
=== azamrod is now known as lixunero
daniel__have new tv monitor and have connected via hdmi but dont have clear HD desktop!! picture looks grainy any suggestions?00:20
daniel__have the propriety fglrx-updates driver installed00:21
hypernovahow does one install teamspeak?00:22
hypernovathis is what i get when i download teamspeak00:22
Koyaanisopen the terminal, then type cd "PATH OF THE FILE"00:23
Koyaanisthen type ./TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_x86-3.0.16.run00:23
hypernovaits on the desktop00:23
Koyaaniscd /home/USER/Desktop/00:24
hypernovacd /home/USER/Desktop/ = no such file or drictory00:24
Kelbitcd ~/Desktop/00:24
Koyaanisreplace USER with your username00:24
Kelbitor just remember that ~ automatically expands to /home/your_user_name00:25
hypernovai think ill just do cd ~/Desktop/00:25
Koyaanissure thing00:25
KoyaanisI just dont use ~ because i dont know where that key is :P00:25
TheC4melFor some reason, when I changed the frames per second on JACK audio settings for my sound latency, every time (no matter what value I put in), it stops the jack server.00:25
hypernovathanks worked a charm00:28
NobCatTJ- >>>00:30
TJ-NobCat: ahh, so you just need lvm to use 64KB blocks?00:32
NobCatyeah :D00:32
hypernovanothing opens when i try to run teamspeak ;(00:33
lixuneroa dormir00:33
noobninjasilly question, but how do I start gnome fallback after installing it on the terminal with Ubuntu Server?00:33
TJ-NobCat: dont want to disappoint you, but if the data looked encrypted I doubt its just a different block size00:35
TJ-NobCat: in the first few bytes you'd see readable text with the VG name and LV name in the LVs header00:36
hypernovaso icreated a launc hscript00:37
hypernovaands to /home/your_user_name00:37
nurfeenoobninja: Logut and you should get a login gui now, if all set up correctly.00:37
lixunerohypernova hablas español00:37
hypernovait still won;t launch00:38
lixunerohypernova, how do you say spanish?00:39
noobninjanurfee: I'm on Ubuntu Server so it only has a terminal. I did a "sudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback" and tried to run "gnome-session --session=gnome-classic", but got an error message saying "cannot open display"00:40
TheC4melEspanol (squiggle on the 'N')00:40
daniel12grainy unclear desktop with new HDTV ati proprietory graphics driver installed, resolution ok just doesnt look HD clear00:40
TheC4melHave you tried wumbo?00:41
nurfeenoobninja: Yes your on a server, however if you have done your work, you have X and a login, I would confirm all that's workin before you try loading and unloading the DE, that is the easy part, end goals here also matter.00:41
lixuneroTheC4mel: how do you say spanish?00:41
TheC4mellixunero: Espanol (squiggle on the 'N')00:42
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TheC4mel"es span yol"00:43
noobninjanurfee: I'm very new to this, but how do I install "x and login"?00:44
rblsthypernova: first line should be: [Desktop Entry]00:44
HarrySacksDoes canonical spy on what you do on your computer?00:44
rblsthypernova: and set x pernission on the file00:45
nurfeenoobninja: Installing a desktop like that one gives you X, have you logged out or rebooted to see?00:45
HarrySacksDoes canonical spy on what you do on your computer?00:45
noobninjanurfee: yes, I rebooted the server and it dropped me straight into terminal00:45
nurfeeHarrySacks: Stop asking that please.00:45
bazhanghes gone00:45
OerHeksnoobninja, try ctrl altF7 for the inlog gui, and ctrl alt f2 to return to comandline00:46
doesntmatteranyone can help ? i think ive just got disconnected because i used -j drop on a ack packet00:46
bazhanglixunero, take the chit chat to #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here00:47
noobninjaOerHeks: when I did CTRL+ALT+F2 it dropped me to the terminal login screen00:48
noobninjaOerHeks: when I did CTRL+ALT+F7 gave me a bunch of bootup msg00:48
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bazhanglixunero, did you have an ubuntu support issue00:56
Geo2b2Does Ubuntu Mate use gtk2 or 3 when it comes to theming?00:57
bazhang!info mate-desktop00:58
ubottumate-desktop (source: mate-desktop): Library with common API for various MATE modules. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8.2+dfsg1-2 (vivid), package size 17 kB, installed size 85 kB00:58
xanguaGeo2b2: depends if the app uses gtk 2 or gtk 300:58
lixunerobazhang: no00:58
bazhanglixunero, then stop the chatting here, this is support ONLY00:58
bazhanglixunero, #ubuntu-offtopic for chat NOT here00:59
lixunerobazhang: do not be angry01:00
Geo2b2xangua, sorry, what do you mean by the app? I'm just trying to install some themes in general and on the website there are some that are gtk2 and some that are gtk301:00
xanguaGeo2b2: you want both01:01
stevejobsinhellis Qt5 in the repos ?  Using version 1501:02
Geo2b2xangua, thanks01:03
xanguaA theme set that has both gtk 2 and gtk 3 Geo2b2 , most gtk 3 themes have both but you have to check them yourself01:03
Geo2b2xangua, oh ok. that clears things up a bit more, thank you. I didn't realize a theme could use both01:05
amnesia_quantum: what up01:07
stevejobsinhellHow can I tell if I have qt installed?01:10
FreezingDroidSo in Ubuntu 15.04, do they use the same kernel?01:12
FreezingDroidEr, in the desktop and server version.01:12
Trinityanyone worried about the leap second june 30th?01:14
hypernovahello i can not get teamspeak to run for my best efforts01:14
nurfeeI'm concerned you are01:14
hypernovai downloaded the .run file01:14
hypernovaran it01:14
hypernovaand now i have a folder with a bunch of flies01:15
Trinitynurfee, well. there were some bugs last time in 201201:15
hypernovaand a runscript.sh and a ts2clinet_lunnux 8601:15
hypernovaany help would be amazing!01:15
hypernovasuper fed up01:15
nurfeeTrinity: really this is a #ubuntu-offtopic issue is all01:16
FreezingDroidTo answer my own question, yes, they are the same kernel.01:16
Koyaanishypernova: let me try to run it.01:16
Koyaanisthis your first time on ubuntu?01:16
hypernova5 years01:16
hypernovaim 1701:17
hypernovagot it when i was 1201:17
hypernovastill not too good at it01:17
hypernovajust starting to learn whats past the gui01:17
hypernovai know the gui pretty nice01:17
hypernovabut you know nothing else really01:17
Koyaanisi only have ubuntu in a virtual machine and dont know much about it either. but ill see what i can do. been using the terminal since the very beginning01:18
RemobothUdisks requires me to authenticate power state checks every time I unlock my desktop...01:21
RemobothIT is quite annoying.01:21
RemobothIs there any way to disable these authentication notices?01:21
Koyaanishypernova: i got it to work.01:25
Koyaanisi told you to ./file.run  earlier. that shouldnt have worked. or did it work for you?01:25
hypernovai got it instaled01:25
hypernovahow do i run it?01:25
RemobothAuthentication checks?01:26
Koyaanisyou have runscript in the folder. you need to run that file ./ts3client_runscript.sh01:26
Koyaanisjust type ./ts3client_runscript.sh in the terminal. you have to cd into the directory first of course01:26
hypernovai don't want to do that every time...01:26
KoyaanisYeah i know what you mean. i dont know a solution to that right now though, tbh01:27
hypernovarun a script01:27
hypernovathat won;t work...01:27
Koyaanisthere are probably scripts or whatever to create icons01:27
antonio_I'm having a hard time upgrading from 12.10 to the newest...How exactly do I do this?01:29
hypernovai had the same problem01:29
hypernovathat os is end of the line01:29
hypernovawipe the harddrive01:29
hypernovainstall over it with a live cd01:29
hypernovaany ways01:30
Koyaaniscant you did you just do  "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" ?01:30
hypernovai don't know the file path01:30
AssociateXMy internal mic works if my headphones are not plugged in, but if my headphones are plugged in my mic does not work.01:30
hypernovaif its on my desktop01:30
hypernovaive had that bugg too01:30
Koyaanisusually programs are installed in /usr/local/somedirectory i believe..01:30
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.01:30
hypernovaor try googleing it01:30
antonio_I want to be able to keep all of my current programs.  I backed up everything from the /home folder to an external HD with rysnc.  Can I install with the newest version of ubuntu and keep all of my programs / configuations?01:31
Bashing-om!eol | antonio_01:32
ubottuantonio_: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades01:32
hypernovaomg i got it01:33
antonio_where is sources.list?01:35
Koyaanishow hyper01:35
TJ-antonio_: see "man sources.list"01:36
Bashing-omantonio_: That file is located " /etc/apt/sources.list ". Be aware it is a long hard roard to go from 12.10 to a current release . May have many pitfalls along the way .01:37
antonio_bashing-om: Whats more reliable to keep all of my current programs / configs?  Doing a fresh install with 14.10? or upgrading?01:39
nszcetaantonio_ upgrade01:40
Bashing-omantonio_: You have backups. I would highly recommned a clean fresh install of 14.04 .01:40
antonio_bashing-om: and then copying over the /home folder after I cresh install?01:40
Bashing-omantonio_: No, I would only copy back to the new install such things as still required .01:42
danshinSomeone know how to enable javascript in Links?01:42
antonio_bashing-om: like what?01:42
scarhelp! i was trying to reduce my encrypted partitions following this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ResizeEncryptedPartitions#Reduce_an_encrypted_partition  and now when i try to boot my system it says "no volume groups found"01:42
antonio_essential files?01:42
Bashing-omantonio_: All essential files will be in the new install . All I would copy back is the personal stuff I use on a regular basis. A lot of changes between the DE of 12.10 and that of 14.04 .01:44
antonio_bashing-om: what if I want to keep my current programs / configs?01:44
Bashing-omantonio_: Like 3rd party stuff ?01:45
antonio_bashing-om: yeah...thunderbird, kdenlive, etc.01:45
scarin the liveCD now it says /dev/sda5 is not a valid LUKS device01:46
Bashing-omMuch safer to (RE-)install fresh . IF you have a lot, 'dpkg --get-selections >> dpkg --set-selections >> sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade ' may be of interest .01:47
edgardowebhi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ia9YSGiYh5w&feature=share01:48
Bashing-omantonio_: ^^ In respect to get-selections; see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=261366 .01:49
scarhelp! i was trying to reduce my encrypted partitions following this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ResizeEncryptedPartitions#Reduce_an_encrypted_partition  and now when i try to boot my system it says "no volume groups found", when i try 'cryptsetup luksOpen' in a liveCD it says "not a valid LUKS device"01:56
antonio_bashing-om: where does it save that file of installed softs?01:58
Bashing-omantonio_: Wherever you direct . For instance ' dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages ' would save the file to your desktop as file name "my-packages" .02:00
domkingis there a way to logout out of gdm302:01
antonio_never mind, found it ;)02:01
domkingsay im in a vm02:01
domkingim done with desktop want to logout out gdm completely just take it back to black command line login02:02
domkingthought logging out would do it but it just take me back to gdm login screen i want to exit out gui completely02:03
nurfeedomking: TTY02:03
nurfeesudo service gdm stop02:03
nurfeestart to go02:03
domkingso i have to kill the service?02:04
nurfeeyou are shutting down x02:05
domkingahh i see02:06
nurfeeI can't give a exact technical explanation, others can02:06
domkingappreciate that02:06
nurfeehate to stray you yah no02:06
domkingok so another question and this is just hypothetical im thinkuing outloud02:07
domkingnvmd figured it02:08
gregorywhy sit there? You all ubuntu programmers or just flys on the wall?02:10
TheC4melHello all. Any JACK Audio connection junkies out there? I'm having the biggest headache. Jack audio connection kit was working like, 2 hours ago. I had it working perfectly. All I wanted to do is just change the sound latency. I changed the frames/period, but after doing that, the whole entire thing wouldn't work. I've altered a lot of settings, just in hopes that I'd get it working again. It won't do anything. In fact, I changed th02:12
TheC4mele name of my JACK settings preset, and I think that screwed it up even more. http://pastebin.com/rTrdDtwc     here's the error log.02:12
gregorythe military will warn you not to install this os but i love this version02:12
gregorywhy wont 14.04 update to 14.05 ??? Correct?02:13
nszcetaput down the bong man02:14
gregoryAnybody know if 14.05 is out yet?02:14
nopfyou mean 15.05?02:14
nszcetagregory http://releases.ubuntu.com/02:14
scari guess everything is lost. damn that article!02:15
n-iCe's back02:23
wolflarsonIf I where in need of RAID advice on my ubuntu server would this be the place to ask?02:32
gregory__why is linux so free?02:33
MiniFridgeHi, I'm trying to use Universal USB Installer to make a live USB of Ubuntu 14.04.02, it works well up until I select the option to try Ubuntu, then I get stuck at a Busybox prompt.02:34
MiniFridgeI checked the hashes of the USB creator and the iso02:34
MiniFridgeI also tried changing the USB ports from 3.0 to 2.002:34
MiniFridgeI had this issue before and I believe I tried UNetbootin in the past. It seems it also won't work with Linux Mint02:35
wolflarsonwho created universal usb installer?02:35
gregory__Sorry, I just started with IRC, where can i talk and have fun #ADMIN02:35
gregory__ADMIN! TIME!02:35
MiniFridgewolflarson, oh, my bad, not me. http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/02:35
MiniFridgeI got it off there.02:35
Bashing-omwolflarson: One can ask here, might get better response in #ubuntu-server .02:36
wolflarsonthanks Bashing-om I will ask there02:37
Bashing-omwolflarson: K :) lots of smart people frequent here though .02:38
MiniFridgeI'm not trying to install Ubuntu, just so that's clear. I just want a live USB.02:38
gregorybritt_comwhy did TIME! used to display?02:40
wolflarsonHello all, I am having some issues trying out motherboard raid (intel) on my computer. I have created the RAID array and durring the install of ubuntu server it seemed to have detected it however I am having issues mounting the array02:41
nurfeeMiniFridge: I believe this loader is the ubuntu recomended, http://www.linuxliveusb.com/02:41
gregorybritt_comwouldn't it be nice if linuxliveusb would run the live linux on ubuntu instead of windows only?02:42
MiniFridgeI will try that. Thanks.02:42
gregorybritt_comjwplayer music visuals for sale anyone?02:42
demhlyrhttps://rufus.akeo.ie/ i like this one too02:42
wolflarsonbut we have dd :)02:42
gregorybritt_comcan you make jwplayer shoutcast visuals Mozilla if your in here?02:45
grublesBashing-om: np02:46
gregorybritt_comUbuntu kicks butt better!02:46
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gregorybritt_comI need detailed instructions on specifically locating IP//home//filename from the browser off my ubuntu computer (gregory@rocketship.com)02:51
gregorybritt_comcut the rope on the secret here programming team!02:51
gregorybritt_comi need to know!02:51
MiniFridgeI will try the live USB, thanks.02:52
gregorybritt_comping my ip: canada4.liveradioparty.com:502202:55
gregorybritt_comcome on here its unlimited !02:55
gregorybritt_comunlimited pings!02:55
Bashing-omgregorybritt_com: ping -c3 canada4.liveradioparty.com >> 3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2002ms ;; ping -c3 canada4.liveradioparty.com:5022 >> ping: unknown host canada4.liveradioparty.com:5022 .02:58
gregorybritt_comwhy is host unknown?03:00
gregorybritt_combut thanks Bashing-om03:01
gregorybritt_comping http://canada4.liveradioparty.com:502203:01
Bashing-omgregorybritt_com: Port 5022 is closed ??03:01
gregorybritt_comping -c3 canada4.liveradioparty.com:502203:01
maorongrongi'm first to use ubuntu03:01
gregorybritt_comBashing-om what country blocked port 5022?03:02
gregorybritt_comBashing-om Know how I can tunnel in Ubuntu x1000's ?03:04
Bashing-omgregorybritt_com: Perhaps that port request does not get forwarded. But I do not know how I would test that aspect .03:04
gregorybritt_comi'm trying to tunnel the listener counter!03:04
gregorybritt_comtheres another port number03:04
Bashing-omgregorybritt_com: Sorry, no . I have not had that experience.03:05
gregorybritt_comi need to see what happens after 999 listeners03:05
gregorybritt_comit was in windows, you could fake millions of page views on a hit counter03:05
gregorybritt_com1999 ?03:05
gregorybritt_combuilt into IE03:05
gregorybritt_comMy listen link is; http://canada4.liveradioparty.com:5022/listen.pls03:06
gregorybritt_comshould work03:06
gregorybritt_comi need jwplayer shoutcast java visuals for html ? anybody ?03:06
gregorybritt_comany programmers?03:08
MiniFridgeHi, LiLi did not work03:12
MiniFridgeI got a busy box prompt again03:12
nurfeeMiniFridge: I wonder what is on the computer now, this a dual boot in the end, if so with what?03:14
MiniFridgeFor context: I can't get an Ubuntu live USB working using Linux Live USB Creator or Universal USB Creator. I checked the hashes of both the software and the iso file03:14
gregorybritt_comon that ip i promise to you the irc user whoever you be that you shall never be kicked!03:14
MiniFridgenurfee, Windows 8.103:15
demhlyrMiniFridge try http://rufus.akeo.ie/ maybe03:15
nurfeeMiniFridge: UEFI sound familiar?03:15
MiniFridgeI'll try Rufus.03:15
MiniFridgenurfee, yes03:15
nurfeeMiniFridge: Cool, I assume you have seen the wiki....etc.03:15
wolflarsonRufis was the only way I could get kubuntu to work due to uefi03:15
MiniFridgeoh, UEFI causes problems, apparently?03:16
schlerpyeah you bought that pc iwth win 8.1?03:16
nurfee!uefi | MiniFridge take a looksie03:16
ubottuMiniFridge take a looksie: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI03:16
MiniFridgeWell, I built it.03:16
MiniFridgeI installed a retail version of Windows 8.1 on it03:16
schlerpyeah so by the sounds of it you got two options, (1 if you want to dual boot with win8)03:17
schlerpeither use the bios fallback instead of uefi or get ubuntu workign over uefi (read the ubottu link)03:18
MiniFridgeIs there a way to find out if I installed Windows 8.1 via UEFI or legacy?03:19
MiniFridgeI forgot what I did, it was over a year ago.03:19
wolflarsonwhat is your BIOS set at currently ?03:19
wolflarsonmore than likley you never changed it back to UEFI if installed while in legacy03:20
schlerpif you bought the parts recently it would be uefi im fairly sure anyone else got a more solid idea of that?03:20
MiniFridgeWell, it's at UEFI. I never knew I could go to BIOS on it. For some reason, I thought you were talking about the boot mode.03:21
Bashing-omMiniFridge: ' [ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo UEFI || echo BIOS ' .03:21
gregorybritt_comsorry :219903:23
MiniFridgeit does look like I have fast startup enabled.03:24
MiniFridgeI will take a look at it.03:24
MiniFridgeBashing-om, what is that for?03:24
schlerpskips a bunch of stuff and goes striaght to the first os it finds im pretty sure?03:24
Bashing-omMiniFridge: You asked for a means to tell if bios or UUFI . the result will tell .03:24
gregorybritt_comunlimited listener shoutcast autodj03:25
MiniFridgeah. Well, I know it is UEFI. Thanks anyways.03:25
MiniFridgegregorybritt_com, yes?03:25
nurfeeMiniFridge: Dualbooting will remove the windows fastboot, you want windows off when going to another OS.03:25
MiniFridgenurfee, even if I just want to use a live USB once in a while on this PC, I must follow the steps described in the wiki?03:27
gregorybritt_comwhy does ubuntu suck for only shoutcast relaying03:28
gregorybritt_comeverything else kicks butt03:28
gregorybritt_combut thanks for putting the xscreensaver back where it was03:29
gregorybritt_comit still gives the daemon error as it usually03:30
MiniFridgeI may do this tomorrow.03:30
MiniFridgeIt's getting late here.03:30
gregorybritt_comyep add more screensavers too!03:30
MiniFridgeThank you for your help. It probably is this.03:30
gregorybritt_comchina? you were allowed to use my ip generals!03:32
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gregorybritt_comsleeping behind the wheel is only going to piss the dead off03:38
gregorybritt_comjobs, s woulda told ya's to keep it moving here!03:38
gregorybritt_comfuck then, see you all in hell, one day i shall return from the grave .. boaa hahaha03:39
jak2000i need run this command at the startup: /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe --user=mysql &   in which file write?03:48
jak2000i installed mysql manually03:48
rypervenchejak2000: I suppose the first question is, why?03:51
rypervenchejak2000: Why did you install it manually? What were/are you trying to achieve?03:52
Mista_HezakiahHey. Can anyone help me fix my slow wifi? I used an old version of Mint and averaged 1mb/s. On Ubuntu 14.04 it averages 160kb/s.04:04
lotuspsychjeMista_Hezakiah: wifi chipset please?04:05
Mista_HezakiahIf I try to browse the web while downloading the connection resets and drops to like 10kb/s04:05
Mista_HezakiahRTL8185, I think. Driver is 818x_pci04:05
darkelfjuggaloI'm having a strange issue... Programs freezings without warning repeatedly just for opening. and closing without warning or error notice04:05
