
nubuntuSergioEDuran1: cinnamon is not even built by canonical, nor in every release, you need to research bro.00:00
nubuntuSergioEDuran1: I would run a live of a release that has it in the repos, load it and look around. You want a setup supported my someone be sure it is here.00:03
dj3000i just tried tinkering with the boot order, and no luck.00:06
dj3000mtn, is it possible for me to re-install ubuntu without booting from the disk?00:07
SergioEDuran1nubuntu: thank you so much00:07
nubuntuno prob ;)00:07
dj3000hmm, maybe I can http://askubuntu.com/questions/484434/install-ubuntu-without-cd-and-usb-how00:09
squintydj3000,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot  or http://www.plop.at/en/bootmanagers.html  if you have a spare cd kicking around00:11
dj3000it looks like unetbootin is a windows aplication, so I'm screwed there.00:15
dj3000should i enable/disable efi in the bios menu?00:16
bazhang!info unetbootin00:16
ubottuunetbootin (source: unetbootin): installer of Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or USB drive. In component universe, is optional. Version 608-1 (vivid), package size 226 kB, installed size 827 kB00:16
mangolionits not o.o00:17
mangolionits on ubuntu too00:17
squintydj3000,  unetbootin is available for linux too00:17
squintydj3000, not sure if you saw this    <squinty> dj3000,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot  or http://www.plop.at/en/bootmanagers.html  if you have a spare cd kicking around00:22
dj3000squinty, no i miised that. ths00:24
histodj3000: what are you trying to do?00:27
dj3000histo,reinstall ubuntu without booting from a thumb drive or cd00:28
histodj3000: why?00:28
daftykinspointless task of a users own invention, buy a flash drive.00:29
dj3000daftykins, my flash drives aren' being recognized by bios00:31
dj3000but thanks for your cute comment00:31
daftykinsyou're making them up wrong by the sounds00:31
daftykinsor attempting to use an external USB chipset00:31
histodj3000: Have you tried a different port?  and What method idd you use to put the iso on the flash drives?00:32
dj3000i am using the self same usb stick that i used to install this copy of ubuntu00:32
dj3000histo, yes i've tried 3 diferent ports now.00:32
dj3000and used ubuntu's "create bootble drive" application00:32
histodj3000: does it work on another pc?00:33
dj3000histo, i havent (nor cant) try00:33
histodj3000: so your boot menu doens't show the usb as an option at all or it doesn't boot from it?00:33
daftykinswhat system type is this? brand?00:34
nubuntunot sure you guys saw this poat,  <dj3000> should i enable/disable efi in the bios menu?00:34
dj3000histo, by "boot menu" do you mean grub?00:34
daftykinsBIOS boot device menu.00:35
histodj3000: no I meant your bios boot menu00:35
histodj3000: typically you press F12 or F10 while booting to display the boot menu and then you select your usb drive00:35
squintyfwiw some hp's also use Esc00:36
daftykinsthere are lots of combos, hence me asking what TYPE of system and brand :)00:36
dj3000i am using eh... a bios called "award"00:37
daftykinsis this a laptop or desktop?00:37
dj3000and I've bootd into the boot menu, and sleected all types of usb options and put them ahead of the hard drive00:38
dj3000desktop. made it my self00:38
daftykinsso what brand of motherboard?00:38
dj3000eh...i'll have to check my amazon purchase history00:38
daftykinsand did you install the current Ubuntu via legacy (CSM) or EFI?00:39
dj3000um..? not sure. from a pen drive.00:39
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI00:40
dj3000here's my mobo (BTW It sux) http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B009FC3YJ8?00:40
daftykinsdj3000: so you've been plugging your flash drive directly into motherboard ports on the rear panel IO, yes?00:41
dj3000i'm gonna try adding the grub entry directly00:41
daftykinsnot into the screen, keyboard - or any other intermediary device00:41
daftykinschck for the existence of /sys/firmware/efi00:41
histodaftykins: it's F12 if he comes back00:43
daftykinsthat is not the issue00:43
histofor that mobo and he needs legacy usb and usb storage enabled in bios by pressing Del key00:44
daftykinsi disagree00:44
EADGzykotick9: Are you watching the #?00:48
xenom0rphHi, somebody can help me..00:48
histoxenom0rph: sure if you ask your question00:48
xenom0rphI want to install ubunto in my laptop00:49
xenom0rphWhich version do u recommend me, im a begginer in linux.00:50
daftykinslu/xu/u depends on the target PC00:50
xenom0rphI have a processor a6-520000:51
xenom0rphFrom amd00:51
histoxenom0rph: how old is the laptop?00:52
xenom0rphNot much histo, is a amd 2.00, 8gb ram ...00:53
_schlerpcpu is from mid 201300:53
_schlerpso no more than 2 years old00:53
histoxenom0rph: you can run ubuntu  desktop on that.00:53
xenom0rphIsnot no more than 2 years...then can install this version?00:53
histoxenom0rph: download 14.04 and give her a go.00:53
compdocxenom0rph, be sure to assign at least 512megs ram to the video, or more00:53
jacobhi guys00:53
xenom0rphOk, can be installed in a portable harddisk?00:54
=== jacob is now known as Guest61610
Guest61610i just installed ubuntu latest version00:54
histoxenom0rph: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop00:54
histoxenom0rph: yes you an install from usb00:54
histo!usb | xenom0rph00:54
ubottuxenom0rph: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent00:54
xenom0rphIs difficult to do?...sorry for many cuestions but im new ...00:54
_schlerpfrom or onto xenomorph?00:54
histoxenom0rph: no just follow the instructions from ubottu it will tell you how to install from usb00:54
Guest61610i have windows on RAID 0 dedicated.  Ubuntu is on a seperate drive, but gets stuck on the ata1 ata2 raid drives and never goes to desktop00:54
Guest61610i have to use recovery mode everytime, then from there i say continue and it works.00:55
histoGuest61610: gets stuck where? any outp-ut?00:55
Guest61610let me grep it00:55
xenom0rphIm going to see the wiki ubuntu...thanks !!00:55
Guest61610sudo dmesg | grep ata00:56
daftykinssounds like you lack mdadm00:56
_schlerpscotty^ only eog crashes with that massive image the rest of my system remains fine!00:56
Guest61610stuff like this  ata1: COMRESET failed (errno=-16)00:56
spideyso even running update-grub under sudo, it creates the grub.cfg just fine, but the menu on boot still is the old one00:57
spideyI suspect it is updating grub in the wrong place00:57
Guest61610so im trying to put into grub something to ignore the raid drives alltogether so it wont hang up.00:57
_schlerpspidey do you have a seperate boot partition?00:57
_schlerpspidey, are you launching grub off the same harddrive your system is installed on?00:58
spideythe /boot/grub/grub.cfg looks good, uuids match00:58
_schlerpguest61610 do you mention that drive in your fstab?00:58
spidey_schlerp: yes, usually while in the /boot directory00:58
Bashing-omspidey: More than one hard drive; grub installed to each, and not changing the boot priority in bios ? maybe ?00:59
nubuntuspidey: You have a dula or more boot?00:59
_schlerpyeah try booting from the same drive your / is on00:59
Guest61610no what u mean by fstab00:59
Guest61610i guess my question is how to ignore the raid array im not using.00:59
_schlerpfstab is a file that tells your pc what and how to mount partitions at boot00:59
_schlerpits located at /etc/fstab01:00
spideythe new grub.cfg has two different kernels, the old one and a new one01:00
Guest61610so what vi /etc/fstab?01:00
bonhoefferah -- https://gist.github.com/tbbooher/262ee17721727015ea98 <-- can't install npm on ubuntu01:00
_schlerpspidey do you have multiple drives in your machine?01:00
_schlerpguest just a cat shoudl be sufficient01:00
spideyyes, and the boot drive is setup as a software raid01:00
Guest61610lol same issue sorta?01:00
_schlerpso you have four drives?01:01
_schlerpraid for windows and raid for ubuntu?01:01
_schlerpbonhoeffer try sudo apt-get install nodejs npm and tell us what the output is01:02
=== Guest61610 is now known as hogslammer
hogslammerhi this is me with the raid 0 ignore me please guy01:03
hogslammeri mean i did a cat /etc/fstab01:03
_schlerpwhat did it say? and whats your error message at boot precisely?01:04
hogslammerfirst it says ACPI PCC sucks or somehting like that.  icant get the info , but afterwards is the complaints on ata1 and 2 not responding, which are the raid drives i dont use at all in linux.01:06
hogslammeris there still such think as pastebin anymore?01:06
diddledandaftykins: dead disks?01:06
diddledandaftykins: you love ata errors! :-p01:06
hogslammerno i think linux hates my controller or raid drives.   i got latest firmware too.01:06
daftykinsdiddledan: ;) not this time01:07
spideyis there a way in grub, without rebooting to see what it will load?01:07
daftykinsalready mentioned a lack of mdadm being installed01:07
hogslammerwhat i cant figure out is why grub, advanced ubuntu, recovery, then click continue on in works fine.  still errors but im in now.01:07
_schlerpdaftykins its a windows raid that he doesnt even wqnt to mount thats giving him grief01:08
daftykins_schlerp: yes. i know.01:08
hogslammeri dont care if its mounted so if i specify it in grub then maybie it wont hang up on the testing of it.01:08
_schlerpand his ubuntu is on an mdadm array too which means he would have mdadm installed (i think...)01:08
daftykinsand what does mdadm do, put components in initramfs01:08
daftykinswell there are two people with two different setups so i'm not referring to the one with both RAID'd01:09
diddledanit's complaining about ata - windows-raid isn't at that layer01:09
diddledanwindows-raid is above ata01:09
_schlerpdaftykins sorry man, im getting confused i think!01:09
daftykinswould be nice if we were given a proper log.01:09
Bashing-omspidey: Not 'in' grub but ya can examin the file /boot/grub/grub.cfg and see what is set to boot .01:09
daftykinsdiddledan: windows or like, intel MSM?01:10
dfcnvtAny of you have problem with getting on Chrome browser and is on the facebook, while at the same time playing an embedded youtube to full screen. (It didn't show but transparented to Facebook's page)01:10
spideyBashing-om: that's the thing, my grub.cfg looks good, but that isn't the one that shows on boot01:10
diddledandaftykins: afaik all the moboraids are effectively softraid so unless it's a server unit with onboard raid from someone like adaptec or he's got a dedicated raid card then it'll be softraid or winraid01:11
Bashing-omspidey: That suggest to me to change the boot order .01:11
daftykinsyeah fakeRAID, but they could cause detection funkiness01:11
daftykinsanyway, it was a guess and was ignored so it hardly hurt.01:11
spideyBashing-om: you mean in bios?01:12
hogslammercan i still pastebin my log somewhere01:12
hogslammerhow to paste log for u01:12
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:12
Bashing-omspidey: Yeah in bios . What might be happening here is that grub has chainloaded from one grub onto the other .01:13
horsemedsHi, I am unable to get Ubuntu 14.04 to Display SPD Data, I have dual boot with windows and windows can read the SPD Data (after installing a driver). When I try to display SPD  Data in memtest I get “SMbus controller not known” I have a GA-970-D3p motherboard.01:14
=== Guest32773 is now known as shawniverson
spideyBashing-om: anyway to check if there are multiple installs and get it down to just one?01:14
hogslammerok hold on01:15
daftykinshorsemeds: serial presence detect on your RAM? you set it once then forget it, why does it matter?01:15
Bashing-omspidey: What returns from terminal command ' sudo fdisk -lu ' ?01:16
horsemedsdaftykins not sure what you mean by  "serial presence detect on your RAM?"01:16
hogslammerok guys check it out :  http://paste.ubuntu.com/11776425/01:16
daftykinshorsemeds: well which SPD are you talking about...01:16
dj3000__squinty, can you resend me the link for installing ubuntu from iso?01:16
spideyBashing-om: it is quite a long output01:17
Bashing-om!paste | spidey01:18
ubottuspidey: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:18
horsemedsI was checking RAM, I was suspicious that the RAM i bought may have been fake, but the test itself showed no errors01:18
hogslammerso now that i know how to paste logs , anything you need to help me ignore the raid drives from lagging my boot time cause i dont use them at all unless i need windows booted up.01:18
daftykinshorsemeds: right, so SPD is serial presence detect - or the table of info on the modules which states what timings, voltages and speeds that RAM supports01:18
daftykinshorsemeds: so why do you think it's relevant to read the SPD contents from *both* OSs?01:19
dj3000__i'm stuck again guys.01:19
dj3000__how can i add a grub entry directly from an iso?01:19
horsemedsdaftykins yeah i solved the issue as i managed to get it to work on windows but i am gradually trying to stop using windowns is all01:19
diddledanwhy is it relevant to read SPD from *any* OS?01:20
daftykinshorsemeds: right but like i say, memory timings, speeds and voltages advised from the SPD tables are set in the BIOS - there is no point being able to read them from an OS as long as it's stable.01:20
daftykinsyou're essentially wasting your own time01:20
daftykinsleonic: no thanks01:20
diddledanomg, a random anime site!01:21
leonicsorry wrong tab01:21
diddledanmust.. click.. link01:21
spideyBashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11776444/01:21
daftykinsdiddledan: down boy!01:21
diddledandaftykins: at least I'm not getting wily out01:21
horsemedsok then thanks dafty01:22
cainefuck all01:23
cainesuck me01:23
hogslammerwow irc trolls01:24
cainemy huge cock01:24
daftykins!ops | caine01:24
ubottucaine: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang01:24
OerHekshorsemeds, you need the tool decode-dimms to read that, from the package i2ctools  > sudo apt-get install i2c-tools01:24
Bashing-omspidey: look'n at your http://paste.ubuntu.com/11776444/ .01:24
horsemedsOerHeks ah thanks also01:24
hogslammerso is anyone helpin me please yet?01:24
cainefuck u01:24
Bashing-om!raid | spidey instruction to install grub in raid arrray:01:25
ubottuspidey instruction to install grub in raid arrray:: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto01:25
caineyou are all gay01:26
k0d3g3arcaine had a lot to offer01:26
* nicekiwi is proudly gay01:27
spideyBashing-om: thanks, I'll check those out first01:27
strobeHello all i just installed ubuntu and its very slow01:27
strobeAny thing i can stop using?01:27
Bashing-omspidey: :)01:27
nicekiwistrobe, how much ram do you have in ur computer?01:27
EADGNot an Ubuntu question... could somebody tell me how to send a bell to a /nick?01:27
chalcedonymy husband's ubuntu 14.04 box is refusing to open firefox hexchat or thunderbird. there are errors. One is "Glib criticla gslice set_config_ something" and 2. "Maximum number of clients reached.." help?01:28
EADGI've been off IRC for many, many years. Can I still do that? Send a bell/01:29
EADGOnly if it's set on the recipiants side right?01:30
=== hugegree_ is now known as hugegreenbug
daftykinsi think it would overload the postal system01:31
hogslammerCOMRESET failed (errno=-16)01:31
daftykinsstill waiting for you to post a log i thought01:31
hogslammerwhat log..  http://paste.ubuntu.com/11776425/01:32
hogslammerif u want more just ask01:32
cattata1056ì̸̧̢̧̡̨̨̧̧̧̛̛̛͓͚̳͉̫͔͇͔̲̻̱̳̪̻͚̪̟̮̖̻̤̲̦͓̥̣̳̝̼̻̭̦̲̠̞̩̥͇̳̭͎̳͕̗̲̣̘̪̮̩̯̬̱̮̗̠͔̯̗̞͇͕͙̣̱͚̲͇̮̬̘̘̫̰͇̬̰̖̬̪̳̬͎̭̳́́̄͋̀̀̀͐͐̀́͗͊͛̽̉̔̌̎̀̓͗̃̀̿̓̀̿̏͒̋͐̿̀̅̒̓̐͋̓̌̈́̉͂̽̈́̂͊̿͊͊̑̈́̎͑̅̀͛̈́͋̀̋̈́̍̈̾̒̏̌͆͂̀̂̀̈̈́̔̀̇̍̑͂̆̎̕̕̚̚͘̕̕̚̚͜͜͜͠͠͠ͅͅͅ ̸̛̀̂́̅̊̑̆̈̉̋́̀͝01:34
cattata1056̢̡̡̧̡̢̛̣͎̗͈͉̺͖̲͔̖͍͚̬̲͓̥̜̠̲̙̗̣͔̳̞̮̬̗̙̤̰̹͖͇͉͇̫̞̞̟̦̗͍̦͓͈̦͚̰̠̮̞̮̤̭̭̩̙̠̲͈̩̲̖̰͈̬̹͈̜͇͙̮̭͍̮̺̦͔̠̝̺̳͕̳̤̮̮͇̉̅̊̍̅̑̂̈̂̈͗̄̆́̓͛̌͛̌̌̌̃́̈́̉̓͒̀̈́̎͛̀͒́͘͘͜͜͜͜͝ͅ ̸̛̛́̃͒̀̏̈́̊͂̊̈́͛̂͂̔̃̈́̇͐̅̍̀͋͂̄̃̋͛̓̎͆͂͌̈̂̓̅̌͑̎͒̓̅̊̽̎͛̄̉̃̅̌̓̀͗͐͂̂̌̀̂͗̌̀̋͛̇͋̕̚̕̕̕̕̚͝͠01:35
cattata1056̡̧̡̨̡̢̢̨̦͇̰̦̜̬̗͉̰̰͙̺̳̝̱̩͔̯̖͔͙̭̥͉͍̹̥͍̯͚͚̟̣̯͚̩̞̦͔̤͈͔̲̪͍̮͉͙͓̭̫̫̩͖̰̫̮̦̮̮̱̙͈̜ͅͅ ̸̡̜̘̗̬͓͍̩͉̦̩͔̬͍̩̬̬͎̖̜̳͇̮̤̱͉̟̖̮̫̬͙͖̬̪͕̩̮̩̘͊̓̈́̀́͐̈́̀̒̓̔̂̏̀̆̿̉͂̓̎̋̈́̂͋̓̏̾̒̋͊̓̒́̈́̂͑̒̿̓͆̒̍͂̽̎̏̃́͋͒̓̊̋̌̋̾̈́̅̌̐̏̒̉́̀̓͑͌̓͋̓̓̄̂̉̈́̒̿̍̅͛̌̀̈́̍̎̂̆̂͆́̕̚͜͠͝͝͠͝͝͝ͅ01:35
Bashing-omspidey: There are times when you have to be able to see where things in Grub are coming from ; 'sudo grub-mkconfig > mkconfig-output' to produce an output that can then be opened with gedit to view.01:37
Bashing-omspidey: Alternately ' sudo grub-mkconfig -o <some_file> '.01:38
chalcedonyi do really need help with his computer, please?01:42
chalcedonymy husband's ubuntu 14.04 box is refusing to open firefox hexchat or thunderbird. there are errors. One is "Glib criticla gslice set_config_ something" and 2. "Maximum number of clients reached.." help?01:43
chalcedonyhe can't google for whats wrong01:43
bonhoefferhttps://gist.github.com/tbbooher/262ee17721727015ea98 <-- can't install npm01:43
bonhoefferwould love any thoughts01:43
hogslammerbreaker 1 901:45
hogslammerim going to go now i appreacate the help sorry01:46
daftykinschalcedony: guest account on the same system works fine?01:47
chalcedonydaftykins, ty i don't know01:47
chalcedonyhe's restarting it to see if that helps01:47
chalcedonythose are all graphical programs, terminal and open office seem ok01:48
_schlerpbonhoeffer did you try install the nodejs package  first?02:00
chulli'm on hubby's computer. he rebooted, started doing things, and it logged him out. at this point i don't get the second error in terminal, when opening hexchat, but i did get the first error when opening thunderbird. ~$ thunderbird02:05
chull(process:4517): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_slice_set_config: assertion 'sys_page_size == 0' failed02:05
daftykinschull: any key events / changes before this behaviour began?02:05
chalcedonydaftykins, he can't speak to tell me02:06
chalcedonydaftykins, he had a stroke, can't write or speak02:07
daftykinsah i see02:07
chalcedonywe sleuth until we find it02:07
advx_Hi Good Morning all...02:07
daftykinshas this machine got a mechanical hard disk for the OS?02:07
=== ivancp_ is now known as ivancp
chalcedonydaftykins, yes regular hard drives02:07
daftykinschalcedony: install "pastebinit" and run "sudo smarctl -a /dev/sda | pastebinit" if you wouldn't mind02:07
chalcedonysweet ok daftykins :)02:08
chulldaftykins, :~$ sudo smarctl -a /dev/sda | pastebinit02:11
chullsudo: smarctl: command not found02:11
chullYou are trying to send an empty document, exiting.02:11
daftykinsoh dear i typo'd02:11
daftykinsyou'll also need 'smartmontools' installed02:11
daftykins"sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | pastebinit"02:11
chullok i'll get that02:12
daftykinsjust handy to rule out a wonky hard disk before spending too much time02:12
chulldaftykins, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11776646/02:15
daftykinshrmm SMART disabled 0o02:15
daftykinschull: try adding the "-s on" as it suggests02:16
chalcedonyokies will do daftykins :)02:16
daftykinsalso, more than one disk did you say? you'll need to repeat for each disk device02:16
daftykinsyou can confirm which there are with "sudo parted -l"02:17
=== Iwii is now known as Guest82220
bf_how can I install node 0.8.14 on an ubuntu server? I cannot find the old package in apt-get02:24
DalekSec!info node02:24
ubottunode (source: node): Amateur Packet Radio Node program (transitional package). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.2-7.4 (vivid), package size 1 kB, installed size 38 kB02:24
bf_DalekSec: with node i mean node.js via nodejs or nodejs-legacy. I cannot find version prior 0.10 on the listing pages02:25
_schlerpbf_ https://nodejs.org/dist/02:25
bf_schlerp: DalekSec thank you02:25
musclezis this ubuntu heaven? my server died...02:26
_schlerpmusclez elaborate?02:27
_schlerpthere is also #ubuntu-server02:27
chulldaftykins, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1177667502:29
musclez_shlerp, i am looking for some support. I have a post up on askubuntu.com that hasnt got much success02:30
_schlerpcan you link me to it?02:31
daftykinschull: hrmm there are some disk errors and so on reported there, how did you get on with testing the guest session? did the same GUI programs run fine there?02:31
musclezi removed some old kernels and havent been able to boot since, apt and dpkg keep crashing.... http://askubuntu.com/questions/640862/sub-process-usr-bin-dpkg-received-a-segmentation-fault02:32
musclezthat specific error seems to be bundled with apt and dpkg crashing.. i am using a live usb to get access02:33
chulldaftykins, i didn't actually try that, after it logged him out, it let us log in as him.02:33
