
MonkeyDustzeeshan-laptop  try with ln or ln -s00:05
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daveinflaGood evening all00:11
daveinflaI'm migrating from a Windows based media server to one running on ubuntu. I want to force all transmission traffic over openvpn, when the vpn drops I want transmission to stop. It would be a bonus to be alerted when the vpn drops too. Can anyone direct me to a straight forward step by step reference?00:12
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daveinflaanyone home?00:17
Bashing-omhypernova: How are you coming along ?00:38
hypernovai need my own flashdrive...00:40
Bashing-omhypernova: :( . Flash drives are plentiful and cheap, here in the States. Grab a new one fairly quick here .00:42
HackerIIeven for a quickie, you could use an sd card in a pinch00:43
zorlachello all00:46
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hypernovai have one00:51
hypernovait has important stuff00:51
hypernovaand theres no room on my second computer to back it up...00:51
hypernovaso stupid00:52
hypernovamy mom won't share her sd card...00:52
hypernovais there any way to mount a iso on a flash drive with out wiping the data00:52
hypernovamabye i can compress the files on my flashdrive00:53
hypernovaand copy them to the desktop00:53
hypernovathen wipe it00:53
hypernovathen put them back there when im done...00:53
Bashing-omhypernova: IF you can boot to grub presently, there ia another path to get us something we can boot .00:54
hypernovayes i have grub00:54
hypernovaand network00:54
hypernovagnu grub version 2.0200:55
Bashing-omhypernova: Have a read and consider : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot .00:55
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HarrySacksDoes Canonical spy on what you do on your computer when you use ubuntu?00:56
HackerIIget a life00:56
HarrySacksHackerII, and you need to repent or you will go to eternal torment00:57
HackerIIyoull pass me on the way00:57
HarrySacksBecause I called and you refused,00:57
HarrySacksI stretched out my hand and no one paid attention;00:57
HarrySacksAnd you neglected all my counsel00:57
HarrySacksAnd did not want my reproof;00:57
hypernovaBashing-om, im not sure how that would work walk me through?00:58
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hypernovai just need to compress 12 gb of files into less then 600:58
hypernovaand then i have enough room on my computer to back up my flash drive contents00:58
hypernovathen i can just wipe my flash drive and use it...00:59
Bashing-omhypernova: Nevermind, I can not come up with a means (non ubuntu) to copy the .iso to the install . We would have to have the .iso file present in the install .01:01
hypernovai have a idea01:01
hypernovai need to figure out how to compress the data on my flashdrive to store it01:02
hypernovaon my comp01:02
hypernovamy other comp is amlost out of room01:02
hypernovafrom backing up stuff01:02
hypernovai will compress the data on my flash drive01:02
hypernovathen mount the iso01:02
hypernovathen boot ubuntu01:02
hypernovathen put my important files back on the flash drive and un compress them01:02
hypernovaproblem sloved01:02
Bashing-omhypernova: Humm .. If it is your thought to boot the .iso from the thumb drive, do not think grub has the ability to see an external device . BUT, we can try .01:07
hypernovano no01:08
hypernovaim just going to instal ubunto on a second hardrive01:08
hypernovaand then pull data from my shot one01:08
hypernovaif i can01:08
hypernovabecuase it might just be freid01:08
rockstar_I am trying to installing Ubuntu in Aus EEE PC, which currently has Windows 7. Booting laptop goes directly to Windows 7, any suggestion?01:08
hypernovaits from when i was 1001:08
hypernovachange your boot order01:08
hypernovain the bios01:08
hypernovato boot ubunto first  ;P01:09
hypernovaright bashing om?01:09
michael_phehhe made another panel a filed it with ircns01:09
rockstar_hypernova: haven't installed Ubuntu yet, but bootable usb stick is ready. I couldn't seem to get the boot option, when I tab Esc when restarting the laptop01:10
michael_prunning xbuntu01:11
Bashing-omhypernova: Anyway you can come up with to boot up a 'buntu is good .01:11
hypernovaohh ok rockstar_01:12
hypernovajust hit f12 or f201:12
hypernovawhen you power on your bios01:12
hypernovait will say a button to change boot order or enter bios settings01:12
hypernovaplug your usb in01:12
hypernovawhen computers turned off and boot it up01:12
hypernovathen enter bios01:13
hypernovachange bot order to boot from flashdrive before harddrives01:13
hypernovathen you can set it up01:13
rockstar_hypernova: yup, I looked up its bios (F9) and boot menu(Esc) shortcuts. But Esc is directly taking me to windows startup.01:13
hypernovait should not01:13
hypernovatry your bios01:14
hypernovayou have to get to the bios menu01:14
hypernovato change your boot oder01:14
hypernovawhats your laptop model?01:14
rockstar_hypernova: Asus EEE PC01:14
rockstar_hypernova: I was following this forum thread, where elliott678 gives shortcut info - http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/asus-eee-pc-netbook-booting-from-a-usb-stick-870921/01:15
hypernovacan i google this for you?01:15
rockstar_hypernova: thanks, I will give this a try :)01:17
manuel4AES-cryptography struck installing procedure alleging "logical driver already in USE", should I cryptograph by livecd-installer in AES, after already using my new distro?01:17
hypernovayes good luck01:17
hypernovaseems my mouse is dying also...01:18
hypernovamy cord seems to giving out01:18
hypernovaim not having a good week..01:18
azizLIGHThow much ram should i need for livecd testing in a vm?01:20
rockstar_hypernova: time to get treat yourself with new ones ;)01:20
hypernovaim poor.01:20
hypernova17 yrears old01:20
hypernovai have legit built my computer from salvaged broken comps01:21
hypernovaand 20 yr old parts01:21
hypernovai just upgraded my computer from a cardboard box today01:21
hypernovato a wooden box01:21
hypernovamy mouse is from 2010 about01:21
hypernovasomeone gave it to me for helping then01:21
hypernovamy keyboard is anchenet01:22
stevendalehypernova: Please move on to #ubuntu-offtopic01:22
hypernovasorry ;P01:22
hypernovarockstar anyways i will get a new mouse someday01:22
rockstar_hypernova: thanks, you are young and wise haha. And if things goes fine you will be rich too.01:23
hypernovayes mabye did you get your computer to boot?01:24
rockstar_hypernova: by the way, that solution was perfect. Never realized there was boot priority inside hard disk drives in Boot menu.01:24
hypernovayes there is01:24
hypernovaim glad it worked for you ;P01:25
rockstar_hypernova: this laptop was my sister's. So I was completely unfamiliar with its BIOS haha01:25
hypernovayes ok.01:25
hypernovaseems google is quite fimlar with it01:25
edistoi'm looking to install a gedit plugin for  glsl but I when I cd /usr/lib/gedit/plugins or ~/.local/share/gedit/plugins it doesnt exist to add the plugin01:28
edistowhere exactly is the gedit folder located?01:29
hypernovain .local?01:31
hypernovait might not exsit at all you might have to create it01:32
OerHeksedisto, see answer http://askubuntu.com/questions/146999/finding-the-gedit-plugin-folder if that folder pugins does not exist, make it01:33
hypernovayes make it ;P01:35
edistoahh thanks much =D01:36
michael_pone way you can install is apt-get install (name)01:41
vibewillAnyone know a version of Wine that runs josgos online that use DirectX with greater perfection01:47
cfhowlett!wine | vibewill01:48
ubottuvibewill: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu01:48
seddhell world i new here01:48
vibewillCorrect want to run a game01:52
vibewillperfect world01:52
vibewillno more running this wine01:52
vibewillI wanted a wine version for the wheel01:53
cfhowlettvibewill, as DirectX is a WINDOWS program, you need either or wine or *possibly* a VM solution.01:53
vibewillcfhowlett I tendando runs on most wine without success headache01:59
cfhowlettvibewill, see the wine resources for support and don't forget: wine is an EMUALATOR.  running programs on an emulator rarely gives full performance.02:00
netameta_anyone familiar with quassel, if so how can i export/import user profile(all of channels and configs)02:03
hypernovaprobbly just copy the data where its stored...02:04
hypernovaive never used it but its most likly just a buch of files you could copy02:04
netameta_cant find those files02:06
azizLIGHTim testing ubuntu 15.04 via vmware workstation 11 on ubuntu 14.04 x64 and in the livecd i cant get it to change the tiny resolution at all from the display settings02:12
azizLIGHTim stuck in 800x60002:13
SCHAAP137install the vmware tools, azizLIGHT02:15
azizLIGHTim trying02:15
SCHAAP137you could ask in #vmware for support installing the tools02:15
SCHAAP137i think it's just sudo ./vmware-tools-install.pl, from the disk, azizLIGHT02:16
SCHAAP137or something similar02:16
azizLIGHTyep i found it, it was in their tar02:17
SCHAAP137i think you need to have the kernel headers installed, to build some of those vmware modules02:18
SCHAAP137azizLIGHT, if the tools install fails, use this command to install the necessary files: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)02:18
azizLIGHTnow i got a question02:19
azizLIGHTi did the vmware tools install, but it wants me to logout login. i was going to press ctrl-alt-backspace... but it got me thinking: will this be sent to the guest os, or will the host takeover this key shortcut and kill X in the host02:20
SCHAAP137no idea02:20
SCHAAP137that's a vmware question02:20
azizLIGHThmm because ive done it before and host took it over02:20
azizLIGHTthat was unpleasant02:20
SCHAAP137vmware uses ctrl alt as the default host keys i think... virtualbox uses right ctrl02:21
SCHAAP137so it makes sense that before you even press backspace, the host takes over02:21
azizLIGHTohhh you are correct02:21
azizLIGHTit worked :)02:22
azizLIGHTi got 1900x1200 but no 1900x1080 :/02:23
azizLIGHTas options in the display02:23
azizLIGHTSCHAAP137: i misspoke. i dont mean to say ctrl-alt-backspace worked02:24
azizLIGHTSCHAAP137: i just ran /usr/bin/vmware-user manually. they give you 3 ways to start. run that program manually, logout/login, or restart X02:24
SCHAAP137i'd just restart the vm02:25
azizLIGHTwell its a livecd02:26
azizLIGHTrestarting it wouldnt help02:26
SCHAAP137hmm, installing the tools on a livecd is a bit useless in that sense :P02:26
azizLIGHThehe yea02:26
hypernovamy comps still broken02:29
musclezme too hyper02:35
Bashing-omhypernova: I got nother thought . Maybe we can boot this sucker from grub, if we tell grub abd the kernel where their files are (??) We can try .02:35
hypernovatrying to compress all the files on my moms comp02:35
hypernovato free up 12 gb of space...02:35
hypernovaneed room to put ubunto on the flashdrive02:36
hypernovaim compresssing right now02:36
hypernovamabye it will work02:36
Bashing-omhypernova: K .02:37
hypernovais there anyway to mount a iso to a flashdrive02:37
hypernovawithout losing whats already on it?02:37
hypernovacan i create a second partion to boot off of or something??02:37
Bashing-omhypernova: Never done it, can not say .02:38
hypernovame neither...02:38
supercom32For ubuntu 15.04, I noted that when I do a large network file transfer (ie. via sftp), my machine will lock up every 5 seconds or so for about a second, then resume again. Does anyone know what's going on?02:41
sibaarhello All!02:47
sibaarI have my /home partition backed up. How can I back up my root partition (which has all of the programs and packages installed)?02:47
hypernovayour home partition has your programs...02:49
hypernovaask Bashing-om or SCHAAP137 how to propreply back up02:50
hypernovabacking up the whole root drictory is nto the bst approch02:50
legendI have a file on hard disk about 6.2 GB size. I think the location on hard disk where it is stored has some bad sectors. So i can't copy that file using default file manager. Any way so i can copy that in terminal ignoring errors?02:52
otircHi guys, is it normal to have a guest-... in /etc/passwd02:52
Bashing-omhypernova: Just backing up your /home is the big piece . Only you know what default configs you have changed . All system files are on the (re-)install .02:56
Bashing-om!testdisk | legend02:57
Bashing-omlegend: See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery .02:58
circ-user-BZ2FAQuick question. Just picked up a ChromeBook and am overall pleased. However I picked it up with the intentions of installing Linux while keeping ChromeOS. Has anyone here tried this? If so what do you think? Worth installing Linux?03:03
circ-user-BZ2FAMy main reason for wanting to install Linux is for development purposes. I'm not sold on web-based IDE's and such.03:04
mahoonamactually i just purchased a toshiba tecra and i am ready to install linux too...which version?03:05
ubskeurI reported a bug in timidity yesterday, and have now noticed a similar issue in audacity when playing mp3 files03:08
yeanAlguien que hable espaƱol?03:08
ubskeurie no playback, garbled noise03:08
ubskeuryean, I don't know spanish?03:08
ubskeursince the issue effects both timidity and audacity I'm not sure either are to blame03:10
hogslammeraww man tj left03:11
hogslammerim trying to figure out why my ubuntu fresh install is not booting unless i use recovery mode03:11
netameta_ anyone knows how can i export user profile for quassel ? or how do i search a folder in ubunut ?03:12
mahoonamcould i tether ??03:15
ubskeurnetameta_, there is a search button in top right of file browser03:15
ryanpriorI have six apport-check-resume failure "Report system error..." messages that come up every time I boot my computer. I don't care. How can I get rid of them?03:15
ryanpriorI've used Ubuntu for about 9 years now and I always start out with no "Report system error" messages when I install, but they keep piling up and there's more and more until I eventually reinstall the system when I do an upgrade. I've never learned how to just get rid of these errors. Does anybody else have the same experience? Does anybody know how to stop the windows from popping up?03:21
ryanpriorI don't actually care about getting rid of the error. It's reported in Launchpad and I trust it'll be fixed in a future patch. I just want to get rid of the popup.03:22
ubskeurryanprior, out of curiosity which error?03:22
ryanpriorubskeur: apport-check-resume failed03:23
ubskeurALSA lib pcm.c:7843:(snd_pcm_recover) underrun occurred03:24
UNNGHpc atw03:25
lotuspsychjeUNNGH: can we help you?03:26
legendThank you03:27
ryanpriortar xcf03:27
hogslammerdo i have to reinstall if i switched bios from ahci mode to ide mode?03:29
lotuspsychjehogslammer: yes, for an ssd03:29
hogslammerok im in now but only recovery mode works to get in03:29
ubskeurI am slightly annoyed at this bug that has been in the bug tracker for 2 years suddenly affecting me in 15.0403:29
lotuspsychjehogslammer: what kind of drive did you change?03:29
lotuspsychjehogslammer: then you need set to AHCI right03:30
lotuspsychjenot IDE03:30
hogslammerubuntu dont like raid, ahci but ok better with ide, just still need to recovery, then resume. no changes..03:30
hogslammerno it hates ahci03:30
hogslammerand hates raid 003:30
hogslammerim forced to use ide03:30
lotuspsychjehogslammer: if you plugged in ssd, you need ahci, not ide03:30
hogslammerbut still suffering from boot issues03:31
legendThe file i recovered from Hard disk having bad sectors is a rar file. Some files in it seem to be missing. Can i recover rar file contents in ubuntu?03:31
hogslammerlotus, ive already been there done that with ahci fresh install, its not working right03:31
lotuspsychje!info testdisk | legend sudo photorec after03:31
ubottulegend sudo photorec after: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool, and PhotoRec file recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.14-3build2 (vivid), package size 343 kB, installed size 1382 kB03:31
lotuspsychjehogslammer: wich ubuntu version?03:31
hogslammeri was told that my ssd is wonky on powerup so it needs ide mode.03:31
hogslammerlatest greatest 15.0403:32
lotuspsychjehogslammer: try 14.04.2 for stable + ahci03:32
hogslammerits intel x25-e is why03:32
hogslammerahci is broken for my ssd specifically03:32
hogslammernobody has x25-e drives because they are 500 bucks a pop03:32
hogslammerthus nobody wants to make it work with linux.03:33
lotuspsychjehogslammer: howso broken?03:33
hogslammerif you know TJ that comes in here will give you some insight to why it dont work.03:33
netameta_Anyone familir with quassel ? is there a way to export/import user profile ?03:35
hogslammerits got to do with the power output in the intel firmware, and my motherboard intel chipset that is causing a nonresponding error -1603:35
edistoi dragged a .lang file to my lanugage-specs folder but it is not showing up on my gedit  highlight mode.... what am I missing?03:36
hogslammerim going to reinstall in ide mode now03:36
lotuspsychjehogslammer: ok gl03:36
hogslammerty for assistance lotus03:36
=== yanivkalfa is now known as netameta
lotuspsychjehogslammer: did you try bios upgrade?03:37
hogslammeralready latest03:37
hogslammerlooking for a reinstall app for ubuntu, possibly i can reinstall inplace03:38
u111a   /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER u111a qvugpkvaltjy03:38
hogslammerother than that i just got a live cd which sucks, and a netinstall cd.03:38
hogslammerim afraid the reinstall might bork my windows install on the other identical 32gig ssd.03:38
hogslammerits hard to tell both apart03:38
lotuspsychjeu111a: better change your password now03:38
hogslammerif this dont fix linux ill have to just deal with having to go into recovery mode, then hit resume and should bypass the issues with ssd drives.03:39
lotuspsychjehogslammer: did you check firmware upgrades for ssd?03:41
hogslammeryup all updated firmware for both ssd03:41
lotuspsychjehogslammer: ask in ##hardware for a workaround perhaps03:42
IrfanAlamHow to solve Server Error: UID MOVE: Mailbox doesn't exist: Trash03:47
IrfanAlamanyone here ?03:52
lotuspsychje!patience | IrfanAlam03:53
ubottuIrfanAlam: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/03:53
lotuspsychjeIrfanAlam: maybe start from the beginning: what are you trying to do?03:53
IrfanAlamHow to solve..... Server Error: UID MOVE: Mailbox doesn't exist: Trash03:54
edistoanyone know anything about gedit and .lang files?03:54
lotuspsychjeIrfanAlam: we cant smell, with wich package your playing, wich ubuntu version you have03:54
lotuspsychje!details | IrfanAlam03:54
ubottuIrfanAlam: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)03:54
edistono eh?03:55
lotuspsychjeedisto: whats your real question?03:55
IrfanAlamlotuspsychje : ubottu : While deleting email I am getting this error. I am using Ubuntu 14.04 and roundcube....03:55
lotuspsychjeIrfanAlam: have you tryed the #roundcube channel?03:56
edistoi put glsl.lang into the langspec folder but it is not showing on my highlight list in gedit03:56
edistowhat is the deal?03:56
=== JeDa_ is now known as JeDa
lotuspsychjeedisto: maybe this can help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=115056903:58
lotuspsychjeedisto: or here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/gedit03:59
Finetundrahey folks, is there a way to set a button to black out the screen?03:59
lotuspsychjeFinetundra: whats your purpose exactly?04:01
IrfanAlamlotuspsychje : ???04:01
IrfanAlamUbottu : ??04:02
lotuspsychje!patience | IrfanAlam04:02
ubottuIrfanAlam: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/04:02
lotuspsychjeIrfanAlam: ask again on another time, better luck perhaps04:02
Finetundralotuspsychje: to toggle on/off the screen it's a laptop monitor04:02
lotuspsychjeFinetundra: normally you can use the Fn keys + screen04:03
edistolotuspsychje: ahhh thanks I am getting a parsing error04:03
lotuspsychjeFinetundra: but maybe there's an ubuntu indicator for shutting off screen?04:03
Finetundrathere's no key for that. it was(for the original windows install) set to a off keyboard button04:04
lotuspsychjeFinetundra: http://askubuntu.com/questions/398059/anyway-to-make-hotkey-to-turn-screen-off04:05
PhveektorI think it's an hardware thing04:06
PhveektorSome keyboards do come with function key for such04:06
Finetundralotuspsychje: isn't that just for turning it off?04:07
lotuspsychjeFinetundra: thats what you asked, toggle off04:09
Finetundratoggle on/off, not just off04:09
lotuspsychjeFinetundra: then make hotkey for force : ON also04:11
datapackHello all!04:17
azizLIGHThow much space do i need for a dkestop install of 15.0404:18
lotuspsychjeazizLIGHT: +10 gig would be nice04:19
azizLIGHTok thanks04:20
GurathnakaHello everyone. I'm on 14.04 lts. I'm wondering if i installed 15.04, does it support wifi out of the box? By that i mean, i tried installing 15.04 Ubuntu Mate, however i could not connect to the internet, so i did not install it. I am wondering if it's the same with the newest vanilla ubuntu?04:21
lotuspsychjeGurathnaka: what wifi card chipset?04:21
Gurathnakaintel, im not sure the exact model04:21
Gurathnakabut mint and vanilla 14.04 worked fine04:22
lotuspsychjeGurathnaka: well if you want stable stick to 14.04, if you wanna try non-lts perhaps plugin eth cable to update wifi drivers04:22
lotuspsychjeGurathnaka: did you try 15.04 desktop?04:23
Gurathnakalotuspsychje, i have only tried Ubuntu Mate 15.04. I was going to install it as my primary OS. Im new and distro hopping quite a bit, so i didn't continue because i did not want to be stuck there without internet04:24
Phveektor15.04 works fine for a. Clean install. And seems more stable than 14.10 but if u want one with lts 14.04 is gd04:25
lotuspsychjeGurathnaka: you can always ask in #ubuntu-mate, but keep in mind that LTS is more stable04:25
lotuspsychjeGurathnaka: you can try a 15.04 liveusb with eth cable plugged in, to see if it recognizes your wifi04:25
GurathnakaWell, i was wondering if it's a bug with all the derivative distros04:25
Gurathnakai don't have an ethernet cable unfortunately04:26
ubskeurI'm having issues with some audio programs only making garbled noise, could switching from ALSA help?04:26
lotuspsychjeGurathnaka: normally intel cards are supported pretty well04:26
lotuspsychje!sound | ubskeur04:26
ubottuubskeur: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.04:26
Gurathnakalotuspsychje, is the software in 15.04 more updated? One of the problems i'm experiencing is a lot of the software seems to be out of date in 14.0404:28
lotuspsychjeGurathnaka: installing ubuntu is always reccomended to enable internet + updates + 3rd party software during install04:28
PhveektorMostly ubuntu disables playing media after a. Clean install, but u can always enable it by installing ubuntu restricted extras from synaptic or using terminal04:28
lotuspsychjeGurathnaka: every ubuntu version has its own package versions, that doenst mean their danger to use04:28
GurathnakaOh, i did enable it in Mate04:28
lotuspsychjeGurathnaka: i would reccomend you 15.04 desktop liveusb, just to check if wifi gets recognized04:30
lotuspsychjeGurathnaka: if it does, you will know its a mate thing04:30
Gurathnakalotuspsychje, thanks, I'll try that out.04:30
ubskeurlotuspsychje, a lot of this troubleshooting is for sound that isn't playing at all, rather than some applications making garbled noise04:31
Gurathnakalotuspsychje, i did notice a few bug reports yesterday about 15.04 and intel cards when i was trying to find a fix, but i don't remember if it was mate related or not. Oh well, can't hurt to try04:32
michael_pwhats your verdict on xubuntu04:32
lotuspsychjemichael_p: what about it?04:32
michael_pi like it better then linux minit04:33
lotuspsychjeubskeur: did you try a pulseaudio restart?04:33
ubskeurlotuspsychje, will look into that04:33
lotuspsychjemichael_p: this channel is only for ubuntu support, not polls04:33
PhveektorLotuspsychje: lol04:34
michael_pi know04:34
GurathnakaAlso, sorry if this is a dumb question, but I don't really understand the whole lts and 15.04 thing. I'm new, so it's pretty confusing. If 15.04 is the newest version then why don't they just long term support that?04:34
lotuspsychjelts | Gurathnaka04:34
lotuspsychje!lts | Gurathnaka04:34
ubottuGurathnaka: LTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04)04:34
PhveektorThere is no crime asking before tryin something out04:34
lotuspsychjePhveektor: likes/dislikes is something else then asking if the system could handle xubuntu04:35
ubskeurlotuspsychje, E: [pulseaudio] main.c: Daemon startup failed.04:36
GurathnakaIs ubottu a bot?04:36
lotuspsychjeGurathnaka: yes04:36
GurathnakaOh, you guys must get that question a lot then, sorry lol04:36
michael_pi am not worried about polls04:36
geekosopheradobe-flashplugin fails to update on kubuntu 14.0404:36
lotuspsychjeGurathnaka: dont worry, non-lts is supported 9months, then you can upgrade to another version04:36
Gurathnakalotuspsychje, do you use 15.04?04:37
lotuspsychjeGurathnaka: no im on 14.04.2 rocksolid :p04:37
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lotuspsychjegeekosopher: did you install ubuntu-restricted-extras ?04:38
HarrySacksDoes ubuntu spy on what you do on your computer?04:38
lotuspsychjegeekosopher: kubuntu-restricted-extras in your case04:38
lotuspsychjeHarrySacks: no, why do you suspect?04:38
ubskeurHarrySacks, ubuntu is what you do on your computer04:39
ubskeurHarrySacks, if you suspect being spied on, try using a packet sniffer04:39
Gurathnakalotuspsychje, ah ok. Do you mind if i ask how i could get software thats updated on other distos but not up to date on the software center?04:39
Abhijiti have a working Centos installed on UEFI motherboard with encrypted lvm. when i try to install ubuntu 15 it detects the lvm. is it safe to just mount my ubuntu partitions to that lvm? will that work? also my centos has uefi boot . but ubuntu only shows /boot in the list not the uefi. shall i just ignore it?04:39
