
Elionhi, i just installed an ubuntu 15.04 with this setup : /boot on local sda drive, / on distant iscsi drive, how can i get this to boot ?00:01
Bashing-ommusclez: See: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+question/125380 . But I do have reservations as we do not have a kernel installed .00:01
Elion(i mean how to make grub mount the iscsi on boot)00:02
ikoniamusclez: is there a reason you are ignoring the quick/easy solution here ?00:02
beardmandid you have grub installation errors running the setup?00:03
Elionbeardman: not at all, and grub is loading fine, but it doesn't load the kernel and give me a prompt with initram00:04
allizomalso how is it that I can run startx from a tty and get a full-resolution desktop, only I can't see the top bar and the dash? Is that consistent with a video drivers issue?00:05
Elionbeardman: when i boot, i get : gave up waiting for root device00:06
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Bashing-ommusclez: A hint of what is going on ' cat /etc/group | grep amavis ' Bet amavis is not in the group .00:11
michael_pis there away to restore my main menu00:17
bazhangmichael_p, mintmenu?00:19
michael_pyeah in xubuntu00:19
michael_pthe application menu00:19
bazhangmichael_p, you mean reset the panels?00:19
michael_pyep back to default00:20
bazhangDid your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel  michael_p00:21
michael_pi deleted the app menu00:21
michael_pby mistake00:21
michael_pum start menu00:22
xanguaright click, add, whisker menu00:22
michael_pgreat thanks00:24
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Elionhi, i just installed an ubuntu 15.04 with this setup : /boot on local sda drive, / on distant iscsi drive, when i try to boot grub doesn t mount the iscsi drive so i get an error on boot : gave up waiting for root device00:28
Elionhow can i make grub mount the iscsi disk first ?00:29
mgolischdid you add the needed ISCSI vars to the kernel cmdline?00:30
Elionmgolisch: can you give me those ?00:39
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michael_pi suppose 15:10 is not far away and will they start working on 1600:40
bnrfmichael_p: The model is online if you want to be accurate00:41
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testnick123hey. I have a question. Did debian altered the tcp iip stack of linux?00:43
testnick123with new releases00:43
xanguaask #debian ¿00:44
west536457640evening all, you know when your screen goes dark after a period of inactivity (cos of power management or screensaver or whatever causes it)00:45
west536457640is there a log file somewhere that records which program/setting/daemon or whatever triggered it00:46
west536457640because on ubuntu 14.04 running lxde it is ignoring all my attempts to set it up so i think something must be overriding it00:47
allizomElion: maybe you need the rootdelay option? you can try setting rootdelay=90 in the GRUB menu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Troubleshooting#Key_Points_About_Terminal_Menu_Editing:00:49
west536457640or is there a master setting someplace cos it is driving me nuts to have my laptop screen go dark every 5 minutes and not being able to change it00:49
michael_p why not call 16:04 human friendship00:54
michael_por human friends00:54
Elionallizom: it's not a wait pb, it's due to the grub not mounting iscsi target at all00:55
allizomElion: I would try before drawing conclusions, that said, do as you want. It's not a permanent change anyway00:57
bnrfElion: Not something I've done, however fstab is part of this.00:57
bnrfnot seen mantion is all00:58
xfburnздравейте можете ли да ми помогнете имам убунту 14.04 но когато пускам клипчета с програмата  webcamstudio презз сайт с флаш плеър има картина но който гледа не чува звука а при мен има звук ?00:58
bazhang!ru | xfburn00:58
ubottuxfburn: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.00:58
Bray90820why would file print not work from a pdf but "lpr file.pdf" works01:11
bodhi_zazenBray90820, what are you using to view / print the .pdf ?01:15
bodhi_zazensome pdf viewers seem to have bugs01:15
Bray90820Adobe reader01:16
ki7rwi'm unable to execute dpkg which is preventing me from upgrading packages with synaptic or apt-get - i've unable to reinstall dpkg and it doesn't seem to exist on my system - unless someone has a better idea i'm going to do a fresh install of 14.0101:18
bodhi_zazenki7rw, unless you can tell us what you did to get this problem -> reinstall01:20
cubensyshey guys got a problem01:21
bodhi_zazenchange system permissions ? Not using sudo ? removed something ?01:21
ki7rwi have no idea what caused this - maybe the xorg-edgers ppa?01:21
bodhi_zazencubensys, state your question01:21
cubensyssome time ago my machine quit on life during a sotware update01:21
cubensysnow I have 5 or 6 system problem errors on startup01:21
cubensysbut everything seems fine in every other regard01:22
bodhi_zazenki7rw, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade | pastebinit01:22
cubensyswhat do I do to solve the system problem errors01:22
bodhi_zazencubensys, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -f | pastebinit01:22
cubensyswhat does the -f do?01:23
bodhi_zazensee man apt-get ;)01:24
cubensysthanks man, stay equanimous!01:24
bodhi_zazenki7rw, try sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/dpkg01:26
allizomBray90820: that software has been discontinued for GNU/Linux, you could try to use evince, okular, or another pdf reader and see how it goes01:26
bodhi_zazenIME evince prints best01:26
bodhi_zazenat least with my printer01:27
ki7rwalready tried that: http://pastebin.com/GT9Gwdx101:27
kostkon!info acroread01:28
ubottuPackage acroread does not exist in vivid01:28
Guest86360any tip on fish auto exchange key on xchat or konversation01:28
bodhi_zazenGuest86360, use bash =)01:28
Guest86360seems only irssi has it :S01:29
Guest86360bash.. ?01:29
redstarHello I am having trouble getting Wifi working on Ubuntu 15.04.01:29
bodhi_zazenbash -c irissi01:29
redstarIt won't let me connect to any wifi network. :(01:29
redstarAnd under the network manager it was Wireless Networks: disconnected.01:30
bodhi_zazenredstar, simply stating it is not working does not help use help you - start with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide01:30
nomicredstar you need to right click then edit wireless then put in your wep key01:30
nomicwireless manager01:31
PazoozaWEP? Should be WPA.01:31
Guest86360Uploading bash output within IRSSI01:31
redstarI have tried that, and when I try "connect" it simply shows it trying to connect and then it stops, never working.01:31
Guest86360humm not sure to understand hehehe01:31
redstarAnd it's WPA2.01:31
nomichave you put in your wap key01:31
nomicat any point01:32
redstarI have a feeling it's a problem with my drivers.01:32
nomicwhy r u here lol01:32
PazoozaTry "connect to a hidden netrwork" then select wlan0 if it's already set up.01:32
redstarI am on a wired connection -- there's an unsightly wire running up my stairs and down my hallway.01:32
nomicif the pc sees the wireless it should be connecting -- if it sees all your local links01:32
redstarIt doesn't list the available wifi networks or anything, I just tried "connect to a hidden network".01:33
nomicso you don' tsee any network ids in the list01:33
nomicso your wireless card disn't connecting01:33
nomicyour pc wireless isn;t working at all01:33
redstarIt seems that way.01:34
nomicyou have incompatible pc wireless with your pc .. is it a laptop or a pc01:34
redstar03:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Qualcomm Atheros AR9462 Wireless Network Adapter [168c:0034] (rev 01)01:35
nomicyou maybe do not have wireless hardware at all (possibility) - I have (for instance) on pcs a wireless usb key01:35
nomicpcs are not supplied with wireless01:35
nomiclaptops are01:35
redstarMy motherboard has wifi on the chipset.01:35
PazoozaIf you have any wireless security cameras in the area turn them off, they interfere with wifi.01:35
redstarWifi works fine from my laptop and my mobile phone.01:36
pitiye_guys i have a special requirement ,  i hope many of you have seen tutorial videos on youtube where , tutor types text on a text editor in large fonts to present and elaborate the tutorial,  is there any way to render this into the video screen rather than typing on text editor ?01:38
nomicyou maybe need http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/61S5gwCI6BS._SL1400_.jpg01:38
PazoozaDelete your wlan0 configuration and do it again.01:38
linuxuz3rjust wondering how to get the opengl version supported on my ubuntu install01:38
nomicusb wireless adaptor - instant connection thru any pc01:38
redstarThere must be a way to get the onboard WiFi working.01:38
=== pitiye_ is now known as pitiye
pitiyeguys i have a special requirement ,  i hope many of you have seen tutorial videos on youtube where , tutor types text on a text editor in large fonts to present and elaborate the tutorial,  is there any way to render this into the video screen rather than typing on text editor ?01:39
nomicif you do not have that -"onboard wireless" less likely to work - that ^ 100% worky, every time01:39
redstarI don't have time to wait for one of those, my roomate almost tripped to death over my ethernet cable.01:39
n0m_does partedmagic zero out free space?01:39
nomicusb wireless confirmed - netgear wsg51101:39
nomicthos things are handy01:39
n0m_i dont want to erase my os, but i do want to completely wipe the free space01:39
nomicharder to get some obscure wireless working on a pc (apart from a laptop) .. diagnose01:40
redstarWhy so hard?01:40
nomicput the cable next to the skirting board away from where people walk until your netgear wsg511 key arrives (ebay v cheap)01:41
nomicis hard life is hard life involves many difficult things01:41
redstarIt must work!01:41
nomicok you sit here and wait for specialists to diagnose your specific PC / wireless hardware problem.01:42
nomicdo not panic - you are online01:42
allizompitiye: please be clearer, what does render into the video screen mean?01:43
pitiyeallizom:  have you seen subtitles in a movie ?  i am looking for a similar effect01:43
pitiyeallizom:  i just dont want to edit video, or write text on a text editor when recording the screen ,  just want to embed text while recording the screen.01:44
redstarnomic: roger that01:45
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redstarnomic: I think I need the compat-wireless-pc package.01:46
redstarBut it's not in repositories it needs to be built.01:46
allizompitiye: when will you be typing the text, during or after the recording?01:46
pitiyeallizom:  its impossible to type text during or after recording , i can edit the video and insert text with kdenlive after recording , which i dont want to do that.   i would have prepared text in a file before recording and use a tool which prints and embeds those text on the screen,  i am looking for such tool.01:48
gingdoes anyone know anything about old kernal images not being picked up by apt auto remove on 12.04 ?01:51
leo34hello is there a way01:52
Bashing-omging: 'autoreove' apt was rewritten after the release of 12.04 . So in 12.04 that ability of autoremove does not exist .01:53
leo34to tell testdisk  where to start the search for a partition01:53
gingthat would explain it01:53
gingthe amount of guides which were meant to by for 12.04 which have simply said do apt get auto remove has been quite a pain then01:55
gingi have been searching and searching for broken dependancies which never existed01:56
Bashing-omging: Yeah, "autoremove" exist in 12.04, but the ability to delete old kernels is not supported (or at least the last I was aware, maybe with HWE it is ?) .01:57
Bashing-omging: 'sudo apt-get -f install ' will list (and try and fix) any dependency issues . Also 'sudo fpkg -C ' for an audit of the package management system .01:59
gingthere were no issues02:00
gingi just thought maybe there were packages which depended on kernals they didn't actually need to02:00
pitiyeallizom:  Hello02:01
gingwhich would stop autoremove being able to remove them02:01
gingif i have a full boot partion of kernels, all newer than the current one in use, would it be ok to remove all except the current and the 2 latest ones?02:04
gingi don't want to reboot it till i've fixed the full boot partion02:04
pitiyeallizom: xosd is what going to save me :D02:05
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allizomyou found one? glad to hear, sorry but I didn't know any02:07
allizomI was searching for osd though :)02:07
Bashing-omging: In 12.04 apt-get and dpkg are the tools to use to remove the old imagea and headers .02:10
hypernovahey guys how do you fix packet loss?>02:10
gingBashing-om: but how do i know which ones are really needed?02:19
bodhi_zazenhypernova, depends on the cause, fix your network02:20
bodhi_zazenIf it is outside your network, call your ISP02:20
gingor is the no real chance any specific ones are needed02:20
bodhi_zazenging, you only really need 1 kernel, the one you are currently running02:20
Bashing-omging: 'uname -r ' tells you the current booting kernel. That should be the latest one, and also keep the one under it as a backup, all others can be removed .02:21
bodhi_zazenI like to keep one old kernel "just in case"02:21
gingi don't want to remove the wrong one and it eat half my packages02:21
bodhi_zazenging, so use the -s flag02:21
bodhi_zazensudo apt-get -s remove foo02:21
Bashing-omging: ^ +1 .. the -s is "simulate" - safety net . will tell you what it is going to do but does not do it .02:23
gingbodhi_zazen: the problem is i can't use apt untill i have removed a few, i need to delete some manually as apt is failing to do anything due to a full boot partition and a partly installed kernel02:23
gingwill not let me add or remove02:23
gingor do anything infact02:24
bodhi_zazendpkg -r kernel02:24
Bashing-omging: In that case try 'dpkg' it works at a lower level and you might have enough overhead room for 'dpkg' to work .02:24
ghost_hii guys., ?02:24
bodhi_zazenging, and make /boot bigger, lol02:24
ghost_please help.,02:25
ghost_E:Encountered a section with no Package: header, E:Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/id.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_trusty_universe_i18n_Translation-en, E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.02:25
bodhi_zazenmv /boot/some_kernel /root (kernels are vmlinuz) , then move it back to remove it with apt-get02:25
bodhi_zazenghost_, http://askubuntu.com/questions/30072/how-do-i-fix-a-problem-with-mergelist-or-status-file-could-not-be-parsed-err02:26
bodhi_zazenghost_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PackageManagerTroubleshootingProcedure02:26
Bashing-omghost_: Maybe corrrupted control files. Try : ' sudo rm -fr /var/lib/apt/lists ; sudo mkdir -pv /var/lib/apt/lists/partial ; sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade ' .02:27
bodhi_zazenging, did I mention, make /boot larger02:27
ghost_thanks guys., bashing-om02:28
ghost_I'm try02:29
gingbodhi_zazen: i wish i could but it's an odd storage setup and i have no access to the hypervisor02:29
bodhi_zazendon't use odd storage setups =)02:30
Bashing-omghost_: :)02:31
O_AndrewHello there, i can't use my webcam! It shows in lsusb but not in dmesg! Where should i look next?02:42
O_Andrewactually it shows in kern.log! -> uvcvideo: Found UVC 1.00 device WebCam (064e:d101)02:43
bodhi_zazenand what happens when you run cheese or try to use it ?02:44
O_AndrewWell cheese says it cannot connect to it, VLC says open of `v4l2:///dev/video0' failed02:45
O_AndrewBy the way im don't even know if really is video0, its the only 'video' device i got though02:45
O_Andrewif it really is *02:45
O_AndrewCheese says: "There was an error playing video from the webcam"02:46
bodhi_zazenversion of ubuntu ?02:51
=== or is now known as CrazEd
threesixesO_Andrew, what does lsusb say?  some old webcams dont work good, new uvc ones are pretty good about that...02:52
Bashing-omging: How ya doing ? Making progress ?02:52
jmaderohi all - I'm trying to make an m3u playlist from a script - I need to loop through a find command, anyone around who might be able to help?02:52
=== CrazEd is now known as Guest71275
O_Andrewthreesixes: Bus 002 Device 020: ID 064e:d101 Suyin Corp. Acer CrystalEye Webcam02:53
mangoliondo you guys know any novel-writting app for linux like nimble writer and yWriter5 for Windows?02:57
=== JeDa is now known as Guest11485
jmaderomangolion: writer's cafe maybe02:59
threesixesO_Andrew, upstream reports uvc + cheese works with your webcam, ie modprobe the uvc module and try webcam software of choice02:59
manuelInstaller failed to encrypt "logical partition already in use", forcing me to delete and partitionate without any encryption. Should I reboot the installer and encrypt the partition now?02:59
mangolionjmadero: its a website, not a program03:01
O_Andrewthreesixes: I know it should work normally. It just doesn't :o. lsmod shows uvcvideo loaded and used by videodev, media, videobuf2_vmalloc and videobuf2_core03:01
mangolionoh sorry jmadero03:03
jmaderomangolion: for what?03:04
threesixesdoes uvcview work O_Andrew03:04
threesixessomeone was saying to use a bison driver for that webcam03:04
O_AndrewNo command 'uvcview' found, did you mean: guvcview03:05
mangolionjmadero: I thought it was just a website for writers, turns out its an actual program03:07
jmaderomangolion: yeah I've used it a couple times03:07
jmaderoit's okay - I prefer just using LIbreOffice03:07
jmaderobut to each their own03:07
bodhi_zazenmanuel, if you need encryption, then yes you need to re-install03:07
jmaderoonly if you want the entire partition encrypted - you could just easily encrypt particular folders...03:08
jmaderowithout a complete reinstall03:08
bodhi_zazentrue that03:08
O_Andrewguvcview spammed "V4L2_CORE: (get_v4l2_frame) video stream must be started first" in my terminal03:11
lickalottgents, anyone here familiar with duplicity?  i have a folder FULL of backups incremental and differential and I would like to remove some of them, but I can't find any documentation that defines which files are which (to include if the manifest needs to be kept)03:15
dadisi just had the experience of a dry vaporizer ecig hit03:17
dadisand it was not pleaseant. make sure you are well lubricated03:17
StormRoofI commend Dylann Storm Roof for his actions, and Emmanuel AME Church will forever be a shrine for those of us who are sick of the feral negrow beast.   Your church will now become a place where those of us will come by and join you in prayer to honor what happened.03:19
jmaderoplease boot StormRoof03:20
jmaderomods anywhere03:20
StormRoofEmanuel AME Church will be a tourist attraction03:21
StormRooffor those of us who want to commemorate the event03:21
StormRoofthey are going to see more mexicans, asians, and whites than usual03:21
StormRoofpraying with them03:21
StormRoofbut little will they know that they will all be niggerhaters03:21
StormRoofwho are converting their church into a shrine03:21
jmaderomods in this room need perms so we can easily identify them :)03:21
StormRoofjmadero  what a newb03:22
StormRoofyou have to paste spam into #freenode03:22
StormRoofto make a report03:22
StormRooftengo ganas de darte un vergazo en tu cara03:23
StormRoofsé que lo quieres puto03:23
kloeriStormRoof: drop it03:23
jmaderokloeri: best just not to reply - you'll just egg him on03:24
jmaderoa moderator will be around sooner or later and he'll be banned03:24
kloeriI am a moderator and I'm raound now03:24
jmaderokloeri: ah - mind booting him?03:24
jmaderopretty offensive stuff03:24
kloeriif he continues, sure03:24
jmaderothanks :)03:24
Hobbet1swearing in spanish seems rather rude03:24
jmaderothe other stuff was quite a bit more offensive than his passive aggressive swearing at me03:25
StormRoofhobbet1  te gusta la venosa?03:25
jmaderothanks kloeri for dealing with him03:25
mariorzhi. I need some help upgrading an10.04 lts box. do-release-upgrade is unable to calculate the upgrade.03:26
jmaderomariorz: wow from 10.04....I'd highly suggest a fresh install03:26
jmaderothat's 2 major releases . . . pretty likely things will go wrong03:27
mariorzgrepping for Broken on apt.log returns "Broken libdb5.1:i386 PreDepends on multiarch-support [ i386 ] < none -> 2.15-0ubuntu10.12 > ( libs )"03:27
jmadero10.04 has been EOL for a long time03:27
mariorzit's 10.04 lts03:27
Remoboth_WHy does irc.ubuntu.com keep redirecting me to Freenode?03:27
mariorzit has not reached EOL yet03:28
jmaderomariorz: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases03:28
jmaderolooks like it has to me03:28
jmaderoyes I know03:28
jmadero10.04 IS LTS03:28
jmaderothere is no "non LTS 10.04)03:28
mariorzfine a couple of months EOL03:28
jmaderoDesktop EOL was May 9, 2013, Server was April 30, 201503:28
mariorzyou're not really being helpful03:28
Remoboth_Is there a good free app to adjust screen brightness?03:28
threesixes064e:d101 stream must be started first ala google O_Andrew03:29
mariorznd of course there was 10.04 non lts03:29
kloeriRemoboth_: irc.ubuntu.com is an alias for chat.freenode.net03:29
Remoboth_kloeri-  Oh.03:30
RemobothSo does anyone know of a good brightness app?03:31
jmaderomariorz: google search came up with this http://askubuntu.com/questions/127727/broken-dependencies-due-to-libjackd03:32
jmaderono clue if that'll help03:32
tr3yHey guys I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit on a Lenovo G580 laptop. I'm having a weird WiFi issue. It usually works fine but when I close the lid and leave it over night, I wake it up and can't connect to the WiFi without resetting the router. Any ideas?03:32
mariorzno, I can use google03:32
jmaderomariorz: nevermind I'll stop wasting my time - good luck03:32
mariorzand would obviously do so before coming here03:32
mariorzjmadero: please03:32
threesixestr3y, what router make and model number?03:32
jmaderoanyone know how to output one line of find at a time through a loop in a bash script? trying to automate this stupid m3u creation that I have going :)03:33
tr3ythreesixes, ill go check.03:33
