
Trelbrb updating irc client00:54
=== wanderer is now known as Guest1529
stevejobsinhellCan someone point me to the proper resources to get Qt5 installed.  I don't know the names of the packages to apt-get01:15
valoriestevejobsinhell: are you running 15.04?01:30
valoriepepee: I don't have time to read that whole thread - but I think perhaps the UCC didn't realize how wide the damage would be01:34
valoriethat said, it is left to us to make the best of what we have, now01:34
pepeehasn't kubuntu been having problems with ubuntu since... I dunno, at least 8 years?01:35
pepeeI started with ubuntu 6.06 and moved to kubuntu 8.04 IIRC, and even then there were problems01:36
valoriewell, I guess that depends on your point of view01:36
valoriepersonally, I knew the story when I started volunteering here, and nothing has changed but one bad incident, with many of my friends hurt01:37
valoriethe fundamentals remain the same01:37
pepeeanyway, I hope this doesn't end badly, Kubuntu is, AFAIU, the biggest *ubuntu flavor01:37
valoriehopefully, we'll heal and stay healthy01:38
valorieright now, that isn't guaranteed01:38
pepeearen't the guys who left kinda relevant in the KDE community?01:38
valorieeverybody is relevant01:38
valoriewe're open to new contributors, and just signed up a new Member last week01:39
valorieotoh, people shouldn't /can't stay active forever01:40
valorieburnout is a real thing, with bad effects all over the place01:40
valorieoops, we should take this to #kubuntu-offtopic01:40
pepeeheh, yeah01:45
TrelAnd if you want a laugh, make #kubuntu-offtopic redirect back here01:46
TrelIn Kubuntu 15.04 how can I upgrade the KDE Framework past 5.9.0 to 5.1101:47
pepeethere is a PPA IIRC01:48
valorieTrel: what is your purpose in doing that?01:49
valorieare you developing something that needs those frameworks?01:50
Trelvalorie: after 6 hours of debugging, 3 hours of IRC, 2 reinstalls of kubuntu and 3 other distro Live CDs, it turns out.....https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34714301:50
ubottuKDE bug 347143 in Panel "Panel stays light when theme is set to 'Breeze Dark'" [Minor,Resolved: fixed]01:50
TrelMy issue was a known (and fixed bug)01:50
valoriewell, lots of the devels are running wily01:50
valorieand having a good experience01:50
TrelHow do I download an iso of that, rather than 15.04?01:51
TrelI don't see a link to a full listing with non-release versions01:52
valorieah, probably linked in teh QA site01:52
Trelfound it on cdimage.ubuntu01:53
stevejobsinhellvalorie: yes, but I'm thinking about rolling back to 1401:55
stevejobsinhellI'd like to do the version 14 way.  I don't like 15.0401:55
valoriewell, 14.XX are not Qt 501:57
valorieso I don't think that would be a good mix01:57
stevejobsinhellok I'll stick with version 15.0401:57
vbgunz does anyone know why my cmedia audio, get's to 30% loud, it goes mute?02:01
stevejobsinhellvalorie: is installing Qt on ubuntu done through apt-get or from nokia's site ?02:10
vbgunzstevejobsinhell: not sure what you're up to, surely you can install from whatever resource you need but most of the safest installations are done from the repos. if not safest, most convenient02:11
valoriestevejobsinhell: if you are developing an application, best to use `build-depends` to get all the correct dependencies before building it02:25
valorieyou def. want to use from the repos as vbgunz says02:25
valorieand as I said to Trel, if you want the latest, run the alpha02:26
valorieyou can always do it in a vm02:26
KitiragatoBoa galera.... faz tempo que num entro numa sala de IRC02:31
KitiragatoAlgum brasileiro por aqui... ou todo mundo e brasileiro02:32
Kitiragatof10: Blz...02:34
Kitiragatoou nao tem brasileiro por aqui02:35
valorie!br | Kitiragato02:35
ubottuKitiragato: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.02:35
Kitiragatovalorie: Obrigado02:36
Kitiragatoubottu: Vlwww... Brigadao02:37
=== JoshuaFarmer is now known as JoshuaFarmerMS