geekosopherlotuspsychje: nope04:39
lotuspsychjegeekosopher: try installing that04:40
AbhijitHarrySacks, some dash plugins might be. just disable them04:40
geekosopherlotuspsychje: giving it a spin04:40
AbhijitHarrySacks, you can always monitor network traffic and keep record of it using cron when you are not looking.04:40
lotuspsychjeGurathnaka: thats a bad idea, always use the package versions meant for the ubuntu version04:40
ubskeurlotuspsychje, restarting pulseaudio has no effect. Since I noticed the issue I've restarted ubuntu twice with no effect04:41
lotuspsychjeubskeur: wich ubuntu version is this?04:41
ubskeurlotuspsychje, 15.04, no issue before upgrading from 14.10, not working at all since upgrade04:42
lotuspsychjeubskeur: upgrades can get tricky, try a clean install instead04:42
Gurathnakalotuspsychje, I mean,i understand it could be a little unstable but in the software center, the media player i would like to use is out of dathe by a year, everywhere else it seems to be updated regularly04:43
lotuspsychjeGurathnaka: even if you use 15.04 you wont always have latest packages of the main website04:43
lotuspsychjeGurathnaka: its reccomended to use versions, meant for the ubuntu version04:44
lotuspsychjeGurathnaka: if you install a newer version manually, you can risk trouble04:45
ubskeurlotuspsychje, clean install is a last resort, anything else you could recommend trying?04:45
lotuspsychjeubskeur: check your syslog and dmesg for sound related issues04:45
Gurathnakalotuspsychje, Oh, ok, i see. Well, thank you for clearing that up for me04:45
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lotuspsychjeubskeur: maybe tail -f /var/log/syslog in realtime and play with audio a bit04:45
lotuspsychjeGurathnaka: using 'older' version on LTS example, doesnt mean your unsecure04:46
RNSpharaohhi guys, i am trying to uninstall django, it said to delete it from the python site-packages folder but i cannot find it in there, is there an auto uninstall fro django, i have djano1.4 and i want to install 1.804:46
lotuspsychje!info django04:47
ubottuPackage django does not exist in vivid04:47
lotuspsychjeRNSpharaoh: did you try the #django channel?04:47
Gurathnakalotuspsychje, Oh i know, but when something isn't updated in a long time, it lacks many features which is a shame. But better stable than sorry :p04:48
ubskeurlotuspsychje, these seem relevant: http://pastebin.com/wm4hPhjv04:48
RNSpharaohi thought i was loged in to it :), let me try to find that04:48
xangua !latest | Gurathnaka if you are looking for a distro that has latest packages always, maybe Ubuntu is not the distro for you04:48
ubottuGurathnaka if you are looking for a distro that has latest packages always, maybe Ubuntu is not the distro for you: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.04:48
lotuspsychjeubskeur: yeah that alsa bug line, try reporting a bug for 15.04 or..clean install 15.04 or 14.0404:49
lotuspsychjeubskeur: your choice :p04:49
ubskeurlotuspsychje, 14.04.2 doesn't support my graphics card04:49
lotuspsychjeubskeur: i doubt that, wich card?04:50
ubskeurlotuspsychje, asus radeon r9 29004:50
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ubskeurlotuspsychje, I was in here and we concluded 14.10 had fixed a known bug in 14.04.204:50
lotuspsychjeubskeur: trusty drivers should be the same in 14.04.204:50
Gurathnakaxangua, i love ubuntu though, haha. But yes, i do see your point. Like i said, i guess it's better stable, than sorry04:51
lotuspsychjeubskeur: anyway, you could try a 15.04 liveusb, and test sound there?04:51
geekosophersame problem installing from kubuntu-restricted-extras04:51
lotuspsychjegeekosopher: what error do you get?04:52
ubskeurlotuspsychje, good idea, live cd, thanks04:52
geekosopherthe problem is with flashplugin-installer04:52
lotuspsychjegeekosopher: describe the problem for us plz04:52
geekosopherit says: downloading http://archive.canonical.com/..../adobe-flashplugin/adobe-flashplugin_20150623.1.orig.tar.gz04:54
geekosopherit remains so for long04:54
GurathnakaOoh, i had another quick question. Is installing different desktop enviroments in Ubuntu a bad idea? I tried to install the kubuntu desktop earlier, and there were a lot of problems with it and it didn't work very well. Was wondering if i just messed up, or if it's a just generally a bad idea04:55
geekosopherthen the message comes - Installing from local file /tmp/tmp<something>.gz04:55
lotuspsychjeGurathnaka: the smoothest way, is to install your flavor directly04:55
ubskeurnow libparted bugs -_-04:55
lotuspsychjeGurathnaka: if you want kubuntu, then install kubuntu desktop 14.04 example04:55
ubuntu936geekosopher: I had an error out a couple of days ago, that li k is dead try changing the server04:56
lotuspsychjeGurathnaka: of course you can install kubuntu-desktop from an ubuntu install also04:56
Gurathnakalotuspsychje, thats what i did, but i ended up reformatting in the end, since i couldn't get rid of the kubuntu deskto, which had many bugs for some reason04:57
lotuspsychjeGurathnaka: clean installs are reccomended just for that reason04:58
Gurathnakalotuspsychje, I see, thanks04:59
lotuspsychjeGurathnaka: if you wanna test flavors in the future, theres always virtualbox also04:59
lotuspsychjeGurathnaka: you would be able to test any flavor/distro you want from a solid 14.04 LTS example05:00
Gurathnakalotuspsychje, I do have one last question to ask before i go (i'm sorry). But is Mint an Ubuntu flavor? Or just based on Ubuntu?05:00
lotuspsychje!mint | Gurathnaka05:00
ubottuGurathnaka: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org05:00
Gurathnakawow that bot is pretty impressive05:01
geekosopherubuntu936: which server did you try?05:02
Gurathnakalotuspsychje, well, thank you very much for the help, i appreciate it :)05:02
Gurathnakai've got to go now, cya all05:02
lotuspsychjeGurathnaka: everyone can choose what he likes, but in my opinion, 14.04 LTS is most solid version ive had05:02
lotuspsychjeGurathnaka: good luck!05:02
Gurathnakalotuspsychje, yeah, i'm thinking i might hold on tight here and explore the other distros through virtualbox or liveusb05:03
cyberalex4lifelotuspsychje, it's quite solid, but nevertheless there are some glitches here and there (usual for linux)05:03
lotuspsychjecyberalex4life: of course, every system can react different on it05:03
Gurathnakathanks again guys, cya around05:04
Abhijiti have a working Centos installed on UEFI motherboard with encrypted lvm. when i try to install ubuntu 15 it detects the lvm. is it safe to just mount my ubuntu partitions to that lvm? will that work? also my centos has uefi boot . but ubuntu only shows /boot in the list not the uefi. shall i just ignore it?05:04
lotuspsychje!uefi | Abhijit05:04
ubottuAbhijit: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI05:04
hogslammerman which nvidia drivers do i pick, there is like 6 choices05:04
ubuntu936geekosopher: In ubuntu there is an search for quickest mirror, and the list of mirrors, I assume kubuntu has something, I chose the fastest for me.05:05
cyberalex4lifelotuspsychje, I had to change Alt+F4 to Alt+F3 and F11 to F12 for full screen (tend to not work after some time)05:05
lotuspsychjehogslammer: wich grafix card?05:05
hogslammeri tried 2 of them and i get a hang to the point of running recovery mode.05:05
hogslammeroh and ide mode fixed the issue05:05
geekosopherubuntu936: ok, trying05:06
lotuspsychjehogslammer: you might not have the correct read/writes on ide mode05:07
lotuspsychjehogslammer: http://askubuntu.com/questions/425140/unable-toboot-with-nvidia-gtx-750-ti-even-with-latest-beta-drivers05:07
cyberalex4lifehogslammer, try 331, then 331 updates (the updates work better on my laptop with bumblebee and primus)05:07
hogslammerthe old default xorg ones work, but not with multi monitors, it just plays that stupid drum sound for login.05:09
hogslammerover and over.  will hit that link up and see if i get any new help.05:09
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ubskeurI am having a bug filled day05:18
ubskeurissue with making a live usb05:18
lotuspsychje!es | canaima05:18
ubottucanaima: En la mayorĆ­a de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sĆ³lo en inglĆ©s. Si busca ayuda en espaƱol entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.05:18
musclezhello everyone, http://superuser.com/questions/256856/ubuntu-alert-dev-mapper-localhost-root-does-not-exist-dropping-to-a-shell i  get this message when trying to boot in recovery mode-- normal mode wil not work. When I try to run apt-get or dpkg commands, terminal freezes and i have to reboot. orginally i got into this mess from purging old kernels from the /boot drive with terminal and synaptic. at one point i ran boot-repair and seemed t05:18
lotuspsychjeubskeur: did you try to format your usb with gparted first?05:19
geekosophercanaima: kem chho05:19
ubskeurlotuspsychje, had to recreate the partition table05:20
ubskeurlotuspsychje, will putting a partition on fix it?05:20
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lotuspsychjeubskeur: its worth a try to format first with gparted05:20
ubskeurlotuspsychje, what do you mean by format? create a clean partition?05:21
lotuspsychjeubskeur: yep a clean fat32 example05:21
lotuspsychjeubskeur: usb creator will wipe it anyway05:21
ubskeurlotuspsychje, it didn't have a partition because I had to recreate the partition table05:21
lotuspsychjeubskeur: if usb creator fails on you, must be something wrong with it right05:22
HarrySacksDoes ubuntu spy on what you do on your computer?05:24
lotuspsychjeHarrySacks: you already asked this question05:24
HarrySacksdos it?05:24
lotuspsychjeHarrySacks: please no repeating here05:25
ubskeurHarrySacks, it shouldn't, if you suspect it is, try a packet sniffer05:25
ubskeurlotuspsychje, sorry to bother you again, but my 14.04 computer is refusing to install updates XD05:26
lotuspsychjeubskeur: getting errors?05:26
ubskeurlotuspsychje, "check your internet connection"05:26
lotuspsychjeubskeur: cable or wifi?05:26
lotuspsychjeubskeur: and your connected to wifi?05:26
ubskeurlotuspsychje, yes, I can access the internet through a browser05:27
lotuspsychjeubskeur: what command did you type?05:27
ubskeurlotuspsychje, using the software updater application, going to try apt-get now05:27
lotuspsychjeubskeur: yeah try a sudo apt-get update05:27
ubskeurlotuspsychje, "Reading package lists... done"05:28
lotuspsychjeubskeur: then sudo apt-get upgrade05:28
drfoobazHey, any idea why I might start experiencing screen tearing when moving windows as soon as I switch to the recommended proprietary graphics drivers (nvidia)?05:29
lotuspsychjedrfoobaz: wich card do you have mate, and wich ubuntu version?05:29
ubskeurlotuspsychje, 40305:29
lotuspsychjeubskeur: can you pastebin the output plz?05:30
drfoobazlotuspsychje: GeForce GTX 675MX and Ubuntu 14 LTS05:30
lotuspsychjedrfoobaz: you know if thats an optimus card?05:30
ubskeurlotuspsychje, won't all fit in terminal, I'll copy most of it05:30
drfoobazlotuspsychje: I'm pretty sure it isn't.05:31
ubskeurlotuspsychje, pastebin.com/Q1hqdn5105:31
VFDPrimevening all05:32
VFDPrimso i need to make all downloads auto go into a freespace folder can any one tell me how to make that happen?05:32
ubskeurdepends on your browser05:32
VFDPrimoh?? chrome05:33
drfoobazVFDPrim: In Firefox, it's right on the settings page.05:33
lotuspsychjeubskeur: http://askubuntu.com/questions/135932/apt-get-update-failure-to-fetch-cant-connect-to-any-sources05:33
drfoobazWhat directory to put downloads in, I mean.05:33
VFDPrimDR not sure what you mean05:33
ubskeurVFDPrim, go to settings (top right drop down), show advanced options, and scroll down to downloads05:34
VFDPrimoh well that was easy thank you very much sr05:34
VFDPrimor ms,05:34
ubskeurit's very obscure name, hehe05:35
VFDPrimlol sexless definatly lol05:36
VFDPrimwell here i was looking in my ubuntu options and so easy from the internet lol thank you very much that should take care of my issue05:36
RemobothI accidentally installed both Java Oracle 7 AND 8.05:37
RemobothIs there a way to get rid of 8?05:37
drfoobazAny ideas on my graphics issue?05:37
VFDPrimnew card? lol sorry i know NOTHING about computers05:37
lotuspsychjedrfoobaz: not sure, did you try all drivers switch from additional drivers?05:37
ubskeurVFDPrim, which card?05:38
drfoobazlotuspsychje: Hm. How much worse is performance with the Noveau driver? If it performs better on basic stuff and is only slightly worse on games, I may just use that.05:38
lotuspsychjedrfoobaz: best driver, would be the one perfoming best on your system05:39
eswechahow to specify dependencies in control file while making deb package..?05:39
VFDPrimlast time i had issue i just got a new card becasue the motherboard could not run both my screens05:39
VFDPrimno issue since05:39
ubskeurVFDPrim, ok, I thought you had issues with your current card :P05:39
drfoobazlotuspsychje: Maybe that's what I should go by. Because everyone always says that you need to switch to proprietary drivers for gaming, but for the games I play at least I've never had any issues with the open source ones.05:40
drfoobazlotuspsychje: Thanks for the advice!05:40
VFDPrimoh no thank goodness lol05:40
lotuspsychjedrfoobaz: there are also gaming tricks for ubuntu, making everything more smooth05:40
lotuspsychje!info preload | drfoobaz05:40
ubottudrfoobaz: preload (source: preload): adaptive readahead daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-2 (vivid), package size 34 kB, installed size 135 kB05:40
eswechahow to specify dependencies in control file while making deb package..?05:41
zykotick9drfoobaz: sidenote, nouveau is better then open source, it's free software.05:41
lotuspsychjedrfoobaz: is it for steam?05:41
drfoobazlotuspsychje: Mostly Civ (from steam), very little else.05:41
drfoobazzykotick9: Yes, yes. :)05:42
VFDPrimsteam can be a pain when it comes to the right driver05:42
ubskeurlotuspsychje, still getting 403 errors05:42
lotuspsychjedrfoobaz: check this:05:42
lotuspsychjeubskeur: did you add that nameserver line?05:42
SmileychatterQuestion: I am looking for the "Ubuntu for android" group page on Launchpad after reading an article = Can someone find it for me please ?05:42
ubskeurlotuspsychje, yes05:42
ubskeurlotuspsychje, uh, didn't restart the service, hold on05:43
lotuspsychjeubskeur: try a reboot and sudo apt-get upgrade again?05:43
drfoobazlotuspsychje: Thanks.05:43
lotuspsychjedrfoobaz: clean system out with bleachbit, can make things faster also05:44
drfoobazDo I need to restart my machine after switching graphics drivers to test the effect?05:44
ubskeurdrfoobaz, probably05:44
VFDPrimthat depends... mine didnt do anything till restart05:44
drfoobazOkay, I'll be experimenting with that stuff now.05:44
drfoobazThanks for the advice guys. Bye!05:45
lotuspsychjedrfoobaz: good luck!05:45
VFDPrimnow it just does waird shit when starting or turning off the comp lol05:45
VFDPrimstuff** sorry05:45
zykotick9drfoobaz: sidenote #2, propritary nvidia kernel blacklists the nouveau driver, and _probably_ need to be manually removed...  <- just in case05:45
ubskeurVFDPrim, mine does weird graphical stuff too, and has done for a while. I just ingore it05:45
ubskeurlotuspsychje, after reboot still getting 403 errors05:46
lotuspsychjeubskeur: firewall/router block by any chance?05:46
VFDPrimyea mine does this hole dot matrix thing lol wish i could screen capture it lol then says something cant be found and eventualy after about 10 seconds goes to my log in screen and works great05:46
ubskeurlotuspsychje, no firewall, router doesn't block anything, works fine on different computer (same network)05:47
ubskeurlotuspsychje, doing --fix-missing seemed to help05:48
lotuspsychjeubskeur: solved now?05:50
ubskeurlotuspsychje, 11mb of the 28mb installed, still not entirely solved05:50
SmileychatterWait is "Ubuntu for android" under this group in Launchpad or is it somewhere else ?05:50
sven-Hi guys. I am about to install PyCharm 4.5 on Ubuntu 15.04. I am trying to figure out where the extracted tarball should be placed before I execute the sh file to install it. Any suggestions.05:51
lotuspsychjeSmileychatter: what are you trying to do exactly?05:51
cfhowlettSmileychatter, ubuntu for android is abandonware.05:51
ubskeursven-, there is a search button in top right05:52
VFDPrimcant wait till we can get an ubuntu phone in the usa05:52
eswechahow to specify dependencies in control file while making deb package..?05:52
lotuspsychje!touch | VFDPrim05:52
ubottuVFDPrim: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch05:52
VFDPrimthanks but i got a crap phone and would rather just get to buy a phone with it already on it lol05:53
Smileychatterlotuspsychje: cfhowlett Right, but there must have been a group or a bug on Launchpad about Ubuntu for android at some stage - just trying to find it for a bounty.05:55
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lilrebelI have not used linux in about 12 years, I just installed ubuntu 14 and so far am loving it.05:56
lilrebelalot prettier than I remember linux05:56
lotuspsychje!test | pepa05:56
ubottupepa: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )05:56
ubskeurlilrebel, it is great when it works, hence why I'm here :P05:56
lotuspsychjeubskeur: maybe play with sources: http://askubuntu.com/questions/298177/a-failed-to-fetch-error-occurs-when-apt-get-update-is-run-how-do-i-fix-this05:57
lilrebelI used to run redhat, but i see it is now proprietary05:57
ubskeurubskeur, I have done that, trying a different download server now05:57
lotuspsychje!discuss | lilrebel05:58
ubottulilrebel: Want to talk about Ubuntu but don't have a support question. Join #ubuntu-discuss, for other non-support  discussion not Ubuntu related you can also join #ubuntu-offtopic. Thank you.05:58
ubskeurlotuspsychje, what I said before05:58
azizLIGHTwhat packages does 15.04 server install if you select LAMP in the setup?05:58
lotuspsychjeubskeur: oh right missed that :p05:58
lotuspsychje!lamp | azizLIGHT05:58
ubottuazizLIGHT: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.05:58
VFDPrimwell im outa hear thanks for salvin my problem05:58
ubskeurlotuspsychje, swapping servers worked :D05:59
lotuspsychje!yay | ubskeur05:59
ubottuubskeur: Glad you made it! :-)05:59
ubskeurlotuspsychje, now to fix my other 2 errors :D05:59
SmileychatterOk, no-one is helping me so I'm going to put a bounty on that package "android-tools" about ubuntu for android. OK ?05:59
ubskeurSmileychatter, why do you care about ubuntu for android?06:00
Smileychatterbecause I want Ubuntu on android. simples.06:00
ubskeurSmileychatter, the project has been abandoned, not sure it's worth looking for06:00
azizLIGHTis this list of packages correct for server 15.04 LAMP: apache2 apache2-mpm-prefork apache2-utils apache2.2-common libapache2-mod-php5 libapr1 libaprutil1 libdbd-mysql-perl libdbi-perl libnet-daemon-perl libplrpc-perl libpq5 mysql-client-5.5 mysql-common mysql-server mysql-server-5.5 php5-common php5-mysql06:01
musclezis there anyone who can help me a) solve"Alert: /dev/mapper/localhost-root does not exist. Dropping to a shell" when i try to boot, and b) apt-get and dpkg crashes terminal when running dpkg commands... i've lookat at tutoprials on reinstall lvm2.. ive tried running boot-repair.. ive tried resintally kernels.. nothhing is clicking06:01
SmileychatterIt doesn't matter - if there is bug , then there is a bounty , and I'm rich - $50,000 rich - so I'm gonna do it.06:01
musclezreinstally :)06:02
lotuspsychjeSmileychatter: apt-cache search android, you might find something usefull06:02
ubskeurSmileychatter, the project is no longer under active development, therefore any bug reporting and fixing is probably unused06:02
lotuspsychjeSmileychatter: abd by the way, you can install ubuntu-touch on some nexus devices: try #ubuntu-touch06:02
lotuspsychjeSmileychatter: there's gonna be an android app emulator on touch pretty soon06:03
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musclezi had root access with live usb. but now i swithced to the boot-repair live cd with no results06:04
musclezbut i still have access06:04
lotuspsychje!lvm | musclez can this help?06:05
ubottumusclez can this help?: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto06:05
azizLIGHThow much space should i give 15.04 server with LAMP and small site?06:05
musclezroot says lvm2  is installed06:05
cfhowlettazizLIGHT, ask #ubuntu-server06:05
lotuspsychjemusclez: maybe #lvm can help too?06:06
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musclezlotuspsychje i posted in there as well... hoever i think i need a miracle worker06:10
agent_whiteEvenin' folks06:15
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HarrySacksDoes canonical spy on what you do on your computer?06:17
cfhowlettHarrySacks, no06:17
muscleztechnically, yes06:17
cfhowlett!fud | harrysacks musclez06:17
ubottuharrysacks musclez: Please do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here!  Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt06:17
musclezwell they uincorporate amazon keywords into your search results06:18
musclezfor one06:18
ObrienDaveOMG again???06:26
musclezis there a channel for grub?06:30
treelzebubyup. i'll give you one guess what it's called ;)06:31
musclezi jsut tried to get into that it didnt work06:31
treelzebubwell, it exists. dunno what to tell ya06:31
EriC^^musclez: what's the problem?06:34
musclezeric^^ my boot-repair does not see any grub location, options or mbr options. I can only acces my disk though the live USB. when i boot up into recovery mode, i get the error "ALERT!  /dev/mapper/localhost-root does not exist.  Dropping to a shell!" apt-get and dpkg crash when i try to run dpkg commands in terminal with chroot06:36
EriC^^musclez: ok, are you in a live usb right now?06:37
ubskeurnoo lotuspsychje is gone :(06:38
musclezeric^^ im in the boot-repair live usb06:38
EriC^^ok, type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999906:38
musclezdo i ned to be under root?06:39
ubskeurso I have an alsa bug effecting timidity and audacity on ubuntu 15.04, and a clean install did not fix it06:39
EriC^^musclez: no06:40
EriC^^sudo will take care of that06:40
ubskeurmusclez, sudo does commands under root06:41
musclezi ewmant chroot06:41
GurathnakaHey everyone. I have a lot of music on my iPod. I'm wondering what is the best way to rip it to the computer without using closed source software such as itunes06:41
EriC^^musclez: no06:41
EriC^^Gurathnaka: i think rhythmbox can rip them06:41
GurathnakaHuh, i wasn't really a fan of rhythembox, i was more hoping i could rip it to my music folder somehow06:42
ubskeurGurathnaka, ipods store music in an apple format, so it can be really difficult to work with them06:42
musclezeric^^ termbin.com:ixg706:43
Gurathnakaubskeur, i never used itunes in windows06:43
ubskeurGurathnaka, if rhythmbox can do it, it can also save it to files in your music folder06:43
EriC^^Gurathnaka: you can, just use rhythmbox to rip it there06:43
TJ-musclez: did you check the dmesg output in case there are disk I/O errors causing all your problems?06:43
Gurathnakanone of my things are in aac itunes format06:43
ubskeurGurathnaka, oh, what type of ipod?06:43
Gurathnakaipod classic06:43
musclezhey tj-, i dont knwo how to  do that06:43
Gurathnakaan oldie06:43
Gurathnakaubskeur, thanks06:44
Gurathnakaand eric06:44
ubskeurGurathnaka, how did you get the music on there?06:44
EriC^^Gurathnaka: you can copy them manually if you want, but you won't have a neat dir and names, just 12312.mp3 and 2342342.mp3 as names in 1 dir06:44
Gurathnakafoobar 200006:44
EriC^^rhythmbox does it well Gurathnaka06:44
GurathnakaThanks guys, i will try that out06:44
Gurathnakai appreciate the help :)06:45
Holy_Chi hi~06:45
EriC^^musclez: type sudo blkid | nc termbin.com 999906:45
TJ-musclez: 'dmesg' is a command that dumps the kernel's log buffer. To view it via a pager, a screen at a time, I usually do: "dmesg | less" and then scroll through looking for issues. You can press "G" to Goto the end of the file and then work backwards, and press "q" to quit back to the shell06:45
ubskeurwhere do I view/report alsa bugs? https://bugtrack.alsa-project.org/alsa-bug is giving me connection refused06:46
musclezeric^^ termbin.com/b9x206:46
EriC^^musclez: do you have the passphrase of your encrypted partition?06:48
EriC^^ok, type sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda3 bla06:48
muscleznormally it would prompt me for it on startup06:48
musclezsorry, redo that last command?06:48
EriC^^sudo cryptsetup ... ?06:49
EriC^^type it and it should ask for your passphrase06:49
musclezi opened it thorugh the gui, is that alright?06:49
TJ-EriC^^: It's a UEFI system, and the reports from last night with random failures of apt/dpkg and unexpected SEGFAULTs made me suspect and suggest either RAM or I/O corruption, plus the UEFI boot-menu has 'lost' the OS entry apparently06:49
musclezTJ- http://pastebin.com/zsaktsgi06:50
musclezEric^^ it says its already mappe doir mounted, do i have to rebot?06:51
ubskeuranyone know where I can get help with ALSA?06:52
EriC^^musclez: ok, try rebooting06:52
musclezok it accepted the pass06:55
EriC^^ok, type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999906:55
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )06:56
EriC^^musclez: type sudo mount /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root /mnt06:59
musclezeric^^, do u want the blkid?06:59
musclezits mounted07:00
EriC^^musclez: type sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot/efi07:01
EriC^^hold on07:01
EriC^^type ls -l /mnt/boot07:01
EriC^^is it empty?07:01
muscleztotal 007:02
EriC^^ok type sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/boot07:02
musclezyeah before that: mount point /mnt/boot/efi does not exist07:02
EriC^^musclez: type sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot/efi07:02
