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Odd_Blokesmoser: claudiupopa: harlowja: Any takers for this cloud-init 2.0 call?14:03
smoserOdd_Bloke, i'm in a library. lets do it here.14:04
Odd_Blokesmoser: Ack.14:04
smoserand claudiupopa agrees.14:04
Odd_BlokeSo I was sprinting last week, and therefore didn't get any cloud-init work done.14:05
claudiupopahey folks.14:05
Odd_BlokeI did some reviews Monday morning, then was off yesterday.14:05
Odd_BlokeI'm hoping to spend Thursday/Friday on cloud-init 2.0 stuff but a week spent, effectively, off last week means I have some normal work stuff that might overwhelm that.14:05
smoserok, Odd_Bloke.14:06
smoserI will be in tomorrow (likely) but out friday as that is US holiday.14:06
smoserlets try this...14:07
smoserwe'll look at http://bit.ly/cloudinit-reviews and try to quickly go through what is there.14:07
smoserand then we can talk about other things that shoudl be done.14:07
smosersound ok ?14:07
Odd_BlokeSounds good to me.14:07
claudiupopaSounds perfect.14:08
smoserharlowja, sleeping still ?14:09
smoserwest coast is lazy and often uses the excuse of the sun not rising on them yet.14:10
smoserok. so i guesi 'll just go top down in my view14:10
smoser https://review.openstack.org/#/c/195800/14:10
claudiupopayeah, that looks fine excepting the overuse of properties.14:11
claudiupopaAs both me and Daniel observed.14:11
smoserwe want one for the decoded_buffer, right ?14:12
smoseras thats the whole intent of this14:12
Odd_BlokeYeah, just not the others.14:13
smoserok. so i'll just do that quick after this meeting14:13
smoseri'll look over Odd_Bloke's responses after this meeting14:16
* smoser didn't know about compiled regex.14:16
Odd_Blokesmoser: http://ak-hdl.buzzfed.com/static/2015-02/1/20/enhanced/webdr02/anigif_enhanced-buzz-20392-1422840785-34.gif14:17
smoseri think we want to support rhel6. so if we can get by with 2.6 without massive pain, then we shoudl do that.14:19
Odd_BlokeI'm +1 on that change.14:20
smoserwish that harlowja would not have tagged along the logging change :)14:20
Odd_BlokeDo we think that cloud-init 2.0 is actually going to be used in RHEL6?14:20
smoserin its life time i ope so.14:20
smoserfrom epel i'd guess.14:21
smoserwe can discuss dropping it if it becomes painful.14:21
smoserreasonable ?14:21
Odd_BlokeYeah, definitely.14:22
claudiupopayeah, sounds reasonable enough.14:22
smoserthen we just have Odd_Bloke's https://review.openstack.org/#/c/191144/14:22
smoseri dont really want to pick up a dependency (especially one not pakcaged in ubuntu)14:23
smoser(wrt mini-lib and taskflow.types.notifier.Notifier )14:23
Odd_BlokeYeah, I think harlowja or claudiupopa and I discussed not picking up a dependency until we thought we needed it.14:23
Odd_Blokes/discussed/discussed on IRC/14:23
smoserOdd_Bloke, one thing i do see is that i report_event does not take a status code14:26
smoserfor exit14:26
Odd_Blokesmoser: Yeah, I'm going to flesh out different event types next.14:26
Odd_BlokeAh, claudiupopa and I agreed that it wasn't worth pulling in a library for our limited use case.14:27
Odd_Blokeharlowja just ignored me. ;.;14:27
smoserok. well lets go with that then, but i know we need status / exit code14:27
smoserlast is https://review.openstack.org/#/c/195631/14:28
smoserwhich i'd just pull other than Odd_Bloke wanted me to use tox -l, which makes sense in some contexts but not in others.14:29
smoserunless i was going to do a 'tox --recreate --notests' or something to create it if it was there and didnt exist14:29
smoseri just use that for thing slike:14:29
Odd_BlokeI was wondering if there's a way to get tox to just create the virtualenv, without running the commands configured.14:29
smoser tox-venv py27 nosetests %14:30
smoserthere is.14:30
smoser--recreate --notests14:30
smoseror something to that effect14:31
smoserthe recreate is just confusing. it will create if does not exist.14:31
smoserif you want to get that, we can.14:32
smoserso.. we can come back to that.t14:32
smoserthe other 2 things ithat i have is14:33
smosera.) need of a main / runner... so we can actually run the stuff14:33
smoserb.) i was looking some at trying to make sure we can easily test on trusty using packaged versions.14:33
smoserbecause as we add pip things, its very easy to not realize that you dont work on older pip versions of things.14:34
Odd_Bloke(In another meeting now, but it seems like I'll be done with it pretty soon)14:35
claudiupopa+1 for the main / runner.14:35
smoserok. claudiupopa do you ahve anything else that you think needs to be on short list ?14:35
smoseri'm definitely ok with prioritizing the main over the 'b' above, but i'd love to be able to do 2 things:14:36
smoser 1.) run "get-dependencies --with-build" : to get dependencies installed via packages on trusty or other ubuntu (and other dists too, rather than using pip)14:36
smoser 2.) use tox to provide me with pip at versions on trusty.14:37
