
zequenceOvenWerks: Not sure what the best solution is regarding jack1 and jack2 dev files.07:15
zequenceIncluding libjack-jackd2-dev seems smart, yes07:19
zequenceLet's do that.07:19
OvenWerkszequence: Added libjack-jackd2-dev to seeds. I guess that means the metas have to be redone?14:55
zequenceOvenWerks: Yes, but there's no hurry.16:16
zequenceI'm building the menu in the PPA for wily now into ppa:ubuntustudio-dev/autobuild16:17
zequenceThe build is pending. I'll try it out before I do the upload.16:18
zequenceOvenWerks: the package should appear in proposed some time soon.17:57
zequenceWell, it's uploaded anyway. I need to learn more about how the archive works.17:59
OvenWerkszequence: It may need some new artwork (the menu) The graphics and audio utilities subs are using the applications-accessories icon right now.20:25
OvenWerksBut I mostly meant it for first look comments more than anything. We have talked about various things and so I wanted some commants to see if I am going the right direction.20:27
OvenWerkszequence: looking at the menu again, I would not be against folding Audio Utilities into the mixer menu or the other way around.20:55
zequenceIt's fun when you do two commands in a row, and the first one didn21:14
zequence't succeed.21:14
zequenceLike coming in a wrong angle into a turn, and you know you'll fly out of the road21:15
zequenceOvenWerks: I have some ideas for the menu, but it's still too early to make any definite choices about the details21:16
zequenceWe still haven't even started working on the desktop categories21:16
zequenceBeen studying c++ the whole weekend. Suddenly it wasn't all that difficult to get my head around.21:17
zequence..to get my head around it.21:17
zequenceOvenWerks: Alright, seems like ubuntustudio-menu was updated in the repos21:17

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