
=== pgraner is now known as pgraner-dr
melodieI need to report a bug which is in the Ubuntu kernel and affects the behavior of the zram-config script. I hope this one will be a lucky #bug:12:57
ubot5Launchpad bug 1449678 in zram-config (Ubuntu Vivid) "(Vivid) zram-config 0.3 Job for zram-config.service failed" [High,Fix committed]12:57
melodieI'll be around12:57
melodieany one having the right method to advice me about reporting the issue linked to kernel is welcome to tell me how12:58
apwmelodie, if there is a kernel component, then the bug should be "Also affects Distribution/package" linux13:07
melodieapw let me see...13:07
melodieapw and think : this does not affect the behavior or usability of the kernel. It's the way the compiling options have been treated which generates the bug13:08
apwmelodie, i am not sure what the bug even is really from the report13:09
melodiezram_lz4_compress=y and config_zram=m13:09
melodiethe original bug:13:09
melodiethe zram-config script (vivid hence with systemd) was not working right13:09
melodieafter a debug I did, Didier Roche was able to correct it, but I still had only one zram block created and having 100 as priority, instead of 2 block devices (I have a dual-core) and 5 priority. 13:10
melodieit appeared when seeking for the source of the issue that I could not even unload it: it was used by config_zram_lz4. 13:11
apwwhy does the number of cpu's you have have any relevance to the number created ?13:11
melodieapw it has13:11
apwwhy ?13:11
apwthey are ram compressed disks, how does that relate to how many cpus i have13:11
melodiebelieve me or check with the compcache original project and the zram-config script13:11
melodiethis is how it is supposed to work13:11
apw/* Module params (documentation at end) */13:11
apwstatic unsigned int num_devices = 1;13:11
apwwell the source code defines it to be 1, always13:12
apwunless it is overridden, so they don't take number of cpus into account13:12
apwnot indeed do i understand why the defaults would13:12
ogra_it used to 13:12
ogra_not sure it still does though 13:12
melodieanyway the scripts I use have always stated one block device per cpu and the present script has not changed that part13:12
ogra_and comparing todays zram with the ancient compcache wont give you much valid info i fear 13:13
melodieand this is how I suspected that the zram module was loaded at boot instead of letting the zram-config script do it's job13:13
melodieogra_ hi 13:13
ogra_well, but probably the code in-kernel changd13:13
melodieogra_ I have followed your advice and went to Didier Roche directly.13:13
apwogra_, well the default in P was 1, and the default in vivid is ... 113:13
apwso its not changed as far as i can see13:14
melodienow his script works for me, but only as long as I blacklist zram in the blacklist.conf file13:14
apw"his" ?13:14
ogra_apw, hmm, in precise it definitely created one per core 13:14
melodieso you devs do what you want with the information : if you want to get all Lubuntu users come and yell later, it's up to you13:14
melodieapw yes, Didier Roche version which switches the former script to systemd method13:15
apwogra_, its not clear how it could do that, from the code in precise13:15
melodieogra_ apw I summarized here: <melodie> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zram-config/+bug/1449678/comments/1313:15
ubot5Launchpad bug 1449678 in zram-config (Ubuntu Vivid) "(Vivid) zram-config 0.3 Job for zram-config.service failed" [High,Fix committed]13:15
melodiethis is what I see and this is what you  get :D13:15
melodieI don't have your skills at reading the source code from the zram module, I just do my best as a tester. :)13:18
melodieand I have been using compcache/zram since 2006. :)13:18
apwyep, and i am simpy trying to understand what is going on13:18
apwas clearly the code does not do what is claimed, so as you clearly see the behaviour something else must be doing it13:19
apwdoes not internally do what is claimed13:19
melodieapw simple: if zram is not blacklisted, the zram-config script, which allows loading it with some well thought options, and allows choosing wether or not use zram does not work;13:20
melodieso the actual setup of the kernel configuration file makes the existence of the zram-config pointless.13:20
melodieand does not leave the choice to the administrator : with or without? with or without custom choices? no choice !13:21
melodiejust take it or blacklist it.13:21
apwmelodie, yes sounds broken, so ... why did it work before, or more specifially13:22
melodieapw I can try to help you with that if you are one of the persons taking care of it?13:22
apwi assume the scripts assume the module is not loaded, and for "reasons" it is loaded13:22
apwwhat the heck is loading it13:22
