
pittiGood morning04:43
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Laneyhey hey!08:02
seb128hey Laney, how are you? happy friday!08:09
Laneyhey seb128, happy friday!08:10
LaneyI just got rained on while having my breakfast outside08:10
Laneyhow's nlfrnlfr?08:12
seb128good! no rain on us here08:14
seb128oh, mterry is still on european tz ;-)08:14
mterryseb128, :)08:15
mterryseb128, my mir packaging (~mir-team/mir/snappy-packaging) has a top-level wrapper script that waits until agetty is up08:16
seb128mterry, is there an easy way to tell if that's the issue I'm having?08:16
seb128I get a working unity-greeter08:16
mterryseb128, I thought mir wasn't working for you?08:17
mterryseb128, do you have a VT1 that you can physically see?08:17
mterryseb128, the issue I saw was that on startup, mir would come up (see cursor), then the login prompt would appear08:17
mterryseb128, that means we lost the race08:17
seb128mterry, it's just that logging into an unity8 session fails, .cache/upstart/unity8.log complains about "ERROR: QMirServer - Mir failed to start"08:18
seb128mterry, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11763124/08:18
seb128mterry, well define "mir"08:18
seb128the system boots to a greeter08:19
seb128that it working but X08:19
seb128it's unity-greeter08:19
seb128u-s-c is started08:19
seb128the usc log is http://paste.ubuntu.com/11773781/08:20
seb128mterry, I've been able to start manually unity8 yesterday rendering to a mir_demo_server08:20
seb128just using usc doesn't work08:20
seb128but lightdm has warnings about "Error using VT_ACTIVATE 7 on /dev/console: Inappropriate ioctl for device"08:21
seb128so maybe it's an issue with vt changes...08:21
mterryseb128, sorry, in IoM and in meetings off and on08:23
seb128mterry, yeah, I assumed so, no worry08:23
seb128I would still appreciate if you read the backlog when you have spare cycles, and maybe comment ;-)08:24
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seb128pitti, hey, any hint on debugging systemd start hanging?09:33
chrisccoulsonseb128, I fixed that Oxide / Unity 8 bug yesterday http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~oxide-developers/oxide/oxide.trunk/revision/1147 :)09:33
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, excellent!09:33
seb128chrisccoulson, how are you btw? happy friday ;-)09:33
seb128pitti, I booted with systemd.debug-shell and on vt9 I did systemctl status and get09:34
chrisccoulsonseb128, I'm not too bad thanks. Had a late night last night, so a bit tired09:34
chrisccoulsonhow about you?09:34
seb128"starting; 15 queued jobs"09:34
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm good thanks ;-)09:34
seb128pitti, ok, it eventually started, so I guess a 90s timeout somewhere09:34
pittiseb128: "systemctl list-jobs" shows you what's hanging09:35
pittiseb128: then you can inspect the "running" ones with status -l foo.service09:35
seb128pitti, now it booted, I guess I need to go through the journal09:37
pittiseb128: if you have a persistant one, yes; you should see the 90s gap in the log09:37
pittiif not, it shoudl also be in syslog09:37
seb128seems to be cloud-init hitting connection refused and timeouts09:44
seb128pitti, danke09:44
pittiseb128: or searching for an user-data ISO which isn't there?09:44
seb128chrisccoulson, when is that fix going to land in wily?09:44
seb128pitti, nothing like that in the logs09:46
seb128but url_helper warnings about trying to call http://109-04-04/...instance-id09:46
chrisccoulsonseb128, I've added a task to backport it to the 1.8 branch, which is the next release09:47
seb128which gives request error connection aborted no route09:47
chrisccoulsonThat's still a could of weeks away though09:47
seb128chrisccoulson, k09:47
chrisccoulson(whenever Chrome 44 is released, basically)09:47
seb128bah, snappy personal regressed somehow this week :-/09:53
seb128boot timeout, login with ubuntu user doesn't work :-/09:53
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Laneyhappy weekend all!17:01
Laneybusy day ;-)17:01
ogra_enjoy !17:04
seb128Laney, thanks, you too!17:05
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bregmaseb128, did you get those Unity8 startup issues resolved?18:04
seb128bregma, yes, unity8 starts fine in fact18:04
seb128it's a stupid bug18:05
bregmawhat was it?18:05
seb128you start on vt7, enter your password, it acts like it was logging in, display blank screen and cursor and back to greeter18:05
seb128so it looks like login/session failed18:05
seb128in fact usc starts on vt8 and wait there18:05
seb128if you switch to vt8 unity8 loads18:05
seb128now unsure why the vt switch doesn't happen18:06
seb128I just emailed robert_ancell in case he has some debugging suggestion18:06
bregmahmm, problem description rings a bell though18:06
bregmaseb128, does that means there is a snappy personal image that runs if you manually switch VTs?18:08
seb128bregma, yes18:14
bregmasweet, thanks18:14
seb128well I didn't unlock but the greeter works18:15
seb128I didn't unlock because I'm working in a virtual-manager and swipe from the side to display the unlock doesn't seem to work18:15
seb128need to try later on real hwd18:15
seb128"greeter" being the in session unity8 lock18:15
seb128bregma, you can "udf personal rolling --channel edge --output img.img" on wily to build an image18:16
seb128or on vivid, just need to goget-ubuntu-touch from wily18:16
seb128if it rings enough bell to remember what is causing the non vt switch or how to fix it let me know ;-)18:17

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