
mupBug #1469663 opened: 1.8.0 Error validation highlight displayed to soon <ui> <ux> <MAAS:New for ricgard> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1469663>09:40
mupBug #1469666 opened: 1.8.0 incorrect text alignment in dropdown fields <ui> <ux> <MAAS:New for ricgard> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1469666>09:55
mupBug #1469666 changed: 1.8.0 incorrect text alignment in dropdown fields <ui> <ux> <MAAS:New for ricgard> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1469666>10:04
mupBug #1469666 opened: 1.8.0 incorrect text alignment in dropdown fields <ui> <ux> <MAAS:New for ricgard> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1469666>10:10
Delfynthe MAAS URL passed to openstack, does it need to be resolvable also by the other hosts, or only by the openstack server? I ask because I've installed MAAS and openstack on the same system, with the MAAS system specified to openstack as, but in comands.log I see: INFO juju.network network.go:194 set11:47
Delfynting prefer-ipv6 to false\n2015-06-29 11:19:43 ERROR juju.cmd supercommand.go:430 Get
Delfynd-11e5-b294-e41f13cc851c&op=list: dial tcp connection refused\nERROR failed to bootstrap environment: subprocess encountered error code 111:47
caribouI have more questions on my Curtin customization journey11:53
caribouI'm now able to properly partition, configure & install on a disk and it works well if this disk is the only one11:54
cariboubut if the system has /dev/vda which is the first disk & /dev/vdb which is the big disk being partitioned,11:55
caribouhow can I tell the unit to reboot on the second partitioned disk ?11:55
caribouIf I remove /dev/vda from the system & reboot the unit, it will correctly complete the charm INSTALL and the service comes online11:57
dimiternmpontillo, hey, are you around?12:06
dimiternrvba, ping12:15
rvbadimitern: hey12:15
dimiternrvba, hey12:15
dimiternrvba, so I'm trying to follow mike's "A Portable MAAS Dev/Test Environment" presentation12:15
dimiternrvba, and I've already mirrored the trusty archive, just the sstreams-mirror is still going12:16
dimiternrvba, once this is done (and the additional steps in "Putting it all Together"), how do I configure my local maas to use the mirror?12:17
rvbadimitern: configure MAAS to use this mirror by changing the "Main archive" setting (on the settings page).12:18
dimiternrvba, can it be a path instead of an URL ?12:18
rvbadimitern: no, it has to be a URL.  The nodes themselves will use it.12:19
dimiternrvba, so I need nginx or apache running to server the mirror?12:19
rvbaYes, you need something to serve the mirror.  I don't remember what Mike used… probably a dedicated tool (I forget) the name.12:20
dimiternrvba, right, I'll figure it out then12:20
rvbadimitern: I'll ask Mike when he comes online.12:21
dimiternrvba, hopefully this should give me a local maas that can work totally offline12:21
rvbadimitern: yep, that's the goal of this tutorial.12:21
dimiternrvba, cheers12:21
rvbadimitern: please take notes about things that aren't clear enough… and we will improve the tutorial.  I'm sure you're not the only one interested.12:22
dimiternrvba, will do12:22
dimiternrvba, downloading from maas.ubuntu.com is very slow compared to archive.ubuntu.com btw - I managed to mirror 176 GB in about 4h, but for ~14GB from maas.ubuntu.com it already takes more than 20m12:23
maasnoobHello all12:26
maasnoobI've got an interesting question on MAAS12:26
maasnoobI've been looking at playing around with MAAS for building cloud networks but is there any reason why this couldn't been used to build a local network as well?12:26
mpontillohey dimitern, I'm awake now ;-)13:36
dimiternmpontillo, hey :)13:39
dimiternmpontillo, I've followed your local test/dev completely offline maas setup13:39
dimiternmpontillo, and have a few question if you have time13:39
mpontillodimitern: I'm just using Apache to serve up the files for the mirror13:44
dimiternmpontillo, yeah, I've configured nginx for the same purpose13:45
mpontillodimitern: cool. I have a symlink images -> /home/mirror/maas/images and I do most of my mirroring as the 'mirror' user13:45
mpontillofrom /var/www/html in my case13:45
dimiternmpontillo, I'm having a *really* slow download from maas.ubuntu.com for sstreams-mirror - is this the same for you as well?13:45
dimiternmpontillo, in contrast archive.u.c mirror completed in 4h (all 180GB of it)13:46
mpontillolet me check dimitern13:46
dimiternmpontillo, also I suspect not all of the ephemeral-v2 images are needed (shouldn't only the trusty ones work just as well?)13:46
mpontillodimitern: I'm running: sstream-mirror -v --max 1 http://maas.ubuntu.com/images/ephemeral-v2/releases/ $HOME/maas-test/images/ephemeral-v2/releases13:52
mpontillodimitern: have grabbed 500 MB so far13:52
mpontillomy complete mirror of daily/ and releases/ is 17GB, FYI13:53
mpontillodimitern: here's the script I'm using for MAAS images mirroring now: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11793197/13:54
dimiternmpontillo, my sstreams-mirror just finished (after about 3h) fetching 15GB13:54
mpontillodo you have the --max 1 in there? in my original talk, I forgot to put that in there.13:58
