=== mcsaban is now known as MC_saban | ||
napsy | jutro | 05:26 |
zdobbie | GUTEN MORGEN CIA | 07:27 |
napsy | saluti | 07:28 |
napsy | dz0ny: ping | 07:48 |
dz0ny | napsy: pong | 07:48 |
napsy | sory ko te to spet sprasujem, um tist tool za versioning ko si ze zadnjic omenu, kok se imenuje? :) | 07:49 |
napsy | zmer pozabim | 07:49 |
dz0ny | ansible | 07:49 |
napsy | tocn ja, thx :) | 07:49 |
idioterna | versioning? :) | 08:24 |
idioterna | a infrastructure as code :) | 08:24 |
CrazyLemon | https://slo-tech.com/novice/t647089 | 09:52 |
CrazyLemon | oo pa danes je leap second day! | 09:59 |
napsy | wohoo | 09:59 |
napsy | kdaj pa se zgodi? | 09:59 |
CrazyLemon | The next leap second will be introduced in UTC on 30 June 2015 at UTC 23:59:60. | 10:01 |
napsy | ah cez 13 ur | 10:02 |
CrazyLemon | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BM0oQIRIyrs | 11:11 |
Pepelka | Brumotti - Road Bike Freestyle 2 - YouTube | 11:11 |
Pepelka | »Vittorio Brumotti does it again! Road Bike Freestyle 2 shows the Italian trials superstar taking it up a notch on a road bike. Follow GCN on YouTube: http://...« | 11:11 |
Pepelka | [Ubuntu Security] USN-2652-1: Oxide vulnerabilities http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2652-1/ | 11:38 |
zdobbie | devictorylanxus | 12:19 |
jabuk | http://www.artschoolgeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/h7E4B96E6.jpeg | 12:19 |
CrazyLemon | how witty you are! | 12:22 |
CrazyLemon | in ne ne bom popravu victory regex :) | 12:22 |
jabuk | http://img.pandawhale.com/86036-victory-dance-gif-Despicable-M-EPnS.gif | 12:22 |
jabuk | M 1.6 > 17.km SV od HUMINA (GEMONA DEL FRIULI, ITALI @30/06/2015 01:39:47 https://maps.google.com/?q=46.42+N,+13.23+E | 12:36 |
jabuk | M 1.1 > 9.km SV od ŠENTJERNEJA @29/06/2015 20:00:03 https://maps.google.com/?q=45.9+N,+15.41+E | 12:36 |
zdobbie | vvvvictoryyyyyaaaaa | 12:58 |
jabuk | http://jeffatom.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/winston-churchill-says-we-deserve-victory.jpg | 12:58 |
CrazyLemon | http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/06/30/worlds_best_vpns_fall_flat_in_security_tests/ | 13:05 |
Pepelka | VPNs are so insecure you might as well wear a KICK ME sign • The Register | 13:05 |
Pepelka | »Brit boffins' test of 14 prominent privacy tunnels finds leaks galore thanks to IPv6 mess« | 13:05 |
zdobersek | no ipv6 leaks for me | 13:09 |
napsy | thats what she said | 13:09 |
kubanc | a je mel slučajno kdo probleme z HDMI audio v Ubuntu 14.04? | 13:10 |
napsy | men je delal to | 13:10 |
kubanc | noče mi zaznaz HDMI-ja... | 13:10 |
napsy | kero graficno pa mas? | 13:10 |
napsy | pa ker ubuntu? | 13:10 |
napsy | aja | 13:11 |
napsy | sm spregledu | 13:11 |
kubanc | Nvidia GeForce GTX 550 Ti | 13:11 |
napsy | poskus najprej poupdejtat sistem na 15.04 | 13:11 |
kubanc | OK | 13:11 |
napsy | aja | 13:12 |
napsy | kubanc: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1668737 | 13:12 |
Pepelka | [ubuntu] HOWTO: Ubuntu 10.10 Nvidia hdmi audio | 13:12 |
