
diddledanthe problem with using non-isp dns servers is you don't get the local-to-your-isp CDN01:41
diddledan^ what he said01:42
diddledanI don't understand how anycast works but it would be good if CDNs used anycast IP addresses01:43
diddledanthe google dns is anycast AFAICT (meaning that somehow it uses a geographically local server instead of google-hq)01:43
shaunoI think cloudflare do01:46
shaunobut yeah, google do it quite heavily.  even between here and london I get to different machines01:47
daftykinsi think it screws up for me on either my ISP DNS or Google DNS01:54
daftykinspicking openDNS seemed to work better for something01:55
daftykinsi should do further testing then use whichever works better01:55
daftykinscould be why my xbox downloads slow sometimes01:55
shaunohm.  it's awkward o'clock, when I start to suspect I won't have time for sleep tonight02:49
daftykinsg'wan be a devil ;)02:50
shaunowell, I have to be up at 502:53
mappstoo hot05:45
knightwisemorning mapps , shauno , daftykins05:46
mappsthink those lot finally fell asleep05:47
mappsat their kbs;p05:47
knightwisegonna be a hot one today05:49
shaunomorning knightwise (and mapps)05:49
mappswas 27c here yesterday05:50
mappshot now which makes it hard to sleep05:50
mappsgonna go beach later05:50
knightwisemapps: we wheep for you05:51
knightwisemapps: did I tell you about the tv show MR ROBOT ?05:52
mappsthink ive heard of it05:58
knightwiseenjoyed the pilot very much06:00
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MooDoomorning all06:52
knightwisehey MooDoo06:57
knightwisempsyoutube ... and you never ever will feed the need to use spotify07:13
knightwiseAh :) New fullcircle mag !07:41
diploMorning all07:44
knightwisemorning diplo07:45
foobarryful circle still going? i remember it from the digg days08:19
popeycoming up to their #100 issue08:20
foobarryexperiencing community issues after teh school fete. people moaning on facebook about how it wasn't like 30 yrs ago, not realising the fete is as good as the parents want it to be as it is run by volunteers08:22
foobarryi remember we had the red devils skydiving into the fete etc one year08:22
foobarryone of the biggest days of the year after fa cup final day08:22
popeythere's a fb group I'm in which removes any negativity08:23
zmoylan-piback when you moaned on bbses about fetes not been as good as when they were been bombed by the luftwaffe...08:23
popeybecause the focus of the group is looking back on photos & memories of the past08:23
popeyusually someone moans on about how stuff is crap now, and it was better then etc08:23
popeythat gets wiped out instantly08:23
foobarrymy missis has been removing the negative stuff, but occasionally educating the moaners that it would only require 1hr of their time and some parenst spent the whole day there08:24
foobarryaltough there is some constructive feedback they can take from it, i hope they do08:25
foobarryi.e. don't be defensive, try to make more awesome08:25
foobarrythey did have a circus this year after all08:25
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:43
MooDoomorning brobostigon08:45
brobostigonmorning MooDoo08:46
foobarrymy powerline adapters are dying already. massive ping dropouts09:04
foobarrycan't even use ssh properly09:04
zmoylan-pitime to replace with wifi or cat5 cable?09:05
foobarrythe powerlines replaced wifi :(09:06
knightwisefoobarry: internet over powerlines blows ultra magnus fortimus09:09
MooDoocat6 :D09:09
MooDooalthough i'm using powerline for my xbox09:09
popeyI use powerline to put an wifi access point in the middle of the house09:09
popeyso all wifi traffic goes over wifi, powerline _and_ wired ethernet09:09
foobarryweirdly pinging from the server to works09:10
foobarrybut pinging to the server and ssh sessions suck09:10
knightwiseooh that sounds like a triple-medium-problem-sandwhich09:10
foobarrybut my wifi is ok09:10
zmoylan-piso if anyone of those fails it all falls over...09:10
popeynot all, only those on wifi09:10
popeyI'm wired :)09:10
knightwiseethernet over powerlines is good as an endpoint connection but not as a backend09:10
popeyscrew those guys09:10
knightwisepopey: did you catch my voicemail  ?09:13
popeynot yet. It's in the queue :)09:13
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Monday, and happy Camera Day! 😃09:13
