
NonyaHello i am using hybryde os02:06
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glenn_guys, why does okteta freeze on the open file dialog04:55
valorieglenn_: have you tried launching the application from the commandline, to see if there is anything interesting in the output?05:36
glenn_valorie, It works fine when i run 'sudo okteta'05:39
glenn_although the form is a bit uglier..05:39
glenn_but works nonetheless05:39
valorieoh gosh, NEVER run applications as root05:39
valorieif you have done that, that might make the problem you are having05:40
valorieand if you *do* have to run as root in a gui app, use `kdesudo`05:40
glenn_no only reason i ran it as root, is because i was getting freezing on the open dialog!05:40
glenn_why is running gui apps as root bad?05:41
glenn_oh wait, root owning all the files it makes?05:41
valorienot sure how to fix that beyond fixing your whole $HOME05:41
valorieit changes permissions in your home to root05:41
valoriethis may take many minutes, depending on how big your home is, but you can run `chown -R username folder/`05:42
valoriewhich version of kubuntu are you using, glenn_?05:43
glenn_ill give it a whirl, cheers05:43
valorieok, so run that on just ~/.config05:43
valorieand ~/.local05:43
valoriethat will save a lot of time05:43
glenn_hmm, ‘/home/glenn/.config/QtProject.conf’ is spitting the dummy05:44
glenn_is that something i want to force?05:44
glenn_sudo $USER:USER chown?05:45
valoriefor starters, ~/ is short for "/home/glenn/"05:45
valorieI've never used it with sudo05:45
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions05:46
valorie!info okteta05:46
ubottuokteta (source: okteta): hexadecimal editor for binary files. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:14.12.3-0ubuntu4 (vivid), package size 82 kB, installed size 436 kB05:46
valoriethat isn't much info05:46
valorieI would look in launchpad for recent bugs filed against okteta05:47
valoriesince the chown stuff won't help with your original problem05:47
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !pkexec (for older releases: !gksu and !kdesudo). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo05:48
valoriepkexec? hmmm, I've not seen that05:48
ubottupkexec is a PolicyKit tool that allows an authorized user to run (graphical) applications as another user, similar to !gksu.05:48
glenn_here is the bash output of me runnign okteta from terminal05:48
glenn_(and open dialog - to freeze)05:49
glenn_there are some interesting lines05:49
valorieso do you think that you have ever run sudo when you should not have?05:50
valoriebecause finding ksycoca5 mentioned is rather suspicious05:50
glenn_most likely.. haha05:51
glenn_but not from memory05:51
valorieyou might try `chown -R me:me .cache/ksycoca5`05:51
valoriewell, glenn:glenn05:53
valorienot me:me05:53
glenn_hmm, issue persists05:55
ubottuUbuntu bug 1455586 in okular (Ubuntu) "Kickoff doesn't Respond, KDE Applications don't Open" [Undecided,New]05:57
valorieand one more open bug05:57
glenn_sorry valerie, kubuntu froze when i clicked the link..06:01
glenn_its beign down that alot latley06:01
glenn_random freezes the require reboots06:01
valorieI'm also running 15.04, + backports06:01
valorieno freezes, no crashes06:01
valoriealmost boring06:02
glenn_xfce with xubuntu was so stable for me - but kde is so pretty!06:02
glenn_but so unstable for me :/06:02
glenn_my hardware is more than enough to handle aswell06:02
valoriemight be a wonky driver?06:02
glenn_not sure - when i install nvidia drivers the OS wont boot06:03
glenn_and i have to go into root terminal and purge the drivers06:03
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sick_rimmitGood Morning08:00
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lordievaderGood morning.08:52
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BluesKajHi folks10:34
kiko3214Hi,  when I try to start HDR luminance or digiKam I get this error /usr/bin/digikam: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libIlmThread.so.6: invalid ELF header  .. I tried googling around but can't find anything that would lead me in direction of fixing this. Any ideas ?10:49
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Alex__I have a problem with my dancepad, is it the right place to seek help ?12:13
BluesKajAlex__, dancepad?12:17
Alex__It's a FutureMax dancepad12:19
BluesKajwhat Operating System does it run on ?12:19
Alex__It works on Windows 712:21
Alex__and it worked so far on Kubuntu until the latest update.12:22
BluesKajis it software or a device/hardware ?12:25
Alex__It's a device12:26
BluesKaji ssume it's connected via usb, so does lsusb show it?12:30