Pepelka | »Although this information is present in this forum in bits and pieces a new nvidia hdmi audio thread pops up every couple days. So for simplicity sake here's my attempt and a very simple howto instead of editing re-editing and reposting old information. First make sure you have nvidia proprietary drivers installed. hdmi audio does not work with nouveau/opensource. Open a terminal. Applications -> Accessories ->Terminal. Now type: cat /proc/driver/nv | 13:12 |
napsy | uh sam toje za 10.10 | 13:13 |
kubanc | zdele je glih en updajt prjeltu za audio driverje | 13:13 |
kubanc | bom reštartal sistem da vidm... | 13:13 |
kubanc | nč drgač | 13:14 |
kubanc | grem upgrade sistema nardit | 13:14 |
napsy | lordy lord | 13:25 |
CrazyLemon | works for me! | 13:48 |
zdobersek | gotowardsvictoryyoumagnificentcuban | 13:59 |
jabuk | http://rack.3.mshcdn.com/media/ZgkyMDEzLzA4LzA1L2U1L2NvbGJlcnRyZXBvLjVjNmYxLmdpZgpwCXRodW1iCTg1MHg1OTA-CmUJanBn/710824a0/764/colbert-report.jpg | 13:59 |
zdobersek | http://www.24ur.com/novice/svet/kaj-bo-o-patrii-reklo-finsko-sodisce.html | 14:00 |
Pepelka | 24ur.com - Janša: Počasi prihaja čas plačila | 14:00 |
Pepelka | »Janez Janša se je na družbenem omrežju odzval na odločitev finskega prizivnega sodišča v Turkuju. To je namreč razsodilo, da dokončno zavrne obtožbe proti četverici visokih predstavnikov orožarskega podjetja Patria zaradi sumov podkupovanja slovenskih predstavnikov pri prodaji oklepnikov. Tožilstvu ni uspelo dokazati obtožb v zadostni meri.« | 14:00 |
zdobersek | ta bi prav rad bil podkupljen | 14:01 |
CrazyLemon | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxyCLoYfexo | 14:04 |
Pepelka | LiquiGlide: Nonstick coatings leave zero waste behind - YouTube | 14:04 |
Pepelka | »The days of wasting condiments — and other products — that stick stubbornly to the sides of their bottles may be gone, thanks to MIT spinout LiquiGlide, whic...« | 14:04 |
CrazyLemon | https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CIwVqpNWgAEM_X9.jpg:large holy sh1t ker font uporablja | 15:11 |
dz0ny | lol | 15:13 |
dz0ny | CrazyLemon: kater ze | 15:14 |
dz0ny | many many | 15:14 |
CrazyLemon | dz0ny pojma nimam but my eyes hurt | 15:14 |
zdobbie | http://arstechnica.co.uk/tech-policy/2015/06/eu-plans-to-destroy-net-neutrality-by-allowing-internet-fast-lanes/ | 16:01 |
Pepelka | EU plans to destroy net neutrality by allowing Internet fast lanes | Ars Technica UK | 16:01 |
zdobbie | :'/ | 16:01 |
Pepelka | »Potentially a big defeat for EU internet users, online startups and future innovation.« | 16:01 |
zdobbie | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hr0ckdRnVsE | 16:02 |
Pepelka | This is Bullshit - YouTube | 16:02 |
Pepelka | »The Wire's Cedric Daniels tells it like it is.« | 16:02 |
zdobbie | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwN6dPNXklg | 16:09 |
Pepelka | Kanye West vs Freddie Mercury - YouTube | 16:09 |
Pepelka | »Kanye West vs Freddie Mercury duel! I do not own the rights to any of this material. Video was created by Q1043.com blogger Sam Valorose« | 16:09 |
CrazyLemon | kako bodo uničili net neutrality ? ker ne bodo dovolili traffic shapinga? | 16:34 |
CrazyLemon | "shapinga" | 16:35 |
