
=== ming is now known as Guest70374
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pittiGood morning04:43
pittiLocutusOfBorg1: please go ahead04:43
alkisgtjaalton: good morning, may I ping you to put the SRU'ed x11-utils (LP: #1463663) to precise-updates? I've done the verification-done step. Thank you.04:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1463663 in x11-utils (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Enable setting property of type UTF8_STRING" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146366304:48
pittiinfinity: nice alpha-1 quote :)05:08
infinitypitti: Wilde should be an inspiration to us all.05:29
pittiinfinity: I always pass good advice. It is the only thing to do with it. It is never of any use to oneself.05:30
tjaaltonalkisg: well, there's a rule not to ack pkgs to updates on friday.. :)05:59
alkisgGuys, it's getting really hard to do an SRU when one has to spend 8 hours on it05:59
alkisgAnd ping 4 persons05:59
* alkisg will just put that in the greek schools PPA and ignore all other LTSP users out there... :-/06:00
tjaaltonhas it been 10 days in proposed06:03
alkisgNo, I don't think so, I haven't seen that requirement in the SRU wiki06:03
alkisgAh, it's mentioned in the other page, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates, about 7 days06:04
tjaaltonor was it seven06:04
tjaaltondunno where i got ten06:05
alkisgtjaalton, could you please tell me when do I need to ping devs?06:05
alkisgFor getting the SRU approved, I've seen that if I don't ping anyone, it never gets approved,06:05
alkisgis it also needed for the move to -updates?06:05
tjaaltontwo manual steps06:06
alkisgOK, thanks a lot, I'll do that after 4-5 days then. :)06:06
tjaaltoni've been on holidays past three fridays, but not today06:07
alkisgWe've spoken last friday when I was trying to get the SRU accepted :)06:08
tjaaltonso will process the upload queue if nothing else06:08
tjaaltonand it was midsummer here then06:08
tjaaltonpublic holiday06:08
alkisginfinity did accept it 3 days ago06:08
alkisgtjaalton: no problem at all, it appears that I didn't know the procedure well enough, that 2 pings are necessary, with 7 days interval...06:09
alkisgThanks again06:09
tjaaltonsure, no prob06:10
RAOFalkisg: I *generally* migrate all the things which are valid candidates on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html at the beginning of my Tues SRU block.06:23
RAOFalkisg: That's for the -proposed → -updates transition.06:23
RAOFalkisg: Something is a valid candidate if it's (a) >= 7 days old (or less, if you make a compelling case for its urgency and safety), (b) all the bugs associated with it are green (ie: in validation-done state), and (c) there are no jenkins failures associated with it.06:24
alkisgRAOF, what about the "getting it to -proposed" part?06:25
RAOFalkisg: That's the bit that it's good to ping for :)06:25
alkisgWould I e.g. ping you for that, or let it stay there and rely that you'll process it when you have time for it?06:25
alkisgGood to know, thank you :)06:25
RAOFalkisg: Well, both. If there's something urgent it's nice to be pinged so I can prioritise.06:26
alkisgNo urgency here, I just didn't want it to remain there forgotten... it can wait until next Tue :)06:26
RAOFBut if it's not especially urgent you can just upload and we'll get to it eventually (how long varies depending on how many hours SRU members have been spending on the queue recently)06:27
RAOFI *like* to keep the queues < 2 weeks, but we've not been keeping up with that recently.06:27
RAOF(Partially because I've been missing some of my SRU days, as have others)06:27
alkisgI don't think I have upload rights, so that's an additional ping for me there... fortunately the #ubuntu-x folks did that06:28
dholbachgood morning07:00
pittistgraber: hm, lxc-net started failing on wily, although lxc itself didn't change; but yesterday we got a new dnsmasq, might that be it?07:04
LocutusOfBorg1pitti, the merge is ready on sponsors-queue :)07:18
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pitti@pilot in07:49
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: wily open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> utopic | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: pitti
pittiseb128: is https://code.launchpad.net/~mir-team/gtk/mir-release-0.14.0/+merge/263034 something you'd like to handle in the desktop team, or should I sponsor it?08:05
seb128pitti, hey, we can handle it but feel free to do it if you want ... did they roll the mir update our yet?08:09
