
ahoneybunthe default background valorie?00:07
valorieright, ahoneybun00:48
valoriegosh, tried to work outside for a few mins, but have been defeated by the heat and humidity00:49
valorienot sure how y'all in Florida get *anything* done outside00:49
valorieyou must be as tough as gators00:49
ahoneybunwe wait for the shade to come valorie00:50
valorieI was in the shade!00:52
valorie<-- not a total dolt00:53
valoriethe sun on bare skin feels like it's burning in mere seconds00:53
[Relic]water proof laptops and sit in the ocean  :)00:55
valorieI'm hours away from actual ocean00:59
valoriemaybe less than an hour from the Sound00:59
valorieoff to see my papa00:59
nixternalhola peeps!04:49
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DarkwingHey nixternal05:14
valoriepoof, here and gone05:19
JesseW1In reading the "Joint Statement from the CC and KC" https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-community-team/2015-June/000646.html , I was surprised to see no explicit acknowledgement of approval of the statement by the KC, either in the message (by, say, listing the names of the KC members who read and approved it), or in follow-up messages on the list (or in other places the list has been posted, AFAICT). The lack gives rise to some unpleasant though05:20
JesseW1(For reference, my only connection to Kubuntu, or Ubuntu at all, is as an occasional user, and minor contributor some years ago.)05:21
valoriehi JesseW105:21
valorieI wrote much of it05:22
JesseW1valorie: ok, good to hear!05:22
valoriewe're trying to move past this, but the recent unpleasantness is still rather raw05:22
JesseW1That makes a lot of sense.05:22
valorieplus we have work to do here05:22
valorieand most of us don't want to deal with the issue as such again until we have to05:23
valorieall of us signed off on it, for the record05:24
valorieincluding Riddell05:24
JesseW1I can entirely understand not wanting to deal with it further. If I was more involved, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't either. Thanks for the clarification, and sorry for bringing up troubles.05:25
valoriewe want to be clear and transparent about everything05:25
JesseW1Yeah, that was why I thought it worth asking for the clarification.05:26
valorieit's great that you are interested05:27
JesseW1I think there are a lot of bystanders who are interested. It was a really ugly and alarming situation.05:34
valorieI agree05:35
valorienot many users care about internal issues, however05:35
JesseW1Sure. I'm running debian now, and I'm not as aware of internal debian issues as I might be, either.05:36
JesseW1I don't *think* there's anything to this level going on lately, though.05:36
valoriedid you read the systemd debate?05:36
valorieI did......05:37
JesseW1Heh. Oh, that.05:37
JesseW1Yeah, that was an instance of ugly internal issues in debian, certainly.05:37
JesseW1Is the logger broken, or does it just take a while to catch up? I don't see anything logged from this channel since 04:49...05:39
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valorieunsure, I have my own logs05:40
JesseW1OK. Thanks again for the response, and to all of you for all your work.05:46
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BluesKajHiyas all11:38
Riddellhi BluesKaj, thanks for your help with alpha 111:40
BluesKajhey Riddell,  glad to help. Hope we can keep this going past october.11:41
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=== soee_ changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - 10 years of friendlyness | https://trello.com/kubuntu | http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ | Welcome ximion!