lotuspsychje!realtek | Mista_Hezakiah04:06
ubottuMista_Hezakiah: some help for recent Realtek chipsets can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b04:06
El-HrairahIs there an up-to-date reference on how to slipstream updated packages into a ubuntu release iso? That is to say instead of installing from a vanilla iso, then downloading 500mb of updates.04:06
lotuspsychjeMista_Hezakiah: you might wanna look at realteks website for latest linux drivers/firmwares also04:06
Mista_HezakiahThanks. Surprised this didn't show up in google.04:06
lotuspsychjeMista_Hezakiah: also, did you install ubuntu with internet cable enabled+updates+3rd party?04:07
Mista_HezakiahI looked but I have to build from source and change driver myself. The source comes with little instruction04:07
Mista_HezakiahYes lotus04:07
lotuspsychjeEl-Hrairah: you want to build an own ubuntu iso?04:08
El-Hrairahlotuspsychje: Possibly, but I would prefer to just slipstream updated packages and have it install those. That probably does require me building a custom image. Any up-to-date instructions? I found some for 9.04, but I have a feeling things have changed since then.04:10
lotuspsychjeEl-Hrairah: can you explain a bit what purpose do you have with it?04:10
Mista_Hezakiahlotuspsychje This information looks like it's for a much older version of ubuntu. And do you know it will work with my card also? I'd rather have  sort-of working wifi than none04:11
El-Hrairahlotuspsychje: Mostly not having to redownload 500mb of packages every time I install a system.04:11
lotuspsychjeEl-Hrairah: the problem with that is, packages keep updating fast so even with this method you will always have to update04:11
El-Hrairahlotuspsychje: True, but I can always keep my iso somewhat up-to-date.04:12
lotuspsychjeEl-Hrairah: and its very reccomended to install ubuntu with internet and updates enabled at the beginning of install04:12
El-Hrairahlotuspsychje: I don't always have internet access for that sort of thing.04:13
El-Hrairahlotuspsychje: And I don't always have a fast connection.04:13
lotuspsychjeEl-Hrairah: how about you use aptoncd and make a favorite list of your packages to backup04:13
El-Hrairahlotuspsychje: Let me look into that one.04:13
lotuspsychjeEl-Hrairah: then you can push them offline over your new install04:13
lotuspsychje!info aptoncd | El-Hrairah04:14
ubottuEl-Hrairah: aptoncd (source: aptoncd): Installation disc creator for packages downloaded via APT. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.98+bzr117-1.4 (vivid), package size 213 kB, installed size 1561 kB04:14
lotuspsychjeMista_Hezakiah: the only way is to find a newer firmware/driver, try the realteks website mate04:14
lotuspsychjeMista_Hezakiah: you might wanna look at syslog and dmesg errors too about wifi04:14
El-Hrairahlotuspsychje: That looks like it would probably work for me.04:15
lotuspsychjeEl-Hrairah: it might save you alot work perhaps04:15
Mista_HezakiahOkay, thanks04:15
El-Hrairahlotuspsychje: Thanks for pointing me in that direction.04:15
lotuspsychjeEl-Hrairah: after you restored your fav packages, and update from there, it will be smaller update right04:16
lotuspsychjeEl-Hrairah: another possibility is to use latest ubuntu daily images04:16
lotuspsychjeEl-Hrairah: but that requiers to download a lot of .iso's04:17
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lotuspsychjeMista_Hezakiah: tail -f /var/log/syslog and tail -f /var/log/dmesg and turn off/on your wifi and play a bit with it04:18
lotuspsychjebazhang: good morning mate04:18
El-Hrairahlotuspsychje: That would be more work than I wanna do. I just want to basically take the downloaded debs that come in with each update and slipstream them/use them for future offline updating04:19
AssociateXI'm trying to get my laptop mic to work on google hangouts.04:19
lotuspsychje!sound | AssociateX04:19
ubottuAssociateX: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.04:19
lotuspsychjeEl-Hrairah: ok, another possible layout is using apt-get to download your packages to backup04:19
lotuspsychjeEl-Hrairah: apt-get download yourpackagename04:20
AssociateXIf my head phones are plugged in my mic does not work, if my headphones are not plugged in my mic works. That's annoying.04:20
lotuspsychjeEl-Hrairah: and put those .debs on a stick?04:20
owen1(ubuntu 15.04) - After hibernation (pm-hibernate or close the lid) my cursur is invisibe and i can't see what i type. any ideas?04:20
kostkonAssociateX, what type of headphones? USB?04:21
jak2000for get internet on my debian i need type:  ip route add default via  how to make it permanently this entry?04:21
lotuspsychje!debian | jak200004:21
ubottujak2000: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/what-is-debian.html - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!04:21
AssociateXkostkon, no, just regular audio jack for computers, I don't know the proper name.04:21
lotuspsychjejak2000: try the #debian channel please04:22
AssociateXkostkon, I have usb headphones also.04:22
kostkonAssociateX, open your sound settings, then plug in your headphones. Does the default input device change when you do that?04:22
AssociateXthey don't work either.04:22
AssociateXkostkon, pulseaudio volume control?04:23
kostkonAssociateX, your sound settings, not pavucontrol, at least not just yet04:23
lotuspsychjeowen1: check your syslog after hibernation04:24
jak2000lotuspsychje is a general question04:24
AssociateXkostkon, how do I get to where you want me to be?04:24
lotuspsychjeowen1: you might wanna try an no acpi boot also04:25
kostkonAssociateX, are you using ubutnu with unity or gnome?04:25
lotuspsychjejak2000: this isnt general linux mate, we can only support ubuntu related issues sorry04:25
AssociateXkostkon, I think unity04:25
AssociateXhow do I check for sure?04:25
lotuspsychjeAssociateX: lsb_release -a04:25
kostkonAssociateX, nevertheless, you could start a hangouts session, then open pavucontrol, click on Recording and see what device is being used for the hangouts input stream and change and change it if needed04:26
jak2000lotuspsychje ok, how do it in ubuntu?04:26
AssociateXkostkon, I tried that04:28
kostkonAssociateX, and what happened04:28
AssociateXkostkon, no one could hear what I was saying.04:30
AssociateXtotal bummer.04:30
kostkonAssociateX, did you check the status of all your volume levels? also do it in alsamixer04:30
kostkonAssociateX, make sure that the input are not muted ('MM' under them)04:31
El-HrairahThis is another odd question, but when I connect a USB-Serial adapter, I get a /dev/ttyS0 file with a group ownership of "dialout". For the life of me, I can't find where that particular is set. There doesn't seem to be a udev rule for it. Am I missing something, or is this just a hardcoded default?04:32
MneuroWhen I play a full screen game in Ubuntu 15.04 my mouse cursor flickers.  Does anyone know how to fix this?04:32
darkelfjuggaloi asked a question, then I was kicked from the chat room, i dont know if anyone answered' my programs are greying out on opening, some times going in and out in this manner, sometimes closing without prompting or giving an error message that explains why... what are some potential problems, and how can i check on these issues?04:33
lotuspsychjedarkelfjuggalo: you had a remote host connection drop04:34
lotuspsychjedarkelfjuggalo: did you try starting a program from terminal?04:34
lotuspsychjemneptok: grafix card chipset + driver loaded please?04:34
darkelfjuggalolotuspsycheje, no i haven't, I don't know how to run from terminal04:34
darkelfjuggalowell not the programs i have icons for04:35
lotuspsychjedarkelfjuggalo: try firefox in terminal example: command: firefox04:35
lotuspsychjedarkelfjuggalo: wich ubuntu version is this?04:36
darkelfjuggalo14.04.. 64-Bit on a Toshiba Satelite04:36
jak2000lotuspsychje ?04:36
lotuspsychjejak2000: install ubuntu and re-ask your question here04:37
AssociateXkostkon, thank you for all of the help.04:38
jak2000how to add permanently a route ?04:38
lotuspsychjejak2000: this is not the channel for playing games, go to #debian or the ##networking channel04:38
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darkelfjuggalolotuspsyche is this correct http://pastebin.com/B6KhvgxC04:39
MneuroWhen I play a full screen game in Ubuntu 15.04 my mouse cursor flickers.  Does anyone know how to fix this?04:40
kostkonAssociateX, np04:40
lotuspsychjedarkelfjuggalo: thats normal, can your system handle unity requierments? did you check your grafix card drivers?04:40
lotuspsychjeMneuro: you never answered my question04:40
Mneurosorry i restarted, what was your questiuon04:41
lotuspsychjeMneuro: my bad, had wrong nick sorry: grafix card chipset + driver loaded please?04:41
MneuroNvidia GTX 960, Nvidia proprietary 346 driver04:41
lotuspsychjeMneuro: is that an optimus card?04:41
darkelfjuggaloI've been running ubuntu Unity on this machine since 12.10 ; it's been 14.04 since April 2014, and this issue just began 2 days ago04:42
Mneurono it isn'04:42
lotuspsychjedarkelfjuggalo: is this an upgrade? or clean install?04:42
lotuspsychjeMneuro: did you try another driver from additional drivers list?04:42
Mneurobut i think i might have fixed it04:42
Mneuroone minute04:42
darkelfjuggaloclean install on 12.10, upgrade to 14.04, and as i said it's been 14.04 for over a year now04:43
Mneurono i didn't fix it04:43
lotuspsychjedarkelfjuggalo: maybe its time to do a clean install 14.04.2 perhaps04:43
darkelfjuggalobut that doesn't explain why the issue began 2 days ago rather than a year ago04:43
darkelfjuggaloI can't back up my files fully...i have nothing big enough to put them on04:44
lotuspsychjedarkelfjuggalo: try to echek your syslog and dmesg for errors04:45
darkelfjuggalohow do i check them?04:45
sunny__How to disable the web  secutiry in firefox04:45
lotuspsychjedarkelfjuggalo: you can sue the logviewer icon from dash04:46
lotuspsychjesunny__: you can aks in #firefox perhaps?04:46
xanguasunny__: what web security are you talking about¿04:47
darkelfjuggaloSystem log? [it's the only thing that comes up when i search log viewer]04:47
lotuspsychjedarkelfjuggalo: sure syslog04:47
lotuspsychjedarkelfjuggalo: you can pastebin it, ill have a look for you04:48
darkelfjuggalook i have syslog from there and the dmesg isn't in there04:48
lotuspsychjedarkelfjuggalo: you can manually look in /var/log/dmesg also04:49
darkelfjuggalothe syslog will be more than 1 paste [size limit]04:52
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darkelfjuggalolotuspsycheje part 1 http://pastebin.com/P333DcGm04:56
darkelfjuggalopart 2 http://pastebin.com/y2RMRKHj04:57
darkelfjuggalopart 3 http://pastebin.com/mZXkksNN04:58
darkelfjuggalopart 4 http://pastebin.com/usvjFWM704:59
lotuspsychjedarkelfjuggalo: alot of errors in there mate, i stronly advise a fresh install04:59
lotuspsychjedarkelfjuggalo: Jun 28 13:48:59 ubuntu kernel: [ 1738.977953] Buffer I/O error on device sda1, logical block 13417836805:00
lotuspsychjedarkelfjuggalo: you might wanna test out your hd for smart test also05:00
lotuspsychjedarkelfjuggalo: too much dhcpd warnings, acpi warnings,memory warnings05:01
darkelfjuggalook so try this... what is a good Zip or Rar compression software to use so that I might back up everything i need to keep?05:01
darkelfjuggaloand how do i check the hd?05:02
Ben64tar, rar, zip, gzip, bzip2...05:02
darkelfjuggaloben64 ; i don't know how to do it in command line... i suck at command line, aside from neccessities like killall and apt-get, without step by step walkthrough and this is too tedious for that05:03
lotuspsychjedarkelfjuggalo: you can do a smart test with disk tools ubuntu05:04
lotuspsychje!backup | darkelfjuggalo read up05:04
ubottudarkelfjuggalo read up: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning05:04
Geo2b2Hey guys. Is there anyway to change the Terminal Shortcut from ctrl + alt T, to anything else? I've checked the keyboard shortcuts on both terminal and the system. I've also tried to make my own shortcut but it failed.05:04
Ben64darkelfjuggalo: 'man <command>' it isn't that hard05:05
darkelfjuggalolotusphycheje ; SMART data & Self-Test?05:06
lotuspsychjedarkelfjuggalo: yes05:07
darkelfjuggalobefore tests it says Disk is OK, 8 bad sectors and running 102F05:09
darkelfjuggalobut im running and it says interupted05:09
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lotuspsychjedarkelfjuggalo: bad sectors and IO warnings in syslog sint very good news, backup as you can and try a fresh ubuntu install on another hd perhaps05:12
darkelfjuggaloconveyence test not supported, extended interupted, short running now05:12
darkelfjuggaloi dont have another HD and no money to buy one05:12
darkelfjuggaloshort was also interupted05:13
lotuspsychjedarkelfjuggalo: sorry mate, installing a fresh ubuntu on a hd with IO and bad sectors wont help you much either05:13
lotuspsychjedarkelfjuggalo: you can try fresh, until your hd is real dead for sure05:14
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darkelfjuggalofor over a year the fan wasn't working at all, and it would over heat... the same fan works now but it's in hyperdrive and dispurtivly loud for both my work and my personal time on this computer...woud that cause, or be a side evffect of the hd problems?05:15
lotuspsychjedarkelfjuggalo: just make your life easy, and reinstall ubuntu fresh, then check your logs again from there05:17
lotuspsychjedarkelfjuggalo: theres much you can do: test hd, test memory,update bios,open up your pc and vacuum,reinstall ubuntu fresh05:18
lotuspsychjedarkelfjuggalo: ok vacuum laptop fan also05:18
lotuspsychjedarkelfjuggalo: time for action :p05:19
Geo2b2Does anyone know if it's possible to change the terminal keyboard shortcut from "CTRL + ALT + T" to a custom command? I've looked in the terminal keyboard shortcuts and the system shortcuts, but i can't find anything that will let me do that. I also tried creating my own shortcut, which would lead to the terminal opening, but not closing on the same shortcut key. So that resulted in another terminal opening every time i pressed it.05:19
darkelfjuggalocan't deal with that now, everyone is asleep... the tests couldn't complete, i tried all three types, how do i test memory?05:20
darkelfjuggalohow do i update bios?05:20
lotuspsychjedarkelfjuggalo: memtest at boot05:21
nurfeeyou're getting close to the similarity05:21
darkelfjuggaloi did memtest, for over 5 hours with no errors and it repeating the same thing more than once[ went through 8 tests, next thing i know it says text 5 again...i stopped after it was on 8 again]05:22
asdffffffelo world.05:22
* asdffffff slaps _KaszpiR_ around a bit with a large trout05:23
darkelfjuggaloso how do i update the bios?05:24
asdffffffi dont kno, but ubuntu is free!05:24
lotuspsychje!ot | asdffffff05:25
ubottuasdffffff: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:25
lotuspsychjedarkelfjuggalo: a question for the ##hardware channel05:25
asdffffffmy apologizy, i did not kno that.05:25
asdffffffto enter that i type /join # ubuntu-offtopic??05:26
nurfee   /join #ubuntu-offtopic05:26
neurot /j #ubuntu-offtopic05:27
asdffffffmaybe in the conosle area....iono05:27
asdffffffim kinda in a hurry......05:27
nurfeeIt's as if you think we care. ;)05:27
darkelfjuggaloi can't talk in ##hardware?05:28
asdffffffis ubuntu going to eat windows?05:28
lotuspsychjeasdffffff: stop the trolling please05:29
lotuspsychjedarkelfjuggalo: register05:29
darkelfjuggalothis name is registered with nickserv05:29
asdffffffdid i hurt you lotus?05:29
BuzzardBuzzubuntu has replaced windows on many amd64 platforms05:29
Geo2b2Anyone know how to change terminal shortcut key and make it toggleable with one shortcut key? i don't want it to seem like I'm spamming, so, lat time i'll ask.05:29
lotuspsychje!ops | asdffffff trolling05:29
ubottuasdffffff trolling: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang05:29
asdffffffwindows is still the faster os05:29
asdfffffflotus, can i download you for free too?05:30
nurfeeGeo2b2: What desktop?05:30
Geo2b2ubuntu mate05:30
darkelfjuggalowinblows sucks05:30
BuzzardBuzzyes windows can get a virus much faster than unbuntu05:30
asdffffffwine could be better.05:30
nurfeeGeo2b2: Must be a key assigner somewhere, never used it.05:30
asdffffffwhy dont they just merge and get it over with.05:30
lotuspsychjedarkelfjuggalo, BuzzardBuzz dont feed trolling please05:30
asdffffffand im not trolling.05:30
BuzzardBuzzsorry :)05:31
asdffffffmaybe you need a dictionary before you get a computer.05:31
asdffffffDont forget, Obama won the election and shit.05:31
darkelfjuggaloim just stating my opinion, the troll can crawl under a bridge and eat it's young for all i care.05:31
lotuspsychje!ot | darkelfjuggalo05:32
ubottudarkelfjuggalo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:32
asdffffffits not a troll after all that anti aging cream.05:32
Geo2b2nurfee, well i tried to make my own shortcut using the keyboard shorcut options, but i can't get it to toggle, like other terminal emulators. If i click the shortcut again it will just continuously open terminals05:32
darkelfjuggaloi know i know, lotus05:32
asdfffffflets own windows and call it ubuntu from now on?05:33
nurfeeGeo2b2: Appears to be a #mate channel05:34
Geo2b2Ok, i'll try out there, thank you05:36
lotuspsychje!ops | asdffffff trolling05:47
ubottuasdffffff trolling: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang05:47
lotuspsychjetonyyarusso: tnx05:49
trijntjeI've lost access to an encrypted home folder. I have a backup of all files, what is the best way to 'restore' that user so I can use that account again?05:57
trijntjehow can I make a user with a specified uid? Or chance the UID of an existing user?06:02
fullstacksounds he was like IRCUII06:08
murchain ubuntu in /mnt folder when i apply ls "ls: cannot access backupdisk: Input/output error". Any idea?06:09
fullstackmurcha, might be a physical error or something , check dmesg by typing 'dmesg'06:12
murchafullstack: thanks! i checked there is an error  "nfs: server <ip_address> not responding, timed out"06:14
murchafullstack: from other server there is no any problem with the same configuration.06:15
trijntjehow can I make a user with a specified uid? Or chance the UID of an existing user?06:19
rockstar_how to make external monitor work with my Dell XPS 15?06:19
Omilunhello ... debian have a good dictionary like Babylon ?06:21
Kartagistrijntje: useradd -u uid06:21
Kartagistrijntje: useradd -u uid user06:21
Geo2b2Hey again guys. I was wondering if anyone can tell me what i am doing wrong with the command 'wget'. I am trying to download a large file from mega, but it's not working.Here is what i typed 'wget -O filename.mkv *link to mega download*. After that it just downloads the file in less than 10 seconds and says its finished, which is impossible since the file is over 4gb. I checked my downloads and that file doesn't work. Anyone know what i'm doing wrong?06:22
fullstackGeo2b2, I think mega uses a bunch of javascript and the link might be bogus06:22
trijntjeKartagis: is there a way to do that from a live system? I can login since I lost my user password with encrypted home06:23
Geo2b2fullstack, the link i have used before on windows, and it worked fine06:23
Kartagistrijntje: edit /etc/passwd then06:23
fullstackGeo2b2,  then try putting single quotes around the link06:23
fullstackGeo2b2,  wget 'http://mega.com/aaklsdfjaflskd&!@#&*(!@&#(*!@&&7!&!&!&!!&'06:24
fullstackGeo2b2, the & are probably screwing things up06:24
trijntjeKartagis: that wont work, since that wont update the encryption password06:24
KartagisI've got this 3TB USB HDD, for which syslog says very big device and gparted says unallocated. is there any way I can make it work?06:25
Geo2b2fullstack, That's what i have been doing, because originally it wouldn't work and give me an error, so the single quote is what i tried after, it didn't give me an error, it just downloaded straight away and didn't work06:25
fullstackGeo2b2, check the URL in a incognito browser and see if it downloads it06:25
Kartagistrijntje: I *think* you can use mkpasswd and use that to edit /etc/passwd-06:25
cuqahello, is http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/linux-image-3.13.0-55-generic a stable kernel?06:26
Geo2b2fullstack, you mean download through wget while the browser is in incognito? Or through the browser06:27
Geo2b2- directly06:27
nurfeecuqa: Should be, why?06:27
cuqajust curious06:27
fullstackGeo2b2,  no.. your URL could be bad. Try testing the URL by pasting it into a browser and seeing if it actually is a good link06:27
cuqabecause the system freezes often apparently06:27
cuqabut no reason can be seen for the freezes06:28
nurfeekernel is an awfully big target06:28
Geo2b2fullstack, I could do that, but it probably wont let me download, because if you go pat 2gbs (i think), they wont let you download unless you have a firefox mega add on. Which i think is not open source.06:28
trijntjeKartagis: AFAIK only the graphical user config tool updates the encryption keys when you change passwords. I think ill just do a reinstall, thats probably faster06:28
fullstackGeo2b2, yeah I think the URL isn't a real direct link. You could try hittin gup google for "how to direct link  from mega"06:29
fullstackGeo2b2, If I remember I think MEGA does encryption INSIDE the browser and requires all sorts of Javascript special stuff06:29
Geo2b2fullstack, Oh, so all mega links are like that and can't be used through wget?06:30