Alex__Nonetheless jstest has a strange behaviour, it was not the case before. http://pastebin.com/dvvUy9Qc12:31
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hyper_chhmmmmm, what's going to happen with Kubuntu?  ->  http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Kubuntu-15.10-Worrying-State13:13
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BluesKajhyper_ch, that's just speculation based on Jonathan's departure as the Kubuntu dev leader for one year. He's still active as a developer for Kubuntu. We thnk Kubuntu will carry on past 15.10, That article is just one kid's opinion :-)13:36
EsdouzewaBluesKaj: however 15.10 alpha release notes do mention "The Kubuntu team are committed to releasing 15.10 in October. Updates, bug fixes and future releases are currently uncertain. "13:37
BluesKajEsdouzewa, uncertain in who's opinion , the writer's or the developer's?13:39
soeeuntil any official statements, just ignore ll this :)13:39
EsdouzewaBluesKaj: that's what I'm seeing in the kubuntu 15.10 alpha 1 download page13:40
BluesKajsoee, hard to ignore rumours tho, we just have to put up with it13:41
Esdouzewahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/WilyWerewolf/Alpha1/Kubuntu <- this one13:41
hyper_chBluesKaj: but his opinion seems to be rather prominent when he voices it ;)13:59
* hyper_ch wonders if he should upgrade to wily just have a newer systemd version14:00
BluesKajprominent ? only if you think so14:00
hyper_chBluesKaj: top 20k visites pages worldwide :)14:02
hyper_chinterestingly, my most trafficed site ranks 350k worldwide and 163k in india...14:03
soeehyper_ch: there is not any performance boost with new systemd if ou think about it14:03
soeebut the system works just fine14:03
hyper_chsoee: no, it's regardng openvpn14:03
* soee is on Wily14:03
hyper_chthey introduced a feature in 220 which allows to umount network drives before the connection is closed...14:04
BluesKajnice for him, but I spend a lot of time with the devs...does he and do the those who visit his site? I don't think so.. He's just speculating based on a mistake on a web page.14:04
hyper_chbecause right now I face a 180 second timeout when powering off14:04
soeehyper_ch: ah that is thing i'm not familiar with14:05
hyper_chbefore, I could use the downroot plugin in openvpn but that doesn't seem to work properly anymore with systemd14:05
BluesKajmy openvpn servers connect fine to this pc which has systemd, but that's not the same as your setup I'm sure14:08
hyper_chBluesKaj: no, I mount cifs over the vpn14:08
hyper_chand systemd shuts down the vpn connection14:08
hyper_chand then tries to umount the cifs14:08
hyper_chwhich it can't because it becomes unresponsive14:08
hyper_chbut as said, they added new stuff in 220 which should fix that but 15.04 is just 21914:09
hyper_chsystemd v22014:09
hyper_chbut this weekend I'll have a deeper look at btrfs... setup my homeserver anew last weekend with btrfs.... now I need to learn how to make snapshots and stuff and how to back those up efficiently14:10
hyper_chall my rsync-ssh-hardlink-fu will need adjustment :)14:11
BluesKajthis is my first encounter with systemd, there's lots of controversy, but i works ok so far14:11
BluesKajit works14:11
hyper_chI still hate it ;)14:11
hyper_chsysV was just so simple and beautiful :)14:11
BluesKajthere must be a good reason for the change14:12
hyper_chit's more modern and you can start things in parallel which should speed up things and stuff...14:13
hyper_chbut I'm set in my old ways ;)14:13
hyper_chhmmm, for some strange reason kmail won't update my inbox anymore14:14
TJ-My main gripe is binary logs via journald by default, unless you disable that and install syslog-ng manually. Text logs are critical when trying to fix badly broken systems14:14
hyper_chthis is bad IMHO14:15
vbgunzon KDE 5, some font rendering is really jagged14:15
vbgunznvidia and chrome show them off the best, anyhow know how to fix it?14:15
vbgunzotherwise fonts are overall smooth14:15
hyper_chTJ-: normal text logs are great... binary logs.... weird14:17
hyper_chhowever if sysd is running it allows you get to nicely the logs for the service yuo want14:17
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TJ-hyper_ch: The systems I trouble-shoot are mostly dead and I'm working with forensic copies that aren't exectued14:19
TJ-hyper_ch: with binary logs being the default, and needing to work with images containing binary log files with potential corruption/lost data in those files, makes life 10x more difficult14:21
hyper_chI agree... as said, displaying logs within systemd is really nice14:21
hyper_chhow can I access akonadi gui in 15.04?14:22