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daftykinschull: ah, i'd give it a whirl for sure. also, when a GUI program throws this error, if it's disk related you might see some output repeated at the end of dmesg, use "dmesg | tail" to see what's at the very end02:34
chulldaftykins, ok thank you very much!02:35
chulli'll have him try as another user. it seems to be ok now, but we don't know what broke.02:36
daftykinsmmm, might want to backup ASAP just in case02:36
chulldaftykins, wow ok you think it's his hard drive having problems?02:38
daftykinschull: it's hard to say from that output, seagate have an annoying habit of incrementing 'error' fields when everything is normal02:39
daftykinsit's just to be on the safe side02:39
musclez_schlerp: http://askubuntu.com/questions/640362/unable-to-boot-after-removing-old-kernels another post, however most of this information has changed as i have tried to reinstalled/installed different ones/or unistalled the kernels mentioned in the post02:39
chulldaftykins, ah i see.02:39
_schlerpmusclez ok, so lets start with the booting error, you cant boot without a live cd hey?02:40
musclezthat is correct02:40
chulldaftykins, he says he understands, thank you :)02:40
_schlerpok, so what happens when you try boot/02:41
musclezdeepnding on whihc kernel i use, it will give me differnt responses, but most of the time it freezes02:41
_schlerpright, after you removed your old kernels did you run sudo update-grub?02:42
_schlerpthat shoudl clean up your grub a bit to only what it can find in boot02:42
musclezprobably not02:42
musclezhowever, the grub seems to find the right kernels after i run 'apt-get purge'02:43
_schlerpcan you pastebin an "ls /boot" for me?02:43
musclezyes, 1min02:43
=== lolmac is now known as Guest57398
_schlerpmusclez damn pastebin is blocked by my work proxy, can you use paste.ubuntu.com instaead02:47
musclezyes you will have to give me soem time i have not made an account there yet02:47
pmackinneyLooking for help with wifi on Ubuntu 14. wireless_info script output at http://mackinney.net/wifi_info.txt02:48
_schlerpmusclez you dont need one :)02:48
MDTech-us_MANI have moded source code for a program and would like to distribute it to many computers02:49
musclezhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/11776733 sorry02:49
Bashing-ommusclez: sysop@1404mini:~$ uname -r >> 3.13.0-55-generic . Where did you pick up a later kernel ( vmlinuz-3.13.0-57-generic ) that no longer exists ?02:49
MDTech-us_MANso instead of manually changing the file can I make some sort of file I can run that will automatically patch it02:50
musclezsudo apt-get linux-image-generic' that kenerl rolls in02:50
_schlerpmusclez are you familiar with chroot?02:51
musclezim in it now02:51
_schlerpcan i get you to skim this just to make sure we are on the same page?02:51
_schlerpok awesome maybe dont worry about readiung that then :P02:51
musclez1 sec02:51
musclezlol sorry the first one02:53
_schlerpcan you run update-grub then (although it probably did run when you ran the apt-0get purge02:53
_schlerpawesome, can you reboot off your hdd and record any errors you get when you try load that -57 kernel?02:56
musclezfrozen - Loading inital ramdisk ...02:56
musclezi normally try safe mode becuase this always freezes.. soemtimes it will go to the menu adn then i can resume in to boot02:57
_schlerphmm well can you get back to the system (either via safemode or liveus/chroot) and run "update-initramfs -u" as root?02:58
musclezbegin: mounting root files system... bign running /scripts/local-top ... done02:58
musclezthen a bunch of usb info with teh timestampo on the left02:58
musclezbusybox v1.21.1 (ubuntu 1:1.21....) buiult in shell (ash)02:59
musclezcrypt setup warning, but ti seemd to do its think with the live usb03:03
pmackinneywhile I was waiting for a reply here I tried killing network-manager and adding a wlan0 stanza to /etc/network/interfaces. All better.03:03
musclez_shlerp reboot again?03:04
musclezi tried running apt-update, and it froze03:09
musclezbooting in recovery: gave up on waiting for root device.....03:11
musclezalert! dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root doest not exist. dropping to shell!!03:11
musclezsame as before03:11
=== nicekiwi is now known as nicekiwi_away
_schlerpsorry musclez had to do something (im at work)03:21
musclezno worries m8 i appreciate your time03:22
_schlerpok, can i get you to check that the uuid's form sudo blkid and your /etc/fstab match?03:22
_schlerpalso cat /dev/mapper03:23
_schlerpand take a read here: http://superuser.com/questions/256856/ubuntu-alert-dev-mapper-localhost-root-does-not-exist-dropping-to-a-shell03:24
_schlerpmaybe when you purged you got rid of the lvm2 package?03:24
_schlerpby  cat /dev/mapper i meant can you check if ubuntu--vg-root is there03:25
_schlerp*cat should be ls, sorry my brains failing i need a siesta03:25
musclezyeah its there i have to mount it to run root03:25
_schlerphmmm the live usb would have the lvm2 package were as its possible that you removed it by accident from your os on disk03:26
_schlerpso really we need to fix the apt problem haha so i guess we should look into that now!03:27
musclezshould i nano etc/fstab?03:27
JakethepythonHello room03:28
_schlerpjust check that the uuid of root matches the uuid of the correct drive in blkid03:29
musclezim not sure if it is or isnt03:31
musclezdo i jsut post that in ubuntu paste?03:31
=== Adran is now known as ChairmanZero
=== ChairmanZero is now known as Adran
_schlerpmusclez yeah if you could, the output of blkid and cat /etc/fstab03:37
musclezhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/11776838/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/11776837/   http://paste.ubuntu.com/11776851/03:39
musclezi think they are the same... the last is the ouput of the lvm2 reconfigure03:39
_schlerpis your harddisk encrypted?03:40
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_schlerpmusclez http://askubuntu.com/questions/398406/encrypted-13-10-will-not-reliably-boot03:45
_schlerpdoes that sound liek your situation?03:45
musclezhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/398406/encrypted-13-10-will-not-reliably-boot/403876#403876 no03:46
musclezhowever, grub will not update with apt-get03:46
musclezi do get an error, shoudl i try it03:46
lotuspsychjegood morning to all03:50
sambagirlis there another channel exclusively for ubuntuMATE?03:52
lotuspsychjesambagirl: #ubuntu-mate03:52
sambagirlsecondly when you use tasksel and install different packages like say video production or audio studio does that completely remove your default configuation or build?03:53
sambagirlthanks lotuspsychje03:53
Trinityhow many of you use chrome?03:53
Trinityvs firefox?03:53
sambagirli use both03:53
lotuspsychjeTrinity: ask your real question please03:53
TrinityI had issues with my firefox w/ speed and I switched to chomium now.03:53
k0d3g3arTrinity, I use Chromium.... Chrome is too bloated for me03:53
Trinitynot sure if others are affected by the same 100% cpu bug03:53
lotuspsychjeTrinity: ubuntu version?03:54
k0d3g3arTrinity, I had same issue on Linux Mint 13 with Chrome03:54
Trinitysporadic 100% cpu use on one core?03:54
lotuspsychjeTrinity: wich ubuntu version please?03:54
k0d3g3arTrinity, yep, exactly.  Switched to Chromium and it all went away03:54
k0d3g3arTrinity, it has something to do with cache cleanup going haywire in Chrome03:55
k0d3g3arTrinity, iirc03:55
Trinityxubuntu but ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS03:55
sambagirlis seveas still about?03:55
Trinityk0d3g3ar, my issue was with firefox. i switched to chomium and it was fixed03:55
Trinityspecifically happening on amazon sites03:55
k0d3g3arTrinity, you might be able to stop it by going into settings, Advanced and setting hardware acceleration off03:55
lotuspsychjeTrinity: try cleaning your system with bleachbit and cleanout browser cache + install preload03:56
k0d3g3arTrinity, oh, I've had no issue with FF other than its a slow dog to use03:56
lotuspsychje!info preload | Trinity03:56
ubottuTrinity: preload (source: preload): adaptive readahead daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-2 (vivid), package size 34 kB, installed size 135 kB03:56
sambagirli take it this is just pure ubuntu and no window management associated with the channel? i'm just curious cause i have been using ubuntu since whoarty or whatever it was called.03:57
sambagirlcause i have some compiz issues03:57
Trinitylotuspsychje, hmm... maybe it is the cache. personally i think it's just that google's v8 blows firefox's js engine away03:57
Trinityill give it a try though03:57
ub-laptophi - im a live session user. I have this Dell Latitude E6400  but the wireless isn't working.  The wireless adapter is Broadcom Corporation BCM4322 802.11a/b/g/n Wireless.  I found this but how I can do that in a live session to see if it works since it asks me to reboot -- http://askubuntu.com/questions/215194/wifi-is-not-working-on-my-dell-e640003:57
lotuspsychjeTrinity: starting firefox from terminal might get you some errors too03:57
lotuspsychje!broadcom | ub-laptop03:58
ubottuub-laptop: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx03:58
sambagirlwill chromium sync with all your chromebook apps like chrome does across platforms?03:58
lotuspsychjesambagirl: chromium is the right version for ubuntu, instead of chrome03:59
ub-laptoplotuspsychje, is there a way to see if it will work while in a live session? I haven't installed ubuntu yet. I guess it has to be something that doesn't make you reboot or else some way to put the right files into the unetbootin03:59
cfhowlettub-laptop, yes.  you can dpgk -i the required .debs in a live session and wifi should pop-up03:59
cfhowlettat least that's the case for the "no internet access" option03:59
lotuspsychjeub-laptop: i would suggest installing ubuntu 14.04.2 with ethernet cable on + enable updates during setup + 3rd party software03:59
k0d3g3arsambagirl, yes, it does.  You can sign into Google and it works much the same as regular chrome04:00
ub-laptopcfhowlett, oh i thought it would require a reboot and i assumed anything i install in a live session is gone after reboot04:00
cfhowlettub-laptop, everything WILL be gone after a reboot04:00
ub-laptoplotuspsychje, i need to see if i can get wireless working *before* installing it. This is a gift for someone else.04:00
Trinitylotuspsychje, i'm a bit confused. i dont think clearing browser cache will do that much of a difference. preload after reading about it sounds like something to speed up the linux system. but doing a hard test between chromium and firefox. chromium doesnt show the same 100% cpu issue04:00
lotuspsychjeTrinity: firefox should run fine on trusty..you need to find the bottleneck04:01
ub-laptopcfhowlett, im already connected to the internet on it with my LAN do i need to do dpkg -i or could I apt-get install it?04:01
lotuspsychjeTrinity: investigate syslog,dmesg,preload install, browser cache, doublecheck grafix drivers04:02
Trinityah, I see what you're getting at. okay04:02
cfhowlettub-laptop, if you have lan access, first try "additional drivers".  if that fails, then try the "no internet access" options described in the broadcom wiki.04:03
lotuspsychjeFludge: welcome, what can we do for you?04:03
FludgeI am looking to see if something would be a good idea.04:03
cfhowlett!details | Fludge04:04
ubottuFludge: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)04:04
FludgeOh, support channel, sorry for the interuption.04:05
FludgeI'll see if there is a different way of contacting the developers.04:05
lotuspsychje!test | chaoz04:05
ubottuchaoz: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )04:05
lotuspsychjeTrinity: you can also go test a livecd of ubuntu, and check if firefox goes 100% cpu from there04:07
Trinitylotuspsychje, perhaps i forgot to mention i'm a high powered user04:09
Trinityi'll have 50-75 tabs open at once04:09
TrinityI don't really hit lag with firefox until it gets to 500 tabs04:09
Trinitybut when i visit some sites like amazon. i'd think its js heavy04:09
lotuspsychjeTrinity: then its not remarkable that you got lags04:09
Trinityill start hitting 100% cpu utilization on one thread04:10
Trinitybut the same issue doesnt exist for chromium04:10
lotuspsychjeTrinity: you cant read 50 tabs in one time right?04:10
Trinitylotuspsychje, :) i'm a hoarder04:10
lotuspsychjeTrinity: whats a hoarder?04:10
Trinitylotuspsychje, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compulsive_hoarding04:11
Trinityeh, i guess v8 > firefox04:11
lotuspsychjeTrinity: well i can only reccomend different lightweight browsers04:11
Trinitylotuspsychje, any suggestions?04:11
michael_mbphey guys04:11
michael_mbpQQ what reponds to ICMP echo requests?04:12
lotuspsychjeTrinity: better open 50 terminal windows with links2 then04:12
ub-laptopcfhowlett, I found a propreitary driver available for broadcom in the install drivers thingy.. I installed it but wifi did not pop up for me. I wonder if it requires a reboot which might be impossible on live usb session04:12
lotuspsychjemichael_mbp: join the ##networking channel plz04:12
lotuspsychje!info links2 | Trinity04:12
ubottuTrinity: links2 (source: links2): Web browser running in both graphics and text mode. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8-2 (vivid), package size 1834 kB, installed size 3007 kB04:12
Trinityahh i've been dreaming of making something like that04:12
Trinitygood to know it's already been made :)04:12
cfhowlettub-laptop, right.  OK then try the "no internet access" method.  the required files are located in /filesystem/cdrom     or perhaps /filesystem/media04:13
Trinitylotuspsychje, do you know anything else similar to links2 or is that it for open source text/graphic browsers?04:13
lotuspsychjeTrinity: links, lynx and links204:14
Trinitylotuspsychje, awesome. thanks04:14
cfhowlettub-laptop, still with us?04:23
ub-laptopim reading the page you linked but the most recent one it talks about is ubuntu 12.04 but i have trusty. But im hoping maybe it is still works.04:24
ub-laptopmodprobe wl did not work because wl didn't show up there. but that was instructions for ubuntu 10.0404:25
cfhowlettub-laptop, it does work but some of the files are not available in 14.04.  skip those because kernel upgrades04:25
cfhowlettmodprobe?  you're looking at something different.  I never modprobed.  dpkg -i the 2 files and wifi popped up.  of course, I'm on bcm 4312 so perhaps it's different.04:26
lotuspsychjeub-laptop: just install ubuntu over ethernet cable + updates enabled + 3rd party software, if wifi still doesnt show after, install b43 firmware04:28
lotuspsychje!info firmware-b43-installer | ub-laptop04:29
ubottuub-laptop: firmware-b43-installer (source: b43-fwcutter): firmware installer for the b43 driver. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:019-2 (vivid), package size 4 kB, installed size 56 kB04:29
mojtabaIs there anyway of streaming youtube video from ubuntu on TV like the one that is possible with android and IOS?04:29
ub-laptoplotuspsychje, im going to give these laptops to some kids to learn linux with. I just want to see that I can get wireless working but i dont want to install ubuntu because I want to give them the unetbootin made usb and let them install it so they can experience it : )04:29
ub-laptopbut im trying to get wireless working in the live session so that im confident im not handing them crap04:29
=== kalen_not-here is now known as kalen
cfhowlettub-laptop, are these "older" laptops by chance?  I suggest lubuntu/xubuntu04:30
ub-laptopyes they are04:30
ub-laptopyes they are old latitude e640004:30
ub-laptopI am using xubuntu but I didn't want to say that because I was afraid then someone here would tell me to go away.04:31
lotuspsychjeub-laptop: some wifi chipsets cant load drivers from default, it needs another way around with ethernet cable04:31
cfhowlettub-laptop, lubuntu is optimized for legacy hardware04:31
NegativeFlareub-laptop: of course we're not going to tell you to go away.04:31
SayWeCanFlyI need help with my sd card not showing up04:31
cfhowlett!flavors | xubuntu IS ubuntu.04:31
ubottuxubuntu IS ubuntu.: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.04:31
lotuspsychjeSayWeCanFly: any errors?04:31
SayWeCanFlynot that i know of, just when i plug it into my laptops sd card reader it doesnt show up under devices04:32
lotuspsychjeSayWeCanFly: tail -f /var/log/syslog from terminal and plugin your sd plz04:32
SayWeCanFlyits already plugged in04:33
lotuspsychjeSayWeCanFly: this is to get the errors, plug back out/in04:33
SayWeCanFlycan i paste the whole thing in here? i dont know what im looking for04:35
lotuspsychje!paste | SayWeCanFly04:35
ubottuSayWeCanFly: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:35
lotuspsychjeSayWeCanFly: ok, if you can loose data, try formatting it with gparted04:37
mojtabaIs there anyway of streaming youtube video from ubuntu on TV like the one that is possible with android and IOS?04:37
ub-laptopcfhowlett, i had some progress, some stuff about wireless now shows up in the network manager thingy -- however it is greyed out because it says wifi disabled by hardware switch04:37
lotuspsychje!myth | mojtaba04:37
ub-laptopcfhowlett, but the switch is turned on04:37
lotuspsychje!mythtv | mojtaba04:37
ubottumojtaba: mythtv is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV - For discussion and specific support, try #ubuntu-mythtv04:37
SayWeCanFlylotuspsychje: Its already formatted thats what started this04:37
lotuspsychjeSayWeCanFly: in wich format?04:37
mojtabalotuspsychje: thanks, I will check it.04:37
cfhowlettub-laptop, wanna bet?  :)04:37
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:38
SayWeCanFlyI used the disks thing04:38
ub-laptopcfhowlett, well there is only two ways to put the switch and i tried both.04:38
lotuspsychjeSayWeCanFly: to wich format?04:38
lotuspsychjeSayWeCanFly: ext,fat32,ntfs?04:38
SayWeCanFlylotuspsychje: Partitioning? MBR / DOS04:38
lotuspsychje!info gparted | SayWeCanFly try with this04:39
ubottuSayWeCanFly try with this: gparted (source: gparted): GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.19.0-2 (vivid), package size 528 kB, installed size 1868 kB04:39
SayWeCanFlylotuspsychje: like when you go to the start menu and type disks, thats what i used04:39
cfhowlettub-laptop, I beg to differ.  under ubuntu, the specific key seems to be different than under windows, e.g. my dell 1545 is F2 under windows but ALT-F2 if in ubuntu.  ONly took me 5 years of rebooting to figure that one out04:39
SayWeCanFlylotuspsychje: okay im downloading it04:40
ub-laptopcfhowlett, this latitude e6400 has an actual switch thingy on the side that you slide forward or backward. Of course if there is some other button to press i wouldn't mind that.04:40
cfhowlettub-laptop, might have to experiment.  I found mine by complete accident04:40
lotuspsychjeub-laptop: check also your bios for wifi options like 'last state wifi'04:41
ub-laptoplotuspsychje, what is that?04:41
SayWeCanFlylotuspsychje: What do i do with it?04:41
lotuspsychjeSayWeCanFly: gksu gparted from terminal, and format your sd into lets say ntfs for test04:42
SayWeCanFlygksu isnt installed04:43
lotuspsychjeub-laptop: some machines have weird wifi bios option for windows that gives a pain in ubuntu04:43
lotuspsychjeSayWeCanFly: install04:43
=== kalen_not-here is now known as kalen
SayWeCanFlylotuspsychje: okay i installed it and did the command, now what?04:45
lotuspsychjeSayWeCanFly: select your sd card with gparted, and format to ntfs04:46
SayWeCanFlyformat is greyed out04:46
SayWeCanFlylotuspsychje: There is no partitions, should there be?04:47
ub-laptopi got it working but it is really confusing.04:48
ub-laptopwhat does rfkill list all04:48
lotuspsychjeSayWeCanFly: make a partition04:48
SayWeCanFlywhat type?04:48
lotuspsychjeSayWeCanFly: if you select your sdcard, you should be able to format it04:49
SayWeCanFlyokay so to ntfs?04:49
ub-laptopby doing 'rfkill list all' i could see a few devices for both soft and hard and it showed them out of sync. I then turned off the hard block and turned disabled networking, then turned on the hard block and turned on the networking and then enabled wireless was an option.04:49
lotuspsychjeSayWeCanFly: sure for test04:50
SayWeCanFlyit worked04:50
SayWeCanFlyi used fat32 also and it worked04:50
lotuspsychjeSayWeCanFly: ok after that plugout plugin your card, and see if it jumps on now04:50
SayWeCanFlythanks man04:51
=== scx_ is now known as scx