fullstackGeo2b2, and if I remember Mega never serves the actual file just the encrypted version.. which is decrypted in the browser. But I haven't used it in a while06:30
fullstackGeo2b2, you might be able to find some kind of Node.js module that can do something like wget for mega06:31
owen1lotuspsychje: how can i see the syslog if everything in the terminal is invisible?06:31
Geo2b2fullstack, I'm a noob and only started using linux this week, lol. Sorry, but what do you mean by node.js module?06:31
fullstackGeo2b2, if you know node.js you could use this module https://www.npmjs.com/package/mega to write a program to get the file06:32
fullstackGeo2b2, but you should juse download the file in a browser if you don't..  :)06:33
antonio_im about to reinstall ubuntu....how can I backup my firefox?06:33
hateballantonio_: save the ~/.mozilla/ folder06:34
antonio_ah ok06:34
antonio_then just copy it over?06:34
Geo2b2fullstack, I don't know node.js unfortunately, lol. I would download through browser, but im pretty sure mega prompts you if it's a download over 2gb and says you need an add on to be able to download it. The add on isn't open source. Isn't that a bad thing?06:34
lotuspsychjeowen1: can you still enter nautilus?06:38
KartagisI've got this 3TB USB HDD, for which syslog says very big device and gparted says unallocated. is there any way I can make it work?06:39
trijntjeKartagis: what do you mean with make it work?06:40
Kartagistrijntje: access it06:40
ObrienDavewhy is it unallocated? have you ever used it?06:41
owen1lotuspsychje: i should be able to. why? to view syslog?06:41
Harishello all06:41
Harisis ubuntu-14.10-server-amd64.iso bootable ? I'v added it as cd/dvd in vmware, to be connected on power on, but when I power on the VM, I don't get the menu off of this bootable ISO. I get the standard grub menu for boot off of disk06:42
KartagisObrienDave: yea, it was working before I switched a few other distros and came back to my beloved ubuntu, which I have been using since hardy06:42
Harisalready asked this in #vmware. no constructive response yet06:42
ObrienDaveKartagis, have you tried it under windows? it's really strange it reports unallocated06:43
Kartagisno, not yet06:44
HarisI need to recover root password on this VM, to go about my business. I can't do that without booting successfully off of the ISO image06:44
trijntjeKartagis: I'd guess it got corrupted somehow, unless you can open it on windows or another operating system06:44
KartagisI haven't got access to a windows atm06:44
trijntjeKartagis: it could be gpt, I'm not sure if gparted can read that06:45
Kartagistrijntje: how do I check whether it's GPT?06:45
ObrienDaveyea, 3TB requires GPT. gparted should be able to read it06:45
Kartagishttp://paste.debian.net/265230/ <--- does this help? fdisk -l output06:46
ObrienDavei would recommend running chkdsk in windows before you lose anything on the drive06:46
ObrienDaveit looks valid. why gparted says unallocated is beyond me06:48
antonio_is there any way to force Ubuntu to use a wireless connection when installing ubuntu 14.04  Its not allowing me to use a wifi connection when I try.06:51
darwinhi, I did a release upgrade to 1404 and now my python3 is totally hosed, giving me : "ImportError: /collections.so: undefined symbol: _Py_ZeroStruct" whenever I try to reinstall python3...06:52
Harisgot it06:53
Sonderbladeany easy way to get 32 bit dev libs installed on 64bit ubuntu? im running into the same issues as this guy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=203887506:54
kostkondarwin, did you upgrade from 12.04 (or 13.10)06:55
dev-codehi all. There is any tutorial hot to prevent the DNS leak on Ubuntu using VPN service?06:55
darwinkostkon: from 13.1007:09
XolYnraccan somebady helpme07:09
darwinkostkon: but that had previously itself been upgraded07:09
XolYnracI have a problem with crosshurd07:11
XolYnraccould  somebody help me ?07:11
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talesnbhi guys07:25
talesnbexists rootkit  for ubuntu ?07:26
talesnbsomething that creates a hidden User for sshd07:27
XolYnrachelp me please07:27
XolYnracwith crosshurd07:27
talhaTURK VARMI?07:33
DJones!tr | talha07:34
ubottutalha: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için /join #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.07:34
th34lch3m1stI'm on 14.04.2 and I want to edit my 50-synaptics.conf because my touchpad hard button does not work. I've followed several tutorials (askubuntu, ubuntu.com) in many of which suggest to edit /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics.conf or make a copy in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics.conf. Quote from 50-synaptics.conf: "DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE, your distribution will likely overwrite it when updating. Copy (and rename)07:34
th34lch3m1stthis file into /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d first." I have no [xorg.conf.d] folder in /etc/X11/, so should I create that folder or I just have to edit the one in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ ?07:34
almarktalesnb there's chkrootkit07:36
XolYnracth34lch3m1st, what do you think that you touchpad need some special  configuration ?07:37
th34lch3m1stXolYnrac: hard buttons (left click and right click) doesn't work.07:38
XolYnracbefore ?07:39
th34lch3m1stXolYnrac: I have one finger click and two finger click, no hard buttons click. Fresh install (3 days)07:40
talesnbI want to create a hidden User07:40
talesnbwhich rootkit you indicate07:41
talesnbonly for study07:41
k1ltalesnb: what means hidden?07:41
XolYnracwhat environment you have?07:41
k1ltalesnb: in short: if you want to test and study the security features: go and read the docs and study it. but we cant help here on illegal issues.07:43
javnuthow can I get nautilus to show image dimensions in it's column?07:45
th34lch3m1stXolYnrac: xinput list-props "SYN1EDE:00 06CB:7442" | grep Capabilities gives me Synaptics Capabilities (298):1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0 which means (first 1 and third 1) that I have two physical buttons. (I can hear the click when I press left/right bottom edges). 14.04.2 64bit celeron n2840, intel hd graphics.07:47
th34lch3m1st* ( 298 ) :07:47
javnutwhat's a file manager which shows image dimensions in it's column?07:55
hateballjavnut: Dolphin is one07:56
jpdsjavnut: cd ~/directory; file *07:59
VanessaEgoogle is proving fruitless....  is there some way to disable this irritating "smooth scroll" effect in gedit 3.10.4 (as included in *ubuntu 15.04) ?08:02
aeon-ltdgconf somewhere?08:02
VanessaEaeon-ltd: I've seen the term used here and there but I do not know what it is (particularly in this context)08:03
aeon-ltdgconf editor is a program that handles a lot of gnome application configurations08:05
trijntjeI just did a fresh install of 14.04.2 64bit but now I cant upgrade: http://pastebin.com/FWENQCeE08:05
javnutjpds: thanks08:05
aeon-ltdVanessaE: 'gconf-editor' is the name of the application, type that in a launcher or terminal08:06
VanessaEgot it open now.08:06
VanessaEnothing useful there.08:07
sweet21i have installed ubuntu 12.04 in mac desktop but sound via earphone doesnt work but  internal speakers work perfect any help please?08:09
aeon-ltdsweet21: is it muted in alsamixr08:11
sweet21aeon-ltd: how can i check wether it is muted in alsamixer08:14
fuwanAlright I have this line: ifconfig eth0 | perl -nE '/(?<=inet addr:)(\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+)/ and print $1' ### which works perfectly fine on the cli but whenever I run it from a cronjob, it will say: ifconfig: command not found08:15
ObrienDavetrijntje, use apt-get dist-upgrade08:16
ObrienDavetrijntje, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade08:16
fuwanhmm nvm, I think I found the solution :)08:17
pz3GullHi, Everyone!08:31
trijntjeObrienDave: I've rebooted and that seemed to have fixed the problem, I haven't been able to test your solution08:32
antonio___Hey folks08:33
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pz3GullDoes anyone know where I could download the original Radiance theme's folder ?08:34
antonio___Is this the official ubuntu chat?  Using irc on my phone..hard to tell08:34
trijntjeantonio___: it is08:35
trijntjepz3Gull: apt-get download?08:35
bojanI want to configure a mail server in ubuntu...Any guiding materials??08:35
antonio___I just did a fresh install install of Ubuntu.  I need to access wifi so I can start downloading stuff.  Only problem is I can't access a wifi connection.08:36
pz3Gull@trijntje, the theme's folder isn't a package, is it ?08:36
barqI get the error W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net trusty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY C2518248EEA14886 when doing apt-get update. How can I fix this?08:37
trijntjepz3Gull: no, but if you open the .deb with file-roller (archive manager), you'll probably find the theme folder in there08:37
m0e42@bojan: http://bfy.tw/ZF608:39
pz3Gull@antonio, You should looking for an additional pilot, into your settings08:39
pz3Gull@trijntje, Thanks, I will do it!08:40
antonio___pz3Gull: what's a pilot and how do I do that?08:50
pz3Gull@antonio, Sorry, I think the right translation in English is "driver"08:51
antonio___Ah...does anyone know of anything I can do to get my Wifi working? Im guessing Ill have to use a terminal set of commands to diagnose the problem08:52
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anonyme55hello Drone08:54
anonyme55Je cherche un site WEB pour apprendre le systeme d'exploitation Linux08:55
gier_dohi antonio! we need a bit more information about your system. what wifi card are you trying to get to work?08:59
antonio___gier_do: the built in one...not sure what kind09:00
ObrienDavetrijntje, glad it's working for you09:01
gier_doantonio___: :)09:01
gier_doantonio___: this information was not helpful. built into what laptop? do you have a serial number? make of the laptop (I guess it's a laptop)?09:02
antonio___gier_do: its an inspiron laptop (Dell)09:03
cfhowlettantonio___, model number?09:04
antonio___Inspiron 1545 gier_do09:04
cfhowlettantonio___, I got this.  if you have the ubuntu USB you can enable the broadcom wifi via terminal09:04
cfhowlettantonio___, or you can get the Linux STA drivers from http://www.broadcom.com/support/?gid=109:05
antonio___cfhowlett: I've got an install cd09:05
cfhowlettantonio___, 14.04??09:06
antonio___Can I download them and just install them?09:06
cfhowlettantonio___  they're on the USB09:07
antonio___I don't have the ubuntu u.can I just copy the drivers over?09:07
cfhowlettantonio___, get the ubuntu .iso09:08
cfhowlettor CD09:08
antonio___The installation CD?09:08
cfhowlettantonio___, this method references ubuntu 12.04.  some files have been removed from 14.04 but functionality is built into the kernel.  skip the files you can't find.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#STA_-_No_Internet_access09:09
siddharth030i delete a folder as root09:16
siddharth030where does it goes i want it back please help09:16
cfhowlett!root | siddharth03009:17
ubottusiddharth030: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo09:17
k1lsiddharth030: what folder? and what command for deleting did you use?09:17
hateball!undelete| siddharth03009:18
ubottusiddharth030: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel09:18
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tete_hi, i am facing some serious problems with my R9 280x (ati driver). i get black screens with segfaults after couple of hours working ... someone else having such problems?09:30
lotuspsychjetete_: wich ubuntu version?09:33
lotuspsychjetete_: you could try a 14.04.2 liveusb to see if that fixes it09:34
tete_the problem is that this occurs just random... i *guess* it has something to do with firefox and flash which causes a crash in X09:34
lotuspsychjetete_: if you need more stable try LTS version09:35
lotuspsychjetete_: no other grafix drivers show up additional driver list?09:35
tete_i have 3 in the list09:36
tete_xserver-xorg-video-ati, fglrx and fglrx-updates09:36
tete_now i am using fglrx-updates09:37
lotuspsychjetete_: did youn try others and reboot, to see if they perform better?09:37
tete_the problem is that i have a 144hz monitor and the others can absolutly not handle that09:37
tete_the others have even problems with 120hz09:37
tete_i will switch the driver to see if it still crashes...09:38
lotuspsychjetete_: wich driver did ubuntu choose by default?09:38
tete_i guess the regular one, the xorg ati driver09:38
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tete_its using now 77hz ... wtf - is there some way to change that?09:40
pkullIt seems that I ran out of memory on an EC2 server: http://pastebin.com/u6R5x35Q with error message -bash: cannot create temp file for here-document: No space left on device Can anyone tell me what's going on and how to approach the situation?09:47
tete_the regular driver can not handle 144hz, stuck at 77hz at 1920x1080, guess there is no way around that09:47
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tete_xrandr --output DVI-D-0 --mode 1920x1080 --rate 14409:47
tete_Rate 144.0 Hz not available for this size09:48
ikoniapkull: you've ran out of disk space, add more disk/clear space down09:48
tete_pkull, check with "df"09:48
tete_oh sorry, did not check your pastebin :)09:49
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tete_pkull, in that case i would do a: cd / && for I in *; do du -sh $I; done09:50
tete_and check if /home or such are using too much09:50
EriC^^or du -sh /*09:51
tete_wow, did not know that works too :)09:52
moolinexjoin #belgique09:53
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HakkaHok got a question I'm trying to find certain files of mumble/murmur especially murmur.ice but so far  no luck does anyone know where it might be placed on 14.04?09:54
pkulltete_, home is using 2.9 GB09:55
pkullThat too much=09:55
EriC^^tete_: did you try adding a custom mode?09:55
EriC^^gtf 1920 1080 14409:56
EriC^^to get the modeline09:56
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tete_  # 1920x1080 @ 144.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 169.06 kHz; pclk: 451.72 MHz09:56
tete_  Modeline "1920x1080_144.00"  451.72  1920 2080 2296 2672  1080 1081 1084 1174  -HSync +Vsync09:56
tete_that? i have no idea how to use that :/09:56
tete_the last time i was configuring X was in slackware 3.9 or such...09:57
tete_by editing the xorg.conf09:57
EriC^^xrandr --newmode 1920x1080x144 451.72  1920 2080 2296 2672  1080 1081 1084 1174  -HSync +Vsync09:57
tete_xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default09:58
EriC^^try xrandr --newmode 1920x1080x144 452.50  1920 2088 2296 2672  1080 1083 1088 1177 -hsync +vsync09:59
antonio___I need to access a folder on a CD..how can I do this via term?10:00
tete_EriC^^, http://pastebin.com/23DyF3tF10:01
EriC^^antonio___: sudo mount -t iso9660 /dev/sr0 /mnt10:02
EriC^^then cd /mnt10:02
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EriC^^tete_: type xrandr -q | nc termbin.com 999910:03
pkullWould it be a bad idea to delete /var/swap.1 ?10:05
cfhowlettantonio___, mount10:05
cfhowlett!mount | antonio___10:05
ubottuantonio___: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount10:05
[976497]AHi, I'd like to join or create a team of enthusiastic, flexible, helpful and experienced programmers. Share with me what do you think about it, please.10:06
EriC^^ill brb tete_10:06
EriC^^it'll work10:06
cfhowlett[976497]A, first thought: wrong channel.  try #ubuntu-offtopic.  thanks.10:07
EriC^^tete_: xrandr --addmode default 1920x1080x14410:08
[976497]Acfhowlett: oh, yes. sorry :)10:08
tete_EriC^^, xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default10:08
EriC^^tete_: try xrandr --output default --mode 1920x1080x14410:09
pHuNk3r5hey I've got ubuntu in virtualbox but it's complaining the hdd is full.  I used virtuals vboxmanage to increase the HDD to 20gb, however, ubuntu still states that the hdd is full.  Any ideas how to get ubuntu to recognise the increased hdd?10:10
tete_EriC^^, same again: xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default10:10
cfhowlettpHuNk3r5, sudo apt-get autoremove to clear out old kernels.10:10
pHuNk3r5cfhowlett, okay done that and restarted but still getting the same error10:12
kostkonpHuNk3r5, check the output of  df -h10:13
cfhowlettpHuNk3r5, grr.  OK, then, officially over my head.  sorry.  ask again in channel; someone more informed than I will certainly know.10:13
pHuNk3r5cfhowlett, cheers anyway.  kostkon, /dev/sda1 size-6.3gb used-5.9gb use 100%10:14
EriC^^tete_: which graphics card and driver are you using?10:15
EriC^^tete_: lspci -k | grep -A2 VGA10:15
kostkonpHuNk3r5, now you know. The resize didn't work.10:16
tete_EriC^^, interesting, it says fglrx but i switched from fglrx to the open driver10:16
pHuNk3r5virtualbox says it worked but ubuntu hasnt recognised it.  So I was wondering how to make ubuntu recognise it10:16
EriC^^tete_: did you reboot?10:16
EriC^^type dpkg -l | grep fglrx10:17
EriC^^how did you install the amd one?10:17
kostkonpHuNk3r5, did you really resize the partition or added a new partition?10:17
kostkonpHuNk3r5, a new disk that is10:17
cfhowlettpHuNk3r5, a thought, you resized.  did you then activate/add the additional space?  with gparted?10:17
pHuNk3r5(VBoxManage modifyhd YOUR_HARD_DISK.vdi --resize SIZE_IN_MB) -- that's the command I did10:18
pHuNk3r5cfhowlett, yeah I ain't done that, I was wondering how10:18
kostkonpHuNk3r5, didn't work. Simple as that10:18
tete_EriC^^, http://pastebin.com/RftxPQfD10:18
EriC^^pHuNk3r5: you need to expand the partition, then the filesystem10:18
tete_to be honest, i can not remember how i installed them...10:18
EriC^^pHuNk3r5: type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999910:18
EriC^^tete_: try sudo apt-get purge fglrx*10:19
pHuNk3r5kostkon, http://i.imgur.com/VSNuDNc.png10:19
EriC^^tete_: then sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg-video-{ati,radeon}10:19
EriC^^pHuNk3r5: you made the disk 20gb?10:21
kostkonpHuNk3r5, run gparted as EriC^^ suggested. You might need to resize the partition.10:21
pHuNk3r5EriC^^, termbin.com/uyka10:21
tete_EriC^^, ok, will just reboot10:21
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EriC^^pHuNk3r5: can you boot a live .iso ?10:22
pHuNk3r5yeah sure thing10:22
EriC^^pHuNk3r5: you need to boot an .iso to have a live session, and then run gparted and expand the first partition10:23
pHuNk3r5EriC^^, thanks I'll try that now10:24
cfhowlettpHuNk3r5, change your virtualbox settings to boot the ubuntu .iso.  start gparted.  resize the partition.  reset vbox to boot the ubuntu hdd.10:24
pHuNk3r5cfhowlett, thanks10:24
tete_EriC^^, thanks, its working now with 144hz and radeon driver10:24
EriC^^pHuNk3r5: you need to resize the filesystem as well10:24
EriC^^pHuNk3r5: not sure if gparted does that for you, if it doesn't you need to use resize2fs to expand it10:25
EriC^^tete_: great10:25
Johnny_Linuxi run ati also, work waaaay better than any other ive had, glmark2 reports 100%10:26
pehlertHey folks. I created a desktop file for a python script which opens a window using tk. When I click the launcher, it starts the script, but creates a new icon in the launcher instead of just marking the existing one as "launched" (adding that little dot).. Is there anything I'm missing here?10:37
tete_Johnny_Linux, i dont play on linux10:45
tete_i need it to work10:45
Johnny_Linuxall work and no play makes johnny a dull boy10:45
kostkonpehlert, there should be some calls in tk that will help the DE make the connectiob between the two, window and icon, like setting a window title, app name if possible, etc.10:46
pehlertkostkon: So what exactly needs to match? The window title should match, I'm not sure about app name10:46
m0e42@Johnny_Linux: playonlinux and steam are best spots for playing on linux10:48
tete_Johnny_Linux, but you dont work in a motel, dont you? :P10:51
kostkonpehlert, not match per se, just make sure you've set a window title. Have you set the icon in tk or in your desktop file?10:51
kostkonpehlert, actually the icon it's irrelevant. In reality, your DE does not make the connection between the desktop file and the window.10:53
O_AndrewIs 3072 Bytes per frame too much for a usb hub to hundle?10:53
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kostkonpehlert, but i'm guessing setting the icon in TK would at least show the same icon for the '.' window as well10:54
bwmWill I continue to get security updates for openjdk7 on 14.04?  openjdk7 is at end of life and there will be no more updates.  So I assume that means no more security updates, even if there is a major problem.  I'm trying to figure out if I have to upgrade our servers to openjdk-8 and if so how, given openjdk-8 is not in 14.04 standard repositories.10:58
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=== Hexagon is now known as Guest84176
thenwkgHi, i am trying to install Android Studio using this PPA : https://paolorotolo.github.io/android-studio/ But i keep getting 404 errors when i do sudp apt-get update.11:05
RubasHi all, in htop - in top-right corner there is info about how many tasks and threads are active, but also "x running", what does "x running" mean? (it's just above Load average)11:07
bushmasterhi, anyone knows how to connect wirelessly11:08
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bazhang!wifi | have a read bushmaster11:09