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mparilloLooks as if Wily got Plasma 5.3.1. Setting up plasma-desktop (4:5.3.1-0ubuntu3) ...14:14
BluesKajyup, haven't noticed much difference yet 14:16
mparilloBluesKaj: Do you know if it is also in the backports for 15.04?14:17
mparilloDoh, I posted this http://www.kubuntu.org/news/plasma-531 myself.14:18
mparilloAlmost a month ago.14:18
ahoneybunRiddell: I can do the manual partitioning in a bit14:37
ahoneybunor not..14:37
ahoneybunRiddell: have you seen the new DVD artwork?15:08
Riddellahoneybun: no sorry I'm behind on e-mail15:10
ahoneybunRiddell: http://imgur.com/a/axpzW15:10
Riddellahoneybun: lovely!15:12
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ovidiu-florinahoneybun: ok I'll put in the website15:52
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: can't the artwork be in svg?15:57
ahoneybunIf I knew inkscape15:57
ovidiu-florinit's easy15:58
ovidiu-florinor use Karbon if inkscape is not your thing15:58
ahoneybunI use GIMP16:01
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: do you have owncloud?16:05
DarkwingI do inkscape16:27
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: ^16:27
ovidiu-florinDarkwing: can you convert some pngs in vectorial?16:28
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: why ping me lol you have the files on your owncloud16:28
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: to make sure you saw that16:28
ahoneybunthanks lol16:28
DarkwingI've done that quite a bit in the past. Whats the detail level16:29
ovidiu-florinDarkwing: the plasma 5 wallpaper, do you know it?16:29
ovidiu-florinthat detail level16:30
DarkwingConversion? Possabily.16:30
ovidiu-florinDarkwing: scotland?16:30
DarkwingNegative. US.16:31
DarkwingFormer Sailor US Navy. Aye is built in my vocabulary.16:31
ovidiu-florinDarkwing: ;)16:32
DarkwingLemme poke around with converting16:33
ahoneybunthanks Darkwing16:33
* ahoneybun runs off to Steam wonderland16:35
ovidiu-florinnoooooooooo..... *flies away too*16:36
ovidiu-florinDarkwing: we have gimp files16:38
ovidiu-florinwe can import/export... from/to ... something...16:39
DarkwingOhhh, URL?16:41
ovidiu-florinDarkwing: owncloud or Google drive?16:41
DarkwingGDrive. david.wonderly@gmail.com16:42
ovidiu-florinDarkwing: I recommend not to do that anymore (make your email adddress public like that)16:43
ovidiu-florinDarkwing: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B6zAAODZFwQ2fl8zV2ZuWGZ5MmZyd0NrRFJkYXRUR0JfU3VUdEJSRVplcF9FNm5OaHFUbWs&usp=sharing16:43
DarkwingMy email address has been public for a very very long time16:44
DarkwingSame with my mobile number... +1-260-804-5130 lol16:44
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: can you introduce me to that doccumentation thing we talked about?16:45
DarkwingI am not a hard person to track down and find lol16:45
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: pootle or sphinx?16:46
ahoneybunwhat about it16:47
ahoneybunprovides documentation written in reST/RST and can output HTML/epub/PDF16:48
ahoneybunit is so nice to have that lol16:49
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: you talked about a page that shows how to connect it to a pootle server16:52
ahoneybunin this it has a picture with Pootle on it but they use Transifex: http://sphinx-doc.org/intl.html?highlight=translations16:53
ahoneybunlooks like you make the .pot file with Sphinx, put that on Pootle and then it shoots out .po files16:56
ovidiu-florintransifex is proprietary16:57
ahoneybunI have the pot files made already if/when you get a pootle server up16:57
ahoneybunI see that16:57
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: ok, I'm looking into that16:58
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: Pootles on documentation is using Sphinx btw lol17:01
ahoneybun*own doc17:01
ovidiu-florinso we use the best technologies17:01
ahoneybunmatch made in Heaven lol17:01
ahoneybunall open source17:01
ahoneybunI would think so as Sphinx is Python's own docs17:02
ovidiu-florinI wander if I could hold a talk at akademy about this, and convice poeple to have a pootle server for KDE17:02
ahoneybunyou should17:02
ovidiu-florinor can I just talk to them in the hall?17:02
ovidiu-florinRiddell: what do you think???17:02
ahoneybuneither way there should be talks and beer 17:02
ovidiu-florinin order to do a talk, I have to research much more, than just talking to people in the hall way17:03
ahoneybunwow that docs page links to github, the pdf, epub everything17:04
Riddellovidiu-florin: what's pootle?17:04
ovidiu-florinan webinterface translation tool17:05