vbgunzanyone know why some fonts in KDE 5 are jagged? it appears they have no aliasing whatsoever whereas fonts overall are smooth?14:41
BluesKajwhich font do you use , vbgunz?14:43
BluesKajand check your dpi setting14:44
regeditsometimes my desktop/display goes bonkers, such as if plugging/unplugging a second HDMI monitor, or other unpolished scenarios14:55
regeditwhat are the definite list of commands to restart KDE / restart X / restart plasma etc ?14:55
ricktimmisregedit: Well I just took a look at systemctl -a15:01
ricktimmiswhich lists a bunch of stuff, might be worth a grep / look through them see if anything looks like its suits15:01
regeditricktimmis: ok thanks, will check that15:02
murthyBluesKaj: pm?15:12
BluesKajmurthy, ok15:13
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regedithalp! my graphical desktop is not loading, which were the files i need to double-check are not owned to root? and where is the sddm config file with like auto-login settings please?16:02
BluesKajregedit, can you get to a TTY/VT ?  If so run systemctl enable sddm16:04
regeditBluesKaj: yep i do (that's how i'm on IRC now, via weechat-curses!)16:05
regeditBluesKaj: i am being prompted for my password, and here's something interesting in the output:16:07
regeditBluesKaj: insserv: fopen(.depend.stop) Permission Denied16:08
regeditBluesKaj: do i need to do that as sudo?16:09
BluesKajoops , probly16:09
regeditis sudo service sddm restart the same thing? i may have executed that at some point16:09
BluesKajregedit, not if you're on 15.04 with systemd16:10
BluesKajthe command is systemctl instead of service16:11
regeditBluesKaj: is it bad to do the service version? does it cause unwanted side effects?16:11
BluesKajdunno if it will work16:12
regeditBluesKaj: sudo systemctl restart/enable sddm seems to result in the same effect: all i get is the "starting version 219" steady black screen16:12
BluesKajjust run sudo systemctl enable sddm16:13
regeditdid, le'me try again...16:13
regeditBluesKaj: ok it seems to have executed some stuff and showing what seems like successful output16:14
regeditSynchronizing state for .......<stuff>.....16:15
regeditExecuting ...<something>... sddm defaults16:15
regeditExecuting ...<something>... sddm enable16:15
BluesKajyou might want to update and upgrade too16:16
regeditk doing that...16:16
regeditBluesKaj: done16:17
regeditthere were no updates, if that matters16:17
regeditsorry yes no upgrades16:18
regeditdid sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade16:18
BluesKajok try a reboot16:19
regeditBluesKaj: k thanks, will BRB if still trouble, thanks!16:19
regeditBluesKaj: no bacon :(16:21
BluesKajno desktop or no sddm ?16:22
regeditBluesKaj: no desktop, how do i tell about sddm?16:22
regeditBluesKaj: i had a similar situation the other day and it was because i tried restarting plasma desktop with sudo which made some configs chowned to root16:23
BluesKajsddm is your login page16:24
regeditBluesKaj: i'm pretty sure that's not necessarily the issue this time, but it might be worth double-checking those files to be sure. What configu files are those?16:24
regeditBluesKaj: the login screen does not show up16:24
BluesKajwhich kubuntu 15.04 or 15.10?16:25
regediti think .04... leme check again16:25
regeditBluesKaj: 15.04 according to cat /etc/*release16:26
regeditdidnt know 15.10 exists16:26
lordievader15.10 is development.16:27
BluesKajI don't fool with config files unless it's grub or sources.list , the obvious ones that one can edit safely16:28
regeditwhere is the sddm config file located? the one with the auto-login settings and such16:28
regeditah i hear16:28
lordievaderregedit: /etc/sddm.conf16:28
regediti'll just have a peek, i won't touch i pwomise! :p16:28
lordievaderWas this an oem install?16:29
lordievaderThat one has trouble removing the oem autologin.16:29
regeditnope manual from ISO install16:29
lordievaderOr is X simply broken?16:29
BluesKajwell , thjat's your call, but i'm thinking you need to remove lightdm if you still have it installed, there might be a conflict16:29
regeditworked fine up until earlier where i messed with some of the System Settings > User login stuff (forgot what that control panel icon is called)16:30
BluesKajstartup & shutdown?16:30
regedithm that file looks rather unpopulated compared to how i remember it before i changed settings16:31
regeditBluesKaj: yes rings a bell16:31
regedithow does the netcat 9999 thing work again?16:31
lordievaderregedit: What is in the sddm log?16:31
regeditlordievader: where would that be?16:31
lordievaderregedit: /var/log/sddm.log or something.16:31