tr3ythreesixes,  TP LINK TLWR720N03:35
mariorzcan someone help me understand this line from the apt.log? Broken libdb5.1:i386 PreDepends on multiarch-support [ i386 ] < none -> 2.15-0ubuntu10.12 > ( libs )03:36
bodhi_zazenRemoboth, http://askubuntu.com/questions/9047/cant-adjust-brightness-on-my-laptop03:37
Remobothbodhi_zazen-  Thanks.03:37
threesixestr3y, if you leave the lid open over night does it require reset?03:38
tr3ythreesixes, I don't believe so. I just left the lid open from about 11am to 11pm and it kept the connection.03:38
=== Guest71275 is now known as CrazEd
=== CrazEd is now known as Guest65856
Guest86360any tip on fish/blowkey  auto exchange when queries on xchat or konversation03:39
bodhi_zazenRemoboth, xrandr will work too03:40
threesixesnext round try reloading the network manager service, if that doesnt work its probably uhhh the wifi low power link disabling prog03:40
Guest86360didnt quit understand you.. use bash lol03:40
threesixesGuest86360, blowfish & 2 fish was deprecated in favor of openssl & plain text03:41
bodhi_zazenRemoboth, echo $brightness > /sys/class/backlight/radeon_bl0/brightness , you have to find the path for your video card and brightness can be 0-10 or 0-255, dpenends03:41
RemobothFixed it.03:41
RemobothTHank you.03:41
fotografistomy fan in my laptop stopped working03:41
fotografistobut my laptop is not hot03:42
fotografistoand I left it on03:42
fotografistodid I blow out my fan?03:42
fotografistoI mean I left the laptop on plugged in03:42
O_Andrewit's probably the fan driver turning it off03:42
fotografistobecause it isn't hot?03:43
Guest86360yes ok but chan wiht blowkey and to encrypt pm message .. :S03:43
tr3ythreesixes, you know of a good website that could walk me through those things? I will google it if not. I really appreciate the help.03:43
Guest86360yes i use OpenSSL 1.0.2c for fp secure connection and transfer03:43
fotografistoO_Andrew so is it safe?03:44
fotografistoI guess I just wait for it to get hot03:44
O_Andrewfotografisto: you can try rebooting the laptop, the fan's should run full speed on the POST, and turn off when ubuntu loads03:44
O_AndrewYou could also install lm-sensors and run 'sensors' to find out more about your computer's sensor capabilities03:45
fotografistoI will try that03:45
threesixestr3y, im running funtoo with openrc, i haven't used ubuntu in years...  its just the systemd service file to restart networkmanager, and if that fails its that prog..  it's name is escaping me at the moment...  RFKILL03:45
gunfusI need some help with VSFTPD03:46
threesixesi think rfkill's not being processed correctly from hibernation/suspend O_Andrew03:46
gunfusI am getting a very .very odd problem.03:46
threesixesgunfus, use sftp or http =)03:46
Guest86360nah GL :P03:47
gunfusi can login from the O/S FTP client but when doing remotly it doesn't work03:47
shibu_hlo there...03:47
gunfus#threesixes I am forced to used FTP03:47
gunfus@threesixes I am forced to used FTP03:47
threesixesprobably need to enable promiscuous mode gunfus03:47
shibu_Is there any way to remove a write protection from the pendrive using ubunut03:47
ningunoi am problem with Ubuntu 12.0403:47
tr3ythreesixes, thank you.03:47
shibu_Please help me....03:47
ningunohelp me please?03:47
threesixesshibu_, man chattr ala console/terminal03:48
gunfus@threesixes what is promiscous mode? I think the problem might also  be related to the messages.. I can see in the LOG for VSFTPD the mesg printing OKAY, but in the console of the client, the messages are delayed03:48
gunfuscan I do a screenshot?03:49
threesixeshttps://security.appspot.com/vsftpd/vsftpd_conf.html gunfus03:49
threesixesi already know the behavior its passive or promiscuous need flipping of the current setting....03:50
al_nz1HI peoples03:50
kotomi:shibu_ does it get wrong ? or just couldn't work on Ubuntu?03:50
al_nz1I need some help please with a sound problem. I get sound in VLC etc - but no sound in any browser.03:50
shibu_Sorry i don't understand what you told to me03:51
al_nz1So no sound in youtube tec03:51
shibu_Yep pendrive is working but not format..03:51
shibu_Is there any way to format my pendirve03:51
shibu_Is there any way to  format my pendrive03:51
threesixesshibu_, gparted03:51
threesixesal_nz1, you need to set your alsa configurations or pulse audio default device, and reconfigure vlc to use pulse audio03:52
kotomiperhaps you need to sudo chmod -R a+r+w * ?03:52
shibu_I use gparted but not worked...03:52
shibu_Is there another disk editor program ..03:52
kotomiCan you read files in pen drive?03:53
al_nz1threesixes: it was going until recently ..... but ok - where do I look for this alsa config?03:53
threesixesyou need to change the drive attributes to allow read write on the drive shibu_ ie chattr03:53
threesixesits asoundrc, id just go with the pulse configurations, at least i think ubuntu uses pulse still03:53
gunfusthreesixes: maybe this will help show the problem: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11786311/03:54
shibu_Ok how to change drive attributes03:54
shibu_Is there any way from ubuntu03:54
james623how do I uninstall wine1.703:54
threesixesshibu_, im telling you to google for the manual for the command chattr03:54
gunfusthreesixes: look at the seuqence of the msg.. it doesn't add up. The log says it let me in, but the client says it didn't. If I do the same locally it works03:54
threesixesyou run the chattr to unlock the drive, then back to gparted03:54
gunfusthreesixes: What catches my attention is always msg for VSFTP are off03:54
TrinityI accidentally 'rm'ed my X11 directory03:55
Trinitywhat should I do?03:55
notaeonjames623: how did you install it?03:55
gunfusTrinity: remove X11 and reinstall it03:55
bodhi_zazenJust reinstall03:55
gunfusTrinity: sudo apt-get remove X1103:55
james623sudo apt-get install wine1.703:55
shibu_Ok thanks03:55
notaeonjames623: then 'sudo apt-get remove wine1.7' then03:55
james623I dont think you get me03:56
notaeonjames623: installs through apt can be removed by apt03:56
gunfusthreesixes: Did you take a look at the pastebin?03:56
azamrodtengo un problema con ubuntu 12.0403:56
Trinitygunfus, no such file X1103:56
O_AndrewI am getting closer to the problem: i enabled uvcvideo verbose dmesg logging. And it says this: No fast enough alt setting for requested bandwidth.03:56
notaeonjames623: ok, explain more03:56
azamrodin spanish please03:56
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.03:56
threesixesyeah, sure did...  gunfus local login works fine too right?03:56
azamrodcomo hago eso ubottu?03:57
bodhi_zazenTrinity, apt-get --reinstall ....03:57
gunfusTrinity: threesixes  yes03:57
Ranger15Anyone around to help me with making the  /dev /hidraw0   to a ttyUSB0 device..  Trying to get a serial port but I get directly connect to hidraw003:57
bodhi_zazenTrinity, if in doubt you can reinstall ubuntu-desktop03:57
gunfusthreesixes: hang on.. like as in from the console?03:57
Trinitysudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop03:57
Trinitybash: /usr/bin/sudo: No such file or directory03:57
gunfusthreesixes: This user dahuacam does't have a shell03:57
threesixesright loopback03:57
gunfusthreesixes: yes03:58
threesixeseven external ip may work, but external remote server wont work03:58
threesixesyeah its that pasiv garbage....03:58
Trinityhow fucked am i03:58
threesixesuhhh not very Trinity03:58
gunfusthreesixes: I tried the pasv promiscious and restart hte server03:58
gunfusthreesixes: no difference03:58
bodhi_zazenTrinity, apt-get --reinstall x11-common will probably work03:58
threesixesie boot rescue media, and insert sudo via external means03:58
gunfusthreesixes: the ODD ODD thing is that even in local FTP login I see "login failed", but I am actually connected, and so says the server log03:59
Trinitybodhi_zazen, drake@blue-thunder:~$ apt-get --reinstall x11-common03:59
Trinitybash: /usr/lib/command-not-found: /usr/bin/python3: bad interpreter: No such file or directory03:59
threesixesgunfus, there's also a port passive setting that may need flipping03:59
bodhi_zazenTrinity, you can try to boot to recovery mode, but looks like a larger problem03:59
gunfusthreesixes: the max min ports?04:00
threesixesgunfus, https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Very_Secure_FTP_Daemon  break out the big guns...  arch wiki04:00
gunfusI have tried.. but let me double check04:00
Trinitybodhi_zazen, any ideas?04:01
Trinityim scared if i reboot04:01
Trinityi can tget back to gu04:01
azamrodthank you ubottu04:01
bodhi_zazenTrinity, you do not have much an option as you can not get root otherwise04:01
threesixesgunfus, did you disable your firewall, or enable ports for ftp?04:02
azamrodnever answer in ubuntu-es04:02
Trinitybodhi_zazen, I still have a terminal open04:02
bodhi_zazenLooks like a larger problem, so you are likely looking at reinstall04:02
Trinityi cant open anymore terminals though04:02
gunfusthreesixes: This is all in a local network04:02
bodhi_zazenroot terminal ?04:02
azamrodyes yes04:02
Trinity+ f1?04:02
Trinityctrl + f1?04:02
threesixesright a firewall will block lan traffic too gunfus04:02
moseshow do you get flash to work in ubuntu?04:02
bodhi_zazenTrinity, you need root access04:02
Trinityokay, ill try backing up04:03
Trinitybut if i get to root04:03
gunfusthreesixes: no firewall04:03
Trinitywhat then?04:03
azamrodthis a root acces very very important04:03
NegativeFlare!flash | moses04:03
ubottumoses: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash04:03
lotuspsychjemoses: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras04:03
azamrodsudo apt get install guadalinexedu-meta04:04
mosesis it dangerous to use flash?04:04
azamrodguadalinex edu04:04
azamrodis very important04:04
NegativeFlaremoses: no?04:04
threesixesgunfus, double check that nftables iptables ufw and firewalld are not running04:04
lotuspsychjemoses: security is a very wide topic..its reccomended to always keep your eyes open04:04
azamrodinstall guadalinex edu, distribution desarrolled by CGA04:05
gunfusthreesixes: take a look at this while I go look the iptables04:05
gunfusthreesixes: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11786340/04:05
threesixesthe best security is to not have anything important in the first place04:05
azamrodin Andalucia ,Spain04:05
lotuspsychjethreesixes: +104:05
azamrodclose the window04:06
azamrodWindows is software libre04:06
lotuspsychjemoses: if a flash banner rizes while your pc banking, and you click on it...who knows what can happen04:06
azamrodis 100% free04:06
azamrodsorry, me referia a Ubuntu04:06
gunfusthreesixes: no iptables04:07
gunfusthreesixes: no iptables setup04:07
azamrodhow do say spanish?04:07
gunfusazamrod: how do you say spanish for what?04:07
gunfusthreesixes: can't find anything about nftables04:08
gunfusthreesixes: only the headers04:08
gunfusthreesixes: any other thoughts?04:08
threesixesyeah past that tcp wrappers may block the connection i think that its set to whitelist hosts that connect04:09
gunfusthreesixes: I also tried to remove the package and reinstall it04:09
threesixesi hate vsftpd and ftp in general, i switched to sftp because ssh is better anyways04:09
gunfusthreesixes: I so agree with you04:09
threesixeswindows clients use scp to connect to sftp04:09
gunfusbut this cam requires FTP04:10
threesixesi upgraded out of that old old old technology04:10
azamroddf g04:10
threesixesi remember proftpd was a touch easier to deal with gunfus04:10
gunfusthreesixes: I can do NAS uploads too.. WHICH WHO KNOWS what that is..04:11
gunfusthreesixes: is that still in the reps?04:11
* threesixes shrugs, probably04:11
gunfusthreesixes: Yes, I just saw it04:11
threesixesi run funtoo gunfus =D04:11
azamrodubuntu 92.04 is avaliable on the software center04:11
threesixesi love ubuntu, it's how i install funtoo =D04:12
gunfusthreesixes: Funtoo, what the!?04:12
threesixesyeah lol, ubuntu's my rescue media04:12
azamrodubuntu 92.04 avaliable!!!!04:12
azamrodwhat the time?04:12
gunfusthreesixes: okay,, well thanks for the help anyhow.. by ebye VSFTP04:13
bodhi_zazenFuntoo - for those afraid of Gentoo -(04:13
threesixes700+ wiki commits XD04:14
azamrodWHAT THE TIME?04:14
threesixesim not afraid of gentoo, i just dont like the devs....04:14
=== amir_ is now known as Guest58274
azamrodtengo un problema con el04:16
gunfusthreesixes: LOL! i love the intro video04:16
gunfusthreesixes: "JUST DO IT!!"04:17
gunfusthreesixes:  one mor equestion04:17
gunfusthreesixes: Do you know what this could be?04:17
O_Andrewthreesixes: uvcvideo: No fast enough alt setting for requested bandwidth. <-- Thats the last error i could find, i can't do anything else i googled, i tried setting the quirks, but to no avail ;o04:18
gunfusthreesixes: no talloc stackframe at ../source3/param/loadparm.c:4864, leaking memory04:18
gunfusthreesixes: Other than leaking memory.. :P04:18
threesixesO_Andrew, log the rest to the forums i guess04:18
gunfusthreesixes: I get this problem when ever on teh console in between prompts04:18
m0r0nHello. Can someone help me debug vsftp? Here is my config http://pastebin.com/FLrfsuWx  I'm getting a bad/user password when I use my desktop credentials. This didn't happen until I added lines 161-168. I did so because I've been following http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51829304:19
O_Andrewthreesixes: okay, will do.04:21
owen1ubuntu 15.04. how to permanently switch caps lock to be esc from the terminal? is xmodmap still the way to do that?04:29
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O_Andrewthreesixes: Thanks for the help, i moved my issue here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=228423704:36
O_Andrewif you could take a look and see if i should add anything else, i'd be really thankful04:36
=== Guest65856 is now known as CrazEd
=== CrazEd is now known as Guest74179
chaotixi am trying to figure out how to change the window buttons in the mate desktop environment...  if i open dconf-editor or gconf-editor, what is the way to get to the window buttons04:41
lickalotthey guys, what do you recommend (best tool) to check to see if a hard drive is degrading?04:55
Koyaanisyour ear04:55
bodhi_zazenlickalott, same answer you got in #fedora =)04:57
* lickalott is embarrassed now04:57
notaeonwe gotta cross poster here get 'em04:57
__nemo__lickalott: check out smartmontools. its part of the repositories.04:58
lickalottthanks __nemo__04:59
DrPchi all!05:04
DrPchow to remove yxo.warmportrait.com maleware05:05
notaeonyou tell me doc05:06
__nemo__DrPc: What have you tried?05:06
notaeonbtw that doesn;t sound like a ubuntu problem05:06
DrPc__nemo__: just block this link in chrome!05:08
__nemo__DrPc: You tried blocking the link in chrome?05:09
DrPc__nemo__: yes!05:10
DrPc__nemo__: block pup-ops!05:11
__nemo__DrPc: btw. exclamation marks makes you sound angry...05:12
masgushihello :)05:34
masgushii am getting acpi pcc probe error05:34
masgushiin ubuntu 15.0405:35
masgushiit appeared yesterday onwards05:35
masgushijust few days back the kernel got updated to 3.19.0-21  via ubuntu software updater05:36
masgushithe acpi pcc probe error appears at start always now05:38
masgushiand then it displays some more messages about error05:38
masgushii read in some forums that it05:39
masgushi's not a harmful error05:39
masgushiit doesn't let to boot into ubuntu directly05:39
masgushii have a dual booted system alongwith windows 705:39
=== Guest74179 is now known as CrazEd
=== CrazEd is now known as Guest87044
masgushito go into ubuntu....after the error message have to type "systemctl default"05:45
masgushiupdated paste:   http://paste.ubuntu.com/11786535/05:46
sulithello, everyone05:58
sulitcan you help me resolve the program?05:58
suliti don't install git in debian amd6406:00
sulitit show me the deb size mismatch06:00
SchrodingersScat!ubuntu | sulit06:01
ubottusulit: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com06:01
ubuntu510sulit: From debian?06:02
sulitubuntu510: yes06:02
SchrodingersScat!support | maybe !support is more appropriate.06:02
ubottumaybe !support is more appropriate.: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com06:02
ubuntu510sulit: why06:02
sulitubuntu510: deb size dismatch06:02
sulitubuntu510: http://p3.lxd.cc/uploads/2015/06/apt_get.png06:03
sulitubuntu510: i think ubuntu apt-get same as debian06:03
ubuntu510sulit: What OS is this?06:03
masgushii am getting acpi pcc probe error in ubuntu 15.04..from yesterday onwards06:04
sulitubuntu510: Linux sulitpc 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt11-1 (2015-05-24) x86_64 GNU/Linux06:04
masgushican't get into ubuntu without typing "systemctl default" everytime after it shows the error message06:04
ubuntu510!debian | sulit06:05
ubottusulit: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/what-is-debian.html - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!06:05
sulitubottu: Ok, thanks06:05
deffragI am upgrading system from 14.04 to 14.10 and it crossed 75% of the overall upgrade progress when I last checked the screen. But now when I checked it, it is stuck at "Downloading Dropbox ... 3%". It is not continuing the process.  Should I go into recovery mode and fix broken packages?06:11
ObrienDavewhy, oh why, do people insist on "upgrading packages while installing"?06:12
masgushibye :)06:13
deffragObrienDave: I have no idea why it was downloading Dropbox when all the important packages were completed downloading06:13
deffragWhat do you suggest?06:15
deffragCan recovery mode help?06:15
ObrienDavenever used it, couldn't tell you06:15
deffragThen what do you suggest?06:17
ObrienDavedon't use "upgrade packages while installing" ;P06:17
deffragI did do-release-upgrade and there was no option for what you said06:21
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glitchforgive me if i am in the wrong room but i am having a display issue06:41
=== CrazEd is now known as Guest28037
glitchi am running dual monitors and one is reading the wrong phical size is there a way i can fix that06:41
glitch sorry about spelling  tired06:42
ObrienDaveas long as it reads the proper resolution, what difference does it make about the physical size?06:44
DBoyz_Hi, Qualcomm's Atheros QCA9377 doesn't seem to be supported by the linux kernel yet. Can someone confirm this?06:45
glitchits reading as 7 inch and it  is a 32  every thing on it  is huge06:45
ObrienDavechange the resolution06:46
glitchhaveit at max resolution as it is06:47
redstarHi guys I really need some help getting the onboard wifi working on my PC.  It's an ath9k chipset, and in my network manager it doesn't list available wifi networks, and when I try to connect to a wifi network it just hangs then does nothing.06:48
boodllebatI've made a small plugin how can i add it to apt package manager so that users can download it ?06:48
redstarI'm running a fresh install of 15.04.06:48
DBoyz_Aha another qualcomm atheros06:48
DBoyz_Mine's QCA9377 though06:49
DBoyz_not sure which chipset it belongs to06:49
redstarAR9462 here06:49
DBoyz_hence I need help :/06:49
redstarDid you have any luck getting it working?06:49
DBoyz_redstar: there are a few tutorial that I found06:50
redstarath9k.conf in modprobe directory? I tried it without luck ;(06:50
auronandaceboodllebat: http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/packaging-new-software.html06:50
redstarMight try compat-wireless package next if I can find one for my kernel.06:51
redstarWhich is 3.19.0-21-generic by the way.06:51
DBoyz_redstar: ah found it. http://askubuntu.com/questions/215498/how-to-install-qualcomm-atheros-ar9565-wireless-drivers06:52
=== bob is now known as Guest73621
DBoyz_but that's for 12.04 :/06:52
redstarYeah that's from 2012 do you think it's still relevant?06:53
DBoyz_I have no idea. The method should be similar06:53
SysAdmin7Did you install the ath9k drivers from ubuntu.06:53
redstarI didn't know there were specific drivers. I installed build-essentials and linux-headers-generic though as recommended by some posts I seen.06:53
DBoyz_Apparently there are. I've just discovered it out today.06:54
SysAdmin7Try modinfo ath9k06:54
redstarAre we talking about the compat-wireless packages or what?06:54
SysAdmin7What's your output from that command?06:55
DBoyz_I think you better direct the question to SysAdmin7. I have very little knowledge to help, sorry.06:56
DBoyz_I'm actually here trying to fix a wifi issue too lol.06:56
SysAdmin7What's ur problem06:56
DBoyz_SysAdmin7: Similar to redstar's but I'm using QCA9377. I'm not sure which chipset it belongs to06:57
DBoyz_Qualcomm Atheros QCA9377 to be exact.06:57
redstarDBoyz_, please let tonight be our night of solving this god forsaken issue!06:58
glitch redstar found  three threads about your wi-fi device and linux     general census is  get a cheep usb dongle that works and wait for the driver06:58
redstarglitch, I googled pretty heavily and never seen any of those recommendations, can you link?06:59
redstarAlso I need bluetooth too and I think it's tied to this same issue.  Ugh!06:59
DBoyz_redstar: I'm sure yours would be a relatively easier fix.06:59
SysAdmin7  Dboyz: Bluetooth?06:59
threesixeswna1100 6 bucks ath9k_htc =D06:59
DBoyz_SysAdmin7: sorry. wifi06:59
glitchredstar: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2281584 the rest referance back to it06:59
redstarDBoyz_, why would mine be easier?07:00
SysAdmin7Dboyz: kk07:00
redstarAnyone wanna see my wireless_script output? :)07:01
DBoyz_redstar: because your ath9k chipset has been around for a few years and has been supported by the community unlike mine07:01
redstarYours is 9k too though...07:02
DBoyz_are you sure?07:02
redstarThe number 9377 is in the 9k range no?07:03
SysAdmin7Redstar: did you try creating a file /etc/modprobe.d/ath9k.conf with contents: options ath9k nohwcrypt=107:03
DBoyz_but the model name starts with QCA. yours starts with A<something> right?07:03
redstarAnd I've confirmed that param is loaded.07:03
SysAdmin7Kk, did u install compat drivers07:03
redstarNo compat drivers yet, but I haven't come across relevant package for my kernel and afaik compat packages are for installing software from newer versions of the distro, which isn't the case given I'm on 15.04.07:04
