
nkf1how easy/hard is it to install Ubuntu Touch on an android version of the Aquaris E5?03:09
nkf1(same goes for the android Meizu MX4)03:12
tathhuE5, dunno, but alteast you can use "ubuntu-device-flash" with e4.503:26
tathhuI don't have bq nor meizu do i have no idea :(03:27
tathhuAFAIK Meizus bootloader is locked03:30
nkf1ange86-167.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Quit: Ubuntu 12.04]03:35
nkf120:18 -!- kostkon [~kostkon@host86-167-237-21.range86-167.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu-touch03:35
nkf120:22 -!- lotuspsychje [~lotuspsyc@ip-83-134-255-238.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #ubuntu-touch03:35
nkf120:26 < tathhu> E5, dunno, but alteast you can use "ubuntu-device-flash" with e4.503:35
nkf1accidental copy/paste03:36
nkf1anyway, thanks tathhu03:36
green_hello, is there anybody here ?06:13
green_I face problems with the mms reception on Aquaris E5 ubuntu06:14
green_no mms reception, but I can sent it06:14
tathhuCheck your apn settings07:00
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SturmFlutDoes the battery settings screen work correctly? Because krillin tries to tell me that it consumed just four percent points of its battery capacity after 34 hours of standby, with all radios off08:11
SturmFlutgeokjones: o/08:12
geokjonesflashing touch as we speak08:12
geokjonesfigured i'd set in here for when my phone inevitably blows up08:12
SturmFlutwhich device?08:12
geokjonesnexus 508:13
SturmFlutI don't think it will blow up08:13
SturmFlutAt least not immediately08:13
geokjonesnot immediately is better than immediately.08:13
geokjonesi've already had to change the charging port once on this thing08:15
SturmFlutThe device is not officially supported though08:15
geokjoneswho needs support08:15
geokjonesi was using firefox os for a bit.08:15
geokjonesand then i stopped.08:16
* DanChapman wonders if dekko will hit 5000 users today08:16
geokjoneswhat is this dekko you speak of08:17
DanChapmanit's an email client08:17
geokjonesoh ho ho08:18
geokjoneshow i love email clients.08:18
svijit's *the* email client - for ubuntu phone. :P08:18
svijgood work, btw DanChapman :)08:18
DanChapmanWell there are those web app thingy's08:18
DanChapmansvij: thanks :-)08:19
SturmFlutogra_: Ping (I know you're there, it would be a day to remember if you weren't)08:22
DanChapmanhah! just say "snappy"08:23
svijDanChapman: nope, "snappy sucks" might be the better option08:23
* svij runs.08:23
SturmFlutsvij: You can't hide, he has Snappy Skynet08:23
geokjonesit says hi.08:23
svijSturmFlut: damn08:23
SturmFlutsvij: I am waiting for the Snappy Drones every day, but I am a celebrity, he can't just take me away08:24
geokjonesflashing finished08:25
geokjonesif nothing else it's pretty08:25
svijSturmFlut: :D08:25
geokjonessearched dekko in ubuntu store08:29
geokjonesfeel like i've seen the developer's name somewhere.08:29
geokjonescan't put my finger on it though08:29
geokjonesapparantly it does not approve of my email or password08:33
DanChapmanis it gmail?08:33
DanChapmangmail is a PITA with this. Until dekko is fully working with online accounts this will always be an issue. I still need to add a helpful message there.08:35
geokjonesa message would have helped, because i had no idea what was wrong.08:36
DanChapmanit's on the list :-)08:36
geokjonesbut i'm not a developer or anything, i just like to mess around with stuff.08:36
geokjonesi only just a few days ago ditched windows for ubuntu on my laptop08:36
geokjonesthis client is quite pretty though08:37
geokjonesi dig the today/yesterday grouping08:37
geokjonesdo you have any other apps at all08:39
nhainesDanChapman: right now my favorite "I've had 7 hours of sleep in three days sure I'll do a live Internet interview" moment was when I was asked at SCALE if Ubuntu phones had an email client.08:39
