
=== duflu_ is now known as duflu
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=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
mzanettiltinkl, hey ho10:56
mzanettiltinkl, what's the status on the QScreenSaver thing?10:56
ltinklmzanetti, hi11:00
ltinklmzanetti, I added a comment to the BR with a suggestion how this might be fixed (in mir); so far no reply :/11:00
ltinklmzanetti, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1462489/comments/2011:01
ubot5Launchpad bug 1462489 in Canonical System Image "Allow apps to keep the screen on" [High,Confirmed]11:01
mzanettiltinkl, I think we rather adjust the QPA to use mir specifics, instead of cluttering Mir with X11 cruft11:03
mzanettihmm... ok, this isn't in the QPA, but rather directly in the QtSystemInfo code11:03
ltinklmzanetti, hmm, I didn't mean this, I think we should patch (provide an implementation) directly in qscreensaver11:03
ltinklmzanetti, ye11:03
ltinklmzanetti, so far it has one only for X1111:04
mzanettiltinkl, ok. thanks a lot for digging this out. I'll take it to Pat to figure who will do this11:04
ltinklmzanetti, no prob; I think this is best suited for someone from the mir team11:05
ltinklmzanetti, shouldn't be that hard for them imo11:05
=== greyback|doc is now known as greyback
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
dandradergreyback, fyi: will start reviewing https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/qtmir/polite-close/+merge/262188 now.12:38
=== attente_ is now known as attente
greybackdandrader: thanks. Was about to ask you actually12:38
dandraderdidn't know it was up for review for so long already. thought it was WIP12:39
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cimipstolowski, hey pawel13:35
cimipstolowski, I am working on the social comments, do you have any preferences for the widgetData properties for them?13:36
cimiwidgetData["source"], "author", "date", "comment" ?13:36
pstolowskicimi, hey,13:52
pstolowskicimi, do you have the notes about that from tsdgeos?13:53
pstolowskicimi, ah, nvm, i confused this with some other functionality I discussed before with tsdgeos13:55
pstolowskicimi, so - no, i haven't really thought about social comments, so no preferences. just propose something13:57
greyback libconnectivity-qt1-dev:armhf : Depends: libconnectivity-qt1:armhf (= 0.5.1+15.04.20150618.1-0ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed14:02
=== dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader
seb128hey there14:39
seb128did the desktop lock screen changed on purpose between vivid and wily?14:39
seb128it's using the phone now14:39
seb128before it had one with a text input rather than the artwork and edge slide14:39
greybackseb128: not intentionally. Sounds like a bug14:41
seb128hey greyback, wb!14:41
greybackseb128: hey! Thanks :)14:41
seb128I was looking for you previous week ;-)14:41
greybackyou would have found me outside in the sun. Why didn't you look there? ;)14:42
seb128good place to hide for a geek ;-)14:42
seb128anyway, I was/am hitting issue to get unity8 session to work on the snappy personal and I though it might be an issue on the components only you know14:43
seb128unity8.log was failing to start with ""ERROR: QMirServer - Mir failed to start"" in the log bug no details14:44
seb128but turns out it's probably not your fault14:44
seb128after some days of trying to figure out what's going and nagging Mir/unity8 channels I got enough help to figure out that unity8 does work14:45
seb128it's only that lightdm starts u-s-c on vt8 but fail to switch to there, and vt7 go back to the greeter14:45
seb128so it looks like session start failed14:45
seb128if you manually go to vt8 unity8 does start14:45
seb128now I'm nagging robert_ancell trying to understand why the vt switch is not working14:46
greybackseb128: hmm, quite an adventure.14:55
greybacksounds like something to robustify. I'm surprised unity8 didn't print an error explaining why mir failed to start14:55
seb128greyback, yeah, not easy to debug/have info about QMirServer not starting14:55
seb128I'm not even sure why Mir fails to start still14:56
seb128usc is on "pause"14:56
seb128shouldn't the rendering on vt8 work even if that's not the active vt?14:56
greybackseb128: I've no idea. I would expect it to, but that's Mir's domain14:59
attentehi. is anyone looking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1417655?15:05
ubot5Launchpad bug 1417655 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Support multiple surface applications" [Medium,Triaged]15:05
greybackattente: yep, it's slowly appearing. It involves adding non-trivial window management code, so is taking time15:07
attentegreyback: cool, thanks15:08
seb128hum, the desktop greeter regressed in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/8.10+15.10.20150616.1-0ubuntu115:23
seb128could be https://code.launchpad.net/~josharenson/unity8/greeter_mode/+merge/25638515:26
greybackseb128: strange thing is, I'm using today's desktop on my laptop, and greeter looks fine.15:30
seb128does it have a password entry?15:30
greybackseb128: i.e. the way it always has, password entry box to left of infographic15:30
seb128or the artwork in the middle and need to slide to display the "enter password"?15:30
seb128weird, I get the phone Ui on my wily and on the snappy personal daily image15:31
greybackseb128: is GRID_UNIT_PX set to a high value?15:31
seb128dpkg -l | grep unity8?15:31
greybackseb128: I'm on vivid+overlay15:31
seb128that doesn't have the landing I mentioned15:32
seb128yeah, that doesn't have "  * Implement bare-bones shellMode=greeter and shellMode=shell"15:33
seb128e.g https://code.launchpad.net/~josharenson/unity8/greeter_mode/+merge/25638515:33
seb128reported https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/146976115:34
ubot5Launchpad bug 1469761 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Recent landing made desktop load the phone greeter/lock screen" [Undecided,New]15:34