SysAdmin7Have you installed backports?07:06
redstarThat's just the newer rendition of compat no?07:07
redstarNo I haven't done that, but like I said, it doesn't seem like the right solution.07:07
SysAdmin7Well, you might as well try it...07:08
redstarDo you know where I can get the right package for kernel 3.19.0-21-generic?07:08
SysAdmin7 http://drvbp1.linux-foundation.org/~mcgrof/rel-html/backports/07:09
SysAdmin7Grab the 3.19 download07:09
LewocoI created a new X session by connecting to an xRDP but all I get it the default black-and-white X background. How do I start unity?07:10
redstarI am a bit of a newb with building from source, do you have some guide for me? :)07:10
SysAdmin7Unzip the Tarbell07:10
DBoyz_SysAdmin7: can I use ath9k driver for my chipset too?07:10
SysAdmin7Tar -xzvf ....07:11
glitchok which chat would my best bet be to  handle dual screen resolution issues07:11
SysAdmin7Cd into the new directory07:11
auronandace!checkinstall | redstar07:11
ubotturedstar: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!07:11
=== Bavarian is now known as Etem
DBoyz_I shall ask again08:02
O_AndrewAsk what?08:03
DBoyz_Need help to get my Qualcomm's Atheros QCA9377 wifi to work08:03
O_AndrewDoes it show in lspci?08:03
DBoyz_03:00.0 Network controller: Qualcomm Atheros Device 0042 (rev 30)08:05
O_Andrewgood, now do 'lspci -v'08:05
O_Andrewfind that line again08:05
O_Andrewand tell me what driver it currently uses08:05
O_Andrew(it probably uses 'wl' but i wanna make sure)08:06
DBoyz_O_Andrew: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11786871/08:07
DBoyz_There's no "Kernel driver in use" stuff08:09
O_AndrewYep, there is no driver loaded for it08:09
O_AndrewCan you connect with an ethernet cable>08:09
DBoyz_Yup. Connected now08:09
O_Andrewopen up the application search tool and search for "Additional Drivers"08:10
DBoyz_No additional drivers available.08:10
O_AndrewDamn it.08:10
O_AndrewGimme one sec.08:10
DBoyz_which is weird because it doesn't detect nvidia drivers as well08:12
popeyDBoyz_: its in "Software & Updates" -> Additional Driverss08:15
O_AndrewYeah, he has the qca9377 which is quite new as i see08:15
DBoyz_popey: yeah. that's the exact stuff i'm looking at.08:15
O_AndrewIm trying to see if there's any driver available08:15
popeylooks like it's not well supported yet08:16
O_Andrewi looked around quite a bit08:22
O_Andrewand i couldn't find a compatible driver08:22
O_AndrewThere are some threads with people having the same issue, and most just bought a usb-wifi-dongle08:23
O_AndrewI used to have the same problem with another Atheros device last year, and after a few months the driver got released so i switched back to linux.08:24
=== coolmadmax_ is now known as coolmadmax
DBoyz_oh okay08:26
DBoyz_thanks O_Andrew08:26
neurotslayer working08:37
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=== Guest2412 is now known as swordy
azureuserwho am i08:52
lotuspsychjeazureuser: can we help you?08:52
azureuserjust checking out irssi :)08:52
lotuspsychje!test | azureuser08:52
ubottuazureuser: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )08:52
tintedwindowsubuntu is the best09:14
lotuspsychje!discuss | tintedwindows09:14
ubottutintedwindows: Want to talk about Ubuntu but don't have a support question. Join #ubuntu-discuss, for other non-support  discussion not Ubuntu related you can also join #ubuntu-offtopic. Thank you.09:14
meandrainis there a better/newer way (than using fdisk) to create partitions?  I am thinking of GPT partitions09:17
lotuspsychjemeandrain: maybe gparted can help you?09:19
meandrainlotuspsychje: I'll try gparted09:19
meandrainor maybe parted09:19
al2o3-crmeandrain: cgdisk?09:19
al2o3-crlike cfdisk but for gpt09:20
dinghello every one09:20
EriC^^meandrain: cgdisk is great09:20
dinghave chinese people09:20
meandrainthank you guys, I'll play with parted and cgdisk09:21
dingwhy not fdisk09:21
meandrainI've used only fdisk so I was thinking maybe it's time to learn something new09:23
lotuspsychjePentester_CodeXp: welcome how can we help you?09:28
Pentester_CodeXpI dont know :D09:28
Pentester_CodeXpWhat ever bye :D09:28
* al2o3-cr just why?09:29
TJ-meandrain: For GPT 'gdisk' is the correct command-line tool, equivalent to 'fdisk' with MBR09:29
meandrainTJ-: thanx09:29
al2o3-crTJ-: whats wrong with cgdisk?09:30
TJ-meandrain: 'cgdisk' and 'sgdisk' are close cousins of 'gdisk' but are targeted at scripted or  text-based curses windowing mode09:30
TJ-al2o3-cr: Nothing at all, it's a curses wrapper around gdisk09:30
TJ-Those tools are all from the 'gdisk' package09:31
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TJ-meandrain: For power users, 'parted' falls down especially if you need to manage MBR/GPT hybrid configurations09:32
meandrainI've used parted once, it was ok (easy to use)09:33
shomonhi, I have a non standard usb dongle so I mounted it with ndiswrapper. How do I get this to happen each boot?09:54
shomonatm I have to type "modprobe ndiswrapper" and restart networking...09:54
lotuspsychjeshomon: what kind of chipset is your dongle?09:55
lotuspsychje!broadcom | shomon09:56
ubottushomon: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx09:56
lotuspsychjeshomon: you might wanna try that b43 firmware09:57
owen1how to make capslock act as esc? xmodmap -e "keycode 66 = Escape NoSymbol Escape" doesn't do anything (ubuntu 15.04)09:57
EriC^^owen1: type xmodmap -pke | grep 6609:58
owen1EriC^^: keycode  66 = Escape NoSymbol Escape10:00
EriC^^odd doesn10:03
EriC^^doesn't work here either10:03
EriC^^try xbindkeys maybe owen110:03
owen1will do!10:04
shomonlotuspsychje, so I need to reinstall everything and start again? I followed that page a while back and somehow got this dongle working10:06
shomonI don't really want to mess with it. Just to be able to not have to start it manually each time I boot10:07
shomonso to rephrase the question10:07
shomonhow do you get a module to load at boot?10:07
lotuspsychjeshomon: why would you load ndiswrapper, when you need a broadcom driver?10:07
shomonI'm connected to the internet already, and via ndiswrapper10:08
shomonit's just a wrapper for windows dirvers10:08
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: greetings mate10:08
shomonthe broadcom driver installs within ndiswrapper. so that's fine.10:09
cfhowlettlotuspsychje, heydiho!10:09
shomonwhat I need to do is get ndiswrapper to load at each boot10:09
Johnny_Linuxyou need the driver, not wrapper10:09
lotuspsychjeshomon: if you find the correct linux broadcom driver, it will load automaticly on boot10:09
shomonaah... well I just upgraded to 14.. maybe now that will work10:10
shomonI tried it before but I had to go for the other route.. thanks10:10
lotuspsychjeJohnny_Linux: wanna join us in #ubuntu-discuss ?10:10
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al2o3-crowen1: this works for me: setxkbmap -option caps:swapescape10:15
owen1al2o3-cr: works here too!10:15
owen1should i just put this is a script that runs when i login?10:16
al2o3-crowen1: puts in your .xinitrc10:16
al2o3-crscratch that what version of ubuntu?10:17
owen1al2o3-cr: i don't have this file. my session is i310:17
al2o3-crowen1: putting it in rc.local should do it10:18
owen1al2o3-cr: i think i can do something like this in my i3 config file; exec_always --no-startup-id ~/restart.sh10:18
al2o3-crowen1: ah, yep you can10:18
al2o3-cri can never get xmodmap to work for me :(10:19
owen1al2o3-cr: the problem with your command is that now my esc is capslocking...10:19
owen1i don't want to touch esc10:20
owen1i don't need capslock in my life (;10:20
al2o3-crone sec let me look through them again10:21
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al2o3-crlet me reboot one sec10:24
allizomHi, a friend has a computer running 14.04 desktop 32 bits. Recently, it started showing a black screen whenever you log in, for every user. The default greeter shows fine at full resolution. He told me the last thing he did was installing updates. The text ttys are working. The video card is a Nvidia Geforce 7300 LE, but I tend to think it is not a drivers issue. What else could it be? Where should I be looking at?10:27
al2o3-crowen1: just tested this works: setxkbmap -option caps:escape (had to reboot to make sure)10:28
al2o3-crthis just makes caps as escape10:28
owen1al2o3-cr: i love you10:28
al2o3-crowen1: love you too :P10:29
lotuspsychjeallizom: try a recoverymode from grub perhaps?10:29
allizomlotuspsychje: I tried that, and also booting in an older kernel. No luck10:30
EriC^^allizom: try booting an older kernel, or changing the graphics driver10:30
lotuspsychjeallizom: what about recoverymode/fix broken packages?10:31
EriC^^allizom: did you try booting with nomodeset? worth a shot10:31
allizomEriC^^: I tried switching to nouveau, I'm not sure I did it correctly, so I reinstalled nvidia-current. However I don't think it's a video driver issue, because with startx I can get a working desktop at full resolution (but the dash and the top bar are not shown)10:33
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allizomEriC^^: I will try that10:34
EriC^^allizom: oh10:36
EriC^^that's odd10:36
pwpHi, I want to shutdown my computer from a bash-script without having to give a password. After searching the internet I changed my /etc/sudoers file. Here is the new file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11787359/ But sudo shutdown -h now sill asks for a password. What am I missing?10:38
EriC^^you don't need to add anything to sudoers10:38
EriC^^TJ-: what was that command to shutdown without sudo? systemctl something ?10:38
cyberalex4lifehello guys! I want an advice: is there some way for updating my Sony Xperia E1 by installing the update software in wine (as much as hard it can be)10:39
cfhowlettcyberalex4life, is the experia running ubuntu?10:40
bazhang!appdb | cyberalex4life10:40
ubottucyberalex4life: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help10:40
EriC^^pwp: the sudoers isn't working cause you need to add /sbin/shutdown10:40
MonkeyDustcyberalex4life  i have exactly the same phone, but how is your question ubuntu related?10:40
EriC^^pwp: you could use poweroff if you want10:40
bazhang /join #winehq cyberalex4life10:40
TJ-EriC^^: not sure; is systemctl a systemd thing?10:41
cyberalex4lifecyberalex4life, no, but could I make it to run ubuntu instead of android?10:41
EriC^^TJ-: yeah, but it works on 14.04 as well10:41
EriC^^you mentioned it a while ago10:41
bazhang!touch | cyberalex4life10:41
ubottucyberalex4life: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch10:41
EriC^^TJ-: initctl maybe?10:41
cfhowlett!touch *possibly*.  read the touch wiki10:41
ubottucfhowlett: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:41
pwpEriC^^: you're right. I'll add shutdown!!10:41
bazhang /join #ubuntu-touch cyberalex4life10:41
TJ-EriC^^: I'm not getting anything for "which systemctl" ... I've been to sleep since then though!10:41
cyberalex4lifethank yout bazhang10:43
noobhi all10:49
noobi cant play any videos in ubuntu, i have installed vlc and all required codec as well as smplayer10:50
noobonly audioplays10:50
lotuspsychjenoob: is your grafix card driver installed correctly?10:50
EriC^^noob: did you install ubuntu-restricted-extras ?10:51
noobshahalam@Linux-Inspiron-5558 ~/Desktop $ sudo lshw -C video [sudo] password for shahalam:    *-display                       description: VGA compatible controller        product: Broadwell-U Integrated Graphics        vendor: Intel Corporation        physical id: 2        bus info: pci@0000:00:02.0        version: 09        width: 64 bits        clock: 33MHz        capabilities: msi pm vga_controller bus_master cap_list rom        confi10:51
noobubuntu-restricted-extras installed10:51
MonkeyDustnoob  next time, use a pastebin for multiple lines10:51
noobsorry my first time here i will remember that10:51
EriC^^noob: are you sure the video isn't corrupted?10:52
noobhere is the compleate log10:52
noobthe videos works fine in windows10:53
lotuspsychjenoob: your nvidia says unclaimed10:54
lotuspsychjenoob: check your additional drivers section10:54
noobhow do i claim it !10:54
noobits empty10:54
lotuspsychjenoob: wich nvidia card do you have exactly?10:54
nooberrrrhow do i check that10:55
noobi dont want to reboot to windows10:55
lotuspsychjenoob: check the official webpage for your dell inspiron model10:56
lotuspsychjenoob: wich ubuntu version did you have?10:57
noobnVIDIA GeForce 820M/920M Graphics Driver10:58
lotuspsychjenoob: your card has optimus technology10:59
lotuspsychje!info nvidia-prime | noob install this mate10:59
owen1(ubuntu 15.04) - After hibernation (pm-hibernate or close the lid) my cursur is invisibe and i can't see what i type. any ideas?10:59
ubottunoob install this mate: nvidia-prime (source: nvidia-prime): Tools to enable NVIDIA's Prime. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.1 (vivid), package size 10 kB, installed size 114 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)10:59
lotuspsychjenoob: after that enable your nvidia card in nvidia-setting to 'performance mode'11:00
noobno nvidia-setting11:02
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang11:02
lotuspsychjenoob: nvidia-settings sorry11:02
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rimdekerAre there any decent command line password managers out there that aren't pass?11:05
noobit cant detect my nvidia card11:05
EriC^^rimdeker: you could make your own file with passes and use gpg11:05
nooblotuspsychje it still cannot detect my nvidia card11:05
lotuspsychjenoob: are you sure no drivers are listed in 'additional drivers'?11:06
noobabsolutly sure11:06
lotuspsychjenoob: are you up to date?11:06
HarrySacksDid justin bieber see selena gomez naked?11:06
lotuspsychje!ot | HarrySacks11:06
ubottuHarrySacks: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:06
Guest94248Hi! I want to resize (shrink) my home partition, and have booted using a live disk (xubuntu) to do so. But for some reason, gparted gets stuck when reading the partition tables, of the other disks in my machine. It just shows <reading partition table of /dev/sdb> or similar11:06
lotuspsychjenoob: is your nvidia card enabled in bios?11:07
Guest94248How to debug/analyse that?11:07
noobit works perfectly fine in windows 8!11:07
rimdekerEriC^^: Hmmm, I guess. I love pass and would  like something like it. The only thing that bothers me is that it saves passwords in a file with clearname. People mightn't get to my passwords but they sure as hell can see what I got passwords for11:07
lotuspsychjenoob: in ubuntu optimus cards need nvidia-prime to enable performance mode11:07
noobi installed it11:08
lotuspsychjenoob: but you need to install driver also11:08
nooboh ok11:08
lotuspsychjenoob: maybe try nvidia-current11:08
HarrySacks!ops | harrysacks11:08
ubottuHarrySacks, please see my private message11:08
lotuspsychjeHarrySacks: stop triggering random things in channels11:09
lotuspsychjeEasyRul3z: welcome, what can we do you for?11:10
HarrySacks!ops | harrysacks11:10
noobdo i need to reboot now ?11:11
lotuspsychjenoob: try to see if you can enter nvidia-settings now11:11
noobsaw nothing in it11:12
lotuspsychjenoob: ok reboot then11:12
noobsee you in a minut11:12
wsherwenHaving issues with my synaptic touchpad on my dell. Just simply won't work. Device detected, works in windows, had it working in 14.10 untill some updates applied then reinstalled 15.04 and wont work11:12
HarrySackswhy would wal greens fire me for being drunk on the job?11:16
lotuspsychje!ops | HarrySacks11:17
ubottuHarrySacks: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang11:17
HarrySackslotuspsychje, dude i am a well known troll11:17
HarrySacks!ops | yes HFSPLUS is back11:17
ubottuyes HFSPLUS is back: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang11:17
HarrySacks!ops | why did HFSPLUS get fired from his job for being drunk11:18
ubottuwhy did HFSPLUS get fired from his job for being drunk: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang11:18
MonkeyDustlotuspsychje  summertime... more bored teens online11:20
lotuspsychjeseems like it :p11:20
noob1xserver fails to load i had to sudo apt-get remove nvidia-*11:20
lotuspsychjenoob1: did you install ubuntu with cable/updates enabled?11:22
lotuspsychjenoob1: not sure then, your card should be discovering drivers..11:24
noob1sudo apt-get install linux-headers-('uname -r') can you correct this for me please11:25
noob1let me try to compile nvidia from source11:26
boodllebatHello i was trying to make a Plugin for users so where should i place my binary (in user's system so that they can access it from anywhere ) ?11:27
vfw!compile | noob111:27
ubottunoob1: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall11:27
noob1relax guys i have already don it afew times11:28
vfw!nvidia | noob111:28
ubottunoob1: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto11:28
noob1but on opensuse11:28
Ben64noob1: that is likely to cause problems11:28
vfwnoob1: Try the binary driver first.  See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia11:30
vfwnoob1: "Usually you will see a notification and/or an icon in the top panel, reminding you that restricted drivers are available."11:31
noob1vfw idont see it11:31
ufki want to configure an email server. to use postfix or... is there something new ?11:32
bekksufk: Just use postfix :)11:32
ufkcool. now is there a way to configure in postfix that a specific user can send emails only to a specific destination ?11:32
bekksufk: Is there?11:33
ufki'll google and let ya know :)11:33
vfwnoob1: lspci | grep VGA11:33
vfwnoob1: What does ^ say?11:33
noob1one minut11:34
vfwnoob1: (Which chip is it?)11:34
noob1says intel11:34
vfwnoob1: Is it a laptop?11:34
noob1but this shows nvidia11:35
noob1sudo lshw -C video11:35
allizomthanks to all, I managed to get a working graphical login with nouveau and nomodeset. With nomodeset, only nouveau works. Without it, neither nouveau nor nvidia do work11:35
EriC^^noob1: type sudo ubuntu-drivers devices | nc termbin.com 999911:35
vfwnoob1: lsb_release -a   #Tell us what that says.11:36
vfwnoob1: If it is a new install, I would first recommend updates:11:36
vfwnoob1: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade11:37
bekksvfs use dist-upgrade instead of upgrade.11:37
bekksvfw ^ :)11:37
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He4tmanHi, is there any dedicated channel to Elementary OS?11:38
EriC^^!elementary | He4tman11:38
ubottuHe4tman: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.11:38
vfwnoob1: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:39
vfwbeeps: Right?11:39
bekksvfw: yeah :)11:39
vfwThank you.11:40
MonkeyDustand apt without -get is also possible11:40
vfwsudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade ?11:40
noob3GUYS thats a lot i got it to work!11:41
vfwnoob3: Ok.  Good.11:41
noob3nvidia 340 drivers worked11:41
lotuspsychje!yay | noob311:41
ubottunoob3: Glad you made it! :-)11:41
vfwfine business11:41
noob3thanks all11:41
MonkeyDustvfw  yes, works11:42
lotuspsychjenoob3: dont forget to activate performance mode in nvidia-settings11:42
vfwMonkeyDust: Thanks11:42
noob3lotus thanks a lot11:42
lotuspsychjenp mate11:42
lotuspsychjenoob3: you did it yourself11:42
vfwMonkeyDust: as-of 14.04 ?11:47
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vfwMonkeyDust: (I11:47
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vfwMonkeyDust: (I'm in the rocking-chair)  (12.04)11:47
ufki'm having problems configure postfix to be a simple smtp server11:59
SCHAAP137ufk: try #postfix12:00
ufki did apt-get install postfix! and i can telnet port 25.. but i think that i get incorrect username and password. doesn't it fetch it from the user db?12:00
ufk#postfix is asleep.. :)12:00
SCHAAP137depends on how you configure it i think12:00
SCHAAP137postfix does nothing by default after install, it needs quite some configuration12:00
bekksufk: if you want postfix to use a database for the user authentication, you need to configure it.12:07
ufki don't want it to use a database, i just want it to use the users in the system12:07
never2farhello, can someone guide me on how can i install grub on a new raid5 ? from rescue disk i have tried to use update-grub but i see that it shows me this: # update-grub12:07
never2farGenerating grub configuration file ...12:07
never2farFound linux image: /boot/bzImage-3.14.32-xxxx-grs-ipv6-6412:07
never2far  No volume groups found12:07
never2farFound Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS (14.04) on /dev/sdc212:07
Dreamannikolov@ubuntu-ivan:~$ inxi -F12:08
DreamanSystem:    Host: ubuntu-ivan Kernel: 4.1.0-040100-generic x86_64 (64 bit)12:08
Dreaman           Desktop: Unity 7.3.2  Distro: Ubuntu 15.04 vivid12:08
vfwnever2far: What exactly are you trying to do?  (Or what problem are you trying to solve?)12:09
never2farvfw, i'll explain in the following lines:12:09
nappyhow come i am unable to listen sound from my earphone on ubuntu12:10
TJ-never2far: is the RAID-5 a hardware RAID or software RAID - and if software, using md (Linux RAID) or dm (fake-RAID) ?12:10
never2farvfw,  because the host did not let me use raid5 from the begging of the installation ...i had to follow their install and use RAID1 with 3 disks ...then I have tried to remove 2 members from the array and create a new raid512:10
never2fari had tried this guide but somehow it did not work - http://blog.scott.wallace.sh/2007/04/converting-raid1-to-raid5-with-no-data.html12:11
never2farregarding RAID ...it's software raid but i don't know how to tell if it's Linux RAID ( i suppose this is ) or dm (fake raid)12:11
linuxdbubblemon shows a memory usage of 59%(9.8/16.4GB)isn't it sort of  a high rate?12:12
never2farnow ...i had created RAID5 ...with sda2 and sdb2 , i did chroot from the rescue and synced data from the third disk ...the only problem is that i can't manage to fix grub ...it still see ubuntu as being installed on sdc2 and not on /dev/md212:12
TJ-never2far: If you used mdadm then it's Linux RAID12:12
never2farTJ-, it's Linux RAID then12:13
never2farthank you12:13
