
mhall119ahoneybun: FOSSETCON will be in November this year, so after 15.10's release, just FYI01:44
mhall119valorie: I'm looking to see what it would cost to print them with whoever is printing the Ubuntu DVDs for Canonical01:45
mhall119then using the community donations to pay for it01:46
shadeslayeryofel: http://www.ok1.de/Lenovo-ThinkPad-T450s-20BWS03E00--884.html01:46
shadeslayeryofel: squeee01:46
valoriethank you, mhall11901:47
ahoneybunvalorie: if we want DVDs for akademy they would have to be 15.0401:47
ahoneybunbut everyone there knows about KDE there :)01:48
ahoneybunFOSSETCON would be a whole new userbase01:48
ahoneybunvalorie: so we pick akademy, fossetcon, or both lol01:55
valorieyou will get more people wanting to USE a dvd at fosset01:56
valoriemore people wanting to collect at Akademy01:56
ahoneybunvalorie: a friend of mine is working on a machine that will make usb thumb drives with Linux on it01:57
ahoneybunif you have seen those new coke machines with the touch screen01:57
ahoneybunyou pick your FLAVOR of Linux lol01:57
ahoneybunI vote for Fossetcon01:58
ahoneybunput it in the hands of people who would try Plasma 5 for the first time01:59
valoriealso it leaves you free to just enjoy Akademy02:00
ahoneybunplus 15.10 will be better then 15.04 I hope02:00
valorieyour first time, you'll want time to explore02:00
* ahoneybun read that very very wrong02:00
valorieof course 15.10 will be better02:00
valorie15.04 is a bit bumpy; so much new stuff02:01
ahoneybunI used to blame systemd but Ubuntu 15.04 is just fine02:01
ahoneybunwith systemd02:01
ahoneybunstill is bumpy02:01
ahoneybundamn Xorg or something02:01
valoriecould be02:01
ahoneybunthing does not like me switching monitors02:02
ahoneybunit tears up the screen sometimes02:02
ahoneybunand I have to kill Xorg02:02
valorieI think I'll go out and try to do a bit of work outside since it's cooling off slightly02:02
ahoneybunI'll most likely be out before your back lol02:02
* ahoneybun trys to hack a arduino to use a button to switch colors on LED02:06
valorielooks great, ovidiu-florin!04:16
valorieI like it in B/W04:16
seaLnevalorie, ahoneybun, Riddell: i'm not to sure how useful giving out kubuntu dvds at akademy would be. i'm sure lots of people would take them but they could also quite easily make them selves a usb stick with it on. if there is going to be a limited number some other conferences might be a better target imho. blue systems can have a table ("booth") if they want05:56
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: are you still awake?05:58
ahoneybunmaybe ovidiu-florin05:59
ahoneybunthanks seaLne05:59
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: message me on telegram I'm doing something with a driver06:00
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Tm_TI cannot paste anything to KDE applications at the moment06:18
Tm_Tthey just hang and wait and nothing get pasted06:18
Tm_Tmaybe dbus related?06:18
soeegood morning07:00
macguyHi, is it a good idea to istall Kubuntu on a Mac? Will I face any problems regarding software availability etc?07:12
macguyAlso will I face any hardware issues? Something like the webcam not working fine, or any other piece of hardware?07:16
soeemacguy: try it on virtual machine, i have no idea how it will work on mac :)07:35
macguysoee: I have used it on a virtual machine for quite some time now07:36
macguyits been running fine on virtualbox07:36
soeethe only problem i see is taht you won't have all this fancy apps that mac offers07:37
soeehardware is hardware so it should works just fine i think07:37
macguysoee: would you recommend dual booting OS X and ubuntu?07:39
Riddellmparillo: wp upgraded and new theme on wire.kubuntu.org07:40
Riddellmacguy: user questions are best on #kubuntu usually07:40
soeemacguy: can't give any advice. i never used mac :) I'm running Kubuntu next to windows only and it works just fine07:50
soeeif you create separate partitions for kubuntu, it's prettyu safe to install it and test. i'm not sure how bootloader works on mac and if it iwll be detect and updated properly by kubuntu07:52
soeealways backup your origibnal (mac) data before such changes ;07:52
scottnIf I wanted to build .deb packages of some of the latest KDE software for Ubuntu 15.04 is their any howtos on how to do this? I know how to compile the source and have a limited understanding of the debian rules. The bit I'm missing is how to two relate. 07:58
soeeRiddell: ^08:09
soeescottn: maybe you are interested in packaging generally ? I think Jonathan could help you start with it and maybe you would liek to help Kubntu devs with packaging ? :)08:12
Riddellhi scottn08:13
Riddellyou'd need to learn packaging in general which takes a few days of playing around08:14
Riddellthen we have some scripts to do it in bulk but they're a bit fragile so you need to know how to fix them up08:14