apwit doesn't sound like it should be really unless you need it13:22
melodieI try to extract an information lost in my messages, wait a sec please13:23
melodieapw compare the result on the cat /proc/swaps in #13 with what I got when zram was default loaded:13:24
melodie$ cat /proc/swaps13:24
melodieFilename Type Size Used Priority13:24
melodie/dev/zram0 partition 947216 0 513:24
apwok cirtianly the scripting just makes the assumption it is not attached13:24
melodieand I now try to find another key information I posted13:24
melodieok, got it:13:27
melodiewhen zram was default loaded (not with the script):13:27
melodie$ lsmod | grep zram13:27
melodiezram                   24576  1 13:27
melodielz4_compress           16384  1 zram13:27
melodiethis is in the mail I sent to Didier Roche 2 weeks ago13:27
melodienow with the script working while zram is blacklisted:13:27
melodie# lsmod | grep zram13:28
melodiezram                   24576  2 13:28
melodielz4_compress           16384  1 zram13:28
melodiewhen I saw that first, my thought was that lz4_compress was calling it while the boot occurred. I may be wrong, I have very little experience of fiddling with the kernel (compiled twice only and that was long ago, just to say... )13:29
apwcould be13:29
melodiewhat change occurred which is very important and I didn't even see it coming until I realized last month:13:29
melodievery important13:29
melodiezram is no longer in the staging directory! that is new for me !13:30
apwmelodie, which kernel is this, which version13:30
melodie3.19.0-22-generic #22-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jun 16 17:15:15 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux13:30
ogra_apw, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/precise/zram-config/precise/view/head:/debian/zram-config.upstart13:31
melodieand the former ones from the same series had the same problem with zram13:31
ogra_it was the upstart script that did bump the number of devices13:31
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ogra_via modprobe options13:32
melodieok ogra_ and apw I hope my findings will help improve it. if you need me for some tests, please just ping me on the bug report?13:32
melodiehopefully we can continue using the script to keep control on it.13:32
ogra_no, we cant, since the init system it was written for does not exist anymore13:34
ogra_someone needs to port it to systemd ... (which i thought didrocks had done)13:34
melodieogra_ sorry? why would Didier Roche adapt it for systemd?13:35
melodiedidrocks has adapted it for systemd: this is my point13:35
ogra_no idea, but he did that 13:35
melodieand as the #13 of my bug report shows : once ZRAM blacklisted in blacklist.conf his scripts works perfect!13:35
melodienow I can "systemctl start/restart/stop" it 13:36
melodieit works!13:36
ogra_did anyone bother to check if systemd has some internal own handling of zram ? 13:36
ogra_(i.e. something that kicks in if the module is not blacklisted) 13:36
melodieogra_ I have been using in in Archlinux during the last years with systemd, and I have never heard about such a "internal" feature : it would not have been added anyway as long as zram was in the staging directory, which is a situation which lasted during several years.13:37
ogra_perhaps it needs to be managed completely different in systemd world ... and "just porting" the old way doesnt work at all 13:37
melodieogra_ oh that13:37
melodiecan someone ask to a redhad dev?13:38
ogra_melodie, http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/systemd-devel/2012-November/007437.html something to read for you :)) 13:39
apwogra_, the module doesn't have any aliases, so it would have to be deliberatly mounted13:40
ogra_apw, sure ... but it seems there are multiple userspace ways ... there is systemd-swap ... then there seems to be a udev rule for zram ... 13:41
ogra_i suspect there is some integrated way in systemd that needs to be used for it ... and adding a systemd unit with our old upstart script might be the completely wrong approach13:42
apwogra_, right but as zram is a virtual thing, someone needs to ask for it, for udev to even see it13:43
melodieogra_ I'll try to read13:43
melodieogra_ well at least he has the same references as I do13:45
melodiecompache project and mystillef script13:45
apwsystemd-swap might be to blame for sure13:45
ogra_apw, hmm, perhaps fstab ? 13:45
apwi don't think fstab can instantiate zram as it is not a  filesystem13:45
ogra_systemd parses fstab ... 13:46
apwand mount generally only triggers probes for filesystems13:46
ogra_i could imagine it tries to ask for the module when finding a zram device13:46
melodieit looks like a very clean solution13:46
melodieI'm talking about ogra_ 's link 13:47