scottn_workAnyone know when plasma 5.3.1 and applications 15.04.2 and frameworks 5.11.0 are going to be in the backports PPA?02:51
valoriescottn_work: backports to what?03:10
valorie5.3.1 is already in backports for 15.0403:11
valorieunsure about the others; I assume as the packagers get to it03:11
valoriehelp always welcome!03:11
Trelvalorie: it looks like the alpha, is still on 5.10.003:16
scottn_workvalorie: 15.0403:16
valoriepackaging has slowed down lately, due to a number of factors03:17
valorieincluding summer vacations03:18
valoriemore help always welcome03:18
scottn_workvalorie: Any links to what is required? I can build from source and have a very basic knowlege of the debian package rules.03:21
valorienice, scottn_work -- please join #kubuntu-devel if you are interested03:31
valoriealthough most of the devels are probably asleep right now03:31
valoriemost live in europe03:32
scottn_workAhh, OK. I'm down in New Zealand03:53
markchas anyone built the Qt 5.4.2 multimediawidgets/player example and can actually play an mp3?03:54
valoriemarkc: have you installed kubuntu-restricted-extras ?03:58
markcvalorie: no I hadn't, thanks. vlc and dragon work so it never occurred to me. Still no sound from the "player" example. I've been fiddling with Jack so I'll reboot to be sure PA is the only sound server04:10
valoriegood deal04:11
valorieyes, mp3 isn't open source, so requires a codec04:11
valorievlc includes the codec in its code04:11
valorienot sure what "player" example you speak of, so can't say more04:11
markcah right, ofc course, but qt examples would need the codec04:11
valorieah, I wonder if that's PMC by another name04:13
markcactually, would you happen to know what package includes all the qt docs and examples?04:13
valoriePlasma Media Player04:13
markcI installed the offline 5.4.2 system so I would get a more recent qtcreator but due to no-sound issues I'm trying to switch back to the default system qt dev packages04:14
valorieapt search doesn't find much useful04:14
valoriewell, if you want the very latest you will want the Wily alpha04:14
valoriein a vm if nothing else04:14
valoriethe devels who are running it seem very happy with it04:15
markcthe "player" example is Examples/Qt-5.4/multimediawidgets/player in the offline installer04:15
TrelKDE 5 seems to play even worse with my CPU than 4 did as far as compositing04:16
markcyes, I've been using wily on my laptop for a month now... a bit rough at times04:16
Trel(core2duo P8400)04:16
valorieof course it's rough -- it's alpha04:17
markcyes I know and I'm not complaining. I'm chasing etter hidpi support so I'm prepared to sit on the bleeding edge04:18
valorieok -- #plasma for those specific issues04:19
valorienot that it's off-topic here, but the experts live there04:19
Trelvalorie: me? I need to go back to LTS for KDE4 it's looking like unless I find another DE I like.  My hardware is outdated so it's likely not high on the list of things that'll be fixed04:20
markcvalorie: ah of course, and thank you for your help, appreciated. I better reboot04:20
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vbgunzKubuntu 15.04 and nvidia proprietary drivers 346.59 have many many problems when switching monitors. is there a fix for this? It's really truly unreliable and I find myself going into terminal restarting sddm to get things right again. any clues as to what is happening?04:49
valorievbgunz: I've heard people discussing various nvidia drivers04:51
valoriebut I've not paid attention, since I don't use nvidia04:51
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto04:51
vbgunzI'm using whatever drivers Kubuntu supports out of the box for the 960. Everytime I use the nvidia dialogs to change up monitors, the screen flickers and breaks and sometimes it just gets ridiculous. I'm googling but really feel like holy shit, I'm the only guy with this problem04:53
vbgunzI can't believe not enough people ran into it to cause it to show up in the first 10 hits on google04:53