ovidiu-florinthat's used by libreoffice and many other big projects17:05
ovidiu-florinthere's also transifex, but that comercial (free for open source) and proprietary17:05
ovidiu-florinRiddell: what do you think about the talk?17:10
Riddellwhich talk?17:11
Riddellasking for pootle?17:11
ovidiu-florinis it enough just to talk with the relevant people at some random time? or I must hold a talk in order to get anywhere?17:11
ovidiu-florinRiddell: yes17:11
ahoneybunScottK: ovidiu-florin where are your pictures! http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/the-kubuntu-team/17:11
Riddellask for a bof session with l10n people17:11
Riddelland go for it17:11
ovidiu-florinwhat's bof?17:12
ovidiu-florinRiddell: what's a BOF session?17:28
ovidiu-florinit know it comes from birds of feather, but I have no idea what that means17:29
mparilloPeople who share a common interest. In the US, at least, the expression is "Birds of a feather flock together". 17:34
ovidiu-florinI understand17:35
ovidiu-florinthank you17:35
ahoneybundamn these wifi speeds17:37
BluesKaja lot of users never change the wifi channel from the default which is usually #6 , so everyone in the neighbourhood is fighting for space on the same channel17:43
ahoneybunI still blame AT&T17:45
BluesKajheh , that damn phone compny ...snort17:47
ScottKNot sure if it originated there or not, but the IETF is the first place I ran across the term BoF. 17:50
ScottKThen there's BoFH, but that's something completely different.17:50
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Riddellwhich I'm pleased to see The Register has recently brought back18:00
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: what does the AW in the GIMP project file stand for?18:14
ahoneybunI'm not sure ovidiu-florin, that was in the pdf file that the Canonical Design Team gave me18:14
BluesKajart work? :-)18:24
ovidiu-florinwho is an admin at Kubuntu forums?18:30
RiddellSteveR but he's not been on irc for ages18:30
Riddellmaybe Mamark and maybe me18:30
ahoneybunBluesKaj: http://imgur.com/a/axpzW18:36
murthykde 5.3.1 released  in 15.10?18:36
ahoneybunseems so murthy18:36
murthyahoneybun: is  getting backported to 15.04 ?18:37
ahoneybunit already is18:37
ahoneybunwily: http://wire.kubuntu.org/?p=33818:37
murthyahoneybun: can you give me the link to the ci page?18:38
BluesKajyes murthy, it's been in the 15.04 backports for a while now18:38
murthyBluesKaj: I need to check probably I confused this update for 5.3.2 18:39
murthyBluesKaj: when is the next stabilization update due for 15.04?18:39
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: GIMP file for disc print??18:39
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: I have it, not 100% sure if I want this design to be final18:40
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: I'm glad you have it18:41
ovidiu-florincan I also have it?18:41
ahoneybunme too 18:41
ahoneybunyea sure let me get it on the owncloud18:41
ovidiu-florinI've translated the front18:41
murthywhy is this put there ? "No backports PPA required."18:41
murthyfor 15.10 I mean?18:41
ahoneybunmurthy: the backport is needed in 15.0418:44
ahoneybunbut all the new packages are in the Ubuntu archive now18:44
ahoneybunfor 15.10 anyway18:44
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: its up18:46
ovidiu-florinmerci beaucoup18:46
murthyahoneybun: Ya I know but is it obvious that we dont need a backport for 15.18:46
BluesKajmurthy, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WilyWerewolf/ReleaseSchedule18:46
murthy*isn't it obvious18:46
ahoneybunmurthy: don't hurt to say it18:47
murthyBluesKaj: Yesterday I saw the know bugs of 15.10 alpha for found that the ark issue is a bigger issue18:47
murthyahoneybun: ok18:47
ahoneybunvery nice ovidiu-florin on the ro version, that is oxygen-sans right?18:48
murthyBluesKaj: can we expect 5.3.2 this month end?18:48
ahoneybunooohh Krita opens xcf files!18:48
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: I think. It's the defualt one18:48
ovidiu-florinyes, I know18:48
ahoneybunI did not 18:48
ovidiu-florinI told you this last week, I think18:49
ahoneybuneither way I know now18:49
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: did you use ubuntu bold on the Try it, Love it? Share it! part?18:49
ovidiu-florinI used the same that was18:50
ovidiu-florinI did not change that18:50
ahoneybunok cool18:50
murthyBluesKaj: I have an idea about the install process, may I share it here?18:50
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: was it easy to work with the xcf?18:51