apwogra_, could be, which would be a mess maker13:47
ogra_i just think simply forward-porting the upstart way was wrong13:47
apwi can say on a vivid/wily system i do not see zram loaded at all by default13:47
ogra_... and that there is some existing systemd way already13:47
ogra_why would you see it loaded at all ? 13:48
melodieideally for user experience, ultimately, we wout like to get a gui with options that write in a zram.conf file, saying how many block devices we want, how large, or what %age of the ram we want them to be, along with advice for the best / recommanded practice. 13:48
apwogra_, well if i did then it would be something else13:48
ogra_in upstart it wasnt loaded either until you explicitly asked for it by installing zram-config 13:48
melodieJust a wish... ^^13:48
apwogra_, there was a contention it was the lx4 bits which triggered it, which it is not13:49
apwelse i would have it13:49
melodieapw you mean lz4?13:49
apwyep that13:49
melodieas in lzma ... 13:49
apwso this must be an interaction with osmething else ... and you are likely right it is systemd13:50
apwwhich likley means the way this is integrated isn't going to work so well13:50
apwwith systemd, i wonder if we could get it to write a modprobe.conf with the appropraite options for zram13:51
ogra_apw, http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/systemd-devel/2012-November/007444.html13:51
ogra_..."we can just add to the fstab lines, which sets up everything as needed"...13:51
ogra_lennart ...13:52
apwthen again, if you are using zram-config why would you have /etc/fstab bits listing it13:52
ogra_so seems my assumption was right ... systemd-swap sets it up ... and you have to define each and every device in fstab ... so if you want more than one it wont be dynamic at all13:53
ogra_if you are using zram-config you are using the old upstart script wrapped by a systemd unity 13:54
melodieogra_ I am not sure about that:13:54
ogra_no need for fstab in this case13:54
melodiethe mystillef method existed before Ubuntu makes use of zram13:55
ogra_if you want to use the "new" systemd way you likely have to put a line for each zram device into fstab13:55
melodieand his script was used with the systemV init way13:55
melodiefor instance, the former zram config script using systemV was adapted directly to systemd13:55
melodieno upstart method there13:56
ogra_melodie, could you try uninstalling zram-config and then create fstab lines like in http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/systemd-devel/2012-November/007444.html ?13:56
ogra_if my theory is right you would then get zram devices as defined in there 13:56
melodieogra_ in a virtual machine, yes. Not right away though but within a few days possibly.13:56
melodieI could also ask the geeks of my tribe to test it13:56
melodieI mean : the most advanced users of the small linuxvillage.org community. :)13:57
melodieI thought fstab was less used these days?13:58
ogra_tell that to systemd :P 13:59
melodieogra_ my fstab is quite lite, one line per partition14:00
melodieand one line for proc14:00
melodienot sure it's even still needed: is it?14:00
* ogra_ has systems completely without fstab14:00
melodieI mean the line for proc14:00
melodieogra_ o_o how do you do that?14:00
ogra_but i doubt that works in the age of systemd14:00
ogra_mountall ships a default one 14:01
melodieoh you don't have systemd.14:01
ogra_i do 14:01
ogra_but not on all machines14:01
melodieI meant in the one where you don't have a fstab (I sound obvious?)14:01
melodieI keep your two links and will summarize this interesting zram matter on the linuxvillage forum asap14:02
ogra_right, there the default one just kicks in ... but not even that would be needed14:02
melodiesorry I have to leave the discussion now, I'm in the middle of another task 14:02
ogra_our initrd mounts / based on the kernel commandline ... 14:02
melodiei'll bbl14:03
ogra_so no need for an entry for / ... (unless you want explicit fsck)14:03
ogra_ /proc and /sys get mounted by the initrd too ... no need to have an entry for them ... 14:03
ogra_and /dev nowadays gets populated by devtmpfs14:04
apwi am still somewhat confused why you would get zram loaded if you don't have fstab entries14:16
apweven if systemd thinks it knows better, and i am sure it does14:16
melodieapw http://citrotux.org/Downloads/plot.svg14:20
melodiedon't know if that can help14:20
apwmelodie, well it cirtainly happens pretty damn early in systemds startup, much before udev even starts if i read this right14:29
apwmelodie, and can you pastebin the fstab on that for me14:29
apwmelodie, do i recon put a link to that plot in the bug, as it is pretty indicative that somehow systemd is involved, though i cannot find zram in it by default14:39
