
jxshxxHiya!  Something I miss from my Ubuntu days: External drives would show a desktop icon, and right-clicking gave the "safely remove" option.  Can that "system" be added to Lubuntu?03:58
holsteinfrom your ubuntu days?03:59
jxshxxyou know ... I used to use Ubuntu and switched to Lubuntu04:00
holsteinlubuntu *is* ubuntu.. lxde is a lightweight environment.. if you want, you can add desktop icons for what you like, or, use a different filemanager, or, unmount "drives" as you please..04:00
ianorlinjxshxx: just unmount them in pcmanfm is how I normally do it04:00
holsteinyou can right click on the drives in the filemanager, and likely, simply find what you are looking for there04:00
jxshxxI understand.  Is it the file manager the difference?04:01
holsteinthe entire desktop environment is the main difference04:01
jxshxxusing "eject removable media" does not quite function the same way04:03
holsteinit does04:03
holsteinit unmounts, safely, and allows you to remove it04:03
holsteinwhat are you wanting to do?04:03
jxshxxIn Ubuntu, it shuts off the light on my usb.  Not so in Lubuntu.04:04
holsteinjxshxx: its unmounted.. check and make sure..04:04
jxshxxI justed liked the way it worked better04:04
jxshxxOverall, I'm very happy with the switch04:05
holsteinjxshxx: you  can be comparing more than just the different desktops. you are comparing different kernel versions, if you are coming from, say, ubuntu 14.04, and using lubuntu 15.04..04:05
jxshxxI just thought I'd ask to see if I could maximize comfort04:05
holsteincould be, in main ubuntu/unity, the light stays on..04:05
holsteinthe light should go off after you remove it, after unmounting it04:06
jxshxxI was using classic gnome in Ubuntu04:06
holsteinsure.. but, what kernel? and what version, you understand?04:06
holsteinanyways, the issue with "safety" is just that you dont want to remove it while mounted04:06
holsteinif its unmounted, which, you can check and see, then, its "safe" to remove.. light or no04:07
jxshxxIs it possible to set it up so that an icon appears on the desktop when external drives are mounted?04:08
holsteinanything, in open systems, is possible04:08
jxshxxI am equally encouraged and horrified ...04:09
holsteini would check in pcmanfm04:10
holstein"Open pcmanfm the file manager and go to Edit --> Preferences to the tab Desktop and make sure the Manage the desktop and show file icons checkbox is checked this will give you your desktop icons"04:11
holsteinshould look something like that, depending on your versions..04:11
jxshxxI'll poke around.  Thanks and goodnight.04:14
holsteincheers, and good luck04:14
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