
ubottuTo see how you can help out with Xubuntu, please see http://xubuntu.org/contribute/ - additionally, you can join the devleoper channel #xubuntu-devel and introduce yourself (we'll reply when we're around)00:06
bazhangHuemac, ^00:06
bazhangdevleoper channel00:07
ubottuDid your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/00:20
xubuntu250how do i update my stem so i can watch youtube videos because right night its running slow01:35
xubuntu250how do i update my system01:36
bazhanghow much ram01:39
bazhangaugh quit01:39
sabrehagenwhen using the display settings panel (under settings, hardware), what config file is it working off? i'm having no luck getting xubuntu to remember my display settings at reboot01:50
darkPassengerxubuntu is a good distro02:19
noiconidiot9have a small problem, don't have any thumbnail icons on my desktop in XFCE after the last upgrade. Wondering if anyone might have some ideas?02:33
tr00perhi, I have problem with HDMI display07:02
tr00perit blinks like it was moving very fas to right and back to left07:02
tr00perbut it only happens when I don't move mouse07:03
tr00perand it's not problem with pulseaudio07:03
tr00perit doesn't affect monitor in any way07:03
tr00perany helop?07:03
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bennypr0fane Hi I have a strange situation: Wlan stopped working on my laptop. It used to work perfectly, I have no idea what happened. proprietary sta driver is in use for Broadcom chip18:24
bennypr0faneWhen I installed Xubuntu 14.04, the STA driver was loaded automatically and it worked out of the box18:25
Maximus1Will be xubuntu switched to mir and snappy?19:25
pleia2there's been some testing with Mir, but we don't have any plans at the moment, the team hasn't even thought about snappy at this point19:27
Maximus1This is a good news! Thanks for the answer.19:28
Maximus1Then I`ll stay with xubuntu :)19:28
FyxiCan I ask what is default mixer for xubuntu 15.04?20:20
FyxiBecause my icon dissapeared and I don't have it. I don't like xfce4-mixer20:21
FyxiProbably I messed something ;c20:21
Fyxi/Question about music/sound mixer of course.20:21
FyxiQuestion about music/sound mixer of course.20:22
holsteinFyxi: default mixer for audio? there really  isnt a "mixer" like that, though, you can install and use pavucontrol20:23
holsteinFyxi: alsamixer, in the terminal, is also handy20:23
Fyxii dont know why i cant change volume of the music o_O20:24
holsteinFyxi: what music?20:24
holsteinanyways, if you literaly havent tried pavucontrol, try that20:24
Fyxiplayed in youtube, i cant change ALL volume20:24
Fyxivolume in ALL apps*20:24
holsteinyou can see the sources thare are playing, and easily raise lower volume20:24
Fyxii am still on xfce4-mixer20:24
holsteinFyxi: i install it, and then click on it, and use the mouse to interact with it20:25
Fyxiyeah but this doesn't work's20:25
holsteinFyxi: sure.. so, pavucontrol is not working for you, friend?20:25
Fyxii will check pavucontrol20:25
holsteinFyxi: ok, *please* install, and try pavucontrol20:25
Fyxii'm familiar with terminal, just this look's odd ;c20:26
holsteinFyxi: alsamixer is in the terminal20:26
Fyxiok pavucontrol works20:26
holsteinFyxi: also, you can use "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pavucontrol"20:26
Fyxibut i had other GUI in tray icon before20:27
Fyxii liked the gui before, mehr20:27
Fyxijust i probably uninstalled it messing with packet's20:27
holsteinFyxi: sure, and you can file a bug, relating to your specific hardware20:27
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.20:27
holsteinFyxi: without it in front of me, its challenging for me to give specifics20:27
Fyxibut how icon is called?20:27
Fyxiof course i will report bug but i want bring it back20:28
holsteinFyxi: what icon? for pavucontrol?20:28
holsteinFyxi: its in the menu.. pulse audio volume control20:28
holsteinFyxi: there is no "tray" AFAIK20:28
holsteinyour hardware is not supporting the tray functionality you are trying to implement20:28
holsteinyou can likely configure it to..20:28
Fyxii mean i had before other looking gui when i clicked tray icon20:29
Fyxigui in this tray icon20:29
Fyxiyeah i'm messy (c_c)20:29
holsteinFyxi: sure.. i understand that.. what im saying is, the hardware is not supporting that, out of the box20:30
Fyxiok icon work's but i mean this is not the same icon as before20:30
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.20:30
holsteinthere are lots of troubleshooting tips for working that out20:30
holsteinFyxi: same icon as before what?20:30
Fyxii don't know20:31
Fyxibefore what... i don't know what i messed20:31
holsteinFyxi: when did you have what you want? and when did that change?20:31
Fyxiafter installation of xubuntu 15.0420:31
Fyxidid change... today after rebooting from windows to ubuntu20:31