knightwiseCamera day must be a big thing in the uk :)09:14
knightwiseSurveilance capital of the world and all09:14
foobarryonly in london and on the roads09:15
popeyand in shopping centres09:15
foobarryprobably have the IRA to blame/thank for that09:15
foobarryditto IRA09:15
popeyand on trains09:15
foobarrythats the stabby young kids09:16
zmoylan-piwell all that surveilance has kept the stasi secure in eastern germany hasn't it?09:23
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=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
knightwiseListening to 8_1609:53
bashrc_the mass surveillance is just about trying to keep the lid on things, but if there's enough dissent no amount of intimidation will stop the wall from coming down10:00
zmoylan-piall those cold war agencies want someone to spy on to justify their paychecks10:02
knightwisezmoylan-pi: i read "the snowden files"10:04
knightwisevery sobering10:04
zmoylan-piwell living in ireland i'm used to surveillance dating back decades. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capenhurst#Capenhurst_tower10:05
foobarryin evernote, when i open the page to find a note, with a colleague next to me, i don't want him to see the other notes come up in my recent list10:19
foobarryany way to hide that? (i'm a premium user)10:19
knightwisefoobarry: which client do you use for evernote on Linux ?10:38
SuperMattit's wombledon time now, so everyone tune in :)10:39
foobarryknightwise: web page usually (and i hate it)10:41
foobarrywimbledon? but it's sunny!10:41
foobarryevernote is useful but horrible UX10:41
zmoylan-pionce the first tennis ball hits the grass the weather will turn10:41
foobarrybut i have wednesday off, schooboy error10:42
knightwisefoobarry: agree. the thing i hate about it is that I have no (decent) offline client for linux.10:42
knightwisecurrently running the windows version in wine10:42
foobarryyes i have that too10:42
knightwisebut i am starting to lean towards just using textfiles in Dropbox10:43
foobarrybut it ate some notes i was collaborating on10:43
foobarrythey have poor overwrite rules for client and web version10:43
foobarrythe mac one ate notes too10:43
foobarryoverwrote web ones with blank10:43
popeyhey chaps11:10
popeywhat feature would you miss most if it was ripped out of nautilus?11:10
knightwiseconnect to server11:10
popeygood one11:10
knightwiseits a bit sad that they deprecated it (you used to be able to pull down what protocol you wanted to use) .. now you have to type that in manually like smb:// etc..;11:11
foobarryso bookmarks too11:14
diploknightwise: +1 annoys me too11:14
foobarryhowever i don't use nautilus anymore , and the feature i miss most is connect to server11:14
knightwisefoobarry: whato do you use instead11:14
foobarryits like nautilus but without any menus/features11:16
ali1234popey: ability to show file modified date and time11:18
* knightwise suspect popey is in a canonical meeting titled "Why I want to scrap nautilus" :p11:25
shauno"quick, everyone do my homework!"11:25
popeynot quite :)11:25
popeyWe have a file manager app on the phone, looking at what features we're missing from Nautilus11:26
popeyand yes, "connect to server" is one I miss too11:26
knightwisepopey: :) Glad to be of assistance :)11:27
ali1234you should compare it to a file manager that is actually good11:29
diploES File manager :)11:29
shaunoI'm not convinced such a thing exists11:29
shaunonorton commander really doesn't suit a 'touch' environment, and that's the closest I can think of11:31
knightwiseshauno: true.11:31
knightwisebut it is a classic11:31
knightwiseOSX finder is terrible11:31
shaunoit is.  my 'file manager' is having bash on a hotkey, but that doesn't really suit touch either11:34
ali1234why does a phone even need a file manager?11:35
brobostigonto manage documents, media etc.?11:36
SuperMattI swear I'm one of three people in the world that like nautilus, and 2 of them developed it11:36
* brobostigon uses straight gnome3, so he uses nautilus as well.11:37
SuperMattstraight gnome 3.16 is absolutely spectacular11:38
SuperMattit is now my base level for an OS11:38
SuperMattI won't install it unless it has 3.1611:38
SuperMattso sorry Vivid!11:38
popeyali1234: what's your suggestion of a good file manager?11:39
popeyand what features are in it that make it better than nautilus?11:39