vbgunzit's a definite show stopper and someone that doesn't know how to restart sddm from a terminal would be having a horrible time04:53
vbgunzI'm just not finding any info on it anywhere... no way this is smooth for others04:54
valorieno, it's a problem for lots of people04:56
valoriethere is the xorg-edgers PPA for one thing04:56
valoriethus the factoid for nvidia04:57
ahoneybunvbgunz: are you getting "tears"?04:59
vbgunzlast time I messed with xorg-edgers, I remember coming up to a blank screen because of it. I got completely stuck in the terminal because of it. it blew my head open04:59
vbgunzahoneybun: I was but put a little trick in /etc/profile.d/ for kwin04:59
vbgunzthat did help a lot04:59
ahoneybunit happens when I mess with the monitor settings sometimes or when I unplug the HDMI cable05:00
ahoneybundid happen a few from returning from suspend05:00
ahoneybunhey babu_05:00
babu_can you help me hwo to setup a apache05:01
ahoneybunapache server?05:01
vbgunzmy main issue now is, I have 3 monitors. sometimes in the nvidia control panel, I'll select to enable another monitor and when I do, the screens bork and seriously go crazy. I have to wait for the confirmation to time out and for things to get restored. sometimes, I believe kwin dies and Alt+F2 doesn't work to try and replace it. I can even call up konsole but then I won't be able to type into it. something about switching monitors using nvidia05:01
vbgunzcontrol panel is a real hassle in 15.0405:01
ahoneybunI move to a tty and kill Xorg05:02
babu_yes apache05:02
vbgunzI too have to switch to a tty and restart sddm just to get things back... this is to no end sucking as I find myself needing a different combination of monitors throughout the day... damn it's upsetting05:03
valoriebabu_: that isn't really on-topic for the chan05:04
babu_oh what is it?05:04
valoriethis is a help chan for Kubuntu05:05
valorieyou might find some help in #httpd05:05
babu_ok can you please tell me how to disable or remove akonadi?05:05
valoriethere are loads of apache chans, which you can find using alis05:05
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*05:06
valoriebabu_: are you using applications/services which use akonadi?05:06
ahoneybunvbgunz: I reset Xorg not sddm05:06
ahoneybunvalorie: vbgunz http://imgur.com/9sfn0WT05:07
vbgunzahoneybun: not sure what you're talking about, I just service restart sddm05:08
ahoneybunsddm is login though05:08
valorieahoneybun: what IS that?05:08
vbgunzahoneybun: yeah, I end up back at the login screen05:09
ahoneybunvalorie: what happens sometimes05:09
valorielooks like bad drugs05:09
vbgunzahoneybun: that picture is exactly what happens to me when I switch monitors05:09
ahoneybunvbgunz: I get back to the desktop, fixed05:09
vbgunznot everytime but often enough05:09
vbgunzahoneybun: what's the trick to resetting xorg?05:09
ahoneybunsudo killall Xorg05:10
ahoneybunbut not sure if that is the best way05:10
vbgunzhmm, that doesn't log me out?05:10
ahoneybunusing prime-select *cardhere* does the trick too05:10
vbgunzsucks I gotta use sudo for that05:10
ahoneybunwell it is a root task05:11
ahoneybunI have nvidia prime crap05:11
ahoneybunintel + nvidia05:12
vbgunzI do have an intel chip but don't think (not sure) I have any intel graphics support05:12
ahoneybunintel graphics + nvidia graphics05:12
ahoneybunnvidia prime/ bumbleebee05:12
vbgunzhmm, tomorrow I'll see how to turn it off if it's on, I don't want it while the nvidia card is in05:13
vbgunzif I kill Xorg, does it autorestart?05:13
ahoneybunthis is a laptop so I can't take it out05:13
ahoneybunvbgunz: it does05:13
ubottuThe Bumblebee Project aims to support NVIDIA Optimus technology under Linux. The Bumblebee website can be found at http://bumblebee-project.org/05:13
ahoneybunI mean if it works05:13
ahoneybunthanks valorie05:13
valorieI couldn't remember it until you mentioned it05:14
valorieso thank you05:14
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vbgunzsudo killall Xorg is the same for me as sudo service sddm restart05:14
ahoneybunworks the same vbgunz?05:14