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TJ-never2far: Is there some reason you chose RAID-5? There are very few scenarios where it is recommended, and especially *not* with 3 disks12:13
never2farTJ-, that's the request from the one who owns the server12:14
never2farTJ, why it's not recommended with 3 disks ? ...it's the minimum12:14
never2farand as far as I know if one drive fails raid is still functional12:15
TJ-never2far: might be worth referring them to http://www.smbitjournal.com/2012/11/choosing-a-raid-level-by-drive-count/12:15
never2farTJ-, thank you for the link ...i'll read about it12:15
TJ-never2far: in the footnotes: "RAID 5 never appears because there is no time on spindle hard drives today that it should be used, as RAID 5 is an enhancement of RAID 4, it too does not appear on the list."12:15
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TJ-never2far: if the limit is 3 disks then I'd go with RAID-1 mirror with a hot spare12:16
anddamare launchpad.net questions in topic here?12:17
linuxdanddam: no12:17
anddamI'm trying to recover the password from my long time not-used account, I request the password change, I receive the confirmation code, put it in the form and when I submit the password change it says "bad bot go away"12:17
anddamoh, too late^12:17
never2farTJ-,  unfortunately it's not my decision so I'll need to find a way and use RAID-5 for the moment ...can you help me with the grub part ?12:17
anddamlinuxd: ^12:17
anddamlinuxd: I was typing and didn't read12:18
anddamlinuxd: what's an appropriate channel for it?12:18
TJ-never2far: Is the RAID applied to partitions or to the entire physical drives?12:18
anddamI ask as the domain is launchpad.net but the pages say "Ubuntu One"12:18
linuxdanddam: ##linux , maybe?12:18
never2farTJ-, i'll create a pastebin link with all the info you need12:18
TJ-never2far: Ahhh! I see your issue12:19
TJ-never2far: You'll have a /dev/mdX device representing the RAID device12:19
anddamlinuxd: how's that more appropriate for Ubuntu One?12:19
TJ-never2far: is /dev/mdX a container for a file-system or does it contain a partition table?12:20
Bozzanever2far: have you tried switching it off and on again?12:21
linuxdanddam: try #debian-next12:21
never2farTJ-,  here is the pastebin  - http://paste.ubuntu.com/11787727/12:21
anddamlinuxd: are you for real?12:21
linuxdanddam: no12:21
nappyhow do i set my system inorder to listen from my ear piece12:21
never2farTJ-, Bozza , /dev/md2 contains the file-system and i can mount it ...but after reboot ...grub won't boot from it12:22
anddamlinuxd: I figured12:22
never2farsomehow (if u have read the other link) ...md2 was before the changes a raid-1 array with all 3 members ...12:22
TJ-never2far: Are you using 'chroot' on /dev/md2 's mounted file-system to run update-grub ?12:23
linuxdand sorry.just kidding you. so,what ia your problem?12:23
TJ-never2far: Have you also mounted /sys /dev /dev/pts /proc /run before entering the chroot?12:23
linuxdanddam:  sorry.just kidding you. so,what is your problem?12:24
never2farnot all ...just /sys, dev and proc12:24
never2farok i'll mount /run also ...did not know i'll need it12:24
TJ-never2far: /dev/pts can be more important12:24
never2fari did mount --bind /dev /new-disk/dev ...should not pts be included in this mount  ?12:25
TJ-never2far: Then I'd check whether grub has create itself a drivemap in /boot/grub/ that is pointing to the physical devices12:25
musclezhello beautiful ubuntites12:25
never2farTJ-, monted all12:25
TJ-never2far: no, because --bind doesn't cross file-systems. (/dev/pts) is a separate file system12:25
never2farTJ-, thx for the info ...i have monted all12:26
never2fardid not know that :(12:26
TJ-never2far: I discovered that after banging my head a bit ... a long time ago now12:26
TJ-never2far: check out GRUB's drivemap now12:26
never2farcan you please help me with this ? ...i don't know how ...if you give me some minutes i'll try to find it on the web12:27
TJ-never2far: sorry, 'device.map' ... the internal command is drivemap :)12:27
TJ-never2far: GRUB can install an optional alias file "/boot/grub/device.map" that maps physical system device names (/dev/sdX) to GRUB internal names (hdX)12:28
never2farTJ-, drivemap -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11787755/12:29
TJ-never2far: info: see https://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/Device-map.html12:29
never2farTJ-,  i don't have /boot/grub/device.map ...and thank you for your help again ! :)12:30
TJ-never2far: OK, so that's not causing an issue then12:30
tokamHi, how can I overwrite the $USER variable for some IDEs using Ubuntu with startup parameters?12:31
TJ-never2far: are you able to do "pastebinit <(grub-mkconfig)" ?12:34
tokamWhy do I have two such environment variables12:34
never2farTJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11787772/12:34
TJ-never2far: That looks OK... now you should do "update-initramfs -u -k all" to ensure the MD drivers and hooks are installed correctly in the initrd12:36
never2farroot@rescue:/boot/grub# update-initramfs -u -k all12:37
never2farroot@rescue:/boot/grub# echo $?12:37
never2farshould I use mdadm --zero-superblock on /dev/sdc2 before reboot ?12:37
never2faryesterday the os booted from that disk somehow :(12:38
never2farbut after zero ...it did not boot anymore12:38
TJ-never2far: That might help, depends on which metadata version is in use12:38
never2farok i'll do a reboot hopefully it will wok :)12:39
TJ-never2far: Then you need to re-install the grub boot-loader: "grub-install /dev/sda"12:39
TJ-never2far: I've assumed, but not asked, if you ensured the hypervisor/BIOS is configured to boot from sda. it might just be a boot-order issue12:45
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DexterFcan the dmraid ("fakeraid") in 14.04 boot a degraded array?12:51
TJ-DexterF: what symptoms are you seeing? Has the array booted correctly previously?12:52
DexterFTJ-: oh, I don't have any problems at all, it's just that https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Installing_with_Fake_RAID says "currently dmraid cannot boot a degraded array"12:53
DexterFand what good is a RAID that won't let me boot when only degraded12:54
bekksDexterF: Hopefully none.12:54
DexterFioria: that's mdadm, not dmraid12:55
bekksDexterF: Whats the actual issue behind your question?12:55
DexterFbekks: if in a raid1 one mirror fails, the machine won't boot if what the Arch wiki says is still true12:56
bekksDexterF: Thats not true :)12:56
DexterFI'll just pull one disk and see whats true and whats not...12:57
never2farTJ-, it worked ...thank you so much for all your help !12:58
musclezTJ- if you have time and ur not working with anyone else, can i get some of that primo primo support :D you already know aobut what12:59
TJ-musclez: You might not believe it but I can't remember the issue, my brain is immersed in other things! Let me pull up my logs to refresh my memory... and get myself a strong coffee13:00
musclez...you may need the strongest coffee13:01
musclezmy sitch is still horrible13:01
BluesKajHi folks13:03
musclezis there anyway i can pull up the logs on this as well?13:07
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bazhang!1984 | musclez13:09
ubottumusclez: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too.13:09
TJ-musclez: which logs? The chat logs? my chat client keeps them so I filter on them. I sohuld have remembered your issue since I kept all your pastebins open13:10
TJ-musclez: Going to get the coffee now13:10
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SCHAAP137did someone say, coffee13:10
musclezlolol, ok13:10
=== lordzawa is now known as Munich
TJ-musclez: what state is the victim PC in right now? Ready in the chroot?13:11
musclezTJ-: i was in the middle of making a new installaiton of ubuntu on another disk but the isntaller crashed.. i can get in chroot in 2 mins13:12
TJ-musclez: hang on!13:13
TJ-musclez: If the installer crashed on the same hardware I'm going to be talking about a hardware fault yet again! Describe how the installer failed, please13:13
musclezim installign it thoug a usb cable i think i bumped it13:14
musclezits a usb3 sata connection on my desk and i move the disk13:15
m82labsIt's been a while, but I seem to remember a way to set a directory up in such a way that any file created there will take on the uid and gid of the directory, not the user that created the file. Am I crazy?13:15
ikoniamusclez: can you not just backup your data, and re-install normally ?13:15
ikoniarather than using external disks for installs13:15
ikoniayou'll find it a lot quicker, easier and cleaner13:15
musclezi am in chroot13:20
ikoniamusclez: what is it you're currently trying to do13:20
ikoniagetting a summary would probably help13:20
TJ-ikonia: This was the one with disk corruption13:22
ikoniaTJ-: yes, and various other things13:23
ikoniait was going on all last night13:23
ikoniahence why I'm curious what todays attempt is trying to achieve / plan13:23
TJ-likely caused by the corruption ... I suspect bad RAM introducing corruption into the file-systems13:23
ikoniaI'm not convinced by that personally, but I'd like to know more / dig deeper13:24
ikoniabe nice to put this to bed, once and for all13:24
TJ-ikonia: unexplained crashes, segfaults, behaviour in general, across the board13:25
ikoniaTJ-: not unexplained13:26
TJ-musclez: where did it get left, was it with Eric^^ yesterday wanting to reinstall the kernel images into /boot/ and my wanting to fund out why grub couldn't find the root file-system13:26
ikoniauser had removed/conflicted packages13:26
ikoniaI'd like to see a simple data backup, and clean install using the internal disk - no external usb's etc etc13:26
ikoniarun it - then put the data back on once happy it's stable13:26
ikoniabut for some reason this seems to be being ignored, not even acknowledged by musclez despite being on day 3 of a non-working computer13:26
musclezTj-: i backed up my statoverride and deleted any user that was not root, apt-get and dpkg still do not work13:27
AlebinI just wiped out win8.1 and installed ubuntu. I have some internal and some external drives, all ntfs. I have some media files (videos) on an external drive that gets auto-mounted in ubuntu and a mirror backup of those are on an internal drive that doesn't get automounted. I noticed there are at least 3 of those media files now missing, that I'm viewing the drive(s) in ubuntu. I haven't written anything to the drives, for fear of damagi13:27
TJ-musclez: ikonia: I agree, a clean install to prove/disprove hardware issues is vital13:28
ikoniamusclez: why are you not even looking at the possibility of a full clean install ?13:28
ikoniaI've been stating this to you for over 24 hours now, and you seem to ignore it and just continue down a path of no reward13:28
TJ-i14:13:00 <musclez>       TJ-: i was in the middle of making a new installaiton of ubuntu on another disk but the isntaller crashed13:29
ikonia"on another disk"13:29
muscleztj-: eveything was working fine until i messed with the kernels... i lost complete connectivity when i ran the boot-repair13:29
ikoniamusclez: is there a reason you are purposefully (it seems) ignoring my advice ?13:29
arex\homeI have the "mongodb" (2.4.9) package installed from the built-in repo, and I would like to upgrade to "mongodb-org" (2.6.10) from the mongodb.org repo. How do I do this with causing problems?13:30
TJ-musclez: Then you should ensure you have a  backup and then do a fresh clean install, and then reconfigure the trusted clean installed with your bakcup data13:30
muscleztj-: i can easily compensate for why it crashed... its also a differnt hard drive13:30
musclezTJ-: i was doing that, and then the crash... i'd still prefer to ressurct this disk as there was noting wrong with it until i removed kernels13:31
ikoniamusclez: you can re-use the disk13:31
ikoniamusclez: use a clean install on the same disk13:31
ikoniathen just restore the data13:31
ikoniause the clean install for a period of time first, to gain confidence in the data13:32
ikoniasorry gain confidence in the new install13:32
TJ-musclez: the PC has a VG with 255GB - from the rescue boot you could shrink the file-systems and LVs in that VG if they are currently using all the VG's extents, then do a manual partitioning install using the same VG but with new LVs in the same VG13:34
ikoniaplease - just do a full clean install13:35
AlebinAnybody a clue as to why those files aren't showing up in ubuntu?13:35
ikoniano volume groups, new file system - lets get some confidence in the install13:35
ikoniasorry "new" volume groups13:35
ikoniaI'd really advise you not to use encyprtion too - unless you %101 need it13:35
ikoniakeep it simple and do a nice clean install13:35
ikoniaget some confidence in the install/hardware, then put your data on13:35
ikoniait will take 20 minutes + backup/restore time13:35
ikonia3 days v's 20 minutes13:36
dhrosaoh, WOW13:36
dhrosathat was confusing... I was running a VNC server on my remote machine, yet when I used the VNC client on my desktop I kept getting connected to the desktop itself, even though the desktop doesn't havwe a vnc server13:37
dhrosaI was running the vnc server on the remote machine byy sshing into it... with X forwarding13:37
dhrosaI'm surprised that worked13:37
musclezTJ-: if the hardware is faulty i cannot trust that method13:39
ikoniamusclez: doing a clean install is a great way to test the hardware13:39
musclezTj-: its not, but using the same disk to to check what you are talking aobut doesnt really make sense13:39
ikoniamusclez: removing all doubt of the legacy install that you screwed up13:39
ikoniamusclez: do you want to fix this now - yes/no ?13:40
TJ-musclez: you can use that method for a side-by-side install to make porting over the previous install and reclaiming the space it uses. I use that method for release-upgrades and other-distro installs (I break out various parts of the directory hierarchy into separate LVs)13:41
ikoniaTJ-: I'd much rather he kept this simple13:42
TJ-musclez: It also allows me to boot other installs in virtual machines for testing.13:42
ikoniaTJ-: he struggled with mkdir commands - I don't think this is a good approach13:42
ikoniaa clean install with data only backup seems the best method13:42
ikoniaif possible removing encryption13:42
ikoniaand any other complexity not needed13:43
musclezits not really helping the issue, i can back up the data and resotre it.. im trying to avoid have to reconfigure the entire server13:43
ikoniamusclez: you've already done that13:43
TJ-ikonia: I agree, I'm just pointing out 1 way to maintain the existing data on the disk rather than swapping out disks or doing a backup to external disk (since the history with not upsetting external disks is not good!)13:43
ikoniamusclez: you've already re-configured the whole server for 3 days !13:43
ikoniaTJ-: this is getting a bit old now - he either needs to get on board with this (ignoring this discussion is getting pretty rude)13:43
ikoniahe has a usb disk13:44
ikoniaclean install13:44
TJ-The problem with backing up the data is, if there is intermittent hardware-induced corruption then it may infect the backup, too13:44
ikoniathats why you take "data"13:44
ikoniarather than OS/app stuff13:44
ikoniaso the whole new install, new VG's, new file system, no encyption etc etc, run it safely for X period of time, then restore user data13:44
TJ-Whilst I suspect hardware issues I always swap out the disk for a new one to avoid any possibility of making matters worse13:44
musclezTJ-: theoretically, any transfer of that data will not be "safe" if the hardware is "faulty".. another reason why i would like to ensure that the disk is unsalvagable before dismissing it as a hardware issue13:45
ikoniaI don't think there is a hardware issue, (but I know why you are saying this) his corruption in my opinion was caused by all the messing with the disks he did13:45
muscleztj-: yes i think i am agreeing with you then13:45
ikoniamusclez: best way to do it then is to backup now, remove any disk13:45
ikoniaany warning / risk on the disk13:45
ikoniaclean install on the same disk, run it, you'll be confident it works then13:45
ikoniaonce you're confident it works, put your user data back on it13:46
TJ-musclez: The disk is fine based on the SMART report; I suspect RAM or disk controller I/O issues, or just the after-effects of previous (bot not ongoing) file-system corruption. We already have evidence that the file-system on /dev/sda2 for /boot/ was heavily corrupted13:46
musclezTj: i beleive the curruption occured when i ran boot-repair or possible when we changed the UUID13:46
ikoniaI believe the corruption happened when you messed with the disk inside/outside the chroot at the same time13:47
musclezTJ-: there were no issues finding drives when the UUID was in its orriginal state13:47
TJ-musclez: The corruption we witnessed doesn't happen inadvertently ... something sprayed the file-system with random data13:47
ikoniaso a clean install will remove that doubt13:47
TJ-musclez: do you have the option of swapping out the disk?13:47
ikoniaTJ-: he was trying to solve his encyption, and wrote directly to the /dev device13:47
ikoniaI suspect thats where his mess came in13:48
ikonia(could be wrong though)13:48
musclezTJ-: physiscally?13:48
TJ-ikonia: hmmm, yes, I can imagine that might not help, although I'm not sure how that would happen whilst still retaining the the majority of the file-system meta-data intact.13:48
TJ-musclez: Yes, physically!13:48
ikoniaTJ-: hence my "not sure"13:49
AlebinI just wiped out win8.1 and installed ubuntu. I have some internal and some external drives, all ntfs. I have some media files (videos) on an external drive that gets auto-mounted in ubuntu and a mirror backup of those are on an internal drive that doesn't get automounted. I noticed there are at least 3 of those media files now missing, that I'm viewing the drive(s) in ubuntu. I haven't written anything to the drives, for fear of damagi13:49
muscleztj-: yeah but i was just doing it over usb cuz im lazy13:49
ikoniamusclez: backup your data to the usb13:49
ikoniamusclez: do a clean install on the existing drive13:49
ikoniait takes 20 minutes and you will have confidence13:49
TJ-musclez: If not, and you *have* to do a backup to an external device, you'll have to calculate a hash on the existing disk images and the backups to ensure they images are identical13:49
ikoniado you understand why I'm saying this over and over to you ?13:49
muscleztj-: the server is sitting in front of me13:50
TJ-musclez: 'lazy' has cost you several days of headaches so far13:50
muscleztj-: swappign my disk out doesnt solve the issue of my missing boot drive13:50
ikoniamusclez: can you please acklowedge this13:50
ikoniamusclez: why will you not do a clean install on your existing disk13:50
ikoniawhat is stopping you ?13:51
TJ-musclez: swap-out, test install as ikonia recommends, run for a while to be sure, then decide whether to import the configuration and data from the backup, or do something more complicated13:51
muscleztj-: my laziness is a euphimesm for the lack of documentation of the issue, please dont get it twitsted13:51
muscleztj-: i ran live usb over night... what exactly are we testing here?13:52
MACscris there really not a simple way to limit the number of kernels that ubuntu keeps? Im getting inconsistent results from apt-get automremove. Both systems were created using the same pxe image, but autoremove seems to remove old kernels on one system and not on the other. Any suggestions?13:52
TJ-musclez: I used your own words; I have no idea you're using a euphemism13:52
TJ-musclez: That the SATA I/O controller isn't corrupting data13:52
muscleztj-: the drive, the sata port? my motherboard? psu?13:53
ikoniaTJ-: I'd be quiet intersted to know if it did13:53
ikoniare-install onto the same disk so it's a fair test13:53
ikoniasave time on the swap out, just backup the data,13:53
musclezTj-: so if i just swap to a differnt sata port, that will be alright iwth you?13:53
TJ-musclez: You can test everything else with the Live USB, but that's the one channel (plus the disk itself of course) where hardware issues could still be present.13:53
azamrodubuntu spain13:54
ikonia!es | ashleyis13:54
ubottuashleyis: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.13:54
azamrodin spanish please13:54
muscleztj-, its not hardware.. my disk would be unmounting every 3 seoncds if that were the case13:54
ikoniamusclez: no it would not13:55
ikoniaa mount is not a valid test13:55
TJ-musclez: I think we've made it more than clear the best approaches and what they're intended to achieve. From now on it's up to you.13:55
ikoniamusclez: do you want to fix this and get a clear understandign of the problem yes/no ?13:55
TJ-musclez: No... I've worked on several very pernicious hardware bugs where the disk controller, or a marginally faulty cable, would introduce bit-flipping errors that didn't result in outright I/O command errors13:56
muscleztj- there is no kernel on the drive right now.. what do i do after the sata port is switch13:56
musclezTJ-: can you please control ikonia, i have him ignored for a reason13:57
azamrodhardware chumascado13:58
never2far TJ-  it seems i still ned your help :( ...after mdadm --zero-superblock on the third disk (sdc2) ...server can't boot ...even if now sdc2 is a raid member ...i've booted back to the rescue cd but now this is hte error on update-gub: grub-probe: error: disk `mduuid/1329e75eeece5302a4d2adc226fd5302' not found  (that ID is equal to sda2)13:58
never2fardo you have any idea ?13:58
=== azamrod is now known as linux
never2farand is the same with what I get if i'm using: mdadm --detail /dev/md213:59
linuxbye bye14:06
TJ-never2far: did you miss my last suggestion to you?14:11
never2farit's possible ..let me scroll back14:11
TJ-never2far: I've assumed, but not asked, if you ensured the hypervisor/BIOS is configured to boot from sda. it might just be a boot-order issue14:11
Alebinsudo ls -al would list hidden files, correct?14:11
bekksAlebin: No need for sudo14:12
never2farTJ-,  i get the same error even if i try grub-install /dev/sda14:12