* popey hopes for mc11:40
popeyand "works in a terminal" being the feature :)11:40
ali1234thunar, ability to see file modification date11:40
popeyi can see that in nautilus...11:40
ali1234it does not show time11:41
popeyah right11:41
popeyyeah, i dont like that either11:41
ali1234also correct handling of xdg-bookmarks is good11:42
ali1234nautilus doesn't despite the fact they invented the standard11:42
* popey installs thunar to play11:42
ali1234having a proper menu is also essential11:42
diploali1234: I use a file manager on my phone all the time, ES File explorer is great, if we could get half of the stuff from that in11:42
ali1234i havent used nautilus for two years so i don't know what other stupid "features" it has picked up since then11:43
popeyis thunar a fork of old nautilus?11:44
popeythey're very similar11:44
ali1234thunar would be terrible on a phone anyway11:47
ali1234you need a totally different interface11:47
davmor2popey: no thunar was a fresh app back some time ago they decided that nautilus was getting too resource hungry iirc11:47
popeythunar is nice11:49
zmoylan-pithunar is quite nippy on my ancient netboo11:49
ali1234thunar would be nicer if xfce had a working thumbnailer daemon :/11:50
davmor2popey: midnight commander ;)11:50
ali1234imagine if midnight command had an actual gui that you could click on11:51
ali1234that's the file manager i used to use on my amiga 20 years ago11:51
ali1234now something like this maybe could actually work on a phone11:53
ali1234if you made the buttons bigger11:53
davmor2popey: selecting an app to run something in, in the preferences.  Not sure if phone can do that.  Ie open videos in vlc over videos for example11:57
davmor2popey: differences in single click vs double click for desktops maybe?12:03
popeydavmor2: that should be system wide mimetype imo12:08
davmor2popey: indeed but how would you access that, and it might be that you want mpg in one and mkv in another for example. so being able to select a default like you can in nautilus is useful rather than in content hub everytime maybe12:10
davmor2popey: so undefaulted show contenthub and defined open in the app selected just a suggestion any way it is something I'd miss, which is what you asked for :)12:11
davmor2popey: other than that +1 on connect to server I think that is kinda critical especially samba and ssh12:12
shaunoam I the only one that things that's a bit niche on a phone?12:14
foobarrythunar features bulk renaming12:15
foobarrymajor USP12:15
shaunonot to say it's a bad idea, but there has to be some kinda 80/80 thing going on12:15
davmor2popey: an old feature in nautilus that was nice was the predefined fields for a connection too  that would save some typing on a phone :)12:19
davmor2popey: I think they dropped that when they moved to gvfs though12:19
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)12:27
brobostigonhi bigcalm12:30
bigcalmI've set up a couple of ProxyCommand host jumpers in .ssh/config. I can ssh directly to the target by the name I've given in the config. But I can't use those names in other programs that can SSH. Anyway of doing so?12:41
jpdsbigcalm: Set 'User' in config too?12:50
bigcalmCannot open SSH Tunnel: Error connecting SSH tunnel: Error connecting to SSH server: [Errno -2] Name or service not known12:53
bigcalmPlease refer to logs for details.12:53
bigcalmThat's from MySQL Workbench12:53
foobarrytab pauser has made my chrome probs 10x worse14:27
bigcalmBusy day...14:49
popeyfoobarry: I use tab-suspender14:57
popeydunno if there's a difference14:57
foobarrythatts the one14:57
popeywhat's worse?14:58
popeyMy laptop is 10x more usable now14:58
foobarrychrome is locking up on abotu 10-15 tabs14:58
foobarryRAM usage 6GB14:58
foobarryona daily basis14:58
foobarrythey are the usual tabs i use for 30-50 tabs14:59
foobarrydunno whats going on15:00
foobarrytried flipping to firefox but thats pretty sucky15:01
foobarrymight have to run memtest on here to see whats going on15:01
intrbizclose some tabs?15:24
foobarryi did, i'm down to 10-15 now15:25
foobarryand chrome has become far more unstable15:25
foobarrysince running tab suspender,15:25
popeyI have 42 tabs open at the moment15:25
foobarryunstable because chrome frees 6gb when closed15:25
intrbizi have 415:25
popey  3.4 GiB + 160.3 MiB =   3.6 GiBchrome (38)15:27