apwmelodie, that there is a unit called .swap, implies we have actual configuration for the swap on zram somewhere14:41
apwmelodie, perhaps in /etc/systemd/system/*.swap14:41
apwmelodie, perhaps in /etc/systemd/system/*.swap*14:42
melodieI'll do that later, now I need to run out (dentist appointment) 14:44
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manjobjf, is there an invite for the kernel team meeting ? or a schedule for  when the next one is ? 19:39
bjfmanjo, you mean the irc meeting?19:40
manjobjf, yes19:40
bjfmanjo, it's every Tue @ 1700 utc ... correct, jsalisbury ?19:41
bjfmanjo, it generally runs for no longer than 5 minutes so you need to be there on time19:41
bjfmanjo, do you have something you want to discuss?19:41
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manjobjf, yeah related to ARM64 + UEFI + ACPI19:43
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bjfmanjo, any reason to not just bring it up here tomorrow a.m. when cking is around? no need to wait for the meeting.19:44
manjobjf, plus get a general direction on where we are headed with ARM 8.1 support and smmuv3 support for 15.1019:44
manjosure I can do that 19:44
bjfmanjo, i think that's a better plan19:44
manjobjf, I think that is a better idea 19:44
manjobjf, just curious .. thought cking was helping out with git support with launchpad ... or it could be the other colin 19:45
bjfmanjo, other colin19:45
manjobjf, I also need to know how often do you guys rebase leg onto ubuntu dev trees stable & unstable 19:49
manjobjf, so I will come with a list of agenda items tomorrow am19:50
jsalisburybjf, manjo correct.  1700 UTC19:50
infinityapw: I'm super confused by melodie's zram issues, and by everyone blaming systemd, since zram-config and systemd are working great here...20:10
infinitymelodie: ^20:10
melodieinfinity ?20:16
melodiewe can check that now if you want to?20:16
melodieinfinity when you want : we can check which Ubuntu edition and  version you have, and the results when you check status, start restart then stop and start ?20:18
infinitymelodie: Not sure what there is to check.  I'm using zram-config and systemd, and I get 4 swaps, as I should.  ie: it's working correctly.20:18
melodieversions and editions?20:19
infinitymelodie: zram-config 0.5 (which is effectively the same as the one in vivid-proposed) on wily, kernel 3.19.0-2220:19
infinityOh.  No.  kernel 4.0.0-3 right now, but I could reboot into 3.19.0-22 again to prove the point.20:20
melodieI have a kernel x86_64 3.19.0-22-generic systemd  219-7ubuntu6 20:20
melodiehow can you get that one kernel? 20:20
melodieI'd like to give it a try too20:20
infinityIt's in the kernel team's PPA.20:20
melodieok, I won't do that right now20:21
infinityBut I can't see this being a kernel bug.20:21
melodieI have two other tests to do first20:21
infinityThe part where the SRU works for Didier on vivid, and 0.5 works for me on wily, though, leads me to believe there's something weird in your test setup, not ours.20:21
melodiewhat are your block devices priorities? 5 or 100 ?20:21
infinityOr maybe something weird in your flavour.  Is this pure Ubuntu, or Lubuntu, or...?20:22
infinityroot@nosferatu:~# cat /proc/swaps 20:22
infinity/dev/sda7                               partition40703960-120:22
infinity/dev/zram0                              partition25575240520:22
infinity/dev/zram1                              partition25575240520:22
infinity/dev/zram2                              partition25575240520:22
infinity/dev/zram3                              partition25575240520:22
melodieyes, it looks perfect20:22
melodiethis is pure ubuntu core with openbox as main component20:22
melodiecore : I mean base system20:23
infinitymelodie: No mention of zram at all in /usr/lib or /etc ?20:23
infinityOr /lib20:23
melodiesuch as what?20:23
melodiedo I need to invoke find there?20:23
infinityLiterally the string "zram".  rgrep for it.  We can figure out why things mention it if it's mentioned. :P20:23
melodiewait wait: right now it's working right since I have blacklisted the zram module, so this test would not be helping20:24
infinitymelodie: The grep will still be enlightening.20:24
melodieI have to undo the zram blacklisting, then remove zram-config 20:24
melodieok, if you say so20:24
infinityrgrep zram /etc/ /usr/lib/ /lib/20:25
melodiecan chain them?20:25
infinityIt'll grind a lot and take a while. :P20:25
melodieyes, I started it as root to avoid the "forbidden" list20:26
infinityThis is what I get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11795400/20:26
melodieI'll pastebin once finished20:26
infinityie: no mention of it, except for the upstart/systemd jobs.20:26
melodieah wait20:26
melodieI have to restart it with LANG=C20:26