ubottuhave a read bushmaster: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:09
bazhang!broadcom | and this bushmaster11:09
ubottuand this bushmaster: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx11:09
=== greyback|doc is now known as greyback
bushmasternot sure how to install it11:11
Rubas"x running" means how many processes are currently running.11:11
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O_AndrewUvcvideo is causing me so much trouble :/. Are there any alternatives to it?11:13
bushmasterokay, solved it, thanks11:14
ubottutonino: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:20
* vlt wonders why the !list factoid isn't in Italian anymore :-D11:21
cfhowlettO_Andrew, mplayer11:34
O_Andrewcfhowlett: these still require the uvcvideo driver though D:11:36
cfhowlettO_Andrew, false.  vlc is pretty self-sufficient so far as drivers are concerned.11:37
cfhowlettI have both of those packages and no uvcvideo11:38
cfhowlettsee for yourself with apt-cache show vlc or mplayer11:38
O_AndrewVLC is unable to open the MRL 'v4l2:///dev/video0'. Check the log for details11:39
O_Andrewmeanwhile at dmesg = uvcvideo: No fast enough alt setting for requested bandwidth.11:39
cfhowlettO_Andrew, eh.  okay, over my head. sorry11:40
O_Andrewno prob:) vlc is self-sufficient when it comes to codecs. by the way11:41
O_AndrewI made a threat summarizing my issue here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2284237 But it seems like im the first one to get something like this, and googling for the error just finds me actual code11:44
mgnt1089Hello everybody!    I need a little help:    is there a dbg package for "libpangocairo-1.0-0"?    I am using Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS.11:48
Superpelican_Hello I am trying to do a minimal Ubuntu 15.04 install on a Asus Eee PC 1015 netbook11:49
Superpelican_however the installation hangs at the step where it partitions the / partition11:49
Superpelican_I have already rebooted it once and tried again11:49
Superpelican_but now it's hanging again11:49
Superpelican_(it hangs at 33%)11:50
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BluesKajHiyas all11:56
O_AndrewSo there are no other setting in uvcvideo, other than its quirks?12:10
O_AndrewWhere can i see the available bandwidth of the usb hub?12:11
sciominiAre there any issues running Ubuntu 14.04 on the 13" Macbook pro with Retina display?12:16
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antonio2Hey folks12:24
lixunerobazhang, hello12:26
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new0what FTP best to use?12:31
ikoniatry to avoid using ftp if possible12:31
new0ikonia, then?12:32
new0ikonia, ho, u mean i should use Git? what for now...12:32
ikonianew0: what are you trying to do ?12:32
new0ikonia, working on a project of website12:33
ikoniaso move the files ontot the host without using ftp12:33
Picinew0: sftp is preferred over ftp.12:34
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=== mussie is now known as root_
new0Pici, ok. right now what i need is just FTP. dunno other method beside git12:34
new0which cant use for now12:35
eraggonew0: There is quide in Github to setup ssh connectivity on your repo12:35
root_how to make install graphics driver for ubuntu 1512:35
eraggoroot_: on which graphics card?12:35
new0eraggo, just fTP no sftp or git. i tried using normal ftp but dunno how to list the files or copy them from live to local12:37
root_amd eraago i downloaded using mozilla and archived it and how to build using terminal12:37
eraggonew0: which package you did download?12:39
eraggoroot_: still i kind of need to know which graphics card are you referring to12:40
new0eraggo, i didn't, i used ftp12:40
eraggonew0: so you did download zip file from the github?12:41
eraggoroot_: AMD has many models of graphics cards. May i have model too?12:42
new0eraggo, no. i just did ftp domain12:42
new0is FileZilla good to use?12:42
root_eraggo:32 bit how to make a install using terminal am beginner for ubuntu12:43
Ben64root_: you need to answer the questions first12:44
Ben64root_: also, it is not a good idea to be running irc, or almost anything as root12:45
root_eraggo : please help me12:46
root_eraggo: commands12:47
eraggoroot_: which graphics card are you referring to?12:47
eraggoroot_: let's keep it easier: laptop or dekstop? model of pc?12:48
root_eraggo:its desktop dell optiplex 701012:49
new0so, what best ftp for termail to use? easy to use FTP12:52
ikoniathere isn't a best12:53
ikoniaand you shouldn't be using ftp if you can help it12:53
eraggoroot_: which of AMD graphics card is installed in your system? 7570 or 7470?12:53
new0ikonia, ok, then what is easy to use that the normal ftp that came with Ubuntu12:55
ikoniaftp comes with ubuntu12:55
ikoniajust use that12:55
ikoniabut if you can, don't use ftp at all12:55
root_erago 757012:55
eraggoroot_: http://support.amd.com/en-us/download/desktop?os=Ubuntu+x86+3212:58
root_i downloaded from this link and extract on desktop then what can i do13:00
cfhowlettroot_, sudo dpkg -i filename.deb       will install it13:01
root_ok thanks13:02
eraggoroot_: you may need to reboot after install :)13:04
kristhiananyone knows how to install lib32 in ubuntu?13:07
new0ikonia, sure, but if i want to use something that working better than ubuntu ftp, what should i lookd for?13:07
new0anyway, for now i find something called: gFTP13:09
new0hope to find something better13:09
Picinew0: better how?13:11
root_how to install kali linux security tools on ubuntu13:11
tete_new0, i really loved lftp - dont know if thats shipped with ubuntu13:12
tete_if you need a GUI, i would prefer filezilla13:12
cfhowlett!kali | root_, kali is not supported here.13:12
tete_no its not shipped :)13:12
ubotturoot_, kali is not supported here.: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)13:12
TiZHi there. I've got a really strange problem with my work computer. Something is strange with the port it's connected to, and it always insists it's unplugged even when it is. Is it possible for me to override link detection somehow?13:13
root_cfhowlett:- dpkg status database is locked by another process when i use sudo dpkg -i commmand13:13
EriC^^!aptlock | root_13:14
ubotturoot_: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »13:14
EriC^^root_: is software center closed and another terminal using apt/dpkg ?13:14
EriC^^root_: update manager maybe?13:14
root_software center is closed13:18
eraggoroot_: update-manager may be running background13:18
TiZ_Sorry, I got disconnected somehow! I'll ask again; I have a strange thing with my ethernet port at work where the connection will work just fine all the way up to a reboot, and then it can't detect the link anymore. Is it possible for me to override link detection?13:18
root_eraggo: how do i stop update manager13:19
EriC^^root_: type ps aux | grep dpkg | nc termbin.com 9999 and paste here13:19
cfhowlettroot_, follow the aptlock link you got earlier13:19
root_thank all13:22
pbxin my launcher (unity, 14.04), i have chrome pinned to position #8. most of the time it works sometimes, but sometimes a page opened in chrome by another app spawns another instance. where might this inconsistency be coming from?13:24
eraggopbx: Are you sure there is no chromium(blueish logo) and chrome(reddish logo) installed at same time?13:26
pbxeraggo, just chrome13:31
Radon_3hi folks i am trying to control a friend's system for them from remote. Which is the best safest most stable way to do this? I am going to updtae her system and install some applications that she might need13:33
Radon_3I know about ssh and teamviewer like applications13:33
Radon_3but I like to know your expert ideas13:33
demhlyrboth options are fine. if you dont need to see any graphical interfaces, ssh might be faster/easier for you13:35
cfhowlett!patience | Radon_313:35
ubottuRadon_3: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:35
Radon_3 demhlyr: which one is the most secure, cause I don't need possible introsions, and then she thinking that I did something to her system...13:36
Radon_3*introsions = intrusion13:36
hateballRadon_3: SSH13:36
Radon_3oh, btw both systems are running ubuntu13:36
demhlyrif the problem is trust issues with her, i'd say teamviewer. she will have a button to abort it easily13:37
demhlyrjust saying...13:37
Radon_3hateball : thanks, so I will ask her to make me an ssh account. thanks13:37
hateballRadon_3: If you set up SSH with keybased auth and disable password auth then only the one with the key (you) will be able to log in13:37
Radon_3oh... and can she see what I am doing?13:37
Radon_3by using teamviewer i mean?13:37
Radon_3cool, then i think it is better to go with teamviwewer13:38
demhlyrteamviewer behaves as if you would be sitting on her pc basically13:38
Radon_3cause the last thing i need is a mistrusting friend13:38
eraggopbx: i had similar issue few nights back. I think google has knowledge about it and may be working on it13:38
przemytrielHello Guys how to enable mod_expires on ubuntu 12?13:38
eraggopbx: if you need to join 2 windows together you can always drag tabs between them13:42
Piciprzemytriel: sudo a2enmod expires13:49
przemytrielPici:  Thanks, is apache restart is required?13:50
Piciprzemytriel: it may be.13:50
przemytrielOk thanks dude13:51
TotalMadness1Would I be able to get some help?13:51
pbxeraggo, thanks for the replies. the possibility that it's a chrome issue (vs just me being incompetent with launcher) is good enough for me now13:52
cfhowlett!ask | TotalMadness1,13:52
ubottuTotalMadness1,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:52
daniel__have new tv monitor and have connected via hdmi but dont have clear HD desktop!! picture looks grainy any suggestions?13:55
daniel__have the propriety fglrx-updates driver installed13:55
EriC^^danieltype xrandr -q | nc termbin.com 999913:55
TotalMadness1I have an HDD that is giving me an error of NTFS signature is missing, what can I do to fix this and access what's on the drive?13:57
=== Ululus is now known as Guest13666
EriC^^TotalMadness1: what's the exact error?13:57
TotalMadness1Do you want me to paste the entire text?13:57
daniel__have the propriety fglrx-updates driver installed13:58
cfhowlett!pastebinit | TotalMadness1,13:58
ubottuTotalMadness1,: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com13:58
daniel__EriC^^, i get a http address back13:59
TotalMadness1I don't know if I did this right; http://paste.ubuntu.com/11793236/14:00
eraggo have chrome pinned to position #8. most of the time it14:00
eraggoCan i disable middle mouse button pasting somehow? :S14:01
eraggosince that wasn't first time i accidentally clicked it on terminal14:02
daniel__EriC^^, i get a http address back14:03
OerHeksdaniel__, that is oke, paste the url here14:04
daniel__OerHeks, http://termbin.com/835114:05
daniel__OerHeks, bare in mind i have set up the correct resolution on the HDTV monitor just looks real grainy14:06
Superpelican_[13:49:15] <Superpelican_> however the installation hangs at the step where it partitions the / partition14:09
Superpelican_[13:49:26] <Superpelican_> I have already rebooted it once and tried again14:09
Superpelican_[13:49:30] <Superpelican_> but now it's hanging again14:09
Superpelican_[13:49:43] <Superpelican_> (it hangs at 33%)14:09
Superpelican_an answer on AskUbuntu suggested checking the integrity of the .iso14:09
Superpelican_but I can't seem to find the md5 sum for mini.iso14:10
gp5stI have a 1-disk system atm. I want to add a second disk; what is the best way to create a raid-1 array?14:10
cfhowlett!raid | gp5st14:10
ubottugp5st: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto14:10
MACscrthe grub graphics mode. Is that just for the grub menu or does that affect the resolution once you get to the text only login prompt? The default resolution for console from my ip kvm just seems way to long. Hard to read output from commands like ifconfig, etc. have to use "less" each time14:11
mtnSuperpelican_, have you tried doing the partitioning using gparted on the live disk?14:11
Superpelican_mtn: There is no live disk, because it's a minimal install iso14:12
daniel__OerHeks, http://termbin.com/60zy this is on the monitor with grainyness14:13
mtnSuperpelican_, there are several commmand line partitioners, or get a good live disk that has gparted, if you prefer a gui partioner, which might be easier14:13
Superpelican_okay, will try that14:13
=== amir_ is now known as Guest37149
Superpelican_But I how do I know that there isn't something wrong with this Ubuntu version on this netbook?14:14
mtnSuperpelican_, wrong in what way?14:14
Superpelican_ah the checksum is listed on the community wiki page14:14
Superpelican_well something that isn't related to the partitioning itself14:15
mtnSuperpelican_, oh, you mean something wrong with the iso you are using? yes, check it out with the checksum14:15
gp5stcfhowlett: my qustion was not how to set up raid. my question was how to turn an existing single disk into a raid array.14:16
Superpelican_well no14:16
Superpelican_that wasn't what I meant14:16
cfhowlettgp5s.t, sorry for confusing the issue14:16
Superpelican_but never mind I just checked the sum14:16
Superpelican_and it differs!14:16
Superpelican_so something is wrong with the ISO14:16
Superpelican_mtn: Downloaded mini.iso again, but the checksum differs again14:20
Superpelican_but it's the same as the last ISO!14:20
mtnSuperpelican_, no idea. maybe use a different iso?14:20
cfhowlettSuperpelican_, are you direct downloading??14:24
cfhowlettSuperpelican_, stop that.  use torrents14:24
Superpelican_Are there torrents for the minimal ISO?14:24
Superpelican_Because they aren't listed on the community wiki page14:24
Superpelican_of which I posted the link14:24
dan_8hello, I'm Dan and this is my first Linux :D14:25
cfhowlettSuperpelicant, not seeing the torrent - shocked at that14:27
=== bill is now known as Guest20313
daniel__can anyone help with grainy graphics problem on HDTV monitor? ati (proprietary) driver flgrx-updates in use just thought the screen should be clear14:27
jamescarrSilly question... I need to logrotate some logs but it looks like the app is logging the date too14:28
jamescarrI mean14:28
jamescarreach logfile is something like app.log.2015062814:28
jamescarrcan logtrotate cleanup the oldest ones or will I need to cron clean them?14:28
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Guest26436giorno a tutta la chat14:42
MACscrwhen doing vlans in ubuntu, does the physical interface have be be up first before i can assign a vlan to it? Im just trying to do basic testing right now14:42
cfhowlett!it | Guest26436,14:45
ubottuGuest26436,: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:45
TotalMadness1I have an HDD that has the error: NTFS signature not found. What do I do to fix it?14:52
TotalMadness1I have an HDD that has the error: NTFS signature not found. What do I do to fix it?14:58
rtreleaven TotalMadness1 we heard you the first time14:59
mtnTotalMadness1, do you want to have it blank or fixed, somehow, saving the data?14:59
TotalMadness1THat's the issue. I need the data that's on it to restore a separate PC14:59
mtnTotalMadness1, I would suggest using a windows channel, or google, since it has nothing to do with linux15:00
TotalMadness1I was told earlier something about extra drivers being needed, but I had to fix a separate issue first, which distracted me.15:01
darwinanyone any idea how to resolve my totally munged python3 install on 14.04?15:01
phoenix_rmtn, +115:01
tomas_hello, anybody has opengl 3.3 running?15:02
RussianOrthodoxCGT. I have read on ubuntu-site about upgrading 14.04.1 to 14.04.2 with command line (shell). I did all that. And now when I try to update the system I recieve - W: Error GPG: http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty Release: Следующие подписи неверные: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com> What should I do?15:03
RussianOrthodoxCI upgrade trusty kernel and stack to -lts-utopic.15:05
RussianOrthodoxCThe 14.04.2 and newer point release will ship with an  updated kernel and X stack by default. If you have installed with older  media you can use the following to install the newer kernel from 14.10  (Utopic):15:09
RussianOrthodoxCsudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-lts-utopic xserver-xorg-lts-utopic libgl1-mesa-glx-lts-utopic libegl1-mesa-drivers-lts-utopic15:09
RussianOrthodoxCI did all that.15:10
keevitajahi, is there a way to get monochrome skype icons for unity?15:11
Johnny_Linuxmight wanna try gnome-look . org15:14
gnudon I need help with the error from sudo apt-get upgrade: dpkg: error processing package emacs (--configure):15:20
gnudon  dependency problems - leaving unconfigured15:20
gnudon Errors were encountered while processing:15:20
gnudon  emacs2415:20
gnudon  emacs15:20
tewardgnudon: pastebin the entire apt-get upgrade output.  Kinda need to know what else the error says.  Also, `sudo apt-get install -f` may help15:22
DammitJimif one is running multiple instances of tomcat7 on ubuntu, where does one set the JVM_OPTS for each instance?15:26
azizLIGHThow do i get the grub menu15:29
azizLIGHTwhen i reboot i dont see it? id like to to boot to an older kernel15:29
eraggoazizLIGHT: left shift on boot15:30
azizLIGHTeither its too fast or im too slow15:30
azizLIGHTis that applicable to 15.0415:30
tosseittle shit nignogs15:30
tossewhats yp15:30
tossehow are uuuuuuuu doing????15:30
zykotick9azizLIGHT: try holding shift after bios15:30
tossezykotick ya little wanker15:30
tosseu wot m8?15:30
tosseu wot?15:30
tosseyou fucking wot m8?15:30
tosseyou fucking wot??15:31
tosseyou fucking wot m9??15:31
tosseyou fucking wot+===?==)15:31
tosseu wot m)()(815:31
tosseu fycjgking what15:31
tossegive me attention15:31
azizLIGHTeraggo: zykotick9 thanks left shift worked15:31
=== kevchen is now known as kevchen98
azizLIGHTi guess my older kernel is also useless for vmware shared folders15:32
azizLIGHTand i guess that means i need to setup samba15:33
azizLIGHTis it possible to install an older kernel somehow15:40
azizLIGHTah never mind, i got it to work15:42
azizLIGHTwasnt booting to an older kernel because theyre listed in grub in descending order from newest to oldest15:43
azizLIGHTand i selected the first one15:43
Superpelican_cfhowlett: Interesting just tried to install Debian 8.1 (network install) and it has also stalled at what seems to be about 1/3rd (33%)15:43
Superpelican_so it's not inherent to Ubuntu15:43
N_icklol. hi guyz ;) .15:44
mtnSuperpelican_, how big is the partition you are trying to install to?15:44
igorek536всем привет!15:44
Superpelican_well it's a pretty normal 250 GB HDD15:45
Superpelican_WD if IIRC15:45
mtnSuperpelican_, how big is the actual partition?15:45
Superpelican_well I let it use the entire disk15:45
Superpelican_I didn't choose any special options15:46
mtnSuperpelican_, look at the partitions with gparted and see how big it is or what layout is there15:46
Superpelican_everything is default15:46
N_ickokay, i also have a question : i'm using this command : cat /dev/ttyS0 do display a continous flow of datas coming from a serialport. i need to add a 3 seconds delay to the output,15:48
N_ickis there any possibility to store cat's output somewhere in memory and display it 3 seconds later?15:48
eraggoN_ick: if you want to see raw data you could use "watch"15:49
pbxN_ick, this sounds familiar. what's the reason for wanting to add 3 seconds' latency?15:53
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
Superpelican_mtn: booting GParted Live USB now15:55
shudonhi all :) i've changed my font settings in /etc/fonts/conf.d how do i reload my fonts?15:57
bajahi people im back. Im hearing a some dot sound in my computer after ever few minutes.15:57
bajamight that be a problem with ubuntu15:58
Superpelican_mtn: Okay according to GParted there is a 9,31 GiB btrfs partition at /dev/sda1, a 288,78 GiB extended partition at /dev/sda2, in which a linux-swap partition of 1,46 GiB and an unknown 287,31 GiB partition are located15:59
Superpelican_which are respectively located at /dev/sda5 and /dev/sda615:59
shudonah, fc-cache16:00
Superpelican_okay GParted has wiped the disk16:00
tankerkiller125Hello I have a major problem with my 15.04 install. I was using the propitiart AMD drivers. However they were causing an issue with one of my applications so I switched back to the open source ones. Now after reboot I get the following error: "starting version 219"16:00
mtnSuperpelican_, if sda1 is your root, it is quite a bit too small, but shouldn't stop the install16:00
Superpelican_no, that is what currently is on the disk16:00
Superpelican_not why I chose during the installation16:00
Superpelican_during the installation I let it use the entire disk16:00
mtnSuperpelican_, well, then it did not do any partioning at all16:00
Superpelican_and overwrite everything16:00
=== ilbelkyr is now known as u
Superpelican_so looks like something is wrong with the partitioning tool used in Debian 8 and Ubuntu 15.0416:01
eraggotankerkiller125: which graphics card are you using? Is your computer desktop or laptop?16:01
mtnSuperpelican_, try repartioning to your desire using gparted from the live disk.16:01
Superpelican_because the latest GParted live cd has just wiped it16:01
Superpelican_and the CD apparently is based on Debian 4.0!!16:01
Superpelican_well not an actual CD16:02
Superpelican_but you get what I mean16:02
=== Zachary_DuBois is now known as ^-^v