regediti see a file ~/.xsession_errors , is that interesting for now?16:32
sattyhey guys why plasma is not smooth on kubuntu, when I press k button , it show start menu, but escape or click it left with menu16:32
lordievaderregedit: Not if you never get the login screen.16:32
regeditwell i'm seeing a bunch of output there, mostly normal/success info but maybe some errors/warnings are hidden in there. How can i paste for you guys the last several hundred lines of it?16:34
lordievaderregedit: tail -n 100 <file>|pastebinit16:35
regeditthere was this pipe to nc 9999 something to some paste website16:35
regeditah ok16:35
lordievaderPastebinit does all of that for you.16:35
regeditk thanks16:35
regeditlast 200 lines of /var/log/sddm.log16:37
lordievaderDo you have an /etc/sddm.conf?16:38
regedityup http://paste.ubuntu.com/11779371/16:38
regeditrather bare, i seem to remember it had more settings in there when i last checked it before i messed with System Settings > Startup & Shutdown16:38
lordievaderregedit: Stop sddm, rename that file, start sddm.16:39
regeditsudo systemctl stop sddm <- like that?16:40
lordievaderNo need to disable it.16:40
lordievaderJust stop it.16:40
regeditlordievader: i was switched to the F7 session where the last messages are "Starting Terminate Plymouth Boot Screen..." and "Starting wait for Plymouth boot screen to quit..."16:43
lordievaderregedit: Err, run the commands from tty 1 or something.16:43
regeditnot sure if it's still hanging there, or successfully complated all operations and simply not rendering anything more to the F7 screen16:44
regeditlordievader: i did16:44
lordievaderregedit: Ok, did sddm start correctly?16:44
regediti'm running this weechat-curses from F1 and executing commands in F216:44
regeditstart? i was stopping it, i thought...16:44
lordievader26-18:39 < lordievader> regedit: Stop sddm, rename that file, start sddm.16:45
regeditdidn't proceed with renaming the file yet, i wanted to check whether it's OK based on the last lines of output ^16:45
lordievaderThat is not output from your systemctl stop sddm16:45
regeditthough after i executed that command i was switched over to the F7 session and was shown a bunch of startup/shutdown looking outputs with [ OK ] lines etc the last 2 of which were ^^16:46
lordievaderYeah, doesn't matter.16:47
regeditok renaming file now...16:47
regediti'm guessing sudo systemctl (re)start sddm16:47
lordievaderJust start, yes.16:48
regeditok doing...16:48
regeditlordievader: i'm just landing at that same startup-messages screen with the plymouth stuff (i guess it was just leftover messages from initial bootup or something)16:49
regeditand i'm not finding *any* /etc/sddm.conf now, was it supposed to create a default one?16:52
regediti only see my renamed file there16:53
lordievaderregedit: That is okay. Usually there ain't one. But did it start correctly?16:57
regeditlordievader: what do you mean did it start correctly? i don't have my graphical desktop / login screen if that's what you mean16:58
regediti'm still in tty / text land, graphical desktop has yet to show itself16:58
lordievaderYes, that is what I mean.16:59
lordievaderregedit: Can you start X manually?16:59
regeditlordievader: what might be the command for that please16:59
regeditlordievader: what about starting plasmashell, would that be helpful at this point?17:00
lordievaderregedit: Stop X/sddm first, then /usr/bin/X17:00
lordievaderPlasmashell is later, unless you skip the sddm problem. But I wouldn't be surprised if they are related.17:00
regeditlordievader: just run /usr/bin/X ? with trailing ampersand to run on its own? with/out sudo?17:01
regeditFailed to stop X.service: Unit X.service not loaded.17:02
lordievaderNo, in the foreground. Only use sudo if you get a permission denied.17:02
hyper_chsoee: how happy are you with wily?17:02
soeehyper_ch: same as i was with Vivid :)17:04
hyper_chsoee: how many hairs left?17:04
regeditlordievader: getting a black screen with a single steady underscore17:04
regeditlordievader: this one doesnt even seem to be the F7 session...unless i just dont understand how this all works17:05
soeehyper_ch: it works just fine  :)17:05
hyper_chsoee: hmmm, I wonder, with btrfs snapshotting... shouldn't you be able to upgrade to wily... and if you don't like it just restore the snapshot?17:05
soeethat i dont know17:06
lordievaderregedit: That is good, it means X works ;)17:06
hyper_chsoee: I'm just dabbling with btrfs a bit17:06
hyper_chlooks good except for apt usage17:06
lordievaderregedit: Under root, or as a user?17:06
regeditlordievader: as my user17:07
hyper_chsoee: can you check which systemd version you've got?17:07
soeehyper_ch: i never used it :)17:07