nhainesAnd I said yes, it was based on Trello.08:39
DanChapmanI have a semi working IRC client I am still to finish.08:39
nhainesIn other news I hate the new icon and love the actual client.  :)08:40
geokjonesnow -that- is something i'm totally interested in.08:40
DonkeyHoteiDanChapman: how?08:40
DanChapmannhaines: hah "based on Trello". That's superb!08:40
mcphailSturmFlut: saw yourr blog post. How dare you say there's no native Syncthing client! :)08:41
mcphail(it may be ugly, but it does work and it is native)08:42
SturmFlutmcphail: Does it work in the background, when confined?08:42
mcphailSturmFlut: yep08:42
DanChapmannhaines: A few people have mentioned about the icon now. It was given to us by the canonical icon guy. IMO it doesn't stand out like it used to, but I still quite like it08:42
SturmFlutmcphail: What? How did you do that?08:43
nhainesDanChapman: it just looks depressingly generic.  More importantly, it feels like it doesn't quite fit into the Ubuntu squircle shape.08:43
mcphailSturmFlut: by exploiting a bug. Expect it to stop working at some point08:43
SturmFlutmcphail: Hahaha08:43
SturmFlutmcphail: I knew it08:43
DanChapmanDonkeyHotei: "how?" ??08:43
DonkeyHotei[Sat 2015-06-27 01:39:51 AM PDT] <DanChapman> I have a semi working IRC client I am still to finish.08:43
nhainesDanChapman: the new icons in wily are quite striking.  I have to check again but I didn't get the impression that the new Dekko one matched.  :)08:43
mcphailSturmFlut: if you don't create a GUI, your app can run forever08:44
SturmFlutmcphail: Nice one08:45
DanChapmanDonkeyHotei: By writing some code :-)08:45
nhainesGood ol' fashioned elbow grease!  :)08:45
DonkeyHoteibut apps can't run in the background08:46
nhainesWell not with that attitude they can't.08:46
DanChapmannp but znc runs on a server ;)08:46
DonkeyHoteiso it requires znc?08:47
DanChapmanIt doesn't have to and works without, but if you want to get the backlog when you open the app then yeah08:48
DonkeyHoteiso it just disconnects when you bring something else to the front?08:49
DanChapmanyep same as any other app08:49
DonkeyHoteii had better on j2me08:51
nhainesNobody who ever had to deal with j2me would say something like that.08:52
nhainessvij: the less said, the better.  :)08:54
svijoh, right.08:55
* svij checked google results.08:55
SturmFlutJ2ME was about as cool back then as HTML5 is today08:57
geokjonesit -appears- to work well09:13
geokjonesalthough my research has lead me to believe that battery life is abysmal09:13
tathhuNexus 7 didn't woke up from deep sleep :(09:14
geokjonesi'm using a 509:14
tathhuI know09:15
geokjonesof course you do.09:15
geokjonesyou're a wizard, harry.09:15
tathhuBattery  % ~6009:16
tathhuWhat is this :( pls don't do this again09:16
tathhuOh, my tablet isn't here.09:16
atyahi all10:26
atyaif I have some UX ideas about the core touch apps, is it correct to create some feature-request bugs in launchpad for the app?10:27
atyaor there is any way to discuss feature requests?10:28
atyaI am a Qt programmer, so I can help, if somebody tell me, how can I do it10:28
atyaif I create a patch, there is some way to merge it to head?10:29
atyais anybody here?10:29
tathhuYes, but maybe someone who knows answer for you isn't :P10:30
popeyhi atya10:32
popeythis place is busier during the week.10:32
popeyatya: anything specific? I can help point you in the right direction10:32
atyaI have created a bug, the link: https://bugs.launchpad.net/dialer-app/+bug/146938210:33
ubot5Launchpad bug 1469382 in dialer-app "[feature-req] App needs some UX optimalization" [Undecided,New]10:33
atyapopey:  the dialer app is suboptimal10:33
atyapopey:  I wait for a real Linux based phone for years, I love the Touch, but I want to improve it, actually I have to10:34
