
=== seelaman` is now known as seelaman
=== cjwatson changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
cjwatson(bazaar.launchpad.net memory upgrade completed successfully)09:29
cjwatson6GB -> 16GB09:30
cjwatsonwell, the codebrowse frontend, which is the thing that keeps OOMing ...09:31
dakerhi guys, i do have a wired thing with LP12:44
dakeri want to login, LP redirects me to login.lp.n12:45
dakeri fil my credentials then LP tells me to type the verification code12:45
dakeri mean the 2-factor authentication but i don't have any 2f device added12:46
wgrantdaker: #canonical-sysadmin can help you with that Ubuntu One login issue.12:56
dakerwgrant: ok thank you12:56
wgrantdaker: A setting was changed recently which means 2FA is always requested for launchpad.net if you have a device activated.12:57
dakerwgrant: no i don't have any device added12:58
wgrantdaker: You're in https://launchpad.net/~sso-2f-testers12:59
dakerah i see12:59
wgrantSo you have done 2FA in the past.12:59
wgrantI suspect that you just disabled the "always ask me for 2FA" setting.12:59
dakerno i wasn't able to added my device12:59
wgrantAnyway, #canonical-sysadmin can sort it out.13:00
dakerwgrant: ok thanks!13:00
bdmurrayIs the 1.0 version of the Launchpad API EoL? https://api.launchpad.net/1.0.html20:54
bdmurray"It was introduced in March 2010, and its end-of-life date is April 2015"20:54
wgrantbdmurray: Launchpad's concept of API versioning is silly and untenable. We should probably remove that text.20:55
bdmurraywgrant: Okay, I was wondering because I just ran across a comment in software-properties about it being EoL in 2015.21:00
wgrantbdmurray: That was the original plan, but the plan was predicated on it being reasonable to guarantee stability of 1.0 and issue new versions afterwards.21:02
wgrantbdmurray: In practice, parts of 1.0 that few people care about have evolved as necessary, so there's no reason to kill it now.21:02

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