histoub-laptop: rfkill list shows the the state of devices that are blocked and unblocked devices05:03
histoub-laptop: you can rfkill unblock all to unblock any that are blocked05:03
histoub-laptop: http://www.linuxwireless.org/en/users/Documentation/rfkill/05:04
TinFuryWhere can I get some help with a JSON php files? I'm new to programing and JSON and I have a question.05:18
TinFuryWhat's a good channel for that kind of question?05:18
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Guest87554hi to all05:19
michael_pworking on lubuntu05:20
=== it is now known as Guest62578
histomichael_p: why?05:34
michael_pno reason05:35
BeerLoveris it safe to use keepassx?05:44
STAHPKeepassx itself is safe05:44
STAHPas in the encryption algorithm is secure05:45
STAHPhowever if your computer itself is compromised, then no05:45
michael_precommended video editors06:10
bazhangfor what exactly michael_p06:10
michael_pediting home movies06:10
bazhang!info openshot | michael_p06:11
ubottumichael_p: openshot (source: openshot): Create and edit videos and movies. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.3-1.1 (vivid), package size 21223 kB, installed size 55704 kB06:11
Kartagisin my .bashrc, I've got export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/android-sdk-linux/tools:$HOME/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools. whenever I do source .bashrc, $PATH keeps getting longer and longer. how can I prevent that?06:12
michael_plike cut mistakes and rejoin06:13
vamsiampolui would like to install ubuntu 15.04 on an external hard drive,it has to work with amd a8 5550G and amd radeon 8550M,i would like to create a version of ubuntu compatible with that06:15
vamsiampolusorry,i meant the installer06:15
Ben64does the normal installer not work06:16
vamsiampoluhow can i do that,i tried installing with 14.04 and my laptop would not boot from the external hard drive06:16
histovamsiampolu: you want to install from the external hard drive, or to it.06:16
vamsiampolui am using bios mode,so do I need to install to the external hard drive06:17
histoKartagis: what's getting added?06:17
vamsiampolui need to install to external hdd,i have a usb drive06:17
EriC^^vamsiampolu: did you choose the bootloader at the ext harddisk?06:17
vamsiampolufor using as an installer06:17
scorpiohfI am trying to install gnome on a VPS, Can anyone help?06:17
histo!usb | vamsiampolu06:17
ubottuvamsiampolu: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent06:17
Kartagishisto: /home/t/android-sdk-linux/tools:/home/t/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools06:18
EriC^^vamsiampolu: during the installation, in the partitioning menu did you choose where to install the bootloader?06:18
vamsiampoluno,the laptop uses bios(and not uefi)06:18
histoscorpiohf: Also what type of ubuntu install is this to begin with. It looks like ovh has desktop based vps's06:18
EriC^^vamsiampolu: you need to choose where to install the bootloader06:19
vamsiampoluwhere should i install the bootloader?06:19
scorpiohfhisto: its running a minimal install of ubuntu 15.0406:19
EriC^^vamsiampolu: the ext hdd06:19
vamsiampolushould i do it on the external or on the laptop?06:19
EriC^^vamsiampolu: you can chroot and install grub, you don't have to reinstall06:19
vamsiampoluok,i did not know that,and that was a while ago,i am doing a fresh install and it spooks me,having a bad track record06:20
histoscorpiohf: I'd assume you may have to contact your vps provider for support. Who knows what they've modified in their images for ubuntu06:22
histoscorpiohf: I can assure installing gnome works for many people running the normal distribution06:22
x44x45x41x4EWhat IRC client do you guys use? I'm using Smuxi right now but it feels very outdated06:39
auronandacex44x45x41x4E: i'm using hexchat06:40
x44x45x41x4EJust worried that my machine be compromised because of outdated dependencies for smuxi06:41
x44x45x41x4Eauronandace, thanks man06:41
doug__when I purge something first I just apt-get purge it, then I get the list of dependencies that are no longer required, then I manually purge the original one plus all those ones too...06:43
doug__isn't there a way to say , purge all the dependencies that are no longer required too?06:44
auronandacedoug__: i think it's apt-get auto-remove06:45
doug__you mean run that after with --purge06:45
Ben64its just "sudo apt-get autoremove"06:46
doug__something that pulls in a lot of perl or whatever... I want to purge the crap06:46
doug__that won't purge the config files that I dont want06:46
Ben64shouldn't be using purge all the time06:46
doug__not using purge all the time06:46
doug__like I said, I just needed to do it with a package that pulled in a lot of perl stuff06:47
Ben64its unlikely that all the dependencies have config files anyway06:47
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Kartagis!ru | olia07:13
ubottuolia: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.07:13
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linkviiiCould someone help me stop x from starting on boot on a rasbery pi running mate 15? There is no /etc/default/grub to edit as some sources would sugest.07:28
ObrienDaveAppropriate time-of-day greetings & Welcome07:32
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thoughtful_gobliHi all, I'm trying to get some commands to run on a system user when their shell starts.  I am using rbenv and I need the PATH and init commands to run when the shell starts.  If the user does not have a home directory where should I be placing these commands.  I have it working with my standard user by sticking the commands in ~/.bashrc07:41
agent_whiteEvenin' folks07:44
thoughtful_gobliI tried useradd --system --gid apps -s /srv/apps_shell app_name but then I was unable to sudo su into the app_name user07:44
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Guest10386why is it that i'm getting a07:57
Guest10386“Assignment outside section in config file.” error?07:57
lotuspsychjeGuest10386: explain a bit what you are trying to do please?07:58
Guest10386I'm trying to get redshift to autostart/run. i've set up a config file for redshift, but when i run gtk redshift in the terminal, that's what i get.08:00
Guest10386here's a more detailed version: http://askubuntu.com/questions/641006/assignment-outside-section-in-config-file-error-when-trying-to-run-autostart08:01
Guest10386i'll be back in a minute, out of power08:01
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Mickdam i have to wait until my name drops08:06
ragbagI'm back (guy asking about redshift)08:07
lotuspsychjeragbag: try this perhaps: http://askubuntu.com/questions/482373/how-do-i-install-redshift-1-9-108:07
lotuspsychjeragbag: maybe you overlooked something in config?08:07
roryHi. I'm getting errors when doing an apt-get upgrade, along the lines of: "gzip: stdout: No space left on device", but I definitely have multiple gigabytes of free space08:08
roryHere is df -h http://paste.ubuntu.com/11777458/08:08
lotuspsychjerory: clean out your system with bleachbit08:08
rorylotuspsychje: I'd like to know what the problem is. I've looked using disk usage analyser, and I have tens of gigabytes free08:08
rorylotuspsychje: I'm interested where it's trying to write where it thinks there's no space08:09
roryso I don't think making more disk space is the answer08:09
lotuspsychjerory: upgrade isnt reccomended on lower disk space, might corrupt the update08:09
roryI'm not running on close to low disk space08:09
roryI'm also not upgrading from one release to another, I'm just performing a normal apt-get upgrade08:10
lotuspsychjerory: wich version to wich?08:10
roryoh you are trolling me yes ver funny08:10
roryI will ask back later08:11
lotuspsychjetrolling volunteers, thats new to me08:11
Ben64i guess he didn't see the 5MB free in /boot08:12
lotuspsychjeBen64: yeah oh well, he might get the same answers when he gets back08:12
vamsiampoluI am trying to install on an external HDD using UEFI while my laptop has 32 bit Windows 7 installed with Legacy BIOS,Ubuntu installer is warning me about it,should i continue with the install??08:16
lotuspsychjevamsiampolu: whats your plan exactly? dualboot?08:17
vamsiampoluno,i am installing on external harddrive08:17
EriC^^vamsiampolu: how are you going to boot it if you don't have uefi?08:18
EriC^^why do you want to install it in uefi mode?08:18
vamsiampoluthe installer usb thumb drive booted in uefi08:18
EriC^^boot it in legacy mode08:19
intechillahi I am facing a issue for ubuntu 12.04 installation (pxe)08:20
intechillait fails at not able to install linux-image-3.13.0-55-generic ubuntu 12.0408:20
vamsiampoluok,will come back after rebooting,i have installed amd drivers using persistance,will it launch the try ubuntu experience any faster?08:20
ragbaglotuspsychje: no joy from that link. I'm going to double check my config08:20
intechillaI am trying to install ubuntu-server08:20
lotuspsychje!server | intechilla08:21
ubottuintechilla: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server08:21
fullstackhey Chrome crashes with an Intel GPU graphics error08:21
fullstacklike, when I click on things, its risky. 1/10 times I get Aw Snap08:21
fullstackgenerally the more spammy the site the more things-go-boom factor seems to be08:22
intechillaubottu: but what can be the reason for 12.04 installation failure08:22
ubottuintechilla: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:22
lotuspsychjeintechilla: can you define what fails exactly?08:23
javiercHello Everyone. Good morning from the Netherlands.08:23
intechillalotuspsychje: I 'll give you the details in a while08:24
michael_pwhat distro are you on i am on lubuntu08:24
skbly7hi, i need help for printing username on the printed document. the printer is connected in Lan network with about 50 ubuntu machines. how can I program these machines to print usernames either as header or seperator page, so that I can identify the prints. Thanks.08:24
ragbaglotuspsychje: does it matter that i made the config file in abbi word?08:24
lotuspsychjemichael_p: keep it onoptic here mate08:24
eskaI have a strange problem, I changed the mode on my soundcard from multichannel to off, now its gone08:25
lotuspsychje!sound | eska08:25
ubottueska: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.08:25
lotuspsychje!printer | skbly708:25
ubottuskbly7: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu08:25
skbly7lotuspsychje: not working.08:26
skbly7ubottu: couldn't find the information regarding username printing in given links.08:27
ubottuskbly7: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:27
MO_Handeswhen I have different repos set in sources.list, how to set my default target release?08:28
ragbagwell, i changed the config file to a plain text document and now i get a message saying: Screen 1 could not be found. Failed to start adjustment method randr.08:31
KartagisI have got a 3tb usb hdd, syslog says very big device and gparted says unallocated08:31
skbly7 hi, i need help for printing username on the printed document. the printer is connected in Lan network with about 50 ubuntu machines. how can I program these machines to print usernames either as header or seperator page, so that I can identify the prints. Thanks.08:32
vamsiampoluok,i have booted the usb installer in legacy boot mode08:35
antonio_what terminal command can I use to check my version of Ubuntu?08:36
Kartagislsb_release -a08:36
Kartagisantonio_: ^08:37
antonio_I'm in the process of updating Ubuntu.  I'm on 12.10  I need to udpate to the current version.  I backed up my /home folder yesterday using the rsync command.  Can I just install the latest version of Ubuntu and then copy the home folder on top of that?08:38
tecnXAnyone on?08:41
antonio_I was wondering the same08:41
histoantonio_: why not just upgrade08:41
histo!eol | antonio_08:41
ubottuantonio_: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades08:41
histoantonio_: and now you have a backup incase anything goes wrong during the upgrade08:42
histotecnX: yes08:42
tecnXi have a problem booting into ubuntu gnome08:42
histo!details | tecnX08:42
ubottutecnX: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)08:42
tecnXWhen booting i can choose from GRUB but after that i just get a blinking courser in the top left08:43
antonio_histo: I'm totally confused by that EOL tutorial08:43
phionaguys what do u use to view sites that require flash player on firefox?08:44
tecnXwhen  removing quiet splah i get stuck at net registered protocol family 108:44
tecnXwith acpi=off i get one line further to pci [some number] pci->apiic irq transform: int a -> irq 1808:45
vamsiampolui am partitioning my external hdd for installing,i would like to create an additional partition with ntfs in addition to the one i would like to install ubuntu on,should I specify it as a primary  or  extended08:46
histoantonio_: you update your sources list to update to a newer version of ubuntu rather than re-installing like you are sounding like you're about to do.08:47
tecnXanyone up to my question?08:47
histotecnX: is this a new install?08:48
tecnXyes it is08:49
skbly7hi, i need help for printing username on the printed document. the printer is connected in Lan network with about 50 ubuntu machines. how can I program these machines to print usernames either as header or seperator page, so that I can identify the prints. Thanks.08:49
skbly7hi, i need help for printing username on the printed document. the printer is connected in Lan network with about 50 ubuntu machines. how can I program these machines to print usernames either as header or seperator page, so that I can identify the prints. Thanks.08:49
histo!patience | skbly708:49
ubottuskbly7: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/08:49
vamsiampoluwhy cant i specify external partition type as ntfs08:50
histoskbly7: what are you using as a print server? or how are the machines connected to the printer would be a good bit of info for your question08:50
histovamsiampolu: you can create it as primary, and you should be able to set the type to whatever you want.08:50
histo!nomodeset | tecnX08:51
ubottutecnX: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter08:51
vamsiampoluok,i have resized the existing data partition,i want to create a new partition outside of ubuntu so that I can still use it for storage,so is that primary or extended??08:52
skbly7histo : all machines are connected to common printer, dnssd printer.. cups. (is this information you mean ?)08:52
histovamsiampolu: you can do primary it's fine08:53
histovamsiampolu: will you be using this drive with windows?08:53
Kartagishow can I fix this issue of mine where my $PATH keeps getting longer every time I do source .bashrc because I've got export PATH=$PATH:/new/path/ ?08:53
histoKartagis: what is getting added to your path?08:54
tecnXwith nomodeset i also get stuck at net registered protocol familiy 108:54
histoskbly7: yes hold on i'm sure there is a way in cups to define a seperator or header08:54
Kartagishisto: /home/t/android-sdk-linux/tools:/home/t/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools08:54
histoKartagis: then what happens the next time?08:54
skbly7histo : thanks.. :D , need help in it badly08:55
histoKartagis: that is normal behavior why do you keep sourcing your .bashrc over and over08:55
Kartagishisto: http://paste.debian.net/261518/08:55
antonio_histo: whats the complete process to upgrade from 12.10 to the latest?08:56
histoskbly7: http://www.cups.org/documentation.php/doc-1.4/spec-banner.html08:57
RonJeremyPlease advise why Ubuntu is run by queer faggot niggers created by Faggot Shuttlworth? Fuck Canonical.08:57
histoKartagis: is their a reason you keep sourcing your .bashrc08:57
histo!ops RonJeremy08:57
RonJeremyPlease advise why Ubuntu is run by queer faggot niggers created by Faggot Shuttlworth? Fuck Canonical.08:57
histoantonio_: fix your sources.list08:57
skbly7histo : thanks, checking.08:57
histoantonio_: the directionis on that page are pretty clear08:57
KartagisRonJeremy: please advise why you're such a dick. if you don't like Ubuntu, don't use it08:58
ubottuThe main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList08:58
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antonio_histo: comp crashed...so how do I upgrade from 12.10 to the current?09:00
histoKartagis: This is normal behavior if you keep sourcing your .bashrc it's getting appeneded to the end09:00
histoantonio_: follow the directions on the EOL page from ubottu09:01
histo!eol > antonio_09:01
ubottuantonio_, please see my private message09:01
histoskbly7: in your cups config you can change the JobSheets line to JobSheets standard none   to get a banner page.09:03
histoskbly7: sorry your printer.conf09:03
skbly7histo: checking after changing and giving print commands.09:04
vamsiampoluwhat should be the device for the bootloader install?09:05
michael_pi sort of prefer ubuntu better then windows09:06
michael_pwhat do you think09:08
vamsiampolushould i install the bootloader on the same partition that i am installing ubuntu on?09:08
vamsiampoluor should i just select the external hard drive and continue09:09
skbly7histo : thanks alot, seperator page started printing, just trying to add username in it reading link you gave. Awesome work by you. :D  You saved me09:09
AndChat|407721Hey folks09:10
histomichael_p: this channel is for ubuntu related support questions. You can discuss other ubuntu related topics in #ubuntu-offtopic09:11
TJ-vamsiampolu: boot-loader should be on the physical disk that the PC usually starts with09:11
vamsiampolui am installing on the external hard drive,how can i ensure that i do not overwrite the existing bootloader??09:11
histovamsiampolu: if you're installing ubuntu on the external, install the bootloader on the external09:11
histovamsiampolu: the external hard drive has an existing boot loader?09:12
TJ-vamsiampolu: There is a choice at the end of the installation process that lets you select the device where the boot-loader should be installed09:12
vamsiampoluok,the external does not have a bootloader09:12
vamsiampoluit is just data09:12
vamsiampolubut it has multiple partitions,should it be the same partition...09:13
vamsiampoluwhere i install ubuntu09:13
TJ-vamsiampolu: If the boot-loader is installed on the external drive then when the PC starts you'll need to use its boot-menu option to select the external device for booting09:13
TJ-vamsiampolu: The boot-loader goes on the physical disk device not a partition.09:13
vamsiampolu@TJ got it09:14
TJ-vamsiampolu: That's for BIOS based systems of course; for UEFI based systems then the boot-loader will go in the EFI System Partition - usually the 1st FAT32 partition09:14
vamsiampolui have bios...i checked09:14
vamsiampoluhow large should the swap partition be,do i need a swap partition??09:16
histo!swap | vamsiampolu09:16
ubottuvamsiampolu: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info09:16
histovamsiampolu: before you get to far do you intend to use this external drive with windows also?09:16
vamsiampoluyes,i have 2 ntfs partitions on the drive09:16
TJ-vamsiampolu: To boot Windows from that drive, or just to store Windows data?09:17
vamsiampolui intend to use it for storage from windows09:17
reddit_I'm gonna cum.09:18
reddit_Oh, wrong channel.09:18
vamsiampolui dont need anymore windows,one is good enough09:18
TJ-vamsiampolu: So the Linux and Windows boot-loaders won't argue over which one gets precedence then. That's good.09:18
histoTJ-: the issue is windows won't see his partition that's after the linux one09:20
histovamsiampolu: you may want to put the ntfs partition first on the disk instead of ubuntu09:20
vamsiampoluhisto: the ntfs partitions are sda1 and sda2 while the Ubuntu partition is sda3,swap is sda409:21
histovamsiampolu: cool. windows will only see sda1 so you know09:22
vamsiampolutj:  removed and resized the partition,lost 1 MB :(09:24
KartagisI have got a 3tb usb hdd, syslog says very big device and gparted says unallocated. any ideas?09:25
EriC^^Kartagis: what are you trying to do?09:28
KartagisEriC^^: access my hdd09:28
EriC^^is it a new hdd?09:28
EriC^^type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999909:28
KartagisEriC^^: no, it's 2-3 yrs old09:29
Kartagiswhat's termbin.com ?09:29
EriC^^it's a pastebin09:30
KartagisEriC^^: ^09:32
agent_whiteGood evenin/morning folks!09:34
Xat`hi guys09:34
Xat`why I am able to remove a file in my home dir , whereas this file is not mine ?09:35
Xat`that's happen only with files in my home09:35