Riddellbut I think sgclark may be doing backports to 15.0408:15
Riddellwhat do you want to package?08:15
scottnRiddell: Was wanting to do the 15.04.2 KDE applications but realised I didn't know enough to know where to start. I've added debian rules to source files to convert them to .debs but in this case these must already exist.08:22
scottnSo was looking for some pointers on how you guys do it when you build stuff for the backports PPA.08:23
scottnThat's my short term goal. Longer term I could maybe help with the packaging once I've understood what needs to be done and how it works.08:24
Riddelluh, sgclark I may have just screwed up08:24
Riddellscottn: can you build a package?08:24
Riddellcos you need to learn how to do it generally before you do bulk stuff08:25
scottnYes. I'm happy creating my own debian directory with it's rules, dependencies etc for very small and simple source repositories, but never tried anything of the complexity of some of the KDE packages, other than build them from source.08:26
Riddellsgclark: ug yes I did, in tidying up the PPAs I forgot you had stuff in progress and deleted next-staging :( you may hit me08:26
scottnFor that I've used the kdesrc package08:27
Riddellscottn: do you have a PPA?08:27
Riddellscottn: you'll need one :)08:32
Riddellscottn: these are the scripts we use to do bulk packaging https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/+junk/kubuntu-automation/08:33
scottnIs that the same as a Ubuntu One account? I have one of those. 08:33
Riddellscottn: but as I say they're a bit bit-worn08:33
Riddellscottn: ubuntu one account will get you an account on launchpad, where you can make a PPA (personal package archive) and packages can be uploaded to08:33
Riddellscottn: we then have packaging in debian git http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-kde/08:34
Riddellscottn: e.g. you can see the vivid_backports branch for amor that would be used for 15.04 backports http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-kde/applications/amor.git/08:34
scottnOK. Logged into launchpad with my ubuntu one account.08:35
Riddellscottn: one of the kubuntu-automation scripts will put together the packaging from git with the tar from kde.org and put it into a launchpad ppa08:36
Riddellscottn: and one of the other kubuntu-automation scripts will make a readable output like this so we can see if there's problems http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/plasma-status/build_status_5.3.1_vivid.html08:36
lordievaderGood morning.08:37
soeehiho lordievader08:38
scottnOK. Thanks. Let me have a look at those to start with and then hopefully I can start asking some intelligent questions :-). I'm in New Zealand so it's 8:37 pm so there may be a bit of a delay.08:39
Riddellscottn: and good to have you here, do stick around, try to let the politics not interfere with the fun too much08:40
lordievaderHey soee, how are you doing?08:40
soeelordievader: i'm fine, a lot of work to be done today :) you ?08:50
lordievaderSlowly waking up.08:51
Riddellwgrant: resizing request if you have a minute https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/26864308:51
ovidiu-florinRiddell: you got a new camera?09:17
Riddellovidiu-florin: alas no, just nim has hers09:17
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sick_rimmitOh Boy!! - I have a broken desktop10:29
sick_rimmitG+ Hangouts crashed my machine, and now I have a black desktop, now Kicker, system tray etc...10:30
sick_rimmitOddly Konversation auto starts, and presents a window, hence how I can type in here10:31
sick_rimmitI suspect it's a corrupted session file, but I can't seem to find where they're stored..10:32
sick_rimmitany help appreciated10:32
Riddellsick_rimmit: ~/.config10:33
Riddellsick_rimmit: ~/.config/session10:33
sick_rimmitAh, brill, I was looking in .kde10:36
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sgclarkRiddell: I was working in ninjas13:34
Riddellsgclark: ah good, I was worried I'd screwed up your work13:34
Riddellclivejo: how did you get on with calligra?13:56
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clivejoRiddell: I cant get it any further16:04
clivejoits complaining about a missing lib file16:04
clivejoeven though I put the file in the package#16:04
Riddellclivejo: it might be the ones in debian/rules16:06
Riddellclivejo: stuck the error on paste.kde.org16:06
clivejoI rm all 16:06
clivejoI was going to try Digikam4.11.016:07
clivejodid you package calligra?16:08
Riddellclivejo: I've not no16:11
Riddellclivejo: digikam would be good, although it's not small either16:11
clivejoI cant work out what calligra is complaining about16:14
clivejoIve googled for hours on it and still cant figure it out16:14
Riddellclivejo: it's probably something easyish but if you deleted it hard to find out now16:21
Riddellno bother, give digikam a try16:21
clivejowhat base package should I use16:21