hyper_chsoee: systemd --version17:07
lordievaderregedit: Allright. Run in in the background and see if you can start kde (simply run 'startkde').17:07
regeditlordievader: $DISPLAY is not set or cannot connect to the X server17:08
regeditlordievader: holy crap i have something to say about that17:08
regeditlordievader: in my last yet-working session (before i rebooted and no desktop worked) i was testing/trying out some things17:09
lordievaderregedit: DISPLAY=:0 startkde17:09
regeditlordievader: one of the things that i tried (based on a askubuntu answer) was something like: DISPLAY=:0 kwin --replace17:10
regeditthe command failed though17:10
regeditbut maybe it had some permanent side effect?17:10
regeditlordievader: ok trying that..17:10
regeditlordievader: ok the output seems to indicate success of some sort, but where is the session? i can't see the desktop, it's not at F7 either17:12
lordievaderregedit: It should be, if that is where X:0 is running.17:14
regeditlordievader: it seems to still be just showing those startup messages, no graphic desktop yet...17:14
regeditlordievader: shall i reboot? have i fixed the issue(s)?17:14
lordievaderHmm... Perhaps.17:15
regeditok trying, brb...17:15
regeditshould i un-rename /etc/sddm.conf ?17:15
lordievaderregedit: No, leave that as is.17:16
regeditok rebooting...17:16
regeditlordievader: no bacon yet..17:18
lordievaderregedit: What is the output of 'lspci -k|grep -A2 VGA'?17:18
regedit(sure wish i knew how to do Copy/Paste in here...) ok trying17:19
lordievaderregedit: Pastebinit or tmux ;)17:20
lordievaderOr screen ;)17:20
regeditpaste.ubuntu.com/11779585 i was referring to copying the commands from weechat-curses to tty17:21
regeditah tmux was the other paste site i was referring to (the one with port 9999 or something)17:21
lordievaderTmux is a paste site?17:21
lordievaderTmux is a terminal multiplexer.17:22
regeditor something no? doesnt it produce a URL?17:22
regeditoh nevermind then, they might both begin with a T and i'm remembering wrong17:22
lordievaderOeh, two graphics cards -.-17:22
lordievaderDo you have that prime stuff installed?17:22
regeditnvidia? i think17:22
regeditthe funny thing is - this was all working just fine for days now, up until few hrs ago...17:23
lordievaderSo what did you do?17:23
regeditwhen i messed with kwin commands and suto-login settings and such17:23
sithlord48regedit:  discreite gpu?17:23
regediti was tryin to learn various commands for restarting graphics in case things go bad (which happens a bunch for example if i plug/unplug my external HDMI monitor)17:24
regeditsithlord48: i have both intel embedded and GeForce 610M17:24
sithlord48nvidia properitay driver?17:24
lordievadersithlord48: Yes, see his latest paste.17:25
regediti have the ubuntu 346-updates version selected17:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 346 in conglomerate (Ubuntu) "Does not contain a .desktop file" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34617:25
sithlord48your hotswap display issues are mostly likley releated to the properitary driver.17:25
regediti hear17:25
sithlord48you should use in your /usr/share/sddm/scripts/Xsetup your xrandr command if your having issues w display17:26
sithlord48use nvidia-settings when you remove or add a display or manually edit your xorg.conf17:26
regediti have never yet touched any xorg.conf (knowingly anyway)17:27
sithlord48unforutnately the nvidia driver doesn't play to nice with xrandr  because its using xorg mostly17:27
sithlord48if you have the nvidia driver it makes one for you17:27
regediti see17:27
regeditso as i was saying, i was trying to get familiar with commands such as systemctl restart sddm (or as some other website put it; service sddm restart, which may not have been the best way of doing it?)17:28
sithlord48all that is going todo is restart sddm17:28
sithlord48it willnot change your xsettings17:28
regeditand then i tried this DISPLAY=:0 kwin --replace, which resulted in an error about no 'kwin' command or something17:29
sithlord48what version are you using > ? it might be kwin_x11 now17:29
regeditthen i messed with some System Settings > startup & shutdown stuff, like auto login and perhaps something else17:29
regeditafter reboot, no graphical desktop :(17:29
sithlord48well what did you mess with ?17:30
regeditsithlord48: yes i do see a kwin_x11 command17:30
sithlord48this will get your window manager running..17:30
BluesKajregedit, using nvidia-prime ?17:30
regeditsithlord48: don't remember by heart... some stuff in that control panel related to session log in and startup/shutdown...17:30