vbgunzit's sort of what I do to get things back from when they bork out and go nuts like your screenshot, yeah05:15
ahoneybunso it is not just you or just me vbgunz05:15
vbgunzthe prime-select one though is something to try but the sudo part bugs me a bit. sometimes, I lose all access to typing anything but switching to a tty saves the day05:16
ahoneybundepends if you have that setup05:16
vbgunzthere's just something really wrong with the current nvidia situation. 14.10 is pretty damn solid in this department05:17
ahoneybunmy games do work decent05:17
vbgunzI use an xrandr script that has a bunch of shortcuts to a bunch of different monitor setups and in 14.10 it works like a charm. in 15.04, it's basically hell05:17
ahoneybunoh man05:18
vbgunzit sucks so much, I'm basically holding out on upgrading to 15.04, I don't want to go through the 2 years of KDE 4 hell all over again.. the whole upgrade while the old isn't even solid is worrying05:18
ahoneybunKDE4 is not solid?05:19
vbgunzI'm liking 5 but things like this is just upsetting05:19
ahoneybunof course05:19
vbgunzahoneybun: not one bit, I will never trust kmail or kontact in KDE 4, the desktop, the thing you see first when logging in still has bugs that reminds you, you'll find more (promise)05:20
ahoneybunI love Kontact05:20
vbgunzI mean, KDE 4 is OK, but solid? no, kmail and kontact were big deals for me, I'm basically forced to use chromium and gmail directly05:21
ahoneybuncould be better sure05:22
vbgunzman, it was KDE 3.5 that got me really excited about KDE. 4 came along and I gave it a shot, I stuck with it through growing pains and it's not even solid, I don't trust it and now 5 is out. I'm hoping 5 is the answer but it too is showing it has issues. one thing for sure, it's far more along that 4 was when it debut05:23
vbgunzI have hope for KDE, I'm hoping 5 is it05:23
valorieme too05:25
valoriecomputers will reach perfection simultaneously with becoming outmoded05:25
valorieif experience teaches us anything05:25
vbgunzIf KDE 5 is up to what I think it's up to, it has to end up solid. supposedly, if they get it right, they'll be no overlap of technology and focusing on problems should be a lot easier. I mean, I could be all wrong but I think that's what the 5 plan is05:27
valorieof course05:27
valoriealthough it is not and will never be called KDE505:27
valorieframeworks is good, and getting better05:28
valorieI think Plasma is almost better05:28
vbgunzframeworks, plasma, whatever the nick, it will probably always be KDE 505:28
vbgunzat least for me that is, I sort of grew up with it as KDE05:28
valorieapplications will probably just continue to get better as they are ported05:28
valorieKDE to me is the people I work with05:29
valoriesoftware is good, but the whole point is people05:29
vbgunzI'd really love to see KDE 5 just be the answer I hope it could be. a nice stable, solid desktop, feature rich and fast05:30
vbgunzsorry, I don't mean to throw things off with the whole KDE 5, but calling it something else as if there will never be a KDE 5 is just jarring in a sense05:31
ahoneybunPlasma 505:32
ahoneybunKDE Plasma 505:32
valorieit's ok vbgunz, it's not religion05:32
valoriethe devels don't like mislabeling though05:33
vbgunzyou know at this point, probably just calling it 5 would be about as accurate as anything else :)05:33
valorieor phive, as sitter used to do05:34
vbgunzahoneybun: that monitor issue, do you get that with 346.59? do you have a 900 series card?05:35
vbgunzI have that particular driver and a 96005:36
ahoneybungeforce gt 75.m05:36
vbgunzhmm, so at least we know it doesn't affect our particular line, it's generally at this point an nvidia issue05:36
ahoneybunI'm on 346.5905:37
ahoneybunI think 340.76 is broke05:37
vbgunzhmm, I really don't like to mess with drivers outside of what Ubuntu provides. I hate dealing with the latest nvidia drivers and their installer05:37
ahoneybun340 and 346 is provived by Ubuntu05:38
