
=== ming is now known as Guest70374
bjfarges, i'm looking at the commits for LP: #1448269 ... there's no comment that testing of the change has been positive15:37
ubot5Launchpad bug 1448269 in linux (Ubuntu Utopic) "qemu guest hangs on nested kvm startup with host kernel oops" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144826915:37
argesbjf: i tested it on my own machine15:38
argesbjf: i'll comment on the bug15:38
bjfarges, has hallyn_ been able to verify your fix?15:41
argesbjf: i don't think he's had the time to try it yet15:42
hallyn_no i have not.  i trust if it fixed it for arges it'll work for me15:43
bjfhallyn_, ack15:44
hallyn_well, i should be able to do it today (no long-running tests going on that server right now)15:44
bjfhallyn_, we'll want it verified when it goes into the kernel for the next cycle15:44
hallyn_when will htat be15:48
bjfhallyn_, in approx. 2 weeks15:52
=== pgraner is now known as pgraner-afk
cyphermoxhi, could I convince someone to enable shipping dm-service-time as well in multipath-modules? I'm merging multipath-tools 0.5.0  and it seems to have changed the default path selector to that16:36
argescyphermox: is this another udeb package you're requesting?16:39
cyphermoxit's a udeb but it wouldn't be a new one16:40
cyphermoxarges: I think adding dm-service-time alongside dm-round-robin in multipath-modules would be sufficient, even if it slightly bumps the size16:40
cyphermox(I can deal with the increased since in d-i, if the change is significant enough to break the image building)16:41
argescyphermox: ok. can you file a bug for this so i can track it?16:41
cyphermoxarges: certainly16:41
cyphermoxdo you agree with shipping both in general, or would you rather shipping just one?\16:41
argescyphermox: i would have to look at it, but I think it would be worth discussing with smb too when he's around. As he's been looking at multipath stuff more16:42
cyphermoxarges: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/146924016:45
ubot5Launchpad bug 1469240 in linux (Ubuntu) "Please ship dm-service-time in multipath-modules" [Undecided,New]16:45
argescyphermox: and i take it this needs to end up in vivid too at some point 16:46
argescyphermox: or is this just for wily16:46
cyphermoxarges: wily only, we're not yet at pushing a new multipath-tools on vivid.16:47
argescyphermox: ok great16:47
argescyphermox: ok sent patch to ML. let everybody review it there17:02
cyphermoxarges: cool, thanks.17:02

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