
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
=== vrruiz_ is now known as rvr
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
mj_Has the session started?15:05
dpmhi all, sorry for the delay, trying to solve some technical issues15:05
mhall119mj_: waiting on popey to un-break his computer :)15:08
* popey shakes fists at computers15:08
popeylets all go live in a forest15:09
* balloons queues jeporady music15:11
dpmall fixed, about to start now! :-)15:15
mhall119if you don't see the video on ubuntuonair.com, refresh the page and it should appear now15:16
swaveckstill nothing15:17
PaulW2Useveral refreshes - nothing :(15:18
swaveckempty page15:18
PaulW2Uvideo \o/15:18
mhall119swaveck: try again15:18
swaveckworking now15:18
dpmsorry, today it was a bit plagued with technical issues15:19
dpmthanks swaveck for the heads up!15:19
mhall119\o/ LibreOfficeKit!15:19
galeamjQUESTION: What shall we expect in the next OTA updates next month for the phone?15:21
mhall119dpm: stop typing15:22
mhall119galeamj: shell rotation is pretty cool15:22
popeythats the specific milestone15:24
cmugover the air I thought15:25
mhall119cmug: ?15:26
SergelenbaatarHi all15:26
cmugon the air vs over the air..15:26
nanek[QUESTION] Will it be possible to connect a Ubuntu phone with Ubuntu PC/laptop over bluetooth to recive notifications etc from phone?15:27
galeamjQUESTION: According to OMG Ubuntu, Unity 8 Desktop shall sport a Slick 3D Task Switcher (http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2015/06/ubuntu-unity-8-desktop-window-switcher). Is this true?15:27
mhall119galeamj: it is, or will be. Last I looked it was in a development branch, but not yet in trunk15:28
nanekThank you for answer :D15:32
mj_Great :)15:33
mhall119"leaked in the bzr branch" lol15:35
cmugQuestion: What is happening in Ubuntu TV world? When can I expect something useable15:36
mj_why should I buy the Meizu phone now when the ocnverged device by BQ is only a few months down the road?15:40
mj_QUESTION: why should I buy the Meizu phone now when the ocnverged device by BQ is only a few months down the road?15:40
brunch875maybe you're chinese and it's easier for you to get one :p15:41
jasonyangshadowMeizu is not as good as huawei15:41
jasonyangshadowconsider about the huawei15:42
pharmawhen 14.04.03 will be available?15:42
jasonyangshadowA music messaging session has been requested. Please click the MM icon to accept.15:43
jasonyangshadowA music messaging session has been requested. Please click the MM icon to accept.15:43
cmugpopey: exactly, experience across the lappy, tv, phone15:44
brunch875I agree with popey15:44
cmugMind control would definately set you apart from competition15:44
mj_** to clarify, I already bought the BQ Aquaris 4.5 :)15:49
jasonyangshadowdoes anyone try the ubuntu phone?15:50
jasonyangshadowwith the ubuntu os15:51
cmugthanks guys15:53
* brunch875 claps15:53
=== cmug is now known as aattelin
=== aattelin is now known as cmug
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa

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