greybacklooks likely that's the problem15:34
greybackseb128: thanks15:34
greybackseb128: i'm guessing apps work for you on unity8 on desktop then15:34
seb128starting them?15:34
greybackseb128: heh, ok I've screwed something up somewhere15:35
seb128if not, make sure cgmanager is started15:35
seb128it doesn't do for some vivid unstable upgraders15:35
seb128systemctl start cgmanager15:35
greybackseb128: would this be useful fix, it helps unity8-dash and maliit start on my machine: https://code.launchpad.net/~gerboland/unity8/set-qpa-env-for-clients/+merge/26325315:35
seb128greyback, thanks ... and weird, dash starts fine for me15:36
greybackseb128: bingo, that fixes apps for me15:36
seb128you need to locally fix your systemd job, upgrades from that buggy unstable version are not automatically handled15:37
greybackseb128: hmm, I am interested in what sets QT_QPA_PLATFORM for dash & maliit then15:37
greybackyay, i get to learn systemd now15:37
seb128QT_QPA_PLATFORM = ubuntumirclient15:38
greybackseb128: yeah, but *what* sets that for apps15:39
seb128no idea...15:39
greybacknor I. Anyway, stuff works for me now, thank you15:39
seb128/usr/bin/lightdm-unity8-session does15:40
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dandradermzanetti, ping18:46
mzanettidandrader, pong18:46
dandradermzanetti, just did "sudo apt-get build-dep unity8" in vivid+overlay_ppa and it didn't pull libandroid-properties-dev. Any idea what might be missing or outdated?18:48
dandradermzanetti, that was in a chroot in my mako, right after a "apt-get update"18:48
mzanettishould be there. that dep came with shellRotation, which is in the ppa18:49
mzanettidandrader, apt-cache policy unity818:50
dandradermzanetti, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11794738/18:50
dandraderlooks correct...18:51
mzanettidandrader, odd, you have 20150618. That is current trunk18:51
dandradermzanetti, and same happens on the phone but outside the chroot18:52
mzanettiyeah, just saw it18:52
dandraderI've no idea where "apt-get build-dep" gets his info from though18:52
mzanettifrom the source package afaik18:53
mzanettiwhich should have the debian/control18:53
mzanettiand it is in there18:53
tedgSo I just installed the U8 desktop session. But it doesn't seem to be taking mouse input.19:02
tedgIs there a way to make it do that?19:02
robin-heroey all! I set Terminal to maximum size on Unity8 (Desktop Next), and now I can't resize it to the original size, because there are no control buttons on the title. How can I fix it?19:12
mzanettidandrader, hey, ltinkl just left some comments here. https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity8/fixOrientedShellTests/+merge/26249019:19
mzanettidandrader, in case you wanna fix, the silo still needs building and I can't build atm19:19
mzanettiso feel free to still change the branch19:19
dandradermzanetti, replied19:23
mzanettidandrader, hmm, this is news to me... interesting19:24
mzanettihave some readings related to this?19:24
dandradermzanetti, nothing readily available. let me google it19:24
dandradermzanetti, this is one http://www.cprogramming.com/c++11/rvalue-references-and-move-semantics-in-c++11.html19:26
dandradermzanetti, let me find a Qt announcement on the support19:26
dandradermzanetti, yeah, just checked the code. QString has a move constructor: QString(QString && other)19:29
dandradermzanetti, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11795003/19:30
tedgHmm, so I still can't get through the lock screen with -mousetouch19:35
dandradertedg, maybe unity8 is not getting any input at all19:41
tedgdandrader, No, I can make the launcher move, just not the lock screen.19:54
dandradertedg, if you just click on the indicators bar. does it open?19:54
dandradertedg, without -mousetouch, that is.19:55
tedgdandrader, No19:55
tedgdandrader, I doesn't either way19:55
tedgI think I remember bregma mentioning something like this.19:55
dandradertedg, bad sign. the indicator bar is supposed to show  the indicators panel when it gets a mouse click19:56
tedgI just don't remember if there's a solution.19:56
dandradertedg, also the launcher should show itself when the mouse pointer reaches the left edge of the screen. No "pushing against the edge" needed, like in unity719:56
dandradertedg, that, again, without -mousetouch19:57
tedgdandrader, Yeah, so the launcher appears and I can move the icons on it.19:57
dandradertedg, and are you getting the "tablet" or the phone lockscreen?19:59
tedgdandrader, I don't know the difference.19:59
tedgThere's no user selector20:00
tedgAnd it's in the user session.20:00
dandradertedg, the tablet (or the wide, multi-user) one is the one that shows the user name on the left (or a scrollable list of users) with the round infographics on the right side20:01
dandradertedg, you dismiss it by tapping on the user name (if it doesn't have a password)20:01
tedgYeah, so I think it's phone.20:01
tedgI've got a centered infographic20:01
tedgCan I disable the lock screen? How does this work for cases of lightdm doing the session managment?20:02
dandradertedg, so that's another problem. desktop should be getting the tablet/wide/multi-user greeter20:02
dandradertedg, until we get a design for the desktop case (if it turns out to be different from tablet)20:02
dandradertedg, josh should know, but he's not on IRC atm.20:03
dandradertedg, or mterry20:03
dandradertedg, lightdm will run "unity8 ---greeteronly" or something like that20:04
dandradertedg, ie, it will run an instance of unity8 having only the Greeter+Lockscreen20:05
dandradertedg, until it's split into a separate binary again20:05
dandradertedg, not sure what's the current status of this though20:05
tedgdandrader, it seems to be -mode shell20:15
dandradertedg, yeah, I thinkg that's the command line argument for that20:15
dandradertedg, it shouldn't load the Greeter20:17
dandradertedg, did it work for you?20:17
tedgdandrader, Yeah, now I need to get a terminal :-)20:18

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