
glenn_kubuntu just froze opening up muon00:01
glenn_im sick of the freezing..00:01
excalibrPeeps..how do you set a global shortcut for alt+printscr in Custom Shortcut. It can't seem to capture alt key01:53
excalibrProbably because it's toggle the mnemonic thingy gets in the way when I press Alt01:54
excalibrthe toggle*01:54
Finetundrahey folks, is there a way to set a button to black out the screen?03:37
babu_anyone here can tell me how to remove akonadi04:51
sattyhow tune kubuntu05:27
valoriewhat do you want to change?05:29
valorieeverything is very configurable05:29
sattyvalorie: fine05:29
sattyvalorie: I am facing problem in composing05:30
sattysettings -> display -> composing -> open GL 3.1 -> animation instant05:31
valorieso you have found the KCM; what is the difficulty?05:32
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sattyvalorie: kcm05:42
valoriekcm=KDE command module I think05:43
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dragi__how to install the HP Scanjet Flatbed Scanner in Ubuntu08:54
eXistenZehey guys09:41
eXistenZeuntil the konsole crash on exit is fixed, is there any good replacement?09:42
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ShalokShalomeXistenZe: Yakuake ?10:16
OdurI'm still using 14.10 because I've heard about people having lot of troubles with 15.04, crashing Plasma and so on. How is 15.04 working for you guys?10:27
OdurI'm thinking about holding off until 15.10, but then I read "Updates, bug fixes and future releases are currently uncertain." (which is now changed apperantly), and I got a little worried about the future...10:32
mparillo Odur: If your primary concern is stability, sure, stick with Plasma 4. If you want new stuff, I would install 15.10. IMHO, for all *buntus, you are better off with fresh installs than upgrades. So, as far as the future, I tend to back up my data, and fresh install with every release. The other reasonable approach is to stick with LTS exclusively.10:42
OdurYeah, I always do fresh installs. Tried upgrade once, but it didn't work well.10:45
OdurI'm used to having to tweak a few things every install, but I've read a little too much about problems with 15.04 to not to worry about switching.10:46
mparilloI have a limited set of use cases, but 15.04 basically worked for me. It was missing a couple of widgets, and some non KDE apps had issues (theming on wxwidgets apps, dropbox tray icon, skype icon (I heard)), and on wireless, I have to re-enter my password (I assume it is a kwallet password) with every re-boot. Also spell checking stopped working in konversation, but basically it works for me. And if I do not try it, how can10:56
mparilloI help improve it?10:56
mparilloOh yes, SDDM does not have the guest login the way LightDM did.10:56
mparilloAnd the granularity regional formatting on dates / time etc. is lost.10:57
mparilloI can point you to bug reports for many of these if you are interested.10:57
Odurmparillo: No thanks, I was just curious about peoples experience of 15.0411:06
mparilloThen TL;DR version: I willingly trade-off some stability and regressions for the opportunity to try something new and improve it. Others will not.11:11
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BluesKajHiyas all11:38
BluesKajhi verdooft12:06
verdooftHi BluesKaj.12:06
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verdooftHello Dubfiance.12:26
Dubfiancewhat's up?12:26
verdooftKubuntu is up.12:26
verdooftbut not for long time, i shutdown daily.12:26
Dubfiancewhen does it shut down/12:27
BluesKajhe shuts it down12:27
Dubfiancei mean like this is the official kubuntu support irc isnt it?12:28
Dubfiancewhy would such a thing be unavailable in a certian time12:29
verdooftIt is.12:29
BluesKajDubfiance, yes it is12:29
BluesKajwell, i shut my pc off to save electricity12:29
BluesKajhi ovidiu-florin12:30
verdooftHello ovidiu-florin.12:30
Dubfiancewell why would the official server be hosted on a guy's computer rather than an actual server that can be up 24/712:30
BluesKajthe official servers are listed in your /etc/apt/sources.list or package manager , they aren't owned by ordinary users12:32
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Jeponghi guys... i upgraded awhile ago my kubuntu 15.05 installation using kubuntu-ppa\backports... now i'm stuck with just the wallpaper. any workaround? just got my laptop fresh install again.15:17
Jepongi mean kubuntu 15.0415:17
hyper_chwow, that was weird...wily installer didn't succeed in configuring my ethernet gigabit network card nor did it detect my internal wifi... I had to use an ancient wifi stick.... and then the partitioner didn't detect my ssd15:23
hyper_chok, I just tried the utopic mini-cd and same result... partitioner doesn't detect the ssd... even when I toggle to a different tty then it's not being listed???15:37
lampanyone here?15:44