holsteinFyxi: so, *before* you installed xubuntu 15.04, you had something different, correct? what was that *different* thing20:31
Fyxibut i know the problem...20:32
holsteini mean, we cannot implement the windows mixer in xubuntu20:32
Fyxii shutdowned computer by button because i don't had time20:32
Fyxii'm not stupid, baka! XD20:32
holsteini dont think you are havinng a problem.. i think only need to identify what you want, and make that happen.. you have no problem20:32
Fyxiholstein: http://s28.postimg.org/ei3b0x5uh/wtf.png20:35
Fyxii have actually this icon and this gui, before i had different20:36
Fyxijust interested ;)20:36
Fyxii had default looking icon like in all xubuntus 15.0420:36
holsteinFyxi: before what, friend?20:37
holsteinFyxi: before, somehow, in xubuntu 15.04?20:38
Fyxifriend, i don't know20:38
holsteinFyxi: i see the slider you have20:38
holsteinFyxi: i see those in the mixer.. there are sliders in the terminal in alsamixer.. there are sliders in pavucontrol20:38
Fyxiyeah, i had other slider20:38
holsteinFyxi: "other sliders"?20:38
Fyxilandscape, not vertical20:38
holsteinFyxi: you'll notice, they are like that in pavucontrol.. they are also like that, by default, in the tray in unity, and other DE's..20:39
Fyximehr i have xubuntu vm install on windows partition20:40
holstein*not* stock xubuntu.. so, if you were running other than xfce, now you are running xfce20:40
holsteinFyxi: i understand you *now* have xubuntu.. but, when you reference "before", i dont know what that means20:40
holsteinbefore you were using xubuntu 15.04, and you liked what that was.. what was that?20:40
Fyxiemhr this happened all at current OS20:41
Fyxiok, don't talk, i will show it20:41
Fyxii have stock virtualbox xubuntu lts image20:41
holsteinotherwise, it seems you can control what you need.. maybe, since you literally just installed 15.04 xubuntu, just use it, for a bit, until you are more comfortable20:41
holsteinFyxi: so, *before*, you were using xubuntu 14.04? or 12.04? and now you are using xubuntu 15.04? correct?20:42
Fyxino, still used xubuntu 15.0420:42
Fyxithis magic just happened20:42
holsteinFyxi: 15.04 is *not* lst20:42
Fyxii know20:42
Fyxibut on lts i had the same icon20:42
Fyxii will show man20:42
holsteinthen, what you said above was, you *were* using lts..20:43
holsteinnow, you state, you were not20:43
Fyxiehh wait20:43
Fyxiholstein: <Fyxi> i will show man20:47
Fyxi<holstein> then, what you said above was, you *were* using lts..20:47
Fyxinot this20:47
Fyxiholstein: http://postimg.org/image/3o9txr1ov/20:47
Fyxisee, i had probably this "looking icon" or very smillar20:47
Fyxii want the same as before, or just interested why OS changed it for me20:48
Fyxiyou got it ;)?20:49
Fyxijust i started computer with xubuntu what I ALWAYS USE (without any format, reinstall, upgrade) icon dissapeared and i was forced to install xfce4-mixer20:50
holsteinFyxi: you "probably" had what?20:53
Fyxithis icon with this gui20:53
GridCube_Fyxi, if your sound indicator dissapears, you just need to remove and re-add the plugin indicators20:53
holsteinFyxi: you were never forced to do anything.. but, you should have had that mixer20:53
holsteinyup.. just add back the indicator ^20:54
holsteinor, just use pavucontrol..20:54
Fyxii don't know how it's called20:54
Fyxion ubuntu vm (for testing) i have it's not as plugin but as tray icon20:54
Fyxiubuntu vm - there where i got this second screenshot20:54
holsteinFyxi: what do i do?  i load a live iso, or the guest user, and litearly addd *everything* til i learn what it is i want20:54
GridCube_its part of the plugins indicators20:55
holsteinFyxi: you mean, on xubuntu vm, correct?20:55
Fyxiyeah -> i want the same icon on my native xubuntu as xubuntu vm20:55
holsteinFyxi: ubuntu is not using xfce.. so, that will look and feel different.. though, they are both ubuntu base20:55
Fyximeh, this is really messed20:55
holsteinFyxi: add back the "native" xubuntu tray icon.. reset it to default, if you want..20:55
holsteinFyxi: as i said, i literally add *everything* back, in a "safe" live, or guest environment, til i learn what it is that i want20:56
holsteinFyxi: you can right click, and add what you like20:56
pencilandpaperhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNXj9V3BbuM <---- check out what google is up to.21:29
w30pencilandpaper, the frightening thing is that NSA can say to Google, or other, We want to meet and talk and you are not allowed to tell anyone we met.22:11
pencilandpaper..and you also arent allowed to tell them no w30 .22:12
holsteinplease, use the OT channel..22:12
ubottu#xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:12
pencilandpaperbrb, i am going to go and restart real quick.22:12
w30pencilandpaper, that really kicks the constitution to the curb without a possibility of redress.22:14
w30opps, sorry holstein and Mr.Bot....22:18

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