regeditah something about saving open windows or restarting a new session each time17:31
sithlord48not gonna break your login..]17:31
sithlord48do u just get a black screen when you log in ? can you see a cursor?17:31
regeditBluesKaj: i might have a package like that installed, not sure if i am "using" it though17:31
sithlord48are you using plasma5?17:31
regeditsithlord48: yes plasma517:31
sithlord48try rm -r ~/.cache17:32
sithlord48NOT AS ROOT17:32
regeditit seems that the F7 session screen just hangs or something. If i try to switch to alt + F7 now, i just keep seeing my current tty screen except unresponsive17:32
regeditsithlord48: ok trying that...17:32
BluesKajregedit, you have a hybrid gpu system with 2 gpus , correct ?17:32
sithlord48ummm is kubunt not starting on tty1? as systemd likes?17:32
regeditBluesKaj: not sure what you mean by "hybrid" in this case17:33
sithlord48BluesKaj:  yes he has a intel and Nvida card17:33
BluesKajone gpu runs on lighter loads and switches to the nvidia for heavier usage like videos and games17:33
regeditsithlord48: not sure how that would express itself, i would usually see the splash screen and then start seeing the desktop logon screen and finally reach desktop. now i see splash, then "starting version 219" forever black screen17:34
regeditah interesting17:34
sithlord48so you get a crash of X after you log in ? not a black desktop w/ a cursor?17:34
regediti'm not sure it's necessarily after log in, in fact the last thing i did was diable auto login17:35
sithlord48 do you see the login screen?17:35
regeditnope, nothing graphical (other than initial splash screen) succeeds to render at all, everything remains in text land17:35
sithlord48the one that says "kubuntu"17:36
BluesKajseems that X doesn't choose a gpu after login if X isn't runniong17:36
regeditWAIT WTFFF17:36
regediti just switched to F7 just now, it's there!!17:36
regediti need to reboot to see this again for myself...17:37
BluesKajso X is running after all :-)17:37
sithlord48so do u get a log or your desktop on tty7?17:37
sithlord48* login *17:37
regediti saw the graphical log in screen, logged in, and reached my desktop17:37
sithlord48 after removing your .cache?17:38
regediti wanna reboot to make sure this is now working as expected17:38
regeditno i didnt even do that17:38
regediti switched to F7 countless times earlier...17:38
regeditseemed just frozen / hanging, but now it's suddenly there17:38
regeditrebooting, brb... thanks a lot guys!17:39
regeditsame situation after reboot...17:41
regeditit's like, graphical desktop takes 15 minutes to start up successfully, or something...17:42
regeditright now (Ctrl +) Alt + F7 is back to hanging17:42
sithlord48if you start and stop sddm what happens?17:44
regeditwait what - in that order?17:44
sithlord48well stop it first if its running17:44
regedithow do i know if it's running17:44
sithlord48well you can ps -A | grep sddm17:45
regedityep i see 3 entries there17:45
regeditsddm sddm-helper sddm-greeter17:45
sithlord48so your login screen is up then on tty7?17:46
regedittheoretically perhaps, but when i switch to it - i get nothing. i just keep seeing what i see at tty1 (where i am right now) except frozen/hanging17:47
regediti.e. display rendering is not changing or being updated of what's supposed to show at tty7 perhaps17:47
sithlord48sddm-greater should be a login screen... what is what i get if i run it17:47
sithlord48was this working before you installed the nvidia driver?17:47
regeditgraphical desktop was working just fine no probs, however i was on auto-login mode17:48
regeditall the current trouble started when i tried switching off auto login mode, which might mean that the initial login (greeter?) has issues perhaps with the video card or driver17:48
sithlord48can you restart sddm17:49
regeditexcept somehow (without doing much of anything?) last time suddenly tty7 did in fact show what it's supposed to17:49
sithlord48do you get any errors in the tty when you do17:49
sithlord48maybe its really slow.....17:49
regeditsithlord48: ok stopping & restarting sddm... (with systemctl)17:49
regeditsithlord48: dont think i had any errors, leme try now17:50
regeditok i just stopped sddm, did not get any output, tty7 is now showing "starting version 219" steady on black background17:51
sithlord48yup thats normal. now start it17:51
regeditps -A and top -bn 1 seem to indicate there is no sddm running right now17:51
regeditok starting..17:51
regeditstill just showing "starting version 219" without any additional response17:53
sithlord48no errors on tty1 ?17:53
regeditno output messages17:53
regedityep nothing came out of executing sudo systemctl start sddm17:53
regediti.e. no output17:54