tankerkiller125eraggo: I have an AMD HD 6750, Desktop16:06
Superpelican_mtn: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/debian-hangs-on-formatting-stuck-@-33-a-925375/16:09
Superpelican_by the way I'm now trying again to install Debian 8.116:10
maelcumhello. i'm evaluating on-screen keyboards. one of them is ubuntu-keyboard. has it been deprecated or something?16:10
mtnSuperpelican_, the first thing that link suggests is using gparted from a live disk!!16:10
maelcumdevelopment has been slow since 2013, it's missing korean and japanese, and it's only in the universe repository.16:10
eraggotankerkiller125: Do you have 32 or 64 bit system?16:11
StevenXLHi everyone. I am running Ubuntu as a host in VMWare Player.16:12
StevenXLI would like to install open-vm-tools. I've already run "sudo apt-get install open-vm-tools", and that worked fined.16:12
StevenXLBut now I don't know what else to do.16:12
Superpelican_mtn: Oh, it's a 320 GB HDD by the way, not 250 GB16:12
N_ickpbx: basically, what i need to display with cat is a webradio playlist (ascii) which is continuously refreshed. so cat's output is continuous. Cat's output is currently in advance over the audio i'm broadcasting so i need to add some delay to run in sync.16:12
N_icksorry i don't really know how to explain in english.. :/16:13
tankerkiller125eraggo: 64bit. Unfortantly I can't actually fix it now (power just decided to fail on me) So my desktop is down for now. I will come back later when the power comes back.16:13
Superpelican_N_ick: Well you kind run some kind of script for that16:14
linuxerotarifa yoigo sin fin16:15
eraggotankerkiller125: support.amd.com has very good search functionality to search drivers :) remember to choos x86_64 edition on the drivers16:15
N_ickyep, something like storing cat's output in a variable, sleep 3s, cat variable?16:15
blzHello, I'm having trouble updating ca-certificates with a self-signed cert.  I suspect the problem is fairly simple, but I've detailed it here: http://askubuntu.com/q/642321/62958  Any thoughts/advice?16:15
tankerkiller125eraggo: Thanks I'll try that when the power comes back online.16:15
AppAraathello, I'm installing the Ubuntu 14.04 netinstall, and there seems to be an issue with "live-installer" install component - http://imgur.com/a/H9wlr16:20
AppAraatthe first and second pic are meant to go the other way around16:20
abs25First time installing linux, which version should I go for?, 14.04.2 or 15.04?16:21
N_ick@ Superpelican_ yep, something like that :  storing cat's output in a variable, sleep 3s, cat variable? then i need to purge the variable periodically... right?16:21
eraggoi would like to recommend 15.04 but i am using 14.something. Works like a charm16:22
abs25eraggo, I wont have any issue installing 15.04 even though I am first time installing linux?16:23
eraggoabs25: probably not16:23
abs25because on webpage it says recommened for most users at 14.04 version16:23
tewardabs25: the trade off is cutting-edge vs. stability - 14.04 is probably more stable.  15.04 has newer software.16:24
mtnabs25, 14.04 is a long term support, so will be supported for much longer16:24
eraggoabs25: depends on your system; if you have high-end graphics card that will come issue.16:24
abs25no I have 3 year old low level gpu16:24
eraggoabs25: go for 14.0416:24
abs25mtn, what does that mean they wont update 15.04 but they will 14.0416:25
mtnabs25, support, not just updating. after a few months, 15 will no longer get any updates16:25
mtnor support16:25
abs25why the numbers go down?16:25
abs25why is 14 better than 15?16:25
abs25makes no sense16:25
eraggoabs25: ubuntu uses format yy.mm; yyi s year and mm is month16:26
heywoodhi all. i made an alias to MD5 as follows: md5sum(){ /sbin/md5 $@ | awk '{print $4}' ;} to extract just the checksum. this fails if the filename has spaces. how can i modify this to handle that case?16:26
tewardabs25: 14.04 is an LTS (5 years of support).  15.04 is an interim release with a much shorter support period.16:26
abs25oh so they keep developing bit unstable stuff for advanced users, but keep working on one older version with support for regular users,?16:27
eraggoabs25: yes16:27
=== ^-^v is now known as Zachary_DuBois
abs25interesting, thanks !16:27
AppAraata bit of a related question, is it easy to upgrade from non-LTS versions?16:28
AppAraatlike non-LTS to another non-LTS?16:28
OerHeksAppAraat, sure, change from lts to regular upgrade in you update manager16:28
OerHekssoftwarecenter > edit > sources16:28
eraggoAppAraat: downgrade..... good luck16:29
cemghello guys , i give chmod this file , then when i run it , it doesnt work , it just only becomes root, https://paste.kde.org/p5kfzjmmb16:29
cemgwhats the problem here ?16:29
AppAraatOerHeks: I intent to use the CLI though, but I guess in that case I'll have to modify /etc/apt/sources.lst ?16:29
AppAraateraggo: thanks for the heads-up. This is one of the reasons I intend to keep good backups.16:30
alebinthe Boot-Repair program, can that wipe the entire mbr?16:31
OerHeksAppAraat, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Upgrades16:32
eraggocemg: with sudo su you do login as root. Remove that line and replace it with sudo's when needed.16:33
cemgbut wont it ask me for passwords ?16:33
alebinit should ask for your user pass16:34
cemgor to agree that installations16:34
cemgi dont want it16:34
eraggocemg: script that short it should ask it once16:34
alebincan ubuntu checksum the mbr some how?16:35
cemgisnt there any other way ?16:36
alebincemg: that's kinda how ubuntu is designed16:36
cemgwhen it becomes , then i type CTRL+D , after that it starts download everything without asking16:37
cemgwhen it becomes root ..16:37
rypervenchecemg: You could run it as the root user.16:38
rypervenchecemg: When I need to run a script that needs root permissions, I don't bother with adding "sudo" to each line and hoping that it doesn't take too long to run, thus requiring me to type my password again. I run it as the root user.16:39
tewardrypervenche: so just run the script itself with sudo?16:40
cemgsudo su16:40
cemgthen execute ?16:40
tewardoop nevermind16:40
* teward just showed up late xD16:40
rypervenchecemg: That won't always be the best way to do things, but it depends on what you need. Actually, reading the script, I wouldn't run it as root.16:40
OerHekscemg, not sudo su, use ' sudo -i '16:40
cemghmm okey16:41
rypervenchecemg: It is creating a python virtual environment. You'll want to do that as a normal user.16:41
OerHeksor sudo < script>16:41
cemgsudo ./installer.sh ?16:41
rypervenchecemg: Lines 5 to 24 need root privileges. I would just add sudo in front of each line there.16:42
cemgi did16:42
rypervenchecemg: Then run the script as your user, no need for sudo.16:42
cemgsudo ./installer.sh16:42
cemghmm okey16:42
rypervenchecemg: Just run ./installer.sh16:42
smallfoot-Anyone having problems with mouse acceleration? It seems its disabled for me.16:42
cemgokey i will add sudo in front of everyline16:43
OerHekscemg, running that script as root does the same.16:44
cemgsudo su  , then just ./installer.sh ?16:44
Superpelican_mtn: So it still isn't finished partitioning...16:45
Superpelican_It think it has stalled again16:45
rypervenchecemg: No no. You want to run it as your normal user.16:45
rypervenchecemg: Or whatever user you plan on using.16:45
mtnSuperpelican_, using gparted from the live disk?16:45
cemgi want to run it as a normal user16:45
Superpelican_I removed all the partitions with GParted16:45
rypervenchecemg: That script is a mess.16:45
Superpelican_and now I am trying to install Debian again16:46
cemgwhy ? :D16:46
mtnSuperpelican_, why not? it has been suggested to you here and in the link you mentioned. just do it!16:46
rypervenchecemg: Lines 46 and 49 need sudo as well16:46
smallfoot-Anyone having problems with mouse acceleration? It seems its disabled for me.16:46
Superpelican_But how should I partition it?16:46
eraggo!patience | smallfoot-16:47
ubottusmallfoot-: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:47
cemgi think the best way is adding sudo everyline16:47
Superpelican_Is about 25/30 minutes normal for a 320 GB HDD in a weak computer?16:47
mtnSuperpelican_, http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/35676/how-to-choose-a-partition-scheme-for-your-linux-pc/16:47
Picicemg: overusing sudo can lead to system issues, please do not use it more than necessary.16:47
cemgahh , then i dont know what to do :(16:47
Superpelican_Yes, but how will I get Debian to use an existing partition scheme?16:47
rypervenchecemg: You do NOT want to add sudo to every line.16:48
cemgwhich lines , just that all apt-get lines ?16:48
OerHeksSuperpelican_, sounds like more a question for #debian16:49
xcyclistvsftp is giving me trouble.16:49
xcyclistThe install did not give me a default vsftp.conf file in /etc.16:49
Superpelican_OerHeks: yes, but I was having the exact same problem with Ubuntu 15.0416:49
Superpelican_which I originally was trying to install16:50
rypervenchecemg: Delete line 4, then add sudo to 5 through 24, 35, 46, and 4916:50
Superpelican_it also stalled at 1/3rd in the partitioning stage16:50
alebinI have a semi-complicated question. If I install win8.1 to a partition on a ssd drive, then install Ubuntu 15.04 to another partition on the same drive, then use the Ubuntu CD to Veracrypt the Ubuntu install partition, will I be able to boot to Win8.1? Then reboot to the CD, unencrypt the Ubuntu installation partition, and reboot into Ubuntu 15.04?16:50
ikoniaalebin: encypt at install16:50
ikoniaalebin: the encyption of ubuntu has no impact on windows16:50
alebinikonia: attackable by windows malware16:50
ikoniaalebin: what ???16:51
rypervenchealebin: I would recommend using LUKs encryption during installation.16:51
alebinikonia: i don't want windows having any access at all to a single bit of data on that linux partition16:51
ikoniaalebin: it won't16:51
ikoniait can't read the file system16:51
ikoniayou don't even need to encypt it16:51
alebinikonia: i don't want it having access to the encryption bootloader or anything, evil maid an all that junk16:51
ikoniaalebin: it won't16:52
alebinikonia: windows malware can install extfs drivers16:52
ikoniaso you don't need to encypt it16:52
ikoniaalebin: you're being silly16:52
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alebinikonia: i'm being realistic for these times16:52
ikoniaand totally unrealistic16:52
ikoniaalebin: no you are not16:52
ikoniado what you want16:52
xcyclistThe main thing is I cannot log into ftp using my username.16:52
rypervenchexcyclist: What is your reasoning for using the FTP protocol? What do you need out of it?16:53
cemgokey thank you so much guys for your help16:54
rypervenchealebin: Regardless of your reasoning, you can use the LUKS guided installation and you'll be fine. :)16:55
alebinrypervenche: seen way too many attacks against luks lately to trust it16:56
rypervencheoooook, I'm with ikonia on this one.16:56
alebinrypervenche: i'm looking for pretty much total separation of code.. win code over here.. reset/clear ram.. ubuntu code over here16:57
alebinrypervenche: short of a bios tampering, it would be secure16:57
rypervenchealebin: Well, we have given you a solution. If you do not like it, you are free to look elsewhere. Personally I would not trust Veracrypt at all. But I won't get into that. We can chat in offtopic if you wish to talk about that.16:58
OerHeksalebin,  "total separation of code" means 2 machines16:58
alebinOerHeks: yeah, short of two machines :D16:58
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alebini just don't trust windows at all anymore, and wouldn't use it at all if it weren't for pretty much all the games being windows only16:59
ioriai know Ext2Fsd, but i didn't know it had write permissions16:59
eraggoalebin: that is why people should vote with their wallet :)17:12
alebineraggo: yeah, it's getting there slowly, with the Source engine from Valve/Steam17:14
eraggoalebin: Not by engines itself; developers making games using engines, since (with Source engine inlisted too) there is more game engines possible for linux markets. Releasing for multiple platforms seems to be issue17:18
roninwhat does this mean "o use Citrix Receiver in Chrome and/or Chromium, run: xdg-mime default wfica.desktop application/x-ica"17:33
roninrun what :/17:33
rypervencheronin: From the cmomand line, run that command, starting with xdg-mime.17:34
tms@ronin it seems like config parameters for a chrome "desktoped" app17:34
abhijaintrying to make swap partition and when using mkswap for  formation its give error device or resource busy17:36
ikoniaabhijain: swap it off17:38
abhijainikonia: I didnt swap it on then what is the use of swap it off17:39
rypervencheabhijain: what device are you trying to mkswap?17:39
abhijainikonia: [root@client Desktop]# mkswap /dev/sdb7 /dev/sdb7: Device or resource busy17:40
ikoniaabhijain: what are you typing the name /dev/sdb7 2 times17:40
ikoniaabhijain: if it's busy - it's in use by something, that normally means it's mounted or swapped on17:41
abhijainikonia: its not mounted17:41
ikoniaabhijain: why are you doing /dev/sdb7 /dev/sdb717:41
abhijainikonia: it was typo error here in chat I am just doing  mkswap /dev/sdb7      or  # umount /dev/sdb7 umount: /dev/sdb7: not mounted17:42
ikoniathats not how you unmount something17:43
ikoniaabhijain: what was this partition before you decided to make it swap17:43
lixunero in spanish please17:44
ikonia!es | lixunero17:44
ubottulixunero: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:44
abhijainikonia: partition of 11GB that is not mounted17:44
ikonia11GB swap, thats a lot17:44
lixunerowhats is ubottu?17:44
ikonialixunero: a bot17:44
abhijainikonia: thanx its done, actually one of partition from same disk was mounted I made it umount and it works !!17:47
bajahey guys im trying to get my node version in the terminal typing node -v17:57
bajaits not showing and i have already installed node17:58
xcyclistSorry rypervenche for not answering immediately.17:59
xcyclistThe need is I have two windows developers who want to help maintain a site using visual studio.17:59
xcyclistIt was anticipated by them that they could get in if they had ftp protocol available.18:00
xcyclistI tried several other things, and login ftp consistently fails for my user, which works with ssh.18:03
rypervenchexcyclist: Any reason you're not using SFTP? FTP is not secure and it's a very old protocol.18:07
yingw787hi guys18:08
yingw787does anyone know a good channel for lxc support18:08
wizzy__Hi. I'm having a problem with the OSD popups from applications. qBittorrent ran out of disk space, thus spammed hundres of notifications. Previously all these notifications would all be shown at once and be gone after 5 seconds. Now each notification comes up one by one, and it takes 30-45 minutes before the all notifications in the queue has been shown. How can i clear this queue?18:08
yingw787linux containers18:09
ikoniayingw787: try using #freenode or the alis bot for channel searching18:09
yingw787cool thanks I will check that out18:09
ikoniathis is ubuntu support, not a yellow pages for channels18:09
mtnI hear google can come in handy for searching for things, too18:10
xcyclistMy users want ftp.  I suggested sftp and was told ftp was needed.18:10
xcyclistI mentioned the security matters.18:11
xcyclistI tried the reinstall suggestions here, and am still unable to log into my AWS EC2 using ftp with the vsftpd installed:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/47260/where-is-vsftpd-conf.18:12
linuxdbubblemon shows a memory usage of 65%(10.7/16.4GB).isn't it a sort of high rate?18:14
yingw787welp I got back here from #freenode18:15
yingw787hrmm if I configure xfs for a computer are the containers also configured18:15
ernalve_Hi, I'm having trouble connecting my m3 GoGear Vibe 8gb on ubuntu. When i connect it as MTP, Nautilus recognizes it as an audio player but just shows an empty Internal Storage folder. When i switch the mp3 to MSC mode it won't connect and says: "Unable to open device «[usb:002,010]» MTP". Any help???18:18
xcyclistStill unable to install vsftpd on an ec2 and make it work.18:23
rypervenchexcyclist: Unless they need anonymous access, which they don't since they need write access, any decent FTP client will also support SFTP.18:24
rypervenchexcyclist: Most people are using Filezilla these days, which supports SFTP.18:26
xcyclistNo, they don't need anonymous access.  The client is visual studio....18:26
rypervenchexcyclist: Ah ok. I missed that. Sucks to be them. I can help you if you like.18:28
xcyclistWhat do you suggest?18:29
xcyclistrypervenche:  I am very interested in any helpful suggestion.18:31
HakkaHok got a question I'm trying to find certain files of mumble/murmur especially murmur.ice but so far  no luck does anyone know where it might be placed on 14.04?18:32
telecentroOlá boa tarde!18:32
OerHeksHakkaH, locate < file >  or find < file> , ' which mumble '  should give some clues too18:33
Bashing-omHakkaH: ' sudo find / -name murmur.ice ' "find" it for you ?18:33
HakkaHwill try18:34
rypervencheHakkaH: dpkg -L mumble-server | grep ice18:34
jhutchinsHakkaH: dpkg -L mumble18:34
jhutchinsrypervenche: Better.18:34
HakkaHfound it many thanks18:35
ernalve_Hi again! My MP3 Philips GoGear Vibe doesn't connect on Ubuntu 14.04. ¿What can I do?18:36
ernalve_The mp3 allows MTP and MSC connections. When I connect it as MTP, Nautilus recognizes it as an audio player but just shows an empty Internal Storage folder. When i switch to MSC, i get this error: "Unable to open device «[usb:002,010]» MTP".18:38
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aikidoukeim working on a box that seems to have gotten stuck between a trusty-vivid upgrade. i didnt do that part, just trying to fix it18:42
aikidoukegrub is showing only 3.13 kernels but 3.19 is the only kernel that is installed18:42
aikidoukei can edit the linux-image line in grub and change it to 3.19 and boot into rescue mode, but the machine doesnt recognize the keyboard after that...18:43
aikidoukeany ideas?18:43
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hheeguys. which nice audio player with stream record exosts in ubuntu?18:44
OwnixHey guys these permissions are over my head.  I have a Samba share on Debain mounted on my Ubuntu here. I can see the files but I can only read. when I ls I see that my ubuntu user is the user and group.18:45
linuxd how could I modify to this circuit to include a blinking LED? http://www.lirc.org/receivers.html18:47
linuxdjoin #mythubuntu18:47
regedithello I have an Epson Perfection V30 scanner. What are my chances for using this on Ubuntu?18:47
Bashing-omaikidouke: Maybe a tough situation. I would boot a liveDVD and mount the install partition and see what the system things is the present release ' cat /mnt/etc/issue' and look at what is in the /boot directory ' ls -al /mnt/boot/ ' . for starters .18:48
regeditrelated link 1 http://www.epson.com/cgi-bin/Store/support/supDetail.jsp?oid=118282&infoType=Downloads&platform=OSF_O_LINUX18:48
regeditrelated link 2 http://download.ebz.epson.net/dsc/search/01/search/searchModule enter "perfection v30"18:49
aikidoukethanks Bashing-om, doing that now, back after a bit maybe18:49
Bashing-omaikidouke: We are here to help .18:50
jhutchinsregedit: Pretty decent, (x)sane gets support from the Cups project which is Apple's printing system.18:50
jhutchinsregedit: Is this a multifunction or just a scanner?18:51
regeditholy crap it's mentioned here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EPSON%20GT-F720%2C%20GT-S620%2C%20Perfection%20V30%2C%20Perfection%20V300%20Photo18:51
regeditjhutchins: just scanner (if you mean like also fax etc)18:51
regeditjhutchins: i should just follow steps from that page? or are there better recommended steps18:52
Tai15if you have a problem with an mdadm array and have to force it to start, are there any follow-up steps to make that persistant after reboot?18:52
Tai15or will it start up automatically at next reboot without forcing it?18:53
jhutchinsregedit: I'd go with the Ubuntu docs.  We're here if you run into something.18:53
regeditjhutchins: ok thanks!18:53
noncomcinseI'm trying to get audio to work on my installation of ubuntu-server-14.04.218:54
grinchierubuntu is spyware18:55
Tai15do you have anything to back that up grinchier?18:55
DX099Tai15: don't mind, it's a bot18:55
Tai15oh, sorry DX09918:55
regeditjhutchins: i'm a x64 bit system, so i take the amd64 not the i386 right?18:55
grinchierTai15: Ubuntu, a widely used and influential GNU/Linux distribution, has installed surveillance code.  When the user searches her own local files for a string using the Ubuntu desktop, Ubuntu sends that string to one of Canonical's servers.  (Canonical is the company that develops Ubuntu.)18:56
grinchiermint and ubuntu,  also redirect yahoo and amazon searches18:56
grinchiergoogle it for yourself18:56
grinchiernot to mention so many gov't agents,  that make them cave and bend over like pansies18:56
Tai15noncomcinse, what problems are you having geting audio to play?18:57
teward!crosspost | noncomcinse18:58
ubottunoncomcinse: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.18:58
ernalve_hey again: this link (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libgphoto2/+bug/616596) refers to my problem. Can anyone help me  in commenting out the referred line 785?18:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 616596 in libgphoto2 (Ubuntu) "Philips GoGear ViBE (set to MSC) recognized as MTP" [Undecided,Triaged]18:59