smoser  ie, so on my 15.10 laptop i could do: tox -e trusty-py3414:37
smoseror :14:37
smoser tox -e rhel614:38
smoserwhich would then use versions of pip that you'd find there.14:38
smoserwhat that means i hink si that we have to have data that includes14:38
smoser pip package name, distro_python26_name, distro_python26_version, distro_python34_version and such.14:39
smoserwhich quite admittedly is a pita to maintain14:39
smoserbut i think worth it.14:39
smoserok, well, since i'm the only one talking, then i'll get to trying to review those things  and a main14:40
smoserclaudiupopa, if you have some cycles, what would you / could you work on ?14:40
Odd_Blokesmoser: You're thinking that 'tox -e rhel6' would run the tests in a RHEL6-like environment?14:50
smoseryes. and 'install-dependencies' would read/determine that i'm on rhel6 yum install any deps14:51
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openstackgerritScott Moser proposed stackforge/cloud-init: pip2distro: work in progress: build tox env for specific targets  https://review.openstack.org/19767117:24
harlowjawhat u guys talking about, ha17:28
smoserharlowja, welcome.17:30
harlowjamy damn irc client not setting me away17:30
harlowjaneed to figure that out17:30
smoserglad you decided to roll out of bed this morning<cough>afternoon17:30
harlowjaanytime man17:30
harlowjagot up just for u smoser17:30
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harlowjau guys get up to early, lol17:32
harlowjasleep in, get your rest, let your brain rest and all17:33
harlowjaits the CA way :-P17:33
smoseryou had one thing that could get merged if you just dropped properties17:34
smosercan you do that quick ? just to make happy ?17:35
harlowjai like making the happies17:35
harlowjahappy happy17:36
harlowjain progress17:36
smoserand i will respond to templater ones17:36
harlowjahappy happy17:37
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed stackforge/cloud-init: Expose api response properties and cache buffer decoding  https://review.openstack.org/19580017:38
harlowja^^ happy17:38
smoserharlowja, thanks18:04
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smoserharlowja, how did you make py26 fail ?18:35
smoseri saw you do that somewhere.18:35
harlowjaoh man18:35
harlowjau killed 2618:35
openstackgerritScott Moser proposed stackforge/cloud-init: tools/tox-venv: support running other than ./tools/tox-venv  https://review.openstack.org/19563118:36
harlowjaya, hmmm, don't think there is a importlib on 2.6, lol18:37
harlowjawe probably need https://pypi.python.org/pypi/importlib in the requirements for 26 then18:37
harlowjaya, pbr now supports requirement markers so should probably just use those18:38
harlowjaie crap like https://github.com/openstack/requirements/blob/master/global-requirements.txt#L3718:38
harlowjaso we probably want a importlib;python_version=='2.6'18:39
smoserwow. that i ugly.18:39
smosertox calls pip, how does pip get pbr ?18:40
smoseri see. its the first in that list, and the pip like re-executes itself or something18:41
harlowjasomething like that18:41
smoseroh. ok.18:41
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed stackforge/cloud-init: Add importlib for python 2.6 *only*  https://review.openstack.org/19769118:42
smoserso you want to fix taht ?18:42
smoserthere yagoo18:42
harlowjalet's see if it works18:42
smoserlooks like no dice ?18:46
smosermaybe. i thought it ran and failed. but hasnt ran18:49
harlowjaits ran18:49
harlowjabut didn't get installed :-/18:49
smoserwhered that link come from ?18:49
smosernot run on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/197691/ yet18:49
harlowjasearch for cloud-init18:49
harlowjathen click the box18:50
harlowja^ gives u the jenkins links before they all finish18:51
harlowjai'll ask some pbr folks when that all finishes (with real links)18:52
harlowjaunsure why it didn't get installed18:52
smoserok. thanks.18:52
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smoserOdd_Bloke, still around ?19:15
harlowjaso thats weird19:16
harlowjahttp://logs.openstack.org/91/197691/1/check/gate-cloud-init-python26/eae73ee/console.html shows different errors than what jenkins had, lol19:16
harlowjaseems importlib did get installed19:16
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* harlowja fixing these tests up19:37
openstackgerritScott Moser proposed stackforge/cloud-init: Bring over the 'templater' from bzr  https://review.openstack.org/17025719:49
smoserharlowja, thanks.19:53
smoseri just did ^19:53
harlowjait will prob still break until 26 resolved19:53
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed stackforge/cloud-init: Add importlib for python 2.6 *only*  https://review.openstack.org/19769119:55
harlowjaok let's see if that passes19:55
harlowja*passed local 2.619:56
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed stackforge/cloud-init: Add importlib for python 2.6 *only*  https://review.openstack.org/19769123:43

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