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: I can't translate the disk image18:51
ahoneybunyea with that word wrap18:51
ahoneybungive me the translations and I will do it :)18:51
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: I did not edit it with Krita, as I wanted to be sure that I don't break the project file18:51
BluesKajmurthy, https://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/Plasma_518:52
murthyBluesKaj: thats the one I was searching. nice18:53
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: Kubuntu 15.04 este liber spre a fi copiat, modificat și distribuit. Vizitați http://kubuntu.org pentru mai multe informații.18:53
ovidiu-florinI've added the http://18:53
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: there's a -RO project file there18:53
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: check how I made the links on the front cover18:54
ahoneybunI see18:54
ovidiu-florinmake it the same on the disc image18:54
ahoneybunI already downloaded that ro file18:54
ovidiu-florinfor both RO and EN18:54
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: sure you don't want an account?18:54
ovidiu-florinyou'd be able to sync18:54
ahoneybunfine make one18:54
ovidiu-florinno mre download/upload18:54
ahoneybunidk what sync will do18:54
murthyBluesKaj: Can I share my Idea here>18:55
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: sync does upload and download for you18:57
BluesKajheh murthy you don't need my permission :-)18:57
murthyBluesKaj: no, is it the right place to share?18:58
murthyor should I mail someone?18:58
BluesKajno, go ahead, it's fine to share ideas 18:59
murthyok, its about two things that need to be added/changed during the kubuntu fresh install or a distro upgrade process19:00
murthyone is that the proprietary display drivers cause a lot of problem after an upgrade, debian recommends the  users to remove the driver if possible19:01
murthywhy are we not doing that19:01
murthyI mean before an upgrade process19:02
murthyIf possible we should disable the proprietary driver with the user permission before an upgrade  19:02
BluesKajwhich brand of gpus are you referring to because the nouveau driver is default for nvidia upon installation?  19:05
murthyThe second thing is, I have seen sometimes the interface between the gui and the console program is broken and the background process waits for the user input and there is not gui display to get the user input and the install process waits infinitly19:05
murthyparticularly this happens when dpkg is asking if the user wants to replace/keep a config file of a package with a new one. I feel this rare situation which got out of hand during the testing process can be overcome if there was a embedded terminal window (or which can be accessed with a button) provided some thing like the one in the deb installer19:08
murthyBluesKaj: I am talking about all the proprietary drivers, not nouveau. I want to force enable nouveau before distro upgrade process 19:09
BluesKaji know there is a gui/dialog for grub if it's been previously edited19:10
murthyBluesKaj: sorry I am not able to understand 19:11
BluesKajmurthy it does force nouveau on a fresh install and releas-upgraqde 19:11
murthyBluesKaj: I know that nouveau is the default driver for a fresh install, but release upgrade? Last time when I upgraded from 14.10 to 15.04 was on the proprietary nvidia driver 19:12
BluesKajmurthy, if you've edited grub previously then ubiquity checks for changes t grub before it iinstalls a new unedited one19:13
murthyBluesKaj: ok there it detects the driver?19:15
BluesKajmurthy, ok, I installed to / so the previously chosen driver wasn't detected 19:16
murthyBluesKaj: you are talking about the fresh install right?19:17
murthyBluesKaj: I was taking about upgrading from inside the current kubuntu install19:17
BluesKajand it 's not proprietary , they're binaries , proprietary drivers would be directly from nvidia or AMD without modification 19:19
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: WTF, you deleted the CD Cover folder?19:20
ovidiu-florinoh.. Renamed it :D19:20
ovidiu-florinmy fail19:20
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: you lol a lot19:20
ahoneybunI'm not typing "hehe"19:21
ahoneybunother then that time19:21
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: you now have the -RO disc art19:21
ovidiu-florinPNG or XCF?19:22
ahoneybunwant the png?19:22
ovidiu-florinthe text layer has the text in RO19:22
ovidiu-florinbut the image shows it in EN19:22