clivejoIll try again16:21
clivejoI think it should be archived so I could recover the control file16:22
clivejosave me working out the deps again16:22
clivejoRiddell: what base package should I use?  I think I used the wrong one last time16:25
Riddellclivejo: for digikam?16:25
Riddellclivejo: in bzr I think https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/calligra16:26
Riddellso is digikam16:26
Riddellbut only tackle it if you won't lose your soul over it16:27
clivejook let me try with that16:27
clivejoI want to learn, just hate getting stuck16:27
clivejoget so frustrated I have to go and split logs!16:27
clivejoRiddell: ok so tar ball is calligra_2.9.5.orig.tar.xz is that right?16:32
Riddellclivejo: yep16:33
clivejook when I do dch -i16:35
clivejoit has a section added by you16:35
clivejocalligra (1:2.9.2-0ubuntu4)16:35
clivejobut it doesnt appear to be signed off by you16:35
clivejoRiddell: https://paste.kde.org/p8zu3q8ds16:37
clivejodo I keep that version numbering?16:37
clivejo1:2.9.5-0ubuntu~ubuntu15.10~ppa1 ?16:38
Riddellclivejo: looks like I failed to commit that top version when I uploaded to the archive 1:2.9.2-0ubuntu3 16:38
clivejowhat does the 1: mean16:38
Riddellso you can just change UNRELEASED to vivid and take it from there16:39
Riddellyes 1:2.9.5-0ubuntu~ubuntu15.10~ppa1 is right16:39
Riddell1: is an epoch, it means at some point in the past someone screwed up the version numbers and had to add an epoch to reset them16:39
clivejowill I leave your comments in there?16:39
Riddellclivejo: yes16:39
clivejowill that epoch ever come out of the name?16:40
clivejook this is the error hit me before16:42
clivejoIve run "quilt refresh" but stillthrowing that error16:44
clivejothe patch has fuzz which is not allowed, or is malformed :/16:45
clivejoRiddell: poke16:47
Riddellnah an epoch is forever16:47
Riddelllike a puppy at christmas16:47
Riddellclivejo: quilt push kubuntu_krita_plugin_directory.diff; quilt refresh  ?16:48
clivejoRiddell: 2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- rejects in file krita/sketch/CMakeLists.txt16:50
clivejoPatch debian/patches/kubuntu_krita_plugin_directory.diff does not apply (enforce with -f)16:50
clivejoRiddell: do I have to force it?16:51
Riddellclivejo: you'll need to edit it manually then16:51
Riddellqulit push -f  will force it16:51
Riddellyou'll get a .rej file16:51
Riddellopen that and the file it tries to patch and work out how to apply the patch16:51
Riddellthen save and quilt refresh16:51
clivejoI know knowing about quilt16:52
clivejoI need to learn this stuff16:52
clivejoknow noththing16:52
clivejook "quilt refresh -f " seems to have cleared that error, but why?16:53
Riddellclivejo: well it applied the patch but ignored the failures16:56
Riddellclivejo: so it's now in failed mode16:56
Riddelland you need to apply the patch manually16:56
clivejohow does one do that?16:56
clivejoits debuilding as we speak16:56
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Riddellclivejo: look at the patch, work out what it does and what needs to be applied to the files now17:24
Riddelldetective work, like a lot of packaging17:25
Riddellwhee lots to do http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/plasma-status/build_status_5.3.2_wily.html18:22
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santa_Riddell: sending patch[es] to kubuntu-devel...19:12
Riddellsanta_: any idea why http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-kde/plasma/ksysguard.git/tree/debian/copyright?h=kubuntu_wily_archive gets W: ksysguard source: dep5-copyright-license-name-not-unique (paragraph at line 232)19:17
RiddellW: ksysguard source: missing-license-paragraph-in-dep5-copyright gpl-2+ (paragraph at line 228)19:17
Riddell ?19:17
santa_let me check,,,19:18
santa_maybe a bug in lintian, let me test something...19:26
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clivejowhy cant projects be given a unique name?!?  I dont want to know how to make blankets or sewing!!19:36
Ziniccd 419:51
clivejoI dont get why quilt is needed, if I download the lastest release, surely all relevant patches are included in it?19:52
santa_Riddell: lintian bug https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=77967620:01
ubottuDebian bug 779676 in lintian "dep5-copyright-license-name-not-unique check is too strict or too severe." [Normal,Open]20:01
santa_Riddell: and replying directly to your question: because both the first and the last paragraph use GPL-2+ as license20:02
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=== soee changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - 10 years of friendlyness | https://trello.com/kubuntu | http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ | Plasma 5.3.2 (Wily) status: http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/plasma-status/build_status_5.3.2_wily.html | Welcome ximion!