grinchierTai15: i recommend trisquel19:00
grinchiereasier to use then ubuntu,  and cleaner19:00
noncomcinseTai15: Any program that should have audio output is silent19:01
Tai15Go troll somewhere else, I don't care what you recommend19:01
grinchierTai15: so then why did you ask me to back it up,   are you mad now that I've done so?19:01
jhutchinsmsg ubottu iso19:01
Tai15noncomcinse, have you installed sound drivers, like ALSA19:02
Tai15iirc, server doesn't come with them by default19:02
Bashing-omregedit: "  jhutchins: i'm a x64 bit system, so i take the amd64 not the i386 right? : correct .19:02
noncomcinseTai15: I installed alsa-utils which comes with alsa-base as a dependency19:02
noncomcinseAre sound drivers seperate from that?19:02
regeditBashing-om: thank you!19:03
Tai15h/o noncomcinse, I'm going to log into my server and check something19:03
grinchierits amazing how much cooler my cpu runs on trisquel compared to ubuntu19:03
Tai15noncomcinse, and you've gone into alsamixer and made sure your sound was turned up?19:04
noncomcinseTai15: Yes.19:04
Bashing-omregedit: :) so long as we are not talking about a Mac system .19:04
grinchierhasn't mac machines got hacked first in alot of hacker contests before windows and linux? lol19:05
grinchierbut don't worry.....mac's are "safer"....19:05
Tai15huh, beats me then noncomcinse, sorry ._.19:06
grinchiernoncomcinse: best to ask debianuser in #alsa19:06
Hobbet1i have a basic question i sure is it better to use the intel cpu proprietary driver or not?19:07
grinchierHobbet1: depends, do you notice any differences?19:07
noncomcinseI shouldn't have to reboot to get alsa to work but I might as well try it.19:08
grinchierHobbet1: for example i use the proprietary nvidia drivers on the 3.13 kernel because otherwise,  i freeze when resuming suspend19:09
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Hobbet1no so is there a difference to use one or the other19:09
grinchierbut another fix,  would be to keep the open source drivers and update the kernel19:09
grinchierHobbet1: then just stick with the open source driver19:09
noncomcinseNope. No dice.19:10
grinchierHobbet1: many claim open source drivers are more secure,   they are definitely way less bloated19:10
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grinchieralso more compatible with kernel upgrades19:10
grinchierHobbet1: but if you want even less bloated,  use trisquel instead of ubuntu19:11
regeditwell well ubuntu, you've done it this time; that was a relatively smooth experience getting my Epson Perfection v30 up & scanning (with a decent UI at that)19:17
regeditor i was just very lucky i bought that particular model19:17
regeditthanks again jhutchins!19:17
Bashing-om!hcl | regedit There is always19:19
ubotturegedit There is always: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection19:19
pbxis it possible to remove the 'updates' menu from the status bar?  14.04 unity FWIW19:20
pbxits main purpose seems to be to alert me to failures related to wine upgrades :)19:21
MonkeyDustpbx  i see no updates menu in unity, where do you see it?19:21
regeditBashing-om: what are the chances of blindly buying a scanner and /years/ later being the lucky winner of the actually-supported-by-the-distro-you-selected lottery :D19:22
pbxMonkeyDust, to the left of the network menu. i can't tell you what its normal icon is because it's currently a red 'warning' triangle19:23
OerHekspbx, yes, you can remove it by fixing the update, best way i guess19:23
pbxOerHeks, well yes. but after doing that more or less weekly for the last x months i realized that's all i ever do with that menu and would rather it disappear19:24
OerHeksclick on it, what does it say?19:24
Bashing-omregedit: Older hardware, chances are good ! Not Lexus ( when are they going to get on-board ?) .19:24
MonkeyDustpbx  change the update settings: system settings > software & updates > updates19:25
pbxOerHeks, "The update information is outdated..." this is a new one. subsequent apt update failed on a third-party ppa (spotify) so that may be the cause19:25
pbxMonkeyDust, i don't see anything related to the status bar icon there19:26
OerHekspbx, oke, use ppa-purge to remove that ppa, or disable it if you want to use the spotify app19:26
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MonkeyDustpbx  no, but you can disable automatic updates19:26
mattiaswDoes anyone here have any experience comparing the touchpad on the latest macbook air vs. the dell xps 13?19:28
regeditBashing-om: any "political" (i.e. non-financial or time/effort related) reasons why OEMs would not support linux?19:28
pbxMonkeyDust, right. i want automatic updates, i just didn't want the noise, but that combo doesn't seem to be offered. thanks19:28
MonkeyDustregedit  discussion in #ubuntu-offtopic19:32
Bashing-omregedit: Whohh , way above my head too . This belongs in #ubuntu-offtopic . Maybe MicroSoft is Lexus' bread and butter ?19:32
regeditright ok heh19:33
MACscrhow can i change the resolution for console access when accessing my ubuntu server through IP KVM? I have no gui installed on my servers, so its strictly console access19:34
Tai15Hey guys, I'm sorry, but I'm just in over my head and really need help. I had a problem with my RAID array that's part of an LV, and now, after rebuilding me, I can't mount the LV because it's telling me it doesn't have a valid partition table, even though the RAID array is active and seems fine19:34
MACscrits through ipmi virtual console access, so no video card is really involved.19:35
Jordan_UTai15: Do you really mean a RAID array that is part of an LV, meaning that you have a RAID array whose memebers are logical volumes?19:37
Tai15Jordan_U, I have a RAID 10 array that's mounted an LV19:37
Tai15as an LV*19:38
Jordan_UTai15: You're not using terminolgy in an understandable way. I assume, since this is the most reasonable configuration, that you have multiple drives that each have partition tables. On each of those drives is a partition that is a RAID member, forming your RAID array, and on top of that RAID array you have an LVM physcial volume wich contains within it at least one LVM logical volume. Is that correct?19:40
Tai15Jordan_U, I'm sorry if I'm not being clear, but yes, that is exactly how my server is configured.19:40
kodihi everybody, can someone tell my why my free disk space is fluctuating from, sometimes 2.8Go to 3.5Go without changing anything?19:42
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bghfrekodi: How big is the full space?19:43
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Ben64kodi: you on kodibuntu?19:43
kodino, I'm under xubuntu, and I have installed kodi on it... sorry for the nickname, I've forgotten to change it19:44
Tai15Jordan_U, according to fdisk -l, each of the harddrives has a single partition with "Linux raid autodetect on it", but my Logical Volume manager does not have a valid partition on it anymore, and I'm not sure what caused that19:47
newkehi. im thinking of buying a thinkpad. it has belgian keyboard layout, but im comfortable with US. Will keys be mapped correctly?19:47
newkeif ill choose US layout *19:48
Jordan_UTai15: By "logical volume manager does not have a valid partition on it" do you mean that there is no Logical Volume?19:48
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Tai15Jordan_U, perhaps this will clarify a bit: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11795124/19:49
bghfrenewke: Should be fine I would think, a replacement US would be about 12$ US maybe.19:50
bghfreon line that is19:50
Jordan_UTai15: A logical volume isn't supposed to have a partition table. What is your end goal?19:53
bennypr0fanehi, I have a problem with my wlan driver. It doesn't seem to laod (properly at startup). It's the broadcom propietary wl driver. jockey-gtk shows it as being in use, yet when I start the system, wlan doesn't work. as soon as I run sudo modprobe wl in the terminal, it springs to life19:54
Tai15Jordan_U, before I mounted my RAID by mounting logical volume group. Now it's telling me that it can't do that because there isn't a valid partition table.19:55
bghfre!broadcom | bennypr0fane use this wiki19:55
ubottubennypr0fane use this wiki: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx19:55
Jordan_UTai15: What command are you running to try to mount the logical volume?19:56
bghfrebennypr0fane: THe wiki gives you closed and opensource info.19:56
Tai15i had a line in my fstab that did it automatically /dev/vgpool/lvraid /srv/samba ext4 defaults 0 119:57
Tai15but now it's telling me that "special device /dev/vgpool/lvraid does not exist"19:57
bennypr0fanebghfre, well it seems my problem is rather clear cut, while not specific to this driver, don't you think?19:57
Jordan_UTai15: OK. Please pastebin the output of "sudo blkid".19:57
bghfrebennypr0fane: Hmm, if clearcut why are you here?19:57
Acer54is there any embroidery-software available for linux ? I got a sewing machine...19:58
bghfrebennypr0fane: With broadcom we have everybody read the wiki, especially when you mention closed source drivers, we need to know you informed is all.19:58
bennypr0faneby "clearcut" that I feel I have figured *what the probelm is*, but that doens't mean I know the solution19:58
bghfrebennypr0fane: I can't help you beyond the wiki so you know. However most use it and are up and runnning, but the channel is to help.20:00
Jordan_UTai15: Please pastebin the output of "sudo pvscan && sudo vgscan && sudo vgchange -a y && sudo lvscan && sudo blkid".20:01
bennypr0fanethis wiki deals with determining which driver is needed and how to install and load the right one. once that's done, the only fix that it offers is to reinstall, which I already tried20:01
Jordan_Ubennypr0fane: Is your card supported by the open source b43 driver?20:03
bennypr0faneJordan_U, no20:03
Tai15Here you go Jordan_U http://paste.ubuntu.com/11795255/20:03
Jordan_Ubennypr0fane: Please pastebin the output of "sudo mount -o ro /dev/VG-RAID/LV-RAID /mnt/".20:05
bghfreJordan_U: I think you nics are mixed20:06
Tai15Jordan_U, I think you meant me, and it's "mount: you must specify the filesystem type20:06
bennypr0fanebghfre, yup, I think that wasn't for me?20:06
Jordan_Ubennypr0fane: Indeed, sorry about the mistab.20:07
bghfrebennypr0fane: I don't think so, but they are excellent help.20:07
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Jordan_UTai15: It looks like you don't have any volume group named vgpool, though according to your /etc/fstab entry you used to. Also, the only logical volume you currently have doesn't have a fileystem. Did you recently try to change something related to LVM?20:11
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Tai15Jordan_U, no, I haven't done anything with the LVM recently20:12
Tai15I had a problem with my RAID array caused by someone knocking a cable out, but I was able to rebuild the array and now it's active.20:12
Jordan_UTai15: How did you rebuild the array?20:13
Tai15mdadm --assemble --force /dev/md127 /dev/sd[b-h]120:14
Jordan_UTai15: The description for --force states "Assemble the array even if the metadata on some devices appears to be out-of-date. If mdadm cannot find enough working devices to start the array, but can find some devices that are recorded as having failed, then it will mark those devices as working so that the array can be started. An array which requires --force to be started may contain data corruption. Use it carefully."20:18
Jordan_UTai15: Why did you decide to use --force?20:19
Tai15uh, when I tried to --assemble --scan, it told me there was only one drive (!?) even though I could clearly see the other ones20:19
Jordan_UTai15: And what lead you to believe that --force was specifically the option you should use?20:21
Tai15I was reading https://raid.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/RAID_Recovery and trying to follow the steps they provided20:22
bennypr0faneguys, any new ideas?20:26
Tai15any ideas Jordan_U?20:28
bishopsQuick question: What is in your opinion the best laptop to get that can run ubuntu with no problem20:29
OerHeksbishops, a laptop that comes with ubuntu, or see the HCL list20:32
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection20:32
k1l_bishops: dell or system76 offer to ship ubuntu in first place. then thinkpads and other ones that are run by the typical tech guys.20:32
bishopsOerHeks: i understand, but some laptops on the list once reviewed seem to have problems20:32
bishopsi presonally have a x1 carbon and i feel that the battery is not as good as if it was on windows20:33
bishopsk1l_: yes system76 sounds good, do you think it is better than dell?20:35
nicekiwibattery on Linux is shockingly bad on all devices :/20:35
nicekiwiand excessive heat20:35
bghfrenicekiwi: Talk to manufacturers and don't mak broad fud statements.20:36
Geo2b2Hey. Does anyone know why in Ubuntu, searching online there will always be t=canonical in the url?20:36
bghfre!ot | lixunero We will make sure you hang in the correct channel!!20:37
ubottulixunero We will make sure you hang in the correct channel!!: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:37
lixunerothank you20:38
Geo2b2No one knows about the t=canonical thing?20:38
TJ-Geo2b2: yes, because Canonical insert that term in the Search provider XML settings: See for yourself: "grep -rn canonical /usr/lib/firefox/distribution/*"20:38
Jordan_UTai15: I'm not very familiar with RAID recovery, so maybe someone else can help. Do you have backups?20:38
Geo2b2TJ-, thanks. But why do they do this? Is it a good idea to remove that, or comment it out?20:39
Tai15Jordan_U, yes, full backups20:39
TJ-Geo2b2: To get paid on click-throughs20:39
lixuneroyes yes20:40
Jordan_UTai15: Then you may want to just start from scratch and restore from backup, if nobody else has a better idea.20:40
k1l_lixunero: stop that random stuff.20:40
Geo2b2TJ-, Oh, ok. Do you know if it's safe to remove? Sorry if thats a dumb question, i'm pretty new20:40
Tai15Jordan_U, okay, I will follow the steps then on the site I linked to recreate the RAID and hope that works, and if not, I can copy from the backups20:41
Jordan_UTai15: As that page mentions, the linux-raid mailing list is also a good resource.20:41
Tai15okay, I'll send an e-mail20:41
lixuneroI do not say random things20:42
k1l_lixunero: ##chat for chatting. this channel is for support only20:43
TJ-Geo2b2: Which search engine do you see it with?20:45
lixuneroKL1 : as well20:45
Geo2b2TJ-, duckduckgo primarily and google when i use it.20:45
TJ-Geo2b2: Yes, I've seen it with DDG ... can't see it in that grep for Google though20:46
Geo2b2TJ-, however if i actually go to the search engine website and search, it doesn't happen for some reason20:46
Geo2b2TJ-, Then i'm probably wrong about google. Is it okay to remove or comment out the canonical part? I mean, could it possibly do harm?20:47
xanguaGeo2b2: and what harm is it doing¿20:48
TJ-Geo2b2: I remember a long time ago I figured out how to override the searchplugins in the user home directory, to avoid making a change to the system packages. If you change the system packages upgrades may well fail20:48
Geo2b2xangua, I'm not sure, i just don't really want it there.20:49
nicekiwibghfre, your saying that out of the box linux distors have good power savings? talk about broad fud statements..20:51
bghfrenicekiwi: I did not say that, you are biased live with it.20:51
Geo2b2TJ-, Oh, so it's not a good idea for me to remove it? I'm not really sure how to override searchplugins, and since i'm a noob i probably shouldn't try, in case i mess up. Does the canonical thing in general do anything bad, as in, is it possible spyware, adware, etc?20:51
bghfreembrace it you know reflect20:51
fxmulderseems when I try to login to my laptop the screen flickers for a couple seconds and then gives me the login screen again20:51
fxmulderany idea what might be broke there?20:51
TJ-Geo2b2: It looks like there most of the searchplugins contain some form of distributor indicator, I did a quick survey of the files reported by: "dpkg -S searchplugins"20:51
AppAraathello everyone, what commandline wifi manager would you recommend me?20:51
fxmulderrunning ubuntu 14.0420:52
xanguaif you are interested about battery life try this nicekiwi http://www.webupd8.org/2013/04/improve-power-usage-battery-life-in.html20:52
poorUserhi people, does anyone has epic freezes of ubuntu 15?20:52
poorUserhappens with compiz and alt-tab20:53
AppAraatpoorUser: you are probably using AMD or nVidia cards.20:53
bghfrepoorUser: JUst the daily download is all, it updates on the install.20:53
Bashing-omfxmulder: A proprietary grahics driver that was in use ? and now broke in a upgrade, perhaps ?20:53
nicekiwixangua, yeah.. but Im not, I avoid inliux on mobile for the reason reason that to get good battery I personally have to tweak a lot of stuff to make it work. Which in the end may or may not help.20:53
bghfrepoorUser: Err sorry you meant inthe OS, my mistake.20:53
AppAraatpoorUser: AMD and nVidia are still a bit of an issue there. This is the reason I went with Intel integrated ones. They have open source drivers.20:54
TJ-Geo2b2: If you want to lose those tracker parameters, then instead of changing the files make a copy under a slightly different name in the same directory (you'll need to use sudo/gksudo for elevated privileges) and then edit the appropriate text inside the XML file, including giving the provider a slightly different title/name, e.g. instead of DuckDuckGo MyDuckDuckGo then when you start Firefox you'll see MyDuckDuckGo as a search provider you can use as your defa20:54
poorUseryep i can only ctrl-alt-f1 and reboot the system20:54
poorUserno way to get back the desktop20:54
AppAraatpoorUser: not even with Ctrl+Alt+F7?20:54
lixuneropoorUaer hello ee20:55
TechspectreHow can I make all disks mount at boot? For some reason my HDDs don't mount until I get them in Nautilus20:55
poorUserblack screen freeze20:55
bghfre!fstab | Techspectre20:55
ubottuTechspectre: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions20:55
poorUseri use 346.59 from nvidia updates20:55
Techspectrebghfre, thank you20:55
bghfreTechspectre: Hope that helps.20:56
fxmulderhow can I tell if I have a proprietary graphics driver installed?20:56
Geo2b2TJ-, ahh, that's actually a pretty great idea! Thank you for that. However, when i do this, do i just comment it out, or remove the canonical part in the copy? I don't know too much about how this stuff works, so I'm wondering what the best way to do that part would be20:56
Techspectrebghfre, it sort of does... I was looking at this. I'm honestly just not entirely sure of myself messing with it20:56
poorUserwhen i type ctrl-alt-f7, i return to the desktop, but is frozen / random parts of the desktops are shown20:57
bghfreTechspectre: Yeah, it is a bit intimidating at first, great help here though, just ask as needed.20:57
TJ-Geo2b2: You can remove the entire Param  line. In other providers the Param names are different but the same approach applies20:58
lixunerogoodbye all20:58
fxmulderthe nvidia packages I have installed are nvidia-331, nvidia-331-uvm, nvidia-libopencl1-331, nvidia-opencl-icd-331, nvidia-prime20:58
grinchierpoorUser: what kernel?20:58
Geo2b2TJ-, Thank you very much for the help! I appreciate it. I'll give that a go now.20:59
bghfrepoorUser: Haave you tried al the krnel sets in grub, we had a kernel upgrade lately.20:59
poorUserLinux 3.19.0-21-generic #21-Ubuntu SMP Sun Jun 14 18:31:11 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux20:59
Bashing-omGeo2b2: As you do not know, the 1st step to find out, is to know what the hardware is: ' lspci -vnn | grep VGA -A 12 | pastebinit ' outputs to our paste site .20:59
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Geo2b2Bashing-om, Sorry? I'm not quite sure what you mean there.21:00
poorUserwhat do you mean with kernel sets in grub?21:01
Bashing-omGeo2b2: Sirry, I miss tabed .21:01
Geo2b2Bashing-om, oh, ok. no problem21:01
bghfrepoorUser: Grub provides you with the kernels you have on your computer.21:01
poorUsershould i modify some settins directly via grub?21:02
Bashing-omfxmulder: Oprimus card ? ' lspci -vnn | grep VGA -A 12 | pastebinit ' .21:02
bghfrepoorUser: Try an earlier kernel, second line advanced I believe, or recovery I forget exactly, you will see other kernels there, hopefully.21:02
poorUseri'm having these problems since a lot of times21:03
bghfrepoorUser: I asked you to try one thing.21:03
poorUserjust waiting for a miracle coming from upgrades ^^21:03
poorUseri had the same problems with all kernels21:04
poorUsera previous kernel has been fixed?21:04
fxmulder01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation G96M [GeForce 9600M GS] [10de:0648] (rev a1) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])21:04
bghfrepoorUser: Thanks for sharing, time for lunch here, others can help most likely. ;)21:04
poorUsergood lunch tnk for the help21:05
Tai15okay Jordan_U, shot an e-mail off to the RAID list. Thank you for all your help, and I hope you have a good night21:06
TJ-poorUser: Your symptoms sound very much as if you've got a console framebuffer driver loaded (such as VESA) as well as the Nvidia proprietary driver. In that case they will 'fight' for GPU memory and write into each other's buffers, causing corruption. Usually the nvidia driver detects the conflict and writes a prominent warning into the system's /var/log/dmesg each time the system starts.21:06