sithlord48journalctl -u sddm17:54
sithlord48should show you sddm log any thing helpful there?17:54
regeditjust some "Starting" and "Stopping Simple....Desktop manager" messages, and some pam_unix lines in between17:55
regeditwant full output?17:55
sithlord48no mine looks basicly like taht as well17:56
regediti'm wondering if the logging in screen has issues with multi monitor maybe, and it might work if i reboot with the external screen unplugged17:57
sithlord48i have some issues in sddm w/ multi monitors but its mainly just it picks the highest res they both support and its not the same for both my monitors17:58
sithlord48that and it starts in clone mode also17:58
regeditthough that fluke when the logon screen suddenly did show up wroked ok(ish) even with multi mon..17:58
regeditye it was clone instead of extend for me too17:58
sithlord48if you nvidia card is taking over that maybe an issues try it with only the one and see17:59
regedithow do i control that? these are both inside my laptop17:59
regeditis it normal that xrandr command doesnt work from tty1 / tty2 ?18:02
sithlord48depends on what mode yours runs in .. the old ones you might need vgaswitcharoo (idk about that at all) the new ones just  happends as the discrete gpu is just rendering and fowarding to the intel card.18:02
sithlord48xrandr needs to be run where the display is iirc.18:03
regeditthis is a 2012 laptop, i think it might be more of "the new ones" type18:03
regeditah i see18:03
sithlord48read this .. i know its for arch. but it maybe help you get the back end18:04
regedithow do i read that from command line? :)18:04
regeditnever heard of, will try to apt-get that18:05
sithlord48xrandr --listproviders should show two cards like mine does18:05
regedit"Can't open display"18:06
sithlord48prime doesn not apper  to be supported by nvidia driver either..18:06
regeditreally? i thought i remember it being part of the driver packages... oh well18:07
sithlord48taht page only lists open drivers as supporting it.. maybe thats because its not talking about the properitay ones idk18:08
regediti see18:09
regeditim'a reboot with 1 monitor unplugged, just to TIAS.. brb18:09
wldcordeiroI'm having a problem with my laptop where if I close the lid, rather than going into sleep mode it just shuts down and has to restart when I reopen it.18:09
sithlord48wldcordeiro: . see system settings power options be sure they are set how you would like it .18:09
regeditstill no go..18:11
sithlord48you can try to reenable autologin18:11
wldcordeirosithlord48: I have configured it the way I like, it's set to go to sleep when the lid is closed but it still shuts down.18:12
sithlord48check that power managemnt service is running18:12
sithlord48system settings-> start up / shutdown -> background services18:12
regeditsithlord48: ok i enabled Relogin=true and User=regedit in /etc/sddm.conf, rebooting...18:14
sithlord48wldcordeiro:  you can also try changing it in the config here http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2014/04/shutdown-ubuntu-14-04-lts-when-the-lid-is-closed/18:15
regeditsithlord48: i am now officially declaring this a "it's not a bug - it's a feature!" non-issue :P18:20
regeditwhy you ask? well18:20
sithlord48i ask ...18:20
regeditturns out the logon screen is "there" just for some buggy reason doesnt actually render. But it's there and working fine18:20
sithlord48ok then that is nice..18:20
regediti can blindly type in my password and it logs me into graphical desktop no probs18:20
sithlord48are you on a desktop now?18:21
regeditso it's like an additional security measure - throws the noobs off :D18:21
sithlord48regedit:  there is that link from eariler if you care to look at it https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PRIME18:21
regedityup, back to graphical desktop as usual18:21
regeditsithlord48: ok thanks will have a peek18:21
sithlord48kinda like mine but its just everything is so small you can't read it (4k screen)18:21
regeditheh wow18:22
regeditso yeah lol for now i'll just see this as an extra confuse-the-noob feature instead of problematic bug :D18:22
sithlord48for me its ok once i get into kde.. the terminal font is tiny and sddm is almost unreadable.18:23
regeditfont sizes & DPI settings can prolly be tweaked?18:23
regeditor analog brute force solution: use a magnifying glass!18:24
regeditpractical and succinct :D18:24
sithlord48i have a dpi setting in my Xsetup script and it helps somewhat but only with X running the console font i changed to the largest one you can use but its still pretty small..18:24
regeditif you can change the font i'm pretty sure you should be able to change the font size too18:25