atyapopey:  it is a little bit silly somewhere10:34
* popey looks10:35
popeylet me see if I can confirm it10:35
atyathis is primary a phone, isn't it?10:36
popeywhen you say "primary target number" what do you mean?10:37
popeySomeone you dial frequently10:37
atyayes, the number, what I call many times a day10:38
popeyok, so there's two ways you can do that faster..10:38
popey1) In the today scope, scroll up and your most recent contacts are there, tap one, tap call.10:38
popey2) in the dialer app, swipe up from the bottom to find recent calls, swipe up, tap one, call10:38
popeymuch faster than searching through contacts10:38
atyaok, I have two comments:10:39
brobostigonquestion, does QI charging on the nexus 4 work?10:40
atyaI am a new phone user (I have it for 2days), it seemed the easiest way to call my primary contact, so it has to improve the way10:41
atya2nd: today scope is slow and cpu hungry, so I switch it off10:41
atyaI know, slow becase of my network connection, but I needn't it. I would like to call some people, if I want to know about the weather or news, I will start my browser10:42
atyaI know, I am old school10:42
nhainesatya: you could also just turn off weather or news in the Today scope.10:43
atyaBut who is the target of Touch? I think the old school guys, primarily10:43
atyanhaines:  I will try10:43
nhainesatya: the target of Ubuntu is an average consumer.10:43
atyanhaines:  I try to find the best ways to use my new phone, so my experiences are some users first impressions10:44
atyaI think this is very valuable about UX perspective10:44
atyaIf there is any platform, where I can communicate it to core developers10:45
atyanhaines:  average consumer will buy Android, sorry10:45
popeymaybe today10:46
popeyit's early days10:46
atyaIMO the big deal about Touch is the convergence10:46
atyapopey:  I agree10:46
atyapopey:  but it have to be confortable to get users10:46
nhaines"old school" users will surely be able to abuse and manipulate an Ubuntu phone to do anything they want, in the usual Linux tradition.10:47
atyamuch confortable than now10:47
nhainesBut that's more of an argument to ignore them in the design consideration, in my opinion.10:47
atyanhaines:  I don't want an old school phone with shell scripts to call a number :D I need a cool, neat phone with convergence features10:48
nhainesI love the Ubuntu interface, but I've only been using Linux for 19 years, so maybe I'm too new.10:49
nhainesNo wait, it's been 21 years.  Where did the time go?10:49
atyaI use it fo20 years :D10:49
* nhaines is just happy you can eject a floppy disk without unmounting it without the kernel panicking.10:49
atya:D yeah10:50
popeyatya: you know we only shipped our first phone a couple of months back10:50
popeyremember android first release?10:50
nhainespopey: best only 30 apps in the store ever.  But the T-Mobile G1 came with Pac-Man, so I had that going for me, which was nice.10:51
atyayea, it will much suxer than Touch today, I know10:51
egon1what kind of browser is in ubuntutouch included? firefox?10:51
nhainesegon1: Ubuntu Browser.10:51
egon1so is it impossibe to use whatsappweb?10:52
popeynot impossible10:52
popeybut impractical10:52
popeybecause you'd also need an android or ios device nearby and on10:52
egon1and pidgin-whatsapp?10:52
popeydunno if that's been ported10:52
atyaok, I will try to config the today scope, and I will see, what will the answer for my feature request.10:52
nhainesIt hasn't.10:52
atyaI have to work10:53
atyathank and bye10:53
egon1popey: its possible to inatlling pidgin-whatsapp?10:53
brobostigondoes telepathy, which is already there have a whatsapp extension?10:53
egon1ah sorry10:55