infinityDoesn't really matter, I can divine what "Das binary containen der stringen" means. :P20:27
infinity(Or whatever)20:27
melodiethis one was done before I had the idea of blacklisting zram, http://citrotux.org/Downloads/plot.svg20:28
melodiedoes it "talk" to you?20:28
melodiehumm it seems this one you don't have? "lib/udev/rules.d/60-persistent-storage.rules:KERNEL=="fd*|mtd*|nbd*|gnbd*|btibm*|dm-*|md*|zram*|mmcblk[0-9]*rpmb", GOTO="persistent_storage_end"20:29
melodiefull output:20:30
infinityI wouldn't expect that to cause an issue, but I suppose anything's possible.  Maybe I should test this in a vivid VM.20:32
melodiealso you say you have zram-config 0.5 proposed in Vivid, but I have zram-config:20:32
melodie  Installé : 0.3.120:32
melodie which is what I get as proposed in Vivid20:32
infinityNo, no.  I have 0.5 in wily, but it's basically identical to 0.3.1 in vivid-proposed.20:32
melodiewhat differs from 0.5 and where have you seen it proposed in Vivid?20:32
melodieoh ok20:32
infinityie: the same fixes, just a different version number.20:32
* infinity grabs a vivid ISO...20:33
melodieinfinity do you want my last test version? 20:39
melodievery small20:39
infinitymelodie: I'd rather see if I can reproduce it in a stock install first, but then, sure, yours might be useful.20:39
melodiewell here20:39
melodiejust my home version is one I upgraded from the Bento 12.04 done previously to the 14.04 then from there to the 15.04. I was happy to see that it didn't break at any moment. 20:40
melodiedirect upgrades can be tricky sometimes20:40
infinityI want sushi-rc2?20:41
infinityhttp://downloads.linuxvillage.org/sushi-vivid-rc2-with-openresolv-x86_64.iso ?20:41
infinitymelodie: Oh, hrm.  Can you give me a pastebin of "update-initramfs -u -v" on the affected system?21:10
melodieyes infinity you want sushi, it is a Vivid with almost no appas21:11
melodierc1 or rc2 as you want, they are the same except for the resolver21:12
infinitymelodie: Yeah, I installed a fresh sushi and can't reproduce your issue, but I have a hunch, hence the above request.21:12
melodiestill don't mind that I have zram blacklisted and zram-config working fine?21:12
melodieinfinity http://pastebin.fr/4033221:14
infinitymelodie: rgrep COMPCACHE /etc/21:15
melodiein the way21:16
infinitymelodie: My bet is that /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf:COMPCACHE_SIZE= is set to something other than an empty string.21:19
infinitymelodie: If you set that to "" and re-run update-initramfs -u, everything would be happy.21:19
infinityAnd I should probably cripple initramfs-tools to ignore COMPCACHE_SIZE is zram-config is installed (and eventually tear that code out entirely...)21:19
melodieinfinity let me check the output now, I was working on a SVG in the meantime, having a course with a buddy on another chan21:24
melodie# rgrep COMPCACHE /etc/21:24
melodie/etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf:# COMPCACHE_SIZE: [ "x K" | "x M" | "x G" | "x %" ]21:24
infinitymelodie: That would be the issue.  The default for that is "" (ie: empty).21:25
melodiethis is my fault then21:25
melodielet me fix it here21:25
infinitymelodie: And if it's set, initramfs-tools will set up a zram swap before you ever get to init.21:25
melodieand I'll retry all of this tomorrow21:25
infinitymelodie: So, yeah, change that to "", and then run "update-initramfs -u", and it should be happy even with your blacklist removed.21:26
melodiewhat I would like at the end, would be a nice /etc/default/zram.conf that is tweakable 21:26
melodiedo you think that could be possible?21:26
infinitymelodie: A config file is a possibility, yeah.  With it defaulting to what it does now (50% RAM, a swap per CPU thread).21:26
melodiea swap per cpu thread is what I am used to, the 50% ram does not match the observations done for use in desktops by nitin gupta, the creator of the compcache project, and I always used 25% as per his advice (which was working well enough for my greedy habbits)21:28
melodiewhat I also know since I had lots of discussions around the zram topic with other users, they like to do experiments and try 20/33 % or even fixed values21:29
melodieaccording to what their hardware are21:29
infinitymelodie: Sure.  We can definitely extend it to allow a config file, though that's not something I'd SRU back to older releases, we'd only see it in 15.10 and beyond.21:29
melodiethis is fine with me21:30
melodieas long as it's a work in progress as we say :D21:30
melodieand after the 15.10 I'll come back and eventually as for a GUI (started with admin priviledge)21:31
melodieor better: 21:31
melodiea tool as they have in Fedora and co!21:31
melodielet me see if I still have this pic somewhere21:31