EriC^^musclez: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done07:03
musclezim not sure i understand this last step07:05
muscleznvm got u, its a variable07:05
EriC^^it's a for loop that bind mounts the virtual filesystems07:05
musclezinclude the $'s?07:06
TJ-EriC^^: for a chroot, the /boot/ file-system should be mounted after entering the chroot, otherwise grub can have problems locating the underlying device (I usually only mount the root-fs and the system mounts, and then do "mount -a" inside the chroot)07:06
EriC^^musclez: yes, the whole command07:07
musclezstarting with "for i in..."?07:08
ObrienDavethat IS the whole command. copy and paste07:08
EriC^^yes, for i ... til done07:08
musclezthats next level... alright 1 sec07:09
buffon137how to use usbip on xubuntu 15.04 ?    because  the usespace tool of usbip is too old and not available  in the repository of xubuntu 15.04 , Although  it can be installed by apt-get.any help will be very appreciated !07:10
buffon137how to use usbip on xubuntu 15.04 ?    because  the usespace tool of usbip is too old and not available  in the repository of xubuntu 15.04 , Although  it can be installed by apt-get.any help will be very appreciated !07:10
bazhang!info usbip07:11
buffon137on xubuntu 14.04 ,   the userspace part of  usbip  could be compiled , but on xubuntu 15.04 , " apt-get install  linux-source " the souce code of userspace part can not be found in the corresponding directory07:11
ubottuusbip (source: usbip): USB device sharing system over IP network. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.7-3 (vivid), package size 27 kB, installed size 136 kB07:11
bazhangits in the repos buffon137 install from there07:11
musclezeric^^ http://pastebin.com/5axyzgvz07:12
EriC^^musclez: there's a space between $i and /mnt$i07:12
musclezrgr, done07:12
buffon137I have install usbip by " apt-get install usbip" , but I found the usbip is too old07:12
EriC^^musclez: ok, type sudo chroot /mnt07:12
buffon137usbipd -D can not start runing07:13
bazhangbuffon137, what exactly do you need with very newest version07:13
musclezeric^^ ok07:13
EriC^^musclez: type grub-install07:13
bazhang!tab | buffon13707:13
ubottubuffon137: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.07:13
buffon137I don'n need the newest version , I just only want the usbip is available07:14
bazhangbuffon137, it IS available07:14
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musclezive seen this erro before07:15
EriC^^musclez: type dpkg -l | grep grub | nc termbin.com 999907:15
buffon137usbip err: stub_driver.c:  33 (open_sysfs_stub_driver) usbip_common_mod.ko and usbip.ko must be loaded07:15
buffon137** (process:3952): ERROR **: driver open failed07:15
buffon137Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)07:15
EriC^^musclez: i think you have legacy grub installed07:15
buffon137that is the error07:15
bazhangbuffon137, what version of ubuntu are you on07:16
bazhangbuffon137, you have any PPA installed there07:16
bazhangbuffon137, is this MINT07:16
EriC^^musclez: ok, type cat /etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 999907:17
buffon137MINT ?07:17
buffon137I 'm using xubuntu 15.0407:18
bazhangbuffon137, please answer my questions above07:18
buffon137I don't use PPA07:18
EriC^^musclez: ok, try apt-get install --reinstall grub-efi-amd6407:20
EriC^^musclez: it says the paste has been removed07:22
TJ-EriC^^: The grub-install error is most likely because the system has been booted in legacy mode, or the ESP hasn't been mounted to /boot/efi/07:23
EriC^^worth a a shot i guess07:24
EriC^^musclez: type ls -ld /sys/firmware/efi does it exist?07:24
EriC^^also type mount | nc termbin.com 999907:24
musclezi have to reboot now... dpkg crashes the system07:25
EriC^^press ctrl+c07:25
EriC^^or close the terminal and open a new one07:25
musclez^c appears07:25
TJ-EriC^^: The 'statoverride' issue is likely due to a package's user ID having been manually deleted from /etc/passwd. Can check on the expected overrides with "dpkg-statoverride --list"07:26
EriC^^musclez: try alt+f407:26
musclezno such file or directory07:26
EriC^^ls -ld /sys/firmware/efi ?07:27
EriC^^ok, reboot and make sure you boot the usb in uefi mode07:27
EriC^^TJ-: you mean like sshd being deleted from /etc/passwd ?07:28
TJ-EriC^^: In this case "amavis" suggests the anti-virus/MTA interface amavisd package07:30
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musclezbooted in efi07:31
EriC^^ok, same drill07:31
EriC^^cryptsetup ...07:31
EriC^^TJ-: how can he solve that?07:32
musclezdo you wnat the termbins or just wnat me to mount everything?07:33
EriC^^it's ok, just mount07:33
TJ-EriC^^: apt-get --reinstall install <Package> possibly, or possibly dpkg-statoverride has an option07:34
EriC^^TJ-: i think something else is wrong too, cause usually grub complains about missing efivars when it's not booted in efi mode07:35
TJ-EriC^^: From what I saw yesterday with this, the system is quite broken. Lots of erratic and unexpected failures07:38
musclezeric^^ mounted07:38
EriC^^musclez: did you run the for i .. done lastly?07:39
EriC^^ok, type sudo chroot /mnt07:39
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RemobothIf I deleted an app and it still shows up in my menu how can I delete that portion in the menu?07:39
TJ-EriC^^: This is the log of the chat on this issue: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11782366/07:40
MonkeyDustRemoboth  use 'alacarte'07:41
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RemobothMonkeyDust-  Alacarte?07:41
RemobothIs that an app?07:41
RemobothOr a command?07:41
musclezeric^^ im in root@ubuntu07:41
EriC^^musclez: ok, type grub-install07:42
musclezinstal finished no error reported07:42
MonkeyDustRemoboth  it's an app07:43
musclezthat is a first... notmally it crashes out there07:43
EriC^^musclez: ok, cool07:44
EriC^^musclez: type update-grub07:44
RemobothMonkeyDust-  Its a menu editing tool... I just want to delete the residuals of an app in the menu and in the system after removing it. :-P07:44
TJ-EriC^^: If you've not already planned on it, best to use efibootmgr to check there's a boot entry actually 'stuck' in the UEFI vars07:45
MonkeyDustRemoboth  you mean like purge? try sudo apt-get purge [program]; sudo aptitude purge ~c07:45
MonkeyDust(that's no typo, it really is '~c')07:46
EriC^^TJ-: yeah good idea07:46
musclezit keeps cycling "found linux image: found initrd image: xxxxxx3.13.0.57-generic for both"07:46
bz_  07:46
musclezit hasent stopped07:46
SyncazorHow to install ubuntu without wubi07:46
SyncazorHow to install ubuntu without wubi with a USB07:47
EriC^^!install | Syncazor07:47
ubottuSyncazor: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate07:47
michael_pcan i downgrade to 14:04 and keep files07:48
SyncazorEriC^^: , Does the third link use wubi?07:48
ObrienDaveWubi needs to die a slow, painful death07:48
RemobothDIdn't work.07:49
EriC^^Syncazor: no, it uses grub4dos to load the iso07:49
EriC^^Syncazor: if you have a usb, just make a live usb and you should be ok07:50
SyncazorEriC^^: Well that's the think07:50
SyncazorSyncazor: When I use my usb, and try install I get a continuous blinking '_'07:50
EriC^^!nomodeset | Syncazor07:50
ubottuSyncazor: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter07:50
Syncazor(I'm installing onto a blank hdd)07:50
lotuspsychjemichael_p: downgrading isnt reccomended, install fresh instead07:50
EriC^^musclez: maybe there's something wrong with the files in /etc/grub.d ?07:51
SyncazorEriC^^: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 doesn't tell how to do it with wubi07:51
RemobothIT is a desktop configuration file in my applications folder.07:52
EriC^^Syncazor: you're trying to install with wubi or without?07:52
EriC^^wubi isn't recommended anymore07:52
SyncazorEriC^^: `, on my usb I used unetbootin to put ubuntu onto my usb07:53
SyncazorEriC^^: , and when i read through the ubuntu.iso, there's wubi in it07:53
lotuspsychjeSyncazor: is that a 12.04 iso?07:54
EriC^^musclez: type ls -l /etc/grub.d | nc termbin.com 999907:55
SyncazorEriC^^: 1507:55
EriC^^musclez: thanks07:55
lotuspsychjeSyncazor: try this tool to make usb: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows07:55
EriC^^Syncazor: yeah it's still there, ignore it though07:55
Syncazorlotuspsychje: I've already moved it onto my usb with unetbootin07:55
EriC^^Syncazor: just boot the usb as usual and install07:56
EriC^^set your bios to boot it before the hdd07:56
RemobothI can no longer copy and paste....07:56
RemobothIs that a normal bug?07:56
EriC^^musclez: type cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg | nc termbin.com 999907:57
EriC^^musclez: also, efibootmgr -v | nc termbin.com 999907:57
lotuspsychjeRemoboth: ubuntu version?07:57
RemobothI am trying to delete a desktop configuration file stuck in a menu.07:58
RemobothOh wait... I can copy and paste, just not to XChat.07:58
Remobothlotuspsychje-  LXLE07:58
lotuspsychjeRemoboth: use ctrl x and ctrl v for xchat paste/copy07:58
musclezhttp://termbin.com/ilrd http://termbin.com/djy007:58
SyncazorEriC^^: How to install ubuntu 15 onto usb?07:59
MonkeyDustSyncazor  you mean like a !persistent installation?08:00
Remobothlotuspsychje-  THanks08:00
lotuspsychje!yay | Remoboth08:00
ubottuRemoboth: Glad you made it! :-)08:00
RemobothO.k... I want to delete this desktop config file...08:01
RemobothAny command to do so?08:01
SyncazorMonkeyDust: I want to use something like unetbootin08:01
RemobothSOmeone here helped me last week.08:01
RemobothWith this same problem.08:01
EriC^^Syncazor: if you used unetbootin to install it to the usb, then all you have to do is boot it and install to your hdd08:01
SyncazorEriC^^: I selected ubuntu then 14_live with unetbootin, then ran it on my pc, and it said invalid kernal image08:02
SyncazorEriC^^: Because I tried to use 1508:02
Remoboth/home/usr/.local/share/applications/criticalmass.desktop This is where the desktop config file is stuck. ANy help?08:02
EriC^^Syncazor: dd the image08:02
bazhang!lxle | Remoboth08:02
ubottuRemoboth: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)08:02
Remobothbazhang - I respect that but someone here helped me delete the file last week.08:03
EriC^^Syncazor: sudo dd if=/path/to/iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M && sync08:03
Remobothbazhang - IT is the same file. I just hate to do a clean install of LXLE.08:03
EriC^^Syncazor: where sdX is your usb08:03
bazhangRemoboth, ask the lxle support people, its not supported here08:03
EriC^^musclez: try booting into the system08:04
EriC^^it should boot, still need to fix dpkg and grub though08:04
EriC^^musclez: type exit, then reboot08:04
SyncazorEriC^^: how do i sudo the image?08:04
musclezi jsut hit reboot, does that mess it up?08:04
musclezdoes not boot into normal mode, trying recovery08:05
lotuspsychjeSyncazor: what are you trying to doe exactly?08:05
EriC^^musclez: what did it say?08:05
musclezit just freezes08:05
Syncazorlotuspsychje: install ubuntu 15 with a usb onto a blank hdd08:06
musclezsame  deal with the recovery mode... dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root does not exist dropping to a shell08:06
lotuspsychjeSyncazor: as been suggested, reboot into your usb stick and install on your blank hd08:06
musclezand then timestamps of usb devices08:06
Syncazorlotuspsychje: but how do i put ubuntu 15 on the usb08:07
TJ-EriC^^: musclez That sounds like the initrd doesn't have the cryptsetup hooks installed08:07
lotuspsychjeSyncazor: you just said you succeeded with unetbootin to make the usb?08:07
Syncazorlotuspsychje: no, it says invalid kernal image08:07
squintySyncazor,  when you use unetbootin, use the lower half of the unetbootin screen.... click on Diskimage  > ISO   use the directory selector to select the directory where the iso resides. and  Type = "USB Drive"  plus select the proper usb stick name (eg G:\ or /dev/sb1)  and if you want make a persistence file (for Ubuntu based iso's only)  by filling in the "Space used to preserve...etc)08:08
Syncazorlotuspsychje: because in unetbootin there is no unbuntu 1508:08
lotuspsychjeSyncazor: make a stick with this tool:http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows08:08
Syncazorlotuspsychje: does it support 15?08:08
EriC^^musclez: ok, boot the live usb again08:08
lotuspsychjeSyncazor: supports any .iso08:08
MonkeyDustSyncazor  download the 15.04 iso, then use unetbeootin08:08
squintySyncazor,  If it is not listed, then use the method I just posted08:09
musclezuefi or usb?08:09
MonkeyDustSyncazor  if it's not in the dropdown menu, simply download it08:09
TJ-musclez: always UEFI :)08:09
musclezuefi crashes a lot08:12
musclezi still haven tgot it ot boot08:12
TJ-musclez: Ubuntu is installed in UEFI boot mode, so to recover it you always need to boot in that same mode, even for the Live ISO08:13
musclezim back inm08:13
TJ-musclez: everything points to disk corruption; UEFI mode is working as it should, has nothing to do with the crashes08:13
SyncazorData error in ".disk\cd_type". File is broken08:13
SyncazorDid it corrupt when i downloaded/08:13
SyncazorDid it corrupt when i downloaded?08:13
lotuspsychje!md5 | Syncazor08:14
ubottuSyncazor: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows08:14
EriC^^TJ-: should he do a smart test?08:16
EriC^^or maybe fsck the partition?08:16
musclezi think this happend when i ran boot-repair for the first time08:17
TJ-EriC^^: I think both, and I'd check the kernel logs for signs of I/O errors, and it needs a memtest doing, which is problematical on UEFI!08:17
TJ-EriC^^: I think that update-grub loop might be caused by the /boot/ directory having a looping inode08:18
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TJ-I strongly suspect faulty memory myself; causing corrupted disk buffers that get flushed to disk08:19
EriC^^musclez: ok, type sudo apt-get install smartmontools && sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | nc termbin.com 999908:19
musclezpostfix configureation popped up.. is this right?08:22
michael_pmy usb is not showing up08:22
lotuspsychjemichael_p: what are you trying to do?08:23
michael_p i am trying to get a directory listing of my usb drive08:23
lotuspsychjemichael_p: and your usb doesnt jump open?08:24
EriC^^anybody know about smart tests?08:25
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EriC^^TJ-: could you take a look at musclez 's smart test? http://termbin.com/os0u08:25
lotuspsychjemichael_p: try tail -f /var/log/syslog and plugin your usb, see what errors come up08:25
TJ-musclez: That looks good, is there another drive in there that also needs testing?08:25
TJ-musclez: EriC^^ time for some file-system checks then :)08:26
EriC^^musclez: type sudo cryptsetup ...08:27
EriC^^musclez: but don't mount anything08:28
TJ-musclez: I'm about to leave for a kernel boot test; good luck :)08:28
muscleztj- thanks again man your help means a lot to mean ive been so stuck for almost a week now08:29
lotuspsychjeTJ-: you also good luck :p08:29
musclezi really appreciate the time08:29
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musclezeric^^ i'm in08:30
EriC^^musclez: type mount | nc termbin.com 999908:30
MonkeyDustmusclez  i havent followed, what are you struggling with?08:31
EriC^^musclez: try sudo fsck /dev/mapper/...08:33
musclezeric^^ has been helping me fairly thuroughly.. he's seen a lot of the issues that i have been having first hand at this point....08:34
musclezKernels wont boot and apt-get and dpkg crash consistently08:34
EriC^^musclez: did it mention anything else?08:35
EriC^^musclez: ok, run it without | nc termbin.com08:37
musclezthat was the first part of tha readout08:38
EriC^^musclez: type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999908:39
EriC^^musclez: type sudo fsck -f /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root08:39
SyncazorIs it normal for universal usb installer to freeze at 99%?08:41
lotuspsychjeSyncazor: did you wait long enough?08:42
musclezhow long syncazor?08:42
cfhowlettSyncazor, no.  you DID hashsum right?08:42
EriC^^musclez: ok, type sudo mount /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root /mnt08:42
lotuspsychjeSyncazor: 99% can take some time to make persistent08:43
Syncazorlotuspsychje: it's stuck at 99% on wubi.exe08:43
EriC^^musclez: type sudo fsck -f /dev/sda208:43
Syncazorlotuspsychje: unzipping08:43
cfhowlettwubi.  that's why.  Syncazor wubi is dead, unsupported and IT WILL break your installation of 14.04 or later08:43
lotuspsychjeSyncazor: wich ubuntu iso did you download anyway?08:43
musclezdeleted inode 122 has zero dtime fix y?08:44
Syncazor15, it was corrupted, md5sum checked, i previously download 14, not corrupt08:44
Syncazorso im installing 1408:44
cfhowlettSyncazor, wubi will NOT work with 14.0408:44
Syncazorcfhowlett: ?08:44
Syncazorcfhowlett: does it work with 15?08:44
musclezdop i jsut keep hitting y?08:45
EriC^^musclez: what's it asking?08:45
cfhowlettSyncazor, no.  don't wubi.  DON'T.  do a proper dual boot or VM ubuntu inside windows08:45
Syncazorcfhowlett:  does wubi work with 15?08:45
musclez"free blocks count wrong for group #N"08:45
cfhowlettSyncazor, no. no.  and no.08:45
Syncazorcfhowlett: Im installing from a BLANK HDD08:45
EriC^^musclez: ok08:45
Syncazorcfhowlett: so would it matter?08:45
EriC^^Syncazor: i dont think wubi even works on a blank hdd, it's made for windows08:46
cfhowlettSyncazor, then why are you even using wubi?   wubi was used to install inside of WINDOWS!08:46
lotuspsychjeSyncazor: you have an error on your screenshot, autorun.inf08:46
TJ-EriC^^: Might be worth scrapping the /boot/ (sda2) file-system and recreating it, reinstalling the kernels and intrds and grub08:46
Syncazorcfhowlett: but it's inside the ubuntu iso?08:46
lotuspsychjeSyncazor: maybe you should format your usb stick before making the bootable08:46
EriC^^TJ-: ok08:46
cfhowlett!install | Syncazor,08:46
ubottuSyncazor,: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate08:46
musclezyessss tj- i want to do that.. thats what ive wanted to do08:47
musclezwill that jeopardize my data on the other partitions?08:47
SyncazorSo how do I install ubuntu 14.04 with usb without wubi for blank HDD08:47
EriC^^Syncazor: which os are you using to make the usb?08:48
cfhowlettSyncazor, make a proper install CD or USB>  boot CD/USB and install to HDD08:48
SyncazorEriC^^: windows08:48
EriC^^Syncazor: use linux live usb creator08:48
MonkeyDustSyncazor  windows has YUMI08:48
MonkeyDustSyncazor  http://www.pendrivelinux.com/yumi-multiboot-usb-creator/08:49
EriC^^musclez: no, it wont08:51
SyncazorI crashed08:53
SyncazorDid anyone answer my question?08:53
musclezi know kernel was the last oen working. .43 was what was being upgraded to wheni was running out of room on my /boot and tried to make space08:53
EriC^^musclez: ok08:53
EriC^^type sudo cgdisk /dev/sda08:54
SyncazorHow do I remove wubi from ubuntu 14.04.iso08:54
cfhowlettSyncazor, no need to remove it from the iso.  just don't use it!08:54
Syncazorcfhowlett: Isn't it automatically used when you boot with it?08:55
cfhowlettSyncazor, again:  ONLY If you use windows.  ONLY.08:55
EriC^^musclez: or nevermind, just type sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sda208:55
MonkeyDustSyncazor  no, wubi is a windows program08:55
Syncazorcfhowlett: So if I boot off my usb on the blank hdd it wont use wubi. :O :D08:56
EriC^^musclez: sorry sudo mkfs -t ext2 /dev/sda208:56
cfhowlettSyncazor, correct08:56
lotuspsychjei wonder why they still put wubi in 14.04 iso...08:57
cfhowlettdracula syndrome.08:57
Syncazorcfhowlett: I'm having a problem, when i boot off the usb, I get a black screen with a blinking '_'08:58
cfhowlettSyncazor, DID you md5sum the .iso and the USB?08:58
cfhowlettbecause a corrupted usb would do what you describe08:58
musclezeric^^ http://pastebin.com/wzwj3cth08:59
lotuspsychjemaybe he's got a virus on his autoruninf and infected wubi.exe lol08:59
Syncazorcfhowlett: The ISO has the same hash09:00
cfhowlettSyncazor, and the usb??09:00
cfhowlett!md5sum | Syncazor09:00
ubottuSyncazor: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows09:00
EriC^^Syncazor: did you try nomodeset?09:00
Syncazorcfhowlett: I can't check the usb, since it's not a file09:00
SyncazorEriC^^: How do I do that?09:00
EriC^^musclez: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done09:00
cfhowlett!nomodeset | Syncazor09:01
ubottuSyncazor: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter09:01
SyncazorI see the keyboard = person in circle then the continuous '_'09:01
cfhowlettSyncazor, yes you CAN verify the USB.  read the md5sum wiki and replace the CD references/addresses with the USB09:01
EriC^^Syncazor: hold shift while the pc boots, and when you get grub, press e over try ubuntu, then in the line that says linux /vmlinuz ...... add nomodeset after quiet splash, then press ctrl+x09:02
musclezeric^^ mounted09:02
EriC^^musclez: sudo chroot /mnt09:02
colbyfanyone a program for editing PDFs09:02
ubottuThe Portable Document Format is created by Adobe; PDF files are viewable in Ubuntu with Xpdf, Okular, Evince and also Adobe Reader (free download, but closed source)09:03
lotuspsychjecolbyf: there are also handy free pdf editors online you can use09:03
colbyfdon't see an editor in that,09:03
MonkeyDustcolbyf  i guess inkscape can edit pdf09:04
SyncazorEriC^^: I pressed shift, selected English then pressed F6 and selected nomodeset, and i still get the black screen with the _09:04
colbyfI will give it a go :)09:04
lotuspsychjeSyncazor: did you disable fastboot + secureboot in bios?09:04
rabiuluse foxit reader on wine09:04
EriC^^Syncazor: which laptop are you using?09:04
EriC^^maybe you need to use a special kernel parameter09:04
Syncazorlotuspsychje: No, I'll try that09:05
EriC^^musclez: blkid | nc termbin.com 999909:05
SyncazorEriC^^: I'm on a desktop09:05
SyncazorOOooh nomodeset is working09:07
SyncazorIll give it a few minutes09:07
cfhowlett!cookie | EriC^^09:07
ubottuEriC^^: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!09:07
EriC^^musclez: type nano /etc/fstab , replace the UUID of /boot with 4da5596e-fd8b-4738-bbf5-56d2c2705ef109:07
EriC^^musclez: it's the one from blkid09:07
SyncazorEriC^^: It's stuck at [         0.296609] Trying to unpack rootfs images as initramfs...09:08
SyncazorIs that normal?09:08
cfhowlettSyncazor, how old is this box?09:09
musclezeric^^ edited09:10
Syncazor4 years cfhowlett09:10
EriC^^musclez: ok, type mv /var/lib/dpkg/statoverride{,.old}09:10
EriC^^musclez: we'll deal with it later, but we need to remove that so dpkg will work for now09:11
EriC^^musclez: ok, type mkdir /boot/efi09:12
Syncazorcfhowlett: my pc has 3gb of ram09:12
EriC^^musclez: type dpkg --configure -a09:12
cfhowlettSyncazor, doable but ubuntu with unity is a hungry beast.  I suggest xubuntu or lubuntu as they are less demanding09:12
musclezseems to have worked09:13
EriC^^musclez: apt-get -f install09:13
Syncazorcfhowlett: I'm on 14.04, how much do i need?09:13
musclezdone done didnt ctash09:13
cfhowlett!requirements | Syncazor see for yself09:13
ubottuSyncazor see for yself: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu09:13
EriC^^musclez: apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-generic09:14
=== oleg is now known as Guest39529
musclezseemed to have worked09:15
Syncazorcfhowlett: I have requirements?09:15
EriC^^musclez: apt-get install --reinstall grub-efi-amd64 grub-efi-amd64-bin grub-common09:16
Syncazorcfhowlett: I have above the minimum requirements09:17
cfhowlettSyncazor, noted.  I didn't say ubuntu would NOT run, I suggested it would run faster with a lighter load.09:17
cfhowlettthus xubuntu / lubuntu09:18
ikoniamusclez: what are you doing ?09:18
ikoniathis looks like another chroot mess09:18
Syncazorcfhowlett:, doesn't really worry me. But what can I do to stop it from being stuck on  [         0.296609] Trying to unpack rootfs images as initramfs...09:18
=== luny` is now known as luny
lotuspsychjeSyncazor: its worth a try, to see if you can bypass that error09:18
ikoniamusclez: please tell me you are still not trying to do this in a chroot09:18
Syncazorlotuspsychje: how09:19
EriC^^musclez: apt-get install --reinstall grub2-common09:19
cfhowlettSyncazor, someone suggested a boot kernel option.  sadly, I've no idea which one you might need. sorry.  ask again in channel.09:19
lotuspsychjeSyncazor: make lubuntu stick just same way you did with ubuntu iso09:19
lotuspsychjeSyncazor: maybe LTS?09:20
Syncazorlotuspsychje: but why cant  I have ubuntu?09:20
musclez"man" does not exist, like in the past i sent previously09:20
lotuspsychjeSyncazor: you can, but we have to investigate why your getting that error first09:20
ikoniamusclez: are you doing this in a chroot09:20
SyncazorDuring my installation, it's stuck on  [         0.296609] Trying to unpack rootfs images as initramfs... How could I fix this issue?09:20
SyncazorWell do you want me to post more lines on pastebin.com?09:21
ikoniamusclez: are you doing this in a chroot09:21
EriC^^musclez: ok,09:22
EriC^^musclez: try update-grub09:22
Guest39529ŠŗтŠ¾ ŠæŠøшŠøт Š½Š° русс09:22
lotuspsychje!ru | Guest3952909:22
ubottuGuest39529: ŠŸŠ¾Š¶Š°Š»ŃƒŠ¹ŃŃ‚Š° Š½Š°Š±ŠµŃ€ŠøтŠµ /join #ubuntu-ru Š“Š»Ń ŠæŠ¾Š»ŃƒŃ‡ŠµŠ½Šøя ŠæŠ¾Š¼Š¾Ń‰Šø Š½Š° руссŠŗŠ¾Š¼ яŠ·Ń‹ŠŗŠµ. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.09:22
SyncazorMy FULL error, how do I fix it? http://prntscr.com/ 7lwdzn09:23
lotuspsychjeSyncazor: wich iso did you make on your stick now?09:23
SyncazorMy FULL error, how do I fix it? http://prntscr.com/7lwdzn09:23
TJ-EriC^^: unless I missed something it may need a 'grub-install' since the modules need reinstalling in /boot/grub/09:23
ikoniaTJ-: I don't believe you've been told the full story of this mess09:24
EriC^^TJ-: doesn't apt-get install --reinstall run grub-install at the end?09:24
ikoniawhich is why I keep asking if this is being done within a chroot09:24
ikoniaas this was a real mess yesterday and it looks like it's continued on from there09:24
EriC^^nevermind, doesn't appear to have ran09:24