vbgunzyeah, I'm talking about getting their .run file, I don't like doing things like that05:38
vbgunzso I guess in other words, it's gonna be till October till we see something official hopefully solve the issue05:39
ahoneybunthere is a new version for my card05:39
vbgunzon nvidia.com?05:39
ahoneybunlots of fixes05:40
vbgunz352.21 is what's on the site for me. man, if they had an official repo I'd most likely use it but dealing with the installers just leaves me with a sour taste05:41
ahoneybunfunny NVIDIA Setting says I have 1 screen05:42
ahoneybunoh it crashed05:42
vbgunzhmm, I just crashed, kwin just crashed05:43
vbgunzhmm, konversation?05:43
vbgunzyour irc client?05:43
vbgunzmines is konversation, clicking the link you posted caused kwin to crash for me, not sure if it was the actual clicking of the link but I just went throug about 10 seconds of freeze then a bubble popped up saying kwin crashed05:44
ahoneybunI'm thinking of installing the new driver05:44
vbgunzhmm, I'd hate to do it then discover it doesn't solve a thing05:45
vbgunzI mean, it could always be just one little stupid thing, like turn off flipping and everything works like new05:45
ahoneybundo you have that intel thing in the driver settings?05:46
vbgunznot sure to be honest, I never had an intel before and this is a new pc a couple months old05:46
* ahoneybun makes backups05:47
vbgunzahoneybun: my main 14.10 is backed up atm. almost 2TB of data. what I'm on right now is 15.04 and honestly, I'm just testing it out. I could destroy it but I'm so tired of destroying stuff. I'm at this point where goddamn it, just work.05:48
ahoneybunyea I understand that05:49
ahoneybunI have 2 older laptops for testing things05:49
vbgunzI've gotta say though, I've missed Konversation. it's a good client.05:50
valoriebest I've ever used05:50
vbgunzSho behind it right? also Yakuake?05:51
vbgunzYakuake is something I've only needed to use once. hooked ever since, I go out of my way to install it05:52
valoriehe didn't found it, but is the maintainer05:52
valorieme too05:52
valoriesuch a time-saver, if nothing else05:52
* ahoneybun starts the installer05:53
vbgunzahoneybun: you need to shutdown the desktop for the installer?05:53
valorieyou don't use yakuake, ahoneybun?05:53
vbgunzshutdown x05:53
valorieoh, installer for your borked card05:53
valorieI need to go to bed05:53
ahoneybunvalorie: I don't05:53
valorieniters all05:54
valorieyou are missing out!05:54
vbgunzit's all good, gnight!05:54
ahoneybunvbgunz: how does one shutdown X?05:56
vbgunzI go to a tty and sudo service sddm stop05:56
ahoneybunfor X?05:56
vbgunzahoneybun: well, not for X but it completely logs me out of the desktop and locks me into a tty. from there I can install the nvidia driver without a problem05:57
vbgunzif that's what you're up to05:57
ahoneybunguess I'll try it05:57
ahoneybunwhat could go wrong lol05:57
vbgunzahoneybun: wait05:57
vbgunzyou're on 15.04?05:58
vbgunzyou have sddm? if you don't, try lightdm05:58
vbgunzgood luck05:58
ahoneybunsddm is in 15.0405:58
vbgunzahoneybun: if you want to end up uninstalling it, you'll have to go back to that file you've downloaded and run it with the --uninstall switch05:59
ahoneybunreplace lightdm with sddm I would think06:00
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vbgunzahoneybun: good luck, I'm off to bed, hopefully everything goes great :)06:09
macguyHi, is it a good idea to istall Kubuntu on a Mac? Will I face any problems regarding software availability etc?07:13
macguyAlso will I face any hardware issues? Something like the webcam not working fine, or any other piece of hardware?07:16
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages07:18
hateballmacguy: ^07:19
macguyhateball: thanks for that. But that doesn't answer my question. Have you faced any problems in the long term usage of Kubntu on a Mac/07:20
hateballI don't use apple hardware, which is why I refered you to the wiki where people who do, have written stuff07:21
macguyokay thanks07:21
ahoneybundepends on the mac macguy07:21