popeynot bad with 42 tabs :)15:27
foobarrypopey: whats that command?15:29
popeyits a handy python script15:29
foobarrycompiz! lol15:29
foobarrythanks i'll try that15:29
popeyi sometimes run it via cron and then grep for a process in all the log files to see what's growing15:30
popeyhelped me find a memory eater on the phone15:30
foobarryroot required :(15:30
bigcalmAdd to sudo with a no password requirement :)15:32
bigcalmHi kids15:32
foobarryyeah but its a script from teh internet15:32
popeyyou could read it15:33
popeyit's been around for 10 years!15:33
popeyso not like some monkey mashed a keyboard overnight15:33
bigcalmI grepped for 'rm' and didn't find any baddies15:33
foobarrysounds legit15:33
bigcalmMy top users: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11793695/15:35
bigcalmNot as bad as I thought15:37
bigcalmExpected Vbox to be using more15:38
bigcalmMaybe it doesn't count the vms themselves15:38
popey4 of the top 6 memory eaters on my server are landscape15:38
popey 28.9 MiB + 609.0 KiB =  29.5 MiBlandscape-broke15:38
popeythats the highest though, so not bad15:38
intrbizbigcalm: well vbox is using the most, across two processes15:40
bigcalmintrbiz: true15:41
bigcalmintrbiz: the 4200G is too deep for the cabinet we have. Well it fits if I don't plug any cables into it15:42
intrbizbigcalm: ah, right angled mains cable maybe?15:42
intrbizbigcalm: we're gonna need a bigger rack15:42
bigcalmintrbiz: it would help, don't know if it'll be enough though15:42
bigcalmFnar fnar15:42
* brobostigon finds it annoying, that the bbc have ditched pointless for the tennis.16:18
diddledan50 tabs is a bit OTT IMO16:25
diddledanI can't remember what's what when I only have 10 tabs16:25
shaunoI'm surprised there isn't a name for that16:27
shaunothis odd ADD/kleptomania combination that leaves people collecting every webpage they've ever been to16:27
popeyits not that for me16:28
popeyI have two windows, one personal, one work. the work one has lots of launchpad merge requests / google documents etc16:28
popeyit's like leaving a copy of word open with 3 docs in it that I use a lot16:28
zmoylan-pii use text editor with all my notes in a journal file entries separated by date and hashtags that is backed up to dropbox and replicated to my other machines and tablet.16:30
diddledanhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZmGGAbHqa0 <-- googley datacentres16:37
directhexi kill all tabs several times a day16:39
shaunoI think that one at 0:07 is the one with crocodiles?16:39
shaunoyeah, I close my browser when I'm done with it.  otherwise I can chase tangents for 8 hours and do nothing16:40
diddledanshauno: crocodiles?17:55
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dutchtillhelp, i cant access these links but it works on windows18:27
dutchtilli know the problem isnt my internet connection18:28
diddledanthat's nice18:29
diddledanthese links are evil anyway18:29
dutchtilli know... but i want to access them on Linux not on Windows18:29
dutchtillbut all my browsers wont load them18:30
diddledanI guess you have a flagial abruption18:30
diddledanthe widget needs unscrewing18:31
dutchtillno, im lost now18:31
diddledanI was lost to begin with18:31
dutchtillfair enough18:32
dutchtilli have a problem with 3 links18:32
diddledanwww.three.co.uk ?18:32
dutchtilli can access them on windows but i cant accesss them on linux18:32
dutchtillno no no18:32
dutchtillone of them is this18:33
dutchtillthe link is not broken18:33
dutchtillbut all my browsers on Linux even after reinstalling them still doesnt work18:35
dutchtilloh cock, i copied them wrong18:36
diddledanloads fine here18:37
dutchtilli copied them in the wrong format18:37
dutchtillno no no, does my ip gives shown on here>18:39
dutchtillbecause i clicked on my name only to find a ip address which led me to my sky hub18:39
popey94.3.193.220 is your ip, yes, we see that18:40
diddledanello popey18:40
dutchtill........................................................................... there goes my location18:40
diddledanIP Addresses aren't private18:41
dutchtilli know that but you can access on here easy18:41
diddledanI don't get the point of masking either IP addresses or domain/hostnames18:41
dutchtillyou tend to do a view nerdy things18:41
dutchtillto give ones ip18:41
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