TJ-ikonia: I'm fully aware, we're just completing a rebuild of the /boot/ file-system which was corrupt09:24
EriC^^musclez: run grub-install first09:24
ikoniacorrupted ?09:25
musclezcannot find efi directory09:25
EriC^^musclez: oh my bad09:25
TJ-ikonia: see http://pastebin.com/s7uhx7ui09:25
EriC^^musclez: type sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot/efi09:25
ikoniaTJ-: what about the bit where random files have been removed from his system to "clean up"09:26
ikoniaand the miss-match of packages09:26
ikoniahave you got that all sorted ?09:26
TJ-ikonia: We've dealt with all the symptoms we've seen09:26
ikoniaeoe, very nice09:26
ikoniawow even09:26
musclezunable to resolve host lubuntu mount: mounting /dev/sda1 on /mnt/boot/efi failed: no such file or directory09:27
TJ-'eoe' sounds like how a cat says 'wow' :)09:27
EriC^^musclez: sorry, mount /dev/sda1 /boot/efi09:27
TJ-musclez: EriC^^ maybe "mkdir -p /boot/efi/"   ?09:27
EriC^^TJ-: yeah we created it09:28
musclezunable to resolve host lubuntu09:28
EriC^^that's ok09:28
TJ-EriC^^: OK, I missed some since I've been doing some kernel patching09:28
musclezyeah i havent crashed since u left really09:28
musclezso some serious progress tbh09:28
TJ-musclez: don't tempt fate :p09:29
musclezive been trying not to i hope i didnt just f up09:29
EriC^^musclez: try grub-install09:29
SyncazorMy FULL error, how do I fix it? http://prntscr.com/7lwdzn09:30
EriC^^musclez: cat /etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 999909:31
EriC^^that happens if you have /boot in the encrypted partition09:31
SyncazorEriC^^: `any idea?09:32
EriC^^musclez: did we mount /boot ?09:33
EriC^^musclez: type mount | nc termbin.com 999909:33
=== leo__ is now known as kvadratrot
EriC^^musclez: ok, type umount /boot/efi09:34
EriC^^then type mount -a09:34
kvadratrotI have trouble booting off my usb .iso image of 15.04. Could I talk to someone?09:35
TJ-EriC^^: there may be files in /boot/ ... best to remove them before mounting sda209:35
EriC^^musclez: actually hold on09:35
EriC^^musclez: after you type umount /boot/efi, type rm -r /boot09:35
lotuspsychje!usb | kvadratrot09:35
ubottukvadratrot: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent09:35
EriC^^then type mkdir -p /boot/efi09:35
TJ-EriC^^: there needs to be a 'mount' in there, first :)09:36
EriC^^TJ-: right09:36
* TJ- giggles09:36
EriC^^musclez: type rm -r /boot/efi09:36
* TJ- blames ikonia :)09:36
musclezpast few commands i think im getting mixed up09:38
TJ-musclez: "type" is an instruction to you, not a command for the PC09:38
kvadratrotlotuspsychje: I'm avid Ubuntu user and have installed the system before. But today I come in a different angle, my graphic card, at least known so far to me through googeling isnt supported with the out of the box ubuntu drives. I have to download them via ppa when inside. So when I run my usb-drive i get asked to install or run wihtout install but when i do it tries to boot in but when x is...09:38
kvadratrot...run it black screens on me. /what do?09:38
kvadratrotie im running nvidia 352 currently09:39
cfhowlettkvadratrot, nomodeset to get a live system then do the installation???09:39
SyncazorMy error: http://prntscr.com/7lwhuz09:39
muscleztj- lets leave the semantic debate to after i get some sleep09:40
Syncazorcan anyone help me?09:40
ihaveaproblemhey folks. My filesystem is suddenly read-only. dmesg says this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1178269009:41
TJ-musclez: where are you at now?09:41
kvadratrotcfhowlett: *halleluja* then i just add that to the options for install/withoutinstall? both should work?09:41
musclezthat paste bin i jsut sent09:41
ihaveaproblemWhen I run sudo fsck -Af -M, I get no error output. Does that mean it's not a harddrive issue?09:41
TJ-musclez: with the 'not found' errors?09:41
SyncazorWhy wont anyone answer me?09:42
cfhowlettkvadratrot, nomodeset is a temporary solution allowing you to boot a system with only partially configured graphics.  You'll still need to set up graphics09:42
cfhowlett!patience | Syncazor09:42
ubottuSyncazor: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/09:42
TJ-musclez: OK, let's try again. "umount /boot/efi /boot"09:42
TJ-musclez: "rm -r /boot/09:43
kvadratrotcfhowlett: Yeah, I quick googled what "nomodeset" was when you typed. My returing question to you was how I entered it in in grub "-nomodeset" ?09:43
TJ-musclez: "mount -a"09:43
musclezboth not mounted09:43
kvadratrotcfhowlett: also u r my hero09:43
EriC^^TJ-: doesn't he need a mkdir /boot before?09:43
TJ-musclez: That's fine; I was being careful09:43
cfhowlett!nomodeset | kvadratrot, gotta read the wiki amigo.  instructions are there.09:43
ubottukvadratrot, gotta read the wiki amigo.  instructions are there.: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter09:43
musclezno such file or directory fo rthe UUIDs09:44
TJ-EriC^^: musclez I thought we have a /boot/ since "mkdir -p /boot/efi"09:44
TJ-musclez: "ls /boot/" - do you get a listing or an error?09:44
EriC^^he ran rm -r /boot though09:45
musclezyeah tj i think ur confuisign some stuff here09:45
SyncazorMy FULL error, how do I fix it? http://prntscr.com/7lwdzn09:45
TJ-EriC^^: From the pastebin musclez was prefixing several commands with "type " which caused "not found" errors; the last command before that happened was "mkdir -p /boot/efi"09:46
TJ-musclez: In case it is missing, do "mkdir /boot"09:46
musclezi dint type that in.. i was teh readout09:46
TJ-musclez: then do "mount -a"09:47
musclezim not sure what i shodl be doing knwo cuz ur both telling me two differnt things09:47
TJ-musclez: In case it is missing, do "mkdir /boot"09:47
EriC^^nah we're on the same page i think09:47
TJ-musclez: then do "mount -a"09:47
musclezno such file or diretory09:48
musclezwe jsut did that liek 3 times09:48
EriC^^ok hold on09:48
EriC^^did you run mkdir /boot ?09:48
TJ-musclez: was that "mount: mounting UUID=4da5596e-fd8b-4738-bbf5-56d2c2705ef1 on /boot failed: No such file or directory" ?09:48
EriC^^we need to do it in steps cause /boot is empty09:48
musclezyes tj09:48
EriC^^musclez: mount /dev/sda2 /boot09:48
EriC^^musclez: /boot or /boot/efi ?09:49
TJ-musclez: It could have been "mount: mounting UUID=DEE2-1CC0 on /boot/efi failed: No such file or directory"09:49
musclez... /boot failed : device or resouce busy09:49
TJ-musclez: can you pastebin "mount" for us?09:50
RuediiHello, I'm having trouble getting Steam to work with Open Source drivers in Ubuntu 15.0409:53
TJ-musclez: something weird there, we need to see the output of "mount"09:53
musclezi dont knwo what i should type09:55
ikonia mount09:55
TJ-musclez: whatever I show inside double-quotes: "mount"     ... FYI you can automate capture to pastebin using "pastebinit <(the command here)" if the PC has a network connection09:57
CapprenticeHow do I implement port mirroring in Ubuntu Server 12.04 ? I want mirror port 1337 to ip :! how do I do it?09:57
TJ-musclez: that was an incorrect URL; did you make a typo in it?09:58
TJ-Thanks ... the 7 was missing in the earlier URL09:58
TJ-musclez: "ls -ld /boot" - should give you something like: "drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 7168 Jun 27 09:33 /boot" - if not, try "mkdir /boot" and then check it exists again10:00
musclezit gave me that output10:00
TJ-musclez: Good :) now "mount /boot"10:00
musclezno such10:01
EriC^^try mount /dev/sda2 /boot10:01
TJ-EriC^^: musclez: I think there's a syntax error in "/etc/fstab" from the earlier UUID editing10:02
EriC^^musclez: mkdir /boot/efi10:02
TJ-musclez: can you pastebin the "/etc/fstab" file ?10:02
EriC^^TJ-: termbin.com/ijhb 4da5596e-fd8b-4738-bbf5-56d2c2705ef110:03
EriC^^sorry http://termbin.com/ijhb10:03
TJ-EriC^^: Yes, but it may have changed since, I want to see what mount is tripping over now10:03
musclezmkdir boot/efi worked btw10:04
EriC^^musclez: ok, mount /dev/sda1 /boot/efi10:04
musclezeric^^'s methods are working10:04
TJ-musclez: That pastebin URL is bad again "paste has been removed"10:04
EriC^^musclez: apt-get install --reinstall grub-efi-amd64-bin grub-efi-amd64 grub-common grub2-common10:05
EriC^^musclez: it's the same method10:05
xyzzy__hey guys. Does pidgin not work with facebook chat anymore? Haven't used it in a long while10:05
TJ-musclez: I know, but if fstab is broken the automated mounts will fail as they are doing for us, so that needs fixing10:05
musclezionstallation finished10:06
musclezno error reported WHAAAAAA10:06
TJ-musclez: right, but we need to sort out the fstab issue else mount will fail10:06
EriC^^musclez: grub-install10:07
EriC^^musclez: then update-grub10:07
TJ-musclez: then please pastebin the output of "blkid"10:07
RuediiHmm, since nobody knows how to fix the steam runtime to properly detect the 15.04 OpenGL stack.  Could someone point me to the instructions on how to downgrade my distro to 14.04, which I know would work?10:08
ikoniayou can't downgrade10:08
ikoniayou need to re-install10:08
cfhowlettRuedii, no "downgrade".  clean install10:08
MonkeyDustRuedii  backup and fresh install 14.0410:08
MonkeyDustcfhowlett  was faster10:09
ice9any suggestions for network mapping/modelling application?10:09
cfhowlettMonkeyDust, hey, I've had a hard day.  ye ole fingers just don't fly like they used to.10:09
EriC^^musclez: what about cat /etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 999910:09
TJ-EriC^^: musclez I'm not seeing anything obviously wrong; the UUID is correct, no typos, wondering about whitespace issues but can't see any10:11
TJ-musclez: let's find out if its fixed itself. Do "umount /boot/efi     /boot"  then try automounting them again with "mount -a"10:12
musclezno such10:13
cq-auxhi I'm having trouble changing my mac address, I keep losing the privileges or something every couple of days10:13
ikoniacq-aux: you don't change your mac address10:13
ikoniayou should not be doing that10:13
Ruediiice9, do you mean automatic or just to create the images.   If you aren't automatically generating it from a dataset, I recommend just using a flowchart application.  There is no need for a one trick pony for that.10:13
TJ-musclez: OK, so we need to figure this out before the system can reboot.10:13
cq-auxspoof spoof spoof10:13
ikoniacq-aux: no no no10:13
cq-auxI'm changing it for the session dude. with macchanger10:14
ikoniayou shouldn't need to change it10:14
musclezwhy did we change uuids10:14
cq-auxI've also tried sudo ifconfig wlan0 hw ether xx:xx:xx:xx:xx this time and I can't change it that way either10:14
ikoniayou can't change it that way10:15
ikoniayou should not be changing your mac10:15
TJ-musclez: because we created a new file-system in /dev/sda2 and it has a new UUID10:15
TJ-musclez: Can you "hexdump -C /etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 9999"10:15
EriC^^musclez: did update-grub work?10:15
musclezyeah it did from before10:15
EriC^^grub-install or update-grub?10:15
cq-auxI had the same problem with macchanger before and I fixed it by bringing down wlan0 first and then stopping network-manager but it's not working this time10:16
EriC^^cool so it just picked up the kernel and initrd and stopped?10:16
ikoniacq-aux: you should not be changing your mac10:16
cq-auxikonia: yes I should10:16
cq-auxikonia: it's only temporary, it's only til the the next reboot10:16
ikonianot sure why that matters10:16
musclezi see "adding boot menu entry to EFI firmware config..."10:17
musclezno specifc image information10:17
EriC^^musclez: no 3.13 ... found?10:17
EriC^^mount /dev/sda2 /boot10:17
TJ-EriC^^: That's because we haven't installed the kernels yet... I wanted to fix this fstab issue first10:17
EriC^^ohh right10:18
musclezrgr that ok10:18
EriC^^forgot we unmounted and cleaned it and stuff10:18
=== Hazza is now known as Haxxa
TJ-musclez: Can you "hexdump -C /etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 9999"10:19
cq-auxikonia: I don't know how where to go from here, I can change the first 6 hex digits of my mac but I'm fearing that that will get me busted10:19
ikonia"get you busted" ?10:19
TJ-musclez: this will let us see if there are any 'bad' bytes in fstab10:19
cq-aux(I'm just using the public wifi to its limit over and over)10:19
ikoniacq-aux: we are not going to help you break TOC10:19
ikoniaplease don't ask again10:19
cq-auxoh ok, coolies10:20
TJ-musclez: EriC^^ I'm not seeing any weird ASCII/UTF-8 codes there10:22
EriC^^that's odd10:22
kvadratrotcfhowlett: yes sire. *over and out*10:23
EriC^^let's see something10:23
EriC^^musclez: try mount -a right now10:23
EriC^^since just /boot is mounted and /boot/efi isn't10:23
musclezno such10:23
musclezhmm im in root10:24
musclezam i supposr to not be in chroot10:24
EriC^^that's ok, no10:24
TJ-musclez: This is all to do in the chroot10:24
eraggoAbout ubuntuforums: how do i get access on my OWN profile? vBulletin says that i have no access to my own profile10:25
EriC^^musclez: let's install the kernels10:25
EriC^^musclez: mount /dev/sda1 /boot/efi10:25
EriC^^musclez: the latest one for your ubuntu version10:25
musclezi think its
EriC^^musclez: ok, mounted?10:27
eraggomore closely about forum: my settings for editing my profile10:27
musclezsorry , yes10:27
eraggonever mind10:27
EriC^^musclez: ok, apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-generic10:28
musclezlinux image generic is already the newest version10:28
EriC^^did you type --reinstall ?10:29
musclezmy bad10:29
EriC^^what did it say?10:29
MonkeyDustmusclez  what happened, to make your problem so complicated?10:30
=== Captain is now known as Guest12879
TJ-MonkeyDust: file-system corruption10:30
musclezsorry, d/c'd10:32
TJ-musclez: EriC^^: !!!DING!!!! - I suspect the /dev/disk/by-uuid/ link is missing!10:32
KopreHi everybody. Security question: Makes it sense to make a DMZ at home if you want to host your website by yourself?10:32
EriC^^TJ-: ok, cool10:32
EriC^^makes sense10:32
TJ-EriC^^: You best carry on where you left off, we can investigate that later10:33
musclezbooking back into boot-repair disk10:33
KopreEriC^^: Do you know a device (router) that suits?10:33
EriC^^not to be a party pooper, but musclez can you easily backup and fresh install?10:34
muscleznot really10:34
EriC^^musclez: sudo cryptsetup ...10:34
musclezgive me a secong the efi keeps crashing10:35
TJ-musclez: What does "keeps crashing" mean?10:35
musclezuefi boot disk10:35
EriC^^TJ-: should he do the memtest?10:35
cfhowlettKopre, perhaps a good query for #hardware10:35
musclezi dont think i have it yet do i?10:35
TJ-musclez: Like I said before, if there's a general problem with corruption then that needs to be identified and fixed first, else everythin we're doing now could be wasted10:35
TJ-musclez: how, precisely, does it crash? How far does the boot get, what do you see?10:36
musclezit waries10:36
musclezvaries, soemtiems i get to desktop.. soemtiems not evn the loading screen10:37
musclezthis time it was "si_disable_ulv failed"10:37
musclezkernel panic10:37
musclezim back on10:38
musclezsudo cryptsetup done10:39
EriC^^musclez: ok, sudo mount /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root /mnt10:40
EriC^^musclez: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done10:41
TJ-musclez: stop here for a moment10:42
musclezno problem :P10:42
TJ-musclez: can you pastebin the output of "ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/"10:42
musclezyeah 1sec10:43
=== amezor is now known as amezora
TJ-musclez: EriC^^ "si_disable_ulv failed" comes from the radeon GPU driver's si_dpm_set_power_state() method. I'm not clear right now if it is vital at this stage, but I think if it is related to the crashing issues then it may indicate the system firmware setup power management, or else linux <>ACPI  issues10:45
TJ-musclez: Well there's the problem for the mount - there's no UUID link been created for the file-system in /dev/sda210:45
musclezhmmm i had custome drivers from amd installed for a moment.. and then i noticed the had dissapered10:45
TJ-musclez: sorry, ignore me, I'm blind! It's there :)10:46
TJ-musclez: EriC^^:  OK, you guys carry on building the chroot and try using "mount -a" inside it to get /boot/efi/ ready10:47
EriC^^musclez: sudo chroot /mnt10:47
musclezno such for mount -a10:48
ikoniathis all seems very drawn out, would it not be wiser to just backup the data and re-install ?10:48
EriC^^musclez: ok, mount /dev/sda2 /boot10:48
EriC^^musclez: mount /dev/sda1 /boot/efi10:49
n8`7ewb_er^t\5^7Stop lawyyer boyer boyer boyer and you know its football is a futball game. Nothing but thing but the Jaguars, Cornbucklers. Buck cornhusk. Husk Husk, cornbuck buckers, Cornbuck cornbucklers. Rum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-football is they go bored, makes me say oh my lord, what football.10:49
n8`7ewb_er^t\5^7what are some good ways to do SOME FUCKIN SCREAMIN!10:49
n8`7ewb_er^t\5^7Nothing but the world cares about a group of the football is the worst sport events on television. College football game, it's no lie it's a football game! It's a football. No one in most people are runna ma naes. It is on television.10:49
n8`7ewb_er^t\5^7game! It sucks ten regular football game, so bored, makes me, so bored, makes me, it's about football.10:49
EriC^^musclez: are you using 14.10?10:49
musclezno, should be 14.0410:49
musclezhowver there was something that lead up to this with a 14.10 header10:50
maxvihi everyone! I installed ubuntu 15.04 on my asus eeePc 1001pxd. and sound don't work but sound woorks when I use headphones.10:50
musclezi believe10:50
EriC^^musclez: ok, type cat /etc/issue to make sure10:50
musclez14.04.02 lts \n \l10:51
ashmew2maxvi, make sure your speakers arent muted from the volume settings (or alsamixer)10:52
=== alexander is now known as Guest34161
EriC^^musclez: apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-3.13.0-55-generic10:53
heikki_Hello. I need to debug my server, how can i see what program is sending mail using my postfix from localhost10:55
musclezseems stuck on "upacking linux-image-3.13.0-55-generic"10:55
cfhowlett!server | heikki_10:55
ubottuheikki_: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server10:55
ikoniaheikki_: the mail logs will show you the user connecting10:55
ikoniafrom that you can work out what app is calling it10:55
heikki_i already know the user10:55
heikki_i have mysql database for users10:56
ikoniaso whats the problem then ?10:56
heikki_i need to know what is the real program / script sending the mail10:57
ikoniathe mail logs should give you a clue as to what's been called10:57
ikoniaas mysql users are unlikley to be system users, it must be some app (I'd assume a web app) that the user can access10:57
musclezyeah it froze on that10:57
heikki_yea, but i cannot find the app.10:58
ikoniaheikki_: what have you done to try and trace it ?10:59
heikki_nothing really, because tracing mail sender programs is a new area for me10:59
ikoniaok - so I've just told you how to start11:00
heikki_i just know that the log says something about postfix/qmgr11:00
ikoniapostfix is hte name of the account running the mail server, you need the other details11:00
heikki_i know what is postfix, and i think i know what qmgr is11:01
ikoniathen why are you struggling ?11:02
ikoniawhen I give you guidence you keep saying "I know"11:03
PrestonHello, I am trying to build PythonQt libraries, but after I run make, I get error -> ... fatal error: qgl.h: No such file or directory  #include <qgl.h> . I have OpenGL installed.11:03
ikoniabut you don't know how to take it forward11:03
heikki_ok, as an example, if i have a line like this: Jun 27 13:53:19 servername postfix/qmgr[3225]: 14D6F2AA66: from=<email@hidden>, size=897660, nrcpt=1 (queue active)11:04
ikonia"why are you struggling" ??? the answer is not "yes"11:04
ikoniais this your server ?11:05
ikoniaas in did you set it up / do you manage it ?11:05
PrestonCan anybody help?11:05
heikki_yes / yes11:05
ikoniaok - so is the mail server set to auth before relay ?11:05
heikki_if you mean open relay, only localhost is allowed to relay without auth11:06
ikoniano, I don't mean open realy11:06
ikoniaI mean exactly what i've said, is it set to auth before relay11:06
qwdI once had a bash script that would open all kinds of files from the terminal, just as if it had been opened from nautilus, with the  command "open". Does this sound familiar to anyone?11:07
heikki_then i don't understan your question11:07
ikoniais your mail server set to auth before relay11:08
heikki_how do i see if it is set to auth before relay11:08
ikoniayou set it up11:08
ikoniayou should know11:08
ikoniathats why I asked "did you set this up"11:08
heikki_yes, i set it up long time ago11:08
ikoniaok - so check your mail config11:08
MonkeyDustqwd  try xdg-open11:09
heikki_ikonia: so what should i check from the log file?11:12
heikki_i mean conf11:12
heikki_it has sasl auth11:13
ikoniaif your server is set to auth before relay11:13
heikki_ikonia: my config file is in the postfix format, not in plain english11:14
ikoniapostfix is plain english format file11:15
heikki_as i told, it requires auth before relay from hosts other than localhost11:15
heikki_you confuse me :)11:15
qwdMonkeyDust: Thanks!11:15
maxviashmew2: I set headphones volume to 100 and now sound works but after11:16
maxvireload I need to the same again and again.11:16
ikoniaheikki_: you did not tell me that11:16
ikoniayou just asked if I meant an open relay11:16
ikoniaheikki_: what is your postfix host authing the users/password against11:16
heikki_in mysql there is a database table of encrypted passwords11:17
ikoniaheikki_: do those users have any access to the system or are they just email users11:18
heikki_just email users, no other access11:18
ikoniaok - so if they can't access the system it must be through some web app11:18
ikoniaso look in the web root see references to the mail system11:18
heikki_there are thousands of that kind of references11:19
ikoniathousands ?11:19
ikoniahow many web sites are on this server ?11:19
heikki_well, ok, hundreds11:19
heikki_depends on what you mean by a site. Lots of vhosts11:20
ikoniadefine lots11:20
heikki_:) Where do you need the exact number?11:20
EriC^^musclez: any progress?11:21
muscleznah it froze when i tried to run that isntall11:21
ikoniaheikki_: you don't want to answer my questions, fine, good luck sorting it out11:21
ikoniasounds like you have no idea what is on your system or how it's setup, so you're at risk11:21
heikki_it is a trade secret11:21
ikoniathen you should be able to manage a server,11:21
heikki_i know i am at risk, and that's why i am trying to learn something right now, and you seem very helpful...11:22
EriC^^musclez: ok, type mv /var/lib/dpkg/statoverride{.old,}11:22
thenewoneHi guys11:22
thenewoneguys how to show the number of process are runing rightnow ?11:22
ikoniathenewone: ps -ef | wc -l11:22
musclezunder chroot?11:22
EriC^^musclez: yeah11:22
heikki_ikonia: i am not the only one who has access to the server, and i am not the only one making web pages here, so that's the reason i cannot know everything11:22
ikoniaheikki_: I'm not interested11:23
jrtappersIs there a way to get headphones detected in pulse "system mode"?11:23
musclezmissing desination file11:23
musclezfor mv11:23
EriC^^musclez: did you put the "," at the end before } ?11:23
EriC^^musclez: ah nevermind11:24
musclezrgr it workd that way i idnt see11:24
EriC^^musclez: ok, type mv /var/lib/dpkg/statoverride.old /var/lib/dpkg/statoverride11:24
EriC^^oh ok11:24
heikki_ikonia: do you run a server?11:24
qwdWhen I open something from the terminal with xdg-open or gvfs-open the terminal is not usable and I have to do ctrl+c to close the running program. How can I make it run in the background instead? Adding "&" at the end doesn't help.11:24
thenewoneikonia, thanks alot11:24
thenewonehow to know the last users are connected to linux ?11:26
thenewonenot the last just in last hour11:26
ikonialast and then look at the time stamp11:26
jattman last11:26
ikoniayou can see when thye logged in / out11:26
musclezeric^^ do i still end to mv or was that first input sufficient?11:27
EriC^^musclez: type ls -l /var/lib/dpkg/statoverride11:27
EriC^^is it there?11:27
ikoniawould it not be quicker to backup/re-install/restore11:27
ikoniayou'd have been done by now11:27
thenewonehow list folder hwo start with p in any folder11:28
musclezyeah " root root ### may 111:28
musclezsomehtiung is there11:28
ikoniathenewone: I think you need to learn the basics of the shell11:28
heikki_seems like no'one cares to help11:28
ikoniathenewone: we are not going to help you with every linux command11:28
thenewoneikonia, i know ls11:28
ikoniathenewone: you need to know more than "ls"11:29
bazhang#ubuntu-server heikki_11:29
EriC^^thenewone: ls p*11:29
ikoniaheikki_: people won't help as you don't share the info11:29
thenewonei know how use shell put list olders who start with p i never to to use it before11:29
EriC^^thenewone: that will list all files though, not just dirs11:29
ikoniahence why I stopped11:29
thenewonebut ls p* show files either11:29
EriC^^yes files and dirs11:29
thenewonei want folder11:29
thenewoneonly folder11:29
ikonials -d11:29
qwdFound the solution at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/264395/linux-equivalent-of-the-mac-os-x-open-command11:29
ikoniaso again - please learn the basics11:30
heikki_ikonia: share the info? LOL! If i ask your bank account details because i am helping you to walk on a street, would you share the info?11:30
EriC^^thenewone: actually not11:30
threesixesls -d yeah that's the one11:30
EriC^^thenewone: use ls -d p*11:30
ikoniaheikki_: I didn't ask for your bank details11:30
ikoniaI asked for the number of vhosts11:30
bazhangheikki_, chit chat elsewhere NOT here11:30
threesixesy u no teach em man?11:30
thenewonethanks guys11:30
heikki_you don't need the exact number of vhosts to fix email problems11:30
heikki_bazhang: ok sorry11:30
ikoniaheikki_: I did - I was working out the best method of 3 options to get you the info, and the number of vhosts impacted my decision11:31
