in a different font?22:03
clivejoahoneybun: something like this? http://s18.postimg.org/ad67q1lyh/Colour_DVD_Label2.png22:18
ahoneybunI just like one color22:20
ahoneybunI'll work on some designs for it to look cooler22:20
valorieperhaps the colors in the background could be dimmed out, or blurred23:29
* valorie needs to go afk again23:29

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