SturmFlutInteresting, the Firefox Marketplace seems to be able to restrict apps to countries and mobile country codes. So you can e.g. limit an app to T-Mobile USA.11:03
geokjonesanyone touch savy around here11:03
geokjonesi have an important question.11:03
SturmFlutbrobostigon: No, and it most likely never will. Building a Telepathy plugin for WhatsApp is the exact opposite of WhatsApp's/Facebook's strategy.11:03
geokjonesis there some command i can give it to make this thing louder/11:04
SturmFlutegon1: pidgin-whatsapp is also no solution, WhatsApp will forever try to ban you for using it11:05
SturmFlutgeokjones: Which thing exactly?11:06
brobostigonSturmFlut: good point.11:07
egon1mhm i use bq aquaris4,5 ubuntu  but only sometimes is importand to view in whatsapp-goup11:09
egon1and i dont have android-devices11:09
geokjonesSturmFlut, i have ubuntu flashed onto my nexus 5, but the notification sounds are too quiet.11:11
geokjonesthere a way to make them louder through some wizardry11:11
tathhuVolume rocker?11:11
geokjonesyou got jokes11:11
tathhuSorry :(11:12
geokjonesit's fine.11:12
tathhuI'm not having such problem on N7 :D11:12
geokjonesi'll probably just reflash android11:12
SturmFlutgeokjones: Ah, those things. Usually they should be loud enough on the highest volume setting, but if not, the backend is pulseaudio, and AFAIK it can set the volume above 100%11:12
SturmFlutBut I don't think that's a good idea, you might destroy the speakers11:13
tathhuI guess my earlier no-wake-up-from-deep-sleep is problem on n711:13
tathhuOr i'm binging wrong :(11:13
SturmFlutegon1: How do you normally use WhatsApp, without an Android device?11:13
brunch875I've never been as extreme for freedom as Mr. Stallman, but whatsapp and  facebook make me sympatize with him11:17
brunch875These kind of issues woudln't happen if it wasn't for their policies11:17
brunch875if it was for me, I'd never integrate whatsapp with utouch11:18
* brobostigon is still happy though, xmpp chat.facebook.com is still working.11:18
brunch875is it? It doesn't work for me...11:18
brobostigonit works here in bitlbee.11:19
tathhuWorks for me too (on Jolla thought)11:19
BOHverkillam I the only one who have the e4.5 reboot problem?11:20
* brobostigon really needs to save up to buy one of those jolla phones.11:20
tathhubrobostigon: :P11:20
brobostigonpebble support, :)11:20
brobostigonit does.11:21
tathhujust for pebble?11:21
tathhui know11:21
SturmFlut25 Firefox OS apps with most ratings: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11783122/12:08
SturmFlutLINE, two WhatsApp clients and an instant messenger at the top12:09
SturmFlutOpenWapp and ConnectA2 probably because they often don't work12:09
SturmFlutBut it's interesting to see LINE here, if it actually works on FF OS, there is hope for an Ubuntu port12:15
brobostigonffos has the same disadvantage as ubuntu touch for the moment, which exists in sailfish, no real IM client(like pidgin/ empathy etc), that can notify of new messages.12:36
popeySturmFlut: seen the top 25 tizen apps?12:42
popeySturmFlut: http://imgur.com/82IvXGO12:43
popeythats May 201512:43
gihelany web app for xmpp/jabber ?12:43
SturmFlutpopey: Okay, not many additions to my list, just WhatsApp, Opera and the rest is random games12:44
SturmFlutpopey: Correct me if I'm wrong, but the plan for Ubuntu is to use Telepathy as a common backend for everything message-related, right?12:45
popeySturmFlut: i believe so13:23
SturmFlutpopey: Hm, then I hope we can get all those existing Telepathy plugins working soon.13:24
brobostigonwhich eventually will close bug 124721613:41
ubot5bug 1247216 in messaging-app (Ubuntu) "Support for XMPP" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124721613:41
INdekCan anyone tell me if the ubuntu phone keyboard has support for the swipe thing(i dont know the name, simlar to swiftkey and swype)?13:52
