darkxst | robert_ancell, did you see my comments about g-s-d schemas? | 00:09 |
darkxst | can't simply revert the changes since it will break settings migration | 00:09 |
robert_ancell | darkxst, yep | 01:13 |
darkxst | robert_ancell, might need to port u-s-d to the new settings? although not all the settings have been moved, only the ones that affect libinput, also not sure its exactly a 1:1 mapping | 04:22 |
robert_ancell | darkxst, I haven't looked into detail | 04:23 |
Noskcaj | darkxst, my hotel's wifi is broken, so i can't go g-s-d | 08:26 |
darkxst | Noskcaj, ok, no problem | 08:26 |
Maximus1 | Hello. Will ubuntu-gnome use mir and snappy in new version? | 14:52 |
Maximus1 | Hmm nice active chanel here | 14:57 |
Maximus1 | How can I install Fedora to get latest Gnome? | 14:57 |
=== `nodedfree is now known as nodedfree | ||
stiv2k | darkxst: ping | 22:02 |
darkxst | stiv2k, hi | 22:05 |
stiv2k | darkxst: hey, so i'm here | 22:06 |
stiv2k | i saw the patches that night we talked about it | 22:07 |
stiv2k | i see similar references to the egg list box functions like you showed me | 22:07 |
darkxst | the changes you need to make should be very similar to that upstream patch that I linked | 22:10 |
stiv2k | i can do that, but how do i know exactly which functions need changed, is there a list somewhere | 22:11 |
stiv2k | and, what do you view .diff in, that makes it easier to read | 22:14 |
darkxst | anything with egg_list in the name | 22:18 |
darkxst | any text editor with diff highlighting, although you would generally work on the codebase | 22:19 |
stiv2k | so should i check out the codebase and work in there | 22:19 |
darkxst | so apply it, make the changes, compile it, you will likely get build failures if you missed to converted functions | 22:19 |
darkxst | stiv2k, use git | 22:20 |
stiv2k | darkxst: yeah | 22:22 |
stiv2k | i have gnome-control-center cloned | 22:25 |
darkxst | I do all dev on upstream tree in jhbuild | 22:25 |
stiv2k | is that different than just doing git clone | 22:26 |
darkxst | its builds the package (and all required deps) | 22:26 |
darkxst | allowing you to run essentially vanilla upstream code locally without packaging | 22:27 |
stiv2k | that's neat | 22:27 |
stiv2k | darkxst: can i make jhbuild not put files outside of my /home? | 22:30 |
darkxst | yes | 22:31 |
stiv2k | it wants to write to /opt and stuff | 22:31 |
darkxst | you can change that in your .jhbuildrc | 22:31 |
stiv2k | maybe my jhbuild is old | 22:32 |
stiv2k | jhbuild: install prefix (/opt/gnome) can not be created | 22:32 |
darkxst | use jhbuild from git | 22:32 |
stiv2k | oops | 22:33 |
stiv2k | https://wiki.gnome.org/HowDoI/Jhbuild#I_am_getting_errors_about_.2BAC8-opt.2BAC8-gnome | 22:33 |
stiv2k | is there a ppa | 22:33 |
darkxst | no, just clone the repo and build it locally | 22:34 |
stiv2k | ok | 22:34 |
stiv2k | darkxst: i need libsystemd.pc | 23:03 |
stiv2k | webkit2gtk-4.0.pc | 23:03 |
stiv2k | libtiff | 23:03 |
darkxst | jhbuild sysdeps | 23:04 |
stiv2k | yeah thats the output of it | 23:04 |
stiv2k | i ran jhbuild sysdeps --install gnome-control-center | 23:04 |
stiv2k | and i get | 23:04 |
stiv2k | I: No native package found for libsystemd (/libsystemd.pc) | 23:04 |
stiv2k | I: No native package found for WebKit (/webkit2gtk-4.0.pc) | 23:04 |
stiv2k | I: No native package found for libtiff (/usr/include/tiff.h) | 23:04 |
darkxst | you can use apt-file find libsystemd.pc | 23:06 |
darkxst | that will tell you which package | 23:06 |
stiv2k | i wonder why the jhbuild sysdeps couldnt | 23:07 |
stiv2k | (i thought thats what it does) | 23:08 |
stiv2k | darkxst: it didnt return anything :P | 23:09 |
darkxst | you may need to run apt-file update first | 23:09 |
stiv2k | i ran it when i installed apt-file | 23:09 |
stiv2k | i dont know how often i need to run it? | 23:09 |
stiv2k | darkxst: it doesn't find neither the libsystemd file nor the webkit one... | 23:16 |
darkxst | apt-file find libsystemd.pc | 23:18 |
darkxst | libsystemd-dev: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig/libsystemd.pc | 23:18 |
stiv2k | yeah mine does not do that | 23:18 |
stiv2k | and i just updated it | 23:19 |
darkxst | what Ubuntu version are you using ? | 23:19 |
stiv2k | ubuntu gnome 14.04 | 23:19 |
stiv2k | 14.04.02 rather | 23:19 |
stiv2k | 64 bit | 23:20 |
darkxst | systemd possibly too old there | 23:20 |
darkxst | and also possibly webkit2gtk | 23:20 |
stiv2k | what does it mean | 23:20 |
stiv2k | i cant build jhbuild? | 23:21 |
stiv2k | i mean | 23:21 |
stiv2k | i cant build gnome-control-center? | 23:21 |
berglh | https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+source/gnome-control-center | 23:22 |
berglh | i have entered this midstream | 23:22 |
berglh | i know nothing | 23:22 |
darkxst | stiv2k, probably, you would be best of working in 15.04 or even 15.10 | 23:24 |
darkxst | even if its in a VM or chroot | 23:24 |
stiv2k | D: | 23:24 |
stiv2k | man i installed so many packages already | 23:25 |
darkxst | even under jhbuild getting GNOME 3.16 running on trusty would be icredibly hard | 23:25 |
stiv2k | i will now spend some time removing them.... then install 15.04 in a vm | 23:26 |
stiv2k | ok i think i got rid of mostly everything | 23:58 |
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