
dholbachgood morning07:00
davidcalleMorning all o/07:44
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popeyHm, Can apps prevent shell rotation, or request that they not be rotatable?11:02
popeyhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/sudoku-app/+bug/1465453 for example.11:02
ubot5Launchpad bug 1465453 in Sudoku App "Sudoku is unusable under shell rotation on a Nexus 4 (and probably others)" [Undecided,New]11:02
Elleopopey: yeah, they need to set it in their .desktop file11:02
popeyThinking this app should stay portrait only11:02
popeyoh, excellent.11:02
popeyis this documented somewhere11:02
Elleopopey: X-Ubuntu-Supported-Orientations=portrait11:03
popeysweet, thanks11:03
Elleono problem11:03
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karniCorrect me if I'm wrong, but I think this example shouldn't say in both PageHeadState's "head: searchPage.head", should it?13:00
nik90karni: it should13:46
nik90karni: the head property is used to indicate which page head it belongs to. I have had some failures when not declaring that.13:47
karninik90: yes, thank you (managed to arrive at that conclusion :) )13:47
karnithe example also says "Click the icon", and there's none :D? and id: headerState (whereas the default one has no id, and is also sort of header state)13:47
karnioh, the search icon, nvm :) coolio.13:48
nik90yeah the header button icon ;)13:48
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balloonsmhall119, I need to review https://code.launchpad.net/~mhall119/developer-ubuntu-com/add-autopilot-scopes-docs/+merge/262859 yes?14:47
mhall119balloons: I think dholbach is reviewing it already14:51
dpmballoons, did the question about clock tests failing in trunk get resolved?14:53
balloonsdpm, no, good point. I should ping nik90 again14:55
balloonsmhall119, perfect, I'll leave it14:55
nik90balloons, dpm: I'm here14:55
balloonsI'd like to get that up today so I can unleash the docs and posts14:55
nik90balloons, dpm: I still to need to read up on the email about the clock app test. Sry, been busy with weather app this week.14:56
dpmballoons, also, thanks to bartosz, Calculator now uploads correctly to the daily PPA14:57
dpmnp, thanks nik90!14:57
balloonsahh yes, the ppa uploads15:00
nik90oh yeah ... https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-weather-app/finish-listitem-migration/+merge/263136   ..... around 700 lines of code removed..always love these kind of MPs ;)15:22
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davmor2popey: whats the magic ppa to install the coreapps please15:50
davmor2on desktop15:50
popeygoogle core apps ppa daily15:50
popeyyou'll find it :)15:50
davmor2popey: ta15:50
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davmor2popey: so music-app works but reminders-app and calendar-app both fail to open :(16:36
davmor2popey: Music does look lovely though :)16:37
popeydavmor2: on what desktop?16:41
davmor2popey: yeap16:41
popeyno, thats not an answer16:41
popeywhat desktop?16:41
popeyunity7 1504, unity8.. click.. snappy?16:41
davmor2popey: amd64 vivid16:41
popeyany errors in ~/.cache/upstart/usual place?16:42
popeymight need a bug filing so we can track it.16:42
popeythanks for testing16:42
popeyhey mihir16:43
davmor2not testing I had no calendar app on my laptop so thought oh there is that ppa to install the phone app I'll grab that :)16:43
mihirhey popey16:43
popeyoh, you left a comment on https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/1466667/+merge/262763 ...16:44
mihiryeah, anyway I'll chuck mine and accept his :) doesn't make much difference16:45
popeybe good to land it16:46
davmor2popey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11779423/ trying from the terminal I get this no errors in the .cache though16:49
popeyis this a clean install of vivid?16:52
davmor2popey: it was when vivid was released yes16:53
mihirpopey: done17:41
* popey hugs mihir 17:42
popeythanks mihir !17:42
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nik90popey: did media-hub playlist support land?17:56
nik90I just read the community update email by dpm17:56
popeynik90: initial version is in silo 3817:56
davmor2popey: how old is the dekko in that ppa?17:59
