
=== markthomas is now known as markthomas|away
=== zz_DenBeiren is now known as DenBeiren
manuel4AES-cryptography struck installing procedure alleging "logical driver already in USE", should I cryptograph by livecd-installer in AES, after already using my new distro?01:19
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
skrpim thinking about ditching ubuntu-server for centOS. for the sole reason that RHCE is the only certification worth anything02:06
netameta_anyone familiar with quassel, if so how can i export/import user profile(all of channels and configs)02:06
skrpi want to stay debian, but i am an accountant and i need a cert02:07
skrpi can't enter the jr admin world with no cert and a degree in business02:08
tarpmanskrp: that's an assumption. employers exist who will hire based on what you know rather than pieces of paper02:26
tarpmanskrp: are you involved in debian/ubuntu development? maintaining a couple of packages, perhaps?02:27
tonyyarussoskrp: FWIW, I'm at my third full-time sysadmin job and it's the first one where people got Red Hat certs.  Hired without one, just passed my RHCSA last week.  (Had LPIC-1 before - gotta redo that and go for -2)02:29
skrpim a bit noob, i moonlight on my 42u rack, windows/freebsd/ubuntu/pfsense. self taught02:33
skrptonyyarusso, how did you enter the field? know someone?02:34
tonyyarussoskrp: Honestly, got lucky.  While I was in college, one of my professors asked if I'd be interested in a student-worker position.  I took that, and two months in my supervisor took a new job, and rather than try to fill the position mid-school-year, they asked if I'd like to just do his job on a temporary basis until the next fall.  So I got to put "Network Administrator for a college" on my res02:36
tonyyarussoume before I even finished my ...02:36
tonyyarusso... Associate's degree.02:36
tonyyarussoskrp: Also did several either extremely part time or volunteer things for friends and non-profits that were nice experience along the way.02:38
skrpnice, wp wp. yeah im figuring that i might need a kickstart. From my research RHCE is well respected02:38
tonyyarusso(Still do, actually)02:38
tonyyarussoDid some community stuff for Ubuntu as well - IRC op, LoCo contact, helped package something once, did some stuff for Classroom, Newsletter, and User Days, that sort of thing.02:39
tonyyarussoRHCSA/RHCE are definitely good.  LPIC is also good (and distro-agnostic).  However, both are intended to be a reflection of knowledge, not something you get before actually having the knowledge, so priority #1 is just learning.  Get some kind of system capable of basic virtualization at home, and build an environment that's way more complicated than you really need just to play around with thing02:41
tonyyarussos like DNS, DHCP, mail, web ...02:41
tonyyarusso... servers, and so on.02:42
tonyyarussoDear irssi script:  Your algorithm for calculating when to split lines is broken.02:42
skrpLPIC is a joke tho, that shit is like noob level 0-.502:44
tonyyarussoskrp: uhhhh, you realize there are multiple levels, right?02:45
tonyyarussoSame as Red Hat's certs.02:46
skrpthe general consensus on LPIC... is very ehhhh. yeah i know there are more levels02:46
nayKanghow to use curl -T (--upload-file)05:46
azizLIGHThow much space should i put in my vm hard drive for 15.04 install with LAMP for learning purposes06:06
azizLIGHTis 5 gb ok06:07
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
=== zz_DenBeiren is now known as DenBeiren
=== CripperZ- is now known as cripperz
=== cripperz is now known as CripperZ-
=== CripperZ- is now known as cripperz
=== cipi is now known as CiPi
=== SL89 is now known as Vodka_Gobalsky
tarvidLAMP installed via tasksel, PHP not running14:11
RoyKis it enabled? have you tried to restart apache?14:25
* RoyK doesn't use tasksel a lot :P14:25
tarvid/usr/sbin/apache2 -M shows  php5_module (shared)14:27
tarvidservice apache2 restart issued many times14:28
tarvidenvvars not always loaded14:28
RoyKand the module's enabled? in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ ?14:29
tarvidphp5.conf is in mods-enabled14:30
RoyKnot php5.load?14:30
tarvidphp5.load is there too14:31
tarvidphpinfo() renders a blank page14:32
tarvidwordpress says php is not running14:32
RoyKwhat does the apache logs have to say?14:32
tarvid192.168.88.250 - - [27/Jun/2015:10:13:37 -0400] "GET /phpinfo.php HTTP/1.1" 200 241 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0"14:33
RoyKdid you restart apache?14:34
tarvidservice apache restart14:34
tarvid/var/log/php/ is empty14:35
RoyKphp doesn't log much14:36
RoyKit goes via apache where it's linked in14:36
tarvidI am about to reload, this is a test server and this installation fails14:37
tarvidit should be easy14:37