JunkyFunkyKidhello, i would like some help?11:31
ikoniaJunkyFunkyKid: just state your problem, and if people can help, they will11:31
heikki_ok, i hate this channel and i hate everyone, bye.11:32
JunkyFunkyKidwell, it seems i downloaded the free star craft version from archive.org, and i cannot start it.11:32
JunkyFunkyKidit says something about open gl libraries being missing.11:32
MonkeyDustwhat's starcraft? a game?11:33
bazhang!find opencl11:34
ubottuFound: ocl-icd-libopencl1, ocl-icd-opencl-dev, opencl-headers, unity-scope-openclipart, nvidia-libopencl1-304, nvidia-libopencl1-304-updates, nvidia-libopencl1-331, nvidia-libopencl1-331-updates, nvidia-libopencl1-340, nvidia-libopencl1-340-updates (and 40 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=opencl&searchon=names&suite=vivid&section=all11:34
JunkyFunkyKidoh yes, i cannot load any program from "files" i run zorin 7 and cannot even compile.11:37
MonkeyDustJunkyFunkyKid  zorin is not supported here11:37
JunkyFunkyKidso, even if i do download this package, it will not load.11:37
JunkyFunkyKidoh ok.11:37
BluesKajHiyas all11:38
tokamIs there a nice ilustrator software to create people images in a commic style11:40
cfhowletttokam, inkscape or gimp11:40
TheHackOpsJust a quick graphics question, I have an XFX R9 280x (AMD), I keep having weird display issues like holes appearing in places and fonts displaying almost like they're broken11:47
bajahow do i know if my distribution is debian or not?11:47
TheHackOpsAlso I am having massive performance issues with graphics11:47
TheHackOpsAnyone have any ideas?11:47
ashleyisbaja: if lsb_release is installed 'lsb_release -d' will tell you11:49
MonkeyDustbaja  cat /etc/issue11:50
TheHackOpsI am able to play steam games fine if I launch steam with the following11:50
TheHackOpsLD_PRELOAD='/usr/$LIB/libstdc++.so.6' DIAPLAY=:0 steam11:50
bajahey guys is there a way i can log all commands i try on the terminal to a file for future reference11:50
GotKlass`! Brucesht! The worst sport ever moyer boyer foot ball! Brucesht, boyer. notch, and that's a fucker game, it's a soccer game, so boyer coyer! Boyer football! Boyer royer! Boyer made. No!11:50
bajaim guessing it would be helpful in the future11:51
TJ-baja: Try "history"11:51
GotKlass`The world cares about football. After the worse thing but as watching on during on during. Most people are runna ma naes.11:51
bajawhere is history11:52
cfhowlettGotKlass`, this is the ubuntu support channel.  stay on topic or go elsewhere please.11:52
TJ-baja: it's a command to issue in the shell11:52
bajawhats the command?11:52
TJ-baja: Try "history"11:52
MonkeyDustbaja  type this:  history > history.list; less history.list11:53
GotKlass`It's a football. Nothing prime but the Jaguars, Cornfuckers, Cornbuck fuck cornhuskers, Cowboys, Ravens, Cornhuskers, so they go brucesht boyer football game it's a football game, it's no lie it's a futball game, so the Jaguars, so boyer football game. It's a soccer game, it's a futball and rittered. Except when I cover moyer! Brucesht boyer royer moyer! Boyer!11:53
GotKlass`Stop lawyyer made. Lynx game, so bored, makes me say oh my eyes it sucks ten rears.11:53
MonkeyDustGotKlass`  wrong channel11:53
cfhowlettGotKlass`, stop the profanity.  now.11:53
GotKlass`Juni Jonn Joans Football game. It's a soccer game, so the Nebraska Cornhusk. Fuck cornhuskers, Cornhusk. Husk, cornhusk. Husk, cornhuskers, so the worst sport events on during. Most people are runna ma naes. It is college football is the Jaguars, Cornhuskers, Cornbucklers. Rum-dum-dum-dum-football. Nothing on television is the Jaguars, so the worse they shown on during worst sport everything11:53
GotKlass`Here's an interview with me.11:53
GotKlass`Nothing but this stupid football. Nothing on television is that's a fuck cornbucklers. Rum-dum-football makes me, it's a soccer game, so boyer my lord, what is the football is that is thing but they go brucesht, boyer moyer football. Nothing on television. No!11:53
GotKlass`GotKlass, how do you get away with spamming the channel?11:53
GotKlass`GotKlass`: Well, I start out by doing it while the ops or channel operators aren't here.  it's so funny.  You can spam on freenode very quickly, compared with other IRC networks.  And the ops literally do nothing here11:53
GotKlass`The worst sport ever moyer coyer!11:53
bajaits now working11:53
cfhowlett!ops | GotKlass`11:53
ubottuGotKlass`: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang11:53
bajaanyone has another command11:54
bajafor checking history of terminal11:54
MonkeyDustbaja  type this:  history > history.list; less history.list11:54
bajais that one command or two11:55
MonkeyDustbaja  that's two commands, separated by ;11:55
bajawow magic11:55
BluesKajbaja, I keep a text file of important and the most used commands under various titles like burning or networking wifi etc11:55
baja@monkey thanks11:55
MonkeyDustI have a text file with 'snippets', useful commands11:56
bajaBluesKaj how do i do that?11:56
TJ-baja: MonkeyDust The history is already in a file: ".bash_history"11:56
bajaok TJ11:57
MonkeyDustbaja  what's TJ- says: more than one way to do it11:57
BluesKajcreate a text file in your /home/user then add the commands to it11:58
BluesKajand save it everytime you add or edit11:58
bajaok let me try ...11:58
TJ-baja: read all about how shell history works: "man bash" and then type "/^HISTORY" and press Enter to jump to the HISTORY section of the manual page11:58
bajahow do i create file12:00
walGotKlass`: Death row!12:01
walGotKlass`: You can talk about sex12:01
wal! Brucesht! The worst sport ever moyer boyer foot ball! Brucesht, boyer. notch, and that's a fucker game, it's a soccer game, so boyer coyer! Boyer football! Boyer royer! Boyer made. No!12:01
cfhowlettwal stop it.   now.12:01
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang12:01
walThe world cares about football. After the worse thing but as watching on during on during. Most people are runna ma naes.12:01
cfhowlett!ops | wal12:01
ubottuwal: please see above12:01
walIt's a football. Nothing prime but the Jaguars, Cornfuckers, Cornbuck fuck cornhuskers, Cowboys, Ravens, Cornhuskers, so they go brucesht boyer football game it's a football game, it's no lie it's a futball game, so the Jaguars, so boyer football game. It's a soccer game, it's a futball and rittered. Except when I cover moyer! Brucesht boyer royer moyer! Boyer!12:01
walEat shit12:01
walStop lawyyer made. Lynx game, so bored, makes me say oh my eyes it sucks ten rears.12:01
walJuni Jonn Joans Football game. It's a soccer game, so the Nebraska Cornhusk. Fuck cornhuskers, Cornhusk. Husk, cornhusk. Husk, cornhuskers, so the worst sport events on during. Most people are runna ma naes. It is college football is the Jaguars, Cornhuskers, Cornbucklers. Rum-dum-dum-dum-football. Nothing on television is the Jaguars, so the worse they shown on during worst sport everything12:01
walon television. Colts, Ravens, Cowboys, Redskins, Cornfuck cornhusk. Husk Husk Husk, cornhuskers, Cowboys, Redskins, Cornhuskers, Cornbuckers, Cowboys, Ravens, Cornhuskers, College football is the Super Bowl, everything on television. Nothing but football games, uh, I can't watching but thing but as watch.12:01
Ben64thanks, mysterious op12:02
cfhowlettBen64, my /ignore list is getting a workout today12:02
MonkeyDustsummer vacation... more bored teens online, i guess12:03
=== fy is now known as nicechap
muscleztj- can i get more assistance if ur available... terminal crashe dwhen i tried to reinstall the kernel and then we got /var/lib/dpkg/statoverride and i have no idea what was going on12:05
TJ-musclez: I'm working at the mo, sorry. I'd suggest trying to get a memtest running from the live ISO... you may have to boot the USB in Legacy mode in order for memtest to work. You may need a dedicated memtest86+ bootable ISO if the Live ISO doesn't work.12:08
BluesKajthese trolls could at least learn some proper English :-)12:09
cfhowlettBluesKaj, , that was a weird accent.  I wanted to guess irish or scottish based on the spelling12:10
BluesKajcfhowlett looked to me like he used a crappy translator12:11
reddeath68just had a total system freeze and sysrq didnt work(yes it is enabled fully)12:13
reddeath68any idea where to start looking for problems12:13
MonkeyDust!details | reddeath6812:14
ubottureddeath68: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)12:14
reddeath68my system suddenyl frooze completely to the point even sysrq would not work, I have been having trouble with fglrx and gpu lockups as well12:15
reddeath68running ubuntu 14.04.2 fresh install and last memory test I ran (about a week ago) was all clear12:16
reddeath68any other details needed?12:17
musclezTJ- thanks a lot for the help i'm going to wait until i get more assistance. You guys left me in the middle of an install and then Eric was checking some file locations. now there are no kernels on the boot at all so i dont want to mess with it and make my self worse off.12:18
bitnibbleHi, I've just upgraded vivid (original install was in Dec'14) and I'm struggling to get a working desktop. I have no mouse, I've installed ubuntu-gnome-desktop, rebooted, I login and have a clock with the time from 10 minutes ago top right, a bar with the blue screensave image at the top and no keys do anything. How can I launch a simple xterm please?12:20
MonkeyDustbitnibble  if you have more than one pc in the same network, try ssh to the problem pc12:22
bitnibbleI need a desktop running. This machine is hosting VLC listening on http but it needs a desktop due to dbus bullshit.12:23
reddeath68does anyone know where I can start looking for causes of gpu  lockup and a full system freeze12:24
bitnibbleIf you know how to invoke vlc in that mode without the desktop running I'll take it. But what should my expectations of gnome on vivid be? Surely I should be able to do SOMETHING?12:24
Ben64i think "cvlc" is the command line version12:24
collinsis everyone using linux  here12:27
bajahey people how so i install u torrent12:27
MonkeyDust!info utorrent12:27
ubottuPackage utorrent does not exist in vivid12:27
MonkeyDustbaja  try deluge12:28
MonkeyDustcollins  this is the ubuntu support channel12:28
cfhowlettcollins,  we use ubuntu.  what do you use?12:28
bitnibblecvlc still throws 5 errors (not warnings) including dbus. It's listening but vlc remote is not connecting. Maybe it's not a desktop issue but the desktop sure is useless12:28
ashmew2baja, just for the heads up, transmission seems to misbehave with most trackers I use. Deluge is pretty decent.12:29
bajaok im downloading deluge12:29
ayejoikedeluge is awesome12:30
ayejoikedeluge is the only torrent client that doesn't have a Yes/No spyware contract12:30
ayejoikelike Azereus or uTorrent do12:30
OerHeksstandard transmission does not have that either, ayejoike12:31
reddeath68trying to figure out total system freeze(sysrq would not work and it is enabled) ran a memory test last week which came back clean, running ubuntu 14.04.2 fresh install fglrx graphics running HD redeon 7660D12:32
ayejoikeoh yeah forgot about btlaunchmany.py.  Why doesn't btlaunchmany.py work anymore?12:32
ayejoikeI have to use deluge12:32
ayejoikeis the a program like 3D Ripper for Linux12:36
ayejoikeerr ubuntu I guess12:36
ayejoike3D Ripper 3D Rippe rwhere it rips DirectX 3D data from Windows program windows12:36
studio_what new ubuntu server version is running on an "VIA C7 Eden"?12:41
cfhowlett!server | studio_12:42
ubottustudio_: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server12:42
studio_the problem is the kernel, therefore i asked. the VIA C7 Eden is an old x86 cpu12:43
MonkeyDuststudio_  start from the beginning, what brings you here12:44
OerHeks32 bit server, AFAIK12:44
studio_i am looking for na image to install on my old firewall12:44
TJ-studio_: I suspect you'd need an old 32-bit kernel that doesn't have PAE support built in, because I don't thnk the C7 has PAE support12:45
studio_TJ-, right12:45
TJ-studio_: I think Debian still has non-PAE builds12:45
OerHekslubuntu too12:45
studio_the lates debian "mini.iso" isn't working :(12:46
TJ-studio_: maybe this will help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/9w12:47
studio_is the a "mini" non-pae image from xubuntu for servers?12:48
studio_ahh, will read ...12:48
ealbornozspeak spanish?12:50
ubottuEn la mayorĆ­a de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sĆ³lo en inglĆ©s. Si busca ayuda en espaƱol entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.12:50
IrfanAlam_Can I password protect port :2004 and 2002 of my webiste ? How ?12:50
wajaelthe hacking cool. With isis, now we're child molestening. It's over! Word!12:52
wajaelMandelay bay industries. Vandelay bay industries.12:52
IrfanAlam_anyone there ?12:52
OerHeks!ot | wajael12:52
ubottuwajael: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:52
cfhowlett!ops | wajael trolling12:52
ubottuwajael trolling: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang12:52
wajaelThis is the dream. Dee dos Xbox, PlayStation a no fly list. Diverting the Lizard Squad baby, it's over! With Mentos fresh goes better in life! Word!12:52
wajaelMandelay, Vandelay bay. Mandelay industries. Dee dos Xbox, PlayStation and full of Sony execs. Yo-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-hoh-hoh-hoh-hoh-hoh! Mandelay, Mandelay industries. Mandelay bay industries. Yo-ho-hoh! Mentos freshmaker.12:52
TJ-IrfanAlam_: For apache see https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/howto/auth.html12:52
wajaelI'm living jets of life!12:52
wajaelNesh and Steam. It doesn't matter in life! Mentos fresh and we're child molestening. Increase easy creasie Increase easy creasie Increase easy creasie Increasy creasie Increasie Increase easy molestenie.12:52
wajaelWe affliate jets of Sony execs. Vandelay, Vandelay bay industries. Vandelay bay. Mandelay bay industries. Mandelay bay. Mandelay industries. Mandelay bay industries. Yo-hoh-hoh-hoh! Mandelay bay. Mandelay bay. Mandelay. Vandelay bay industries.12:53
wajaelBionic eggs, violin eggs, violin eggs, bionic legs. Violin eggs, violin life!12:53
cfhowlettgetting real tired of adding this silly person to /ignore, but hexchat does make it easy.12:53
wajaelNothing fresh, staying fresh goes better with Mentos Fresh goes better what comes, fresh and full of Sony execs. Mandelay. Vandelay bay industries. Yo-hoh-hoh-hoh! Mentos the dream, team. Increasy molestening. I'm living to you! Staying gets of life! Mentos the fresh and full of life! We'll leave this.12:53
wajaelWe affliate with Mentos freshness. Diverting gets to North Korea's the dream, team. I'm livin' the hacking jets of life! Mentos the best Korea man. North Korea! Word!12:53
wajaelMandelay bay industries. Fresh and full of Duty, and we're child molestenie.12:53
wajaelWe took down Destiny! Fifa, Call of Duty, and we're on and full of life!12:53
IrfanAlam_TJ-: not able to understand anything.... can you tell simply ?12:53
wajaelNothing to you! Staying cool. With Mentos fresh goes better in legs! ng fresh, staying fresh and we're child molestenie.12:54
wajaelWe affliate with Mentos the dream. Diverting private with Mentos fresh, staying jets to North Korea man. North Korea man. North Korea man. North Korea man. North Korea man. North Korea! With Mentos fresh and Steam probably hate the best Korea man. North Korea's the Lizard Squad baby, it's over! We'll leave this.12:54
wajaelThis is the Lizard Squad baby, it's over. Increasy molestening. Increase easy molestenie.12:54
wajaelWe affliate this.12:54
wajaelWe took down Destiny! Fifa, Call of Sony execs. Diverting cool. With isis, now we're child molestening. It doesn't matter with isis, now we're on and full of life!12:54
studio_TJ-, is there a "smaller" image available? my router only got a 1GB compact flash?12:54
wajaelNothing cool. With Mentos freshmaker.12:54
TJ-IrfanAlam_: IF you're using the Apache httpd web-server, use the page I linked to learn how to apply authentication12:54
wajaelI'm living gets of life!12:54
wajaelNothing fresh goes better with Mentos Fresh and we're child molestenie.12:55
TJ-studio_: I've no idea, I build my own kernels :)12:55
wajaelWe affliate with Mentos fresh, staying fresh and full of Duty, and full of life! Mentos fresh and full of life! With Mentos fresh and full of life! Mandelay, Vandelay bay industries. Yo-hoh-hoh-hoh-hoh! Mandelay bay industries. Vandelay bay industries. Mandelay bay industries. Vandelay bay industries. Dee dos Xbox, PlayStation and full of Duty, and Steam probably hate the best Korea man. North12:55
wajaelKorea's the Lizard Squad baby, it's over! Word!12:55
wajaelMandelay bay industries. Mandelay bay. Vandelay industries. Vandelay, Vandelay bay industries.12:55
wajaelBionic legs! ea man. North Korea man. North Korea! With Mentos Fresh and Steam. Diverting private with Mentos the hacking gets of Sony execs. Vandelay, Mandelay, Mandelay, Mandelay bay industries. Fresh, staying the fresh goes better in legs! t doesn't matter with Mentos fresh and Steam probably hate the Lizard Squad baby, it's over! Wit12:55
wajaelw we're child molestening. Increase easy crease easy crease easy molestenie.12:55
wajaelWe took down Destiny! Fifa, Call of Duty, and full of Sony execs. Vandelay, Vandelay bay industries. Vandelay bay industries. Freshmaker.12:55
wajaelI'm livin' the fresh goes better with Mentos fresh and full of Sony execs. Mandelay bay industries. Vandelay industries. Yo-hoh! Mentos the best Korea's the dream. I'm livin' the freshness. Fresh goes better with Mentos freshness. Vandelay, Mandelay bay. Vandelay bay industries. Diverting jets of Duty, and full of life!12:55
wajaelNesh and full of Sony execs.12:56
IrfanAlam_TJ-: No where mentioned there that port can be protected. can port protected ?12:57
TJ-IrfanAlam_: If the web server is listening on those ports, yes12:57
IrfanAlam_TJ-: it is listening....how to protect then ?12:58
TJ-IrfanAlam_: you don't protect the ports, you protect the <vhost> that is set to answer on that port12:58
IrfanAlam_TJ-: how ?12:58
TJ-IrfanAlam_: read the documentation that is what it is there for12:59
IrfanAlam_TJ-: can you tell me under which heading it is ?13:01
TJ-IrfanAlam_: That page goes into great detail on the choices and how it's done. If you're administering a web-server you need to master such things.13:03
skinuxCan GRUB over-write MBR with EFI-mode enabled?13:04
studio_TJ-, non-pae is eol? or is it still supported?13:04
IrfanAlam_TJ-: for the current , please tell me how ?13:04
TJ-studio_: On Ubuntu, EOL is the definition of  'no longer supported'13:06
TJ-IrfanAlam_: No, that's your job as system administrator. It isn't an Ubuntu support issue, it's specific to the Apache httpd. Try asking in #httpd13:07
OerHeksstudio_, lubuntu 12.04 is Non-PAE , else see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PAE13:07
reddeath68trying to figure out total system freeze(sysrq would not work and it is enabled) ran a memory test last week which came back clean, running ubuntu 14.04.2 fresh install fglrx graphics running HD redeon 7660D13:07
OerHeksreddeath68, time to explore the kern.log/kern.log.113:10
skinuxHow do I install GRUB to MBR? After booting into Windows 8.1 and installing a bunch of updates and then re-booting, MBR seems to be misconfigured so it now says it does not find a system disk. I have to use EFI boot screen to select an OS.13:10
TJ-OerHeks: " Lubuntu 12.04 is out of support and should not be used. "13:10
IrfanAlam_TJ-: see you soon after some days !13:10
OerHeksTJ-, oh, you are right, 3 year13:10
TJ-reddeath68: have you discounted overheating ?13:11
TJ-OerHeks: there's some footnotes right at the end of that page with the supported releases info ... good job I always read the smallprint :)13:11
skinuxDoes Ubuntu use GRUB 1, 2, or ELILO now?13:13
TJ-skinux: GRUB213:13
reddeath68TJ-, I have the side of my system and it runs a top fan that uncoverd dont think heat is the issue13:15
skinuxMy MBR (for some reason) can't find a system disk to boot, I have to use EFI boot manager to select an OS. So, I believe I need to install GRUB to MBR to fix it.13:15
reddeath68OerHeks, what am I looking for in the log?13:15
studio_OerHeks, is this "http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/non-pae/mini.iso" what i need?13:17
TJ-skinux: If the system is UEFI and the OS entry is missing from the menu, the entry simply needs re-adding. MBR has nothing to do with it. First of all, does the UEFI boot menu include a boot to "shell" option?13:18
OerHeksreddeath68, i think you want to explore the end of the log, multiple warnings, or jumps in log time gives a clue13:18
TJ-reddeath68: If not heat, and this issue has recently begun, consider what you've changed/done to the system at that time... I'd be considering PCI{e} adapters that have become slightly unseated, cabling issues, external device connections, possible power-supply glitches13:20
reddeath68TJ-, honestly I believe my graphics arent playing nice with the .2 stack of 14.04.213:21
TJ-reddeath68: It's possible... are there alternative drivers for the GPU you can switch to?13:21
reddeath68TJ-, I havent heard of any aside from catalyst which on previous install didnt seem to like .2 stack very much either im using a amd HD radeon 7660D13:23
skinuxTJ: I'm not sure if it does or not. However, if I boot the machine without pressing F12 (for EFI boot menu), it says system not not found and tries to do PXE boot which also fails. It then says to reboot by pressing a key.13:24
skinuxTJ: It used to boot into Windows boot selection, but now it says disk not found.13:25
reddeath68OerHeks,  there is only one time jump i see and its around time of freeze http://paste.ubuntu.com/11783435/13:25
anrafelhola alguien habla espaƱol13:29
TJ-skinux: Right, so the firmware isn't finding a bootable device. If you use F12 does it list the disk that has the operating systems installed ?13:29
skinuxYes, pressing F12 I'm able to boot into either Linux or Windows.13:29
TJ-skinux: Is that via UEFI entries that are named "Windows" or "Ubuntu" or similar, *or* by simply selecting the disk drive and then the GRUB boot-loader starting and offering a choice?13:30
skinuxIf I select Ubuntu, I get GRUB, if I select Windows then I get Windows boot manager.13:31
anrafelsomebody speack spanish, i need some help, please13:32
TJ-skinux: Right, so it's a full UEFI boot then *and* the boot menu has the entries there. So it sounds like your problem is simply that you need to go into the full firmware Setup and set the default boot entry correctly. Right now it obviously has an incorrect default so it fails to boot.13:32
ubottuEn la mayorĆ­a de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sĆ³lo en inglĆ©s. Si busca ayuda en espaƱol entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.13:32
skinuxTJ: I'll give that a try.13:32
rictoohello, i want to setup a bridge from eth0 to wlan0 (eth0 connected to gateway) with an OpenVPN connection and allow clients to connect via wlan0 to get eth0+openVPN13:36
rictoois this possibnle?13:36
MonkeyDustrictoo  i guess ##networking is a better place for that question13:37
reddeath68so after my system freeze upon searching the kernel log I found this one suspicious line http://paste.ubuntu.com/11783435/13:43
TJ-reddeath68: I'm going to stick my neck out and suggest a sticky bit in one of the RAM modules, despite what memtest says - it's not infallible. I've often cured this kind of issue by simply reseating the RAM modules or swapping them around in the slots.13:47
skinuxTJ: I found a fix. First of all UEFI boot was turned off, so I turned it on. Then I moved Linux to top of UEFI boot menu and now it boots into Ubuntu on it's own.13:47
TJ-skinux: Well done :)13:48
reddeath68TJ-, that soundslike a decent idea to try it may also explain the random firefox and wine crashes I experience infrequently13:48
skinuxObviously, the MBR got torqed though, because that's what it was trying to use.13:48
reddeath68TJ-, ill be sure to also blow out the system when I reset the ram13:48
TJ-reddeath68: but I have to say my gut reaction would still be localised overheating first - CPU, GPU, Southbridge chipset or possibly even the RAM modules depending on what type they are and if the system is overclocked or overvolted13:49
TJ-sticky bits very rarely cause a complete lock-up without seeing a lot of things going wrong first13:50
reddeath68TJ-, possibly hopefully blowing it out and reseating the ram will make a difference13:50
TJ-reddeath68: Yes... reseat everything and check cables, and look for damaged Electrolytic capacitors around the motherboard volytage regulator circuitry13:51
TJ-reddeath68: look for tops of capacitors starting to bulge, or signs of lakage around their base13:51
reddeath68TJ-, will do13:51
TJ-reddeath68: good luck ... I'm off to do some kernel testing13:51
reddeath68tjok thnx13:52
tr3yHey guys I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit on a Lenovo G580 laptop. I'm having a weird WiFi issue. It usually works fine but occasionally when I close the lid and leave it over night, I wake it up and can't connect to the WiFi without resetting the router. Any ideas?13:56
MonkeyDusttr3y  that's not weird, it's simply unstable14:02
tr3yMonkeyDust, yeah very unstable. None of my other devices have trouble connecting before the router reset. And this has happened a lot with the laptop. Is this normal for ubuntu?14:03
=== rictoo_ is now known as rictoo
tarvidLAMP installed with tasksel, PHP not running14:09
BIFF_Tis anyone here familiar with mini vMac using ubuntu?14:09
BIFF_Ti am just wondering why when i use mini vMac my graphics are distored.  when i run my mouse over the emulation window, it distorts everything in its path14:10
bmagisi declare PS1 in .bashrc using tput now when i use scp to move files to his particular machine i now get an error "tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified" should i declare PS1 elsewhere?14:14
