
kenvandinerobru, btw... i kicked the tires a little on your new tool, sorry i didn't really have any feedback :)01:04
kenvandinei was just excited to see the end of the spreadsheet in sight i couldn't think straight :)01:04
robrukenvandine: i saw that, thanks. I've managed to find enough holes in my own so far ;-)01:04
kenvandinerobru, i think the only thing i didn't understand was the status field01:05
robruIt's down atm due to redeploying issues.01:05
kenvandineit's free form?01:05
robrukenvandine: yeah the status field will be set by Jenkins mostly.01:05
kenvandineok, shouldn't let it be editable my me then :)01:05
kenvandinealso there was no choice for dual landing01:05
kenvandinebut i typed it in01:05
robrukenvandine: yeah all the fields are free form01:06
robruI'll add dual as an option01:06
kenvandinei think those were the only issues i noticed01:06
kenvandinei expected status to be read-only01:06
kenvandineit's all VERY exciting though!01:06
robrukenvandine: thanks, yeah I'm hoping to have this ready in a week + however long it takes for #is to do the production rollout01:08
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sil2100jibel, davmor2, popey, ogra_: I suppose there's nothing to discuss today as well, right?07:38
jibelsil2100, works for me08:05
* ogra_ has always something to discuss :P08:07
davmor2sil2100: probably not08:07
ogra_not particulary for this meeting though :)08:07
jibelsil2100, I supposed your question implied that you'll cancel the meeting, hence my reply :)08:10
ogra_he did so, 15 min ago :)08:11
mterryrsalveti, hey btw, here's a little presentation I made.  I don't know how we are presenting stuff today, but you can use some of its slides maybe: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1fQ_1kSp6nacLa5970GMl3RxALQR0216_UpOtj4SR-ZQ/edit#slide=id.gb5009c440_0_14108:15
ogra_mterry, echan ? :)08:16
mterryogra_, ineed08:16
dbarthhey trainguards, can you help me reconfig silo 001; i have added a branch that the tool doesn't like me to add myself08:27
sil2100dbarth: hey! On it08:28
sil2100dbarth: reconfiguring08:28
sil2100Should be good now08:28
ogra_sil2100, bug 1465214 .... i wouldnt actually call "Add debugging to figure out what's happening.." being "Fix Released" :)08:29
ubot5bug 1465214 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "SIM unlock dialog can not be brought up on arale at all" [Critical,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146521408:29
jibelogra_, the commit message is wrong, it's more than just adding debug information.08:34
ogra_jibel, bah08:35
* ogra_ did just set it back to "In Progess"08:35
jibelogra_, the real fix is "Wait for SIM Manager interface to be fully initialised before we try and unlock any SIMs"08:35
jibeland it also fixes the case where you couldn't unlock your SIM if you boot with airplane mode on. 2 bugs with 1 fix :)08:37
ogra_i dont see that line anywhere in the changelog08:37
jibelthis is what landed08:38
pete-woodsjibel: yay :)08:38
ogra_jibel, right, but the package changelog (which is what counts) has some other message ...08:38
pete-woodsdammit, forgot to rebuild after setting the commit message correctly08:39
jibelogra_, yeah as I said the commit message was wrong08:39
ogra_pete-woods, you shouldnt have to ... changing it should auto-rebuild imho08:39
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ogra_sil2100, ^^^ could the train check for that ?08:40
ogra_(so we dont end up with outdated changelogs)08:41
sil2100Need to look into the LP API08:43
ogra_pete-woods, hmm, that should be in todays image ... to which i just OTAed ... and on which i had to use the terminal to unlock :(08:43
pete-woodsit wasn't landed when I eod'd last night08:43
ogra_http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/vivid/20150626.changes has it listed08:44
ogra_so why didnt it come to me with that OTA08:44
ogra_(i have the old one installed)08:44
pete-woodsoh, that's a relief08:44
ogra_phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ dpkg -l |grep indicator-network08:44
ogra_ii  indicator-network                                    0.5.1+15.04.20150611-0ubuntu1                     armhf        Systems settings menu service - Network indicator08:44
ogra_ weird ... what did i just OTA to08:45
ogra_seems i'm on 38 ... now thats strange08:45
* ogra_ checks for updates again08:45
ogra_... and there is 39 waiting ... i wonder how thats possible08:46
pete-woodscosmic rays08:46
ogra_yeah, very weird08:46
* ogra_ crosses fingers 08:47
ogra_and there is a SIM dialog :D08:47
jibelogra_, do you mean you received an update notification and you OTA-ed to 38 instead of 39 or you didn't receive a notification for 39 at all?08:50
ogra_jibel, yeah08:51
ogra_well, i had 38 waiting when i got up08:51
ogra_seems it didnt update the info and downloaded 39 even though it was available08:51
ogra_might be some network glitch though ... i'll keep an eye open if it happens again08:52
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jibelsil2100, there are lot of package built in silo and nothing ready to land really?08:54
jibelpackages* even08:54
sil2100jibel: eh...08:55