ahoneybunI have a old MacBook 3,1 and it runs every Ubuntu flavor fine07:22
macguyahoneybun: I am using a Macbook pro mid 2012 model07:22
macguyi really don't want to dual boot. so I am deciding to switch over completely to Ubuntu07:23
ahoneybunmacguy: I would say run the live media and see how it works07:23
ahoneybunthat everything works07:24
ahoneybunI don't think the camera will out of the box07:24
ahoneybunat least on my it does not07:24
macguyso you mean the webcam doesn't function at all?07:24
macguyahoneybun: I have used ubuntu for sometime now. I have used it on a normal PC, and on virtual box in my mac.07:25
ahoneybunit can work07:25
ahoneybunbut on my mac I needed a driver07:25
ahoneybunsomething about iSight07:26
macguyi see07:27
macguyahoneybun: any experience you got with the more recent mac books?07:27
ahoneybunhapply no (I don;t like Apple things07:28
ahoneybunhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro9-2/Precise : this is from Precise (12.04) so it is old07:29
ahoneybunbbl need sleep07:29
ahoneybunbest of luck macguy07:29
ahoneybunplease do stick around07:30
macguythanks ahoneybun07:30
hyper_chvalorie: do you know in what file the setting is stored that the "desktop background" should be folder view?07:31
hateballhyper_ch: dunno if "grep -Rn folder ~/.kde" might give some clues07:34
hateballI dont fancy changing my settings just to find it ;p07:34
sick_rimmithyper_ch: You'll find all the KDE stuff in a hidden .kde dir in your home folder07:35
hateballI guess "grep -Rni folder ~/.kde" would be better, dunno if it's lower/upper case07:36
Etriaphhateball: 15.04?07:38
hateballEtriaph: I'm not sure what your question is07:38
Etriaphhateball: Are you running Kubuntu 15.04?07:39
hateballEtriaph: I am on 14.04 on this particular machine07:39
Etriaphhateball: Then it should be stored in ~/.kde/share/config as far as I know.07:39
hateballEtriaph: I'm not the one with the original question, it's hyper_ch07:39
Etriaphmy bad :D07:40
hyper_chsick_rimmit: actually, a lot has moved to ~/.local and ~/.config07:40
hyper_chsorry, too many channels07:41
hyper_chrunning 15.10... but had the same issue on 15.04.... that it keeps reverting from folder to desktop view upon reboot07:41
macguyany other mac user here, who runs Ubuntu on a mac?07:41
Etriaphhyper_ch: If you're on 15.04 it should be in either ~/.local or ~/.config, but likely ~/.config07:41
markcrepeat question (google is not helping) does anyone know which package contains all the qt5 docs and examples in 15.04/10?07:42
hyper_chEtriaph: well, the problem is that grep gives like a gazillion results... hence I asked in what file that setting is :)07:43
hyper_chall qt5 docs?07:43
Etriaphhyper_ch: I'm looking for it; but, on my 15.04 the combo box to configure it is disabled.07:43
markchyper_ch: just the examples actually07:43
hyper_chmarkc: I think you get them when you install qtcreator07:44
markchyper_ch: I've got the tutorials in qtcreator but not the examples07:44
hyper_chthen the internal qtcreator help has them... but not really sure07:44
hyper_chEtriaph: disabled? oO how did that happen?07:44
hyper_chEtriaph: I think I have an idea... I can set it to some exotic path to show07:45
hyper_chand then I can grep for that07:45
Etriaphhyper_ch: hyper_chhttps://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1422687/disabled.png07:45
EtriaphThere's only one layout, 'Desktop'07:46
hyper_chEtriaph: :(07:46
EtriaphThe fact that the combo box appears leads me to believe it'll be implemented once again.07:47
hyper_chI think this could be it:   .config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc07:47
EtriaphThis is Plasma 5.3.1, should be roughly the same as your 15.10 software.07:47
hyper_chthat looks like it07:48
EtriaphMaybe, but it contains some settings global to the desktop that have nothing to do with the layout.07:49
EtriaphLike scrolling with the wheel on the desktop to change desktops, it's in there.07:49