seb128Laney, ^08:09
pittiseb128: oh right, we still have 0.13.3, so nevermind08:09
seb128pitti, piloting? ;-)08:09
pittiseb128: yes08:09
seb128pitti, enjoy! and happy friday ;-)08:10
pittiseb128: and to you!08:10
Laneypitti: attente should probably merge that upstream08:10
Laneyand hi too08:10
pittihey Laney, how are you?08:12
LaneyI'm trying to find out how to access Dell tech support ;-)08:12
pittiLaney: urgh, your laptop broke?08:14
Laneynah, I just  got asked to file an issue about this space key repeating bug08:15
Laney              ↑ that one08:16
Laneybah, missed!08:16
ogra_blame the space key (for moving the arrow to far)08:19
Laneythat is true, I was trying to count the right number of spaces to insert :)08:20
jamespagepitti, hey - did you just sponsor an oslo.messaging SRU for trusty?08:53
pittijamespage: yes, I did08:53
jamespagepitti, its stacked alongside one already in the -proposed unapproved queue08:53
pittiI checked that the fix is in wily already and updated the bug08:53
pittijamespage: oh, argh; I'll reject mine then; I already unsub'ed sponsors08:54
pittiwhoever uploaded that, pretty please mentino this on the bug!08:54
jamespagepitti, np - just noticed it in -release and checked08:54
jamespagepitti, its not the same bug08:54
pittijamespage: oh, it's something else08:54
jamespagepitti, https://bugs.launchpad.net/oslo.messaging/+bug/144865008:54
ubottuUbuntu bug 1448650 in oslo.messaging (Ubuntu Vivid) "rpc.server do not consume messages after message acknowledge failure" [High,New]08:54
pittijamespage: ack, I'll ask Jorge to merge08:54
jamespagepitti, +108:55
pittijamespage: done08:56
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TJ-I'm unclear whether this requires an SRU or a Backport request, could someone advise? bug #146893809:10
ubottubug 1468938 in miniupnpd (Ubuntu) "postinst script writes garbage to /etc/default/miniupnpd" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146893809:10
rbasakTJ-: an SRU would be suitable for that I think.09:20
rbasakTJ-: it's a direct maintainer script bug, no question.09:20
rbasakTJ-: task for Trusty approved.09:20
TJ-rbasak: Thanks, I thought so and have proceeded so far on that basis but the SRU Wiki  guidance made me wonder.09:21
pittiyes, destroying config files is absolutely a bug/SRU matter09:21
TJ-rbasak: Do I simply subscribe the SRU team to this? I have no upload rights09:21
rbasakTJ-: follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Procedure step by step. It accomodates users with no upload rights - attach debdiffs to the bug at the appropriate step, and then subscribe ~ubuntu-sponsors to the bug.09:22
rbasakTJ-: if it also needs fixing in the development release, then you can just attach two debdiffs and ask for sponsorship for both at the same time.09:23
rbasakThe documented procedure is unclear about this :(09:23
TJ-rbasak: Thats what I've been doing ... but I'm not sure a debdiff is appropriate since in this case it needs a backport09:23
rbasakTJ-: why does it need a backport?09:23
TJ-rbasak: The fix has been in from 14.10 onwards09:23
rbasakTJ-: "The fix has been in from 14.10 onwards" OK so comment to that effect in the bug and mark the main task Fix Released.09:24
rbasakTJ-: then mark the Trusty task Triaged if you feel appropriate.09:25
TJ-rbasak: Yes, I've already marked it Triaged and in the Description it says "It turns out these were fixed in Debian and are available in 14.10, 15.04 and 15.10. A backport to Trusty would solve this and several other issues."09:25
TJ-rbasak: This is why I'm sure what to do at this point ... simply subscribe the SRU team, or what?09:25
rbasakTJ-: an SRU is appropriate here, but how the SRU should work is still an open question. Why a backport, over cherry-pick of the fix or the patch you attached?09:26
TJ-rbasak: Well, mainly that the updated package contains "Fixes multiple vulnerabilities (Closes: #772644)."09:26
rbasakTJ-: to be clear, an SRU for *this particular issue* is appropriate here. "Several other issues" is far too vague to SRU.09:27
rbasakTJ-: OK, so if we want to fix those in the SRU as well, then they need to be documented for the SRU team to review in a bug somewhere.09:27
TJ-rbasak: OK ... I'll dig a little more09:28
rbasakTJ-: they look pretty well documented in the Debian bug actually.09:28
rbasakTJ-: if that's the complete set of patches applied, they just need documenting for the SRU team and would be suitable I think.09:29