zykotick9bmagis: what's "tput" for?  typically, PS1 in .bashrc is specified with PS1=foo14:15
tewardbmagis: you might be able to achieve the same thing that tput is doing with plain old PS1 bashisms... but without knowing what tput is doing...14:16
=== maice80 is now known as macice80_
xvanxwhere do u come from?14:19
kreezxilHow do you undo "dpkg --clear-selections"?14:20
EriC^xvanx: do you need help with something?14:20
xvanxno, not now14:21
MonkeyDustxvanx  for nice social chat, type /j #ubuntu-offtopic14:22
xvanxoke. thanks man14:23
=== corey84__ is now known as Corey84
skinuxHow much disk space should I need to install Ubuntu-Studio package into my pre-existing Ubuntu installation?14:26
skinuxI only have 1Gig of free disk space, however, I do have another 10G on a storage partition if there is some way I can install onto that partition.14:27
EriC^1gb should be more than enough14:27
EriC^i guess14:28
skinuxWell, how much space should I need?14:28
EriC^skinux: type apt-get install ubuntustudio-desktop and it should say14:29
skinuxIt says 200MB will be used after installation, so I guess all of the audio/video software is only 200MB.14:30
skinuxSomehow, I need to remove a whole bunch of Python packages that were installed by running setup.py once or twice.14:31
linuxdwhere to get Virtualbox Extension Pack 4.3.18 Debian?14:31
skinuxlinuxd: I would assume a quick search on DuckDuckGo.com or Google.com would return plenty of information.14:32
skinuxlinuxd: Wait, actual Debian or Ubuntu?14:32
studio_OerHeks, i tried different "mini.iso" for non pae, but the only image which is working seems to be the squeeze nonpae mini.iso?14:32
linuxdskinux: ubuntu .i mean14:33
skinuxlinuxd: Then I think an internet search should probably return good links.14:33
linuxdi allready tried that14:33
skinuxtry Google using "site:virtualbox.org Extension Pack"14:34
=== walter is now known as Guest7420
kreezxilHow do you undo "dpkg --clear-selections" in ubuntu 14.04 lts?14:37
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest59421
zykotick9kreezxil: have you seen this page?  http://askubuntu.com/questions/166003/how-to-set-the-package-selection-status-to-the-current-status14:39
kreezxilapparently not, i'll check it now14:40
PopePopWhat are hemorrhoids?14:40
studio_my problem is, i own a "Lex Uno" (VIA C7 Eden) without the vga-cable, so i am not able to change the boot device. i own an old notebook with an intel "m" processor. so my idea is/was, to install debian or ubuntu (non-pae) with the notebook on the compact-flash-card for the "Lex Uno", because its first boot device is compact flash (card reader) ..., is my idea wrong?14:42
kreezxilzykotick9: Thank You Very Much, that solved my problem. :)14:44
zykotick9kreezxil: nice!  glad you got it fixed.14:45
kreezxilzykotick9: yeah, I was in a panic when i saw how many packages were going to get dumped.14:46
=== Ed is now known as Guest55933
tr00pertrying to stick two partitions with gparted14:48
tr00peris there any way to do this?14:48
tr00perany help?14:48
almarknot with gparted afaik14:48
heeenhow do I start a headless installation of ubuntu server 15.0414:48
heeenor get it to have a serial or tty access14:49
heeenunder kvm,. that is14:49
tr00peri mean take 2 partitions and make them 114:49
MonkeyDustthat's called 'merge'14:49
tr00perMoneyDust: thanks ;) English is not my native language, and i'm still learning14:50
compdoctr00per, safest way: copy all files from the second partition to the first partition, delete the 2nd partition, then grow the first14:50
almarktr00per these partitions are in use?14:50
tr00perno, I'm using live cd14:50
hayman /join ##news14:51
PopePophow do I set up Hotspot Shield using Ubuntu Network Manager14:51
tr00percompdoc: they are not big enough14:51
compdocthen you have to copy the files form the 2nd to another place14:52
tr00percompdoc: thank you, i'll try14:53
studio_TJ-, is here on irc a special channel for older hardware and servers for ubuntu?14:56
tewardstudio_: no special channel, no, but #ubuntu-server is the server channel, and for 'older hardware' you're gonna need to be specific about use case14:57
smokeinkhey! i'm trying to cross compile qt using this http://mxe.cc/#tutorial worked great so far, compiled qt and smokegen . Now for smokeqt i want to compile an optional component: qimageblitz , but i'm getting these errors: http://paste.lisp.org/display/150701 how to make it find the qt lib dlls?14:58
=== rictoo_ is now known as rictoo
=== root is now known as Guest5941
MonkeyDustsmokeink  what coding language is that?15:02
smokeinkMonkeyDust: what i pasted is just a bunch of bash commands15:02
MonkeyDustsmokeink  better ask in#bash, i guess15:03
MonkeyDustsmokeink  better ask in #bash, i guess15:03
chronos_hi guys, freshly installed 12.04 wifi not working, wasn't even working during the live and airplane mode led always showed on as in activated, cannot be deactivated by fn+airplane-mode-key but rf-kill shows neither soft or hard block in any of the interfaces (which are wireless LAN and blootooth, looks like it doesn't even see the wifi-interface?)... laptop is asus n751j. any hope? please?15:14
detlyI'm running apt-cacher-ng on an ubunty 14.04.1 server, and if i try to download the vivid release file, I get an empty file instead of the real thing - is there a known reason why?15:14
JustPie__workHey all. I am trying to run a repair on a hsf+ disk. I tried fsck.hfsplus -fryd -r /dev/sdf3 on the unmounted device and im getting the following output : http://paste.ubuntu.com/11783918/ any ideas?15:14
detlyto be explicit: is an empty file, but http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/ubuntu/archive/ubuntu/dists/vivid/Release exists and has contents15:15
detly(where is the location of the apt-cacher-ng server)15:15
newkehi. im looking for clever pdf reader, which would not load all pages at once, but load only those i read and plus few nearby... which it would be?15:16
MonkeyDust!pdf | newke15:16
ubottunewke: The Portable Document Format is created by Adobe; PDF files are viewable in Ubuntu with Xpdf, Okular, Evince and also Adobe Reader (free download, but closed source)15:16
RoeyMonkeyDust:  heheheheeh nice nick :)15:19
detlybah I'm an idiot, I had an old mirror in /etc/apt-cacher-ng/backend_ubuntu15:22
qwdYeah, apparently I just do that in the settings for every connection :)15:27
Guest19113my laptop is running ubuntu 14.04 so hot its cpu is Amd A8  but on window it is so cool15:30
Guest19113please help to resolve this problem on my laptop15:30
ubottuTo access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.15:30
OerHeksGuest19113, install AMD drivers with the driver menu might help15:33
LibertyWeNeedDoes anyone know of a email address to contact Dell directly? because I don't want to talk about technical questions, and i haven't found an email address so far.15:36
OerHeksLibertyWeNeed, sure there is a way of contact tru mail, check http://www.dell.com/support/contents/us/en/19/category/Contact-Information/Customer-Support15:39
OerHeksnot really an ubuntu support question15:39
Guest19113OerHeks : i have installed all AMD Drivers but it is so hot yet15:39
LibertyWeNeedI didn't know where else to ask15:40
zykotick9OerHeks: s/really//15:40
Guest19113OerHeks : do you know anything about AMD Cpu or APU ?15:40
OerHeksGuest19113, I don't own one.15:42
Bozzahey all how do i force kill something ... with a lot of force15:52
Bozzai ran sudo ./autorun.sh from terminal15:52
Bozzaand it doesn't want to quit15:52
humehi... I've got a brand new installation of 15.04 on a new computer, with two partitions, a boot partition of 60 GB and a large home partition. Now, after 3 days, the boot partition is nearly full - it seems (quick diagnosis) that the file /var/log/kernel.log grows enormously15:54
humeanyone recognizes this?15:54
Bozzahume: have you tried turning it on and off again?15:55
humeBozza, yes, it hanged so I rebooted. would that change the log file?15:56
zykotick9hume: i think you mean the root partition, not boot15:56
OerHekshume, known issue, if the log is growing .. but 60 gb is huge, in 3 days.15:56
=== alfa is now known as Guest22094
humesorry, root partition....../15:56
humeOerHeks, ok....any idea of what to do?15:56
OerHekshume,  find the cause, to fix it?15:57
humeOerHeks, :) any idea of how to find the cause....? I know nothing about kernel.log....15:57
zykotick9hume: have a look inside it, and see what is repeating so much...15:58
OerHekshume, me neither that much, take a look and try to find repeated errors/15:58
OerHeksuse paste.ubuntu.log to share15:58
=== monika is now known as Guest70788
=== zhongfu_ is now known as zhongfu
pombredaEver since the last kernel update (3.16.0-41.57~14.04.1) that came a few days ago on 14.04.1 desktop , my laptop wifi started behaving funny (intel 6205) . can I safely  revert to the previous version?16:05
dtscodeHello everyone! I am trying to setup dancer-ircd via this article: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Dancer-IRCD but my vps cannot find installation candidates for dancer-*. I googled and googled, but couldn't find a project page for dancer-ircd, let alone a repo to add. Does anyone know how I can install it?16:07
dingyou ren mei you16:10
zykotick9dtscode: it seems dancer-ircd was removed after precise...16:12
sohcronhi guys, my wifi won't work, it is not seen, rfkill does not see the interface nor does iwconfig or ifconfig, the output of "lspci -nnk | grep -A2 0280" is this "03:00.0 Network controller [0280]: MEDIATEK Corp. Device [14c3:7630]16:13
sohcronSubsystem: Foxconn International, Inc. Device [105b:e074]16:13
sohcron04:00.0 Unassigned class [ff00]: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Device [10ec:5287] (rev 01)16:13
dtscodezykotick9: is there any way to add it?16:13
sohcronsorry for the flood...16:13
pombredadarthanubis: thanks. just switching the Grub menu is enough? no need to apt-get remove or purge?16:13
sohcroncould anybody help? I'm losing my minds, 2 days following wikis and threads with no success...16:13
zykotick9dtscode: i have no idea...  i'd personally suggest finding an irc server that's in your current version...  good luck.16:13
dtscodethanks zykotick916:14
darthanubispombreda, you could do it that way. I purge the offending kernel. Why keep it around if I think it is a problem?16:14
ztanesohcron: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1220146 ... :P16:15
ubottuUbuntu bug 1220146 in linux (Ubuntu) "Ralink Mediatek 14c3:7630 wi-fi card isn't supported out of the box" [Medium,Triaged]16:15
hypernovawho has the probblem?16:15
hypernovasohcron or zykotick916:15
hypernovahey schaap13716:15
hypernovaits me waldesmakiet16:15
ztanesohcron: read the bug comments backwards (latest first), maybe there's some hint16:16
pombredadarthanubis: thanks ... rebooting now . :P16:16
=== hypernova is now known as Waldeinsamkeit
Waldeinsamkeitthere we go16:16
Bozzadtscode: have you tried turning it off and on again?16:18
Bozzamaybe you just need to throw some money at the dancer?16:18
BozzaWaldeinsamkeit: lolool :316:18
dtscodethanks Bozza16:18
pombredadarthanubis: back. just curisou the .57 kernel was not showing up in the GRUB menu. only the .41 (previous and default) , .38 and .30. Is this normal?16:20
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tertiaryI installed Ubuntu Server 14.04.02 and I can only boot in recovery mode, otherwise I get a black screen after grub. Any ideas? (I've tried nomodeset)16:20
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darthanubispombreda, if you purged it why would you see it?16:21
darthanubisI don't use my grub menu anymore to change kernels. I don't care about it. I use synaptic16:22
pombredadarthanubis: I did not purge anything yet. I just rebooted to the previous version listed. in this case .3816:23
Waldeinsamkeitumm servers don't have a gui??16:23
Waldeinsamkeitsohcron, mabye i found a fix16:24
Waldeinsamkeitit worked for someone else16:24
Waldeinsamkeitwith the same proble,16:24
pombredaWaldeinsamkeit: servers do not have GUI for sure :P16:24
Waldeinsamkeittry compling these drivers according to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1220146 they work16:25
pombredadarthanubis: I am more of a CLI type16:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 1220146 in linux (Ubuntu) "Ralink Mediatek 14c3:7630 wi-fi card isn't supported out of the box" [Medium,Triaged]16:25
darthanubispombreda, I don't walk when I can drive, if I don't have to. But walking is great exercise.16:27
Waldeinsamkeitbut im afrid thats only for older kernals...16:27
Remoboth_I share a router....16:27
pombredadarthanubis: :D16:28
Remoboth_Roommate has an ethernet cord...16:28
Remoboth_With two listed networks...16:28
Remoboth_His band of the router and SMB Server.16:28
Remoboth_IS SMB Server anything malicious or invasive?16:28
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/windows-networking.html16:28
darthanubisthats what SMB is16:28
Remoboth_Thank you.16:28
Waldeinsamkeithttps://github.com/Lubensius/MT7630e-ASUSTP500LN-ubuntu also this may work sohcron16:29
silidanhi, i am using ubuntu 14.04 64bit, i installed libsdl2 64bit, now i wanted to install libsdl2:i386 but it has unmet dependencys???? "libsdl2-2.0-0:i386 : Depends: libwayland-egl1-mesa:i386 (>= 10.0.2) or ..."16:29
sohcronWaldeinsamkeit, checkin it out right now thanks16:29
Waldeinsamkeitgl follow that bug thread16:30
silidanubottu: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/*YOURWINDOWS* is the way16:31
ubottusilidan: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:31
silidandarthanubis: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/*YOURWINDOWS* is the way16:31
asarchHi TJ-, yesterday I was asking about setting "priorities" in wireless connections, I tried your command today and I found that doing "sudo iwlist scan wlan0" I don't get the recent turned-on AP name, but if I do "iwlist wpi0 scannig", it appears.16:32
asarchCan I set that option in the NetworkManager?16:32
asarchOr should I replace NetworkManager with WICD?16:32
darthanubisI would not use wicd16:33
TJ-asarch: Well, that simply looks like your Wireless interface doesn't have the default name I used in the example command I gave you.16:33
darthanubisI see no advantage to doing so. If it aint broke...16:33
tertiaryis there any reason to install graphics drivers on Ubuntu Server? I will be running software that processes images through the gpu...16:34
TJ-asarch: You might want to check the Network Manager Connection in case it is *not* set to use the wpi0 interface16:34
asarchNetworkManager is somehow broken in this new release darthanubis16:34
darthanubismaybe for you16:34
TJ-asarch: I bet it is simply an interface name-change16:34
asarchOk, I'll check it16:35
asarchThank you TJ-16:35
darthanubisbut "somehow broken" is vague16:35
asarchThank you very much guys16:35
Jakethepythonhello room, for a network of less than 10 computers is it better to set up a workgroup? or a domain?16:35
Jakethepythoni know they are completely different things16:36
asarchBecause if I turn off and then re-turn on wireless connections I can see my AP name as available darthanubis16:36
mikubuntudoes anybody have any actual experience using a speech to text program in ubuntu? i don't see any of the options in the software center from this page -- http://www.brighthub.com/computing/linux/articles/92561.aspx -- my sis is disabled and has trouble typing i'd like to find something that works even moderately well, if not perfect16:36
asarchBut I have to do that manually16:36
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asarchAnd, for a laptop that it is being used for your wife...16:36
darthanubiswhy is the wifi being toggled at all?16:37
asarchShe gets mad every time she turns on the laptop and then later turn on the AP device and its laptops doesn't get any connection automatically16:37
darthanubislater turn on the AP device? Why is the AP being turned off?16:38
darthanubiswhat kind of AP, what frimware is it running16:38
darthanubisI've found the issue more to be with the router than NetworkManager16:38
darthanubiscertain aspects of linux now are just rock solid16:39
asarchLast night I changed the AP16:39
darthanubisNM has come a long way16:39
darthanubischanged how?16:39
asarchThe first one was an EchoLife 530c16:39
darthanubisnever heard of that16:39
asarchThis new one is a Huawei HG532i16:40
darthanubisfactory firmware?16:40
asarchBoth are actually from Huaweii16:40
darthanubisI flash my routers with DD-WRT or Gargoyle and never have to touch them afterwards16:40
asarchI don't know about the firmware16:40
asarchI get those from my ISP16:41
darthanubisyou should find out more about your router firmware, and how to upgrade it16:41
darthanubisISP routers16:41
TJ-darthanubis: asarch issue only started after an Ubuntu upgrade; it isn't caused by the router16:41
HeathLock SCREAMY WEEN16:41
darthanubisTJ-, ok16:41
silidanhi, i am using ubuntu 14.04 64bit, i installed libsdl2 64bit, now i wanted to install libsdl2:i386 but it has unmet dependencys???? "libsdl2-2.0-0:i386 : Depends: libwayland-egl1-mesa:i386 (>= 10.0.2) or ..." any help hints and tips?16:41
HeathLockhow do you hack into a DD-WRT system16:41
darthanubis!op | HeathLock16:42
ubottuHeathLock: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang16:42
TJ-darthanubis: a manual scan finds the AP but Network Manager doesn't appear to be doing the scan, or it is, it's not seeing the resulting AP16:42
TJ-asarch: If you could pastebin the "/var/log/syslog" after a boot when this has just happened we might be able to pin down the cause, and a solution, because Network Manager logs quite verbosely to that file.16:43
darthanubisI meant ot not op16:43
asarchI have this recently one16:43
asarchLet me paste the infor TJ-16:43
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TJ-asarch: "pastebinit /var/log/syslog" is the easy way16:44
OerHeksdarthanubis, no harm done :-)16:45
mikubuntudoes anybody have any actual experience using a speech to text program in ubuntu? i don't see any of the options in the software center from this page -- http://www.brighthub.com/computing/linux/articles/92561.aspx -- my sis is disabled and has trouble typing i'd like to find something that works even moderately well, if not perfect16:45
darthanubisOerHeks, thx16:45
TJ-mikubuntu: There used to be some good support for partially sighted, text-to-speech. IN GUIs Gnome used to be about the most accomplished (although a bit patchy compared to Windows) but since Ubuntu developed Unity I've never seen any indication of serious attention paid to accessibility16:47
rictoowhat's the difference between a duck?16:47
mikubuntuoh, hey TJ- i din't see you here! the little mini is working pretty well still! did you ever write up the fixes?16:48
asarchTJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11784340/16:49
TJ-mikubuntu: I still have the notes but not yet got around to making a decision on which static web-site generator tool to use !!16:50
TJ-asarch: Ouch! You've got a nasty kernel oops there at the end!16:51
alexmobadellam, why?16:51
asarchOh :-(16:52
Remoboth_Guys. I had Seamonkey Mozilla Build and Chatzilla extension...16:52
asarchThe machine is up a running however16:52
Remoboth_I deleted SEamonkey but I Can't seem to delete Chatzilla.16:53
Remoboth_Any help?16:53
OerHeksRemoboth_, see if that service is still running? terminal: top16:53
Remoboth_OerHeks -  Nope.16:55
TJ-asarch: The only AP association shown there goes off perfectly. There is however an issue with configuring the local private instance of dnsmasq (the caching DNS server) which might mean that hostname lookups fail16:56
TJ-asarch: that's at pastebin line 1670716:56
mikubuntuTJ-: well if it comes to pass let me know, i'd be interested to see. meantime i'm wondering what to do to get some speech to text functionality for sis -- but the pickings seem slim.16:57
asarchBut that issue is not related with the fact that the recent AP is not listed as available connection, right?16:57
OerHeksRemoboth_, how did you install seamonkey & chatzilla in the first place?16:57
Remoboth_OerHeks -  It came with the install of LXLE...16:58
Remoboth_I know LXLE isn't supported here..16:58
Remoboth_But you guys have helped me with other uninstall issues.16:58
OerHeksreinstall seamonkey, disable chatzilla and remove it?16:58
Jakethepython i am not able to mount a drive it says it is not in FSTAB could someone please help me?17:00
TJ-mikubuntu: text to speech is much more successful in text/console mode than GUI. Accessibility is a poor area for Linux GUIs in particular since there's no company legally responsible for implementing it and few volunteers to work on the code. Most mainstream developers pay little to no attention to providing accessibility services.17:00
EriC^^Jakethepython: type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999917:00
Remoboth_OerHeks -  Tried that. No luck.17:01
JakethepythonEric i did that17:02
EriC^^Jakethepython: paste the link here17:02
EriC^^Jakethepython: which partition are you trying to mount?17:03
Jakethepython2 and 317:03
JakethepythonSDB and SDC should be raided17:04
TrodjWhat is meant with "use cross-link cables"? -> http://www.fefe.de/switch/17:04
Jakethepythonraid 117:04
Jakethepythonhardware raid17:04
EriC^^Jakethepython: ok, i dunno much about that17:04
zhongfuTrodj: I'd guess https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethernet_crossover_cable17:05
zhongfualthough i'd guess most gigabit NICs don't need a crossover cable because of auto mdi-x17:05
Trodjzhongfu: Yes, but why should this prevent sniffing?17:05
zhongfuTrodj: well, the site you linked appears to talk about sniffing with switches17:06
zhongfuso eliminate the switch (and connect devices directly), and it'll be much harder to sniff packets without compromising either end i guess17:07
robby7887has anyone used openstack or worked with it?17:07
hkrrsxTrodj: Crossover cables allow direct connections betwen 2 machines using a single cable ...... there's no break in the chain to sniff packets17:07
hkrrsxSolid point-A to point-B connection17:07
hkrrsxKind of like the connection between your wrist and elbow17:08
Trodjhkrrsx: ARP spoofing for example17:09
hkrrsxTrodj: What about ARP spoofing?17:11
Trodjhkrrsx: You could sniff packets with ARP spoofing17:11
hkrrsxNot when using a crossover cable to directly connect 2 machines together17:12
Trodjhkrrsx: Well, ok. But you can't do this in real. So what's the best solution?17:14
Waldeinsamkeitburning burning....17:14
Waldeinsamkeiti want ubunto on my comp ...17:14
hkrrsxTrodj: The best solution to prevent packet sniffing?17:15
hkrrsxTrodj: Preliminary research suggests encrypting your traffic17:16
hkrrsxYou can't exactly stop people from sniffing traffic on a network ...... but you can take measures to protect your data streams17:16
hkrrsxHere is the search I did on the topic and came up with a fair amount of hits:   https://duckduckgo.com/?q=prevent+packet+sniffing&t=ffcm&ia=qa17:17
Waldeinsamkeitor you could just install whonix17:17
Waldeinsamkeiti hear that does a good job of stopping packet sniffing and well everything else too17:18
Waldeinsamkeitbut im not sure17:19
Waldeinsamkeitstarshipenterpise is alive!!!17:21
Waldeinsamkeiti love live usb drives17:21
stony2Can anybody help me setup upstart?  My server crashes every once in a while and i want it to restart itself17:28
bodhi_zazenIf someone has physical access to your network, or they can intercept your wireless signal , you really can not prevent packet sniffing17:29
bodhi_zazenBest you can do is to not use wireless and physically secure your network17:29
bodhi_zazensecond best is to use encryption protocols so your packets are encrypted, such as ssh, https etc17:30
bodhi_zazenstony2, depends on why it crashes17:30
stony2bodhi - its just the service that is crashing not the machine17:31
stony2my machine stays running but the game server it's hosting goes down - sorry that was unclear17:31
bodhi_zazenWhat service and why is it crashing ? bare metal or a VM ?17:31
bodhi_zazendid you look at the logs to see if you can determine why it crashes ?17:32
KatronixHi all, I have a MicroSD card I'm trying to create an image of using the dd command. When I allow Ubuntu to auto mount the SD card, its mounting /dev/sdb3, /dev/sdb5, and /dev/sdb6 can someone suggest to me what the dd command would be?17:36
Katronixanyone here?17:39
mtnKatronix, it mounts the card to all three at once?17:40
bodhi_zazendd if=/dev/sdb of=your_file -options17:40
Katronixmtn yes17:41
stony2bodhi - VDS its ShooterGameService  ARK dedicated server17:41
mtnKatronix, you only use the device, not the partition. so, /dev/sdb17:41
stony2Making breakfasat sorry for late response17:41
bodhi_zazenstony2, have you an upstart script for it already ?17:41
bodhi_zazenKatronix, and you probably want to unmount all 3 partitions first, although not strictly necessary17:42
stony2bodhi_zazen, No, I do not.  I got into the guide and it was very confusing17:42
Katronixbodhi_zazen: since its a bootable SD card, I assumed I wanted to :)17:43
stony2bodhi_zazen, i'm about a week into ubuntu, i'd love to know why its crashing but i'd settle for just having it work17:43
stony2bodhi = the upstart script that is17:44
bodhi_zazenstony2, simple script17:45
bodhi_zazenstart on runlevel [2345]17:45
bodhi_zazenstop on runlevel [016]17:45
bodhi_zazenexec su -c your_start_command17:45
stony2ARK is still in early access - plenty are running the game without crashes... but many have no idea why they are or are not working17:45
bodhi_zazenbut best to debug your server17:45
jak2015how to install vim?17:46
stony2Whats a good place to start? there is no working log feature yet with ARK17:46
stony2I'll give u access to the server if you think you can debug it bodhi17:46
bodhi_zazenjak2015, apt-get install vim || apt-get install vim-full17:46
bodhi_zazenstony2, I am playing mandolin at the moment, but I may take you up on the offer later17:47