BluesKajhyper_ch, that's why i usually prepartition with gparted beforte installing an OS15:49
ovidiu-florinhello BluesKaj & verdooft15:50
verdooftHello ovidiu-florin.15:51
hyper_chBluesKaj: not sure how gparted helps if the mini cd doesn't recognized the ssd15:51
BluesKajhey ovidiu-florin15:51
BluesKajhyper_ch, gparted usues a better partitioner IMO15:52
ovidiu-florinBluesKaj verdooft you pinged me?15:52
Jeponganyone had problems after upgrading Kubuntu with kubuntu-ppa/backports?15:53
BluesKajubiquity uses parted I think ,and it's options are limited anyway, I always basically bypass and use the manual partitioning just to set the mountpoints15:53
ovidiu-florinJepong: what problems are you experiencing?15:53
Jepongafter restart i only got the wallpaper15:54
verdooftI don't ping.15:54
Jepongi can use Alt+F1 to call the App Launcher thou15:55
Jepongbasicall all i can see is wallpaper and the new cashew15:55
ovidiu-florinJepong: can you open a konsole?15:59
ovidiu-florinkillall plasmashell ; plasmashell ;15:59
Jeponglet me screenshot that ovidiu-florin... i have freshinstall my kubuntu intallation16:02
Jeponglet me try to update again and let you know what happened16:02
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hyper_chBluesKaj: if the ssd isn't show at all in /dev/disk/by-id or /proc/partitions or anything, then you have a probelm16:25
BluesKajhyper_ch, run a sudo blkid to see if there's a UUID for it16:45
BluesKajraid,? oh well that's differentr story16:51
eXistenZeHey guys17:18
eXistenZeIs plasmashell suposed to use 33% CPU all the time?17:18
Replop__kubuntu install  messed up the grub menu creation :/  did choose some strange recovery thingy instead of the proper boot, for the windows option17:20
mparilloI doubt it. <ctrl> <esc> seems to list FF on top most (but only a couple of tabs). Plasmashell is usually zero CPU 153MB Memory17:22
mparilloIf you are running on an underpoowered netbook, I can check threre in maybe 10 minutes.17:23
eXistenZenot really... it's a T9400cpu (2.53Ghz) and a 9600GT card. 4Gb ram17:26
eXistenZeplasmashells uses a minimum of 25% and kwin_x11 4%17:27
BluesKajeXistenZe,  plasmashell maxes out at 2% here17:33
mparilloSame here, even on my little netbook. But a little less memory: 118MB.17:34
eXistenZeha ha...what a stupid bug... this is caused by the cpu monitor widget itself17:35
eXistenZeprobably the animation17:36
eXistenZeclosed it and it's back to less than 1%17:36
mparilloMaybe you can file a bug against the widget?17:37
eXistenZeI already have a dozen bugs to report17:37
eXistenZebut I never get to the part where you install some package to actually debug the crash (in konsole for example)17:37
eXistenZeit claims to install it but it always claims "not enough info... please install debug symbols ...."17:38
BluesKajdual core amd 5200+  cpu, 6G Ram , using  488.7 MB of memeory by plasmashell here17:39
eXistenZe234Mb here in mem17:39
BluesKajeXistenZe, in dolphin help, choose report bug , change the application to whatever you want to report17:41
BluesKajoh was busy typing didn't see your post about debugging symbols above17:42
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MrSassyPantsok, steam isn't running from the k menu, but it does run from the CLI. what's wrong?18:51
rkanagyanybody here know how to get kubuntu 15.04 with Plasma 5 to work with xrdp and Windows Remote Desktop Connection?19:48
rkanagyafter installing xrdp and setting my .xsession file to have startkde in it, and then connect/login using Remote Desktop Connection, all I get is a finely white/black checkered screen, does not go any further19:50
henry8989hello i just  did an ndis driver install on kubuntu and it says that the device and driver are both present but it will not let me configure the network it says network manager not installed19:54
kontoojust out of curiosity: how do you install GCC with muon?20:09
kontooit doesn't find any GCC packages20:09
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frendaWhere is keyboard settings for defining keys in order to switch between languages?20:17
henry8989i need help with configuring ndis in kubuntu can anyone help?20:23
alvineXistenZe: Do you have widgets on your desktop? If so, try removing all of them and see of the load goes lower.20:29
johnfluxI've just upgraded kubuntu, and I've lost my system tray21:00
eXistenZetoo late alvin21:00
eXistenZe[18:35] <eXistenZe> ha ha...what a stupid bug... this is caused by the cpu monitor widget itself21:00
eXistenZe[18:36] <eXistenZe> probably the animation21:00
eXistenZe[18:36] <eXistenZe> closed it and it's back to less than 1%21:00
frendaWhere is keyboard settings for defining keys in order to switch between languages?21:00
johnfluxI see some system tray icons, but it appears to be the 'built in' ones21:02
johnfluxI don't see things like the konversation app, skype, hplip etc systray icons21:02
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