SeveasXat`: because removing a file needs no more permission than write access to the containing folder. Ownership and permissions of the file are irrelevant.09:35
Xat`I don't have write right on it09:35
Xat`Seveas: I cannot reproduce it in /tmp09:36
michael_pcan xbuntu 11:10 still be run with the latest drivers09:37
SeveasXat`: because /tmp has the sticky bit set, which then makes ownership of the files count.09:37
Xat`you're right09:38
Xat`thank Seveas09:38
Seveasmichael_p: no. Ubuntu 11.10 has been unsupported for a while now.09:38
KartagisEriC^^: , so, any ideas?09:38
Seveasmichael_p: upgrade is long overdue. Support for 11.10 ended 2 years and 2 months ago.09:39
EriC^^Kartagis: yeah, you're using msdos and it only supports 2TB partitions09:39
michael_pwhat about 12:0409:40
EriC^^you can either make multiple partitions or convert the partition table to gpt Kartagis09:40
KartagisEriC^^: I have multiple partitions there, 2 and 109:40
Kartagis!lts | michael_p09:40
ubottumichael_p: LTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04)09:40
EriC^^i know, but you can't make a partition that's more than 2TB09:40
michael_pi like the look of the mac icon09:41
KartagisEriC^^: I used to be able to read it though, before I re-installed OS a few times09:42
KartagisEriC^^: then, my fs was reiserfs09:42
gagaliciousi'm having trouble creating "kickstart" for my pxe install of ubuntu. anywhere i can read more on this? it seems ubuntu uses preseed instead of kickstart?09:43
gagaliciousi'm basically stuck at this area : Configure the network : The name servers are used to look up host names on the network09:44
EriC^^Kartagis: i'm not following09:45
EriC^^Kartagis: you had other partitions?09:46
EriC^^Kartagis: try testdisk, and don't write anything until you get the partitions right or it will erase the current ones09:47
gagaliciousDoes anyone have a sample kickstart for ubuntu 14.04 install that i can reference?09:47
KartagisEriC^^: in the past 2 weeks, I tried a few distros and came back to my beloved Ubuntu, which I'd been using since hardy heron. before that, it was working fine and I could access it. but, my fs was reiserfs then and now it's ext409:47
starkilleri need help :( i cant shutdown xubunto it takes me to the loggin screen:P09:47
EriC^^sudo apt-get install testdisk, then sudo testdisk, and press p to view the files of the partitions it finds09:47
KartagisEriC^^: do I want to use 'EFI GPT'?09:49
EriC^^no, Intel09:50
EriC^^Kartagis: is Intel preselected?09:51
KartagisEriC^^: http://i.imgur.com/0n2cZSk.png09:52
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michael_pxbuntu 15:04 looks like windows 709:55
michael_psame start menu09:55
rustinstalling office 2007 getting error "Setup could not find any availbale products to install"09:56
Kartagisrust: office 2006? isn't that a microsoft thing?09:57
bazhangrust check the appdb, help in #winehq09:58
bazhang!appdb | rust09:58
ubotturust: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help09:58
rustKartagis, I am using wine for install it09:58
bazhang /join #winehq rust09:58
rustok !!09:58
ibrofame_ Hi every one09:59
edistohow do you access an admin account in terminal?10:03
edistonevermind i remember su -l10:04
pragomerI remastered Ubuntu 14.04 with chroot-method... but the generated ISO does not boot on pc with secure-boot active... what can I do ?10:05
starkillerAre you trying to dual boot pragomer?10:08
pragomerhi starkiller :-) No I want to use a remastered Ubuntu-ISO as live-medium.. but does not boot with secure-boot.10:08
michael_pdose anyone know Emmabuntus310:10
rustinstalling office 2007 getting error "Setup could not find any availbale products to install" no one is active on #winehq10:11
rustinstalling office 2007 getting error "Setup could not find any availbale products to install" no one is active on #winehq10:15
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines10:17
chotaz`wRust ^10:17
rustI will cry10:18
chotaz`wcan't do much about that over IRC, there are rules, following them only grants you a better chance of being helped faster and in a more accurate way10:18
rustchotaz`w, Do you know solution ?10:19
somsiprust: see Additional Comments here maybe https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=1281110:19
rustsomsip, Thanks !! hope it would work10:20
EriC^^Kartagis: try pressing p over the Linux partition10:25
michael_plooks like in 15:04 they have redone the whole interface in xubuntu10:32
michael_pi am not saying is terriable10:32
rustany channel for torrent  ?10:32
BluesKajHi folks10:34
rainbowwarrior!package mencoder10:35
snooopsmorning. im using ubuntu 15.04 on my laptop. if i  plug my notebook into the dockingstation sometimes one of my two screens are going black for 2-5 seconds. i cant see anything happen at X.org.log or syslog10:35
rainbowwarriorhello all , can someone please tell me the package name of mencoder for Ubuntu 15.04 please ?10:36
k1l_rainbowwarrior: "mencoder"10:36
k1l_!info mencoder | rainbowwarrior10:36
ubotturainbowwarrior: Package mencoder does not exist in vivid10:36
k1l_oh well, seems it got dropped. it was in 14.0410:37
ubskeurI'm having issues with timidity in ubuntu 15.0410:37
ubskeurit doesn't seem to play midi files most of the time10:38
ubskeurdropping notes like mad10:38
mangolionafter I installed java, I get this error when I try to run a jar:10:38
mangolionjava.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no splashscreen in java.library.path10:38
rainbowwarriorok then , anyone recommend a decent program to convert dvd to avi please ? I have tried handbreak but it is only doing 20 minutes of my dvd , and acidrip i can't find the package and dvd rip crashes please help ?10:38
rainbowwarrior!info acidrip10:38
ubottuPackage acidrip does not exist in vivid10:38
ubskeurrainbowwarrior, ffmpeg10:39
rainbowwarriorubskeur ok thank you10:39
ubskeurrainbowwarrior, actually not sure if it can do dvd, but it does a lot of video stuff10:40
ubskeurrainbowwarrior, if it doesn't vlc is your next bet10:40
shiznixhandbrake is a good dvd ripper too10:41
rainbowwarriorubskeur ok thank you10:41
rainbowwarriorshiznix, I have tried handbreak but it is only doing 20 minutes of my dvd :(10:41
ubskeuranyone running 15.04 want to see if timidity is working for them?10:43
ubskeurI might submit a bug report for it10:43
rustwhen I run high quality video in vlc it flickers on high fps !! any idea to solve it10:43
bazhangtry mplayer yet rust?10:44
rustmplayer is better than vlc ?10:44
bazhangtry it and see10:45
bazhang!info smplayer | rust10:45
ubotturust: smplayer (source: smplayer): complete front-end for MPlayer and MPlayer2. In component universe, is optional. Version 14.9.0~ds0-1 (vivid), package size 1388 kB, installed size 3702 kB10:45
KartagisEriC^^: none of them are selectable10:45
Kartagis!find mencode10:46
ubottuFound: python-formencode10:46
Kartagis!find mencoder10:46
ubottuFile mencoder found in bash-completion, kino, lives-plugins, okteta-dev10:46
EriC^^Kartagis: stop the quick search10:47
EriC^^and then use the use down arrows to highlight it then press p10:47
KartagisSupport for this filesystem hasn't been enable during compilation.10:47
EriC^^maybe download the source and compile it with the fs support10:48
EriC^^Kartagis: do you need the data on the disk?10:50
bazhanghttp://tuxtweaks.com/2014/02/rip-dvd-mplayer/  rainbowwarrior10:51
Kartagisdownload the source of testdisk?10:51
MaxFramesI've purchased an usb to rs232 adapter, certified linux compatible (up until the latest kernel), how do I make sure it was detected correctly and working (other than of course connecting to a device over rs232 and see what happens)?10:51
EriC^^ok, well you can write the partition with testdisk, so it would show up, but you need to pay attention to get the other 2 partitions there too10:51
EriC^^then you would mount it as usual10:51
KartagisEriC^^: would it not suffice to install reiserfsprogs?10:51
EriC^^maybe try that10:52
MaxFramesthis is the output of dmesg | grep tty:10:52
rainbowwarriorbazhang, thank you will take a look10:52
ikoniahasn't resier been removed from the kernel now ?10:52
MaxFrames[0.000000] console [tty0] enabled10:52
bazhangrainbowwarrior, welcome, once thats done use handbrake to reenconde to mp410:52
MaxFrames[161.471573] usb 3-1: pl2303 converter now attached to ttyUSB010:52
bazhangalso reencode10:52
rainbowwarriorbazhang ok thank you :)10:53
MaxFramesthis seems to confirm it has been detected and configured, rigt?10:53
Kartagisinstalling reiserfsprogs didn't work10:53
mircx1Hello please help very much time i try to understand what i need install for this10:54
mircx1 GnuTLS not found, multiplex will have no SSL support10:54
mango_youll need to give more info mircx1 , whats throwing that error/context/etc :)10:55
bazhang!info gnutls-bin10:55
ubottugnutls-bin (source: gnutls28): GNU TLS library - commandline utilities. In component main, is optional. Version 3.3.8-3ubuntu3 (vivid), package size 185 kB, installed size 847 kB10:55
bazhang!info gnutls2810:55
ubottuPackage gnutls28 does not exist in vivid10:55
mircx1this from ubuntu 1410:56
rainbowwarriorarrrg I have just noticed something even on the dvd the vob file is only playing 20 minutes for some reason grrrrrrr so wonder why its not working right, does that mean its encrypted ?10:56
mircx1and i try to install for this10:56
mircx1sudo apt-get install build-essential10:56
eluolease i need the last reason 8 crack11:04
elufor pc11:04
bazhangofftopic here elu11:04
elubazhang  thang11:07
heeenanyone else having trouble with wifi (brcm 43224) after waking up from suspend?11:14
heeenI switched to broadcom-sta-dkms and I think it is using cfg80211, but it still needs rfkill block and unblock to connect11:15
leeyaai have upgraded mysql from 5.5.41 to 5.5.43 for some reason it still shows 5.5.41 when i execute mysql -V11:28
leeyaawhat could be the reason for that ?11:28
ikoniawhat did you upgrade11:29
leeyaaikonia: mysql-server and mysql-client11:29
ikoniashow me the current full package names11:30
leeyaaikonia: thats for server https://bpaste.net/show/b73940e676bc and thats for client https://bpaste.net/show/4bc4ff4bea6811:31
ikonialeeyaa: Breaks: mysql-client (<< 5.5.43-0ubuntu0.14.04.1), mysql-client-5.0, mysql-client-5.111:32
ikoniawhere have you got this package from ?11:32
leeyaaikonia: i dont have extra repositories. server used to be 12.04 at some point11:33
ikoniawhere did you get this package from11:33
mircx1Hello please help very much time i try to understand what i need install for this11:33
mircx1 GnuTLS not found, multiplex will have no SSL support11:33
mircx1and i try to install for this11:33
leeyaawhat do you mean w here did i get them from? from official repositories some time ago i dont know when. not sure why apt did not remove them during upgrade11:33
ikonialeeyaa: can I please see the output of "uname -a" please11:34
leeyaaand they are not installed too11:34
leeyaaikonia: this is uname -a: Linux vm-sql2.fl.nc 3.13.0-44-generic #73-Ubuntu SMP Tue Dec 16 00:22:43 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux11:34
ikonia!info Breaks: mysql-client (<< 5.5.43-0ubuntu0.14.04.1), mysql-client-5.0, mysql-client-5.111:35
ubottu'mysql-client' is not a valid distribution: kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-proposed11:35
ikonia!info mysql-client 14.0411:36
ubottu'14.04' is not a valid distribution: kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-proposed11:36
ikonia!info mysql-client trusty11:36
ubottumysql-client (source: mysql-5.5): MySQL database client (metapackage depending on the latest version). In component main, is optional. Version 5.5.43-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 (trusty), package size 11 kB, installed size 121 kB11:36
leeyaathat tells me nothing :D11:38
leeyaaanyway, how to get rid of 5.5.41 ?11:38
ikoniait's meant to give me info11:38
leeyaai see11:38
javiercHello guys. I have a question. In a full windows environment. we use Domains. Whats the Linux equivalent? Or do a group of Linux machines use Workgroups?11:38
leeyaajavierc: i use NIS when i need something simple11:39
Seveasjavierc: the equivalent would be ldap+kerberos11:39
leeyaaor that if you need real equivalent11:39
Seveasleeyaa: the 90's called and want their software back...11:39
leeyaaSeveas: whats that supposed to mean? :D11:40
leeyaaits working, yes? :)11:40
Seveasno, it's not.11:40
javiercI was curious how two linux machines can easily share files with each other. In Windows that seems quiet easy. Installing Samba File server on both clients seems like an insane idea if your trying to share a few files between two workstations.11:41
ikoniajavierc: what do you think it is that shares windows file systems ?11:41
ikoniait's the microsoft version of s samba server and client11:41
leeyaajavierc: why not just nfs if you need only file sharing11:42
leeyaaikonia: any info how to get rid of mysql 5.5.41 ? :P11:42
javiercOk. I'll readup on NFS.11:42
ikonialeeyaa: according to that package - it's not there11:42
Seveasjavierc: the windows workstations have something equivalent to the samba server for file sharing. Though if it's pure linux: use nfs, or sshfs for a quick hack.11:42
leeyaaikonia: so what is the correct package ?11:43
ikoniathe one you have is currnet for 14.0411:43
elupleaseeeeeeeeee help me  i need the crack of reason 811:43
mcphailelu: http://ubuntustudio.org/11:45
mircx1someone can help to me please?11:45
mircx1i try install this11:46
javiercFyi. Seems that theres something call Giver that supposedly makes sharing files between workstations easy. Going to give it a try. seems interesting.11:46
ikonialeeyaa: no need for rude comments11:46
mircx1with this commands11:46
mircx1sudo apt-get install build-essential11:46
mircx1and i get11:46
ikoniaGnuTLS ? and you're installing build-essential ?11:46
mircx1GnuTLS not found, multiplex will have no SSL support11:47
mircx1      Compiling...11:47
mircx1      Multiplex process support available.11:47
ikoniathere is pre-build tls package for ubuntu - surely ?11:47
leeyaayeah sorry11:47
leeyaaikonia: btw i installed mysql-server-5.5 and it seems that fixed the problem11:47
ikoniawhat do you mean "nothing" are you saying there is no tls11:47
mircx1how i fix this?11:47
leeyaabut im not sure if it is the correct thing to do11:47
ikonialeeyaa you said you had already done that11:47
leeyaano i said i have mysql-server11:47
ikoniathat has nothing to do with the client11:48
TJ-!info gnutls-bin | mircx111:48
ikonialooks like the package is there11:48
ubottumircx1: gnutls-bin (source: gnutls28): GNU TLS library - commandline utilities. In component main, is optional. Version 3.3.8-3ubuntu3 (vivid), package size 185 kB, installed size 847 kB11:48
leeyaai think i understand it now11:48
chrisss123456vfw: TJ-: Hey guys, I'm here from yesterday, with my silly sound card issue.... :(11:53
chrisss123456It's still doing the same nonsense thing, despite the conf file now having both lines choosing when it idles, and if it idles at all.11:54
chrisss123456the /sys/ file still says 1 under whether it would power save or not11:54
chrisss123456how bad an idea is it to change this value to 0 in the /sys/ directory?11:54
musclezanyone here an expert on restoring busted kernels/ repairing apt and dpkg? I cannot boot and we didnt get very far yesterday11:55
ikoniarestoring "busted kernels"11:56
ikoniawhat is a busted kernel11:56
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musclezhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/640362/unable-to-boot-after-removing-old-kernels http://askubuntu.com/questions/640862/sub-process-usr-bin-dpkg-received-a-segmentation-fault are soem posts i have made12:07
ikoniamusclez: can you give me a one line summary12:08
ikoniaif I wanted to use askubuntu - I'd use ask ubuntu12:08
familyis there somebody12:08
musclezi removed old kernels on /boot drive and haven been able to boot since12:08
ikoniawhat kernel is currently there ?12:09
skfaxGiven that I have one online computer and one offline computer and that I wish to install http://wiki.ros.org/jade/Installation/Ubuntu on the offline computer: What is the easiest way to install the packages on the offline machine? With a simple apt-get install I can just mirror the contents of /var/cache/apt/archives.12:09
musclezthat installed automatically i ran 'apt-get install linux-image-generic'12:10
ikoniaok - so whats the error when you try to boot ?12:11
familykinda old kernel12:13
MrJoneswhat is it with bluetooth and the bad drivers12:13
musclezalert! dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root doest not exist. dropping to shell!!12:13
MrJonesdoes bluetooth work properly for anyone?12:13
ikoniamusclez: so that means you can't see the disks12:13
ikoniamusclez: that question is why can't you see the disks12:14
leeyaaguys what could be the reason for charset client and charset connection settings to be different in two mysql servers? identical server version and configuration https://bpaste.net/show/bef1d2e382d812:14
musclezi would liek to install newer kernels.. but even when i am able to apt-get for example.. it still will not boot12:14
MrJonesgot almost zero problems with my phone combined with various devices (headphones), but with both fedora and ubuntu laptops I have an insane amount of problems12:14
ikoniamusclez: forget the kernel12:14
ikoniamusclez: you can't see the disks12:14
ikoniathat is the problem you need to understand and fix12:14
musclezwell hold on.. the disk shoudl be visible and ill showe u why... we covereed this last night http://paste.ubuntu.com/11776838/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/11776837/   http://paste.ubuntu.com/11776851/12:15
familygo learn spelling12:16
ikoniamusclez: how are you doing these commands if you can't boot12:16
ikoniafamily: don't be rude12:16
ikoniafamily: help - or don't12:16
familysorry but this is hurting my eyes*12:16
ikoniamusclez: if you could leave text speak out like "u" that would be helpful12:16
familyu should reinstall12:17
musclezanyway... im running live usb12:17
ikoniamusclez: so that means nothing12:17
ikoniajust because a live image can see your disks, does not mean you machine can12:17
musclezu asked how i am running these commands12:17
musclezthat measn everything12:17
ikoniait means nothing12:17
ikoniayou need to debug why your machine you are trying to boot can't see the disks12:18
familythis is weird12:18
leeyaawhops wrong channel12:18
ikoniawhat ?12:19
ikoniaif you look at the paste you'll see clear thing12:20
ikoniahe's updating the initfamfs for 3.1312:20
ikoniahe's botting 3.1712:20
familyahh i cant see disks ok12:20
ikoniathese are different kernels12:20
familythat is a complex problem12:21
musclezwelcome to my week12:21
familywhat do u wanna do with this??12:21
djjeffhow serious is this CVE?12:21
ikoniaebru: then join their channel/read their website and install it, this is nothing to do with ubuntu12:21
ikoniaebru: if you keep asking questions that are nothing to do with ubuntu - you will get banned12:21
familyu fr???12:22
musclezwhat do u wnt fmly?12:23
familyare u french12:23
musclezlol, negative12:23
familymusclez is a french verb12:23
quantibiliywow you guys are actually a active in the morning.. well at least its morning here.12:23
musclezits also muscles with a z12:23
familywhere a u from12:24
quantibiliythe latest installment of ubuntu, and linux seems interesting enough.12:24
quantibiliyanyone else have a problem with their mouse disappearing?12:25
quantibiliyafter comming out of sleep or hibernation?12:25
ikonia.wub 112:25
musclezfamily, no offense bro but can we stay on topic?12:25
familyyes sorry12:25
family@quantability --> this is a know bug12:26
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musclezmany times when i try to run apt-get or dpkg commands, i get similar errors ro this: 'dpkg: error parsing file 'var/lib/dpkg/status' near line xxxx..... 'Depends' feild, invlaid package name 'xxxxxxxx':must start with a number/alphanumeric character12:27
musclezikonia, you said to debug.. any idea how i shoudl go abotu doing that12:27
ikoniawell, you know it's not booting - so your OS isn't the problem12:27
ikoniaso it stands to reason the initramfs will be the first place to look12:28
mircx1i doing what i need and again error12:29
mircx1GnuTLS not found, multiplex will have no SSL support12:29
quantibiliyFamily: then i guess i should over git hub and figure the work around myself?12:29
quantibiliyshould run over12:29
quantibiliyyes sometimes entire words disappear from my typing.12:29