never2faron every device i get the same14:12
TJ-never2far: at what stage does the boot cycle fail?14:12
Alebinbekks: yeah, but I'm being crazy desperate at this point14:12
bekksAlebin: Despair is no reason for using sudo.14:13
bekksAlebin: Whats the actual issue you are trying to solve?14:13
AlebinI just wiped out win8.1 and installed ubuntu. I have some internal and some external drives dedicated to storage, all ntfs. I have some media files (videos) on an external drive that gets auto-mounted in ubuntu and a mirror backup of those are on an internal drive that doesn't get automounted. I noticed there are at least 3 of those media files now missing, now that I'm viewing the drive(s) in ubuntu. I haven't written anything to the d14:13
never2farTJ-, i'm not at the console anymore (booted in rescue) but  ...i think it stops when it needs to find the mduuid14:13
Alebin^ data14:13
never2farroot@rescue:~# grub-install /dev/sda14:14
never2farInstalling for i386-pc platform.14:14
never2fargrub-install: error: disk `mduuid/1329e75eeece5302a4d2adc226fd5302' not found.14:14
bekksAlebin: So your backup does not contain all your files.14:14
never2far# blkid /dev/sda214:14
never2far/dev/sda2: UUID="1329e75e-eece-5302-a4d2-adc226fd5302" TYPE="linux_raid_member"14:14
linuxgrub not found14:14
TJ-never2far: I mean, has the BIOS/firmware handed over to GRUB, does GRUB display the boot menu? All these things will tell us at what stage the boot is failing14:14
bekksAlebin: How do you create your backup?14:14
never2faryes it's at the grub display14:15
TJ-never2far: check the symlinks under /dev/disk/by-uud are there14:15
Alebinbekks: original nor backup contains the files, the only thing i changed was repartitioned the win8.1 drive and installed ubuntu 15.04 where that was.. i didn't touch the ntfs storage drives in question and all the files were there before the ubuntu install14:15
linuxbios is the basic input optup system14:16
TJ-never2far: If this were just happening at boot-time I'd think that GRUB hasn't included the raid modules in its core.img14:16
bekksAlebin: So whats the actuall issue now?14:16
Alebinbekks: well the files went missing when i installed ubuntu14:16
bekksAlebin: I strongly doubt that.14:16
Alebinbekks: but i haven't written anything to those drives.. haven't really touched them at all; not even opened any files14:16
bekksAlebin: Ubuntu cannot be installed on NTFS, so it doesnt touch it.14:17
never2farTJ-, i think you are right ...but i have a question also ... error: disk `mduuid/ .... mduuid should be equal to what i obtain by using blkid /dev/md2 ?14:17
never2farbecause it's not equal :(14:17
Alebinbekks: yeah, i got rid of win8.1; it was installed on another drive all together... an ssd and partitioned ext4 and installed ubuntu there14:17
bekksAlebin: And if the files arent in your backup anymore, it must have been quita a time they got deleted.14:17
bekks!es | linux14:17
ubottulinux: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:17
never2faris there any way i can force grub to recheck and reinstall all ? ...grub-install trows me the same error14:18
Alebinbekks: they were in the backup and original ntfs storage drives the very moment before i reset out of win8.1 and put the ubuntu installation media in14:18
TJ-never2far: grub-probe failing to find that ID is what makes be think there's something more to this, although grub-probe tries to use the same grub modules for discovery as it uses at boot time14:18
Alebinbekks: i checked all my backups to be sure they were up to date before i did that14:19
bekksAlebin: I doubt even more that Ubuntu deletes files in your original place AND in your backup.14:19
TJ-Alebin: Was the system using the SSD as a hybrid caching front-end a.k.a the Intel 'Smart Response' caching?14:20
Alebinbekks: i know right.. but that's what it seems like happened. The only other thing i found was some ntfs-3g bug about locales, but that apparently was fixed in 200914:20
bekksAlebin: I still believe you deleted your files some time ago, accidentially.14:20
AlebinTJ-: no, the ssd was dedicated to win8.1 solely14:20
linuxestas usando el traductor??14:20
bekkslinux: ne habla espanol.14:21
EriC^^!es | linux14:21
ubottulinux: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:21
Alebinbekks: nope, like i said i was watching one of the videos shortly before the repartition/install for ubuntu and would never delete the files.... i would never delete anything from the folder that the files were in14:21
TJ-Alebin: Are you saying *all* files have gone missing from these NTFS file-systems, or just a small sub-set?14:21
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bekkslinux: No hablo español.14:21
linuxyo hablo algo de ingles14:22
AlebinTJ-: well right now, i know of 314:22
AlebinTJ-: by eyeballing the size of the directory, i have a feeling there's more14:22
AlebinTJ-:  but haven't verified that yet14:22
TJ-Alebin: So the internal/external drives contain NTFS file-systems containing these files. What tool is responsible for maintaining the backup state and what triggers it to be executed?14:24
linuxhello bekks14:24
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AlebinTJ-: it was a windows tool, create synchronicity; that was set to never modify the source of the backup, only synchronize it to the destination on a nightly basis.14:25
AlebinAlebin: the source drive is also relatively new (about 4 months or so i guess) and i've had no other problems out of it; while the backup drive is old, probably 5+ years; but no problems out of it either14:26
AlebinTJ-: it really looks like there's something maybe the ntfs-3g doesn't like about those video files.. that's why i was checking to see if they were hidden or anything14:27
TJ-Alebin: If one of those file-systems hasn't been mounted then ntfs-3g can't have done anything14:28
TJ-Alebin: Are you sure those 'missing' files aren't simply stored in alternate NTFS streams?14:28
AlebinTJ-: well i, probably stupidly, manually mounted the source storage drive to check it14:28
AlebinTJ-: alternate ntfs streams?14:29
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TJ-Alebin: sure an NTFS file can contain multiple separate streams of data; usually only the default is used, but if the data were in an alternate stream I'm not sure ntfs-3g is stream-aware14:30
TJ-Alebin: to rule that out, refer to this: http://www.tuxera.com/community/ntfs-3g-manual/#514:31
AlebinTJ-: yeah, that's a new one on me; i'm looking into it14:32
TJ-Alebin: I'm doubting it... but I have seen this fox users on rare occasions14:32
linux español14:35
linuxnecesito ayuda en spanish14:35
bekks!es | linux14:35
ubottulinux: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:35
TJ-Alebin: The other issue to consider is if the filename are in Win32 namespace they are legally allowed to contain a zero (0x00) byte. On Linux by default ntfs-3g will use the POSIX namespace which treats the 0x00 as the End-Of-String (EOS) character (as in C-strings).14:36
TJ-Alebin: are you able to attach the external drive to another Windows PC and check whether the files appear there? That'd be a quick way to analyse this14:37
AlebinTJ-: nope, no other windows pcs around14:38
AlebinTJ-: nope, not seeing them with the streams interface set14:41
TJ-Alebin: the only other 'hiding' possibility is the POSIX namespace issue, on that page I linked you to it shows also how to activate the windows_names namespace14:43
TJ-Alebin: I can't imagine how ntfs-3g would randomly remove the directory entries for those files, even if you tried to read the data from the files14:43
DexterFis there a "bleeding edge spanking new kernel" repository? I'd like to have 4.2 in a 15.04 machine as soon as it becomes released, any options here without compiling myself?14:45
TJ-Alebin: The only thing in that regard I could think of is if when you finally shutdown you didn't do a full poweroff shutdown (avoiding a 'faststart' hibernate shutdown), in which case the NTFS journal log may not have been flushed into the file-system.14:45
TJ-!mainline | DexterF14:45
ubottuDexterF: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds14:45
=== Boltsiee is now known as Boltsie
AlebinTJ-: nope, windows_names doesn't seem to do the trick either14:46
m1chaeli used dd to make a copy of a hard disk. the file ended up being exactly 250gb. the drive isn't full at all. i guess this is expected. how do programs like clonezilla and redo backup do this to produce smaller disk images (that only contain the actual data) for snapshot-like images of a hard disk?14:47
TJ-Alebin: I'm out of ideas then. Do you know the exact names of the missing files? I'm wondering if they could somehow have been cross-linked in which case a "find /path/to/ntfs/mountpoint -type f -iname '*pattern*' " might reveal them elsewhere14:47
TJ-m1chael: They recognise unused blocks and store metadata in their file-format about them14:48
tomreynm1chael: they actually copy the file system in addition to the partition table14:48
TJ-m1chael: If I have a 1GB file-system and only 100MB is in use, I can simply store a table of unused block numbers and not copy those into the saved image14:49
AlebinTJ-: nope, find didn't return anything on them14:49
TJ-m1chael: The resulting backup will then be 100MB + my file format meta-data overhead14:49
m1chaelTJ- i like that14:49
TJ-Alebin: I'm out of ideas then. If only a few files seem to not be there it's not like the file-systems have been reformatted14:50
MACscranyone else had issues with their vlan's being renamed to renme9@bond0, etc?14:50
MACscrits really annoying and screwing up my network configs14:50
TJ-MACscr: sounds like a udevd race issue14:51
MACscrTJ-: probably. I am renaming my hardware network interfaces in general14:51
MACscrany suggestions?14:51
MACscri need to rename them14:51
TJ-MACscr: deal with udevd - sounds like a persistent-net.rules issue14:53
MACscrTJ-: deal with it how? i have 70-persistent-net.rules setup to rename my physical network interfaces, which is working. Those obviously would rename before any actual networking is done, right? I mean, i wouldnt make sense for them not to.14:54
TJ-MACscr: If you've got vlan interfaces being renamed on top of other interfaces then udevd must be starting the interface renaming process and getting 'stuck' in the midst of the operation and leaving the interface in the 'rename' state14:56
MACscrim not renaming any of the vlans14:57
MACscronly the physical nics14:57
TJ-MACscr: "/lib/udev/write_net_rules" is supposed to avoid VLAN and Bridge interfaces14:58
TJ-MACscr:  that @bond0 suggests you're using Link Aggregation, is that so?14:58
linuxI have a problem with Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin14:59
MACscrTJ-: full info http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2284121&p=1331171214:59
TJ-MACscr: so I'm guessing you've discovered a hole in udevd's renaming policy14:59
linuxI need help14:59
MACscrlinux: then ask an actual question15:00
masgushii am getting APCI PCC probe failed message whenever i try o boot ubuntu 15.0415:01
linuxbattery applet appears in English in Ubuntu 12.0415:01
linuxusing the Spanish language with classic desktop environment gnome15:02
TJ-MACscr: OK ... this is a guess but ... your "70-persistent-net.rules" is matching on MAC address. Do any of those MACs get reused by the bond interfaces? if so, I can see how this might happen15:02
AlebinTJ-: well thanks for the help; i posted on the ubuntu forums, maybe someone there has another suggestion. It's a pretty weird occurence though15:02
masgushithen it goes into and says "file disk checking" or similar..and irrespective of whether i let it run or cancel it15:02
TJ-Alebin: agreed, intriguing :)15:02
masgushiit gives option of systemctl boot , systemctl default and journal ctl something15:03
TJ-linux: maybe the applet doesn't have a Spanish translation?15:03
masgushionly way to boot into ubuntu is by choosing systemctl default15:03
MACscrisnt Unity the only official one that is supported anyway?15:03
masgushii read about it in forums..most say that it is harmless15:04
MACscrTJ-: when I look at ifconfig -a output, im seeing that bond0, br1, mlx1, rename9, rename10 all use the same mac address that is assigned to mlx115:05
linuxIt can be, but if Unity shown in Spanish , goes classic gnome15:06
TJ-MACscr: of course, the vlans will use the same MAC address as the parent interface, which if is using one of the MAC addresses in your "70-persistent-net.rules" is going to try to be renamed but fail since an interface already exists with the target name. I think you just need to but a guard condition in there that jumps out of the file if the interface type is VLAN15:07
TJ-MACscr: maybe jumps out if the interface is a bond, too15:08
MACscrTJ-: i have no idea how that is done. any suggestions?15:09
masgushiplease see: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11788388/15:09
random-userHey, I have a question concerning repositories and having up-to-date packages.15:11
random-userI'm on 14.04 and I've installed a few programming languages, namely Haskell.15:12
random-userThe installed Haskell is 7.6, whereas the newest release is 7.8. I tried adding a PPA with the newest Haskell version but upon apt-get update and upgrade I was not given the option to update.15:13
random-userSame with Python 3, I'm on 3.4.0 and there's already a 3.4.2 out.15:13
TJ-MACscr: I'd think something like first line: " KERNEL=="vlan*" GOTO="end"   "    and last line: " LABEL="end"    "15:13
cfhowlettrandom-user, takes time for packages to be added to the mainstream repos and they often lag as you have noted.  options: 1. be patient  2. install from source15:14
TJ-MACscr: I'm not 100% sure the KERNEL name will be vlan* you'd need to check that with udevadm monitor whilst bringing up a vlan interface15:14
random-usercfhowlett: If I install from source, will I need to install from source again or is whatever's installed updated when I apt-get upgrade?15:15
cfhowlettrandom-user, installing from source bypasses apt management as I understand it. pretty sure you'd forced to manually take care of things15:16
random-userAh, shit. Thanks for your help!15:18
TJ-random-user: re: the PPAs with updated versions. It may be the packages have the new version in their name to prevent conflicts with the archive packages, in which case an upgrade isn't going to install them - you'd need to install them explicitly15:18
random-userIf they're labeled major.minor.patch are they labeled just with {{major}}?15:20
masgushiacpi pcc error ..anything that should be done about it?15:24
TJ-random-user: Looking at Herbery Riedel's PPA, you'd need to do "apt-get install ghc-7.8.4" to install latest stable 7.8 packages15:26
random-userIf Xmonad depends on ghc will it be using the GHC that came with it or the one from the PPA?15:27
TJ-masgushi: No, it's simply reporting that the ACPI core probed for the new PCC service in the motherboard's firmware but didn't find one15:27
TJ-random-user: If the packages are correctly designed I'd think they'll make use of the 'alternatives' system to enable the user to choose which version is the default. "man update-alternatives" provides more information15:28
masgushiTJ-: ok...i am not able to boot normally and have to go through those sequence steps....  http://paste.ubuntu.com/11788388/15:29
masgushii read on forums that it is harmless and also what you just said15:29
masgushiTJ-: is this message/error likely to get fixed by any future update or kernel upgrade ?15:30
TJ-masgushi: Your problem sounds more like something badly configured in the initial RAM disk (initrd), possibly due to the kernel update15:30
TJ-masgushi: That probe report is put there deliberately... it is informational only.15:31
masgushiwhat should be done now15:31
masgushi"badly configured in the initial RAM disk (initrd), possibly due to the kernel update"15:32
masgushi^^is it harmful15:32
masgushisorry i am absolute noob15:32
TJ-masgushi: I'm suggesting the update hooks that  are triggered when a new kernel is installed have somehow changed the initrd scripts and caused this, but it's hard to be sure of anything without being in front of a system in this condition. The fact you can manually cause it to start suggests that though, its not a hard-failure15:34
MACscrTJ-: sweet. Thanks for help. All i had to do was add DRIVERS=="?*" to my rules15:34
masgushiTJ-: thanks fir the help :).. could you suggest me some steps that i should take if necessary ?15:35
TJ-masgushi: the "file disk checking" suggests a file-system integrity check is in operation, and should be allowed to complete. Does the PC have large disks that might take some time to check?15:37
adrmrwhat is there to do here15:38
masgushiTJ-: it is a single 500GB HDD..and the file disk checking automatically aborts at 8% and goes to a black screen with those systemctl and journal options15:38
TJ-masgushi: does that not suggest that something serious might be wrong with the file-systems, or disk?15:38
TJ-masgushi: I'd suggest running the file-system checks manually before continuing the boot process. If there is an issue, you should then see more useful reports at the terminal15:39
masgushiok :)15:39
masgushicould you tell me the commands TJ- :)15:40
bodhi_zazenOr run them from a live usb15:40
TJ-masgushi: You'd need to identify the device names containing the file-system(s), and then use "fsck /dev/sdXY" where X and Y are specific to your installation15:40
TJ-masgushi: As bodhi_zazen says, you'd probably be more comfortable booting a Live ISO image since you can run those commands and have access to many more powerful tools, and the Internet, at the same time15:41
masgushiTJ-: ok15:42
masgushiTJ-: i have 14.04.2 iso..should i go with that or get a more recent one like 15.0415:43
adrmr15.04 still has bugs15:43
TJ-masgushi: No, that is perfect if its a Live Desktop image (not server)15:43
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Dreamannikolov@ubuntu-ivan:~$ inxi -F15:50
DreamanSystem:    Host: ubuntu-ivan Kernel: 4.1.0-040100-generic x86_64 (64 bit)15:50
Dreaman           Desktop: Unity 7.3.2  Distro: Ubuntu 15.04 vivid  bugs but work :)15:50
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MonkeyDust!paste | Dreaman15:53
ubottuDreaman: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:53
=== anon is now known as Guest78550
lestheralguien aca??16:04
TJ-!es | lesther16:06
lesthercomo funciona esto??16:06
ubottulesther: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:06
RemobothIs there any way to check if the kernels I just blacklisted have been actually blacklisted?16:15
=== swordsmanz is now known as hugbot
=== hugbot is now known as swordsmanz
bodhi_zazenRemoboth, how do you blacklist a kernel ?16:29
bodhi_zazenyou asking about kernel modules ?16:30
cemghello guys , i installed drop down terminal extension of gnome. but i cant create multiple tabs. CTRL+SHIFT+T doesnt work, do you guys use it ?16:30
Remobothbodhi_zazen-  Can I Check in the terminal?16:30
bodhi_zazenif they are blacklisted they will not load when you boot16:30
bodhi_zazenwell, blacklisting implies preventing them from loading automatically when you boot ; so I know of no way other then to reboot16:31
bekksUnload the module.16:31
bekksNo need to reboot.16:31
bodhi_zazenbekks, that is not testing blacklisting, lol16:31
bekksThat is "producing the same result2.16:32
azamrodnecesito ayuda in spanish16:32
bodhi_zazenyes, but that is not the question16:32
SchrodingersScat!es | azamrod16:32
bekks!es | azamrod16:32
ubottuazamrod: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:32
bodhi_zazenbekks, "<Remoboth> Is there any way to check if the kernels I just blacklisted have been actually blacklisted?"16:33
cemghello guys , i installed drop down terminal extension of gnome. but i cant create multiple tabs. CTRL+SHIFT+T doesnt work, do you guys use it ?16:33
bekksbodhi_zazen: The answer to that question is "lsmod", not "reboot".16:34
RemobothI guess the second thing yu guys told me to do last week...16:34
RemobothWas to change the file path of the kernel modules.16:34
RemobothFOr the firewire.16:34
MonkeyDustcemg  is that tilda or guake or so?16:34
cemgits native gnome extension16:35
bekksRemoboth: "change the filepath of a kernel module"?16:35
cemgtilda doesnt work with vte 2.91 so i cant use it :(16:35
RemobothYes, if I remember correctly.16:35
bekksRemoboth: I am wondering how that is accomplished :)16:35
masgushiTJ-: am on live disk..i ran fsck and got some response in terminal...  http://paste.ubuntu.com/11788779/16:36
RemobothMaybe I misinterpreted...16:36
RemobothMoving onto the next issue..16:36
masgushiTJ-: i noted down some part of the error after it aborted file disk checking at 13.2% and went into black screen..  http://paste.ubuntu.com/11788771/16:37
masgushibecoz of that i chose sda616:37
TJ-masgushi: As I thought.... you've got a major disk failure issue there16:39
masgushioh ok16:39
masgushiso i should probably back up data..and get a new disk? or is there something else that can be done :)16:40
masgushi"Superblock last mount time is in the future. (by less than a day, probably due to the hardware clock being incorrectly set)  Fix<y>?16:42
masgushi^is it some small issue?16:42
jacekHello everyone. Got problem with my laptop hp Comapq nc6320 running on ubuntu. I do hold the system and after that I cannot bring it back. I have to hard reset. What's it problem??16:43
MonkeyDustmasgushi  I had a failing external USB disk, this saved my day... it deleted some (unimportant) files and repaired the disk in doing so... careful, backup if you're not sure... sudo fsck -TV /dev/blah16:44
tomreynmasgushi: it's most likely a minor issue16:45
tomreynbut backups are always good to have for sure16:45
masgushiok thanks16:45
masgushiMonkeyDust: what does " sudo fsck -TV /dev/blah " do16:45
tomreynmasgushi: install an ntp client such as the "ntp" package provides when you'Re done16:46
masgushiok tomreyn16:46
tomreynan ntp client makes sure your computers' time stays in sync, so it should prevent this issue from reoccurring.16:46
masgushioh ok16:47