stony2and i'd pay you for your time17:47
bodhi_zazenstart the server from the command line, do not deamonize it or put it in the background17:48
bodhi_zazenwatch for errors17:48
bodhi_zazenjak2015, you almost certainly want vim-full17:48
jak2015bodhi_zazen any advice how to format my: /dev/sdb217:48
jak2015E: Unable to locate package vim-full17:48
tertiaryanyone know how to diagnose being stuck at "Loading initial ramdisk..."?17:48
bodhi_zazenwhat file system ? mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb217:49
stony2bodhi, it is an ubuntu server so i need I need to figure out the monitoring part - sorry i'm so new at this - going to eat17:49
jak2015bodhi_zazen wich is better ext3 or ext417:49
bodhi_zazenmkfs.vfat dev.sdb2 , etc17:49
bodhi_zazenjak2015, depends on what you want, but in general, unless you have a specific task, I suggest ext417:50
bodhi_zazenstony2, run it in screen ;)17:50
bodhi_zazenthen you can detach17:50
jak2015bodhi_zazen i want share this resource (after cleanup) in my local network for save files17:50
Katronixwould running the linux system under VirtualBox make the command any different? I unmounted the SDcard, and then linux told me that "dd: failed to open ā€˜/dev/sdbā€™: No medium found "17:51
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest39766
bodhi_zazenKatronix, post the exact command you ran17:52
bodhi_zazenjak2015, ext4 is fine for what you want17:53
jak2015bodhi_zazen:  mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb217:53
jak2015wich is the next step?17:53
Katronixbodhi_zazen: sudo dd if=/dev/sdb of=backup.img17:53
bodhi_zazenmount /dev/sdb2 /mount_point and start using it17:53
jak2015how to share using ftp or in windows: \\,yip\myresource (with ask a user pass)?17:54
mtnKatronix, your command is backwards ;)17:54
mtnKatronix, you are going to ruin your install if you don't watch out17:55
Katronixmtn: how is it backwards?17:55
bodhi_zazenKatronix, dd if=/dev/sdb of=/path/to/backup.img bs=512 conv=noerror,sync17:55
awbeeif=input, of=output17:56
awbeeyou wnat to write the .img to the disk, not write the disk to the img17:56
mtnKatronix, oh, you aren't making a boot disk?17:56
Katronixawbee: no I want to write the disk to an image :)17:56
bodhi_zazenno, he wants to copy the disk to an image file17:56
ScomberHi! Need some help. I accidently loaded a new partition table to a disk with data that I shouldnt have. I used: # sgdisk --load-backup=table /dev/sdg . It should have said sdh in the end. Fortunate enough the kernel is using the disk so the response I got was: "Warning: The kernel is still using the old partition table. The new table will be used at the next reboot. The operation has completed17:56
Scombersuccessfully.". Is there any way for me to abort the use of the new partitontable?17:56
mtnKatronix, ok. I see. not sure what is wrong with what you are doing17:57
bodhi_zazenScomber, use testdisk to recover17:57
Scomberbodhi_zazen, Thanks!17:58
bodhi_zazenScomber, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery17:58
bodhi_zazenmtn, awbee dd will stop if there are any errors17:59
jak2015bodhi_zazen: how to share using ftp or in windows: \\,yip\myresource (with ask a user pass)?17:59
mtnbodhi_zazen, sure, but not if there are no errors but it wipes your hard drive ;)17:59
bodhi_zazenjak2015, you will have to install and configure a ftp server. IMO samba is better17:59
KatronixPerhaps its due to running linux under VirtualBox, however I got this: http://pastebin.com/V7ZBya1y If this is the issue I can wait till Monday when my new Nic comes in18:00
bodhi_zazenKatronix, fdisk -l | pastebinit18:01
awbeeWhy aren't all packages available in the Software Center compared to apt-get?18:02
awbeeI haven't been able to google this.18:03
hkrrsxawbee: What package are you referring to that isn't in the Software Center but is in apt-get ?18:03
hkrrsxThe only thing that comes to mind is if the package is in a PPA, then it might not be in Software Center18:03
OerHeksawbee, they are.18:03
Scomberbodhi_zazen, Thanks again ^^18:06
awbeeWell, for example, irssi.18:06
awbeeOr xul-ext-https-everywhere.18:06
awbeeOh, nevermind the latter.18:06
awbeeApparently not available to begin with.18:06
OerHekssudo apt-get install irssi irssi-scripts18:07
Katronixbodhi_zazen: http://pastebin.com/bZbzx05m18:07
bodhi_zazenScomber, you are most welcom18:07
awbee... and irssi is now available in the Software Center... probably due to an update18:07
awbeesorry for my question then18:07
* awbee bows18:07
OerHeksawbee, have fun18:07
bodhi_zazenKatronix, are you trying to clone sda ? is sda the virtualbox hard drive ?18:08
bodhi_zazenIf so, just shut down the virtual machine and clone or copy the hard drive18:08
Katronixbodhi_zazen: no I'm not trying to clone sda, however yes that is the VB hard drive18:08
bodhi_zazenKatronix, well, you really do not want to clone it when the system is running18:09
Katronixbodhi_zazen: I'm assuming when I unmount the SDCard under VirtualBox it returns control of it to the Guest OS18:09
Katronixerrr HostOS18:09
Katronixbodhi_zazen: the sda is not from the SDCard, which is what I'm trying to clone18:10
bodhi_zazenOK, well remount the drive in VBOX then and you should be able to clone it with dd as long as none of the files are in use18:11
Katronixwill it also make a bootable image? as is the ultimate goal, the SDCard is bootable18:12
Katronixbodhi_zazen: well its doing something :)18:15
bodhi_zazenKatronix, It should18:18
jak2015bodhi_zazen: sudo apt-get install samba?18:23
bodhi_zazenjak2015, you on a server ?18:24
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bodhi_zazenjak2015, https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/samba-fileserver.html18:25
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stony2oh bodhi, please fix my server... it just rebooted again people are getting pissed at me18:28
bodhi_zazenstony2, what command do you use to start the server ?18:29
stony2cd /home/steam/arkdedicated/ShooterGame/Binaries/Linux18:29
stony2./ShooterGameServer TheIsland?listen?SessionName="  Los Angeles Ark|PvP|Active Admins - No Lag"?MaxPlayers=127?AllowThirdPersonPlayer=false?DifficultyOffset=1?NoTributeDownloads=true?ServerAdminPassword=ROROnukk -server -log18:29
stony2a lot of that get overwritten by a config file18:30
cordycepsfirefox died, clicking the icon does nothing, from the CLI getting: Couldn't load XPCOM. Anybody?18:32
bodhi_zazenso, take a look for the log file18:33
lotuspsychjecordyceps: ubuntu version?18:33
cordycepsditto chromium, message "timed out"18:33
bodhi_zazenand what config file ? pastebin the config file or search the config file for a log18:33
lotuspsychjecordyceps: try making another user and start firefox from there18:34
jak2015bodhi_zazen: http://pastie.org/1026201918:34
jak2015why how to restart samba18:34
cordycepslotuspsychje: sure, but what makes you think that will work?18:35
lotuspsychjecordyceps: i dont, but its worth a try just to test18:35
bodhi_zazenjak2015, service samba start18:35
bodhi_zazenjak2015, see also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Samba/SambaServerGuide18:37
Katronixthanks for the help bodhi_zazen time for me to go now18:37
jak2015service samba restart18:37
jak2015ok thanks18:37
OerHeks systemctl start smbd.service on systemD18:37
jak2015service samba restart18:38
jak2015done too18:38
bodhi_zazenservice .... should still work with systemd18:38
OerHeks systemctl status smbd.service18:38
bodhi_zazenOerHeks, service samba status still works with systemd18:39
bodhi_zazenOerHeks, http://paste.fedoraproject.org/237256/30432143/18:40
OerHeksbodhi_zazen, thanks, correct.18:41
bodhi_zazenOerHeks, slightly less typing ;)18:46
bodhi_zazensort is a pain, IMO, to the to add .service for systemctl18:47
Bray90820Can someone help me I am trying to get this scrip running when I boot my system without having to enter my sudo password18:50
ol_I am new to this system, trying to get help with printer sharing18:51
lotuspsychje_!printer | ol_18:52
ubottuol_: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu18:52
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zykotick9bodhi_zazen: i'd actually suggest getting use to systemd, it nice you can enable/disable service from starting right from systemctl.  fyi, there "should" be autocomplete on the .service files, and TAB is a quick key ;)18:53
Bray90820ol_: are you trying to use a shared printer or share a printer18:53
e01is there some nice web ui for ubuntu server for routing purposes like openwrt's luci or synology's dsm?18:57
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toomuchfunanyone using the Meizu MX4?19:02
darthanubise01, zentyal19:02
cheetahw26For some reason on my box, the wifi starts ok, but then after a while sometimes something appears to crash and my adapter is no longer available, i.e. ifconfig just hangs and I can see that I have no network info19:03
darthanubis!zentyal | e0119:03
ubottue01: zentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).19:03
cheetahw26I thought something might be turning it off, but when I issue:  rfkill list, everything appears to be on...19:03
cheetahw26err... rather, not blocked...19:03
cheetahw26is there a way to re-initiate the device?19:04
Remoboth_Windows has CCleaner as a comprehensive secure wipe tool... It does everything... Deletes cached web data, shreds and zeroes..19:04
Remoboth_Does Ubuntu have an equivalent?19:04
Remoboth_I know we have Bleachbit but it seems... dubious.19:04
lotuspsychje_Remoboth_: bleachbit is nice19:05
nhz6Remoboth_: your applying a windows issue that is not really in linux.19:06
Remoboth_I guess what I'm asking is can I make sure my deleted web data is REALLY deleted with Ubuntu?19:06
e01darthanubis: i will research it, looks interesting19:06
darthanubisit aint bad19:07
darthanubisI used to run it on it's own machine19:08
darthanubisswitched to pfsense though19:08
lotuspsychje_Remoboth_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/57572/how-to-delete-files-in-secure-manner19:08
Remoboth_lotuspsychje_-  Thanks.19:09
Remoboth_I think I am going to switch over to Lubuntu from LXLE.19:10
Remoboth_LXLE is nice but it seems a bit buggy.19:10
Remoboth_I like the LXDE interface, though.19:10
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lotuspsychje_!test | sibaar19:20
ubottusibaar: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )19:20
sibaarWhat is going on? I apologize for that noise. An accident.19:21
Remoboth_Anyone here use Linux Lite?19:21
sibaarThat exists?19:21
Remoboth_It is an Ubuntu based distro...19:21
sibaarNow I know!19:21
hypernovai use ubuntu19:21
Remoboth_I used it briefly but it is ugly.19:21
hypernova15.04 vivid veret19:21
sibaarElementary is really pretty.19:22
ioriapretty != working19:23
bmagisi am using 14.04 and i installed the 3.19 kernels when i do apt-get dist-upgrade it wants to move me back to the 3.16 branch19:24
bmagisi don't want to exclude those packages i want to pull updates from the correct place19:25
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hypernovaquick question whats the easyest way to change defualt programs in ubuntu 15.04??19:38
SchrodingersScathypernova: I have a 'preferred applications' in my settings19:43
minimechypernova: http://www.howtogeek.com/117709/how-to-change-your-default-applications-on-ubuntu-4-ways/19:44
KleggasHi. Anyon know if there is any on-screen keyboard that has split-keys like in all android, ios, windows8? I like onboard, but it sucks when your tab got 12" screen.....19:47
ArkansasOWLGreetings,  any tar command experts in here?19:51
MonkeyDustArkansasOWL  ask your question and wait19:52
hypernovatheres 1739 linux geeks here19:52
hypernovaim sure one of them most likely knows the answer to your question19:53
ArkansasOWLWill this command work? tar -cvpzf backup-$(date +%Y-%m-%d)    /sourcedir/  /backupdir/19:53
popeydepends what you think it should do :)19:53
Kleggashave you tried it? :)19:53
ArkansasOWLnot yet. it's a very large directory. just want to be safe19:54
henry8989hello i just  did an ndis driver isntall on kubuntu and it says that the device and driver are both present but it will not let me configure the network it says network manager not installed19:54
MonkeyDustArkansasOWL  then try it first with a small directory19:54
ArkansasOWLwill do thanks19:54
SchrodingersScatArkansasOWL: would you want something like tar -cvpzf "/backupdir/backup-$(date +%Y-%m-%d).tar" /sourcedir/   ?  like other said, test with some example directories19:55
hkrrsxhenry8989: sudo apt-get install network-manager19:56
henry8989it will work even for kubuntu19:57
hkrrsxOr perhaps network-manager-kde19:57
threesixesthe kde frontend is "networkmanagement"19:58
henry8989i did that but ndis says cannot find network configuration tool20:01
rypervencheArkansasOWL: Just FYI, date +%F is the same as date +%Y-%m-%d :)20:03
ArkansasOWLI see that. I found the right command. thanks for all your help20:04
almarkArkansasOWL what do you want with the /backupdir/ directory ?20:04
administ1atorhas anyone used or worked with openstack20:05
ArkansasOWLit worked with tar -cvpzf /backupdir/backup-$(date+%Y-%m-%d).tar.gz sourcedir/20:06
ArkansasOWLbackup to directory needs to be specified first , then the sourcedir as a last path parameter20:06
BBLLCChi, on firefox i "refreshed" it. Now all my bookmarks are gone, and the configurationas well20:07
BBLLCCcan i revert that?20:07
MonkeyDustadminist1ator  type /j #openstack20:07
EriC^^BBLLCC: do you have a backup of your /home?20:08
BBLLCCmy home directory was not affected20:08
BBLLCCi dont understand what my home directory has to do with the config of ff20:09
EriC^^the config is in your home dir20:09
MonkeyDustBBLLCC  your /home has hidden .config/ folder20:09
MonkeyDusthas a*20:10
BBLLCCfound that hidden directory. I dont find a firefox subdirectory though20:10
MonkeyDustBBLLCC  mozilla20:11
bodhi_zazenBBLLCC, LOL20:11
henry8989how do i install the ndis network configuration tool in kubuntu20:11
EriC^^BBLLCC: it's in ~/.mozilla20:11
ses1984i'm trying to connect to a vpn, through network connections dialog. i have added a vpn connection. then when i left click on the tray icon > vpn connections > and click on it, nothing happens20:11
ses1984this was working a few days ago20:11
bodhi_zazenhenry8989, same as any other version of fedora - dnf || yum install ....20:11
BBLLCCok. im now in /.mozilla/firefox20:11
BBLLCCnow what?20:11
bodhi_zazenBBLLCC, LOL cp backup_home/.mozilla ~/ -Rf20:12
MonkeyDustBBLLCC  drop the lol please20:12
MonkeyDustbodhi_zazen  ^^^^20:12
BBLLCCi didnt loled so far20:12
henry8989but im not using fedora im using kubuntu20:12
BBLLCCill try what bodhi_zazen suggested20:13
BBLLCCand hope it works20:13
BBLLCCcp: cannot stat ā€˜backup_home/.mozillaā€™: No such file or directory20:14
bodhi_zazenhenry8989, sorry sudo apt-get install ...20:14
bodhi_zazenBBLLCC, where did you backup your home directory ?20:15
henry8989ty whats the package name20:15
BBLLCCbodhi_zazen, ok, now I understand why I did have to backup that directory20:16
acro458why does [C-Z] match small m ..........20:16
BBLLCCand no, I didnt back it up20:16
BBLLCCi just read the notice "do you wish to refresh firefox"? and clicked Yes20:16
acro458[a-z] matches D ....20:17
acro458so everything these books say about linux is wrong?? ...20:18
lalaHello I'm currently using a Mac. I've downloaded the .iso file from the Ubuntu website. I'm trying to figure out a way to burn the .iso file onto a CD.20:18
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bodhi_zazenhenry8989, ndisgtk http://packages.ubuntu.com/vivid/ndisgtk20:19
Ben64acro458: would help if you explained what you're doing and whats happening20:19
acro458why does echo [e-F]* return nothing, but echo [d-F]* returns Desktop Documents Downloads......20:19
BBLLCCbodhi_zazen, is there salvation for me?20:19
acro458echo [a-z]* retuens Documents Downloads Pictures Templates Videos20:19
acro458echo [C-a]* returns nothing20:20
BBLLCCall bookmarks are there20:20
satelitehow do i uninstall tomcat7 on 14.04? i have used command 'sudo apt-get purge tomcat7' and 'sudo apt-get remove tomcat7', and both times the terminal tells me that it cant uninstall tomcat7 becuase its not installed, but i can very clearly see the tomcat7 folders in nautilus20:21
EriC^^acro458: try ls | grep ^[A-Z]20:21
mgolischsatelite: maybe you installed it by other means than the package manager?20:22
mgolischsatelite: also where do you see those folders20:22
BBLLCCaddons are all gone...20:22
henry8989ok but when i click configure network in the ndis gui it says cannot find network configuration tool20:22
acro458I don't want another way of getting it to work, I want to know why it isnt working like its supposed to :(20:23
Ben64acro458: what are you trying to do20:23
acro458scroll up20:23
BBLLCCwhat is asterisk? its consuming 85% of my cpu20:23
BromgardHello, guys20:23
Ben64acro458: that shows some weird stuff you're doing, what are you trying to accomplish with that20:23
acro458Learning linux basics...20:24
satelitemgolisch, i installed with the instructions found here: http://bit.ly/1ceF3Lv20:24
acro458three books said this is how it works....so far the books are wrong20:24
acro458[A-Z]* should NOT match small m20:25
Ben64acro458: it doesn't20:25
tomreynacro458: shell globbing does not understand reverse lists, i.e. C(BAzxy...cb)a wwon't work20:25
satelitemgolisch, and i see the tomcat7 folders in /usr/share/tomcat7 and in /etc/tomcat720:25
tomreynthis was in response to <acro458> echo [C-a]* returns nothing20:25
salkounable to locate package20:25
acro458why does [A-Z]* include small m?20:25
Ben64acro458: it doesn't20:26
mgolischsatelite: hm did you uninstall it allready?20:26
chalcednymy husband's ubuntu 14.04 is having some weird problems. we don't think it's the hd. "Maximum number of clients reached" and won't let him open thunderbird or hexchat20:26
acro458oh it definitely does20:26
chalcednythat error hasn't been written about for a while in ubuntuforums20:26
Ben64acro458: try this - echo "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" | grep -o [A-Z]20:26
Ben64see if 'm' is returned20:26
acro458echo [A-Z]*   returns a text file: myfile20:27
satelitemgolisch, i have typed the remove command into the terminal, but it had no effect, and i havent found any useful info searching online yet20:27
EriC^^acro458: i guess it has to do with regular expressions vs bash expansion20:27
mgolischacro458: does shopt -p have nocaseglob enabled?20:27
EriC^^acro458: echo will be using bash expansion, whereas grep uses regular expressions20:27
owen1ubuntu 15.04. how to permanently switch caps lock to be esc from the terminal? is xmodmap still the way to do that?20:27
hkrrsxchalcedny: Did you install LastPass recently ?20:28
chalcednyhkrrsx, no20:28
satelitemgolisch, it tells me that tomcat7 is an unrecognized service, so i guess its uninstalled, but its files are still on my comp?20:28
hkrrsxchalcedny: Not as a Chrome extensioni either?20:29
salkounable to locate package to remove software help pls20:29
mgolischsatelite: probably because it containes files created after the installation20:29
chalcednyhkrrsx, hes a firefox guy20:29
chalcednythe one thing we did see is he uses a screensaver switcher20:29
satelitemgolisch, so could I/should I just straight up delete them?20:29
hkrrsxchalcedny: What happens if you turn off that screensaver switcher?20:30
hkrrsxAlso, did the problem start immediately after installing / setting up that switcher ?20:30
chalcednyhkrrsx, he hasn't tried that yet20:30
chalcednyhe likes it a lot20:30
hkrrsxchalcedny: Would you ask him to shut it off for testing purposes?20:30
chalcednylet me go tell him hkrrsx20:31
chalcednyer can it be done remotely?20:31
chalcednyhkrrsx, he's asleep20:31
hkrrsxchalcedny: Ask him when he wakes20:32
rypervencheacro458: glob expansion vs regex :)20:32
chalcednyhkrrsx, okies thanks :)20:33
* hkrrsx bows with respect20:33
sixunhuitwhat is this?20:35
sixunhuitJun 27 16:09:01 sjkdf66237 CRON[3518]: (root) CMD (  [ -x /usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime ] && [ -x /usr/lib/php5/sessionclean ] && [ -d /var/lib/php5 ] && /usr/lib/php5/sessionclean /var/lib/php5 $(/usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime))20:35
EriC^^sixunhuit: a cron job that ran20:35
dawciobielIs it possible and worth it to increase I/O disk cache/buffer on LAN ubuntu server (14.04) to get better performance serving samba large (700 - 8 GB) files for read/write?20:35
sixunhuitso its couldn't be the cause of a system freeze?20:36
EriC^^it's not an error, it's unlikely it caused the crash, but it could still be20:36
EriC^^sixunhuit: check dmesg20:37
musclezhello beautiful ubuntites20:38
sixunhuitI had to restart, so should I check the current one or the most recent backup?20:38
sixunhuitI also have a lot of ath5k in kern.log (like 7 in a row)20:40
g3transHello peoples, is this the right place for ubuntu search and rescue? :D20:40
oomhaksjeleatelege agame. Heat th loo sex. Any day. No sta ray foo buck but time. lad. Bown timeningin. It's fuck fuck. Eat that suck husker! No muck. Eat times. It's agame. Any down. Can thing pee.20:41
oomhaksAny by day by but se sucker. Pissay lein thin. Ray. I footbalk buck. Ray a hatic theatime. Corn that tic ter!20:41
oomhaksLet's suckersex. Eatup. Whappeop lock say on. Pissant this a st uping my my fuck my lootbalthearlinging pime worn ever. Cants aol. Yout weleach clin. It's againg. You wors, top lock they on. Notball. Cornhuskers fuck felect daying peopland feleme. Eat earleing plade. Jagaing. Sup. Notime. Any gaing by fucking abou nowelemesht, th coyer nee. Lowl, Cornhuck muck. Husker abou'revissan events20:42
oomhaksthearliff heatupee. Bow it each cliff happeop welena, buck boupeed. Any day is abou'red. It's cornhuskers, eles, a pid yout suck se Sup. It's aboyer. Cand agam herythat a fucker! Buckin. It's maholl.20:42
oomhaksLet's agament toplentade. leasex. Youpent a #. Lown. Youpin. Rat pain time. Fuck foo muck buck my it thing me. Bruckers20:42
SchrodingersScat!ops | omlet20:42
ubottuomlet: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang20:42
oomhaksSto mand th ong. No dickin day buck a Lower raying plect a #. It's swill. It's agames. Any agame. Fuck from a ray otball day. Nothe idicker moyer. Jagame. No by bucker chat they fuckerythealthis a suck. Eat troyer Bowl, Corn da20:42
g3transany actual humans here ? :d20:43
SchrodingersScatg3trans: this is a game?20:43
g3transno lol20:43
g3transI came here though the ubuntu community page20:43
SchrodingersScatg3trans: k, that's what came up with a google search, what does ubuntu search and rescue mean?20:43
g3transthat im stuck and need help :D20:43
SchrodingersScat!ask | g3trans20:44
ubottug3trans: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:44
SchrodingersScat!info searchandrescue20:44
ubottusearchandrescue (source: searchandrescue): fly aircraft to search (for) and rescue people in distress. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.5.0-2 (vivid), package size 327 kB, installed size 1055 kB20:44
Ben64g3trans: explain your issue in as much detail as possible, pastebin anything that will be many lines, and wait for a response20:44
g3transOkay, one minute.20:44
henry8989hey i finally got my ndis networking setup and working properly for my wireless adapter thanks for the help20:45
sergio-br2trying to build a package with -O3, cmake, but for some reason debuild is overwriting the -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release20:46
sergio-br2putting -O2 in the build20:46
bodhi_zazensergio-br2, check the patches20:46
sergio-br2there's no patch20:46
hypernovadoes anyone here play minecraft on ubuntu??20:46
deadeyeduncanhi guys20:46
deadeyeduncanwhats up20:47
deadeyeduncanim new to unbuntu20:47
sergio-br2If I build with cmake and make, there's only -O320:47
sergio-br2but with debuild, there's a -O2 too20:47
deadeyeduncanmy volume seems to be more quiet since i installed ubuntu20:48
deadeyeduncananyone else have this problem20:48
EriC^^i do20:48
deadeyeduncanwhats up with that20:48
EriC^^which laptop?20:48
deadeyeduncanhp smarttouch20:48
EriC^^hp pavilion g6 here20:49
g3transI am running Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS on raspberry pi2, I am unable to connect to wireless or ethernet, I can see wlan0 but my next step was to check /etc/network/interfaces but I have no etc/network folder. Any help would be appreciated.20:49
deadeyeduncanlinux is cool though i want to learn how to fully customize it20:49
SchrodingersScathypernova: sure, you having issues?20:49
EriC^^deadeyeduncan: i sometimes crank the volume up with "paman" it's better20:50
EriC^^yeah, it's a program20:51
deadeyeduncanill look it up20:51
bodhi_zazensergio-br2, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11072724/how-to-override-dpkg-buildflags-cflags20:51
BlueSharkHi, how can I troubleshoot why Network Manager doesn't trigger the script I have added in /etc/network/if-up.d/?20:52
deadeyeduncanhow do i scroll up20:52
BlueSharkThe file name does not have '.sh' in it (as per the docs) and the permission was set to +x. Still, it doesn't work.20:52
deadeyeduncansweet thanks20:53
deadeyeduncanfound it in the software center20:53
deadeyeduncananything else handy for newbies?20:53
hkrrsxBlueShark: Try ' bash /path/to/file/without.sh ' ?20:53
sergio-br2thanks bodhi_zazen20:54
BlueSharkhkeide: Okay. Does the script need to have a shebang?20:54
hkrrsxIt should, yeah20:54
BlueShark#!/bin/sh or #!/bin/bash ?20:55
musclezyo eric^^, i'm gonna make a memtest boot disk per TJ-'s advice last night.. but could you maybe help me where we left off? the last thing that we did was see if " type ls -l /var/lib/dpkg/statoverride provided any information" and i got "  " root root ### may 1...20:55
EriC^^deadeyeduncan: depends on what you want20:55
EriC^^customizing the desktop?20:55
deadeyeduncani want to be able to customi-20:55
hkrrsxBlueShark: I generally see #!/bin/sh20:55