murthyBluesKaj: I need to learn after that difference, I never knew they were different. ok so that binary driver is disable before an distribution upgrade from inside the current install?19:22
BluesKajnormally it is removed during the do-release install as welliirc 19:23
ovidiu-florincan we rename the EN files with -EN appended to them?19:24
ahoneybunI did19:25
ahoneybunor you do it19:25
BluesKajI seem to end up with nouveau driver afterevry install, no matter which method i use, murthy19:25
ahoneybunsomething like that19:25
murthyBluesKaj: Ya, I too suspect that, but I know you have heard many people telling you about the blank screen after an upgrade, do you think that the nouveau driver does that?19:27
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: why'd you make a second -RO disc label XCF?19:27
ahoneybunthere is only one19:27
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: the xcf files should not have -RO or -EN as they hold all of them19:28
ahoneybunthe only ones with - anything are the png19:28
murthyAnother idea I have is the ubiquity installer update it self before the install process19:28
BluesKajmurthy, yes sometimes it's not quite up to date with some newer nvidia gpus , esopecially the higher -end  ones19:28
ovidiu-florinyou added both languages in the same project file?19:28
ahoneybunof course19:28
ahoneybunbut in folders19:28
murthyhigher end ones :) ? like gt 610?19:29
ovidiu-florinwhat do you mean in folders?19:29
ovidiu-florinlayer folders?19:29
ahoneybunlook at the -RO xcf for the label 19:29
murthySo i ubiquity updates itself before an install be could fix some bugs after an install immediately 19:30
BluesKajmurthy, seems so yes, iirc, gt 610 was a problem a while ago19:30
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: it looks bad in RO on the disc label19:30
ovidiu-florinthe font is messed up19:30
BluesKajit's not a real high-end card, but there were driver problems with it , murthy19:31
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: can you combine the other files as well? so we have just one project file and all the languages in them?19:32
ovidiu-florinI'mm appedn -EN to the PNG files19:32
ahoneybunyea let me try to get the font better for RO on the label19:32
murthyBluesKaj: ok.  these gpu companies have to open there drivers may be then we will have a good experience with their product19:33
murthyBluesKaj: are you testing 15.10?19:33
BluesKajmurthy, yes I am19:33
murthyBluesKaj: There is/was a bug in ubiquity and I had earlier spoke to shadeslayer about this. I have been waiting for the past 3 kubuntu releases. Can you check if this got fixed?19:35
murthyBluesKaj: I will give the bug id now19:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 1389847 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity waits until the driver-manager finishes before proceeding to the partitioning screen" [Undecided,New]19:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 1087409 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Missing feedback/progress dialog while installing drivers" [High,Triaged]19:36
murthyBluesKaj: I have given the steps to reproduce the bug in the first bug report19:37
BluesKajtesting Wily alpha and I did encouter a black desktop after installing and upgrading so i installed kubuntu-desktop because it didn't install for some reason19:37
murthyBluesKaj: That usually happens, try starting the xserver with root permission19:39
BluesKajwell i did but kubuntu-desktop had to be installed before startx would work19:41
murthyBluesKaj: ok can you check for the bug I have given while you are testing 15.10?19:41
murthyBluesKaj: we need to do that in testing?19:42
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: Luara has some suggestions about the disc label, can we make changes to it?19:43
murthyBluesKaj: sorry I dont know much about testing. I usually test the betas for seeing myself19:43
ahoneybunsure, working on combining the xcfs now19:44
ahoneybunI find it funny you misspell your wifes name lol19:44
ovidiu-florinshe doesn't mind19:45
murthyfeeling sleepy, going to bed. see you guys later19:49
ahoneybunbye murthy19:49
ovidiu-florinnight murthy19:49
BluesKajmurthy, good night19:50
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: any progress?19:51
ahoneybunthe Front and Back xcf are up19:51
ahoneybungoing to upload the disc now19:51
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: should have all of them now19:54
ovidiu-florinare they synced on your side?19:56
ahoneybunI just uploaded to the site19:57
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: haven't you set up the client?19:58