tomreynthat's unless you also use a different OS on this computer which does not keep it in sync16:47
masgushii have a windows 7 in the same disk16:47
HakatoahHeyo :P16:47
masgushiit's dual booted16:47
MonkeyDustmasgushi  what I described: it deleted a corrupt file (some harmless music files in my case) and repaired the disk in doing so16:47
HakatoahWhich is the "best" (do you see the quote, right :D) for Web development between MacOSX or Ubuntu (Dell xps..)?16:48
tomreynso setup windows to sync to a time server (you can do so with elevated permissions in the time preferences, acessible by clicking on the time in the main windows panel) and make it use utc for the hardware clock, or make linux use the local time for the hardware clock.16:48
HakatoahWhich is the "best" (do you see the quote, right :D) for Web development between MacOSX or Ubuntu (Dell xps..)?16:49
DJones!best | Hakatoah16:50
tomreynmasgushi: read this on how to get a permanent fix for the file system issues https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime#Multiple_Boot_Systems_Time_Conflicts16:50
DJonesHakatoah: It depends on your use, you need to make the deicision16:50
HakatoahDJones: what? I know "best" is subjective16:50
usuario_microsoft windows16:51
masgushitomreyn: yes..reading thanks16:51
tomreynwelcome :)16:51
tomreyn!br | usuario_16:51
ubottuusuario_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.16:51
tomreynwhoops i mean to say:16:52
tomreyn!es | usuario_16:52
ubottuusuario_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:52
usuario_i am probleming with ubuntu precise pangolin16:54
MonkeyDustusuario_  let's hear it16:55
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ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is a currently-supported !LTS release of Ubuntu.  Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/120416:56
=== Guest79385 is now known as stanalanmcm
Dumle29I seem to be having some issues with chromium when using gnome. Drop down menus in chrome open, but they are full of white (nothing) and clicking in the dropdown menu does nothing, however using my arrow keys allow me to go through the dropdown list.17:02
hypernovahello testing testin17:06
hypernovamabye my network card is now working?17:06
Dumle29seems like it17:07
masgushiMonkeyDust: i actually forgot to note down the command...but i proceeded with yes in the terminal of live disk(since i had already all the back ups)17:12
masgushicould you tell me that command again :)17:12
Dumle29masgushi: How far back was it? I can check my backlog17:13
masgushiTJ-: after i proceeded with live disk and did yes to that one..i am no longer getting the file disk checking ..even though i still get the acpi pcc probe error17:13
masgushiDumle29: would be in between 25 minutes by my guess :)17:14
TJ- masgushi: take precautions about those disk I/O errors... that suggests the drive and/or the controller have problems17:14
Dumle29masgushi: was it: 'MonkeyDust: what does " sudo fsck -TV /dev/blah " do '17:14
masgushiok thanks Dumle2917:14
masgushiTJ-: ok17:14
Dumle29was that it?17:14
masgushiyes Dumle2917:15
Dumle29Cool :)17:15
masgushibtw i am wondering is it actually "blah"17:15
Dumle29masgushi: I think blah would be the disc you want to check17:15
masgushiyeah :)17:15
Dumle29masgushi: Something like sda, sdb, sdc, sdd, sde etc etc17:16
masgushiyes Dumle29..got it :)17:16
Dumle29I highly doubt you have anything in /dev/blah that fsck will read ;p17:16
TJ-masgushi: keep watching the kernel logs for other I/O disk errors... the disk is probably failing17:17
TJ-masgushi: you run the risk of losing all data if you don't have 100% backups17:17
masgushiok TJ- it's been 3 years old now..i had it ubuntu 12.04 and win7 then17:18
masgushii will take up more back ups17:18
Dumle293-4 years is where drive failure becomes a real concern if it's regularly used17:18
masgushiyeah..it's regularly used17:18
=== leonardo_ is now known as gfodranoel
scari upgraded to 14.04 LTS and the window manager is different and i'd like to switch back to the one i was using, but not sure what it was called...  i could place my mouse in the upper left corner and i would get to see all the windows i had open and switch between apps, anyone know what manager that is?17:19
tertiaryI am installing Ubuntu 14.04 Server with a RAID1 (following: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/advanced-installation.html), but I cannot set the bootable flag to on. Anyone have any idea why this is happening?17:19
masgushiTJ-:  i noted down some part of the initial acpi pcc probe error at the start.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/11788990/17:19
Dumle29scar: That's gnome17:19
gfodranoelHi friends17:20
Dumle29scar: If you like gnome, there's a specific ubuntu distro using that, ubuntu gnome17:20
scarDumle29, i tried switching to gnome but it was classic version with the applications menu at the top and window list at the bottom, so it wasn't exactly that...17:20
masgushiTJ-: could not get  "error: /dev/sdb : no medium found"17:20
TJ-tertiary: bootable flag where? In an MBR partition table?17:21
Dumle29scar: I believe it's gnome 317:21
TJ-masgushi: not sure about that; looks like something expects to find a device on /dev/sdb17:21
scarDumle29, ok, well the package "gnome" isn't installed so i'll try that17:22
bonhoefferafter i run visudo and change settings, ubuntu prompts me to save to a .tmp is this the correct way to go?17:22
Dumle29scar: I'm running GNOME Shell 3.14.417:22
tonyyarussobonhoeffer: yes17:22
bonhoefferhow does that work tonyyarusso ?17:22
bonhoefferand how would i use emacs?17:23
tmotommHey y'all. I'm trying to move /home to a new partition. I am following the ubuntu guide but I ran into the problem of dir already exists when i tried to create a new directory17:23
Dumle29scar: Try sudo apt-cache policy gnome-shell17:23
scarDumle29, not installed17:23
Dumle29and it's 3.14.4 thats available?17:23
tonyyarussobonhoeffer: visudo is a wrapper that makes sure you know what you're doing so you don't lock yourself out.  It saves to a temp file, then runs syntax checks against that to make sure it's still valid before moving it into the real file location.17:23
bonhoeffertonyyarusso: oops -- so i overwrote sudoers17:24
bonhoefferlike a fool . . . (why is it asking for temp . .  )17:24
bonhoefferbut it doesn't look like the right change took -- is there a service to restart?17:24
scarDumle29, i see gnome-shell:i386 3.10.4-0ubuntu5.2 available, but im using 14.04 LTS17:24
tonyyarussobonhoeffer: If the change was for a user currently logged in, they'd have to log out and back in again I believe.17:25
Dumle29scar: Ah, I'm using 15.04. I'm not entirely sure if it's as simple as "sudo apt-get install gnome-shell" You'd have to ask the others in here :)17:25
bonhoefferhmm . . . tonyyarusso -- it is for an ssh login17:25
bonhoefferso that should be working17:25
scarDumle29, i'm installing "gnome" right now so we'll see if that does it....17:26
Dumle29I don't believe I have that installed17:26
Dumle29nope. I don't17:26
flkwhat's time17:26
Dumle29flk: One definition could be: the system of those sequential relations that any event has to any other, as past, present, or future; indefinite and continuous duration regarded as that in which events succeed one another.17:27
Dumle29scar: http://itsfoss.com/how-to-install-gnome-in-ubuntu-14-04/17:28
Dumle29scar: It looks like sudo apt-get install gnome-shell is the best way to go, as it's easily reverseable17:28
scarDumle29, thanks i'll try that17:29
Dumle29scar: Might I recomend flat studio dark for gnome? http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/?content=15429617:30
scarDumle29, yeah i like dark themes.... how do i install that?17:31
Dumle29You put the folder in ~.themes/17:32
masgushiTJ-: how could i view kernel logs? any commands or anything17:32
Dumle29sorry ~/.themes/17:32
TJ-masgushi: from a terminal: "ls -latr /var/log/" will list the logs files most-recently-updated last. "less /var/log/<filename>" will let you view and scroll through it (see "man less"). For kernel issues, see "/var/log/dmesg" for just the boot-time messages, and "/var/log/kern.log" for ongoing kernel messages17:33
noob56kbpshello i have a problem the pc doesnt want to do apt-get steam it s send an error17:35
bonhoefferwhat do i need to do if i want to make it so a user doesn't need to type their password to sudo17:35
Dumle29noob56kbps: what error?17:35
bonhoeffertim ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL in sudoers seems wrong17:35
masgushithanks for all the help TJ- Dumle29 bodhi_zazen MonkeyDust Termana and others :)17:36
BluesKaj_bonhoeffer, it works17:36
noob56kbpsDumle29, http://pastebin.com/UB9iC8sv17:36
scarDumle29, thanks, gnome-shell looks good!17:36
Dumle29scar: yay :D17:37
joshh20Does this make sense to anyone else? My SSH key isn't letting me log in - http://hastebin.com/icopibinuf.sm17:37
bonhoefferBluesKaj_: ok17:37
bonhoefferanyone know how to decode: spawn meteor ENOENT17:37
azamrodnecesito el irc de ubuntu españa17:38
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:38
IdleOneazamrod: /join #ubuntu-es17:39
bazhang /join #ubuntu-es17:39
BluesKaj_!es | azamrod17:39
ubottuazamrod: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:40
azamrodin spanish please17:40
bazhangazamrod, we just told you three times17:40
* BluesKaj_ wonders if he finally got the message :-)17:40
Spidermanhi All, from a new ubuntu-user :)17:41
rypervencheSpiderman: Welcome :)17:41
tomreynjoshh20: according to this output you don't seem to have a dsa private / secret key in the default search location17:42
joshh20tomreyn, hmm, I am using RSA though17:42
tomreynjoshh20: you probably want to use rsa or ecdsa, too17:42
tomreynjoshh20: your client isn't configured to try thos,e though17:42
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SpidermanThank you, ryper.17:42
joshh20My client is OS X 10.10.317:42
joshh20I think I made a config change17:43
joshh20tomreyn, for some reason I am able to SSH with keys into other servers, but not this one17:43
azamrodbazhang: que quieres decir?17:44
tomreynjoshh20: so which key do you expect it to use to authenticate? does the file exist, does it have the right permissions set on it?17:44
Dumle29!es | azamrod17:45
ubottuazamrod: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:45
azamrodDumle29: what's wrong with me17:45
joshh20tomreyn, I only have an RSA key on mu local machine, I am wondering if I messed something up on my server my changing file permissions17:45
Dumle29That's for spanish, if you can get help in english you are more than welcome here :)17:46
BluesKaj_Dumle29, it's been tried several times already , he doen't undertsand spanish I guess17:46
Dumle29Oh well17:46
tomreynjoshh20: are you using SSH profiles in ~/.ssh/config maybe?17:46
tomreynjoshh20: ...like for the other servers which you can connect to.17:46
joshh20tomreyn, I had one set on my local machine, but I just now deleted it and restarted the SSH service17:47
joshh20tomreyn, It doesnt seem to have changed anything17:47
rypervencheSpiderman: If you need any help with anything, please let us know :)17:47
azamrodDumle29: Thank you17:48
tomreynjoshh20: you don't need to restart (or even start) the ssh service on your ssh client (i assume that's what you refer to as the local machine) to apply changes to the ssh client.17:48
azamrodbut no one who speaks Spanish17:48
tomreynjoshh20: the ssh service is only for accepting inbound connections TO a system17:48
joshh20tomreyn, Ah ok, I wasnt aware of that, on the remote machine that I am connecting to, I just have these files in the .ssh folder "authorized_keys  id_ed25519  id_ed25519.pub  known_hosts"17:49
Spidermanwell, thanks, I am pretty new to all of this :) I'll keep it in mind!17:50
tomreynjoshh20: authorized_keys is the file which should contain your ssh client's ssh public key.17:50
joshh20tomreyn, I checked, and authorized_keys does have my public key on the very first line17:50
tomreynjoshh20: the format is 1 key per line, make sure you don't have accidnetial wraps.17:51
joshh20tomreyn, Ok I'll clear the file and re add it17:51
azamrodEdu Guadalinex you tried ?17:52
joshh20tomreyn, Something is definitely off, when I try to add the key to the remote host, I get permission denied: http://hastebin.com/docipacuni.hs17:52
snub23Hi, would this be the right place to go if you are looking for help in the search for software?17:53
snub23yes, i have google17:53
azamrodWhat country are we talking about ?17:54
OerHekssnub23, for ubuntu, yes17:54
SchrodingersScatsnub23: apt-cache search is also very helpful17:54
snub23cant find what Im looking for17:54
tomreynjoshh20: this command line may not work since you'll need to login using a password before the key is installed.17:54
tomreynjoshh20: do it manually17:54
tomreynor use ssh-copy-id if that's available17:55
snub23I would like a sandbox where I can open a file and see the changes it makes17:55
snub23Like getting a log from an install but for hidden changes17:55
azamrodWhat country are we talking about ?17:56
joshh20tomreyn, on the remote host, when I try to cd into the .ssh folder, I get permission denied17:56
stony2Can anybody help me find my log files and maybe analyze why my ubuntu server keeps crashing a particular service?17:56
tomreynjoshh20: so you lack permissions to do so. are you root on this system? "ls -l ~/.ssh" (without quotes) shoudl show who owns the directory.17:57
OerHeksazamrod, this channel is ubuntu support in english only.17:58
tomreynjoshh20: it's also pssible that you have permissions but got them wrong earlier, and forgot to set the x flad on the .ssh directory17:58
tomreynyou'll need that flag set to allow changing into a directory.17:58
zykotick9tomreyn: s/changing/entering/17:58
SchrodingersScatsnub23: I know docker.io has docker diff [container] which should show file changes.17:58
azamrodOerHeks: ok , but since the country is supposed to talk ?17:59
tomreynzykotick9: thanks17:59
joshh20tomreyn, I just added the +x flag to the files, and now 'ls -l ~/.ssh" shows this: http://hastebin.com/mudibulaye.avrasm18:00
snub23SchrodingersScat, Thanks, will check it out!18:00
tomreynjoshh20: i said the .ssh *directory*, not to the *files*. files with +x are executable, you don't want that.18:00
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)18:01
tomreynjoshh20: do this instead "ls -la ~/.ssh" and look at the "." entry, this is the very .ssh directory.18:01
tomreynjoshh20: but it's probably better start start from scratch now if you won't loose other configurations that way.18:02
OerHeksyou'll need root access on the remote host to add ssh keys18:02
zykotick9tomreyn: ahh, i think you need -d for that to work.  like "ls -ad ~/.ssh"18:02
joshh20tomreyn, Ok yea I mean starting from scratch is fine, here is what the output shows: http://hastebin.com/uzefipafev.hs18:02
zykotick9tomreyn: oops, not -ad but -ld18:02
tomreynright zykotick918:03
masgushitomreyn: my win7 is already set to utc..with time sync from time.windows.com..so now i should do as on that page to set hardware time on windows and then set ubuntu to a manual time? that seems alright?18:04
joshh20'ls -ld ~/.ssh' gives me this 'drwx--x--x 2 backups backups 4096 Jun 28 13:58 /home/backups/.ssh'18:04
tomreynzykotick9: so whoever "mc" is has write access to your home directroy. that's intended? other than that you seem to have repaired things fine.18:05
tomreynjoshh20: ultimately OerHeks is right, though. Unless the server has a default configuration and you don't need to debug things by inspecting the server logs, you'll need root access there.18:05
zykotick9tomreyn: sorry, i'm not following, "mc" <- ??  NOTE: i'm only seeing your side of this conversation18:05
qu4nt1n!s john oliver18:06
ubottuqu4nt1n: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:06
joshh20tomreyn, that was a mistake I made when trying to allow different users to view each others files, I tried removing the 'mc' user from the group, but didn't do it correctly... I also do have root access here18:06
tomreynjoshh20: line 4 of http://hastebin.com/uzefipafev.hs18:06
NobCatanyone fancy helping me out with a LVM2 partition?18:06
zykotick9tomreyn: ahh, .. is the directory above, so from ~/.ssh it's talking about ~ so that would typically be the user account18:07
rypervencheNobCat: What do you need help with? :)18:07
tomreynjoshh20: on the server, run this to prevent access by 'mc': chown :backup ~18:07
NobCathi rypervenche, trying to mount it and i keep getting a "wrong FS type" message18:08
NobCatthe fs type is "lvm2_member"18:08
rypervencheNobCat: Can you share what comands you have run with us please?18:08
joshh20tomreyn, wow I think that fixed it18:08
joshh20tomreyn, I am able to SSH into it now with the key18:09
tomreynjoshh20: good. it does some sanity checks before allowing you in there18:09
TJ-NobCat: You cannot mount an LVM physical disk18:09
NobCatrypervenche, sure. gimmie a few mins to paste bin it18:09
joshh20tomreyn, Ok, I read that somewhere, but my log wasn't very verbose, so I was uncertain the true cause of the problem18:09
tomreynjoshh20: if you reviewed /var/log/auth.log on the server you'd probably find a hint on that18:09
NobCatrypervenche, TJ-, to mount it the command i am using is "mount /dev/vg1/lv1 /mnt"18:10
snub23SchrodingersScat, Hmm, I provided no details, sorry, I need this to work for any kind of file. Lets say I open a .mp3 that has been tampered with, if so I want to see what it does18:10
nszcetahow can I create an automatic installation configuration?18:10
tomreynjoshh20: that'S the server denying the client access, so you'd need to review the servers' logs, not hte clients'18:10
NobCati have run "lvchange -ay" to make it active18:10
nszcetaI set up one computer the way I want and I want to clone this config18:10
SchrodingersScatk, not sure what the difference would be18:10
rypervencheNobCat: That is fine, but either you didn't add a file system to it, or you are trying to mount the incorrect one.18:10
TJ-NobCat: First, you need to bring up the Volume Group with "vgchange -ay" which *should* discover the VG that owns the PV, then you can do "lvdisplay <VG-name>" to display the Logical Volumes, and *then* you can mount them using something like "mount /dev/mapper/<VGname>-<LVname> /path/to/mountpoint"18:10
joshh20tomreyn, I did check, I think my logging level isn't 'noisy' enough18:11
NobCatTJ-, done all that18:11
joshh20tomreyn, Anyways, thank you very much for the help, you saved me from having to do an OS reinstall :D18:11
NobCatthe filesystem is listed as being "type=lvm2_member"18:11
TJ-NobCat: For /dev/vg1/lv1 ? in that case it sounds like you have a VG inside a VG!18:11
tomreynjoshh20: glad we worked it out. :) good luck. try using ssh-copy-id in the future where possible. it can prevent a lot of common pitfalls of doing it manually.18:12
joshh20tomreyn, I would, but unfortunately, Mac OS X still doesn't have that, I use it on my Ubuntu servers though18:12
zykotick9!cookie | tomreyn18:12
ubottutomreyn: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!18:12
joshh20Yes he does!18:12
tomreynthat'll blend in well with my earl grey18:13
TJ-NobCat: alternatively, could 'lv1' be part of an LVM RAID device?18:14
TJ-NobCat: Try "file -s /dev/vg1/lv1" it might give more useful description18:15
snub23SchrodingersScat, I tried to read again and yes, this seems to be just what I was looking for. Not sure what happened. Thanks again!18:15
MonkeyDusttomreyn  earl grey... "très jean-luc picard"...18:19
intuxicatedI'm trying to start mongod service, but "service mongod start" return nothing, any idea how i can debug this ? or fix this ? [I'm inside docker with ubuntu 12.04.5 official image]18:20
OerHeksservice mongodb start maybe?18:22
redstarHi guys I'm having a heck of a time getting my wifi working.  It's a PC and the WiFi is onboard my Asus Z87 pro motherboard. The wifi chipset is qualcomm atheros AR9462 Wireless Network Adapter, and I've tried everything!18:23
redstarOn the network manager menu it just says WiFi Networks: Disconnected18:23
MonkeyDust!atheros | redstar start here18:27
ubotturedstar start here: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:27
allizomHi, I asked before about a computer that would not pass the login screen when using the nvidia proprietary driver. I've got it working with nouveau but the machine owner would prefer to use the screen at full resolution, something that nouveau won't do. I've done the following 1) put the nomodeset option in /etc/grub and ran update-grub 2) booted into an older kernel which I believe has worked before with the nvidia dri18:29
redstarMonkeyDust, I've tried all the suggestions there sadly. :(18:29
bekksallizom: How did you install the nvidia driver?18:29
allizombekks: from the repos. 14.04 32 bits18:30
RemobothI can't get Ubuntu to create thumbnails for .cbz files in Thunar.18:30
MonkeyDustRemoboth  no such words here18:30
redstarBRB rebooting18:30
bennypr0faneHi I have a strange situation: Wlan stopped working on my laptop. It used to work perfectly, I have no idea what happened. proprietary sta driver is in use for Broadcom chip. When I installed Xubuntu 14.04, the STA driver was loaded automatically and it worked out of the box18:31
allizomthen I rebooted into the same older kernel (with nomodeset) but the issue is still there. bekks: I installed it with sudo apt-get install nvidia-current from tty118:35
buzz_benny i assume you don't have an ethernet cable connected?18:35
bennypr0fanebuzz_, I do, otherwise I couldn't be online right now18:40
bennypr0fanewhy you asking?18:40
bennypr0fanewifi wasn't working before I connected the ethernet, if that's what you mean18:40
MonkeyDustbennypr0fane  maybe you were online with another pc, using the cable...18:45
bennypr0faneMonkeyDust, I understand. How would that affect the wlan functionality of this pc?18:47
bennypr0faneMonkeyDust, * I DON'T understand, sorry18:48
bennypr0faneIs it generally possible that a new kernel version would break the wifi even though the proprietary driver was in use?18:49