infinityGiven our usual urge for GUI simplicity, this isn't the sort of thing we'd usually want exposed in a settings UI.21:32
infinityNormal users should have zero need to tweak this sort of thing, IMO.21:33
melodieinfinity Ubuntu is more used by advanced users than normal users now and I have installed Ubuntu (several flavors) to end users machines and I can tell you : when they don't know what a menu does they just don't touch it21:35
melodieso what we need this for, is for average and advanced users who are tired of having to remember every command line because the init systems have changed in time 21:36
infinitymelodie: None of that is about configuring things (ie: tweaking config files), that's just a tool to enable/disable/start/stop services.  ie: it's a GUI systemctl.21:37
melodieand having to check the internet and wiki and docs is a bit time greedy too, and time is a good that is very precious nowadays21:37
melodieinfinity yes, I am a bit mixing the topics, sorry :D21:37
infinityAnd I agree that shipping that would probably be a good idea.21:37
melodiebut this is really what I meant in fact21:37
melodiethe ability to start and stop services, including zram-config of course, would be good.21:38
melodieand "jobs" is still in the repos: I forgot to write a bug report!21:38
melodieto have it removed because it's been years since it's not working21:38
melodielast time I checked, Archlinux version of the tool was not working anymore either, and was not in the official repos, but the Fedoran version of the tool that I tried and used was really wonderful.21:39
melodievery detailed, very easy to use21:39
melodieif it can be adapted for all deb distros that would be wonderful.21:40
infinitymelodie: I've updated LP: #1449678 with our findings above, BTW.21:40
ubot5Launchpad bug 1449678 in zram-config (Ubuntu Vivid) "(Vivid) zram-config 0.3 Job for zram-config.service failed" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144967821:40
infinitymelodie: If you can reset that config variable, remove your blacklist, regen your initramfs, and verify that bug, it would be lovely.21:41
infinity(I can verify it here, but I'd prefer you do...)21:41
melodieinfinity thanks for the update!21:42
melodieI'll be notified and will confirm accordingly. 21:42
melodienext time I will have rebooted21:42
melodie(just not now)21:42
* infinity nods.21:42
melodieyou had a very fine hunch. what is your skill exactly? what do you do in Ubuntu?21:43
infinitymelodie: Everything.21:43
melodiewould you have some time for some mentorship once a while?21:45
infinitymelodie: I'd love to say yes, but the more honest answer is probably no.  I tend to work a little too much as it is.  But I'm always around to answer the occasional question, as long as you don't get offended if I sometimes don't reply or don't have time. :P21:46
melodieon what other chans are you also? Here is for kernel and my questions might not be kernel related.21:47
melodiemostly about XDG_* variables, and later about packaging config files for ppa 21:47
infinitymelodie: Most generic development stuff belongs on #ubuntu-devel, unless it's newbie questions, which should usually be on #ubuntu-motu.21:49
melodiewhat is a newbie? XD21:49
melodieI consider myself still a newbie as I'm still climbing the learning curve, started 11 years ago :D21:50
melodiewell never mind... one way or other I'll find how to do things the right way. Up to now, Bento Openbox is a proof of concept21:51
melodieit works21:51
infinitymelodie: Well, "newbie" questions don't necessarily come from new users/developers.  But if the question could be phrased as "help, I have no idea what I'm doing here" rather than "I know how this works, but it seems broken", then it belongs on -motu.  The latter belongs on -devel.21:51
melodietechnically it needs lots of improvements21:51
melodienothing in between?21:51
infinitymelodie: You have an installer bug on sushi, BTW.  Doesn't remove all the installer deps before reboot.21:51
infinitymelodie: But I'm sure you'll sort that one out. :)21:51
melodieinfinity I know about it, it comes from the tool I use to remix21:52
melodieI didn't think of a way to use the filesystem manifest remove (or desktop, don't remember which one) and not sure the program allows tweaking it.21:53
melodieit's an issue but not the only one, I need to adress more than one issue.21:53
melodienot issues that the end user can detect, for him all works nicely.21:54
melodieinfinity I have an idea of a test I could do21:57
melodiea fast one21:57
melodiea diff -aur on the one file I have and the one that exists in the lubuntu live iso21:57
melodieand tweak the file I use..21:57
melodiethanks for saying!22:00
melodiegood night23:48

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