ovidiu-florinthen why upload to the site?19:58
ovidiu-florinput them in the folder19:58
ovidiu-florinor, just edit those files19:58
ahoneybunits all done now20:03
ovidiu-florinI still see RO and EN XCF files20:06
[Relic]saving sessions been fixed yet?20:06
ovidiu-florin[Relic]: AFAIK saving them works, restoring them I'm having trouble with20:07
ovidiu-florinespecially with hibernation20:07
[Relic]just wondered the virtual desktop layouts weren't storing when I gave up on 15.04, figured I would wait till that critical error was fixed before trying again20:08
[Relic]or restoring after reboot, or startup20:09
clivejowould anyone here know how to get my hardware volume buttons working on Toshiba laptop in Wily?20:57
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: please readd the text for the disc label. I've edited both the RO and EN. I don't know how to apply the text around the image22:39
ahoneybunI'll add it in a bit22:40
ovidiu-florinalso, one more thing22:44
ovidiu-florincan you make in all 3 projects a layer folder Languages, and in that Add a layer folder for each language, and put in there all the text (and related) layers?22:45
ovidiu-florinso they are sorted22:45
ovidiu-florinand also keep all the language sublayesr visible, so it's easy to switch languages, by just switching the visibility of the two languages.22:45
ovidiu-florincan you do this?22:45
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: ^22:46
ahoneybunshould be able to 22:46
ovidiu-florinLeave the Back for now, I'm translating it now22:46
ovidiu-florinI'll tell you when I'm done22:46
ahoneybuncheck the front one, it should be good22:56
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: exactly what I wanted. It's awesome. I've done the same for the back23:08
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: please check the second back project. I've removed the extra (unused) layers23:09
ovidiu-florinplease confirm that it's ok23:09
ahoneybunsecond back ?23:09
ovidiu-florinwe should do the same with the others23:09
ovidiu-florinI've saved that in a second BACK project23:09
ahoneybunI see23:09
ovidiu-florinI'm done with the translation23:10
ovidiu-florinI'll ass for a review of the translation in the morning23:10
ovidiu-florinI'm off to bed23:10
ahoneybunwhy a second one?23:10
ovidiu-florinthank you for your help23:10
ovidiu-florinbecause I wanted your confirmation that it's ok23:11
ahoneybunoh right23:11
ovidiu-florinso I wouldn't harm the original23:11
ahoneybunoh I'll look23:11
ovidiu-florinif it's ok, you can delete the original23:11
ahoneybunits good23:11
ovidiu-florinthen I'll clean the layers now on the front, can you please do the label?23:12
ovidiu-florincan I edit the FRONT?23:12
ovidiu-florincleaning the layers23:13
ovidiu-florinto remove the back layers from the FRONT project23:13
ahoneybunleave that one23:14
ovidiu-florinthere are a few layers in the FRONT project that contain nothing23:14
ovidiu-florinok, then I won't touch it23:15
soee_a pretty long but detaile dand nice Plasma5 (on Kubutnu) review https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97p1eKZRzng23:15
ahoneybunthanks soee_23:15
ovidiu-florinthanks soee_23:15
soee_murthy: ^ this might be worth putting onsocial media23:15
soee_mparillo: ^23:15
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: everything in the FRONT on has a reason23:15
soee_mparillo: not as kubuntu review but as Plasma 5 review so user get more familiar with it23:16
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: then I'd make that into a template23:16
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: but since we have separate files for each, I see it that we have 3 tamplates: FRONT, BACK, LABEL23:16
ahoneybunlike there is a layer called Workspace that is to show us where we can place designs that will be printed23:17
ahoneybunif you put it into one file it will be a mess23:17
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: I think I removed that layer from the BACK23:18
ahoneybunit was not in that one I think23:18
ahoneybunno it was there23:18
ovidiu-florinshould I restore the deleted file?23:18
ahoneybunadded back23:22
ahoneybunpulled it from the other file23:22
ovidiu-florinok, great23:23
ahoneybunLots of things23:24
ovidiu-florinthis can/should also go to social media, who should I ping for this?23:24
ahoneybunmparillo: 23:24
ahoneybunthank you ovidiu-florin for those23:26
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: ;)23:27
* ovidiu-florin ZZZZzzzzz......23:28
ahoneybunnight ovidiu-florin see you in a few lol23:28

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