CrazyLemon | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnFfsflm_js | 16:41 |
Pepelka | Beyond Shrink and Pink: Women in Cycling Part 1 - YouTube | 16:42 |
Pepelka | »We proudly present the first part of our new series Beyond Shrink and Pink! Read the article here http://goo.gl/BU9jSd We travel to Italy and Scotland to tal...« | 16:42 |
zdobbie | specialized services | 16:43 |
zdobbie | zero-rating | 16:43 |
zdobbie | CrazyLemon: v petek mas start Gira v LJ | 16:43 |
CrazyLemon | zdobbie vem ja | 16:43 |
zdobbie | .radar | 16:49 |
jabuk | Radarska slika padavin: http://www.arso.gov.si/vreme/napovedi%20in%20podatki/radar_anim.gif | 16:49 |
CrazyLemon | !g mcbike | 16:56 |
Pepelka | McBike and Sport, Smithers BC - Bike, Fish, Run and XC - Smithers ... http://www.mcbike.ca/ | 16:56 |
CrazyLemon | meh | 16:56 |
CrazyLemon | !g mcdonalds mcbike | 16:56 |
Pepelka | McDonald's Targets Hipsters With Its Burger Bike Tote | WIRED http://www.wired.com/2015/06/mcdonalds-targets-hipsters-burger-bike-tote/ | 16:56 |
CrazyLemon | zdobbie ^ | 16:56 |
zdobbie | CrazyLemon: idc | 17:01 |
CrazyLemon | sure you do | 17:04 |
zdobbie | not really | 17:13 |
zdobbie | anyway | 17:27 |
CrazyLemon | such a hipster thing to do! | 17:39 |
upd | http://money.cnn.com/2015/06/29/technology/greece-bitcoin/ | 17:39 |
Pepelka | Greeks are rushing to Bitcoin - Jun. 29, 2015 | 17:39 |
Pepelka | »The world's largest Bitcoin exchanges say they've seen a surge of business from Greece.« | 17:39 |
idioterna | nc novga | 17:40 |
dretn | p. peer še uči na FRI? | 17:50 |
CrazyLemon | ne vidim razloga zakaj ne bi :) | 17:52 |
dretn | men je na predstavitvi diplomske rekel da je php mrtev jezik. | 17:52 |
dretn | in da ima python prihodnost | 17:52 |
CrazyLemon | python definitivno ima prihodnost :) | 17:53 |
CrazyLemon | php pa ni mrtev..sadly | 17:53 |
zdobersek | TI IMAS PRIHODNOST | 17:53 |
zdobersek | ker si priviligiran | 17:53 |
CrazyLemon | ti partaj..hipster | 17:53 |
zdobersek | op me first | 17:54 |
CrazyLemon | http://www.engadget.com/2015/06/30/peiter-zatko-leaving-google/ | 17:55 |
Pepelka | Top Googler leaves to set up new cybersecurity agency | 17:55 |
Pepelka | »One of Google's most well-regarded security researchers is leaving the company, reportedly to help the government beef up its cybersecuity. Re/code is re« | 17:55 |
CrazyLemon | https://youtu.be/VVJldn_MmMY | 17:56 |
Pepelka | Hackers Testifying at the United States Senate, May 19, 1998 (L0pht Heavy Industries) - YouTube | 17:57 |
Pepelka | »L0pht Heavy Industries testifying before the United States Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs, Live feed from CSPAN, May 19, 1998. Starring Brian Obliv...« | 17:57 |
CrazyLemon | lol @ nicknames | 17:57 |
zdobersek | 'Uporabo prostokodne programske opreme v javni upravi bo zagovarjal ... Krejzi Le Mon. Izvolite, gospod Le Mon.' | 17:59 |
CrazyLemon | le mon sounds pretty fancy | 18:00 |
CrazyLemon | dz0ny danes je AMA s tistim ki je naredu mr.robot | 20:19 |
zdobbie | redditaur | 20:27 |
zdobbie | anyway | 20:29 |
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