bennypr0faneneed to reboot, brb18:50
geirhayes, and you can test that theory by booting the previous kernel18:50
tomreyni guess his reboot got in the way there18:52
tomreynmaybe he predicted your answer, though18:52
allizomHere's my Xorg.0.log in case it is useful. http://paste.ubuntu.com/11789452/18:55
geirhabennypr0fane: you rebooted to try the previous kernel?18:56
bennypr0faneok, my wlan came back on18:56
bennypr0fanegeirha, no, to finish updating the system18:56
bennypr0faneit seems the update actually fixed it18:57
bennypr0faneit came back on while installing packages18:57
apb1963My printer won't print anymore.  It leaves job in the pending state.  Any ideas?  Ubuntu 14.04 with KDE18:57
bennypr0faneapb1963,  are you managing it with cups?18:58
apb1963bennypr0fane: yes18:58
bennypr0faneapb1963, ok, then you're already doing what I would have advised...19:01
quantshi guys, is it possible to get windows 8 running on my ubuntu machine? ie having the option of switching to windows sometimes to run sertain software????19:01
bekks!dualboot | quants19:02
ubottuquants: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot19:02
quantsyes duelboot19:02
k1l_quants: see wine if you want to run windows software19:03
k1l_!wine | quants19:03
ubottuquants: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu19:03
quantsthanks guys,  i have a boot disk ?19:03
bekksquants: We dont know.19:04
quantsbekks sorry yes i doo, ill give it a go19:05
bodhi_zazenOr run windows in a VM, such as KVM19:07
vltHello. How do I trigger "re-compiling" of a -dkms package I have installed on Ubuntu?  My asterisk server in Ubuntu 12.04 is unable to find the DAHDI pseudo device.19:09
=== N is now known as Guest18447
bodhi_zazensudo dkms build -m package_name19:20
bodhi_zazensudo dkms install -m package_name19:20
vltbodhi_zazen: Thank you.19:22
vlt# dkms build -m dahdi-dkms19:23
vltError! Invalid number of arguments passed.19:23
vltbodhi_zazen: Any idea?19:24
bodhi_zazensudo dkms build -m package_name -v version_number19:25
bodhi_zazensudo dkms build -m example -v 1.119:25
bodhi_zazenman dkms from there ;)19:26
TJ-If you use "sudo dkms install -m $PACKAGE -v $PACKAGE_VERSION -k all" it'll build and install for all installed kernel versions at one go19:27
ioria!info dahdi-dkms precise19:27
ubottudahdi-dkms (source: dahdi-linux): DAHDI telephony interface (dkms kernel driver). In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (precise), package size 1152 kB, installed size 6482 kB19:27
vltTJ-: So what is $PACKAGE_VERSION here?19:28
TJ-vlt: when a dkms source package is installed it goes to /usr/src/${PACKAGE}-${PACKAGE_VERSION}/19:29
TJ-vlt: So in case there are different versions of the same package dkms needs to know which version of the package (sorry, module) to use19:29
TJ-vlt: I mixed my terms... in dkms -m $MODULE -v $MODULE_VERSION    replace those at will :)19:30
vltTJ-: Ok, there's a .version file in there. Thank you.19:30
TJ-vlt: I hve my Debian packaging head on right now :)19:30
bodhi_zazenwhat TJ- said =)19:37
=== CostttaaaP is now known as Costa
=== newbie is now known as Guest57821
darkelfjuggalomy RAM is maxing out with little running in the foreground, how can i end everything in the background?20:00
dadisi feel like an idiot can someone help me forward a port20:00
dadisi only have options to forward to ipv6 addresses20:00
bodhi_zazendarkelfjuggalo, top20:01
bodhi_zazendadis, depends on your router20:01
dadisbodhi_zazen, its an Airport Extreme20:02
darkelfjuggalobodhi_zazen, pardon?20:02
dadisi have really good internet so maybe the ISP doesn't masquerade and i don't need forwarding?20:02
bodhi_zazendarkelfjuggalo, run top in a termina;20:02
dadisim lost20:02
darkelfjuggaloBodhi_zazen, done... do you want the output20:03
darkelfjuggalonvm it keeps changing20:04
bodhi_zazendadis, http://www.rainmachine.com/support/portforwarding/Port-Forwarding-Apple-AirPortExtreme-Router-for-HTTPS.pdf20:04
bodhi_zazendarkelfjuggalo, top will show you what is using your ram20:04
MonkeyDustor htop20:05
darkelfjuggalobut i cant read it to kill what i need to kill20:05
bodhi_zazenwhy not20:06
=== frey is now known as Guest38366
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ubottunicolo: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:10
=== ducky_ is now known as jcvfen
darkelfjuggalook so, im confused by what is in my 'top'... it doesn't appear that my ram is maxxed out, but my fan is working overtime, only when im logged into the desktop... if i am on the login screen, it's calm and quiet...any idea what would cause it to rev that high?20:21
k1l_darkelfjuggalo: that doesnt have to do aynthing with ram usage.20:22
k1l_!ram | darkelfjuggalo20:22
ubottudarkelfjuggalo: If you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/20:22
bodhi_zazendarkelfjuggalo, what makes you think your fan is related to ram, more likely related to cpu or gpu use20:22
bodhi_zazenfree -m | pastebinit20:22
darkelfjuggaloI know what ram is, but my experience has always shown the more that is running the higher my fan revs to compensate for the extra heat being generated20:23
k1l_darkelfjuggalo: ram doesnt make that much heat. its about the cpu and gpu that make the heat so the fan will spin20:24
EriC^^darkelfjuggalo: i think the fan rev would be a function of cpu load20:24
bekksdarkelfjuggalo: "the more is running" means a higher CPU load, which leads to a higher temperature, which leads to your fans rotating faster. RAM is irrelevant at that opint.20:24
KoyaanisI just broke linux20:24
bodhi_zazenKoyaanis, best think about opensource, when you break it you get to keep both pieces20:25
Nytramdarkelfjuggalo, If you have less than 4gb RAM try increasing your SWAP20:25
bekksNytram: which will not help in lowering the fan rotation at all.20:25
darkelfjuggalohow do i increase the swap? will the swap increase stop the fact that everything keeps greying out and non responsive20:26
bodhi_zazen+1 bekks20:26
NytramIt did for me20:26
bekksNytram: It technically cant.20:26
k1l_darkelfjuggalo: what machine is that? what cpu? how much ram? what does "free -m show (put in a pastebin please)? what ubuntu is it? what desktop?20:26
NytramOK! Stay there. I did it. Not prepared to explain further. It just worked.20:27
zykotick9darkelfjuggalo: in top, it shows load in the top right corner, what is the first number?20:27
yuciyuarhi. with nautilus, when u right click to i.e sd card, there is an option, format, if u unmount card first. when click format, it asks for how to format, but when select format options and click ok, it doesnt do anything, any solution for this? ubuntu 14.0420:27
darkelfjuggaloLoad average is ranging 0.49-0.6520:27
bodhi_zazenunmount it first =O020:27
nurfeeyuciyuar: Coulple of gui aps and the terminal.20:28
zykotick9darkelfjuggalo: that would indicate your CPU/IO is NOT particularly high!20:28
k1l_<k1l_> darkelfjuggalo: what machine is that? what cpu? how much ram? what does "free -m show (put in a pastebin please)? what ubuntu is it? what20:28
darkelfjuggalok1l_ im woring on that20:29
yuciyuarnurfee,  cant we do this as simple as windows os, which seems there already a format button on nautilus file manager20:29
Jakethepythonwaht is teh benefit of a domain over a workgroup? and visa versa?20:29
yuciyuarbut doesnt work20:30
bekksJakethepython: Thats a particular windows question.20:30
darkelfjuggalowhere do i find the CPU and RAM? i thought details, but no20:30
k1l_darkelfjuggalo: "lshw"20:30
Jakethepythonyes...i am setting up a network that must have windows and linux machines...20:30
nurfeeyuciyuar: I would just install gparted, it is very similar to the windows partition manager.20:30
Jakethepythonand i knwo that they are completely differne things20:31
k1l_darkelfjuggalo: is it a laptop?20:31
Jakethepythoni am just trying to figure out which one i should set up20:31
bekksJakethepython: And "domain" and "workgroup" are windows issues :)20:31
bodhi_zazenfor memory use free -m20:31
zykotick9for cpu you can use "lscpu"20:31
Jakethepythonok...what are they called in linux ::)20:31
bekksJakethepython: There are no such things in Linux.20:31
nurfeeyuciyuar: Not exactly what you want, others may have that answer is all, I don't, sorry.20:31
yuciyuari was curious about nautilus option, but seems dont know anyone here, thnx anyway nurfee20:32
nurfeeyuciyuar: No problem, personally I want more control than the right click make a partition, I have a habit of making new partiotion tables a s well.20:33
bodhi_zazencpu load : top -bn1 | grep "Cpu(s)" |            sed "s/.*, *\([0-9.]*\)%* id.*/\1/" |            awk '{print 100 - $1"%"}'20:33
darkelfjuggalok1l_ all answers here: http://pastebin.com/dPAamm3b20:34
nurfeeJakethepython: Curious, is this a educational project?20:35
k1l_darkelfjuggalo: ok, you already have a swap. but its not used because you only use ~1GB of your 8GB ram.20:35
Jakethepythonnot really..what i am doing is i have a storage server running ubuntu..and i want to set up partitions so that all of my computers map to this..but only allow certain permissions to vertain computers/users20:36
k1l_darkelfjuggalo: its a i7 cpu in a toshiba laptop. so that might be the reason for the fan to spin often20:36
DX099kirkland: hi. I'm trying to recover an ubuntu encrypted home from an Arch system. I'm using the ecryptfs-recover-private utility. It finds the encrypted home, I provide the good passphrase, but the mounting fails : "ERROR: Failed to mount private data at [/tmp/ecryptfs.whateverrandom]."20:36
DX099could you help me,20:36
darkelfjuggalocan i fix it internally or is it a hardware issue?20:36
zykotick9DX099: unhelpful-sidenote-for-future, I'd strongly suggest using LUKS over "encrypted home" in future... YMMV.  good luck.20:37
bodhi_zazenDX099, probably nothing you can do to recover20:38
bodhi_zazen+1 to LUKS20:38
DX099zykotick9, bodhi_zazen, I have the good passphrase and the data are there20:39
bodhi_zazenI am sure the data is there, the problem is it is encrypted20:39
DX099I have both the LOGIN and the unwrapped passphrase20:39
bodhi_zazenI would try decryting from ubuntu in the unlikely event there is some difference with the arch packages20:39
zykotick9DX099: sorry, i have close to zero experience with "encrypted home" i'm NO help.  (/me just knows it breaks hibernation by default, so he doesn't use it)  good luck.20:40
DX099bodhi_zazen: in fact, the Ubuntu install is still there and works perfectly20:40
DX099I would like to be able to mount the encrypted home from Arch without having to move all the files20:40
TJ-DX099: It sounds more like an issue with the /tmp/ filesystem where the mountpoint is being created20:41
DX099TJ-: yes it could be... Space ?20:41
EriC^^DX099: try with sudo maybe as a test20:41
DX099EriC^^: that utility won't run unless with sudo anyway20:41
bodhi_zazenFile a bug with arch ?20:41
EriC^^DX099: can you choose where to mount it?20:41
darkelfjuggaloI've been working on installing lubuntu to a netbook, but the usb loads console not the installer[windows desktop reads the thumb drive as lubuntu installer] i have asked lubuntu channel and gotten no where20:42
DX099EriC^^: If I tweak the script of the utility, certainly20:42
bodhi_zazenI would use LUKS rather then ecrpytfs for this DX09920:42
bijan_Just did an apt-get install mysql-server-5.6 and it quits with this error: invoke-rc.d: initscript mysql, action "start" failed. dpkg: error processing package mysql-server-5.6 (--configure): subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)20:42
nurfeedarkelfjuggalo: What usb loader was used?20:43
TJ-DX099: I've dealt with ecryptfs recovery many times, and you sound like you've done everything correctly. It's unwrapping so it's found /home/.ecryptfs/$USER/.ecryptfs/ and the user's wrapped-passphrase20:43
DX099bodhi_zazen: yeah I know, but when considering the options, I recall having a problem with LUKS about partition20:43
bijan_On a fresh box!20:43
DX099TJ-: Yeah, the problem looks like it's typîcally a mount failure "ERROR: Failed to mount private data at [/tmp/ecryptfs.xxx]."20:43
bijan_shouldn't mysql run out of the box without problems on an LTS version?20:43
TJ-DX099: If you know the tool, I'd be tempted to run the script under strace, with "strace -f -e trace=file ecryptfs-recover-private" and see if it reveals the cause of the mount failure20:44
darkelfjuggalonurfee; i dont know can you explain where to find the usb loader information?20:44
EriC^^DX099: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory#Recovering_Your_Data_Manually20:44
nurfeedarkelfjuggalo: So, we can assume you are not familiar with loading an iso to a usb, per a gui app or the terminal?20:45
darkelfjuggaloi used unetbootin, sorry20:46
DX099TJ-: I've done EXACTLY that, no usefull intel came out. But I'll try with -f20:46
darkelfjuggalounetbootin is what i have always used20:46
TJ-DX099: "-f' follows any child processes, which you'll need when executing a script20:46
DX099EriC^^: I'm reading that, that's where I found out those commands to begin wit but thanks20:46
nurfeedarkelfjuggalo: Ah, thought so it has this issue, use another there are handfuls to choose from. What OS are you doing the usb load in?20:46
* zykotick9 thinks unetbootin should _ONLY_ be used, as a last resort... <- with hybrid ISOs like ubuntu/debian20:47
DX099TJ-: yes, since mount is being called by the script, it makes sense20:47
darkelfjuggalowin 8, i was trying on my ubuntu 14.04, but unetbootin's inux version was still downloading as an exe20:47
nurfeedarkelfjuggalo: Two mistakes, never use unetbootins downloads, or anything more than a last resort, as another commented thay have not really kept up with the hybrid iso's20:48
darkelfjuggalook so what should I use? is there no whay to tell the console to run the installer from the initramfs command line available?20:50
nurfeedarkelfjuggalo: Few choices here, try another, check the md5sum in there two, and be sure your up on UEFI if it is there. http://www.pendrivelinux.com/20:50
mac33hi to everyone20:50
Jo5h-Doh I think I answered my own question20:50
Jo5h-I need your advise here20:50
mac33Has somebody had a problem with firefox 38 (running with ubuntu 15.04) while listenig sounds (flash plug-in).....I cannot hear any sounds (es. web radio, google traslator)20:50
nurfeedarkelfjuggalo: People have gotten past the error, however personally I just find tools that plug and work.20:51
zykotick9darkelfjuggalo: fyi, from gnu/linux (and with ubuntu/debian ISOs) you can use "sudo cp foo.iso /dev/sdX" <- where sdX is sdb,sdc,etc and WITHOUT a partition number!  then run "sudo sync" after it finishes.20:51
TJ-DX099: the command that fails and issues that error is: "mount -i -t ecryptfs -o "$mount_opts" "$d" "$tmpdir"   "20:51
Jo5h-I have a few Windows XP era machines I am fixing.... Need new OS... I originally thought to put XP on them... then thought, no, Win2k is rock solid and I loved it.. THOUGH, the nI thought about Ubuntu?? 12.04 specifically... drivers may be an issue and they would be used as fileservers/dev web servers / cron server rsync crap ....20:52
nurfeemac33: You get the flash update lately, most like so.20:52
Jo5h-also I can terminal into the machines :) What would you guys do??20:52
DX099TJ-: tsk, I can see where mount is failing with F, but I can't get the reason20:52
Fyxihow this icon and gui is called?20:52
Jo5h-Use the XP era machines as ubuntu servers maybe desktop? Would desktop ubuntu slug it down??20:52
rulezneonEn verdad hay gente para chatear aquí?20:53
DX099TJ-: the temporary directory is being created without problem20:53
rulezneon¡Es un milagro!20:53
mac33nurfee: I did but seems no works20:53
DX099TJ-: but I can't see which directory mount is looking that it doesn't find20:53
TJ-DX099: does the recovery system have the ecryptfs kernel module loaded?20:53
nurfeeJo5h-: Tons of tiny linux and server setups, do the research, hardware there is the key.20:53
DX099TJ-: yes, it's loaded20:54
tararimujeres todas a mi20:54
TJ-DX099: don't be fooled by the failure being a missing mountpoint - any failure by mount will show that issue. Does the strace show in detail what mount is doing when it fails? mayve you could pastebin the last 50 lines of the strace?20:54
nurfeemac33: Sound works everywhere else? I doubt I can really help, just wondering.20:54
TJ-DX099: do you have the /sbin/mount.ecryptfs20:54
azamrodtarari hablas español?20:55
bekks!es | azamrod20:55
ubottuazamrod: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.20:55
azamrod/sbin/mount/.ecryptfs archive not found in ubuntu20:56
Bashing-omJo5h-: As a General rule, old hardware equals (L)ubuntu. on the desktop 12.04 in the sisters was supported for 3 years and the desktop now is out of support, install 14.04 (l)ubuntu .20:56
DX099TJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11789990/20:57
mac33nurfee: sound system is OK. But with an update from firefox 37 to 38 I cannot hear any sounds with some website (like web radios or google sound traslator)20:57
DX099TJ-: the mount utility is being found. You can see the mount process starting in the log20:57
TJ-DX099: line 3320:58
nurfeemac33: Any errors you could share? you have flash running if needed, no filtering? Have you ran firefox with all addons off?20:58
TJ-DX099: The only thing I see there that makes me wonder, is that you're running the command from the .Private directory... have you tried running it from the parent directory instead?20:59
mac33this is strange...... cause I don't get any error but no sounds.....and I also tried to switch off any other add-os or plug-in but flash21:00
zykotick9mac33: do you have more then one audio device on your system?  "cat /proc/asound/cards" is card0 the one you want to be using with firefox?  <- i've personally run into an issue if my desired audio device is NOT card0 with firefox.  best of luck.21:00
mac33nurfee: this is strange...... cause I don't get any error but no sounds.....and I also tried to switch off any other add-os or plug-in but flash21:00
DX099TJ-: I will but this is disingenuous as the script looks for the .ecryptfs dir in ../ . This makes me want to be in .Private so that I can unwrapp with LOGIN21:00
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azamrodubuntu mate21:01
azamrodis a new distribution of Ubuntu. Download of www.ubuntumate.org21:01
mac33nurfee: I googled my problem but it seems unknown21:01
DX099TJ-: same result anyway21:02
nurfeeazamrod: Take that somewhere else.21:02
nurfeethat is bounds for being not led on the channel a redirect to a sell21:03
DX099TJ-: but yeah, maybe it's a path problem. will try with $PD21:03
mac33zykotick9: ok let me check21:03
TJ-DX099: Hmmm, that's a good point. It was the only thing I could see. OK do the strace -f once more but don't add "-e trace=file" - capture *everything* and you'd best feed it to a log-file!!! "strace -f  ecryptfs-recover-private |& tee /tmp/ecryptfs.log"21:03
darkelfjuggaloso while i am working on that, can anyone tell me what would periodically  freeze my applications from start up.. so freeze and crash, some freeze and come back... this chat does it every 2 to 3 minutes21:04
DX099TJ-: still fails. I'll try adding -v flag in the utility script :/21:05
nurfeedarkelfjuggalo: number of reason swapping would my first thought21:05
bodhi_zazendarkelfjuggalo, crappy graphics or wireless drivers21:05
AceKingI just completed a manual install of Ubuntu 15.04 64 bit onto my PC. I have it dual booting with Windows 7. For some reason I cannot boot into the grub menu. It will only boot into Windows 7. I can boot into Ubuntu if I use "Super Grub Disk" and find any OS. I tried running sudo grub-install /dev/sda  but still cannot boot into grub. Any help is much appreciated21:05
darkelfjuggalohow can i check the driver versions  and/or update them?21:06
nurfeeAceKing: You in ubuntu now?21:06
bodhi_zazenAceKing, secect which os to boot in your bios21:06
AceKingnurfee: yes21:06
nurfeeAceKing: Cool, you have good help, carry on.21:07
AceKingbodhi_zazen: I tried that. Old BIOS, doesn't have that option21:07
MrNiceGuyKBhi. I'm running windows 7 and ubuntu 14.04. I want to install windows 8. is there anything I should do before running the win 8 install?21:08
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bodhi_zazenMrNiceGuyKB, back up your data21:08
nurfeeMrNiceGuyKB: This a msdos W7 setup?21:08
AceKingnurfee: did you have any ideas other than the BIOS?21:08
lixunerowindows is a better operating system21:08
MrNiceGuyKByeah, backup is done.21:09
MrNiceGuyKBnurfee, I don't understand21:09
Guest90976just formatted a 1tb drive that had debian 8 jessie and replaced it with Xubuntu (which loads great) now grub goes to grub rescue, but I have windows 10 and elementary os on two other drives, how can I get back into either of the two oses21:09
nurfeeAceKing: pastebin sudo fdisk -l  helps to see HD info21:09
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MrNiceGuyKBI just want to make sure win8 won't completely ruin my ubuntu install21:10
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nurfeeMrNiceGuyKB: Ah, msdos is the standard set up (windows) till we got to UEFI and gpt with W8. W8 will install in the standard setup with no issues.21:11
AceKingnurfee: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11790055/21:11
MrNiceGuyKBnurfee, so windows 8 installer shouldn't damage anything, right?21:11
Grubthumpedi am downloading grub repair iso and going to burn to cd to try to repair the boot loader21:12
Grubthumpedis that the best thing to do?21:12
nurfeeAceKing: Try putting grub in the linux HD shows as sdb here and boot with the HD, unless this is a slave issue.21:12
OerHeksMrNiceGuyKB, sure windows 8 installer ruins your mbr, you have to fix that later21:12
nurfeeMrNiceGuyKB: Your asking for confirmation no one can truly  make, back it all up no matter what always. To many varibles bro.21:13
MrNiceGuyKByeah I know. well, I'm  going to give ti a try. thanks anyway! :)21:13
AceKingnurfee: OK, so I would just use this command sudo grub-install /dev/sdb am I right.. Just want to make sure before I do it21:14