nik90popey: oh wow .. can't believe I missed that ;)17:59
nik90Elleo: this might just be it ;) ^^^ media-hub playlist support18:02
Elleonik90: awesome :)18:04
Elleoanyone know anything about push notifications? I'm setting both the "actions" parameter and the "persist" parameter but neither seem to have any effect18:15
popeyElleo: DanChapman does I think18:16
Elleopopey: okay, thanks18:17
popeydavmor2: very old18:18
popeyDanChapman: also, do you have a more up to date ppa for dekko?18:18
DanChapmanElleo are you setting the "actions" parameter as an array? That one caught me out.18:23
DanChapmanpopey: no i don't have an up to date ppa. might be worth sorting that out again at some point18:23
ElleoDanChapman: yeah18:23
ElleoDanChapman: this is what I'm sending: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11779882/18:24
ElleoDanChapman: I'm especially surprised that persist doesn't work, since that'd seem pretty unambigious18:24
Elleoinstead I just get a transitory pop-up and nothing else18:24
Elleoemblems also don't work either when set, but I'm less concerned about that18:25
DanChapmanhmm strange that looks ok to me. Although i don't think i managed to get appid:// to work for the action, and instead went with a custom handler dekko://18:28
DanChapmanElleo, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~dpniel/dekko/devel/view/head:/src/app/Notifications/PostalServiceWorker.cpp is where I create the push message in dekko if that's of any help.18:29
ElleoDanChapman: thanks, will take a look18:29
ElleoDanChapman: sorted it :) both problems were caused by me having the wrong appid, it should have been com.mikeasoft.podbird_Podbird not com.mikeasoft.podbird_podbird (capital P)18:37
Elleoand that was also the cause of the emblem counter not showing up18:39
DanChapmanElleo \o/ awesome18:39
DanChapmanI'm yet to get sound to work though18:39
ElleoDanChapman: are you supplying the mp3 with your app? that'd be my guess, I haven't tried using that though (don't really want sounds for this)18:40
popeyahayzen: hide! nik90 and Elleo want to steal your lovely playlist goodness!18:40
ahayzenhahahha good luck!18:41
* ahayzen pretends that that audio side works perfectly :-)18:41
popeyRuh Roh18:41
ahayzenbut the UI side is all working really nicely :-) so far18:42
davmor2ahayzen: don't make out like it doesn't or I'll set jhodapp on you ;)18:43
DanChapmanElleo, i've tried supplying it and just setting "sound": true which the docs say should play a default sound. I need to check the source to see if it wants the file in a specific standard path or something18:43
ElleoDanChapman: also, double check you're not in silent mode :P18:43
ElleoDanChapman: beyond that I have no idea I'm afraid18:43
jhodappdavmor2, lol18:43
Elleonik90, popey: http://mikeasoft.com/~mike/notification-test.png http://mikeasoft.com/~mike/emblem-test.png \o/ (just a pre-constructed test update from the server so far, still need to get it parsing all the podcast feeds to generate genuine updates)18:44
davmor2jhodapp: man don't laugh people won't take me seriously when I threaten them with you ;)18:45
davmor2jhodapp: is silo38 building?18:45
ahayzendavmor2, hehe18:45
nik90Elleo: awesome..btw we will need a monochrome icon of Podbird to show in the indicator-messages18:46
* ahayzen senses many evenings of testing ahead18:46
davmor2ahayzen: haha :P18:46
ahayzenwe are only changing the actual part the plays audio of a music-app you know nothing important :-)18:46
nik90Elleo: btw is this all server code or client code?18:47
jhodappdavmor2, haha, it is already built18:47
davmor2ahayzen: I repeat "HAHA"18:47
Elleonik90: yeah, no idea how to specify a different app icon, but I expect karni will know from telegram18:47
nik90jhodapp: can we expect your silo 38 for vivid ... in other words for OTA-5?18:47
davmor2jhodapp: Silo ready to build18:47
jhodappnik90, trying for it18:48
Elleonik90: bit of both, some client code to let the server know what its notification token is and register it with a specific user, and a little notification helper; then most of the actual json generation happens on the server and gets sent off to the push server18:48
jhodappdavmor2, it was built once by Mirv...I haven't changed it since then18:48