sil2100I blame summer08:56
jibelsil2100, if nothing lands soon, we'll be strict and won't accept any silo after the gates are closed08:58
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bzoltan_sil2100: robru: may I ask for a silo please?10:27
sil2100bzoltan_: sure thing!10:32
jibelpete-woods1, BTW, while running the indicator-network test plan I noticed that the test indicator-network/unlock-sim-connectivity-service-dbus-api fails. the query for ril_0 returns SIM2 and ril_1 returns SIM111:44
jibelI'll file a bug11:44
pete-woods1jibel: will have a look at it11:45
=== pete-woods1 is now known as pete-woods
pete-woods(after I've finished crying that is)11:46
jibelpete-woods, the issue was already there without the silo11:46
davmor2jibel: I think there is already a bug for that11:47
jibeldavmor2, probably, you need something, there is always a bug for it :)11:48
jibeldavmor2, do you have the bug #?11:48
* sil2100 needs to jump out for lunch11:49
ogra_use the stairs !11:49
davmor2jibel: not off the top of my head but I'm sure I was going to file it ages ago and it was already filed11:49
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davmor2joc_: ^ I think this was one of your bugs right?11:53
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bzoltan_sil2100:  thanks13:11
joc_davmor2: i did raise a bug about SIM unlock dialog from indicators yes13:41
joc_bug 144992513:43
ubot5bug 1449925 in indicator-network (Ubuntu) "SIM PIN unlock dialog mis-titled opening from indicator " [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144992513:43
davmor2jibel: ^13:44
davmor2joc_: thanks13:44
jibeldavmor2, it's different.13:47
davmor2jibel: ah fair enough just the description sounded similar13:47
jibeldavmor2, yeah, in my case when you send the dbus call to unlock SIM1 it shows the prompt for SIM2 and not only the title is wrong. It really asks to unlock SIM2 (the pins are different on my 2 sims)13:49
davmor2jibel: ah right not just a title mis-match then13:50
jgdxis sjenkins down? I can't connect.13:54
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jibeldavmor2, actually I might be wrong. I'll double check but I locked my SIM and have to find the PUK now :/14:23
pete-woodsjibel: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-network/+bug/1449925 ?14:57
ubot5Launchpad bug 1449925 in indicator-network (Ubuntu) "SIM PIN unlock dialog mis-titled opening from indicator " [High,Confirmed]14:57
pete-woodsdavmor2 ^14:57
pete-woodsI think it's that known one14:57
jgdxpete-woods, s-jenkins was down for me til now, so the new wpa-ep debs has just been kicked off. Will take 1.5 hours-ish.15:01
jgdxso you know what to do on your friday evening :p15:01
davmor2pete-woods: it's jibel that has hit it I think15:11
dbarthtrainguards: o/ i have a new silo requests on line 5815:19
sil2100dbarth: woohoo, on it15:19
rvrkarni: ping15:27
karnirvr: soon, in meeting15:27
dbarthok thanks15:31
karnirvr: hi :)15:44
karnirvr: how can I help15:44
rvrkarni: Hi15:44
rvrkarni: I'm testing telegram15:44
rvrkarni: I figured out where the click package was, the document links to the scope twice15:45
karnioooh, I'm sorry!15:45
* karni fixes right now15:45
rvrkarni: No problem15:45
karnioh, you found it15:45
rvrkarni: I found an issue that must be solved before approving15:45
karnirvr: yes?15:45
rvrkarni: In the scope, the Telegram message is not translated15:45
karnirvr: you mean there's an unranslated string like "Telegram message"?15:46
rvrkarni:  "Could not retrieve your telegram data"15:47
* karni looks15:48
karnirvr: we're talking about spanish specifically? (or there's requirement for more languages explicitly to pass QA)15:49
rvrkarni: Spanish, German, French...15:49
karniinteresting. I see no strings missing from translation for the scope on lp, and this in the source:15:50
karniscope/src/query.cpp:     res["title"] = _("Could not retrieve your telegram data");15:50
karnirvr: looking into it now15:50
karnirvr: seems like this string is marked for translation, but not included in the pot file. I'll consult Kyle15:57
rvrkarni: Ack15:58
rvrkarni: There is also a bunch of translated but non-approved strings in Launchpad for Spanish16:10
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sil2100davmor2, jibel: is the emulator working already in rc-proposed?17:17
sil2100I can't find the bug17:17
jdstrandso, silo 011 was setup for ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts (fine)17:23
jdstrandbut there is an apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu change that should be tested with it17:23
jdstrand(also fine)17:23
jdstrandso in the spreadsheet I added apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu to column G of line 5317:23
jdstrand(also fine)17:23
jdstrandI uploaded apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu to the ppa directly (also fine)17:24
jdstrandand then realized that I probably need to reconfigure the silo17:24
jdstrandI then looked in the ppa and saw that ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts is there for both vivid and wily17:25