allizomcould anybody take a look at http://paste.ubuntu.com/11789452/ (Xorg.0.log) and see whether there is anything that could prevent starting a graphical login? I see a black screen after logging in, for all users. Using nvidia-current driver21:14
nurfeeAceKing: One thing first, you have 4 linux partitons can you lay out whats there.21:14
Bashing-omGrubthumped: Single hard drive, not a problem with boot-repair, multi-disks, then if not carful grub gets installed on all drives, may not be what you want ?21:14
Grubthumpedbashing-om I have 5 drives, one has windows 10, one has elementary, one had debian 821:15
Grubthumpedunplugged other drives except the debian and installed Xubuntu, which loads fine, but if I choose the regular drive where grub loaded from it goes to grub rescue21:16
AceKingnurfee:  sda1 is my Windows partition, and sda2 is my Ubuntu partition21:16
Bashing-omGrubthumped: Boot-repair -> advanced options . and be careful ! ( I am the more comfortable manually installing grub where it is required ) .21:16
nurfeeAceKing: Really it may be that sdb is being read first and has the widows boot, have we been able to choose from either HD to boot first, seems not?21:17
Grubthumpedwhat is the best suggestion If I have all 3 oses?21:17
GrubthumpedElementary OS, Windows 10, and now Xubuntu21:17
Grubthumpedall on different drives21:17
Grubthumpedand 2 other storage drives, which for some reason Xubuntu don't see :-(21:18
AceKingnurfee: It's kind of odd, because I only have one other HD attached, and it's just a storage drive. I just looked at it to make sure that it wasn't overwritten. It only has one partition.21:18
nurfeeAceKing: unplug it and run the fdisk -l command again and try a boot as well.21:19
nurfeeAceKing: I don't think loading a boot at this point is needed, just getting to the HD to boot it.21:20
Bashing-omGrubthumped: From a liveDVD of ubuntu ; ' sudo parted -l ; sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt ; sudo grub-install --boot-directory=/mnt /dev/sda ; sudo umount /mnt ' // where sda is the target, change as required . reboot, change bios to boot the correct drive .21:20
AceKingnurfee: OK, I will give it a shot... Thank you21:20
Bashing-omGrubthumped: Wait ^^ Windows 10 is EFI . The above is for a MBR install .. hang on .21:22
tomreynallizom: your kernel is a little out of date. but other than that - nothing obviously wrong21:22
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allizomtomreyn: I tried an older kernel on purpose, to check whether there was an incompatibility with the latest one21:23
tomreynallizom: check Xorg.*.log, too - the problem could be with a different display21:23
TJ-DX099: I've tested here and I can mount an ecryptfs manually quite easily in 2 steps21:23
DX099TJ-: ok, must be something specific, I'll try manually21:23
tomreynallizom: so you did not make any changes to your video stack and the problem started just due to installing updates?21:24
allizomtomreyn: thanks for the suggestion, I will collect them all21:24
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allizomIt's not my computer, they told me so though21:24
TJ-DX099: "sudo ecryptfs --fnek" ... and capture the second token's 'sig'21:24
nurfeeallizom: Have you tried running the drivers bfrom the additional drivers, rather tha propietary, which are not supported here?21:25
DX099TJ-: I don't have the "ecryptfs" command21:25
TJ-DX099: then "sudo mount  -t ecryptfs /path/to/.Private /path/to/mountpoint" ... and accept default answers except for encrypted filenames, which should be YES, then provide the captured sig when asked, don't worry about the mount warnings (answer yes), don't cache the sig (answer no)21:26
DX099TJ-: ok21:26
allizomnurfee: I don't understand what you mean, I installed the nvidia driver from the official repositories21:26
TJ-DX099: "sudo ecryptfs-add-passphrase --fnek" ... and capture the second token's 'sig' --- sorry about the typo21:26
DX099TJ-: that I have ^^21:26
nurfeeallizom: Ah, you have been saying propietery is all, as if from nvidia is all.21:27
OerHeksallizom, what nvidia videocard is that? lspci | grep VGA21:27
tomreynnurfee: this statement is misleading since those available on the "additional drivers" UI can be proprietary as well.21:27
DX099TJ-: so this is the 32 chars alphanumerical passphrase?21:27
allizomOerHeks: it's a Geforce 7300 LE21:28
nurfeetomreyn: Yes, it seems that detail is generally left out.21:28
TJ-DX099: no, it's a 16 hex chars (8 bytes) sig value reported by ecryptfs-add-passphrase21:28
DX099TJ-: OK, but the passphrase I had to enter was indeed the 32 hex char unwrapped passphrase21:29
nurfeetomreyn: You're not the first to help this is 24 hrs at the least in time spent.21:30
moonlanderdo the 850 evo drives still have issues with the firmware on linux? thinking about getting one21:31
moonlanderoops wrong channel21:31
tomreynnurfee: sorry for phrasing this in a aggressive way, i didn't mean to.21:31
nurfeetomreyn: I knew what you meant overall, It can be difficult to be exact everywhere, as hard as you try to phish the users. )21:33
nurfeewe do have the greek chorus of the regular IT users however21:34
AceKingnurfee: Just wanted to come back to say thank you!21:34
DX099TJ-: it worked :)21:35
DX099TJ-: thanks a lot21:35
TJ-DX099: nice one :)21:35
nurfeeAceKing: Cool, that got you booting sounds like.21:35
perra(From a newbie). Does anyone think its possible to take advantage of machine learning for the process scheduler in Linux?21:35
AceKingnurfee: It sure did. You ROCK my friend!21:35
nurfeeAceKing: Probably, just run a sudo update-grub without the external, as well.21:36
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eXistenZehey guys... what's the best way to install wine? apt-get?21:45
adam__eXistenZe, yes21:46
sixunhuitHi guys! I got frequent freezes (1 every 2 days) and problems when rebooting. I don't know where to start to troubleshoot. Any ideas?21:48
nurfeesixunhuit: You done any hard shutdown?21:49
OerHeksrun memtest86 from grubmenu21:49
kostkoneXistenZe, there is also the wine ppa (click download on winehq) and the bleeding wine-staging compholio ppa http://www.webupd8.org/2015/06/get-new-wine-features-faster-with-wine.html21:49
sixunhuitNo problem on that side.21:50
nurfeesixunhuit: Please use nicks and be exact in what your answering.21:50
meisth0thhello, i am getting this message when I try apt-get update: W: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty-updates/main/binary-amd64/Packages  Hash Sum mismatch21:51
meisth0thI tried switching mirrors but result didn't change21:51
sixunhuitnurfee: Yes I did the hard shutdown and booted with no problems. But sudo restart result in problems 70% of the time.21:53
OerHeksmeisth0th, that can happen sometimes, bad package during update, fix > http://askubuntu.com/questions/41605/trouble-downloading-packages-list-due-to-a-hash-sum-mismatch-error21:54
meisth0thOerHeks: i tried that as well, still no luck.21:54
eXistenZethanls kostkon21:54
kostkoneXistenZe, np21:55
eXistenZewhich one do you recomend kostkon?21:55
kostkoneXistenZe, well, compholio's bleeding edge but the wine ppa always offers the latest version and should be good enough in most use cases21:56
eXistenZethe staging ppa?21:56
nurfeesixunhuit: I would be sure that is the correct command, if you have a desktop try using the standard reboot. Know the REISUB command for a soft restart. Any hard shutdown can be an issue, not often but it does happen.21:56
kostkoneXistenZe, by wine ppa i mean the official ppa from winehq21:58
sixunhuitnurfee: Sorry, typo, Meant to say I use $sudo reboot and the reboot icon. They both cause the same problem (70% of time).21:58
eXistenZecan't find it... just the deb packages21:58
eXistenZewinehq.org has tons of 404s21:59
kostkoneXistenZe, well the alternative command line instructions on this page https://www.winehq.org/download/ubuntu21:59
kostkoneXistenZe, tell you hwo to add the ppa22:00
nurfeesixunhuit: Not sure where to start either, better help here than I here for sure.22:00
eXistenZeoh... it works now... strang22:00
sixunhuitnurfee: ty for your time.22:00
eXistenZejesus... 162 dependencies...22:01
kostkoneXistenZe, :/  i'm guessing some are i386 packages22:02
NobCatTJ-, still floating about dude?22:04
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NobCatanyone fancy helping me out with a LVM2 partition?22:12
lixunerohello nobcat22:13
NobCathey lixunero22:13
NobCatthis is what im struggling with22:13
lixunerowelcome a the comunity!22:13
lixuneroNobCat: what is your question or problem ?22:17
NobCatim trying to mount this LVM22:17
NobCatkeep getting "wrong fs type"22:18
elfeckhey, if I try to clone a git-repo from github I timeout the connection although iptables allow port http https and git. Any suggestions?22:18
NobCatthe fs is "lvm2_member"22:18
nicekiwi_awayhow do I access another users directories? I've added my user to the same group as the user that owns the directory, but I still cant access it22:18
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lixuneroWhat version of ubuntu you want to mount the partition ?22:19
eXistenZeis there any way to name the partition mounts without using some tool like gparted on a usb drive?22:20
TJ-nicekiwi: after changing group membership your user needs to log-in again to have those effective22:21
nicekiwiTJ-, i have tried that.. I think.22:22
Houss56hello all :)22:22
Bashing-omeXistenZe: tune2fs ? perhaps will address ?22:23
tomreynNobCat: mount /dev/mapper/vg1-lv1 instead22:23
Houss56i have an easy question :)22:23
TJ-NobCat: are you using Ubuntu to try to mount the LVM?22:25
eXistenZenice Bashing-om it can label mounted partitions22:30
NobCatTJ- yes i am22:30
eXistenZenow, can I label a nfs share mounted in fstab?22:30
Bashing-omeXistenZe: Yepper, linux been around a while, if you can think of it, someone sometime has done it :)22:32
owen1(ubuntu 15.04) - After hibernation (pm-hibernate or close the lid) my cursur is invisibe and i can't see what i type. any ideas?22:32
TJ-NobCat: what does "sudo pvs" report as the "VG" name for that device?22:32
NobCatTJ- vg122:33
eXistenZeBashing-om: what about a cortana assistant with some nice animations around a pole?22:33
Bashing-omeXistenZe: labrl 'nas' in the mount. nope, that is not the function of the file system table .22:33
elfeck hey, if I try to clone a git-repo from github I timeout the connection although iptables allow port dns http https and git. Any suggestions?22:33
TJ-NobCat: OK, have you done "sudo vgchange -ay vg1"22:33
Bashing-omeXistenZe: Yeah "you" can do that .. gimp to the resue .22:34
NobCatTJ- yes22:34
TJ-NobCat: Does "sudo lvscan" show that device as ACTIVE ?22:34
NobCatTJ- yes22:35
TJ-NobCat: by 'that device' I mean /dev/vg1/lv122:35
NobCatTJ- yup22:35
lixuneroNobCat , sorry for not being able to help , but do not understand much English and I have to be with the translator. forgiveness22:35
TJ-NobCat: what does "blkid /dev/pv1/lv1" report?22:36
NobCatTJ-, pv1/lv1 or vg1/lv1 ?22:36
TJ-NobCat: sorry! "blkid /dev/vg1/lv1"22:37
NobCatTJ-, nothing22:37
NobCatback to prompt22:37
TJ-NobCat: OK, so there's no file-system in there to mount22:37
TJ-NobCat: redo it with 'sudo ' in case you're restricted with the current user, to be sure, but that's what it looks like22:37
NobCatrunning as root22:37
NobCatTJ-, have a looksee at this22:38
TJ-NobCat: no file-system in there then... did you encrypt it with something?22:38
TJ-NobCat: OK, so it's a GPT partitioning (you should use 'gdisk /dev/sda" for that, not 'fdisk'), and 'lv1' has no file-system inside it. What were you expecting to find?22:40
NobCatTJ-, its a drive pulled from a seagate nas that was passed to me to try and pull the data from22:40
NobCatthe unit it toast, but the drive is good22:41
NobCati know there is stuff on the 3.6TB partition22:41
TJ-NobCat: Are you using a 64-bit OS to read it ?22:42
TJ-NobCat: you need to look at the data in the LV to see if you can recognise any header22:43
NobCatok, how would i do that?22:44
TJ-Nobcat: "sudo dd if=/dev/vg1/lv1 bs=4096 count=48 | hexdump -C | less " will let you browse the 1st 48 physical 4KB sectors22:44
TJ-NobCat: If you want to pastebin that output I can help you out; I've been doing forensics recovery for amost 30 years22:45
NobCatTJ-, nice one. gimmie a sec22:46
bodhi_zazen30 years ;p22:48
Grubthumpedunplugged other drives except the debian and installed Xubuntu, which loads fine, but if I choose the regular drive where grub loaded from it goes to grub rescue22:50
Grubthumpedwhat is the best suggestion If I have all 3 oses?22:50
Grubthumpedi burned the grub 2 repair iso to cd22:50
Grubthumpedshould I just use that?22:50
Grubthumpedwill it fix all mbr's? or grubs22:51
* ki7rw wishes he had never encrypted his hard drive with ecryptfs - nothing but trouble22:52
TJ-bodhi_zazen: yeah... once upon a time I could rebuild broken FAT file systems by hand, byte-by-byte. Ahhh, those were the days when 40MB was a massive disk :)22:52
TJ-Grubthumped: that just sounds like you installed the GRUB boot-strap loader to the wrong drive22:53
Bashing-omGrubthumped: Win10 is an EFI install, and GPT is the partitioning . DID you also install xubuntu as EFI ?22:53
cordycepsFYI: if trying to start firefox fails with error: "/usr/lib/firefox/libxul.so: cannot open shared object file: Timer expired Couldn't load XPCOM" AND you have Sophos installed, try disabling it like this "sudo /opt/sophos-av/bin/savdctl disable"22:55
NobCatTJ- this is encypted :/22:56
NobCatbad times22:57
TJ-NobCat: if so, and blkid didn't report it as a LUKS volume it may be LUKS with a detached header, or it could be plain dm-crypt, or something else entirely. Do you have access to that info?22:58
Grubthumpedno, just installed windows 10 first22:59
Grubthumpedthen installed elementary os later, then I installed debian 822:59
Grubthumpedthe grub2 bootloader was all on the same drive as elementary22:59
Grubthumpedit came up with a menu that I could go to any of the 3 oses23:00
Grubthumpedbut I unplugged all the drives but the debian drive hoping that it would not mess with grub and it did...LOL23:00
mojtabaDo you know how can I backup and zip my home directory using rsync?  mean zip it on the fly and back it up using rsync. I just want to keep one version of the home directory23:00
Grubthumpedand I installed Xubuntu on the debian drive23:00
MACscrwhat do you guys typically set your console resolution to? 640x480 is just to low which i think is default23:00
TJ-NobCat: Try "sudo cryptsetup -v isLuks /dev/vg1/lv1" ... if its LUKs you'll get "Command succesful.", if not, "...  is not a valid LUKS device."23:01
TJ-Grubthumped: With UEFI there is only one boot loader partition, the EFI System partition, where boot-loaders for all OSes reside. Sounds like you've removed that23:02
Lord-ArhemadanHowdy! Anyone have experience with an ASUS g75vx? This UEFI stuff is driving me crazy >_<23:03
TJ-MACscr: which console, the VTs?23:03
Grubthumpedhow can i fix it...??23:04
GrubthumpedI am on an older motherboard, no EUFI23:04
chuksHello buddies23:04
Grubthumpedits an 2007 gigabyte Q6600 quad23:05
NobCatTJ- not a valid LUKS23:05
TJ-NobCat: not much you can do23:05
Grubthumpedshould I try the boot repair disk I made23:05
Grubthumpedits from: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair23:06
Grubthumpedshould I keep all drives connected or unplug this drive?23:06
tomreynmojtaba: rsync doesn't compress / archive, it just copies / syncs from one location to another.23:06
mojtabatomreyn: Is there anyway to pipe files to zip command before rsync? or sth like that?23:07
tomreynmojtaba: you could create a tar archive, compressed or not, or stick with rsync if you don'tmind recreating the same directory structure eleswehre23:07
TJ-Grubthumped: I can't say I've not been following your issue closely enough. I thought I saw Bashing-om say it was a UEFI/GTP install23:08
Grubthumpeduh, sorry, not its win 10, elementary, and debian, and all worked great23:08
tomreynmojtaba: what's your prupose in compressing the files.23:08
mojtabatomreyn: I just want to save space23:09
Grubthumpedthen I unplugged all drives but the debian drive and installed Xubuntu (erased debian completely) and then tried to boot from the same drive that grub used to work from and it drops me at the grub rescue prompt  :-)23:09
tomreynmojtaba: and you're happy to spend time and cpu cycles instead? then compressed tar would be the way to go.23:09
Bashing-omGrubthumped: TJ- Probable I jumped the conclusion when I was aware that Win 10 was in this picture . MBR install on all drives ?23:10
OerHeksmojtaba, http://askubuntu.com/questions/550735/lossless-compression-using-rsync23:10
Grubthumpedshould I try the boot-repair disk?23:10
Grubthumpedwill that put a grub2 section back on the elementary drive..?23:11
tomreynOerHeks: this (-z) just compresses during transfer, thouzgh, i don't think that's what mojtaba is looking for23:11
MACscrTJ-: yes23:14
Bashing-omgrubles: Yes, boot-repair will install grub to all/any drive. It is a wonderful tool, but like any others can cause problems when miss applied .23:15
TJ-MACscr: mine are at 1920x1200 ... btw... did you solve your udevd net if rename issue?23:15
MACscrTJ-: yep, i thought i told ya what it was23:16
MACscri had to specify driver="*?"23:16
MACscror somethign like that23:16
TJ-MACscr: I mised it, was probably away. Yeah, that makes sense, that stops rules touching devices that have already been configured23:17
n-iCeHi guys23:21
sergio-br2what's the problem with fonts-droid package?23:22
sergio-br2it's missing the thai font23:22
sergio-br2in vivid23:22
Guest23104Anyone get this bug while using VLC where it raises the whole system volume?23:26
GrubthumpedThank you guys so much, the Boot-Repair disc totally re-installed Grub 2 on this main drive and I can now boot into all my OSes23:27
azamrodwhich it is the codemane 14.04,14.10 and Ubuntu 15.04 ?23:27
GrubthumpedThank you, thank you23:27
azamrodhello bollullera23:28
Bashing-omgrubles: :) yannubuntu gets this cookie .23:28
=== azamrod is now known as lixunero
bollullerahello azamrod23:29
bollullerahola lixunero23:29
GrubthumpedLearning more and more about Linux everyday and loving it :-)23:30
Bashing-omGrubthumped: ^^ If you have not already done so, boot to what is your primary linux install and ' sudo update-grub ' .23:30
lixunerobollullera, how do you say spanish?23:30
bollulleraaro, de tó la vida23:31
lixuneroque bien, no tendré que usar el traductor23:31
Grubthumpedthanks so much bashing, totally fixed the grub 2 issue23:32
GrubthumpedI can now also see all my drives in Xubuntu, that rocks!23:32
GrubthumpedXubuntu is really fast...23:33
Bashing-omGrubthumped: Great, just keep in mind what OS you want as the 'primary' only one operating system per hard drive controls the boot process .23:34
GrubthumpedI really like the customizabiltiy23:34
lixuneroy una cosa bollullera, si hablas español, te recomendaria que entrases en " /just #ubuntu-es " (sin las comillas) para entrar en el soporte de ubuntu o en  /just #ubuntu-es-cafe para hablar con la comunidad23:34
lixunerohola Rodrigo10az23:34
leafyDummy Output, please help23:34
GrubthumpedBashing-om  thanks, that sounds great23:34
Bashing-omGrubthumped: Agreed I do like xfce as the Desktop Environment .23:35
Grubthumpedyes, its way awesome23:35
jmaderohow do I have a bash script prompt for a password during ssh sync when it's being run as a daily cron job23:35
leafyno sound, please help23:35
Bashing-omGrubthumped: Last system kernel/grub update, that system grabs boot control !23:35
GrubthumpedI have went through 5 distros looking for one that I really wanted to use as a daily driver.... finally landed on Xubuntu23:35
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mtn_leafy, you should tell folks you already spent several hours on linuxmint-help getting help with your problem23:37
KNFHow to create service in ubuntu and to can control it with (sudo service serviceName start / stop )23:37
GrubthumpedBashing-om  thanks so much23:38
GrubthumpedI tried to install the Kaos off the live cd, but the install button did not do anything23:39
Grubthumpedit would not start the install process23:39
leafygot no sound, please help23:39
Grubthumpedso looking at distrowatch, I found Xubuntu... and wow23:39
nomicis a solid distribution23:40
illuminatedwhat is /etc/apt/sources.list.d for?23:40
illuminatedare these for 'added' repositories not included in the base repo list?23:41
lixuneroUbuntu is good distribution!!23:41
Bashing-omGrubthumped: Getting away from support .. for discussion /join #ubuntu-offtopic .23:41
lixunerobased in software libre23:41
Grubthumpedoh, thanks Bashing-om, thanks for all your help :-)23:41
Bashing-omilluminated: Correct, you have the right of it ; 3rd party software generally .23:42
JPRudeHey gang!  I have a quick question if anyone has the time for me. I'm trying to install ubuntu besides windows 7. I had a previous install that stopped mounting so I deleted the partition and merged it with the windows partition again. Now when I try to install it again, it defaults to trying to install it to the recovery partition. I'm having trou23:42
JPRudeble using the partition manager to install it to the C drive alongside windows. Does anyone have any experience with this? Thanks so much in advance for any help that comes my way.23:42
illuminatedBashing-om, ok thanks.  I'm rtfming and it mentions that directory but it was empty for me.  So I was wondering if this was for 3rd party repos not contained within the base list.23:43
Bashing-omJPRude: MBR partition scheme can only have 4 primary partitions to the hard drive. How many partitions does Windows now utilize ?23:43
mtn_JPRude, shrink your windows partition using windows, then install linux to the free space23:43
Bashing-omilluminated: :) Reading is GooD .23:44
JPRudecurrently have 3 partitions. The main one, recovery and the 100mb boot partition23:44
JPRudewill try that mtn_ thanks for the tip23:45
grublesBashing-om ???? i think you got my nick mixed up23:49
Bashing-omgrubles: Yeah, sorry about that inadverdant highlight . apologies .23:49

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