grinchierpoorUser: your using compiz?21:06
Bashing-omfxmulder: Checking.21:07
poorUserACPI Warning: \_SB_.PCI0.PEGR.GFX0._DSM: Argument #4 type mismatch - Found [Buffer], ACPI requires [Package] (20141107/nsarguments-95)21:07
MonkeyDustlixunero  it works, we see you, this is the ubuntu support channel21:07
poorUserSystemIO range 0x0000000000000530-0x000000000000053f conflicts with OpRegion 0x0000000000000500-0x0000000000000549 (\SBGP) (20141107/utaddress-258)21:08
grinchierpoorUser: when you freeze if you kill compiz does it unfreeze?21:08
poorUserACPI BIOS Warning (bug): 32/64X FACS address mismatch in FADT: 0xAAFE5E40/0x00000000AAFE5D40, using 32-bit address (20141107/tbfadt-283)21:08
poorUserrarely it works21:08
poorUseroften i need to reboot21:08
qwebirc71682hi I'm having some issues with my network connections on centos21:10
grinchierpoorUser: what gpu you ahve?21:10
TJ-poorUser: GFX0._DSM is an ACPI Device Specific Method, and the error indicates that your PC has a bug in its firmware. You should check for updated BIOS/firmware and see if you can install it21:10
MiniFridgeHello, yesterday I joined here to ask for help with making a Ubuntu live USB that I could use every now and then. No matter what, though, I always get sent to the Busybox intramfs prompt when I select "Try Ubuntu". I have verified the hash of Ubuntu 14.04.2 64-bit and the USB creators. I have tried LiLi and Universal USB Installer. I am using Windows 8.1. Someone mentioned that I may be booting Windows into UEFI and21:10
MiniFridgethat may have been causing a problem, but I verified my OS drive is booting via legacy.21:10
qwebirc71682I NEED to get the network connection to be called eth021:10
k1l_qwebirc71682: well, better ask the centos support then21:10
qwebirc71682but mine is called eth421:10
qwebirc71682how can I change it/21:10
poorUsergeforce gt540m (asus' laptops)21:10
qwebirc71682k1l_: I would, but the centos chat room is a desert21:10
qwebirc71682k1l_: I asked but have yet to get an answer21:11
k1l_qwebirc71682: well, then dont use that OS if support is important to you. please ask in ##linux then21:11
qwebirc71682k1l_: any help would be really appreciated21:11
MiniFridgeAnd whenever I boot off the Live USB the USB boot is first and UEFI boot off the USB is second.21:11
TJ-qwebirc71682: See /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules21:11
poorUsertnk TJ21:12
grinchierpoorUser: try kernel 4.121:12
poorUserit looks like a  very bad news21:12
Jordan_UMiniFridge: Which option did you use to boot the USB drive, or did you try both?21:12
grinchierand nouveau21:12
poorUserok grinchier i'll try that too21:12
MiniFridgeI only tried USB recently21:12
MiniFridgeI can try UEFI, if you want me to.21:12
poorUsernouveau? are you sure?21:12
grinchierwell try kernel first21:13
grinchieri think you can disable acpi21:13
poorUserk i'll try them all21:13
OerHeksMiniFridge, secure boot disables, and fastboot disabled in windows?21:13
TJ-poorUser: I'd guess what has happened is the PC has had several Ethernet ports with different MAC addresses, and they've each reserved the next free name for themselves. If those interfaces no longer exist it is safe for you to delete the lines referencing them from the file I pointed yo to21:13
poorUseralso i've the famous acpi probe fail21:13
TJ-grinchier: That is never a good idea nowadays; all PCs rely on ACPI extensively21:14
poorUseri'll try to disable acpit oo21:14
Jordan_UMiniFridge: Yes, though actually installing Ubuntu via UEFI could be a problem if you really have Windows installed for BIOS. Why do you have Windows 8 installed on a UEFI based machine, but not using UEFI?21:14
grinchierTJ-: well if machine keeps locking up,  what could it hurt?21:14
MiniFridgeOerHeks, fastboot is enabled. Secureboot state says, "Unsupported"21:14
TJ-poorUser: You might find adding to the kernel command line "acpi_os_name=linux" *might* help, though there is no guarantee21:14
grinchierwhole bunch of boot options to try21:14
TJ-grinchier: Hurt even more, it'll leave key parts of the PC incorrectly configured.21:15
OerHeksMiniFridge, ah, disable fast boot, that prevents booting from usb21:15
MiniFridgeJordan_U, I honestly don't know why I installed it that way.21:15
jayjoMy ubuntu 14.04 server is really starting to drag, what are my go-to diagnostics to see where this is originating?21:15
poorUserk tanks to all!21:15
grinchierTJ-: hurt more then him constanlty having to hard reset?  ok...21:15
poorUseri'll try all options and repot which one works ^^21:15
grinchierpoorUser: get rid of ubuntu and install trisquel21:15
MiniFridgeSomeone was helping me and they may have made an error when I was building my PC or I may have made an error.21:15
Eduard_Munteanujayjo, top and iotop?21:15
TJ-grinchier: Yeah.. like not enabling fans, not configuring chipsets correctly, not reacting to platform events21:15
Jordan_UMiniFridge: OK. Try booting the Ubuntu USB via UEFI but don't install yet even if it boot successfully.21:15
MiniFridgeOerHeks, okay. Thanks.21:16
grinchierpoorUser: install trisquel and update to 4.1 kernel21:16
max1212кто-то знает где я наити русский форуми?21:16
jayjoHow do I inspect my disk usage, etc?21:16
MiniFridgeJordan_U, I don't want to install Ubuntu. I just want a live USB21:16
poorUserlol ban -3 -2 ... ^^21:16
grinchierdelete ubuntu lol21:16
TJ-!mainline | poorUser21:16
ubottupoorUser: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds21:16
MiniFridgebut, I will try what you all said.21:16
Bashing-omfxmulder: Nvidia recommends the 340 driver for that card : http://www.nvidia.com/object/IO_32667.html . What ubuntu release are you running ?21:16
poorUsertnk TJ21:16
Jordan_U!ru | max121221:18
ubottumax1212: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.21:18
antonio_Hey folks21:19
max1212спасибо пожалуйста ubottu21:19
antonio_I'm trying to use this command to install a bunch of programs from my last installation21:20
pbx!ru | max121221:20
ubottumax1212: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.21:20
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pbxsorry for the repeat21:20
max1212мне есть важное исследование.21:21
poorUser[OT] well that trisquel looks nice! i'll try that solution too, as last ^^ [/OT]21:21
max1212вы думаете что вы можете помог мне?21:21
fxmulderBashing-om: this is 14.0421:21
max1212ubottu: мне есть важное исследование.21:22
max1212ubottu: вы думаете что вы можете помог мне?21:22
k1l_max1212: this channel is english only21:22
Bashing-omfxmulder: How about we purge the current driver, and see then what the system will install from the software repository ?21:23
antonio_I'm trying to reinstall a bunch of programs from my 12.10 installation via this terminal command.  (sudo dpkg --set-selections < installed-software)  Here is a pastebin of the errors I'm getting.  Any way I can make this happen? http://pastebin.com/F37QJtcx21:23
k1l_max1212: read the bots message. he told you the russian #ubuntu-ru channel21:23
MiniFridgeUEFI worked, USB did not.21:24
OerHeksBashing-om, maybe fxmulder encountered the .Xauthority bug?21:24
MiniFridgeI could also access all my files from Windows, which was a pleasant surprise.21:24
MiniFridgeBut, why would UEFI be working if Windows boots via legacy?21:25
antonio_The error I'm getting is "found unknown packages; this might mean the available database21:25
antonio_is outdated, and needs to be updated through a frontend method"21:25
Bashing-omOerHeks: fxmulder ^^ that too is a possibility . Slipped my mind too to check this is not a PPA installed driver !21:26
nicekiwiwould I need to use fail2ban on ssh if im also using UFW limit on ssh port?21:26
Jordan_UMiniFridge: Your boot firmware probably leaves the hardware in a slightly different state between UEFI and BIOS boot. It's likely that linux *should* be able to ge the hardware into a consistent state either way, but currently only works with the state given to it when booted via UEFI.21:26
fxmulder.Xauthority bug?21:27
MiniFridgehm. Interesting.21:27
OerHeksfxmulder, change of ownership failure after an update. http://askubuntu.com/questions/436925/ownership-of-xauthority-transferred-to-root21:28
MiniFridgeA bit confusing, but I think I sort of get what you mean.21:28
OerHeksfxmulder, login with cntrl alt F2 , ls -al # and see the ownership of .Xauthority21:28
Bashing-omfxmulder: A quick check ' ls -al .Xauthority ; ls -al .ICEauthority ' See that "you" have owenership and grouped .21:29
antonio_I've got a list of all of my installed software from my 12.10 installation I made yesterday via dkpg.  Now I need to reinstall them.  Its not working though.  Here is a list of the files http://pastebin.com/AbNRRts321:29
MiniFridgeNow, if I can access all my files on Windows, is it possible for there to be a multi-platform malware hidden on Windows and then be able to get into the Live USB session?21:29
fxmulderthat didn't seem to do it, its owned by me, I moved it to a different file and tried to login, it was recreated but I am still at the login screen21:29
antonio_Is there any easy way to do this? bashing-om: aren't you the one that shared the link with me about using dpkg to compile a list of apps and then reinstall them later?21:29
Jordan_UMiniFridge: Only if you explicitly ran executables from your Windows installation.21:30
OerHeksantonio_, due to version numbers i think you need to select them manually? get-selections is distro dependend.21:30
Bashing-omantonio_: Yes that was me for 'get-selections' .21:30
antonio_bashing-om: ok, I thought so...21:30
MiniFridgeah, okay. But, if there was an autorun file, wouldn't that automatically run in the Linux environment?21:30
antonio_oerheks: how would I do that?21:30
OerHeksantonio_, install synaptic, detailed softwarecenter. but i think lots of those errors are from programs you already have, too.21:32
MikeRLHello. I'm having an issue with my desktop. Seems Compiz won't load and the terminal throws an error related to the OpenGL plugin. I noticed this after I updated the machine today. I think I can find a workaround if someone tells me if there's some way to get a history of all the packages updated recently.21:32
MikeRLKind of like how Synaptic does it, but with apt.21:32
elfeckhey I deleted my /var/log/kern.log and now my kernel does not log anymore. How can I fix this?21:32
MikeRLBare with me as I'm typing from my Nexus 6.21:32
Jordan_UMiniFridge: /var/log/dpkg.log21:33
Bashing-omfxmulder: Vack to a driver. Any PPA involeved here before (RE-)installing a driver ' tail -v -n +1 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* ' ?21:33
antonio_oerheks: how would those errors be from programs I already have?  This is a fresh install of 14.0421:33
MiniFridgeJordan_U, what's that?21:33
Jordan_UMiniFridge: A log of dpkg operations.21:33
MikeRLOh thanks.21:33
MikeRLThat should help.21:33
OerHeksantonio_, you get version-errors, the package name contains version numbers, so you might already have the latest version. your version is from an old lts.21:34
Jordan_UMiniFridge: Sorry, that message was meant for MikeRL rather than you.21:34
MikeRLThat way I can determine what caused the issue and go from there. I can downgrade it and report the issue afterwards.21:34
MiniFridgeJordan_U, ah, okay. :P21:34
MiniFridgeNo problem.21:34
OerHeksantonio_, so good luck finding manually the installed/missing package versions.21:34
MikeRLAnyhow, I'll check that, and once I determine the package, I'll be back.21:34
MiniFridgeSo, nothing I do is stored on my live USB if persistence is not enabled, correct?21:35
Jordan_UMiniFridge: Correct.21:35
MiniFridgeNot even clipboard copies?21:35
Jordan_UMiniFridge: Nothing.21:35
aikidoukeok, so im back working in a chroot on a uefi system and i cant seem to install grub on the boot partition, can anyone help?21:36
fxmulderI figured it out, I still had a custom kernel in grub from last month when I needed to build custom kernels for eudyptula, standard kernel works fine21:36
MiniFridgeWhenever I use my Live USB then, should I install all updates from the repos? Because, if I don't, doesn't that leave me open to vulnerabilities?21:37
MonkeyDustMiniFridge  it's useless to update a live session... when you stop the session, everythings's gone21:38
Jordan_Uaikidouke: What grub-install command are you trying to run? What do you mean by "install grub on the boot partition"?21:38
aikidoukemore info, boot part is fat32 error " warning file system fat doesnt support embedding21:38
aikidoukegrub-install /dev/sda221:38
MiniFridgeMonkeyDust, okay, so what about software vulnerabilities? Should I make a live USB with persistence, then?21:38
aikidoukeim trying to fix a broken uefi system21:38
aikidoukesays the boot partition is /dev/sda221:38
Jordan_Uaikidouke: grub's boot sector should always be installed to the MBR, e.g. to /dev/sda, not to a partition like /dev/sda1. But even beyond that, UEFI doesn't have boot sectors and so you shouldn't be providing a device argument at all if you're trying to install grub such that it can be booted via UEFI.21:39
MonkeyDustMiniFridge  what do you want to achieve? a 100% safe system?21:39
aikidoukeok, so should the command just be grub-install /dev/sda ?21:40
Bashing-omfxmulder: Great, As I live and learn too .21:40
aikidoukewait, ok, so no device argument ok..21:40
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Jordan_Uaikidouke: If you're trying to install grub such that it can be booted via UEFI then it should be "sudo grub-install --target=x86_64-efi" and you need to ensure that your EFI System Partition is mounted to /boot/efi/.21:41
MiniFridgeMonkeyDust, well, I want to be able to handle sensitive documents on the live USB. I guess I could just unplug my ethernet cable from my PC and do work, then get off, then I don't need to worry about vulnerabilities.21:41
aikidoukegotcha...ty trying21:42
fxmulderBashing-om: thanks for the help, now that I know what the issue is I'm curious to find out how I'd correct the situation with a custom kernel21:42
MonkeyDustMiniFridge  yes, you can handle them in a live session, but save them on your hard disk, or external usb disk21:42
MonkeyDustMiniFridge  or in the cloud21:42
mesterwho's can help me?21:42
MiniFridgeyeah, I just want to copy the file over to another USB without leaving the file somehow hanging around on my system.21:42
MonkeyDustmester  start with a question21:42
MikeRLI wonder how long I'll need to narrow this down.21:43
mesteranyone can help me?21:43
MonkeyDustMiniFridge  yes, then a live session is a good idea21:43
nehzah!details | mester21:43
ubottumester: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)21:43
MiniFridgeMonkeyDust, so the live session will also not save system files to any of my additional disks, right?21:44
Bashing-omfxmulder: I would imagine if one were to install the driver booted with the custom kernel, the driver would build against that kernel .21:46
mesterhi, i install reaver and wash with libpcap0.8, but Ubuntu says that this packet (libpcap0.8) has broke and i can't update the system because these is a old packet, but wash don't work without libpcap0.821:46
Notchhello dose anyone know any  good linux  linux softwher for auto tune21:46
mesterhow i can fix this issue21:46
MonkeyDustMiniFridge  no, you have to save them yourself21:46
MiniFridgeokay, thank you for your help.21:46
MonkeyDustMiniFridge  a live session save nothing21:47
MiniFridgeI appreciate it.21:47
Notchwhat do you do here21:47
Jordan_UMiniFridge: I think that the Ubuntu LiveCD/USB automatically mounts swap partitions that it finds by default, so if you have an existing GNU/Linux installation with a swap partition that might be something to think about.21:47
nehzahNotch: This is ubuntu support the chanel is described at the top of your page.21:47
NotchHay what would you use for video editing like a good os21:47
MiniFridgeJordan_U, so it would be utilizing those, then?21:47
MonkeyDustNotch  type /topic21:48
MiniFridgeThose swap files?21:48
Jordan_UMiniFridge: You can always run "swapoff -a" before opening any files to be sure that their contents are never swapped to disk while being read. Note that this is really the height of paranoia :)21:48
mesterhi, i install reaver and wash with libpcap0.8, but Ubuntu says that this packet (libpcap0.8) has broke and i can't update the system because these is a old packet, but wash don't work without libpcap0.821:48
MonkeyDust!info reaver21:48
ubottureaver (source: reaver): brute force attack tool against Wifi Protected Setup PIN number. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.4-2 (vivid), package size 218 kB, installed size 584 kB21:48
Jordan_UMiniFridge: Swap partitions, not swap files. The Ubuntu LiveCD/USB will not look for existing swap files.21:48
NotchUm how do I recover a ubuntu instlation21:48
MonkeyDustNotch  use your backup21:49
MiniFridgeJordan_U, why would that be an issue?21:49
NotchI dont have a back up21:49
MiniFridgeCan the live session utilize that automatically, then?21:49
=== MiniFridge is now known as Guest41337
antonio_I just installed 14.04.  I want to install Skype now.  The only one I see on their website is for 12.04.  Can I use that one safely?21:51
diffract|1hello. is there a binary build for ue4 on ubuntu? i asked #ue4linux and it's dead21:51
Jordan_UMiniFridge: Say that you open a text file with a credit card number in it, then do something else that causes you to run out of RAM. The kernel might take your text editor's memory and save it to swap. Someone mallicious specifically targetting you (like the CIA) might grep through your swap file looking for anything that looks like a credit card number, and they would find it. Again though, that's a lot of paranoia, and ...21:52
Jordan_U... I wouldn't worry about it practically.21:52
nehzah!skype | antonio_21:52
ubottuantonio_: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga21:52
nehzahantonio_: skyoe is in the ubuntu repos.21:52
MiniFridge2sorry. I may have missed what you said before you said my name, Jordan_U. I can't seem to get my name back. I might have to wait a few minutes.21:53
tankerkiller125Hello I'm back... And it seems to have gotten worse now. When I boot up (15.04) the screen starts to boot. Then goes to sleep mode. But I know it boots all the way (using upstart atleast) because of the login screen sound.21:53
MiniFridge2I got the one of you talking about the text file, though.21:53
Jordan_UMiniFridge2: That is the last message I sent to you.21:54
=== MiniFridge2 is now known as MiniFridge
MiniFridgeokay, got my nick back21:54
MiniFridgeJordan_U, alright, so I'm guessing I didn't miss anything then. :)21:54
MiniFridgeJordan_U, would the text editor have to be on the computer's disks or could it also be on the live USB?21:55
Jordan_UMiniFridge: I don't understand your question.21:56
antonio_I need to install flash so I can get videos / facebook / youtube / etc. to work.  What is the best flash distribution?21:58
netametaHow can i update my msql version to the latest ?21:58
MiniFridgenevermind. I think I understand now. What happens if the only OS on the computer is Windows 8.1, though? Linux can't utilizes what Windows uses for swap, correct?21:58
MonkeyDustantonio_  try html5, first  https://www.youtube.com/html521:58
antonio_@monkeydust: what about videos on Facebook?21:59
MonkeyDustantonio_  i don't have FB, so can't say21:59
tankerkiller125Ok so I have a rather hard issues I'm dealing with. I recently unstinstalled the AMD Graphics Propitary Drivers as they were having issues with one of my programs. I then of course switched them out with the open source alternitve from the drivers and update menu now after a reboot the PC starts to boot and then my screen goes into sleep but the OS itself continues on to the login screen (I know because of audio). How would I22:02
MiniFridgeJordan_U. I think you may have missed my last message.22:02
MiniFridgeSorry. I replied kind of late and didn't ping you.22:03
MistaHezakiahCan I take a wifi driver from a Mint 14 live cd/ install and use it on Ubuntu 14.04?22:04
MistaHezakiahMint's rtl8180 driver gives me upto 1mb/s downloads. Ubuntu's barely even connects22:05
nehzahMistaHezakiah: No, not with support here, if it is in mint it's in the ubuntu repos22:05
MistaHezakiahI'm clueless when it comes to installing new drivers on linux.22:06
wadAnyone know why the date display on my desktop stopped working? It's really annoying. If I need to see what the date is, I have to open a terminal and type "date". In the top-right of my desktop, it shows the time, and when I right-click, and tell it to show the date, it crashes entirely.22:07
nehzahMistaHezakiah: Here, the hardware and what you have done is helpful, concise and in single paragraphs if possible, you're in the right place.22:08
wadI've found that I can bring it back with this: dconf reset -f /com/canonical/indicator/datetime/22:08
MonkeyDustwad  glad I could help22:08
* wad loooks around for the help....22:08
doesntmatterhey. Im conducting a ping sweep on my lan, and would like to know why isnt nmap sending any probe to my own machine? it sends packets to all others22:09
nehzahwad: Hmm do we guess the desktop and release?22:09
wadOh yeah, sorry.22:09
MiniFridgemaybe he/she's busy. Anyone else have an idea?22:09
wadUbuntu 64-bit 14.0-4 LTS22:09
wadUbuntu 64-bit 14.04 LTS22:09
nehzahMiniFridge: Get professional help22:09
wadDesktop edition.22:10