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musclezikonia i dontknwo hwo to attempt/ have no idea what u are talking aobut12:29
musclez_shlerp was getting very far until he gt disconnected... are you sure there is no other valueable advice you may offer?12:43
agent_whitemusclez: What exactly is your issue?12:44
agent_white05:55 < musclez> anyone here an expert on restoring busted kernels/ repairing apt and dpkg? I cannot boot and we didnt  get very far yesterday12:44
agent_whiteIs not helpful.12:44
musclezi also offered two of my posts on ask ubuntu12:45
ikoniaI've told you where to look12:45
ikoniaas a starting point12:45
gagalicioushow do i do a raid on preseed for ubuntu 14.0412:46
gagaliciousi would like to raid 1 two hdds12:46
gagaliciousdoes anyone know?12:46
agent_whitemusclez: Have you looked at the second post you made?12:46
agent_whiteThe response was, essentially... give us more information.,12:46
agent_whiteIs that the entire output of the upgrade command? if not, please consider posting more (or all) of it: you can use a hosting service such as pastebin if it is too long to include here directly. It may also be helpful to describe how you removed the old kernel images. "12:46
musclezyes why agent_white?12:46
jaems924I have a quick question. HOw do I update and upgrade Ubuntu from the terminal? THe command12:47
musclezikonia i asked if you could clarify and you didnt respond.. and then i asked again12:47
Picijaems924: to a new release, or do you just want to upgrade the packages you have installed?12:47
ikoniamusclez: what do you need clarification on ?12:47
abhijeetsudo apt-get dist-upgrade @jaems92412:48
jaems924new release?12:48
musclezyou told me where to look but im not sure what you meant by that or hwo to access it12:48
Picijaems924: sudo do-release-upgrade12:48
agent_whitemusclez: Because we need more information to help. For instance, in the second post,  "I was try to free up space on my /boot by removing old Linux images". -- How did you come to this conclusion?  How did you remove these Linux images?  Why did you do this? What happened? What logs do you have? etc...12:48
ikoniamusclez: it's your box so you have acces12:48
ikoniaand the paste you showed me - you updated it on an old kernel12:48
ikoniaso you know what it is12:48
TJ-musclez: The PC has UEFI firmware. UEFI stores a boot-menu in the motherboard non-volatile RAM. At installation an entry is added to that menu my the installer. At boot-time that menu is displayed. If the boot-menu entries are wiped for any reason (bugs, user action, tools, etc.) then the PC won't 'know' about the installed operating systems.12:49
musclezive used synaptic and apt-get purge... all i did was follow ubuntu documentation for freing up space on my /boot drive12:49
musclezand now i cannot boot12:49
agent_whitemusclez: We cannot help you without sufficient information on your issue. :(12:49
TJ-musclez: In summary, it looks as if when you purged some of those unwanted kernels it triggered the tool "efibootmgr" to remove the UEFI boot-menu entry too, leaving the system unbootable12:50
TJ-musclez: Are you able to boot the PC using a Live ISO image, on USB or DVD ?12:50
musclezyes tj12:51
musclezand i can soemtimes run apt-get and dpkg commands from live usb12:51
musclezas root12:51
musclezmanytimes, however, it will crash12:51
TJ-musclez: In which case it should be possible to fix using a 'chroot'. Have you been trying to fix it by creating a 'chroot' environment ?12:52
musclezi've established root and updated numerous times.. seomtiems wit works... soemtimes it does not12:52
TJ-musclez: So, the crashes happen whilst 'inside' the chroot?12:52
musclezyes TJ12:52
muscleznot the live usb itself.. just teminal and the ability to run future apt-get or dpkg commands until i reboot the live usb12:53
TJ-musclez: Great... all this information is very helpful to us in narrowing down the precise scenario12:53
musclezyes, i went over most of this yesterday and was more than willing to explain to people willing to listen12:53
TJ-musclez: Are you following some Wiki or Forum guide on how to create and use the chroot? If so, can you give us the link?12:53
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TJ-musclez: It's possible the 'chroot' instructions might not quite be correct, or be incomplete12:54
musclezluks encypted12:55
random_user_587Hi all! Can ubuntu touch run Android Apps?12:56
musclezthat took me days to figure out how to do.. yes i have been following a multitue of tutorials before i ever attempted to join the channel12:56
xanguarandom_user_587: no12:57
mistralolwhere would I raise a libc / kernel bug?12:57
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch12:57
random_user_587ok xangua, thanks ;)12:57
random_user_587have a nice day ;)12:57
TJ-musclez: OK, that looks good but I'd drop "sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/boot"  and instead, once in the chroot, do "mount -a" which will correctly mount all the fstab entries12:57
TJ-musclez: Doing that ensures that the EFI system partition is also mounted on /boot/efi/ (inside the chroot)12:58
musclezok i will run that.. but woudl that compenstate for the failing apt-get?12:58
rekedmirHey guys, is it possible to change the partition code of a partition with parted?12:59
musclezbecasue even when i have the right paths mounted.. i need to ensure that the stuff will install with12:59
rekedmirI want to change an vfat partition's code to 0xef00 (EFI)12:59
TJ-musclez: It depends on which command apt-get was executing ... for 'install' and similar, yes, that could have an impact12:59
musclezok.. i will try that now12:59
TJ-rekedmir: "sgdisk --typecode=<partitition-number>:<hexcode>"13:00
rekedmirTJ-: Does sgdisk come with parted or is it its own package? I would very much prefer not having to install another tool13:01
TJ-rekedmir: it's part of the gdisk package13:02
rekedmirTJ-: Hmmmm, don't have it installed. Anyhow, thank you for the suggestion13:03
TJ-rekedmir: parted is very patchy when it comes to editing an existing entry13:03
TJ-rekedmir: gdisk is *the* package for manipulating GPT13:04
rekedmirTJ-: Yeah, I understand.13:04
swizgardhello. you would not know by any chance how to create a new user account with an encrypted home folder nowadays, or would you?13:10
swizgardbecause adduser --encrpyt-home username doesn't do it anymore13:11
musclezTJ- i was able to use ur command13:11
musclezmount -a13:11
TJ-musclez: OK .. and now you should see the UEFO boot files in "/boot/efi/", yes? A directory "EFI/" with sub-dirs and files13:12
ads8f787where is that? ^13:12
muscleznothing in it.. also it doesnt show under /mnt/boot anymore (i'm using desktop)13:13
musclezsudo ls 'media/ubuntu/###-###-###-###/efi' cannot acces no such file or directory13:15
ads8f787mean mode or average13:15
* professor_w dá uma voadera em todos da sala13:16
muscleznooo TJ!13:17
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atifwts up13:18
musclezTJ- did u see my update?13:19
TJ-musclez: probably not :)13:22
musclezmusclez: nothing in it.. also it doesnt show under /mnt/boot anymore (i'm using desktop)13:26
musclez(9:15:34 AM) musclez: sudo ls 'media/ubuntu/###-###-###-###/efi' cannot acces no such file or directory13:26
TJ-musclez: So, you're in the chroot, you did "mount -a" ... what does "mount" report, does it show anything mounted at /boot/ and /boot/efi/ ?13:32
musclezthere was no output.. i jsut ran it again and it may have crashed the terminal13:33
musclezi ran dpkg --configure -a while u were away and i got back "segmentation fault"13:34
zzarrhow do I avoid the "Using prebuilt kernel binary instead of source" message? when building Ubuntu for my phone?13:35
ikoniawhy are you trying to mess with dpkg13:35
ikoniajust get your machine booting13:35
musclezikonia, for the fifth time, apt-get crashes, usualyl with some message relating to dpkg13:36
ikoniafor the fith time so what ??13:36
ikoniafix your box to boot into the machine13:36
ikoniayou can't boot at hte moment13:36
ikoniayou are wasting your time13:36
musclezare you tying to be useless? if you cant help just dont bother13:37
ikoniaI'm being quite the opposite13:37
ikoniaI'm trying to push you to the right area13:37
musclezfrustrating is not the opposite of useless13:37
ikoniaso you stop wasting your tim on pointless tasks13:37
musclezi've been sitting here waiting for a next step.. i litterally have no affinity for having any type of further conversation with you ikonia13:38
musclezthanks for the effort13:38
ikoniawhat next step ?13:38
ikoniathe next step is you to debug the problem13:38
ikonianot go on a tagent with dpkg13:39
agent_whitemusclez: You should not be 'waiting for the next step' when it is YOU who messed up.13:40
agent_whiteNoone is going to feed you unless you're in a high-chair.13:40
agent_whiteDamned. They got rid of it!13:41
musclezso far i've not had any isse with how TJ- or _shlerp decided to help me. In fact, i really apreciated the time they spent even though no improvements have been made.... in any case, i've clearly coem to this channel because ive exhausted all of my other resources... if i wanted to be crapped on by nerds all day id go to larpstock, not come here13:44
mtnnice attitude, not13:45
musclezhey man, i can be funny too! <313:45
agent_whiteI'll bite.13:46
agent_whitemusclez: When you boot, do you boot to grub?13:46
agent_whiteIf so, what does it show in the menu?13:46
agent_whiteAre you using grub2? After installing a new kernel, did you update grub via `sudo update-grub` ?13:47
agent_whiteWhy you're using a live-disk... I don't even.13:48
TJ-musclez: Have you done a memtest on that system... I suspect you have data corruption, either due to faulty RAM or possibly a failing disk drive or controller... check the /var/log/dmesg and /var/log/kern.log for indications.13:49
musclezmemtest wont run though grub213:49
agent_whitemusclez: Heh?13:50
agent_whitemusclez: What happens when you just... turn on your computer?13:50
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agent_white(I'm just tuning in, no idea what exactly your issue is besides being 'unable to boot' after removing kernels... apparently in the wrong fashion)13:51
ikoniathe kernel on his box has been screwed up on the initrd13:51
ikoniaas he was messsing with it13:51
ikoniait can't see lvm13:51
ikoniathat is the problem13:52
ikoniaI've told him multiple times13:52
ikonianot sure why this is not clear13:52
ikoniaso either lvm/crypt support is missing13:52
ikoniahis fstab shows somethings crypted, some not13:52
ikoniabut it's not even getting to that point as initrd is goosed13:52
vamsiampolumy external hard drive ubuntu 15.04 install would not boot up on my machine after install,i have connected it to a laptop with intel inside,i have managed to install sudo apt-get install fglrx-updates xvba-va-driver libva-glx1 libva-egl1 vainfo13:53
vamsiampolunow,because i am on an intel pc,i do not have the appropriate hardware to do sudo amdconfig --adapter=all --initial13:54
vamsiampoluhow can i ensure that the os boots up correctly and does not get stuck at checking ramdisk???13:54
musclezTJ- there is nothing in my /boot/efi folder before i mount it13:54
musclezjust to reiterate... terminal crashed when i tried to mount -a again... which probably was unecssary but i wanted to see if ther was output13:55
TJ-musclez: No, there shouldn't be it is just a mount point. But after "mount -a" the EFI System partition should be mounted there so you should see, at least, "/boot/efi/EFI/"13:55
vamsiampoluTJ:  thanks for helping me with the install BTW13:55
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musclezi just want to let everyonr here know that my R9 Fury X just arrived....13:58
DrunkenDwarfHi all, hoping someone can lend a hand, I have a clean version of Ubuntu 14.04 (running in a docker container) and I'm building the environment I need. I'm trying to install gcc-multilib through apt-get and im getting the error: "gcc-multilib : Depends: gcc-4.8-multilib (>= 4.8.2-5~) but it is not going to be installed". Does anyone know how I can fix it? some googling hasn't been helpful and I need a robust sorta fix cause this environment13:58
TJ-vamsiampolu: If the external drive is booting (that means loading the GRUB boot loader) and then GRUB is loading the operating system, such that the OS has a problem whilst executing the scripts in the initial RAM disk (initrd), then the issue is in the OS configuration rather than the boot loader13:59
pbxDrunkenDwarf, share the exact command you're running via a pastebin. also, have you run apt-get update?14:00
vamsiampolu-> TJ:   ok,it did boot up on an intel machine though14:00
vamsiampoluand i have managed to do this http://pastebin.com/Wx1ap02K14:01
TJ-vamsiampolu: Right, so there's something in the initrd configuration causing a problem. Does the initrd problem eventually lead to it starting a busybox shell where you can investigate?14:01
DrunkenDwarfpbx: Yes, im running update first and the exact command is "apt-get install -y gcc-multilib" It used to work fine but is now not14:01
vamsiampoluno,it just hangs there on my machine14:02
pbxDrunkenDwarf, what's different between the time that it worked and now?14:02
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TJ-vamsiampolu: Have you tried starting with the Recovery option?14:02
DrunkenDwarfpbx no difference I can think of. the containers running off the exact same version of Ubuntu, being build by the exact same script14:03
vamsiampolu<vamsiampolu-> TJ i will try that and let you know14:03
TJ-vamsiampolu: That is always the first option to try. Amongst other things it will not hide the terminal so you'll see text from log messages as it progresses which, if they stop, should indicate roughly where the problem is14:04
TJ-DrunkenDwarf: what does "dpkg --print-foreign-architectures" report?14:05
DrunkenDwarfTJ- gimmie a sec, ill put it in the script and see14:06
DrunkenDwarfTJ-: Either nothing or the container its building in is silencing the output :/14:08
TJ-DrunkenDwarf: I assume you want -multilib to build for a different architecture?14:09
DrunkenDwarfIm running some software that requires the 32bit libs14:09
TJ-DrunkenDwarf: so the installation will need the i386 foreign architecture set. If this worked previously it should already be there, via "dpkg --add-architecture i386"14:12
topherkris2782this is actually driving me nuts. How does one limit thumbnail generation (ie. turn it off) in Files. In nautilus it was simple but for the life of me, I can't figure it out.14:19
pbxtopherkris2782, Preferences > Preview14:20
topherkris2782pbx: I can't actually find the "Preferences" dialogue. Where should it be, around stuff like "Show Hidden Files" or "New Tab" "New Window" etc14:23
topherkris2782i'm using gnome and whatever the latest stable ubuntu release is, if it makes any difference.14:23
ioriawhat file manager ?14:24
topherkris2782ioria: Files14:24
squintyclick on Files and then go to the task bar at the very top of your screen on the left hand side14:24
squintyyou should see various options appear14:24
topherkris2782Yup, all I've got is "Quit"14:25
pbxtopherkris2782, Edit > Preferences14:25
topherkris2782pbx: Yah, that's how I always did it in nautilus. For the life of me I cannot figure out why those options aren't avaluable.14:26
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pbxtopherkris2782, i don't know what's up. maybe it's a gnome thing. i'm running stock 14.04 with unity and Edit > Preferences is there14:26
topherkris2782i'll look at gconf or whatever.14:27
topherkris2782I'm on 15.04 apparently, hrm.14:29
iszakI am using ubuntu 12.04 and for whatever reason I am getting errors about unauthenticated packages, gpg keys, is there something wrong with the key server?14:31
musclezis there anywhere to get paid support for ubuntu?14:32
leeyaawhy Ubuntu has mysql check enabled when restarting mysql lol14:33
tewardiszak: do you use any third party repositories?14:34
tewardmusclez: you can sign up for the Ubuntu Advantage program... http://www.ubuntu.com/management/ubuntu-advantage14:34
tewardmusclez: $105 a year for desktop support, but for more advanced problems I"m not sure if they'll be able to really help all that much14:35
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musclezi just need someone to do this for me i cant spend anymore time on it14:35
iszakmusclez: what issue14:36
musclezi've currupted either my boot drive, initramfs, apt-get, or dpkg14:37
musclezi get various differnt erros and warnings when i am booting up from live usb and accessing root14:37
squintytopherkris2782,   ha just checked my 15.04 files and the edit > preferences is not hidden in the desktop main panel but rather on the top panel of Files itself14:42
__ravenhow to run avrdude with an avrispmkII without root/sudo? editing udev rules did not help in any way. ideas?14:43
JackHhow do I remove wine pipelight, I cant find anything about it14:44
squintytopherkris2782,  you have to hover your mouse for the options to appear14:44
JackHand I have wine .exe files running in my system manager on ubuntu14:44
meandrainHi. How can I find who creates a file on my filesystem?  lsof filename     returns nothing  ?14:44
ads8f787If I know with certainty where and who I'll fucking do it. All this vagurey shit prevents me from being confident enough to act given the failure rate in the past14:46
cfhowlettads8f787, no profanity in this channel.  thank you.14:46
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines14:46
topherkris2782squinty: i still don't see it, i think there's just something effed.14:46
topherkris2782squinty: I'm not sure where you want me to hover, but i've tried the global bar .. that's where it used to be, but i only have quit now14:47
tewardThis may sound weird, but we have a system where we can't set up nagios or landscape to monitor the systems... is there any program that can achieve monitoring of disk space and then shut off certain cron jobs on a different user after disk space has reached a certain level of consumption?14:49
cfhowlettteward, does indeed sound off.  ask in #ubuntu-server   channel14:50
squintytopherkris2782,  if you are running the gnome desktop I too couldn't find Preferences either.  The only visable options were available by clicking on the furthest icon on the right hand side of the path bar in Files.... no preferences listed there either.  On my Unity desktops, Preferences is available by using the methods I described before14:50
tewardcfhowlett: i mean, i'd set up Landscape for monitoring, but for two systems i'm not gonna expend the resources XD14:50
tewardcfhowlett: i'll poke -server thoug14:50
musclezteward do you know of any more intesive support services that may be able to run diagnostics on my boot drive, initramfs, apt-get, or dpkg14:52
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tewardmusclez: any computer repair shop with linux techs14:53
tewardmusclez: if you are looking for a lot of diagnostics like that, you need more than just 'paid support' you need 'on site technicians'14:54
cfhowlettmusclez, your local LUG for instance14:54
musclezthat or remote but yeah thats what im looking for14:54
cfhowlettLinux User Group14:54
cfhowlett!es | usuario14:56
usuariocomo puedo controlar el escritotio14:56
ubottuusuario: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:56
musclezwhere do i find a LUG direcorty14:56
chronos_hi guys, having problems with installing nvidia gtx 850m on ubuntu 12.04 freshly installed, on asus laptop, tried the wiki but after installing the driver still it does not recognize it, X runs with VESA now and the Additional Proprietary Drivers Software search finds no proprietary drivers... HELP?14:57
regeditsometimes my desktop/display goes bonkers, such as if plugging/unplugging a second HDMI monitor, or other unpolished scenarios. What is the definitive list of commands to restart KDE / restart X / restart plasma etc. ? (i'm running Kubuntu)14:58
bazhang!loco | musclez14:58
ubottumusclez: Information on Ubuntu Local Community Teams is at http://loco.ubuntu.com/14:58
regeditchronos_: do you have nvidia-* anything installed? sudo apt-cache nvidia<tab><tab>14:59
regediter, that's not the right command...15:00
squintymusclez,  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_user_group#External_links   check the External Links section15:00
potatoe_is ActiveMQ still broken?15:00
potatoe_i install it and start it and nope\.15:00
chronos_regedit: sorry for the delay, I'm still keeping on searching solutions online, I'll try urs right away and let u know, thanks for answering15:05