mpontillosince it's so slow, I guess you can see why I'd rather have a local mirror than hit the server each time ;-)13:59
mpontilloI'll let you know how long mine took when it completes.13:59
dimiternmpontillo, I didn't, but now I added it13:59
mpontillodimitern: if you run it again, it should trim down some of that disk usage.. and you can also grab daily/ to test with =)14:00
dimiternmpontillo, it's running now, will see how long it takes :)14:02
dimiternmpontillo, oh, sstream-mirror is not so dumb as I thought - it detected I've already had all releases and didn't try downloading them again; dailies are now being downloaded14:05
mpontillodimitern: yeah, once you have the mirror going, it's pretty painless to maintain. I just have a cron job run the script a few times per day to check for new images14:07
mpontilloI've grabbed ~4 GB so far14:08
dimiternmpontillo, I'll set it up similarly14:12
dimiternmpontillo, what's the --max 1 argument for?14:12
mpontillodimitern: I think you get historic images without it.. --max 1 just gives you the latest14:13
dimiternmpontillo, I see, ok14:14
gnuoyI'd like to add power support for a new power type. Are there any guides or pointers out there? If not I'll dig around in the code (maas 1.8).14:24
rvbagnuoy: I can find a commit that does just that… hang on…14:25
gnuoythat would be fantastic, thank you14:25
rvbagnuoy: bzr log -p -r 3663 | less14:26
mpontillognuoy: rvba may have beat me to it, but here's the complete *removal* of a power type (and corresponding probe-and-enlist code) https://code.launchpad.net/~mpontillo/maas/bug-1451852-remove-legacy-esxi-probe-and-enlist, which may be instructive14:28
gnuoyrvba, mpontillo, perfect, thanks14:29
mpontillognuoy: rather, I meant to link to this, which will give you the diff https://code.launchpad.net/~mpontillo/maas/bug-1451852-remove-legacy-esxi-probe-and-enlist/+merge/25907514:29
mpontillodimitern: just completed; 9.0 GB in 48 minutes14:40
dimiternmpontillo, yeah, I guess it's faster in the US14:40
dimiternmpontillo, mine is still going, but I'll leave it running14:40
mupBug #1469742 opened: Failure to start sm15k servers because of exception to  set power-type: KeyError: u'sm15k'  <oil> <MAAS:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1469742>14:40
kikocaribou, hmm, so you want to tell the system to somehow boot from the second disk?14:41
* mpontillo does a traceroute; looks like the servers are in the UK (~160 ms away from me)14:41
kikoI don't think we support that14:41
cariboukiko: well, that's my question : does Maas keeps track of the booting disk ?14:42
cariboukiko: I thought of zapping the grub MBR off the first disk but no luck so far14:43
=== jfarschman is now known as MilesDenver
kikocaribou, I do not think it does15:20
kikocaribou, first, I don't know if we even know what disk is the system disk15:21
kikobut second, I don't know if we have a way to tell the node to boot off a specific disk15:21
cariboukiko: that's what I thought; my guess is that it's the first grub MBR found that kicks the boot15:21
cariboukiko: what I need to find is how to get the second disk to be the only one with a valid grub MBR to boot from15:22
caribouwell, if there is only one disk, my curtin partitioning works15:22
caribouso that's what I'm blogging about15:22
kikoI don't know how that phase is booting is handled15:23
kikoand I'm not sure it is documented either15:23
kikorvba, roaksoax: do either of you know?15:23
mupBug #1441404 changed: 1.8b1 Accessing nodes detail page gets stuck in Loading <oil> <MAAS:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1441404>15:59
cariboukiko: well, I'm documenting a single disk partitioning for now. I'll add another post if I figure out multi-disk16:16
mupBug #1441404 opened: 1.8b1 Accessing nodes detail page gets stuck in Loading <oil> <MAAS:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1441404>16:20
mupBug #1441404 changed: 1.8b1 Accessing nodes detail page gets stuck in Loading <oil> <MAAS:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1441404>16:23
mupBug #1469822 opened: Updating a node fails with invalid OS and distro series <landscape> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1469822>17:53
mupBug #1469846 opened: UCS chassis enlist Failed to probe and enlist UCS nodes: list index out of range <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1469846>18:56
busterswtHas anyone had success accessing the complete MAAS GUI behind a SOCKS proxy? Some pages don't load completely, and it seems to hang on the yui URIs19:09
bdxwhats going on everyone? I just upgraded to maas 1.8 under trusty....I am experiencing an issue where I cannot save edits to a nodes details e.g. hostname or arch or any editable field for a node20:26
bdxI'll fire up a bug report here asap....just thought I would check in and see if there might be a reason for this what seems like read only gui config20:27
mupBug #1469874 opened: MAAS 1.8 not allowed to edit node details in gui after upgrade <maas> <maas-gui> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1469874>20:50
=== jfarschman is now known as MilesDenver

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