popeyINdek: not yet14:01
popeyINdek: i believe there is work going in that area14:02
brobostigongone through all the bugs/wishlist on my list, and they all were already filed,14:02
INdekpopey i only need that and a ebook reader on my phone, and i should be replacing mine in ~6 / 12 months14:05
popeybrobostigon: that's good I guess :)14:05
popeyINdek: we have an ebook reader14:05
popeyso that's good14:05
brobostigonpopey: i would agree, yes, :)14:05
brobostigonthe wishlist i mentioned above, was high on the list.14:07
brobostigonpopey: under which section does the gmail notification come under?14:09
brobostigondo the*14:09
popeythat's under webapps-core IMO14:10
popeyyou're taking the webapp gmail notifications, right? not dekko?14:10
DanChapmanwouldn't it be accounts-polld? that does all webapp notifications IIRC14:13
popeyDanChapman: knows more than me, clearly :)14:15
brobostigonok, where would i find bugs related to accounts-polld then?14:16
* popey looks at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Avengers14:17
* popey waits for wiki 14:17
brobostigonty, :)14:18
brobostigonok, i have a new bug i need to file in there then.14:20
SturmFlutmzanetti: Ping15:25
qkzoo1978Is UT stable on a Nexus 7 now?  I haven't tried it yet, but am willing to give it a go if it's at least mostly stable.16:08
qkzoo1978I wanted to play around with Ubuntu Touch, see if I want to develop for it, is it stable enough to use on a Nexus 7, 2013?16:23
anpokqkzoo1978: yes16:59
anpoknexus7 is pretty well supported.. as you an see in the various youtube videos..17:00
qkzoo1978I've read a few articles, but I think they were old, so I wasn't sure if anything had changed recently or not.17:26
buntyhi guys, is there any other ubuntu system for nexus 7 except ubuntu touch?18:23
buntyand how to install it?18:23
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bunty_is there any other ubuntu system for nexus 7 except ubuntu touch?18:28
bunty_ and how to install it?18:28
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matv1anyone here using recent a wily image on a bq?21:09
matv1a while back I talked with some canonical dev about adding to notification bubble and notification menu messages to which sim an incoming call/sms mms was made.21:10
matv1I think there was talk of doing that in a recnt sprint21:10
matv1I want to check if that landed in any image yet.21:10
matv1can anyone confirm/deny?21:13
matv1hmm weird, I don't even see a bug/fr in launchpad?21:24
doflahertyis the devel channel broken?  I'm getting daily updates to it and they are incredibly buggy... it feels more like I'm on devel-proposed21:31
matv1doflaherty  I am running devel-proposed on mako and stable on the BQ and neither of those are behaving badly. What is it you are seeing?21:47
doflahertyon mako, I can't send text messages or make phone calls unless I'm connect to wifi21:49
doflahertyand I just got a text message from one person, but it showed up in another person's thread in the messaging app21:49
doflahertysystem-image-cli says I'm running devel-proposed, but I'm not sure how that happened21:50
matv1hmm thats bad. but I cant' t confirm deny as I am not using a sim in my mako.21:51
doflahertyit seems to be an issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ofono/+bug/146764021:51
ubot5Launchpad bug 1467640 in ofono (Ubuntu) "No mobile data connection for mako on wily" [High,Confirmed]21:51
doflahertyI just thought I was on a more stable channel21:51
matv1system-image-cli --info should be correct so you are on devel proposed. what is the image nbr displayed?21:54
matv1thats the latest21:55
matv1I suppose you should " me too" that bug :)21:55
doflahertyflashed back to stable and the network works again22:08

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