rbasakTJ-: also, as they look to be security related, you could probably get all of these fixes through the security update process instead.09:29
TJ-rbasak: Yes, the security issues look like we should have them in an LTS for sure09:29
TJ-rbasak: Right ... so.... prefer a Security update over SRU to get all the fixes in?09:30
rbasakI would ask the security team. I think they'd be OK with fixing the postinst at the same time as the bundle of security fixes.09:30
rbasakAs long as you can give them a debdiff to upload09:30
rbasakHmm. Although some of the fixes aren't security fixes.09:31
rbasakSee what they say, anyway.09:31
TJ-The postinst is arguably a Denial of Service :)09:33
TJ-rbasak: Thanks alot; I'm writing up the description then I'll ask the security team to look at it09:34
rbasakTJ-: no problem. The main thing to do is to create the actual thing you want sponsored (ie. source packages - debdiffs are the easiest way to get these to sponsors)09:42
TJ-rbasak: I usually do those or bzr branches depending on where the source lives, but the potential of a  backport to solve it doesn't make the procedure clear in the guidelines09:48
rbasakTJ-: "If all of the changes are appropriate for an SRU by the criteria above, then it is acceptable (and usually easier) to just upload the complete new upstream microrelease instead of backporting the individual patches."09:49
rbasakTJ-: from a policy perspective, there is no difference. A backport is fine provided that all the criteria are met for each part of the diff.09:49
rbasakTJ-: but that immediately disqualifies the backport if any change appears (between the current release version and the proposed backport version) that does not meet the appropriate (SRU or security) criteria.09:51
rbasak(unless the package has an exception; I don't believe this package does)09:51
TJ-rbasak: OK, my misuse of terms.... by backport I was meaning if the source package to be used to fix the issue is exactly what is in a later release, should a copy of that later release be added as a debdiff or should someone with upload rights be able to directly import the package from the fixed release09:53
rbasakTJ-: the debian/changelog file will still need manipulating to add a changelog entry and use a suitable version number for the SRU.09:55
rbasakTJ-: for sponsorship I would still provide a debdiff, but perhaps against the release you're backporting instead. Then the only thing in the debdiff would be the debian/changelog change, but that's still useful to sponsors to understand exactly what you want.09:56
rbasakTJ-: of course if you provide such a debdiff you'd probably want to make it clear which release and version your debdiff was generated against (though that could be inferred from the debian/changelog change)09:57
rbasakTJ-: does that help?09:57
rbasakTJ-: I guess the reason this isn't really documented is that in general sponsors don't particularly care _how_ you provide the changes that you want.09:58
TJ-rbasak: Yes, and I guess those familiar with the processes do them instinctively whilst those of us outside the process just go round in circles on the Wiki guides :)10:02
rbasakTJ-: I wish it were simpler :-/10:02
TJ-rbasak: I'm going to write it up as best I can and ask the security team to look at it; the Debian updates don't identify the CVEs they fix and it looks like there may be an additional CVE not covered too :)10:03
rbasakTJ-: thank you for your efforts!10:04
TJ-Is there up-to-date documentation somewhere on what tools and procedures are used to create the bootable hybrid ISO images? I'm working on a universal GRUB2-bootable image that'll work on x86/amd64, BIOS and UEFI, with raw block and ISO9660/El Torito, supporting multiple sector sizes (512/2048/4096) and want to design it to work with the current tooling10:32
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* mdeslaur hugs rbasak for fixing indefinite grub timeout11:29
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tjaaltonpitti: hey, can I persuade you to review xserver-xorg-video-intel for utopic (and matching -lts-utopic for trusty) from the sru queue?11:51
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attenteLaney: we already have a similar patch upstream: https://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/commit/?id=9800d83a721fd21b34df6dd36684d3e0e2a9fd7b11:57
Laneyattente: want to tell the MP / $person_who_filed_it?11:57
pittitjaalton: I haven't been in the SRU team for a few years, but I can have a look11:58
