
xubuntu51iHi people me again installing ubuntu xfce 150400:54
ubottuxfce bug 1504 in General "xfce4-mixer "disappears" when it's on vertical panel." [Minor,Resolved: fixed] https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=150400:54
xubuntu51iod, I havent encountered any errors in ubuntu rathr in all other distros00:56
holsteinxubuntu51i: thats interesting.. i turned my panel vertical a few years ago, and things didnt fit. i never thought about it being a bug ;000:57
xubuntu51iIm tired of fedora is too free software for me00:58
holsteinno one will make you use it..00:59
xubuntu51iand the debian 586 kernels doesnt support smp or multiple cores01:00
ubottuError: Debian bug 586 could not be found01:00
holsteinthe hardware doesnt support the kernels..01:00
xubuntu51iyea but you can search in google the debian package and thats absurd. my pc doesnt support pae kernels01:02
Unit193holstein: smp is a kernel feature....01:02
xubuntu51iI would have to compile it myself but im too lazy01:03
holsteintheres no smp kernels available?01:03
holsteinsurely someone else has made one.. liquorix do it?01:03
xubuntu51iyes, how so01:04
xubuntu51iI mean the 686 kernnel comes with pae enabled and the chip of my lap cant take it, it crashes all the time01:06
holsteinso you need a non-pae kernel?01:06
xubuntu51iyes in debian yes01:07
holsteinim sure debian has a support channel. but, i see a bunch of iso's that state non pae kernels..01:08
xubuntu51iwho are you, what do you do for living changing conversation, Im touch typing01:09
holsteinim just a volunteer, volunteering support.. but, this is the xubuntu specific support channel.. i see options for debian installs for non-pae hardware01:10
xubuntu51iyes I mean, I think debnian isnt for me01:11
xubuntu51ilike arch linux01:11
holstein^ thats how i address pae issues with x/ubuntu01:12
xubuntu51ino- theres no pro with ubuntu01:14
xubuntu51iis just debian01:14
xubuntu51iwell guys was a good conversation im finishing intalling xubuntu01:16
xubuntu51ihave a good time01:17
JayPiHi! I'm running Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS with Firefox (38.0+build3-0ubuntu0.14.04.1) and I'm getting this error when trying to run it : /usr/lib/firefox/libxul.so: cannot open shared object file: Timer expired. Couldn't load XPCOM. Can you help me to fix this?03:46
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pigeon-someone like to help me... it's about a DVD disk I burned with k3b17:00
holsteinjust ask, and a volunteer may assist, pigeon-17:00
pigeon-I have original disks for kung fu series of the 1970'    The way it was done, they used a Disc which contains data on both sides of the disc,  i.e.  3 episodes of the show on each side of the disk17:01
pigeon-When I wanted to make a copy17:01
pigeon-it read the entire disc (both sides) and the data was 6.7 GB17:01
holsteinthe "best/easiest", arguably, would be to just grab/rip the data.. extract the vids.. then, you can do whatever you need to make them fit where ever.. or, just play them locally as "data"17:02
pigeon-so I used a double-layer disc (8.5 gb)  as a blank media to write the 6 episodes upon17:02
pigeon-yes, i hear you holstein,  but since I allready copied the 6 episodes on a double-layer disc,  I wonder if their is a way to use it.17:03
pigeon-for now, I can only see the first 3 episodes17:03
holsteinid say, no, then17:03
holsteinwhat i would do, is try and remove the variables, and just grab *all* the data locally, and remake the DVD, if thats what i need it on17:04
holsteintheres not going to be an easy way to "fix" that DVD, if its not working properly17:04
pigeon-well, for the first 3 episodes, it works perfectly17:04
pigeon-so I will do what you say17:05
holsteinbut, you can ask anywhere, upsream, since, its not related to xubuntu or xfce.. #ubuntu for example.. or a k3b specific, or production specific channel or mailing list17:05
holsteinmay find folks that have done *exactly* that, and have suggestions.. quicker ones17:05
pigeon-okeee Holstein... Thank-you for your HELP;  much appreciated your comments17:06
holsteinpigeon-: sure.. good luck!17:06
pigeon-by the way, can u tell me how u got collar  in your last text?17:07
holsteinpigeon-: you mean, the *bold* ?17:07
pigeon-well, yes the RED bold17:07
holsteini surrounded the text with *'s, from my client, which is irssi17:07
pigeon-okee i c... I use  xChat17:08
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drcJust a quick question:  the Default style in Window Manager, where does that come from (it's not straight greybird) ?18:58
holsteindrc: xubuntu specific settings AFAIK.. that should all be part of the xubuntu-desktop19:12
holsteina xubuntu session, vs a stock xfce session, for example19:12
krytarikdrc: That's in the 'xfwm4' package.19:16
drcholstein: thanks...was AFK...19:16
drcI noticed that fedora XFCE had the same as as the default, but while it is "default" in Xubuntu, it was not the default.19:17
holsteinyeah.. theres some special sauce. but, it should all be "open", and able to be looked at19:18
holsteinthe specific session files.. etc..19:18
drcDon't get me wrong, I like and use it (it makes greybird fit a little better with a larger font,  like dejavu sans 13 :)19:21
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