
veebersIf I deploy a charm and 'juju expose' it, I should be able to access that from my host, right? (local environment, charm is elastic search)00:39
veebersThe test curl query works if I'm on the machine itself, but not from the host00:40
thumperveebers: if you are using the local provider, it is all exposed anyway01:22
thumperveebers: how are you doing the query?01:22
veebersthumper: it's all good, I've worked around it (using 'juju run') Its not important as im just tinkering at this point and it's not essential for the end resulting product01:38
frenda- HI there, Is there any working service currently using juju gui?05:17
frenda- Is juju-gui translatable?05:17
ddellavmorning arosales11:34
apuimedolazyPower: Hi13:12
apuimedojamespage: ping14:18
arosalesddellav, morning14:57
jamespagehey arosales, ddellav15:01
ddellavhey guys15:06
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beisnerjamespage, can you land this?  coreycb has reviewed.  https://code.launchpad.net/~1chb1n/charm-helpers/amulet-ceph-cinder-updates/+merge/26201316:51
beisnercoreycb, added functional test coverage to cinder-ceph, cinder-next, ceph-radosgw, ceph-osd and ceph;  can you review these?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/11794072/16:53
coreycbbeisner, yep, will do17:03
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=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== scuttlemonkey is now known as scuttle|afk
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=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
ennobleIs there a way to kill a juju action that is in the running state, but isn't running any longer? juju debug-log is also repeating: ERROR juju.rpc server.go:573 error writing response: EOF & ERROR juju.worker.uniter.filter filter.go:137 tomb: dying23:27
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=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
thumperennoble: interesting23:50
thumperennoble: can I get you to file a bug and attach the relevant log parts that show the start of the uniter errors?23:51

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