tjaaltonpitti: right, I know but you're on pilot duty today so figured I'd ask :)11:59
tjaaltonmy sru duty is on fridays, and noticed that this upload was still missing because of a previous sru taking a long time..12:00
tjaaltonalready acked grub2 and libvirt :)12:00
pittitjaalton: are these fixed in wily?12:01
tjaaltonand vivid, which have 2.99.91712:01
* pitti adds an x-v-i task to bug 144334512:01
ubottubug 1443345 in HWE Next "[Dell Insprion 3646] Double cursor appeared when rotating the display back to normal [8086:0f31]" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144334512:01
tjaaltonhmm didn't check that one12:02
tjaaltonI'll fix that bug12:02
pittiI updated the tasks12:02
tjaaltonah, thanks12:03
pittitjaalton: yes, it's fixed, just checked12:03
pittitjaalton: done12:09
tjaaltonpitti: much appreciated, thanks12:09
rbasakinfinity: any chance of SRU review for docker.io please?12:33
pitti@pilot out12:38
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: wily open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> utopic | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
* dholbach hugs pitti12:49
* pitti hugs dholbach :)12:49
beunohey hey. Stop that.12:49
* ogra_ hugs beuno, dholbach and pitti 12:52
pittigroup hug!12:52
* pitti hugs beuno and ogra_12:52
* dholbach hugs you all12:52
dholbachcan you tell it's Friday? :)12:52
* beuno relents and sinks into the hug12:53
TJ-I hope everyone's showered!12:54
pittiTJ-: sure! once for Easter, once for christmas :)12:59
ogra_and we hug on fridays to keep some memory of each other over the weekend :)13:00
* TJ- grins... I only said that since I suddenly realise I've not showered in a few days ... its a farmer thing I'm afraid :)13:01
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hallyn_pitti: hey - does a systemd service saying it "Wants" another service mean tha tit will wait until the other service starts, or finishes?14:36
hallyn_mbiebl: hey, ^ do you know the answer? :)  the jobs are both Type=oneshot14:48
Laneyhallyn_: Don't you need Before= or After= for that?14:59
hallyn_Laney: dunno, that's why i'm asking.  right now lxc.service has Wants=lxc-net, and users are reporting races;  if it needs to be After that's a trivial fix, but i want to make sure it makes sense15:09
Laneyhallyn_: Wants= without any ordering relation means they start up at the same time, let me find the reference15:12
hallyn_Laney: makes sense i guess15:12
Laneyhallyn_: http://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.unit.html#Requires= (same for Wants=)15:13
hallyn_thanks Laney15:15
hallyn_Laney: hm, from that it's still not clear to me that 'After=' really is equivalent to upstart's "start on stopped B"15:25
hallyn_so lxc-net.service should really do a ExecPreStart or something15:26
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tr3yHello, I'm having trouble with Nautilus and Nemo on Ubuntu 14.04. The Ubuntu channel told me I might have success asking here. I changed the .desktop files to execute these programs with "Exec=gksudo -k -u root nautilus" (and 'nemo' for nemo) and now when they open, there's no top menu (E.G "Edit", "View", etc). Anyone know what's causing this?16:33
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argescyphermox: hey are you merging multipath tools, niedbalski has a fix for it and I want to make sure his patch makes it in19:37
argescyphermox: bug 1469143 fwiw19:37
ubottubug 1469143 in multipath-tools (Ubuntu) "kpartx -d fails with image paths longer than 63 characters" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146914319:37
cyphermoxarges: yeah, I'm still working on merging multipath-tools19:37
cyphermoxI have a few things to fix before it will work in the installer.19:37
cyphermox(including that extra module for multipath-modules) :)19:38
argesniedbalski: that ok to wait until cyphermox merges 0.5.0 then push your fix (unless its already in that release)19:39
niedbalskiarges, sure, I can wait for 0.5.0 and put the patch on top of it.19:39
niedbalskicyphermox, arges there is any bug tracking the 0.5.0 merge?19:40
cyphermoxniedbalski: won't that patch blow up if there is a collision in path names?19:40
cyphermoxniedbalski: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/multipath-tools/+bug/145548219:41
ubottuUbuntu bug 1455482 in multipath-tools (Ubuntu) "Multipath: upgrade multipath-tools to upstream" [High,In progress]19:41
niedbalskicyphermox, thanks19:44
niedbalskicyphermox, I didn't get your first question19:45

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