davmor2jhodapp: oh no wonder it's a wily silo18:49
nik90davmor2: look at you nicely mocking up for all the testing that needs to be done...may be we should get the QA to do it for us :PPPPP18:49
davmor2nik90: No we get it afterwards :P18:50
nik90davmor2: hmm true18:50
nik90Elleo: I will ask kevin for that icon and send it to you .. should be quite easy to make it.18:51
nik90ahayzen: I did have a look at your branch but its too many changes for me to make out anything ;) .. . I will have to resort to checking the Qt Multimedia documentation for it18:52
ahayzennik90, and its not finished/working :-) ... and pre-victor QA18:52
karninik90: anything I can help with?18:52
nik90karni: Elleo and I would like to know how to show a monochrome icon in the messaging indicator when you get a push notification.18:53
karnioh, indicator message18:53
karni1 sec18:53
nik90karni: Elleo is adding push notification support for Podbird!18:53
nik90ahayzen: ah yes the victor QA ;)18:54
karniI have this in cmakelists:18:54
karniCMakeLists.txt:set(APP_SYMBOLIC_ICON "images/telegram_symbolic.svg")18:54
karniI also see this:18:54
Elleonik90: cool, thanks18:54
Elleokarni: awesome, thanks18:54
nik90Elleo: ^^18:54
karniyw :)18:54
nik90karni: thnx18:54
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popeyElleo: oooh19:09
popeyElleo: so is that "there are new episodes available"?19:09
popeyoh man, you could also do "You liked, this, here's other shows you might like"19:09
Elleopopey: yeah, that's also planned; I based the server  on the GNU FM code specifically so I could easily reuse the recommendation engine I wrote for that :)19:09
Elleopopey: and then I can use my powers for evil by getting it to always suggest my own podcasts to everyone ;)19:11
SturmFlutIs anybody here using OSMScout?19:35
bogdan_Is there any way to use the `Design` tab of `Qt Creator` when developing Ubuntu Phone applications?19:44
bogdan_All I'm seeing in the `Design` tab is a bunch of errors: `Errors while reading typeinfo files:` ...19:47
bogdan_do you folks usually use that feature of the IDE?19:48
SturmFlutbogdan_: No, the "Design" tab is even supposed to be disabled when developing for Ubuntu19:53
SturmFlutpopey: Ping19:53
SturmFlutpopey: Didn't somebody take one of Simon Tatham's games and port it for Ubuntu?19:53
SturmFlutpopey: Or was that my imagination19:54
popeyRobert Ancell looked at them19:54
popeydunno if he ported any19:54
bogdan_SturmFlut: thanks19:54
bogdan_SturmFlut: I wish I had aked this yesterday19:54
SturmFlutpopey: I remember a screenshot I think, but I don't see anything in the store19:57
popeySturmFlut: https://uappexplorer.com/app/com.ubuntu.developer.robert-ancell.mines20:00
SturmFlutpopey: That was already on the last list20:05
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mcphailCan anyone running vivid+overlay test a .click for me to see if it runs in landscape mode?20:57
nik90mcphail: sure21:01
mcphailnik90: thanks - http://themcphails.uk/pong.njmcphail_0.1_armhf.click21:02
mcphailnik90: the game isn't functional, but just want to see if rotation works21:02
SturmFlutMy understanding is that the Ubuntu messaging framework is based on Telepathy, which means that all the existing instant messaging services (like XMPP or ICQ) could be easily used as backends on the device. Is that correct?21:04
SturmFlutpopey: ^^21:04
nik90mcphail: https://imgur.com/a/VulTh#221:08
nik90mcphail: it does force the phone to go to landscape mode21:09
mcphailnik90: but doesn't get past splash screen?21:10
nik90mcphail: it does, but the whole background is transparent...I barely see the ball and the slider moving21:10
nik90mcphail: if you look at https://imgur.com/a/VulTh#1, you will see your app running21:11
mcphailaah - some progress at least. Cheers!21:12
mcphailwonder if this is another manifestation of bug 1460149 ?21:18
ubot5bug 1460149 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Visible corruption in SDL apps (Neverball, Neverputt) on Nexus 4 / Nexus 7." [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146014921:18
SturmFlutUpdate time! http://sturmflut.github.io/ubuntu/2015/06/27/ubuntu-app-scope-wishlist-june-2015/22:05

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