musclezsorry i was still editing that... but the idea is there20:55
g3transAnyone got any tips for me? about setting up network?20:55
EriC^^compizconfig-settings-manager , conky ...20:56
EriC^^!themes | deadeyeduncan20:56
ubottudeadeyeduncan: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy20:56
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EriC^^deadeyeduncan: unity-tweak-tool20:56
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deadeyeduncanso i downloaded paman but i dont see where i can pull up the manager lol21:00
BlueSharkhkrrsx: No, that didn't work, either.21:00
hkrrsxBlueShark: What happened?21:00
BlueSharkhkrrsx: The script wasn't executed.21:00
EriC^^deadeyeduncan: type paman in a terminal21:00
deadeyeduncanoh man21:00
deadeyeduncanthis terminal is awesome21:00
hkrrsxBlueShark: What error did you get?21:00
BlueSharkhkrrsx: I  did not get any errors. When I run the script individually, it works perfectly. But I want it to be executed when the Internet is back (i.e. reconnected).21:01
hkrrsxBlueShark: Sorry, that's beyond my pay grade ..... dunno, brutha21:02
BlueSharkThat's okay - thank you for trying to help! Appreciate it, hkrrsx.21:02
hkrrsxYou're welcome21:03
=== skwishy_ is now known as skwishy
deadeyeduncanpaman is awesome21:06
deadeyeduncanfixed my issue21:06
Hanumaangetting following error for python-hunspell in Ubunt 14.04 seems to be problem with package .. for some information please look this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11785268/21:10
lalaDoes anyone know how to use Clonezilla?21:10
lalaOr does anyone recommend any alternatives to Clonezilla?21:10
lalaI would like to manage my server similar to how I can make snapshots on my virtual machine.21:11
EriC^^deadeyeduncan: if you use the lower source i find it gets higher without cracking21:12
EriC^^the one that has a # and a number21:12
mcphaillala: If you're brave enough to use btrfs on a server, it has snapshots built-in21:13
EriC^^i mean sink deadeyeduncan21:13
lalamcphail: Is it easy to set up?21:14
rypervenchelala: What is your ultimate goal in snapshots?21:14
lalarypervenche: My ultimate goal is... say if I make some changes to the server... (for example, I added more packages and I wanted to test them out and I found that I no longer needed them, and I don't want to go through the mess of cleaning the OS to make sure no traces and extra junk is left behind, simply to keep the system very clean and also to manage it21:16
lalaso that I can go back to a snapshot in case if I ended up changing stuff unintentionally).21:16
rypervenchelala: Did you install using LVM?21:16
lalarypervenche: Yes.21:16
rypervenchelala: LVM supports snapshots. You can create a snapshot using that.21:16
lalarypervenche: Ubuntu Server 14.04.2 LTS with LVM using the entire disk.21:17
rypervenchelala: You will need to shrink your file system to add space to your VG (volume group) and then you can make snapshots and even mount them while the system is running.21:17
lalarypervenche: Is the LVM method cleaner and easier to use?21:17
lalarypervenche: Okay. I'm sold. Where are the tutorials to set this up?21:17
EriC^^deadeyeduncan: yeah, in paman, when you go to devices21:18
rypervenchelala: I can take a look online and see if I can find anything that looks good.21:18
lalarypervenche: Okie dokie.21:18
EriC^^deadeyeduncan: how did you fix the volume in paman?21:19
deadeyeduncani just went to playback21:21
deadeyeduncanput it all the way up21:21
deadeyeduncanand put upt he main volume some21:21
deadeyeduncanout output21:21
EriC^^paman is different here i guess21:22
EriC^^paman or pavucontrol?21:22
deadeyeduncanpulse audio manageer21:26
deadeyeduncanbut its what came up in software center when i typed in paman21:26
blibhow do I get ubuntu 14.04 installer with a kernel version > 3.19 or better 4.0.6?21:30
bnrfblib: Why?21:31
Bashing-omblib: I could be wrong, but, 3.19 will not be available in the installer til the .3 release . Maybe install the kernel in the existing install ?21:32
blibI can't install it on a nuc intel21:33
bnrfthe kernel stack is the closest supported21:33
BlasterHey ya'll I'm trying to get bluetooth working on Ubuntu 14.10, and when I open the Bluetooth dialog, it just continuously says searching for devices even though I have 2 devices near my computer that are discoverable.  Any advice?21:33
blibthe installer hangs - intel guys say, they don't support anything below 3.1921:33
BlasterMy motherboard (Asus Z87-Pro) has onboard bluetooth and wifi which both aren't working.21:33
almarkbluetooth still sortof sucks on linux21:35
almarkwhat's the wifi chipster Blaster ?21:35
Blasteralmark: @p548326A8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) has joined #ubuntu21:36
bnrfblib: You can install what you want ir need, it is an issue of support at times here is all, you gotta know what your doing really. No releases as you want as of now.21:36
BlasterAR9462 Wireless Network Adapter21:36
BBLLCCwhat is spoofing?21:37
BBLLCC.w spoofing21:37
bodhi_zazenBBLLCC, in what context ?21:37
bmagisblib: you can download the packages from here http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ and install them with dpkg21:37
BBLLCCi have been asked if i wish to enable that21:37
bodhi_zazenAsked by who / what ?21:38
kostkonBBLLCC, spoof what exactly21:38
almarkdoes it show up in dmesg Blaster ?21:40
Blasteralmark: What should I grep for in that list?21:41
BlasterI see this line: [    4.292084] ieee80211 phy0: Atheros AR9462 Rev:2 mem=0xffffc90005d00000, irq=1721:41
jhutchinsBlaster: That suggests that the driver isn't loading.21:41
Blasterjhutchins, what suggests that?21:41
jhutchinsBlaster: The fact that the dialog doesn't find it.21:41
jhutchinsBlaster: lspci -nn might be of interest too.  I don't think 802.11 is Bluetooth.21:42
jhutchinsBlaster: Yeah, that's wifi.21:42
b1001Hi guys.. How can I emulate/simulate a USB device (keyboard or w/e) being inserted.21:43
Blasterjhutchins, here's the output from lspci -nn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11785392/21:43
jhutchinsBlaster: Bluetooth is 802.1521:43
BlasterHow can I find which kernel version I have?  I just read on askubuntu that bluetooth support is limited for my mobo on < 3.14.x21:44
almarkuname -a21:44
b1001Blaster: uname -a21:44
BlasterHmm I have 3.16.0-39-generic21:45
jhutchinsBlaster: Oops, wrong terminal, that one doesn't have bluetooth.  Still chacking.21:46
kostkonBlaster, does  rfkill list   list your bluetooth device21:48
Blasterkostkon, I see this line: 0: hci0: Bluetooth21:48
jhutchinsBlaster: I was just going to suggest rfkill.  I don't see mine in my pci list.21:48
BlasterI have a feeling I don't have the drivers installed, but I'm not sure if they're even existent.  These are onboard WIFI and bluetooth on my z87-pro mobo with an AR9462 Wireless Network Adapter chipset.21:49
almarkBlaster what does ifconfig show?21:50
jhutchinsBlaster: Is it blocked?21:50
abkabkabkany1 got a log viewer that has tabs, ie if my app prints [debug] msg1 its in tab 1, and if it prints [network] its in tab2? is this possible?21:50
BlasterBoth show blocked: no21:50
almarkBlaster what if you try this sudo ifconfig wlan0 up ?21:51
BlasterSIOCSIFFLAGS: Operation not possible due to RF-kill21:52
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup21:52
vbgunzwhat program switchs screens/monitors found in xorg.conf?21:53
jhutchinsalmark: I thought he was trying to get bluetooth working, not wifi.21:53
BlasterBoth are broken, but I'm more concerned about bluetooth than wifi right now.21:53
jhutchinsvbgunz: xrandr21:53
almarki thought he was interested in getting both working jhutchins21:53
vbgunzxrandr really? I know I can change monitor settings using xrandr but there is supposed to be another program that goes into xorg.conf and uses what's found there21:54
vbgunzlet me check really quick21:54
vbgunzI don't think it's xrandr I'm looking for21:55
BlasterSo I should install bluez python-gobject and python-dbus to get bluetooth working as recommended in BluetoothSetup doc?21:56
vbgunzman, I'm looking for something and it's not xrandr. it's a program that utilizes xorg.conf in real time and I believe it's a primitive/archaic/ancient program that already comes in Ubuntu. I just forgot the name :/21:57
vbgunzI think it might be xinit21:58
jhutchinsBlaster: You might also try aptitude search blue and see if anything likely is missing.22:01
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BlasterUgh still stuck.  Don't see anything there jhutchins, and I already have all the packages installed as recommended by the BluetoothSetup document.22:05
BlasterJust hangs at "Searching for devices..."22:06
BlasterI want to upgrade to Ubuntu latest anyways.  Maybe I should just update now and see if it helps this problem.22:07
BlasterDid I miss anything?  Restarted my PC.22:12
bnrfjust elavus22:12
Johnny_Linuxmusclez , did you get things going ??22:13
musclezi was tying to backtrack and maybe work on it alone.. i dont really know where we left off there are no kernels on my system now22:13
musclezi was going to attempt to install, but i cant get the drives to mount the way we were yesterday22:14
musclezim just backtracking the logs now, these guys rebuilt my boot drive but we kind of stopped in the middle of the hwole thing22:14
dadisHey i got a hot girl coming over, can i use ubuntu to repair a windows partition?22:15
Johnny_Linuxsome one will come up with something22:15
dadishttp://www.makeuseof.com/tag/fix-corrupted-windows-ntfs-filesystem-ubuntu/ found it22:15
Johnny_Linuxshes a man eater22:16
musclezi dont really undestand how it got this far, i didnt do anything crazy im not an advance user by any degree.. what i initally did to get here seems to be just rudimentary unistalling of old things22:16
Bashing-ommusclez: I would think the 1st order of business is to get the current booting terminal re-installed. What are we working with ? ' cat etc/issue ; uname -r ; dpkg -l | grep linux- ' .22:18
Dead_Eye_Duncani need some help22:19
Dead_Eye_Duncani changed something in unity tweak22:19
Dead_Eye_Duncanand now my terminal has text that overlaps and it just looks bad22:19
allizomhi people, where should I be looking at when a computer (running 14.04) boots fine up to the login greeter, then blacks out soon after you enter your password and press enter? It's not mine, but they told me the only last thing they remember doing is installing updates. I can get a tty working22:21
allizomi forgot, it happens with every user22:22
newbie|4maybe a problem with video driver ?22:22
musclezbashing-om: http://termbin.com/tldp http://termbin.com/obkk22:23
allizomnewbie|4: don't know, it's got an nvidia and it was using the proprietary drivers. I tried switching to nouveau with no luck22:23
musclezbashing-om: http://termbin.com/0nja22:24
abkabkabkany1 know how to use multitail? i just need stuff with [error] in 1 tab and everything else in the other tab22:24
Bashing-ommusclez: Lokk'n . I be back !22:24
abkabkabkdats right, loki rides again!22:25
bazhangwrong channel for that abkabkabk22:26
abkabkabkwell theres no multitail chan22:26
abkabkabkim tryin to printf me some buckets of cashola22:27
musclezbashing-om: i beleive that the uname -r readout pertains to the version of linux being used on the boot usb.. i am using a boot-reapir-disk live usb22:28
bazhang!ot | abkabkabk22:28
ubottuabkabkabk: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:28
musclezis there any way for me to get a readout of my logs in theis chat?22:28
bnrfallizom: Propietary's do not follow kernel upgrades at times, needs them reinstalled most likeley.22:28
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too.22:28
bazhangmusclez, see above22:29
musclezof just me and mentions of my name though, not the entire channel22:29
Bashing-ommusclez: OK, the -32 kernel had me going . Booting the liveUSB gives another slant on things. What is the result when attempting to boot the install ? Shall we "look" at what kernels are in the install ?22:31
musclezther are no kenels or memtest in the boot22:31
allizombnrf: Shouldn't the default greeter have issues too if it's a GPU drivers hiccup? that shows fine at maximum resolution22:32
musclezwe tried "apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-generic" and it crashed22:32
musclezi was goign to attpemt 'apt-get install linux-image3.16.0.40-generic' that was the last known working version22:32
bnrfallizom: No idea, I've had intel, just a guess, most likely since there have been kernrl upgrades as of late.22:33
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varycould someone help me, I want to know if there's a way to create a partition, and make a windows 7 iso bootable using Ubuntu22:33
varybootable from the partition*22:34
Bashing-ommusclez: Let's do look, and consider a CHange Root to the install and install the -55 kernel ? What are the hard drive(s) identified as ' sudo fdisk -lu ' . Then we mount and have a looksee .22:34
bnrfvary: THumb drive yes22:35
musclezbashing-om: after the reinstall failed the last thing i was advised to do was check ls -l /var/lib/dpkg/statoverride22:35
allizombnrf: the point is, I'm not sure at all it's a video card thing, because also with nouveau (assuming I switched them right) I have the same issue. Oh, and I should add that startx from the tty shows me a working desktop, but Unity doesn't run22:35
Dead_Eye_Duncancan someone help me22:35
Bozzausb 1-1: New USB device found,22:35
Bozzai get that messages in dmesg22:36
bnrfallizom: Have you tried previous kernels?22:36
Bozzadoes that mean it is a usb 1.1 device? usb 1-1: New USB device found,22:36
Dead_Eye_Duncani was customizing my desktop in unity tweak and my terminal's font overlaps itself22:36
Dead_Eye_Duncanand looks bad22:36
Dead_Eye_Duncanim not sure how i did it because i changed my font and its still the same22:36
varyI have a bootable DVD with windows 7 on it, and a bootable USB Drive with windows 7 on it. However, when no operating system is installed on the computer, my keyboard does not work to boot from the dvd/usb22:36
musclezbashing om: eric^^ http://termbin.com/gqjc22:36
varyand with ubuntu installed I can not connect to the internet and even when booting from HDD is disabled, the computer still boots Ubuntu22:37
bnrfvary: Laptop or desktop?22:37
varyDesktop, it's a friend's22:37
allizombnrf: do you think starting an older kernel from GRUB advanced options menu would do for a test?22:37
bnrfvary: Very loose and I mean loose description, not really understandable here.22:38
musclezbashging-om : http://termbin.com/pcin22:38
bnrfallizom: No, from the grub menu.22:38
varyFriend fucked his windows 7 - fucked up installing fresh version too. Now windows 7 won't install from CD/DVD So I've temporarily put ubuntu on there22:38
varynow: When I try to install windows 7 from the dvd/usb22:39
bnrfallizom: If the previous kernel works, it is likely a graphic issue tied to a kernel upgrade.22:39
bazhangno cursing here vary22:39
varyoh ok, my bad22:39
Bozzadoes that mean it is a usb 1.1 device? usb 1-1: New USB device found,22:39
Bozzain dmesg22:39
Bozzai get this22:39
varyWhen I try to install windows 7 from usb/dvd with ubuntu installed, it still boots to ubuntu even though I changed boot order and even disabled booting to hdd22:39
Bashing-ommusclez: I do not know what to make of that file's existence . Additional info please 'file var/lib/dpkg/statoverride ' . Let's see if we can peek into it .22:40
varyWhen I try to install windows 7 from usb/dvd with no operating system installed, the keyboard will not work during the 'press any key to boot from USB/DVD'22:40
bazhangvary that sounds like a windows installer issue22:40
bazhangtry ##windows for that vary22:40
Bashing-ommusclez: Yuk, are you encrypted ? GPT partitioning requires a different tool than 'fdsik' show ' sudo parted -l ' .22:41
allizombnrf: the boot entries with older kernels are hidden under Advanced options, I don't understand your previous answer "No, from the grub menu", care to clarify?22:42
musclezbashing-om: http://termbin.com/tfah22:42
Bozzadoes that mean it is a usb 1.1 device? usb 1-1: New USB device found,22:42
bnrfallizom: sorry I said no when you were at the right place for grub choice, I read it as install an earlier version, my mistake22:42
Bozzadoes that mean it is a usb 1.1 device? usb 1-1: New USB device found,22:42
musclezbahsing-om: http://termbin.com/s5l422:43
Bozzain dmesg22:43
OerHeksvary, check the bios for legacy usb support for your keyboard. check the manual how22:43
Bozzain dmesg does usb 1-1 mean a usb 1 device????22:43
bazhangBozza, clearly yes22:43
varyOerHeks: tried already22:44
Bashing-ommusclez: A text file . We can look and see . ' cat /var/lib/dpkg/statoverride ' .22:44
Bozzabazhang: ???22:45
Bozzaare you just guessing?22:45
Bozzaor do you know for sure?22:45
musclezbashing-om: http://termbin.com/ws7u22:45
Bozzabazhang: go ahead and type dmesg into terminal22:46
Bozzaafter connecting a usb device22:46
Bozzawhat does it say?22:46
Bashing-ommusclez: I see nothing in the statoverride file to interfere with a kernel install .22:47
bfighello, I need to upgrade wkhtmltopdf and my packages are borked for some reason22:49
musclezbashing-om: we had to disable soemthing with the dpkg in orger to get it to run without crashing, i wish i could give you more information but i need ot look back t the logs and im having trouble finding stuff22:49
musclezwhich kernel do  you suggst?22:50
hypernovabashing om22:51
hypernovamy ubuntu is working fine22:51
Bashing-ommusclez: IF you are not encrypted, we can CHroot into the install from the liveUSB and check/install the -55 kernel ( my mirror does not have the -57 kernel ) .22:51
musclezi am encrypted22:52
musclezand i can still chroot into it thats what i am doing right now22:52
Bashing-omhypernova: Yeah, I "saw" ya ..And I did think ya got it under control . Install as dual boot and from the new install fix the original ?22:52
hypernovathat harddrives fucked up22:53
hypernovait was like 10 years old though22:53
hypernovai think im just gonna toss it22:53
owen1ubuntu 15.04. how to permanently switch caps lock to be esc from the terminal? is xmodmap still the way to do that?22:53
Bozzabazhang: it means bus 01 port 0122:53
Bozzacheck your facts22:53
hypernovaharddrives are soo cheap22:53
hypernovapeople give them to me all the time22:53
hypernovaits only 160 gb22:53
Bashing-om!language | hypernova Family visits here22:53
ubottuhypernova Family visits here: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList22:53
Bashing-ommusclez: Are you CHrooted into the install ? What is installed ? ' ls -al /boot '22:58
musclezbashing-om: http://termbin.com/ksir22:59
Bashing-ommusclez: No "initrd.img-3.13.0-55-generic" file . Lets try ' install linux-image-3.13.0-55-generic linux-headers-3.13.0-55-generic linux-headers-3.13.0-55 ' . See what happens .23:03
Bashing-omsudo apt-get install musclez23:03
musclezbashing-om: pastebin.com/vrtslf7g23:08
jeffrey_fHaving trouble running minecraft on the most recent kernel.  Going back to earlier kernel fixes the issue.  Minecraft crashes and the user is logged out but a black screen.  I can still SSH23:09
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allizombnrf: I tried booting into an older kernel and reinstalling the nvidia drivers. No luck, as i rebooted into it again the same issue arose23:11
ruediiDoes anyone know how to resolve the dependency hell of dowgrading the LTS-Backports Xorg packages to the normal ones so I can install the updates from X-Edgers?23:12
ruediiI wish someone would make a nice script to handle it.23:12
Bashing-ommusclez: Humm .. Yeah from some source in the statoverride file . Try commenting out the entries containing "amavis" with the text editor and try again .23:14
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Bray90820Can someone help me make this permanent23:30
Bray90820sudo modprobe hid_magicmouse scroll-speed=55 scroll-acceleration=123:30
ol_cannot get hp printer in Windows 7 to print from ubuntu. Have tried evrything using SAMBA. Got one test page to print a few days ago. Nothing since then. Should I try something other than SAMBA (CUPS)?23:34
mtnol_, the printer does not have network capability?23:36
ol_I can see it in ubuntu and got to print one test page.23:37
musclezbashing-om: how do i commen tit out?23:37
mtn ol_, the printer does not have network capability?23:38
Bashing-ommusclez: Kust place the commnet '#" character at the start of the lines. Looking again at the file . I have no idea what the cause is ? Is "amavis" a valid username on that system ?23:39
musclezamavis is antivirus sofwatre for a mail server23:40
Bray90820ol_: your printer is installed on windows 7?23:40
ol_the printer is shared in Windows and I have been able to install it in ubuntu (Find Network Printer finds it). But HPLIP does not find it.23:40
Bray90820ol_: can you pn me?23:41
SrRaven Alrighty than, I need some help it seems. I want to get Postfix/dovecot to work in combination with multiple domains, I used this23:41
ol_how would I do that?23:41
SrRaven                 tutorial https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixVirtualMailBoxClamSmtpHowto but I cant get sasl authentification to work and im23:41
SrRaven                 clueless23:41
awesomess3so I looked at the Ubuntu MATE main page and it showed a picture of a VLC app playing the Avengers: Age of Ultron movie. isn't that illegal?23:43
Bashing-ommusclez: No idea of what we will get into. for now we MUST get a krnel installed. To that end because I do not know any better, comment out all the lines with "amavis" in them .23:43
mgolischawesomess3: why?23:43
musclezbashing-om: i nowget the message "syntax error: invlaid uid in stat overide file"23:43
ikoniamusclez: is it not better to re-install23:44
awesomess3mgolisch, because Age Of Ultron hasn't come out on DVD yet23:44
ikoniathis has been going on for 48 hours almost23:44
OerHeksawesomess3, sure, it is a trailer. > trl23:44
ikoniabackup your data an re-install23:44
awesomess3OerHeks, oooohhh duh. I'm stupid.23:44
ikoniayou'd be done in 20  minutes23:44
mgolischawesomess3: trailer?23:44
OerHeksand see the time :-)23:44
__Myst__Hey guys23:44
nomichi __Myst__23:44
__Myst__I was wondering... how do I access an USB device?23:44
__Myst__Hey nomic23:45
__Myst__Like, through the command line.23:45
nomicit should access directly23:45
OerHeksawesomess3, but thanks for the notice, it could be an issue indeed.23:45
nomicerm ..23:45
nomicnever done it23:45
nomicyou mean "mount" the volume23:45
__Myst__something like "cd /flashDrive/"23:45
OerHeks* have been23:45
__Myst__ye, nomic23:45
nomicthat means you have to mount the usb drive as a volume23:45
nomicand that should happen autmatically23:45
nomic  the /dev point I think23:45
__Myst__Go on23:45
nomicyou insert the usb drive and it is automatically recogniseable on either /mnt or /dev23:46
Bashing-ommusclez: Guess it is a field formatted file . And the '#" is unacceptable. Sorry, I do not know how to cope with the 'statoverride' file .23:46
allizomin case there is an issue with the video card drivers, shouldn't the login greeter be affected too?23:46
nomicaint used one for a while - hat I used to have was that I could insert the usb drive and the file manager (nautilus) would automatically appear (this is xubuntu)23:46
Bashing-ommusclez: I am doping homework, see what I can learn .23:46
__Myst__nomic: Yes; but how do I physicall access it?23:46
Bashing-omdoing *23:46
__Myst__ew nautilius.23:46
ikoniaBashing-om: this has been going on for 2 days and the same situation over 3 - 4 channels, I would very strongly advise him to backup his data and re-install as this is going-nowhere for 48 hours now23:46
nomicif it is mounted a s volume is referenced as part of filing system (tree)23:47
musclezbashing-om: im going to back up the file and delete the amavis lines23:47
nomicyou dislike nautilus?23:47
ikoniahe appears to not want to hear that and just keep repeating the same situation over and over again, so it maybe worth considering advising this23:47
__Myst__Yeah, nomic.23:47
__Myst__I mean, I don't dislike it.23:47
nomicmounting  usb should be simple23:47
__Myst__I just like doing things in the terminal more23:47
nomicnot sure then , if you do not have a gui23:48
nomicfind the mounted usb devices, reference, mount23:48
nomicnautilus must do that autmatically23:48
nomicyou are limiting yourself somewhat, in many cases, by using only the command line23:49
musclezbashing-om: any used that is not root is doe snot accept... amavis was just the first instance23:49
ikoniamusclez: have you considered backup/reinstall/restore your data23:49
nomicyou will find that there is a way to reference usb devices which are plugged into your pc23:49
Bashing-ommusclez: Maybe we can just delete the file ? see: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/can-not-install-new-software-on-my-system-4175422314/ . // Still look'n .23:49
ikoniamusclez: you seem to be struggling with the basics, I think you'll find it much quicker and eaier to backup/restore after install23:49
Bray90820ol_: I sent you s pm23:50
Bray90820A pm23:50
nomictbh - from what I remember - xubuntu (here), automatically mounts and opens a file explorer, when you plug in a usb drive23:50
nomicthese are not "issues"23:51
Bashing-ommusclez: ^^ ikonia's advise above, And the proper way to remove entries in the file ' sudo dpkg-statoverride --remove <the_path> ' .23:55
ruediiIt looks like I found how to deal with that dependency hell of the lts backports X11 setup.   Hopefully it turns out OK.  After that I will need to fix my i386 libs then I'll be all set.23:55
musclezbashing-om: i have that used ignored23:55
ikoniamusclez: you've been at this for 48 hours, and you're not really moving forward23:55
ikoniahave you looked at data backup, re-install, restore23:56
ikoniayou'll be done in 20 minutes + backup/restore time23:56

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