hyper_chEtriaph: well, there are different containments fields.... and one of them seems to be that07:49
hyper_chI made icons a tad smaller07:50
hyper_chI set to use that folder07:50
hyper_chplugin=org.kde.plasma.folder  probably is that it shows a folder and not the default desktop07:50
hyper_chbut how to make that permanent07:50
EtriaphI think it's a good assumption that the feature isn't intended to be used yet.07:51
EtriaphBut the layout may still exist.  Does that work?07:51
hyper_chwhat do you mean with layout'07:51
EtriaphDesktop layout is the default, and the only one I have available (the combo is disabled); Folder View is a layout that Plasma had in 4 that I don't have access to at this time.07:54
hyper_chit was available on 15.0407:54
EtriaphIt may be that the 'Folder View' layout is not operable atm in Plasma 5.07:54
hyper_chand still is on 15.1007:54
EtriaphOr unstable.07:54
hyper_chbut in both for me it got resetted after every reboot07:55
EtriaphI'm on 15.04, the combo for it is disabled.07:55
hyper_chbut only on my primary screen07:55
hyper_chon the secondary screen it stuck just fine07:55
hyper_chEtriaph: http://images.sjau.ch/img/1f7437b1.png07:57
EtriaphMaybe I should file a bug.07:58
hyper_chmaybe I should switch primary screen, reboot and see if it sticks then07:58
EtriaphTime for me to hit the hay.08:00
EtriaphNight folks.08:00
lordievaderGood morning.08:37
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hyper_chhi lordievader09:18
hyper_chlordievader: I'll be nice today to you :)09:21
hyper_chwell, yesterday. The "wine" situationa ;)09:26
hyper_chyou've already forgotten about it?09:26
lordievaderThat is your problem, not mine ;)09:27
hyper_chbut I bugged you about it for quite some time :)09:27
hyper_chand you were even friendly enough to try and solve the issue ;)09:27
lordievaderIt got my interest at some point. At another point I got bored with it :P09:28
hyper_chstill weird that it couldn't get installed09:28
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thenwkgHi, i am trying to install Android Studio using this PPA : https://paolorotolo.github.io/android-studio/ But i keep getting 404 errors when i do sudp apt-get update.11:03
BluesKajHiyas all11:46
hyper_chyou seem joyful for the beginning of the work-week11:47
BluesKajheh, yeah, because I'm retired :-)11:48
hyper_chI'll get there, eventually11:48
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juboxiHi and thanks, thanks, thanks for the greap12:09
juboxit great OS12:09
juboxiI have a external drive that isn't showing up in gr12:09
juboxiwhat should I do to get my disk back?12:10
juboxiwhat was the command to check what /dev/sdb the drive is12:10
thenwkgHi, i have Kubuntu 15.10 and if i try to add any 3rd party repository i just get 404 error.12:14
thenwkgI am trying to install numix icons, any ideas how to fix this ?12:14
hateballthenwkg: If you give some details as to how you are adding the repos and so on12:15
thenwkg Terminal Commands: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:numix/ppa12:16
thenwkgthen sudo apt-get update12:16
hateballthenwkg: Well, there's no packages for 15.10 what I can see12:18
hateball15.10 support is in #ubuntu+1 as well12:18
thenwkgIs there a way to install a package for 15.4 or older ?12:19
thenwkgOh sorry.12:19
hateballNo harm done :)12:23
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jubo2hi daft pro12:55
jubo2I have an external disk that is not showing up in gparted12:58
jubo2what to do?12:58
hateballjubo2: what does dmesg say when you plug it in13:01
jubo2hateball: dmesg sees it ok13:03
jubo2I wrote some zeros to13:04
hateballjubo2: does gparted not detect the device at all?13:04
jubo2hateball: it detects13:04
jubo2it is a kingston USB-to-SATAIII encasing13:05
jubo2gparted still not seeing it13:05
jubo2there is no /dev/sdb even when it is hooked it13:05
jubo2juboxi@juboxi-X201:~$ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb013:07
jubo2dd: writing to ‘/dev/sdb0’: No space left on device13:07