chronos_regedit: waiting for the right command to try...15:06
chronos_regedit: here's my installed nvidia packages nvidia-common && xserver-xorg-video-nouveau-quantal 1:1.0.2-0ubuntu3-precise215:08
regeditchronos_: see if any suggestions come up in command line if you type nvidia<tab>15:08
chronos_regedit: here's my installed nvidia packages nvidia-common && xserver-xorg-video-nouveau-quantal 1:1.0.2-0ubuntu3-precise215:09
chronos_regedit: I anw15:10
regeditchronos_: you might wanna uninstall any nvidia stuff (not sure though) and make sure your PPAs are set up correctly to find recommended drivers15:10
chronos_regedit: I anyway downloaded and install via terminal this NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-337.12.run which happens to be the right driver for my card15:10
regeditchronos_: it might not be advisable to do that15:10
regeditusually better to stick with the official drivers provided by ubuntu15:11
chronos_regedit: ok, perfect, which are the PPAs, where do I find them? I know how to add them to the sources but dunno where to find them, the correct ones I mean15:11
potatoe_so activemq still broken?15:11
regeditlooks like you might have nouveau installed15:11
potatoe_a new install?15:12
regeditno chronos_15:12
potatoe_oh :)15:12
potatoe_i was like wtf hehe15:12
chronos_regedit: yes, proceding into apt-get remove --purge nvidia-* then following ur advice into adding the right PPAs, no?15:12
regediti hope that's a good idea - beware i'm pretty much noobie myself :)15:16
chronos_regedit: ah.... ok....15:18
regedityou prolly just wanna double check you have the main PPAs archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ for precise pangolin i guess15:19
squintychronos:  just a thought.  make sure you have Propriety drivers for devices (restricted) toggled on in Software and Updates.15:19
As4xkKind of random place to ask, but which channel should i go to to ask about online storage questions? Neighter #cloud nor #storage are channels with people15:27
cfhowlett#linux ##linux maybe As4xk15:27
bazhang!alis | As4xk15:29
ubottuAs4xk: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*15:29
As4xkNice. Thanks15:30
blueSubSix10112As4xk, try out google drive? :D15:30
blueSubSix10112Hello all I have an ntsf formatted external drive that has several very important files that are read only.... how would i change this to be read and write?15:31
vamsiampolui am having difficulty booting ubuntu up on my amd machine using a seagate expansion,i have tried recovery mode,but it just hangs with a purple screen,it did work on an intel machine,i used https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/AMD,i am stuck on 3.1.615:33
vamsiampoluwhich is sudo amdconfig --adapter=all --initial15:34
manishnphow can i mount my NTFS drives?15:34
vamsiampolui have booted into my usb installer thumb drive with the external hard drive connected,what should i do now15:35
manishnphow can i mount my NTFS drives?15:37
manishnphow can i mount my NTFS drives in ubuntu 14.04?15:38
vamsiampolucan anyone help me  with this?15:38
squintymanishnp,  one way is using the program Drives15:38
louizWith nautilus, isn’t it automatic?15:39
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Midoshi27Hey everyone, for some reason my iptables is being flushed periodically on my Ubuntu Server. I'm running iptables-save after my setup script... why might this be happening??15:51
bazhangMidoshi27, tried #netfilter yet?15:52
Midoshi27nope started here, thanks for the tip tho15:53
bazhangthere is #ubuntu-server as well Midoshi2715:53
freddyb_I have multiple browser installed (e.g. firefox aurora, so-called "developer edition" in ~/opt). how do I control which browser is started when I click a link? I always seem to get the wrong on and the update-alternatives thing does not recognize the browser I installed myself15:53
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MonkeyDustfreddyb_  system settings > details15:54
freddyb_MonkeyDust: do you know how this works in greater detail (i.e. internally)?15:55
freddyb_MonkeyDust: I also have multiple firefox profiles, which sometimes interferes with that, it seems15:55
freddyb_MonkeyDust: e.g. "firefox is already running with that profile. you must close the current instance and start again"15:55
MonkeyDustfreddyb_  yes, what happens when you follow the instructions?15:57
marianneI connected an iPhone to my system to pull music off of it and now it seems like every folder in the home directory has an folder named .AppleDB and .AppleDesktop in it. Does anyone know what these are and is it safe to remove them? (I'm running 14.04)15:57
freddyb_MonkeyDust: "Firefox is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system."15:58
freddyb_MonkeyDust: I have the Unity/Ubuntu add-ons enabled in Firefox. I thought that may have been the problem, but its not15:59
regeditdrat! graphical desktop is not loading in again... I think it may have to do with auto-login settings I changed, where is the config file for that?16:00
MonkeyDustfreddyb_  I fail to see the problem... can you open firefox?16:00
freddyb_MonkeyDust: I have Firefox already open. I want the link to appear in a new tab when I click it.16:00
freddyb_MonkeyDust: Instead I get the error message that I quoted above (...is already running but is not responding...")16:01
vamsiampolucan anyone help me with amd and installation on external hdd,drivers issue?16:03
lotuspsychjevamsiampolu: can you describe your issue please?16:03
MonkeyDustfreddyb_  i guess it's a FF setting... Edit > preference > open in new tab instead16:03
vamsiampolu 0 down vote favorite   I installed the Ubuntu 15.04 on a Seagate expansion drive.I tried booting it up from my machine:  http://www.flipkart.com/lenovo-essential-g505s-59-379862-laptop-apu-quad-core-a8-8gb-1tb-dos-2-5gb-graph/p/itmdm5ukxfqvwkqf?pid=COMDM5UGX9QFNWAM  but it hangs(I waited over 30 mins,just to be sure)  I tried using it from an Intel based PC,it worked like a charm.I tried loading up the drivrs using this:  htt16:03
vamsiampolu   I installed the Ubuntu 15.04 on a Seagate expansion drive.I tried booting it up from my machine:  http://www.flipkart.com/lenovo-essential-g505s-59-379862-laptop-apu-quad-core-a8-8gb-1tb-dos-2-5gb-graph/p/itmdm5ukxfqvwkqf?pid=COMDM5UGX9QFNWAM  but it hangs(I waited over 30 mins,just to be sure)  I tried using it from an Intel based PC,it worked like a charm.I tried loading up the drivrs using this:  https://help.ubuntu.com/16:04
vamsiampolutuck at 3.1.616:04
freddyb_MonkeyDust: Maybe you misunderstand my problem,. When I click links that are _not coming from firefox_, i.e. in irssi or in emails, then I get this error16:04
vamsiampoluwhich is sudo amdconfig --adapter=all --initial16:05
freddyb_MonkeyDust: it seems I was not clear on this before - sorry.16:05
vamsiampolu  It did not work from the USB installer...how should I resolve this iisue?16:05
freddyb_MonkeyDust: to me it seems the problem is not within firefox but about how the other program talks to firefox16:05
lotuspsychjevamsiampolu: can you start from the beginning, what are you trying to do? dualboot?16:06
MonkeyDustfreddyb_  I use irssi and FF too, works here... repeat your question every 10-15 minutes or so, in one line... i'm sure someone else can help better16:06
freddyb_MonkeyDust: mh ok. thanks16:06
vamsiampoluno,install on external hdd16:07
vamsiampolubootloader on external hdd16:07
vamsiampolulegacy bios16:07
tr3yHello, I'm having trouble with Nautilus and Nemo. I can't find on google how to fix it. I changed the .desktop files to execute these programs with "Exec=gksudo -k -u root APP_COMMAND" and now when they open, there's no top menu (E.G "Edit", "View", etc).16:07
vamsiampoluamd processor,not loading16:08
lotuspsychjevamsiampolu: did you try other ubuntu versions?16:09
vamsiampoluyes,i had same issue with 14.04 lst a few months back16:09
lotuspsychjevamsiampolu: then perhaps its a bios setting or hardware thing16:10
vamsiampoluok,which setting,do not want to crash laptop(been there,done that)16:11
mgolischdo you actualy select to boot from that disk?16:11
vamsiampoluhardware is supported,yes i select ubuntu from grub2 menu,i have tried recovery as well16:12
mgolischso you get to grub on the external disk?16:12
mgolischwhats the error then?16:12
regeditplease haalp! graphical desktop is not loading, last time i was changing some auto-login settings, where is the config file for that located?16:12
lotuspsychjeregedit: give us more details? ubuntu version? when did it go wrong?16:13
vamsiampoluyes,it loads a purple screen,i wait,it hangs up on me16:13
vamsiampoluthe first time it got to loading ramdisk16:14
lotuspsychjevamsiampolu: can you tell us why dont you just install on your internal laptop hd?16:14
vamsiampolubecause i want a backup,the internal is nearly full and has important data16:15
lotuspsychjevamsiampolu: backup from a liveusb to your seagate expansion hd16:16
regeditlotuspsychje: Kubuntu 15.04, started happening after restarting after i made those changes i think16:16
vamsiampoluwhat if my internal fails16:16
SchrodingersScatvamsiampolu: isn't that the reason to have the backups?16:17
vamsiampolui use that laptop for work,no pointless discussion,lets focus on the issue,check http://superuser.com/questions/933146/ubuntu-15-04-not-loading-from-external-hard-drive-for-amd16:17
lotuspsychjevamsiampolu: this isnt pointless, what your trying to do is a reverse method16:18
vamsiampoluyou mentioned bios settings,which setting could it be?16:18
lotuspsychjevamsiampolu: is your system uefi?16:19
vamsiampoluno legacy boot as i mentioned earlier,i checked,the installed ubuntu also uses legacy boot16:19
lotuspsychjevamsiampolu: if you put ubuntu install usb inside, and first boot it you should be able to install on your external hd16:21
vamsiampoludid that,the os is actually installed,i have partiioned and installed16:22
regeditlotuspsychje: how else can i help you help me? :) please!16:23
lotuspsychjevamsiampolu: ok and where is grub located, internal or external?16:23
lotuspsychjeregedit: maybe the #kubuntu guys might be able to help?16:23
lotuspsychjeregedit: you could try recoverymode from grub=> fix broken packages16:23
vamsiampoluexternal ofcourse16:23
lotuspsychjevamsiampolu: ok then after you set bios to boot the external only?16:24
lotuspsychjevamsiampolu: remove down your internet hd?16:24
ePaxI'm on ubuntu 14.04 and im getting errors on boot ata3: hard resetting link (wich is one cache disk used by win) Is it possible to ignore this litle 16 gb disk at boot?16:24
vamsiampoluyes,it is first in the boot order16:24
lotuspsychjevamsiampolu: did you try F1 during purple screen to see if you got stuck on error?16:25
lotuspsychjeePax: dualboot?16:26
ePaxlotuspsychje: Nope. It seems that this laptop have some problems now an then just with this disk.16:26
lotuspsychjevamsiampolu: whats the default Os on that laptop?16:27
vamsiampoluwindows 7 32 bit16:27
lotuspsychjeePax: uefi settings correctly?16:27
lotuspsychjevamsiampolu: did you try installing by taking out the internal drive?16:28
ePaxlotuspsychje: Ill check bios i dont remeber. brb16:28
tr3yHello, I'm having trouble with Nautilus and Nemo on Ubuntu 14.04. I can't find on google how to fix it. I changed the .desktop files to execute these programs with "Exec=gksudo -k -u root nautilus" (and 'nemo' for nemo) and now when they open, there's no top menu (E.G "Edit", "View", etc). Anyone know what's causing this?16:29
lotuspsychje!uefi | ePax16:29
ubottuePax: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI16:29
vamsiampoluno,dont want to remove internal16:29
lotuspsychjetr3ee: maybe the #ubuntu-devel guys got more experience with this?16:29
mgolischtr3y: why do you run them as root?16:30
mgolischtr3y: any sane reason to do so?16:30
tr3ylotuspsychje, all right ill ask over there as well16:30
lotuspsychjeTJ-: good evening16:30
tr3ymgolisch, it was so I could do things like install themes for geany. The folder is only accessible to root16:30
TJ-lotuspsychje: I hope it's going to be :)16:32
lotuspsychjeTJ-: with you here, sure :p16:33
TJ-lotuspsychje: I came for help :)16:34
chronos_hi, just installed my nvidia card and the driver nvidia_346 is activated but not in use, any idea?16:36
lotuspsychjechronos_: what kind of grafix card you have mate?16:37
OerHekslspci | grep VGA16:37
TJ-lotuspsychje: trying to find a way to simulate 4K sized sector devices for testing tooling, but not found a way outside of using a VM, which is not a usable solution for mastering images on such simulated devices16:37
TJ-chronos_: Did you reboot the PC since installing and activating the driver?16:38
lotuspsychjeTJ-: 4K as in the new tv technology?16:39
chronos_lotuspsychje, geforce gtx 850m on 12.0416:39
chronos_TJ-, yes!!!16:39
lotuspsychjechronos_: is that an optimus card?16:39
TJ-lotuspsychje: 4096 bytes sectors used for > 2TB 'advanced format' devices16:39
lotuspsychjeTJ-: think that will be over my head, maybe the ##hardware guys know stuff for that?16:40
chronos_TJ-,  and the first time the screen was black and I had to reboot with a live 12.04 and manually modify xorg.conf into VESA default settings and reboot, it starts and the resolution is waaay too low, software drivers tells me nvidia_346 activated but not in use, and when I checked xorg.conf again, it was generated by nvidia-prime and the one with VESA stuff i made a minute before reboot is gone...... what the h...?16:41
chronos_lotuspsychje, optimus u say... i dunno, it ain't mine16:41
TJ-lotuspsychje: It's a kernel thing, I've been working on patching the loop driver to support changing the sector-size, but that has come to a dead-end right now :)16:42
chronos_TJ-, ok, so what do i do?16:42
TJ-chronos_: "nvidia-prime" means Optimus aka dual-GPU16:42
polishpoliceforchow to make files in an external drive that are read only to read and write?16:42
polishpoliceforcusing terminal that is16:42
lotuspsychjeTJ-: maybe someone got a patched kernel for that? what should i look for 'keyword'?16:42
chronos_TJ-, ahah alright, i dunno16:43
polishpoliceforci tried going to properties and checking on write but it's greyed out for me16:43
TJ-chronos_: I've stayed away from the low/high power GPU stuff; it's a can of worms.16:43
lotuspsychje!info nvidia-prime | chronos_ install this mate16:43
ubottuchronos_ install this mate: nvidia-prime (source: nvidia-prime): Tools to enable NVIDIA's Prime. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.1 (vivid), package size 10 kB, installed size 114 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)16:43
OerHekspolishpoliceforc, sounds like ntfs?16:43
TJ-lotuspsychje: No, I've been doing extensive research on this for over a week now, including my kernel patches. I've been hoping to find another, sneaky, way through some obscure tool that might support it. For example, qemu supports configuring the physical and logical sector-size of its virtual drives, but unfortunately what I'm doing can't make use of a virtual machine16:44
chronos_TJ-, agreed, still any ideas?16:45
chronos_lotuspsychje, didn't quite get that... huh?16:45
lotuspsychjechronos_: if your card is optimus, you need the package nvidia-prime16:45
lotuspsychjechronos_: check your cards website to make sure16:45
chronos_lotuspsychje, it is already installed like i told you IT generated the last xorg.conf on its own16:45
lotuspsychjechronos_: ok, then did you enable nvidia card from nvidia-settings?16:46
lotuspsychjechronos_: setting to: performance mode?16:46
anonymousNotTellare there any channels for specific topics16:46
TJ-chronos_: I'd check the system's specifications and BIOS, to ensure the Linux driver can support the configuration. There are two types of hybrid GPU hardware technologies: multiplexed (MUXed) and non-multiplexed (MUXless). As I recall the nvidia driver *does not* support MUXless. Check in the "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" for clues.16:46
lotuspsychjeanonymousNotTell: what topic?16:46
OerHeks!alis | anonymousNotTell16:47
ubottuanonymousNotTell: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*16:47
lotuspsychjeTJ-: can you join #ubuntu-discuss mate?16:48
anonymousNotTellare there channels to specific topics?16:49
TJ-chronos_: MUXed GPUs employ a hardware switch that can change the GPU that the video outputs are connected to. To save manufacturing costs some systems are now MUXless and have the video outputs driven constantly by the integrated GPU but the discrete GPU does the rendering and the integrated GPU just handles the output to the video device16:49
anonymousNotTellif yes how do i connect16:49
bazhang /join #channel anonymousNotTell16:49
anonymousNotTellthanks man16:49
=== a_ is now known as tsoutseki
anonymousNotTellhow do i search for channels?16:51
anonymousNotTellsorry for my ignorance16:51
tsoutsekianonymousNotTell, there is a irc search engine16:51
anonymousNotTellfirst timer in a linux irc chat16:51
chronos_TJ-, hmmm very interesting16:51
tsoutsekigoogle it16:51
anonymousNotTellhm okok16:51
polishpoliceforcOerHeks, yes it is ntfs16:51
tsoutsekiand be VERY careful, anonymousNotTell16:51
tsoutsekiwhere you join16:51
polishpoliceforcsudo chmod ugo+rxw -R * fixed the problem16:51
tsoutsekisome channels or networks may have people you don't want to be around16:52
OerHeks!fud | tsoutseki16:52
ubottutsoutseki: Please do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here!  Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt16:52
anonymousNotTellyou mean in a bad humored people or hack you people?16:52
tsoutsekiOerHeks, ok, but i wasn't talking about #ubuntu16:52
Waldeinsamkeithow would i add espernet irc to my irc clinet?16:54
bazhangwhat client16:54
GlenKWaldeinsamkeit: /server espernet.net ?16:54
Waldeinsamkeitthanks ;P16:55
bazhangtry #xchat16:55
lotuspsychjeWaldeinsamkeit: please dont use this channel for random text16:57
GlenKso I'm missing something here...hosts comes first in /etc/host.conf.  and the hosts entry has files first in /etc/nsswitch.conf.  I threw an entry for activedb into /etc/hosts.  but when I try and resolve activedb it fails.  what am I missing?16:57
Waldeinsamkeityes sorry.16:58
lotuspsychje!hostname | GlenK16:59
ubottuGlenK: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.16:59
GlenKlotuspsychje: I have a hostname already.  I want another hostname to point the local IP as well.16:59
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GlenKah, but hell.  I can't even look up the regular hostname either.17:01
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ioriaGlenk   how's the line   ?  i use  ip  fqdm hostname17:02
GlenKioria: yep, what I've got17:03
ioriaGlenk  can you ping fqdm ?17:03
GlenKioria: yeah, ping works for both my regular hostname and the second one.  host and nslookup dont17:04
ioriaGlenk  did you edit nnswitch ?17:05
GlenKioria: as I said, /etc/nsswitch.conf already has files as the first thing for the hosts entry17:05
ioriaGlenk  network ,files too  ?17:06
iorianetworks, i mean17:07
GlenKioria: yeah, the networks entry says files, that's it.17:07
GlenKioria: gah.  whatever.  apache seems to respect it even if host or nslookup doesn't.  guess I'm happy17:09
ioriaGlenk  ok, ^-^17:10
GlenKnow if I could just figure out how to get my eclipse.desktop file to make eclipse show up on my menu...17:13
GlenKhmm...wonder if it's a permissions issue17:13
manuel4My /var/log folder is creating 50gb~ files such as "daemon.log", "kern.log", "syslog" and "messages". I already delete them but they re-create, already set logrogate to 100kb and "only readable" without success.17:16
ioriaGlenk  try this maybe -- http://askubuntu.com/questions/418407/how-do-i-create-a-desktop-file-to-launch-eclipse17:18
JokesOnYou77Hi all17:22
Alto1dHi, I'm looking at backup solutions for an Ubuntu Server, and my head is swimming a bit. I would like something that makes a CD of a one-time snapshot of a server that can be used to restore the server in the even of the harddrive completely dies. Is Mondo Rescue an appropriate solution or is there another better alternative?17:22
JokesOnYou77How can I get the name of the user executing a script? (bash)17:22
Abhijitdoes pv in dd create issues?17:22
Abhijitwhile burning ubuntu 15 iso to usb that is.17:23
JokesOnYou77Alto1d, It does seem like you are describing dd.  Not that I know anything about your server config, but it may also be prudent to run the server as a VM and snapshot the VM.17:24
Alto1dJokesOnYou77, that might be so, but it's not really possible right now. I have all the files on a RAID 10 server that's managed by mdadm, with the OS on a seperate harddisk17:25
