
Kilosmorning all06:18
Kiloshi mazal  09:47
ThatGraemeGuyafternoon all12:05
ThatGraemeGuyany CT adsl peoples around at the moment?12:05
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy  12:16
=== Cryterion is now known as Cryterion`hiding
mazalEn toe word ons honger :P14:00
mazalmaaz what's for dinner14:00
Maazmazal: Sorry...14:00
Kiloshy eet nie saans nie hy werk14:01
* mazal goes for a peanut butter sarmie14:01
* Kilos wonders if inetpro is on leave again14:20
=== Cryterion is now known as Cryterion`hiding
Kiloshi Guest61406  16:18
Kilosoh its mani16:19
=== Guest61406 is now known as MaNI
MaNIso it is, sorry to disappoint :P16:23
=== Cryterion`hiding is now known as Cryterion
=== monkeyjoe is now known as squish102
squish102you know, i am so lazy to go change my nick for freenode so every time i join i dont have to change it17:14
squish102i guess i have to go google how to change nick in weechat17:15
squish102or just type /nick squish102 once in a while17:15
Kilos /nick newnick17:15
squish102let me test the default now..17:18
squish102hmm good that worked17:19
squish102now to fix all the other million things wrong with my server :)17:19
=== Cryterion is now known as Cryterion`hiding
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:13
MaNIdon't let the load shedding bite18:30
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trixar
=== Cryterion is now known as Cryterion`hiding
=== Cryterion`hiding is now known as Cryterion
* Cryterion thinks he got biten an hour ago already19:01
mazalGood night everyone19:25
=== cryterion_ is now known as cryterion`hiding
=== cryterion`hiding is now known as cryterion_
cryterion_night everyone20:28
=== smile is now known as smilemore
smilemoreSlaapwel :)21:25

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