ahoneybunis it best to install a deb or use a PPA?21:12
santa_I guess it depends. what do you want to install?21:13
ahoneybuntelegram client in Qt21:13
valorieif you think we should include it, why not PPA21:14
valorieand let people test it?21:14
valorieif you put it in a PPA, then people can test it21:15
ahoneybunit already is21:15
ahoneybunthe team put it in one: http://www.linuxandubuntu.com/home/cutegram-2-2-0-telegram-client-for-linux-released-install-in-ubuntu-linux-mint-debian-based-distros21:15
valorieif people like it, then file a bug that it be included in the archive21:16
santa_ahoneybun: then I would go for the ppa21:17
ahoneybunok thanks guys21:17
santa_nice finding by the way21:17
santa_I'm using telegram too21:18
ahoneybunit works very well21:18
ahoneybunsyncs between phone and desktop very nicely21:18
valoriewhy does the world need another messaging app?21:18
ahoneybunvalorie: since Hangout is not on Ubuntu Touch but telegram is21:19
santa_because whatsapp aint free21:19
ahoneybunand whatsapp is not on UT as well21:19
clivejowhat does "@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ endif()" mean in a quilt diff file?21:19
valoriewhatsapp is evil21:19
valoriealtho I have it on my phone21:19
* ahoneybun never has used it21:20
valoriegah, need to clean my house21:20
valorieI got it because SMS isn't international21:20
valoriesurely someone will come up with something modern that just Works Everywhere21:20
valorieok, coffee aquired21:21
valorieI'll check out telegram21:21
ahoneybunits over data so it should work everywhere just like hangouts21:21
valoriedoes kde-telepathy do telegram?21:21
ahoneybunnot sure21:21
valoriettyl, gotta clean house21:22
ahoneybunI mean if UT can make a appliation then the API is there to do it21:22
santa_clivejo: there is no such thing as "quilt diff" files; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unified_diff21:23
ahoneybunvalorie: https://akulichalexandr.wordpress.com/2014/05/26/telegram-connection-manager-gsoc-2014-task-overview/21:23
Riddellclaydoh: if you download a source package it'll apply them using quilt (not really but it's a different program to do the same thing) then you can unapply and reapply them in a somewhat managed way21:34
Riddelloh sorry claydoh, that was to clivejo but he went away21:34
claydohRiddell:  s'ok ;)21:34
santa_he didn't see my stuff too XD21:39
ahoneybunRiddell: could this be done at akademy: https://akulichalexandr.wordpress.com/2014/05/26/telegram-connection-manager-gsoc-2014-task-overview/ ?22:11
Riddellahoneybun: what about it?22:13
ahoneybunRiddell: it seems a bit slow/dead22:13
ahoneybuntelegram support in Telepathy would be awesome22:13
clivejoRiddell: you got few minutes to help me sort this quilt problem?22:29
Riddellclivejo: hmm not really, what's up?22:30
clivejosays there an issue with kubuntu_release_type.diff22:30
clivejocan't find file to patch at input line 522:31
clivejo@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ endif()22:32
Riddellit wants to patch ./CMakeLists.txt22:32
Riddellso take a look in ./CMakeLists.txt and see if it should apply22:32
Riddellif you can work out how to apply the patch manually then force it with quilt push -f  and open CMakeLists.txt in a text editor,  edit and save,  quilt refresh22:33
clivejoThat line is already  changed - set(RELEASE_BUILD_TYPES "release" "relwithdebinfo" "minsizerel" "debian")22:42
clivejoIve editted it back and let quilt change it22:44

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