eraggoAbhijit: whar do you mean about pv?17:25
Alto1dI'd just like a solution to restore the server to the present state if the harddrive with Ubuntu dies but the RAID drives continue to function17:25
eraggoAbhijit: nvm; just googled it. It shouldn't make any difference if you pipe it correctly17:27
Alto1dJokesOnYou77, dd looks like what i'm looking for JokesOnYou77, thank you17:27
MonkeyDustJokesOnYou77  +117:27
GlenKioria: haha, argh!  helps to spell things right, eh?17:27
ioriaGlenk  yep17:28
Abhijiteraggo, ok17:28
JokesOnYou77Alto1d, You are very welcome :)17:28
eraggoAbhijit: for more information: http://askubuntu.com/questions/215505/how-do-you-monitor-the-progress-of-dd17:29
MonkeyDustJokesOnYou77  better ask in #bash17:29
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Tad_Can my cpu run Ubuntu http://postimg.org/image/vvmrpjkwt/full/17:31
dtscodehey guys... I'm trying to get into my vps via ssh, but every time it asks me for my password it just hangs. how can I fix this?17:31
Abhijiteraggo, I was following the same guide and did pv -tpreb source.iso | dd of=/dev/BLABLA bs=4096 conv=notrunc,noerror after booting into usb it gives me boot> prompt with some error. So I thought to just confirm before doing dd again.17:32
lotuspsychjeTad_: an i7, ofcourse why you ask?17:32
JokesOnYou77MonkeyDust, I just echoed $(whoami).  What  I'm actually trying to figure out is why when I launch a program from the launcher it doesn't have access to environmental variables exported in .bashrc17:32
Tad_I am using virual box to run windows17:33
eraggoAbhijit: you should use dd if=inputfile | pv | of=outfile .Piping pv between should should progress17:34
Abhijiteraggo, That user reports that he has to wait more using this method.17:34
Abhijitbut if it works let me try it this time ...17:34
asarchI have an issue with the new release: both my laptop and my Internet wireless AP are off and then I turn on only the laptop (it smells my neighbors' wireless AP) and an hour later I turn on my AP but the laptop does not get connected17:34
asarchIt used to work fine with previous releases17:35
asarchWhat's wrong with this new one?17:35
Abhijitdd if=ubuntu-15.04-desktop-amd64.iso | pv | of=/dev/sdb prints the progress bar just "once" and exit me to regular terminal prompt. whats wrong?17:35
TJ-asarch: possibly the wireless chip is in the wrong regulatory domain and cannot see the AP?17:36
asarchI have to turn off wireless connections and then turn on again so it can gets connected to my AP17:36
asarchIf I turn on the AP first and then the laptop, it works fine17:36
TJ-asarch: for example, in the US the limit is channel 11 but in Europe its channel 13, and 14 in Japan. If the regulatory domain has set to US and the AP were broadcasting on channel 12,13,14 then the client won't find the AP17:36
eraggoAbhijit: seems like you need to give buffersize and count in "if" part. I just trust when using dd and wait as long it takes (10 mins maybe)17:37
TJ-asarch: maybe a signal strength issue then. Try from the terminal "sudo iwlist scan wlan0" (or whatever the PC's WiFi interface is named)17:37
Abhijiteraggo, ok. let me try without pv!17:38
eraggoAbhijit: just make sure sdb is correct disk... Lost 150G of data accidentally when i had plugged in external hard drive and tried to copy iso to thumb drive17:39
Abhijiteraggo, Thats nothing! Once I formatted sda thinking I am formatting sdb in gparted! :-p17:40
__ravenhow to run avrdude with an avrispmkII without root/sudo on 14.04.3? editing udev rules did not help in any way. ideas?17:40
Abhijitit had office work data!17:40
eraggoAbhijit: ouch. I learned to make backups after that. Just wait dd to do it work17:41
Abhijitme too! yeah waiting now...17:41
pavlosAbhijit, re the dd command, it should be dd if=this | pv | dd of=that17:42
asarchIs there any way to set "priorities" in connections?17:43
Abhijitpavlos, thats what I did?17:43
pavlosAbhijit, after the second pipe, repeat dd17:44
eraggoAbhijit: pavlos was right lol17:44
Abhijitpavlos, oh. I see.17:44
Abhijitpavlos, eraggo thanks17:44
pavlosAbhijit, np17:45
eraggopavlos: i had to re-check. Just did not see that part17:45
ioria!indi wifi-radar17:45
ioria!info wifi-radar17:45
ubottuwifi-radar (source: wifi-radar): graphical utility for managing Wi-Fi profiles. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.s08+dfsg-1.1ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 49 kB, installed size 220 kB17:45
pavlosAbhijit, you can also do this, pv this.iso | dd of=that17:47
Abhijitpavlos, ok17:49
ivan_on_tracBecause the fonts of my terminal are changing automatically ?! see:18:13
ivan_on_tracOk: http://ctrlv.in/595139 Error: http://ctrlv.in/59514118:13
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Bashing-omKeyCpo: Hello, A ubuntu support request ?18:28
eraggo!ask| Bashing-om18:32
ubottuBashing-om: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:32
Abhijiteraggo, he is not.18:33
meLonUhm.. what!?  `sudo apt-get install --reinstall`: gcc Setting up gcc (4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6) ...  `gcc -v`: gcc version 4.8.4 (Ubuntu 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04).  What!?  How!?18:43
meLonI install gcc and it says it installs 4.8.2, yet gcc itself says it is 4.8.418:44
lotuspsychje!info gcc18:44
ubottugcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.136ubuntu2)): GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.9.2-2ubuntu2 (vivid), package size 5 kB, installed size 42 kB18:44
lotuspsychjemeLon: wich ubuntu version are you on?18:45
meLonTrusty, which says as apt says, that the version should be 4.8.2, but gcc -v disagrees lotuspsychje18:45
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fellayaboywhich bonding mode is best for maximum throughput?18:45
lotuspsychje!info gcc trusty18:45
meLonhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/gcc lotuspsychje18:45
ubottugcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.124ubuntu6)): GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6 (trusty), package size 4 kB, installed size 41 kB18:46
meLonI've tried --purge/--reinstall of `gcc`, with no success, lotuspsychje18:46
meLon`update-alternatives` claims there aren't any alternatives installed.  `which gcc` shows /usr/bin/gcc lotuspsychje18:48
fellayaboyusing ifenslave 2.6  whats the best bonding mode to maximum throughput18:50
__ravenhow to run avrdude with an avrispmkII without root/sudo on 14.04.3? editing udev rules did not help in any way. ideas?18:51
sambagirli'm getting this error when i try to run vmware. i installed gcc for the compilation part but now i get this...this sucks18:54
fellayaboysambagirl, instead of installing just gcc..did you try to install like so...sudo apt-get install build-essential18:55
fellayaboymyabe that could help18:55
fellayaboywhich vmware your trying to install?18:55
sambagirlfellaboy no18:55
sambagirli'll try that.18:55
sambagirlvmware 718:55
sambagirlit ran fine on other linux distros just getting back to ubuntu brb let me try that. thanks18:56
fellayaboyvmware workstation 7?18:56
sambagirlno player18:56
ivan_on_tracThe fonts of my console is resetting. It is changing automatically. Before:  http://ctrlv.in/595139 After: http: //ctrlv.in/59514118:56
sambagirlwow that was it fellayboy :D. i'll remember that for now on for ubuntu :D18:58
fellayaboycool glad it worked sambagirl18:58
sambagirlme too thanks a bunch18:58
fellayaboyno problem take care18:58
sambagirlyou too18:58
yingw787I had some questions about static IPs18:59
lotuspsychjeyingw787: ##networking18:59
fellayaboysambagirl, all those gcc and dependcies could be resolved with build-essential package..most of the time18:59
yingw787thanks I will check that out18:59
fellayaboyso in future just use that19:00
fellayaboywhats your question yingw78719:00
yingw787I cannot ping my router for some reason19:00
yingw787we have a a bunch of servers wired to a switch19:00
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fellayaboyso ur trying to ping the gateway of the router19:01
yingw787and I am on one of the computers and I am running an ubuntu VM19:01
fellayaboyyingw787, oh is ur ubuntu vm using bridged network adapter?19:01
yingw787apparently I have the network, gateway, and mask addresses19:01
yingw787yeah it is a bridged network19:01
yingw787I don't know what that means tho19:01
fellayaboyoh ok19:02
HankKi'm trying to apply an ssl certificate to an apache2 web server. The only part that is left is to edit some .conf  files. I can save the changes, but they revert back to the originals a few minutes later. Any ideas why it's doing that and how to save permanently?19:02
fellayaboybasically...bridge network adapter...it'll get an ip from the dhcp server and act as a ethernet port on the network basically19:02
fellayaboyas if it were its own real life machine19:02
fellayaboybasically, to put it in laymens term19:02
fellayaboyso whats your static ip setting?19:03
fellayaboydid you modify /etc/network/interfaces?19:03
yingw787fellayaboy: yeah I did19:03
fellayaboypm me  yingw78719:03
yingw787I ran sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces19:03
yingw787fellayaboy: how do I pm19:03
fellayaboyi sent u a message19:04
cprmanyone have a lvm-raid5 preseed  that works?19:05
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=== lowfive_ is now known as lowfive
HankKi'm trying to apply an ssl certificate to an apache2 web server. The only part that is left is to edit some .conf  files. I can save the changes, but they revert back to the originals a few minutes later. Any ideas why it's doing that and how to save permanently?19:13
h117fgHankK: Just a guess but #ubuntu-server might be an option19:14
HankKh117fgL thanks19:15
ePaxdo i need to worry about kern log "ata dummy" i just removed one ssd 16 gb drive wich was used as cache for windows ( i oly have ubuntu installed)... system boots much faster nor and shuts down as it should19:23
__ravenhow to run avrdude without root/sudo on 14.04.3?19:29
OerHekschmod that application to its own group, and join that?19:31
OerHekssudo chown -Rv $USER:$USER /path/to/avrdude19:34
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__ravenOerHeks: perhaps we instead should talk about several udev issues which dont work19:35
OerHeks__raven, that would be an avrdude issue, i guess, i don't have an Atmel controller board19:36
tertiaryI installed 14.04.02 to a new system I built. After the BIOS it goes to a blank screen, is this because of the graphics drivers not being installed?19:37
__raventertiary: try editing the boot command with "nomodeset" at the end19:38
tertiaryi did that, doesn't do anything :(19:38
__raventertiary: did you try the nosplash option too?19:39
tertiaryI have not19:39
TJ-tertiary: Does the screen go black if the PC is started in Recovery mode, and then you choose "Resume" booting?19:39
h117fgtertiary: You install from alive desktop, have you seen it run in other words?19:39
OerHeks__raven, how abou this old 2010 page > https://mightyohm.com/blog/2010/03/run-avrdude-without-root-privs-in-ubuntu/19:40
__ravenOerHeks: tried that already. on any page i also read anything about a bug or a different udev behaviour in newer ubuntu versions :(19:41
__ravenbut i don tknow19:41
Omilunhello ... i have not loading page ... how can i have it?19:42
__ravenOmilun: do you mean you have a blank screen while boot?19:43
ioria__raven are you running it from eclipse ?19:43
__ravenioria: id like to but i thought i have to solve it on its own19:43
Omilun__raven: linux have a loading page after grub page19:44
Omilun__raven: i have not that ... i have black screen19:44
ioria__raven   have you seen this ? http://rurandom.org/justintime/index.php?title=Running_avrdude_from_eclipse_under_linux19:44
__ravenOmilun: right. did you try editing the boot command using "nomodeset"?19:44
tertiaryTJ - thanks, recovery mode got me to the terminal. I guess I just need to downlaod my graphics drivers from here and then reboot normally and I should be good?19:45
Bray90820Anyone here use an apple magic mouse with ubuntu I'm having trouble setting the scroll speed19:45
zykotick9Omilun: i'd also suggest removing "quiet splash" and substituting nomodeset in it's place... <- any more output?19:45
Omilun__raven: no ... after install ubuntu ... i see black screen19:45
zykotick9!nomodest | Omilun19:46
zykotick9!nomodeset | Omilun19:46
ubottuOmilun: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter19:46
__ravenOmilun: try what zykotick9 said. further you could try to boot into recovery mode and see if you go to login when selecting "resume boot"19:46
Omilunzykotick9 & __raven: thx19:48
Bray90820Is there a channel for ubuntu on apple hardware19:48
__ravenioria: dont know if the eclipse problem is related to the problem to call it without root (i guess eclipse would run it as user too?). i at the moment try to get used to eclipse and setup the avr toolchain and preferences-avr-target hardware-load from mcu leads me to a message in short "could not understand the output from avrdude / reason: could not find a valid signature..."19:49
Sebsebsebbhi I am booted from a 15.04 Live USB that I made, and trying to install it on a UEFI system, where I have already resizzed the partion in WIndows, so I have free space yes, but I can't seem to add a partition to it on the custom install options.  also I  haven't installed a Linux distro to a UEFI system before, and the only other thing I have done reallly is disabled secure boot. so is that really it, or am I meant to do something 19:49
protnhey folks19:50
h117fg!uefi | Sebsebsebb19:50
ubottuSebsebsebb: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI19:50
protnhow to solve ubuntu 14.04.1 bug when it wont install qtbase5-dev19:50
protnsimilar to https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-sdk-bugs/msg03179.html19:50
Bray90820Is there a channel for ubuntu on apple hardware19:52
vfwBray90820: #ubuntu-powerpc19:54
__ravenioria: any idea? do you use eclipse with a programmer?19:55
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Bray90820vfw: I was hoping for something newer then the G519:55
Sebsebsebbhi I am booted from a 15.04 Live USB that I made, and trying to install it on a UEFI system, where I have already resizzed the partion in WIndows, so I have free space yes, but I can't seem to add a partition to it on the custom install options.  also I  haven't installed a Linux distro to a UEFI system before, and the only other thing I have done reallly is disabled secure boot. so is that really it, or am I meant to do something 19:55
Sebsebsebbmode optionw19:56
h117fgSebsebsebb: You look at the wiki the bot shows?19:56
Sebsebsebbh117fg: no, but thats a point19:57
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI19:57
olabazhey, I have a flash drive that was pulled out during a file transfer and now it doesn't work. I've been trying to format it but it isn't showing up when I do "fdisk -l" however, it does show up when I do "lsblk" any ideas?19:57
geirhaolabaz: did you run fdisk -l as root?19:59
olabazgeirha, yes19:59
olabazAlso, the contents of the flash drive will show for 20 seconds and then it will disappear. So I have hope that I can somehow recover it20:00
vfwolabaz: So where is it?  /dev/sdb ?20:00
olabazvfw yes sdb20:00
vfwolabaz: # fdisk /dev/sdb20:00
olabazvfw: fdisk: unable to open /dev/sdb: No such device or address20:02
olabazeven though when I plugged it in it showed the contents for 20 seconds20:02
olabazI also noticed the mountpoint changes from "/media/DISK_IMG" to nothing20:03
Sebsebsebbh117fg Do you know about UEFI yourself?20:09
vfw  olabaz That's weird20:12
tittanhello all20:12
tittanI love linux and ubuntu as well is my favourite dektop os20:12
tittani need some help with a setup on an old asus netbook 1201k20:12
Omilun__raven: hey dude ... i fix it ... but my desktop  screen is not good graphic20:12
vfwolabaz: So you can not run  fdisk /sev/sdb  in less than 20 seconds?20:12
olabazvfw, if I run it, it will just hang until the usb gets unmounted20:13
vfwolabaz: Don't mount it.20:13
pengusercan anyone help with the program libreoffice?  is there a bug with ubuntu regarding this program?20:13
Omilun__raven: i backed befor seting ...20:14
vfwolabaz: Is your system automatically mounting USB dcevices?20:14
k1l_penguser: details matter :)20:14
olabazvfw, I think so20:14
vfwolabaz: I do *not* think so.20:14
penguserthe layout is ***** up20:14
olabazvfw, doesn't the mountpoint being "/media/disk_img" suggest that?20:15
vfwolabaz: Well, there are a couple of possibilities.  The USB device could be defective.20:15
penguserI was just typing and everything disappeared and the layout is small with tiny text20:15
vfwolabaz: A mount point does not suggest anything20:15
vfwolabaz: A mount point is in use or not in use20:15
olabazvfw, it was working fine until a transfer was interrupted. Ah, I see, then I'm not sure20:16
tittanit have i'm installing Ubuntu 13.10 desktop i386 now20:16
xanguatittan: why are you installing an unsupported release?20:17
penguserif I uninstall it, will it go back to default formats?20:17
polishpoliceforcanyone get omegle to work correctly on ubuntu with firefox / chrome?20:17
penguserI'm tired of this bugs20:17
vfwolabaz: Disconnecting a device while it's being written to is bad.20:17
tittan<xangua> just because maibe the lastest ubuntu is very heavy for this baby20:17
tittanits an old netbook20:18
olabazvfw, yeah. Do you think playing around with fstab will help?20:18
tittaneven winxp is slow on it20:18
k1l_penguser: maybe you changed the zoom or stuff like that?20:18
xanguatittan: then use a supported Ubuntu flavor like xUbuntu or IUbuntu, not an unsupported release20:18
k1l_!lubuntu | tittan other users report its good on netbooks.20:19
ubottutittan other users report its good on netbooks.: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.20:19
tittan<xangua> do you think xUbuntu will do?20:19
xanguatittan: I don't know your computer specs20:19
vfwolabaz: And to be honest, I've never disconnected a drive while it was geing written to, so I'm not sure what would happen, but I assume you would loose the file that is being written, and maybe even wreck the filesystem beyond repair.  But I would think one could delete the partitions and create new ones. But it could be that the device is just ruined.20:20
=== bpsizemore is now known as sshuff
hogslammeri got a busybox issue right after installing ubuntu.  i thought it was raid 0 so i broke raid and wiped all hard drives clean, then installed it and got same issue even after bios change from raid to ahci mode.  im pissed.20:21
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vfwolabaz: Oh, do you have an entry in /etc/fstab for this USB device?20:21
tittan<xangua> the worst is the SIS VGA GPU and the wireless card20:21
=== bpsizemore is now known as sshuff
hogslammerits a mericle im in here20:21
penguserk1l_, I checked that20:21
hogslammerboot time = = 400 seconds intramfs20:21
penguserI think the default font changed too20:21
penguserhow do I change everything back to when it was first installed?  is there no way ? This is ***********8 ridiculous20:22
tittanits a dam old SIS SiS741CX GPU20:23
Bashing-omtittan: SIS graphics set best result is to install (l)ubuntu 14.04 .20:23
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k1l_uh, sis is just pain.20:24
hogslammeroh wow old20:24
newkei want to buy a new laptop for ubuntu. whats specs i need for best expierence?20:25
tittanBashing-om: i've had tried lubuntu but the client need Skype and I was unable to install it20:25
Bashing-omtittan: For starters SIS graphics: see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2215422&page=3&highlight=sis ; http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2167879#post13164840 .20:25
penguserI can't use ubuntu then20:25
penguserpiece of crap20:25
hogslammeri got an awesome computer hardware setup and ubuntu hates it20:25
hogslammerim afraid to reboot20:26
k1l_!details | penguser20:26
ubottupenguser: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)20:26
hogslammerim trying to find the logs of what busybox did to me after grub.20:26
k1l_penguser: "i press buttons and all is changed" is just users fault. so please be way more specific.20:26
penguserit's a bug , NOT USER ERROR20:27
Bashing-omtittan: Maybe ? See; http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2215422 .20:27
k1l_penguser: what did you do? what happend? what ubuntu? errormessages?20:27
