
=== CripperZ is now known as CripperZ-
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wolflarsonHello all, I am having some issues trying out motherboard raid (intel) on my computer. I have created the RAID array and durring the install of ubuntu server it seemed to have detected it however I am having issues mounting the array02:39
wolflarsoncan anyone point me in the right direction ?02:39
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wolflarsondmraid -s shows my array as expected I am just having problems  mounting it or perhaps formating it02:52
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jamespagebug 146958407:51
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lordievaderGood morning.08:37
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=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
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=== Hexagon is now known as Guest84176
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elliotd123Hi guys, my servers for some reason report temp as 8300 in /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0, but there's no way that's correct (8.3C?). Indeed, lm_sensors reports much higher temps (appears normal). Anyone know what's going on here?14:50
tewardrbasak: poke14:57
dannfrbasak: is there a specific person/persons that tends to approve mysql srus?15:39
tewardrbasak: i think you knwo why i'm poking you wrt nginx, no rush, i can poke the release team myself if you're not around :)15:45
teward(rather you do it)15:45
coreycbjamespage, zul: I finally looked at this again and it builds successfully for i386 on a local build so I'm at a loss as to why it ftbfs - https://launchpad.net/~openstack-ubuntu-testing/+archive/ubuntu/juno/+build/757301515:51
=== markthomas|away is now known as markthomas
Kully3xfwhat's the name of the ubuntu-server download that is the most light weight16:14
Kully3xfnot lubuntu16:14
Kully3xfactual ubuntu - need to fit on a tight spaced pendrive16:15
tewardKully3xf: um... ubuntu minimal, but ubuntu-server comes pretty minimal on its own16:15
teward(if you go through tasksel and unselect everything then you don't get much more than the CLI, kernel, and core components, IIRC)16:15
Kully3xfyea it was minimal. Thanks all - having a brain fart16:16
axisyswhats the fix for leap second?16:30
tewarddoes update-ca-certificates by design not follow symlinks?16:43
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tewardanyone seen rbasak?17:25
Azarilshould my boxes autoupgrade from say 12.04.01 to 12.04.0517:26
tewardAzaril: 12.04.1 and 12.04.5 are identical if you continue to do apt-get update, etc.17:26
Azarilim just doing security updates, so thats ok right?17:27
tewardif it were me i'd pull from the updates repo too but that's just me17:27
teward(12.04.1 and 12.04.5 i think are just the ISO respins with newer packages, updates, kernel, etc.but don't quote me on that)17:28
Azarilthanks man17:28
tewardhere we go... http://askubuntu.com/questions/106159/what-are-point-releases-in-lts-versions17:29
tewardbut if you keep up with the updates on the repositories (security and -updates) then you're no different if you started on 12.04.1 or 12.04.517:29
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Kully3xfhey all - I've got a brandnew ubuntu server running17:46
Kully3xfapt-get upgrade returns 401 on ALL repos17:46
Kully3xfand wget www.ubuntu.com returns  Resolving cfauth_1601 (cfauth_1601)... Connecting to cfauth_1601 (cfauth_1601)||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 401 Unauthorized  Username/Password Authentication Failed.17:46
tarpmanteward: modulo HWE bits on newer isos, moving an existing system to those is manual17:46
Kully3xfany idea what's going on? I can get to them from the desktop just fine - but not this VM17:46
tewardtarpman: right, but otherwise standard updates will be essentially identical to 12.04.5 (from 12.04.1, etc.)?17:48
tewardKully3xf: do you have a web proxy somewhere in between you and there?17:48
teward(although, wget ubuntu.com... why are you doing that)17:48
tewardAzaril: hardware enablement17:49
tewardi think17:49
tewardhardware enablement stack17:49
Azarilthats fine17:49
tarpmanbackported kernel and X from later releases17:49
tewardbut otherwise identical?17:49
sarnoldKully3xf: check the 'host' output for a variety of dns names between your desktop and your vm, I suspect your hoster is doing something to try to use local mirrors for ubuntu content17:52
Kully3xfI'm not sure if I do or if I dont17:52
Kully3xfit's at work so probably17:52
Kully3xfnew job17:52
Kully3xfidk what they're running17:52
tewardif it's at work they likely have a web proxy/gateway17:54
tewardwhich all data routes through, which needs authentication17:54
Kully3xfhow can I authenticate an ubuntu server?17:54
Kully3xfhmm, maybe it's best to NAT the VM?17:55
tewardi think you should start discussing with your workplace's IT staff17:55
tewardbecause there's somethin up there17:55
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=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
noncomcinseI installed ubuntu server today, and I'm wondering how to get audio to work?18:51
noncomcinseI tried installing alsa, but that didn't seem to do anything18:52
gchristensenHi, is there a way to require an upstart target not start until another target has run and exited?19:16
gchristensen(without altering the target)19:17
sarnoldgchristensen: is that becaus eyou don't want to modify the file or don't want to fiddle with the target at all?19:17
sarnoldgchristensen: the .override files might help you overcome the first half of that..19:18
gchristensenbecause I don't want to modify the file, .override might do it :)19:18
gchristensenperfect, thank you sarnold19:18
sarnoldyay :)19:19
gchristensensarnold: is there a way to, override the `start on` stanza, but just append to the criteria with an AND?19:23
parallel21Setting up a bridged interface on this computer knocks out the wall port at my work19:28
tewardsarnold: mind if i pick your brain?19:36
* patdk-wk wants to watch!19:37
tewardprobably better to ask "What's the policy to poke the release team on something that was emailed to their list?19:38
patdk-wkonly with 10lb sledges or larger19:38
sarnoldteward: sorry, no idea re: release team20:06
sarnoldgchristensen: I think you have to specify the whole thing in one go20:07
tewardsee, rbasak said they'd do it... but ehh20:07
tewardbeen lookin for them all day20:07
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mfischzul: jamespage: do you have any plans on a new OVS package anytime soon? We're going to upgrade in the next few weeks and really only want to do it once20:52
mfischas it's painful20:53
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mnasermfisch do you happen to use openstack?21:00
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mnaserif you do, kilo repos have a recent openvswitch release21:00
mfischmnaser: yeah we do, but its 2.3.1, thats from January21:01
mfischhence my question21:01
mfischwe're on 2.3.0 currently21:01
mnaseroh, 2.3.2 is quite recent21:01
mfischits not in UCA21:02
mnaseri figure it's because it was released less than 2 weeks ago21:02
mnasersorry, didnt know there was a new release!21:02
mfischright and if it shows up in UCA in 3 weeks, I'll delay my upgrade ;)21:02
mfischno worries thanks for the info21:02
adam_gzul, sup with the python-oslo.log package?21:57
adam_gor rather, sup with oslo packages22:00
zuladam_g,  what do you mean?22:17
adam_gzul, wait, nvm. my python env is borked22:18
adam_gshould packages be depending on python-oslo.log or python-oslo-log at this point?22:18
zuladam_g, whats up with your python env? ;)22:18
zuladam_g,  python-oslo-log22:18
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