jdstrandbut I only uploaded apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu for vivid, since wily already has the fix17:25
jdstrandso now I don't know how to proceed17:27
jdstrandsil2100: ^17:27
jibelsil2100, it doesn't work, cf bug 1458689 and its duplicate17:33
ubot5bug 1458689 in mir (Ubuntu) "[vivid-overlay] Servers can't start - input-stub.so fails to load on i386" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/145868917:33
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anpokping trainguards hmm where can I reconfigure my silo?17:48
robruanpok: the "Landing tools" menu at the top of the sheet has the reconfigure link17:49
robrujdstrand: delete the wily package and reconfigure the silo for vivid rather than dual17:50
robrujdstrand: actually wait, it's dbarth's silo, does he not want his thing built for both wily and vivid?17:50
jdstrandrobru: honestly, I was surprised to see the wily package. we didn't discuss that17:52
robrujdstrand: I would confirm with him before tinkering with stuff.17:53
jdstrandrobru: that said, this isn't a dependency thing-- it is just that things will still be quite noisy without the apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu change17:53
jdstrandrobru: ok, he seems offline so I'll send him an email17:53
robrujdstrand: yeah, sorry. only dbarth knows why he chose the silo to be dual.17:53
awerobru, jhodapp, I want to grab row54 in the citrain, but you both are shown as hovering over its columns.  Just wanted to ensure I wasn't going to conflict with either of you...17:55
jhodappawe: it's all good, no worries on my end17:55
robruawe: yep go for it17:55
robruanpok: congrats on being the first person to use my brand new silo reconfigure job ;-)18:00
anpokrobru: was confused by the request_id18:02
anpokand managed to do lots of copy and paste errors :)18:03
robruanpok: oh, what? request_id should be generated for you.. what were you copy&pasting?18:03
anpokrobru: I thought I need to use the request id from the spread sheet..18:03
anpoki guess I used the wrong job?18:03
* anpok used -> https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/prepare-silo/18:04
robruanpok: yeah but how did you get there?18:04
anpokfrom the dashboard 'reconfigure silo' .. couldnt finde the landing tools on the spreadsheet18:04
anpokaerm 'Prepare silo'18:04
anpokbtw have to make another reconfiguration for gtk18:05
anpokrobru: so where is the real thing?18:05
robruanpok: top of the spreadsheet, "Landing tools > Assign/Reconfigure" menu. it pops up a link, you click it, and it fills out the form for you. No copy & pasting is necessary.18:06
robruawe: silo 2018:06
awerobru, thanks!18:06
robruawe: you're welcome18:07
anpokahh the google spreadsheet menu.. didnt expect to find anything there18:07
robruanpok: yeah there. don't worry, spreadsheet will be gone in a couple weeks and you'll have to relearn the new system all over ;-)18:08
anpokrobru: interesting behavior..18:09
anpoki had the first or second row of the spreadsheet selected..18:10
anpokand it tried to reconfigure "Landing Documentation"18:10
robruanpok: yeah you have to select the correct row first, that's how it figures out what row to assign.18:11
robruanpok: the replacement smoothes out all that crap. each row will have an "assign" link that just does the right thing without surprises.18:11
robruI'm about to go for lunch, anybody need anything before I go?18:14
* robru -> lunch18:25
bzoltan_robru: how is this failure possible? https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-003/+packages the non gles package builds well.. and the amd64 builds well.. also the 15.04 target builds well. magic... black one18:35
robrubzoltan_: in ci-train, anything is possible ;-)18:46
robrubzoltan_: checking18:46
robrubzoltan_: did you read the error log? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/210065299/buildlog_ubuntu-wily-i386.ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles_1.3.1541%2B15.10.20150626-0ubuntu1_BUILDING.txt.gz looks like there's some kind of API difference there. could it arise from differences in underlying tooling between wily/vivid?18:48
robrubzoltan_: if you think it's a transient hiccup I'm happy to retry the job18:48
robruawe: oh, hmmmm18:48
bzoltan_robru:  the tool is indeed different, but should not be a diff between amd64 and i38618:49
bzoltan_robru:  thanks for pushing a retry18:49
robruawe: seems whitespace in column G screwed up the silo config, fixed, trying again: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/view/1.%20Build/job/ubuntu-landing-020-1-build/162/console18:53
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robrubzoltan_: no idea about that failure, sorry19:31
bzoltan_robru:  Ok, I try to dig out something from the logs19:31
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robrubregma: you need to rebuild 21.23:45
robrubregma: i don't know what's happened but the revision numbers are way wrong. It looks like 10 commits disappeared. Build log references revision 3967 but mp has up to 3957. Definitely needs a rebuild to account for whatever changes are there.23:50

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