sithlord48aparently sun12x22 is as large as it gets for the terminal (this is arch machine)18:25
sithlord48well regedit glad i was able to help you the little i was able to18:26
regeditsithlord48: yes thank you kind sir, your time & persistence was very muchly appreciated!18:29
sithlord48anytime if im around..18:30
sithlord48just say my name and ill usually show up18:30
regeditawesome! thanks!18:35
vbgunzBluesKaj: the font doesn't matter, in system settings, it's the fixed width font that's a culprit but also the fonts that not fixed width BUT make up the nvidia settings dialog or Chromium web pages (times new roman, arial, monospace) look jagged. It's a weird issue19:04
vbgunzshows up in Kate and I had to change the font from (I forgot) to andale mono. no aliasing whatsoever but it looks better.19:04
BluesKajvbgunz, ok, seems to be an anomaly since i haven't seen that lately19:06
vbgunzyeah, it's really weird, it's fixed width in system settings and fonts in chromium and the nvidia dialog are just terrible19:07
vbgunzfirefox too19:07
tek__hi. am i in the right place to ask questions?19:24
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vbgunzin KDE 5 instant messenger, using Google, anyone know why some of my straight up, official Google Hangout contacts are not on the list?20:07
valorievbgunz: it seems you have to go through the google "one app two-step verification" to get it to work20:08
valoriethat said, I gave up before getting it to work20:08
vbgunzI did this, it's how I got to see the list at all20:09
eduzenHi, i added two drives to fstab, but i need always do a mount... I thought that it was automatic if it appears in the fstab file20:19
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ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions20:39
valorieeduzen: ^^^ might shed some light20:40
[Relic]probably needs to create directories20:43
eduzenalready created21:09
eduzenthe things that the same lines that i added, i already had in other laptop21:10
valorievbgunz: try in #kde-telepathy21:10
eduzenbut the difference was the OS21:10
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eduzenwell i need to go21:15
eXistenZeHow exactly does linux know what program opens a specific file?21:24
eXistenZeit's not the extension like win21:24
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valorieeXistenZe: there is a settings file that handles that21:37
valoriehowever, FF etc. don't necessarily follow that21:37
Romulohi guys, can someone help me please?21:40
RomuloI've created a simple script to run some commands in .config/autostart but it did not run as intended21:41
saidGuten Abend21:41
saidhabt ihr21:41
saidein Deutsche site21:41
Romuloit execute normaly in konsole, does it have a different enironment in autostart21:42
Romulono one can help? :(21:46
Swipe-Anyone else experiencing baloo_file consuming cpu even after it has finished indexing?21:46
Romuloit is working normally to me21:47
Romuloapart from the fact it isn't much smart in searching21:47
Swipe-I've just disabled it anyway21:48
RomuloI'm thinking in doing the same, sadly it isn't doing any good job in meta data search...21:49
eXistenZeis baloo usefull for aything besides file search?21:50
Romulomaybe it can do but irs usage appear to be not trivial...21:50
Romulowell it is intended to search meta information, contacts, mails, etc... but...21:50
Romuloat the moment dolphin integration cant faind fobar.x if i do a obar search... or a fo.x...21:51
Swipe-don't think I have much of requirement for it21:51
Romuloand it cant find anything by its internal content21:51
Romuloits a lot usefull if you have 10000 climate brute database and want to search by a known pattern inside it...21:52
Romulowell as I readed a while ago it was the intention, and all modern systems implemented it like 5 years ago21:53
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vbgunzwill Kubuntu 15.04 get KDE 15.04.2?22:56
lucas-arghey all23:15
lucas-argjust wanted to ask something23:15
lucas-argis kubuntu dieing?23:15
vbgunzlucas-arg: what makes ya say that?23:16
lucas-argi read that in some web23:16
lucas-argthat they were separating from ubuntu23:16
vbgunzhmm, I don't think so, I think KDE 5 might just save the day though I really do not wish to upgrade to it (I'm currently just testing it)23:17
mparillo_1. Don't believe every bit of click-bait you read. 2. if you value Kubuntu, then help any way you can.23:17
mparillo_Report bugs, draft docs, help users here, package SW (this is probably the biggest task)23:18
mparillo_Burn DVDs and share them.23:18

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