[00:03] jose: ping === scuttle|afk is now known as scuttlemonkey [01:52] sebas5384: pong [01:52] sorry, was at university [06:42] I have created a charm for java. In my config-changed hooks i have written code for installation procedure, and in my start hook i have written command "java -version " to check java is installed successfully or not. Now the issue is deployment was not successful as start hooks failing stating "java - Command not found" but i logged into juju local machine and checked java installed or not by running java -version it was working === lukasa is now known as lukasa_away === mup_ is now known as mup === lukasa_away is now known as lukasa [08:59] hazmat: I think you can do both. The limitation is apparently logical replication can only happen from the primary, whereas hot standbys can cascade. [09:01] hello, I'm trying to generate my own bundle to install openstack and want to deploy some services to specific machines... ¿is that possible? [09:02] I was trying to do it with tags, but seems that the bundle does not handle them [09:04] juju-quickstart: error: bad API server response: invalid request: invalid bundle bundle: unsupported constraints: tags [09:10] I'll try to add the machines first and deploy to "1", "2", etc [10:45] sto: tags are supported, that error is very odd. Could you please show us your bundle file? [10:48] marcoceppi: I'll send it latter, sure [11:24] marcoceppi: sto that's quickstart/the gui. I think it doesn't support tags as they're not available across systems and doesn't support deploying bundles to 'existing machines' [11:24] marcoceppi: sto using the deployer directly might prove to have better results for something specific like that. [11:25] rick_h_: aha [11:28] ok, then, I'll move to deployer [11:29] thanks for the advice === lukasa is now known as lukasa_away [14:34] whit: ping pong [14:36] hiya wwitzel3 [14:38] bdx: heya [14:38] bdx: did dmitri's jusggestion wrt. passing --debug help find the cause? === lukasa_away is now known as lukasa === hazmat_ is now known as hazmat === cppforlife__ is now known as cppforlife_ === kadams54_ is now known as kadams54-away [16:17] hi, has there been any progress towards using juju on centos? === kadams54-away is now known as kadams54_ [16:28] bfrank, juju v1.24.0 (currently in stable ppa) is the first juju release with CentOS workload support [16:29] bfrank, release notes: https://launchpad.net/juju-core/+milestone/1.24.0 [16:31] thanks === sarnold_ is now known as sarnold === liam_ is now known as Guest12050 === kadams54_ is now known as kadams54-away === \b is now known as benonsoftware === mplex_ is now known as mplex [20:36] hi there! [20:37] Is any simple way to get all hostname of units on a service? [20:37] using charmhelper [20:38] something like needmyunits() => ['maas-node-1', 'maas-node-2'] etc etc [20:48] marcoceppi, lazyPower: ^^ === natefinch is now known as natefinch-afk [21:00] redelmann: if they have a peer relation. you can just do relation-list to get them [21:02] hazmat, nice, i don't have peer-relation, maybe is time add one to my charm. [21:02] hazmat, ThankYou [21:02] np === kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away === kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away === kadams54-away is now known as kadams54 === kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away === dannf` is now known as dannf