jubo2hateball: I dunno what to do. dmesg sees it but there is no /dev/sdb13:08
hateballhas this encasing worked before13:09
jubo2hateball: yes13:09
hateballjubo2: well what does dmesg say more specific? can you pastebin?13:11
jubo2hateball: http://pastebin.com/nxx0yqGW13:12
hateballjubo2: I wonder, is the disk very large?13:14
jubo2no 250GB13:14
jubo2I'm also trying to get a 1TB external disk partitioned and formatted but gparted fails on that13:14
jubo2different problem13:14
hateballjubo2: and if you run "parted /dev/sdb" ?13:15
jubo2Error: Error opening /dev/sdb: No medium found13:15
hateballThen I dunno really :|13:16
jalcinehateball: does it show up under `sudo fdisk -l`?13:50
javi_video driver for HP dc5700 Desktop?13:51
javi_video driver for HP dc5700 Desktop?13:56
javi_video driver for HP dc5700 Desktop?13:57
lordievader!patience | javi_13:58
ubottujavi_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait.13:58
lordievaderjavi_: What graphics card is in that desktop?13:58
javi_on board integrated card grafic13:59
lordievaderjavi_: Then you probably already have the driver installed and loaded, what is the output of 'lspci -k|grep -A2 VGA'?14:00
lordievader!paste | javi_14:00
ubottujavi_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:00
javi_ok i prubed14:04
vbgunzahoneybun: did you try out the new nvidia driver? how did it go?14:27
vbgunzI have a cmedia external sound card (cheap way to take care of a lot of audio problems I was having) and although everything is fine, I've noticed that at 30% it's pretty much muted. why?14:39
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Madmindhello I am board14:53
Madmindtalk to me14:53
s_20so, like a wooden board?14:58
nfkvbgunz, that's an alsa issue, most likely15:29
nfkwell, kernel alsa15:29
nfkvbgunz, anyway, be happy sound adjusting even works, those cheap intel hda adapters are not exactly known for quality volume control (or any other type of quality)15:30
nfkon my system the otherwise surprisingly good quality integrated intel hda starts sounding bad if you mess with physical volume levels and you don't want to know how it crackes if it's turned off by power saving15:31
nfkwell, off and then on15:31
nfkvbgunz, another idea might be to install pavucontrol (yes, a gnome/gtk3 app) and make sure the internal volume level is at 100%15:32
nfkyou don't want any more and anything less is basically prone to be worse and might very well mean that it gets inaudible quicly15:33
nfkvbgunz, and one last thing, low quality speakers may also stop responding to faint sound quicker than a quality set15:33
ahoneybunvbgunz: very back15:34
ahoneybunvery bad15:34
nfkno, getting positive on cancer test is very bad15:35
nfkthat's just "you get what you pay for"15:35
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=== max is now known as Guest38826
murthyThis is exciting, good news about the wayland support for kde. I am just quoting this from our kwin dev's blog. "After all I’m just editing this blog post in a full Plasma on Wayland session ". Check out his blog for more details.  http://blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/2015/06/four-years-later/17:23
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MC___alguien de CHile22:44
MC___o AMérica Latina?22:44
MC___tengo un problema en KUbuntu 14.04.222:44
MC___alguien de habla hispana?22:45
MC___hep me22:45
MC___help mee22:45
MC___I nedd help :(22:46
MC___hola gente22:48
MC___tengo un problema en KUbuntu22:48
MC___ayudaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!22:49
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michael_p hi i thought i give 15:04 a stry i went to install nvidia i get a nessage saying starting service 21923:19
ahoneybunthat is systemd michael_p23:25
michael_pdid that still comes back23:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 1432171 in systemd (Ubuntu) "[udev] Shows "starting version 219" boot message even with "quiet"" [Low,Fix released]23:26

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