MistaHezakiahnehzah Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8185 IEEE 802.11a/b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 20)22:10
wadAs soon as I check the box for "Date and month", BOOM. It's gone.22:10
nehzahMistaHezakiah: Cool, outside any help I can give is all, that's goode info for helpers to know is all.'22:10
MistaHezakiahnehzah current driver on ubuntu 14.04 64bit is pci:rtl818x_pci. I was using rtl8180 on Mint which worked great. Now I can barely connect.22:11
wadIs there a logfile somewhere that migth have clues in it?22:11
MiniFridgenehzah, eh, I don't know of any local Ubuntuologists.22:11
nehzahyou have the whole web22:12
MistaHezakiahnehzah I tried ndiswrapper which the XP driver which gave me warnings on boot and disabled wifi completely until I purged it22:12
nehzahMistaHezakiah: I can't help you in this, I have never had to mess with this.22:12
tankerkiller125doesntmatter: It won't do a ping sweep on your own machine as it defaults to skipping (localhost). Pinging yourself is generally pointless in and of itself anyways because you will always get a connection (even if your firewall is set to block everyport)22:12
MistaHezakiahnehzah Okay, thanks anyway22:12
doesntmatterim testing my firewall against those kinds of attacks :))22:13
doesntmatteri dont want ppl to know that im alive :)22:14
doesntmatterhow can i make it non -default and scan my ip?22:14
* nehzah hands out the tinfoil22:14
Jordan_UMiniFridge: Correct, the Ubuntu LiveCD/USB will not try to (or be able to even if you were trying) use the space that Windows uses for swap.22:14
=== xPCNP is now known as xPCNP_
tankerkiller125Unfortantly because of the IP protocal thats kinda impossible. The only viable way to test your machine would to be grab another and use it to test your machine. The reason behind this is because your computer knows its IP and will simply skip the router and just ping itself interanlly (and thus bypassing any firewalls)22:16
doesntmatteroh i see22:17
tewardtankerkiller125: in theory he can set up a VM with Bridged Mode, let it masquerade as another computer on the network (no guarantees that will work).  Definitely a pain to do for a simple test though.22:17
MiniFridgenehzah, exactly why I'm here. Lol./22:17
doesntmatterhehe yes its painfule :)22:17
doesntmatternevermind so ill just ignore this correct?22:18
tankerkiller125teward: I would agee with that statment. And deffinitly no garantees.22:18
MiniFridgeJordan_U, so, if I'm performing operations on an Ubunu based machine, I will just do the command you said.22:18
Jordan_UMiniFridge: Correct.22:18
doesntmatterit must be workign though22:18
doesntmatterthe rule is there anyway22:18
MiniFridgeJordan_U, also, what happens if the live session runs out of RAM and can not mount the swap partition, will I get a kernel panic?22:19
tomreynMistaHezakiah: check for available drivers in software-properties22:20
razieliyoso I broke my X, I have no errors @ /var/log/Xorg.0.log, but the behaviour is weird, because lightdm runs but when I insert my pass, I get again to the login again22:20
MistaHezakiahUnder additional drivers? Did that, only nvidia drivers are there22:20
tomreynMistaHezakiah: if there's nothing matching there, try a backported kernel instead22:20
razieliyoI'm using intel drivers, MB integrated graphics card22:20
Jordan_UMiniFridge: No, the kernel will use the OOM killer to start killing processes to free RAM.22:20
razieliyoI have explicitly glx and dri disabled at /etc/X11/Xorg.conf22:21
razieliyoI've tried reinstalling xserver and intel drivers with apt-get install --reinstall22:21
tomreynrazieliyo: try just moving /etc/X11/Xorg.conf to /etc/X11/Xorg.conf.orig and retstart lightdm22:22
MiniFridgeJordan_U, okay. Thank you.22:22
tankerkiller125Ok I have a very very odd issue.... Attempting to boot my PC for like the past hour has display a "starting version 219" error and got no further. However I just plugged in a random USB and suddenly it booted. Is this just a weird bug?22:22
razieliyotomreyn: I've tried that too, I get some errors with that, that's why I have my xorg modified :/22:22
razieliyotomreyn: anyway, let me try again22:22
MiniFridgeThat answers all my questions.22:23
tomreynrazieliyo: what are the errors you get there, post to a pastebin once you're realy22:23
MiniFridgeI appreciate it, bye.22:23
razieliyotomreyn: I'll try, I'm at console right now, but I think I'll be able to do it with vim22:24
razieliyoI'm using links as web browser22:24
razieliyotomreyn: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/19190625/Xorg.0.log22:27
tomreynrazieliyo: Error (404)22:27
razieliyotomreyn: sorry, I'm writing it by hand, let me double check it22:28
tomreynyou most likely missed some ID there22:28
tomreynyou could use "pastebinit" instead, this returns shortler urls22:29
razieliyotomreyn: I tried, but can't get where pastebin paste zone is from links (cli web browser)22:29
tomreynyou dont need to use links for it. pastebinit will paste andthing piped into it to a pastebin22:30
tomreynit's a package / client22:30
razieliyooh you mean there's an app?22:30
razieliyook ok, thanks!22:30
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:30
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com22:31
razieliyotomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1179599022:32
razieliyotomreyn: as you can see, there's some glx errors, that's why I overrided the xorg.conf22:32
MikeRLI cannot seem to figure out what's causing the issues. Tried downgrading several packages.22:32
tomreynrazieliyo: this suggests you may have incompatible package versions installed from different repositories or OS versions: [   685.357] (EE) AIGLX error: dlopen of /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/i965_dri.so failed (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/i965_dri.so: undefined symbol: _glapi_tls_Dispatch)22:33
razieliyohow in the world? let me check sources.list22:33
MikeRLAnyhow, what was going on earlier - it seems Compiz, Unity, and hardware acceleration don't load up.22:33
tomreynrazieliyo: (apt-get update; apt-get policy)  | pastebinit22:33
MikeRLAny ideas to pinpoint the cause?22:34
nehzahMikeRL: I have been here over an hour and have yet to see any refrence to the actual issue, that is a key unit.22:34
MiniFridgeactually, I have one more question, when in the busybox, what does "exit" do?22:34
MikeRLWell, as for that, I thought I could troubleshoot myself so initially I just asked for a way to check apt history.22:35
razieliyotomreyn: apt-get policy doesn't exist here, but I just checked sources.list and all repos are trusty22:35
MikeRLThat didn't work. My issue is the desktop GUI isn't loading.22:35
MikeRLWell, I get the desktop, but no window decorations, no launcher, no menu bar, and no hardware acceleration.22:35
nehzah!details | MikeRL as a reminder for efficient use of channel22:35
ubottuMikeRL as a reminder for efficient use of channel: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)22:35
tomreynrazieliyo: sorry, my bad, it's "apt-cache policy"22:36
razieliyotomreyn: oh, np! thanks!22:36
MiniFridgeI typed "exit" and apparently it started doing things like creating a swap partition22:36
MikeRLThat bot is noob proof.22:36
nehzahIt's sentient22:37
MikeRLBut I can click on the desktop icons and the wallpaper and cursor show.22:37
razieliyotomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1179602322:37
razieliyotomreyn: I googled a little about that AIGLX error, and it seems that it could be a bug... but couldn't solve it the ways I checked22:38
MikeRLAnd also, when loading unity from the terminal via unity --replace, I get an OpenGL wrote22:38
MikeRL*wrote > error.22:38
MikeRLWhen I say error, I mean the OpenGL plugin for Compiz won't load.22:39
tomreynrazieliyo: i found the same, but also indication that it's only happening when mixing stuff. but i can be wrong.22:39
tomreynrazieliyo: for sure you have a bunch of PPAs there22:39
razieliyotomreyn: I see22:39
razieliyotomreyn: haha yes22:40
razieliyotomreyn: well, I really don't care for glx, tbh22:40
MikeRLAnd if I right click, I get a black outline about 1cm thick surrounding the context menu. Pure black along the perimeter of it.22:40
razieliyoI just need this working to work tomorrow :/ and really desperate (I guess this is a common statement)22:40
tomreynrazieliyo: one if the PPAs might provide a newer intel driver or xorg than what ubuntu has, introducing the incompatibility / bug22:40
razieliyothat's why I overrided everythng22:40
MikeRLAlso cannot bring up the dash, but I can bring up virtual terminals (CTRL+ALT+Fx)22:41
razieliyotomreyn: yep, maybe, I could remove all ppas, but don't know if that would suffice22:41
tankerkiller125Ok new problem22:41
tomreynrazieliyo: dpkg -l xserver-xorg\* linux-image\* | grep ^i | pastebinit22:41
razieliyotomreyn: thanks! 1 sec22:42
tomreynrazieliyo: first let's see whether my hypothesis is actually correct22:42
tomreynrazieliyo: i.e. we'll check which package versions you have installed22:42
Attox_i have trouble with a realtek ethernet driver, I wonder if someone could help me out?22:42
DoYouKnowhow do I transparent proxy SSL?22:43
DoYouKnowI don't want it to open the certificate, just redirect the traffic. Without using iptables22:43
Attox_the wifi card is the R8101E, i installed the driver from the realtek website, ethernet works, but wifi doesn't even show up22:43
razieliyotomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1179604522:43
tankerkiller125Ok so I have a new problem related to the login screen... I see it and I enter the right password. It goes to the point where I think its about to go to the desktop. Then the screen goes black. And then the screen redirects back to the login page without any errors. Almost as if I had logged out. How do I fix it?22:44
MikeRLSo, did I give enough info? To sum things up, graphics are screwed up to the point Compiz won't load. And I don't know the cause.22:44
razieliyotomreyn: hmmm that utopic package...22:44
tankerkiller125I might also add that I can't get to any of the terminals (there blank black screens)22:44
DoYouKnowWindows 10 is going to get upset at me if it boots up and there's certificate errors from sslsplit22:45
razieliyotomreyn: some extra info, it seems to be arguing about i965 driver, and I think I had i915 earlier, when it was working and I was trying to just configure GLX22:47
razieliyoI think = I'm 99.99% sure22:47
=== Vovvy is now known as PricnessOddihs
razieliyotomreyn: more info, I think this started to screw up when I did: sudo startx -- -extension GLX22:48
tomreynrazieliyo: you'Re using a backported kernel from utopic on trusty. but this backport is out of date. eithe rinstall the standard trusty kernel image or the latest utopic one22:49
razieliyotomreyn: ok, so that may be the error then? I think I'll go with trusty kernel to avoid version mismatching22:50
razieliyotomreyn: really, from start to here, THANK YOU, I'll tell you what happens22:50
tomreynrazieliyo: i'm looking for more hints to give you if you want to wait a bit more22:51
razieliyotomreyn: ok, np, I still have time22:51
tomreynrazieliyo: or you could downgrade and return if it doesnt help22:51
razieliyotomreyn: I can downgrade, I think that won't hurt22:51
=== PricnessOddihs is now known as Vovvy
razieliyotomreyn: installing linux-image-generic-lts-trusty22:52
=== Vovvy is now known as HomeCats
razieliyotomreyn: rebooting, give me 20 secs22:53
razieliyotomreyn: I was not prompted to select a kernel image, will try to guess which button was it to force a select22:55
nehzahrazieliyo: shift or esc22:56
nehzahto see grub22:56
razieliyonehzah: thanks!22:56
razieliyonehzah: thank you! that's what I was looking for22:57
MikeRLWait guys22:57
MikeRLI think I may have fixed it.22:57
MikeRLGoing to reboot and hope for the best.22:57
MikeRLIf I'm lucky it was just a random screw-up.22:58
razieliyotomreyn: nothing :/22:58
tomreynrazieliyo: which linux verison are you running now? cat /proc/version22:59
razieliyotomreyn: more info, all this happened because I was using a nvidia card and just broke today, so it was all working well, but I tried to configure GLX and it all screwed up22:59
razieliyotomreyn: on my way22:59
MikeRLI fixed it.22:59
razieliyotomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1179612123:00
tomreynrazieliyo: graphics acceleration (both 2d and 4d) is enabled by default with intel drivers. there's nothing you need to do manually23:00
nehzahMikeRL: unity is a bit funky, if you mess with configs a reboot maybe needed, sometimes two.23:00
nehzahor restarts..etc23:01
razieliyotomreyn: oh, ok, I just had a "glx not found" error when trying to run a (recompiled) opengl app, so thought on that23:01
tomreynrazieliyo: when you say "nothing" you mean you still got the same error message in Xorg.*.log ?23:02
razieliyotomreyn: yes, just checked it23:03
razieliyotomreyn: AIGLX errors, the same as before23:04
razieliyotomreyn: it seems there's some i965-va-driver, do you think that may help?23:05
=== ari_ is now known as ari__
tittanHello all23:05
tittanI have a asus netbook 1201k with SIS GPU23:06
tittanI've installed Ubuntu 15.04 i38623:06
nehzahtittan: Try to get this all in one post23:06
tittanbut the graphics are trully slow and poor. Can anyone help-me plese23:07
tittanok sory. I have downloaded the xserver-xorg-video-sismedia_1.0.1-1zatherz1_i386.deb. but it is not working23:08
tomreynrazieliyo: i don't know this driver, so couldn't tell23:08
razieliyotomreyn: ok, I think I'll try installing that one23:08
razieliyowill come back later and again, tomreyn, thanks!23:08
tomreynrazieliyo: i'm surprised it's not working now even though you moved the Xorg.conf file out of the way and are back to the default trusty kernel and xorg packages23:08
tittandoes anyone experience with old sis gpu and Xorg? Or do I switch to vesa graphics?23:09
razieliyotomreyn: yes, it's kinda weird, as you checked with pastebins, it seems everything is correct :/23:09
tomreynrazieliyo: so either we missed something else which is still getting in the way, or it's really a bug in trusty. in the latter case you could try the xorg-edgers PPA23:09
Geo2b2Hey guys. I'm a little confused about the command 'wget' I know i can give the file a name using "wget -O (file name)(actualfile)". But how do i specify the folder path i would like it to download to? I think i have to write '-P' but where do i put that while still changing the name? For example, before '-O'. after23:10
razieliyotomreyn: I'm rebooting and pray (fingers crossed) \()// if that doesn't work, I'll try to install those23:10
Geo2b2or at the end of the file?23:10
nehzahGeo2b2: man wget in the terminal may help23:11
tomreynit's late, i'm off to bed, please tell razieliyo so if he comes around asking for me.23:16
Geo2b2nehzah, i did, that's how i found out the -P command, but i can't find out which way around to put the commands23:17
Bashing-omtittan: There just is not much support from SIS for their drivers. Maybe help : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2215422 ; http://www.winischhofer.net/linuxsispart1.shtml#13 ; .. old one -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2144455 .23:17
razieliyoaw, tomreyn left23:18
razieliyoanyone can tell me what was that ppa he recommended me to install looking at the log?23:18
nehzahGeo2b2: Ah, somebody will know, I'm not sure.23:18
wolftuneHelp, I reinstalled Ubuntu and now when I try to copy files to external USB drives, I see the files on the drives but have permissions errors copying to them. It seems it might be a format issue23:18
razieliyoit shouldn't be far up, dumb me I didn't noted it23:18
wolftuneor maybe its about my user not being a member of some permissions group23:19
squintyrazieliyo,  <tomreyn> razieliyo: so either we missed something else which is still getting in the way, or it's really a bug in trusty. in the latter case you could try the xorg-edgers PPA23:19
wolftuneI get an error where I have to enter master password just to *eject* the USB flash drive23:20
razieliyosquinty: thanks!23:20
michael_p hi i thought i give 15:04 a stry i went to install nvidia i get a nessage saying starting service 21923:20
nehzahwolftune: read only ext type file usb?23:21
wolftunenehzah: well, I am having issues now even after reformatting as fat3223:22
wolftunemaybe it is *mounting* as read-only incorrectly, root is doing the *mounting*…?23:22
nehzahwolftune: Not sure I can help, but your description across multiple posts not clear is all, for the channel.23:23
wolftuneindeed ownership of /media/usb0 is marked as root23:23
nehzahwolftune: You make the fat from a terminal?23:24
wolftuneThis says I should uninstall usbmount (which is installed for some reason): http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185203923:24
Supermanintightshey guys, I'm currently trying to compile and install from source code for the first time.  I'm following this guide: http://www.howtogeek.com/105413/how-to-compile-and-install-from-source-on-ubuntu/ - and i'm having trouble at the ./configure part23:24
wolftunenehzah: I used gparted to try to figure out if formating was the issue23:24
MiniFridgeHi, I was trying to boot into Ubuntu using a live USB and got into the BusyBox CLI, I then typed "exit" thinking I would be able to get out of it. Instead, it started creating things like a swap partition. What did it create these things on? My USB or the computer's hard disk?23:25
Supermanintightsthis is what it says in the readme.in - pastebin.com/KAnGSgap23:25
SupermanintightsI tried to put ./configure -with-config-uri=htt://data/ but it said no such file or directory23:26
tittanI cant find xorg.conf file in this ubuntu install. Where is the right location? Can anyone provide a template xorg.conf file config?23:26
Bashing-ommichael_p: If you boot up all right, you can ignore that asvisory " starting version 219" irrelevant see: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/1432171 .23:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 1432171 in systemd (Ubuntu) "[udev] Shows "starting version 219" boot message even with "quiet"" [Low,Fix released]23:26
nehzahwolftune: Can't say usbmount is the issue, not installed here, and gparted should set permissions correctly.23:26
nehzahfat as read write anyway23:27
wolftunenehzah: the point is I *have* it installed and the post said to *remove* it23:27
mtntittan, typically there is no xorg.conf in modern linux. if you need one, it goes in /etc/X1123:27
nehzahwolftune: post from 2011, seems similiar but one of biliions and billions of webpages.23:28
mekhamican anyone tell me why my gnome terminal doesn't start up with the correct colors? it loads up, then i have to go into the settings and deslect and reselect use colors from system theme23:28
Bashing-omtittan: Severfal xorg.conf files here : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=958967 .23:29
nehzahwolftune: Your choice to remove, that sort of link witout any context from you is a bit of a red flag is all.23:29
FleuvShould I symlink, ServerAlias or do something else with the CMS directory to make it available from each DocumentRoot. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3104254323:29
wolftunenehzah: yeah, so I'm hesitant23:29
nehzahwolftune: How is the usb mounted and do you have a desktop?23:30
nehzahjust mounts from being plugged in or commands? wolftune23:31
nehzahor fstab23:31
wolftuneokay, I can be clear now: the usb drives are mounting as /media/usb0 etc. i.e. as root and not in /media/user/ (user being my username)23:31
wolftunethis mounting is just being plugged in23:31
nehzahwolftune: You going to root at any point?23:32
wolftunenehzah: no, I'm just running the normal system and plugging this in23:32
nehzahwolftune: Hmm, not sure without more info or if I can help at all, there are better helpers in this area, sorry about that.23:34
wolftunenehzah: that's okay thanks anyway23:34
wolftuneanyone else? problem is: USB drives mount as root instead of within /media/user/23:36
Geo2b2Anyone know how to make the 'wget' command change both name and folder destination? I only know how to change name using "wget -O example 'link'". That saves the file, but not to the folder i want it to. I think the command is '-P' (read that in manual) but i can't get it to work with the '-O' command. How can i get both of them to work with eachother? do i have to put the commands in a certain order?23:43
wolftunenehzah: removing usbmount fixed it!23:44
michael_pmaybe 14:1023:48
=== UltimateNate is now known as Guest4960
akurilinquestion: are there any commandline tools out there what can chop up audio files during pauses?23:52
akuriline.g. say I record a bunch of sentences in mp3, can I somehow split them up?23:52
DoYouKnowguys, I'm getting an error when doing tail -F *log in a log directory... too many files open. How do I fix it?23:53
minimecakurilin: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man1/mp3splt.1.html Check '-s' Silence mode23:55
DoYouKnowubuntu 12.0423:56
akurilinminimec:thank you!23:56
DoYouKnownow I can't do hexdump -C *log :(23:56
Bashing-omDoYouKnow: I can believe that . the wildcard character ,*,  expands to any file ending in log. Try to be the more specific with the log you are tailing .23:56
bununtuu hi23:58
DoYouKnowBashing-om: I think this program hosed my system since it creates one file per ip address23:58

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