penguserI didn't change anything...  I was just typing and then my document was gone....and the layout changed...with tiny text ....shows '12' but it's not20:27
k1l_penguser: what ubuntu exactly?20:28
tittanI must say I love IRC also its a world of sharing knowleadge20:28
tittanthanks all20:28
cofoANyone have account here: http://www.pearsonhighered.com/20:29
penguserI need to do my work... I can't waste time on this...going to boot up Debian.... FU ubuntu20:29
k1l_!ot | cofo20:29
ubottucofo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:29
cofono no20:30
cofoAnyone can help?20:30
k1l_@mark penguser ragequit after much bad language20:30
ubottuThe operation succeeded.20:30
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k1l_cofo: help on what? where is the ubuntu issue?20:30
hogslammeri found my logs via searching for system log20:32
hogslammerthey are a mile long20:32
hogslammer ata2: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0)20:35
hogslammerJun 26 15:14:53 ubuntu kernel: [    6.161685] ata1: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0)20:35
hogslammerboth of which are ssd drives20:36
hogslammerata2: COMRESET failed (errno=-16)20:36
hogslammerJun 26 15:14:53 ubuntu kernel: [   10.751037] ata1: COMRESET failed (errno=-16)20:36
hogslammerwhat does this mean?20:37
Bashing-omhogslammer: A grep how-to for searching in files  :http://www.blackmoreops.com/2014/08/20/find-files-containing-specific-text/ .20:37
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hogslammerubuntu incompatible with my intel ssd20:38
hogslammeror the controller on the motherboard z77 extreme 420:39
hogslammerthats too bad and stuff aint it?20:39
Bashing-omhogslammer: For the "slow to respond", May I suggest ya re-install grub and verify that all in "/etc/fstab" is correct ?20:40
TJ-hogslammer: What make/model of PC/motherboard is it?20:41
hogslammeri used that boot fixer on a live cd and it borked my windows install permanently20:41
hogslammerasrock z77 extreme 420:41
TJ-hogslammer: and what make/model is the SSD?20:42
hogslammerand still didnt fix the slow to respond issue.  i have to go into recovery mode from grub to make it into my ubuntu.20:42
hogslammerSSDSA2SH032G1GN INTEL (045C8850)20:43
hogslammerboth are identical and have upgraded firmware to latest.20:43
hogslammerlogs showing they refuse to load at 3gb per second so it knocks down half speed to 1.5g.20:44
controllersyrHi- I need help with ubuntu software center Kapatcha key- I am trying to sign up but kapatcha key wrong- is there a solution20:45
TJ-hogslammer: In the system BIOS, you should try disabling AHCI mode on the controller those drives are connected to20:45
hogslammerraid hates it, ahci hates it, ide mode.  will try that.20:47
hogslammeri heard ide mode sucks20:47
hogslammerraid 0 is what i wanted but had to split drives and deal with half speed, and still dont work20:47
TJ-hogslammer: Apparently, some SATA controllers have problems with the X25-E in AHCI mode and downgrade the link to SATA1 instead of the drives' SATA 2 preference20:47
hogslammersame exact issue too20:47
hogslammerso if i want performance, i boot into windows 8 after changing back to ahci from ide.20:48
TJ-hogslammer: Also, more specific to that particular motherboard, in the firmware setup ensure you *disable*,  under advanced storage settings, SATA Aggressive link power management20:49
hogslammeryes i did that a few years ago and its still disabled.20:50
TJ-hogslammer: OK, that would be the obvious one with that mobo20:50
hogslammeri have 2 controllers onboard .  one is by asmedia, and the other is intel.20:51
hogslammeri wish they never invented UEFI20:51
hogslammerbut ya its all not in UEFI modes for sure.20:51
hogslammersince i broken my raid array anyway i might try to rewire it all to the asmedia controller instead of the intel one.20:52
ubottumarines84: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:53
hogslammerright now im using both.  i think i have the spin drive on asmedia as well as the cdrom, but the 2 ssd are on the intel controller.20:53
hogslammer1000 dollars in hard drives to run in ide mode making me look like an idiot.20:53
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tertiarythis is super weird. I am *sure* I installed the server ISO (directly from Ubuntu). Upon sucessful boot, it takes me to a GUI login screen, where it states "Failed to start session". Any ideas as to why it doesn't boot to the command line?21:04
hogslammeryo tj it worked  ide mode went fast, but still had to do it thru recovery mode.21:04
TJ-hogslammer: I'm reading on the Intel forums, from posts by the Intel engineers, there are known problems with those SSDs because they require power at the top end of the range the specification requires but some motherboards only supply the minimum the specification requires. One possible solution is to run independent power to the drives.21:05
hogslammerahh hmm21:06
TJ-hogslammer: It seems mostly it happens with certain combinations of SATA controller chipset and that X25-E21:06
TJ-hogslammer: I don't suppose you have a PCIe SATA II controller adapter you could plug in, to test it on a different controller, do you?21:06
hogslammerwell you would think that intel would work with intel flawless, thats why igot this mobo.21:07
hogslammeri have 2 onboard controllers21:07
TJ-hogslammer: Apparently it depends on the motherboard manufacturer too, as to how they implement the controller/power logic ... I've seen mention of your motherboard and 1 other that are particularly known to exhibit problems21:07
Bashing-omtertiary: There is no GUI with the server install.21:08
hogslammer1 is by asmedia, and the other is intel.  8 total ports.  i have the spindrive and burner on the asmedia, and the 2 ssd on the intel.   intel rom acts like it needs control over spin drive which boggles me.21:08
TJ-hogslammer: I also wonder if you'd get better results, purely for testing purposes, if you only have 1 drive connected21:08
TJ-hogslammer: boot a Live ISO image on USB and see if the kernel can correctly bring up the SATA 2 link with only 1 SSD connected21:09
hogslammeri do know that setting IDE mode off from ahci mode got me in with little delay.  ubuntu on normal mode freaked on not finding drives using the ahci driver, but recovery mode sorta didnt care and loaded some generic driver i bet so i booted fast.21:09
zeeshan-laptopwhat is the correct location to execture a command after /etc/modules is loaded21:09
zeeshan-laptopi want to execute: echo "2001 3c25" > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/rt2800usb/new_id21:10
minimeczeeshan-laptop: Put it in /etc/rc.local21:10
hogslammerfun, ok im on it21:10
zeeshan-laptopwill it haveenough permission to access that?21:11
TJ-hogslammer: good luck with it :)21:11
zeeshan-laptopcause when i try to do "sudo  echo "2001 3c25" > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/rt2800usb/new_id"21:11
hogslammeri wonder if i can get xchat to work on my android, but ill be back hopefully if it dont break my installs21:11
zeeshan-laptopi get a permission denied error21:11
minimeczeeshan-laptop: sudo gedit /etc/rc.local21:11
hogslammerty tj for helpin21:11
hogslammer1 usb drive and its running hirens boot cd on it21:13
tittanubuntu 15.04 amd64 in vmware installed on 5 minutes... wow21:13
fantasticMrFoxare the commands used in the terminal in linux (ubuntu) the same as mac?21:13
hogslammeri think it has a linux shell i can boot to21:14
Bashing-om!heir | fantasticMrFox21:15
Bashing-om!hier | fantasticMrFox21:17
ubottufantasticMrFox: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier21:17
olabazhey, I have the exact same problem with my usb device as in this post: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1160169#p116016921:20
olabazunfortunately there is no solution there. Any ideas?21:20
minimecolabaz: Are you in a GUI environment and logged in as nomral user? Then plug the device, mount it in the filemanager as normal user(!), then open a terminal and do the dd command as root.21:23
olabazminimec, how would I mount it in the filemanager?21:25
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:27
mircx1Hello i have some problem in ubuntu 1421:27
mircx1this error i get21:27
mircx1how i`m fix it?21:28
minimecolabaz: oh I see. It's not formatted...21:28
olabazminimec, yes it's a very strange problem. Sometimes I can list the files inside but only for a few seconds and then it just disappears.21:30
minimecolabaz: Can you use the stick on a different computer or/and OS? Just to check if the stick is working correctly. Is it USB2 or USB3?21:33
olabazminimec, usb2 I think. And I've tried it on different computers and OSs and they all just hang when you try to open the drive21:33
minimecolabaz: So your stick is dead or dying... probably.21:35
sixunhuitWhen I reboot (sudo reboot or clicking the icon) I sometimes get the ubuntu screen with black lines containing colored dots. Any idea for troubleshooting?21:37
mircx1Hello i have some problem in ubuntu 1421:39
mircx1this error i get21:39
Bray90820How would I close a root session so I need to enter my root password next time I use sudo21:42
SchrodingersScatBray90820: you may want sudo -k ?21:44
OerHeks type exit and you will leave the root shell and get a shell of your previous user.21:50
vamsiampolumy bootloader is not working from my laptop,tried to repair it,this is the report http://paste.ubuntu.com/11780753/22:07
vamsiampolui have installed ubuntu on my external,i boot it up,grub2 opens up,does nothing after option selection...just purple screens out22:08
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ubuntu936vamsiampolu: What ubuntu release this?22:11
ubuntu936vamsiampolu: Looks like 15.04, externals are slow no matter what, try hitting the esc after the boot to see some text.22:12
vamsiampoluesc as soon as option is selected22:14
Bray90820How would I run a bash script without being asked for sudo22:14
Bray90820my root password22:14
ubuntu936vamsiampolu: This asscociated with an update/upgrade and or adding graphic drivers? You have a kernel update, it made it that far.22:14
vamsiampoluyes,im trying to get it to use amd fglrx-updates,i installed everything using an intel machine,i tried setting up amdconfig there,would not work22:18
OerHeksBray90820, add a line to sudoers file ? http://askubuntu.com/a/42576222:19
ikoniavamsiampolu: do you have an amd card ?22:19
vamsiampolutake a look at http://superuser.com/questions/933146/ubuntu-15-04-not-loading-from-external-hard-drive-for-amd22:19
vamsiampolu@ikonia yes,ofcourse I do22:19
ikoniavamsiampolu: so why ar eyou not just using the packages ubuntu provides for amd cards ?22:20
Bray90820OerHeks: 10 or 222:21
vamsiampolu@ikonia because it did not boot with that,i tried22:21
ikoniavamsiampolu: define "would not boot"22:21
OerHeksBray90820, 10 or 2?? just the one with the line: username ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /path/to/script22:22
vamsiampolugot stuck at loading ramdisk for over an hour22:22
ikoniaso why do you think thats your video card22:22
Bray90820OerHeks: Alright Thanks22:22
vamsiampolubecause it loaded up perfectly on an intel machine,this is my laptop http://www.flipkart.com/lenovo-essential-g505s-59-379862-laptop-apu-quad-core-a8-8gb-1tb-dos-2-5gb-graph/p/itmdm5ukxfqvwkqf?pid=COMDM5UGX9QFNWAM22:23
ikonia"on an intel machine"22:23
ikoniahow are you swapping the cards ?22:24
nicechap_How can I add more desktops on Lubuntu?22:24
nicechap_There is probably something called Desktop Pager, but I dont know where it is hidden...22:24
nicechap_I only have 2 desktops default :(22:25
vamsiampoluno,i took my external hdd and connected it to an Intel laptop,I changed the boot options...i asked it to boot from my hdd,it did without any hiccups22:26
ikoniayou're booting from an external hard disk ?22:27
vamsiampolu@ikonia,switching vga is not my cup of tea22:27
ikoniaso again - why do you think this is a graphics card problem ?22:27
ikoniathe initramdisk has not got "visual" at that point22:27
vamsiampoluso,ikonia what is the solution,i do happen to know that when i ask grub2 to load windows for me,it goes into the same purple state,is that expected??22:30
vamsiampoluyes,ikonia i am booting from an external hdd22:30
ikoniawhere is the boot sector you are using22:30
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nicechap_okay, found it... forget my query...22:31
vamsiampolui have no idea,i installed ubuntu on /dev/sda3 which was the external,does the pastebin http://paste.ubuntu.com/11780753/ have no info on this?22:32
ikoniaso it appears grub is on the MBR of the external disk22:33
ikoniaor "sda" that has an NFT and ext4 partion on it22:33
ikoniayou also appear to have grub on /dev/sdc22:34
ikoniawhich looks like some sort of livecd type media22:34
vamsiampolu@ikonia any ideas?22:35
ciwolseycan someone do me a favor and tell me what command they use to start chrome from a terminal?22:35
hkrrsxciwolsey: Try either google-chrome , google-chrome-stable google-chrome-beta or google-chrome-unstable22:36
hkrrsxIt'll be one of those22:36
OerHeksciwolsey, i hardly do 'chromium-browser & '22:36
Bray90820OerHeks: that didn't seem to work22:36
ciwolseyi need defintive answer22:37
ikoniaciwolsey: what's the problem you are trying to solve22:37
ciwolseyim trying to debug a web app on a system where chrome is started with "google-chrome-stable"22:37
ciwolseybut the distro is not as common as ubuntu and i think its weird naming is causing issues22:37
ciwolseyso i thought, what is more common than ubuntu, i wonder what the packages there name it...22:38
ikoniawhat does it matter what it's called in ubuntu ?22:38
Bray90820OerHeks: what I am trying to do is run this script on startup without asking for a sudo password22:38
ikoniawhat matters is your target system22:38
ciwolseywhat matters is what its conventionally called22:38
ciwolseyits not a hard question.. if anyone has chrome installed please just could you tell me what command you start it with from terminal?22:39
ikoniathere is no convention22:39
ikoniait depends on who packages and the variation22:39
ciwolseyjesus fucking christ man22:39
ciwolseythis is why i dont come in here22:39
ivan_on_tracI need help. The fonts of the island from my server. They are changing automatically. Before: After http://ctrlv.in/595139: http: //ctrlv.in/59514122:39
ciwolseyits not hard22:39
* mtn looks for a big spoon22:39
ivan_on_tracMy "issue" loses font setting. This also occurs with forms.22:41
ivan_on_tracAn example for better understanding. http://ctrlv.in/595141 http://ctrlv.in/59513922:42
ikoniavamsiampolu: I think you're looking at it wrong22:47
ikoniaI don't think the video card is your issue22:47
vamsiampoluok,how can we run more diagnostics to figure out what the issue is?22:48
ikoniaso the first thing I'd like at is the UUID it's referencig on the disk22:49
ikoniadoes that look right ?22:49
ikoniaI suspect moving the disk around to different systems may not help it pick the right partitions,22:49
ikoniayou also think that the ramdisk is not decompressing, I'd like more at verifying that22:49
vamsiampolu7af94613-8523-4723-a4f9-89b727a79c24 is the uuid of the disk used by grub222:51
ikoniaso when you see it boot it should reference that - does the screen shot it referencing the right UUID22:52
vamsiampoluwait a sec,i have a https://www.dropbox.com/s/g3t1eh064623m42/IMG_20150626_221507386.jpg?dl=022:54
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vamsiampoluikonia,more explanation?22:57
vamsiampoluikonia what can i do to provide more info?23:04
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hypernovaim back ;(23:10
hypernovaso i built my self a new computer case and put my comp in it and now ubunto won't boot... runing a fsck but any adice would be amazing23:11
hypernovaalso wondering the best version of fsck command to run23:12
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Bashing-omhypernova: I take it that a liveDVD boots ? Have you verified UUIDs in /etc/fstab with 'sudo blkid' and same same UUIDs are in /boot/grub/grub/cfg ?23:15
hypernovaerm nope23:15
hypernovai have grub and tahts it23:15
hypernovaand i have no livecd23:15
hypernovaor flash drive...23:15
hypernovaall i have is grub on that computer23:16
hypernovai get a lot of errors when i try to mount it in rercovory mode23:16
hypernovaim not sure why23:17
Bashing-omhypernova: If you can not boot something exterior to the install to looks at the install, there is not anything I can do to assist .23:17
hypernovaahh ha23:18
hypernovagot a flash drive!23:18
Bashing-omhypernova: :) burn ya a 'buntu to the thumb drive, same vesion as what is installed on the hard drive .23:20
hypernovawhen i try to boot in recovory mode23:20
hypernovai get a bunch of nothung23:20
hypernovalike fails23:20
hypernovaand i/o error dev scd sectore blah blah blah'23:21
Johnny_Linuxsudo touch /forcefsck  reboot     maybe ??23:21
hypernovaunable to read super block blah blah blah23:21
hypernovawhere would i run that?23:21
hypernovaif i run it in my console i get sudo not found....23:22
Johnny_Linuxrecovery terminal23:22
hypernovahow do i acess that?23:22
Johnny_Linuxo  ok23:22
hypernovaubuntu noob here...23:22
Johnny_Linuxhold shift @ boot to recovery23:22
Johnny_Linuxdrop to terminal23:22
hypernovanot working...23:25
hypernovaerm not sure how to boot recovory mode23:25
hypernovaall i have is grub man23:25
Johnny_Linuxthen youll have to have a copy of ubuntu23:25
Johnny_Linuxnice try tho23:25
Johnny_Linuxygrub didnt show kernel recovery ??23:26
Trinityis there a way I can save exactly how my ubuntu is and then reformat my computer to that same image?23:27
bodhi_zazenTrinity, yes, but why bother ?23:29
bodhi_zazenTrinity, boot a live CD and use dd to make a copy and then dd to restore23:29
Trinitybodhi_zazen, so if anything ever goes terribly wrong with HDDs I can have a backup of the fixes i've made for this particular setup23:29
hypernovai need a live cd it seems23:29
bodhi_zazenBut if you are looking for a backup strategy, that is not a ggo one23:30
hypernovaseems they are your best freind for fixing problems23:30
Johnny_Linuxcan b23:30
bodhi_zazenTrinity, you can , but that is not IMO the best strategy23:30
Trinitybodhi_zazen, okay so you're suggesting to just back it up w/ all the fixes with dd?23:31
bodhi_zazenJust back up /home /root , any system files you edited, and a list of installed packages23:31
Trinityah i see, so you can continue with ubuntu updates if there are any23:31
bodhi_zazenAnd if you have a server, your server data, such as /var/www/html etc23:31
bodhi_zazenTrinity, yes, why back up with dd something you install with apt-get ?23:32
Trinitybodhi_zazen, well what if you forget something hahaha23:33
bodhi_zazenThen you will have to remember it later ;)23:35
bodhi_zazenbacking up the entire / partition makes for very large backups23:36
hypernovawhats the best way to fix i/o errors23:36
bodhi_zazenTrinity, look at the options here : http://askubuntu.com/questions/9135/how-to-backup-settings-and-list-of-installed-packages23:38
hypernovai think my harddrive is shot23:39
hypernovavery old drive23:40
hypernovaeaser to just instill ubunto onto a new drive...23:40
bodhi_zazenTrinity, Just take care, the first 2 answers, the ones more popular then mine, will NOT restore system settings if you edited system files nor will the back up users, groups, or server data (such as /var/www/html)23:40
Bashing-omTrinity: ^ akso; as a part of the restoration plans (get-selections): http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1139264 post #5 ; http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=261366 .23:40
hypernovasadly i have no computer for a couple of hours23:40
hypernovaand now i have to install 100 gb of games like a 4th time23:40
bodhi_zazenhypernova, use smartmontools - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Smartmontools23:41
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hypernovaubuntus such a bitch23:41
bodhi_zazenif the drive is failing, back up and get a new hard drive23:41
Bashing-omhypernova: To check a harddive best 1st approach is from a liveDVD run the SMART test tool .23:41
hypernovai have no live cd still downloading right now23:41
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bodhi_zazenyou do not have to to run smartmontools from a live CD23:52
zeeshan-laptopis there a quick and dirty way to point /sys/kernel/debug/usb/devices to /proc/bus/usb/devices23:53
zeeshan-laptopwith the same permissions23:53
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