RoyKit's a bit hard to debug something on a private IP from here :P14:37
RoyKwhat happens if you 'wget -q -O - http://localhost/phpinfo.php' ?14:38
tarvidit is public fairfox.ls.net14:38
RoyKdo you get the source printed?14:38
RoyK192.168.* are private rfc1918 addresses14:38
RoyKDora:~ roy$ wget -q -O - http://fairfox.ls.net/phpinfo.php14:39
RoyK<? phpinfo(); ?>14:39
RoyKbingo - it doesn't link .php to being php and handled by the module14:39
tarvidthat is true14:40
RoyKthat should be in php5.conf14:40
RoyKhttp://paste.debian.net/261895/ <-- from my server (debian jessie)14:41
tarvidyours makes sense14:44
RoyKI just posted the first three lines - the rest isn't that relevant14:44
RoyKtry to stop and restart apache14:45
RoyKthis really should work - I've installed hundreds of servers with this (yes, really)14:45
tarvidI did comment the IFModule mod_user on the advice of web searching14:45
tarvidNot hundreds but dozens14:45
RoyKubuntu and apache isn't always easy14:47
RoyKseems small hichups happen all over14:47
* RoyK doesn't use ubuntu on servers any more - went back to debian14:48
tarvidwhich version?14:49
RoyKjessie now, but I still have some wheezy installs running14:49
RoyKtarvid: still, the problem is probably simple to fix - I've setup ubuntu with php *lots* of times14:51
tarvidme too but I think the installation is corrupt. No real harm in reloading14:51
tarvida couple of virtuals which wonj't run because PHP is not running14:52
RoyKI'd suggest debian, then14:53
RoyKubuntu development seems to me a wee bit more focused on cutting edge things and desktop than of long term stability - that also refers to LTS14:53
tarvidThe purpose of the box is to keep me from testing live\14:53
RoyKIMO - that is - don't drag me to court on that :P14:53
tewardRoyK: and after the LTS is relesaed?14:53
RoyKwhat about that? after LTS is released, three intermediate releases come and then a new LTS14:54
RoyKI just think that a lot of things I've seen in Ubuntu aren't that well tested before put into production14:54
RoyKthat happens everywhere, of course, but ubuntu seems to be worse than the others14:55
tarvidmuch to mull14:55
tarvidI ran Debian for years14:56
tarvidI got burned by Mandrake 1014:56
tarvidI just want something robust14:57
tarvidabout to try trick77's ban list14:57
tarvidIDS blow alarms all day long14:57
tarvidI backup homes daily and scrutinize the logs14:58
RoyKtarvid: what backup software_15:00
studio_i need some help with older hardware to install ubuntu on it. me and some friends own the Black Dwarf UTM from Securepoint, it is the same as Lex Uno and it is using an Via C7 500MHz (and higher). the cpu is a non pae. is it possible to install ubuntu on it?15:02
RoyKstudio_: IIRC none of the standard kernels work without PAE - perhaps try debian?15:05
RoyKstudio__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu-fake-PAE15:07
studio__@RoyK, squeeze non pae mini.iso seems to be working on my old intel "m" based notebook. my problem is with the router, i do not own the vga cable, so i am not able to change the boot device on the router. the only chance i have, is to install the new os to the compact flash card via the old notebook. the compact flash card is the first boot device in the router ...15:14
RoyKstudio__: then try that ;)15:38
studio__with that seems to be have problems to install grub on it ... it offers /sdc1 but to install grub on sdc1 is not working. what i am doing wrong?15:41
=== cripperz is now known as CripperZ
RoyKstudio__: install grub on /dev/sdc, not /dev/sdc116:08
RoyKstudio__: and don't try to do anything about /sdc* :P16:08
studio__installing a server without eyes is really difficult, that's new to me ...16:08
RoyKperhaps a serial consle would work?16:08
studio__RoyK, i made a new boot up from the usb stick i think, now it is working ...16:09
studio__serial console i can test after the installation on the compact flash card, after i put back the cf-card into the router ...16:10
studio__RoyK, the device i am using ist the old version from ebay art.-nr # 191612109080. my device a a little bit older ...16:31
studio__hmm, ttyUSB0 is not working anymore ,,, :(16:57
studio__ok, i gave up for today ... maybe tomorrow ... have a nice day. bye!17:05
=== Vodka_Gobalsky is now known as SL89
mandrivaalGreetings, anyone here use inotify-tools package on your ubuntu-server?20:42
mandrivaalAnother question, my server internal ip address has been setup as static in the /etc/network/interfaces file. we have 20+ computers on our network. we recently experienced a power outtage and upon powering back up my file server was issued a dynamic ip. overridding my interfaces config setting. how is that possible?20:48
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away

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