
lotuspsychjegood morning to all03:22
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Slow ; last entry this channel ; " 14:01 < lotuspsychje> right :p " lol03:26
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: you guys need to talk when im away also :p03:26
daftykinsthat was at 8pm!03:26
daftykinsalso i'm heading to bed :>03:26
daftykinslotuspsychje: shift change!03:27
lotuspsychjewell goodnight for you both03:27
lotuspsychjedont do things i wouldnt do :p03:27
daftykinsi'd normally consider that to include installing Windows, but you said you did - so i can still work :D03:28
histojust spent an hour screwing around with legacy nvidia drivers in arch. I was installing the package for the lts kernel and wasn't even running lts kernel. FML03:35
lotuspsychjefor wich card histo ?03:37
histoold nvidia 9500 gt03:43
histolotuspsychje: I was using their nvidia-340xx-lts package instead of nvidia-340xx03:44
histolotuspsychje: sitting there stumped as to why the module wouldn't load.  Well I wasn't using linux-lts03:44
lotuspsychjeTJ-: good morning05:39
TJ-Morning :)05:39
TJ-Just started a kernel test-build of my loop device enhancements, I think it's about done05:40
TJ-Took the dogs out at 0430 and 1 of the Huskies decided to run off, then the Collie too. Both came back an hour later just as I was settling down to code :)05:42
lotuspsychjehuskies are beauty05:42
TJ-Yeah, got 2 of them, one Silver one Pepper, both with blue eyes. Luckily we've got a large farm for them to run on so its not too bad if they run off as long as they don't stray too far05:45
lotuspsychjeyeah those dogs need big space05:45
lotuspsychjebrother of my gf, has adopted a huskie too in their small house...05:46
lotuspsychjethats so putty05:46
lotuspsychjeput the dog in bench and only 1h a day walking...05:46
TJ-Yeah... you can't give them too much exercise, although they like being lazy when they're at home whereas the Collie is constantly on the go. He's great though, got him to round the Huskies up when they run off and he does - treats them just like Sheep :)05:47
lotuspsychjeTJ-: a guy fixxed his intel ssd on IDE mode this morning, he mentioned your name06:04
TJ-oh yeah, I remember that. I suggested he try it with a single SSD connected to the SATA controller to see if it still dropped the link to SATA 106:10
TJ-Did he say precisely what he'd done/achieved?06:10
TJ-I think it was hogslammer?06:10
TJ-He was hit with a bad combination of an Intel X25-E SSD and an ASRock Z77 extreme 4 motherboard that has an Intel SATA 2 chipset on. With the link in AHCI or RAID mode the SATA 2 SSD can't bring up the link and errors until it falls back to SATA 1. Only IDE mode allows the SSD to use the link with SATA 2. Intel engineers acknowledge the problem which is caused by a power mismatch06:21
TJ-Basically, the SATA specification gives a minimum-maximum range the devices must support. Unfortunately, the motherboard only uses the minimum but the drive requires the maximum06:21
lotuspsychjeTJ-: he fixxed his issue by setting bios to IDE07:49
lotuspsychjemorning EriC^^ and ObrienDave07:49
* ObrienDave waves hello07:50
EriC^^morning lotuspsychje07:51
lotuspsychjehi mate :p07:51
ObrienDavewell darn, sleepy time. *waves*07:52
TJ-lotuspsychje: yeah, I'd recommended that originally and he did but then got into a complaining session about having spent all that money on the hardware and unable to use AHCI , which was when I recommended he test it with only 1 SSD connected in case that helped the power-starvation issue07:59
lotuspsychjeTJ-: but will IDE mode perform good read/write speeds?08:00
lotuspsychjeTJ-: some systems dont even boot an ssd on IDE08:00
TJ-It gives him SATA 2 instead of SATA 108:01
TJ-He was hit with a bad combination of an Intel X25-E SSD and an ASRock Z77 extreme 4 motherboard that has an Intel SATA 2 chipset on. With the link in AHCI or RAID mode the SATA 2 SSD can't bring up the link and errors until it falls back to SATA 1. Only IDE mode allows the SSD to use the link with SATA 2. Intel engineers acknowledge the problem which is caused by a power mismatch08:03
TJ-Basically, the SATA specification gives a minimum-maximum range the devices must support. Unfortunately, the motherboard only uses the minimum but the drive requires the maximum08:03
lotuspsychjei see08:03
lotuspsychjeMonkeyDust: hello :p09:13
lotuspsychjeset to favs mate09:13
MonkeyDusthi lotuspsychje09:13
lotuspsychjewe missed you :p09:13
MonkeyDustmy ubuntu works, without problems, now i'm lost09:13
MonkeyDustnothing to troubleshoot09:13
lotuspsychjeinstalled trusty to over 50 boxes by now09:15
lotuspsychjeall run pretty fine09:15
MonkeyDustsounds good, i only have my own old laptop (2009 or so)09:15
lotuspsychje'old' is very relative with ubuntu09:16
lotuspsychjemy 'old' desktop amd 3200+ with 1 gig ram and 8gig transcend ssd goes rocketfast on trusty 64bit09:16
lotuspsychjeits faster boot then my netbook with the samsung pro 85009:17
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: the angry volunteer joined, its gonna go bad now :p09:19
MonkeyDustvacuum cleaner  <-- unrivalled when it comes to hardware maintenance09:32
lotuspsychjeoff into the sun guys09:35
TJ-MonkeyDust: I prefer an air compressor :)09:39
BluesKajHiyas all11:38
MonkeyDustwhat happened to the floodbot(s), why don't they kick trolls in #ubuntu ?12:58
TJ-Yow! Just had XH-558 fly right over the top of the farmhouse at low level... made me jump out of my seat!15:02
OerHeksAvro Vulcan XH558 ??15:04
TJ-It was on its way to a turning point nr Grantham before heading to Newark Air Museum15:10
OerHeksi couldn't find it on flightradar, flying too low?15:11
TJ-I dunno... about 500 feet I'd say.... http://www.vulcantothesky.org/salute-to-the-v-force-tour.html15:12
TJ-It returns to Doncaster Robin-Hood but doesn't show on their arrivals either... obviously in Stealth mode :)15:17
DJonesMonkeyDust: Floodbots all went away ages ago, drone has taken over but is still learning15:59
lotuspsychjegood evening to all18:25
OerHekshi lotus18:26
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: hello mate18:27
BluesKajhey lotuspsychje, OerHeks18:34
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: hello mate, how are you?18:35
BluesKajfine thanks, lotuspsychje, and you ?18:35
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: are you testing wily?18:35
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: cool, all work fine on alpha?18:36
lotuspsychje!info libreoffice wily18:37
ubot5libreoffice (source: libreoffice): office productivity suite (metapackage). In component universe, is optional. Version 1:4.4.2-0ubuntu3 (wily), package size 26 kB, installed size 168 kB18:37
lotuspsychjealot of nice fixes in libreoffice 4.4, does it feel renewed BluesKaj ?18:38
BluesKajalpha seems ok so far , nothing serious to report , ...sorry i don't use libreoffice much, so i haven't had any reason to check18:40
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: can you just open writer for me, startup speed, look n feel light?18:40
lotuspsychjeit should have changed alot18:40
lotuspsychjemaybe much changes under the hood, but still should be another feeling18:41
BluesKajlotuspsychje, opens quickly , no crashes18:42
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: cool tnx for feedback18:43
BluesKajsems solid18:47
BluesKajseems that is18:47
lotuspsychje_hexchat lags on me more then xchat18:48

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