
ahoneybundarn I don't have power to do it00:00
ahoneybunnot the promote one00:01
ahoneybunbut the main one00:01
clivejoonly Lord Riddell?00:01
ahoneybundid you use your IRC nick?00:01
ahoneybunas the username?00:01
ahoneybunI added you to this: https://trello.com/b/knlSk3FO/15-1000:02
clivejoah yes00:03
ahoneybunI would think the KC have admin access to the other other00:03
ahoneybun*other one00:03
clivejoso how does this work?00:04
ahoneybunmake comments on cards, makes cards for tasks00:06
ahoneybunput yourself on those tasks :)00:07
clivejoId like more details on this one - https://trello.com/c/m1dNlX6a/28-make-builds-of-kdepim-for-kolab-dudes00:11
kubotu[15.10 :: To Do :: make builds of kdepim for kolab dudes ++ ]00:11
clivejobut it seems to be a debian request00:11
clivejosgclark: does dh_install throw not installed errors even when you include the file in not-installed?00:15
sgclarkclivejo: if done correctly it shouldn't, however, I have seen it not behave00:15
clivejoIm watching a build on LP and its throwing not installed errors, but there are in my local not-installed file00:16
sgclarkso that is my very unhelpful response00:17
clivejofingers crossed its just LP being noisy00:18
sgclarkclivejo: and you put ./ in front? not-installed has a bit different format than install files00:18
clivejothat was a hard lesson that baffled mew for ages00:19
clivejoanyone on wily wanna test calligra 2.9.5?00:28
ahoneybunRiddell: do you have a progress reports of our interns?05:15
ovidiu-florinkubotu: ping clivejo05:54
kubotuincorrect usage, ask for help using 'kubotu: help ping'05:54
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ovidiu-florincan I get kubotu to let me know when someone comes online?05:55
ovidiu-florinkubotu: le me know when clivejo is online05:55
* ovidiu-florin hopes kubotu has super cow powers05:56
sitterovidiu-florin: use memoserv06:00
ovidiu-florinkubotu: help memoserv06:01
kubotuno help for topic memoserv06:01
sitterovidiu-florin: https://freenode.net/faq.shtml#memoserv06:02
ahoneybunIRC clients can do that as well06:03
ovidiu-florinsitter: thank you06:04
Riddellahoneybun: interns?07:18
valorieperhaps he means gsoc07:49
ovidiu-florinyes, that's what he meant07:56
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sick_rimmitAnyone know why Kmail won't show my Inbox contents, but does show all the sub folders ? it's an IMAP connnection. The same on every one of my Kubuntu machines09:02
lordievaderGood morning.09:03
sick_rimmitMorning lordievader09:04
lordievaderHey sick_rimmit, how are you?09:07
clivejoRiddell: calligra 2.9,5 in in my PPA, would you test it for me?09:27
Riddellclivejo: ooh lovely09:34
clivejomy problem was symlinks09:35
clivejoI had installed the two symlinks, but didnt install the actual files09:35
clivejoRiddell: why is this done?09:36
Riddelllibraries have faffy rules which keeps them stable for the applications which use them09:37
clivejoI changed the watch file in this one too09:38
Riddellso they get an soversion to say this is an ABI which is not going to have stuff removed09:38
Riddellthe actual library file will be so.14.0.0 but the applications will look for the .so.14 symlink09:39
Riddelland a newer version which still has all the old symbols in it can be .so.14.0.109:39
clivejoRiddell: I have signed up with trello, will you add me?09:40
clivejoalso, have you more details on this card - https://trello.com/c/m1dNlX6a/28-make-builds-of-kdepim-for-kolab-dudes09:40
kubotu[15.10 :: To Do :: make builds of kdepim for kolab dudes ++ ]09:40
Riddellclivejo: you're in!09:47
clivejothanks Lord Riddell ;)09:48
BluesKaj'Morning  all09:48
clivejomorning BluesKaj09:48
BluesKajhey clivejo09:49
clivejoBluesKaj: fancy testing calligra 2.9.5 on wily for me?09:49
BluesKajI'll have to reboot , on debian09:51
clivejono worries09:51
BluesKajenjoying the de\sktop the way I like it on kde 4.1 09:52
BluesKajIdon't use office suites much anyway09:53
soeejust orderd ssd for my laptop :-)09:54
soeeas a workaround for a slow booting time after switch to systemd -.-09:54
BluesKajsoee, what capacity?09:56
BluesKajthinking of doing the dame09:57
soeeBluesKaj: 128 GB, i need it only for mys system09:57
clivejoLOL @ work around09:57
soee*system  + main apps09:57
BluesKaj128 is plenty for an OS plus apps09:58
soeeBluesKaj: http://www.x-kom.pl/p/179652-dysk-ssd-crucial-128gb-2-5-sata-ssd-m550.html10:01
BluesKajok and for our english readers http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1682014879010:04
vipsoee: try mx20010:05
vipm550 is bugged10:05
BluesKajthose are Canadain dollars btw, so it would be around 20% less in the states10:07
BluesKajvip. bugged ?10:08
BluesKajor buggy10:08
soeevip: what is wrong with them ?10:21
soeefriend of mine is using it some time already and doesn'y have any problems10:21
soeeanyway it has 3years warranty10:21
ovidiu-florinsick_rimmit: still around?11:00
ovidiu-florinhave you solved the KMail issue?11:00
ovidiu-florinif not, right click the Inbox folder, and check both local and server subscriptions, make sure that inbox is checked in both11:01
Riddellclivejo: do you remember why you removed libwps-0.4.diff from calligra?12:21
vipsoee: i don't know exactly, friend of mine said so 12:22
vipsoee: if you're unsure, try o google for bugs for that drive12:22
clivejoRiddell: I think it was cause the build didnt appear to be building the required files12:30
clivejobut I noticed there was still data files for wps stuff12:31
clivejoicons etc12:31
clivejoIm guessing thats an important import/export library !12:36
clivejoI guess I assumed it had been moved to a common package12:38
yossarianukhi - is the PPA for 15.04 going to include plasma 5.3.2 ?12:41
soeevip: to late, it is ordered :)12:41
soeeyossarianuk: after it is released for WIly it will be probably backported if some dev finds time to do it :)12:42
yossarianukcool - there are not too many changes anyway by looks of things.12:42
soeeshutdown fixed :)_12:43
yossarianukhmm - i usually just use sudo poweroff....12:48
yossarianukplasma5 is better in more or less every way  - its not quite as stable 'yet' as 4.x 12:48
vipsoee: hope it will be fine12:54
yossarianukWhat is the end result regarding Riddell BTW - he is still working on Kubuntu I assume?13:12
Riddellyossarianuk: sure I'm still here13:27
BluesKajstill not plasma 5/KF5 fan . too many of ny favourite features have been dumped ...taking a long look ar debian, again at least plasma5 is still optional and not defualt 13:30
yossarianukRiddell: good stuff ! is all that now 'blown over' ?13:30
soeePlasma 5.4 = activities fixed, privacy settings fixed etc. etc. what more we want ? :D13:31
yossarianukBluesKaj: like what ? The main thing missing for me is the weather......13:31
Riddellnot really, the CC still throw occasional insults at me, team morale is very low13:31
Riddellthe CC have given us no reason to want to continue working on the project13:32
yossarianukRiddell: but you are to stay as leader (in a non leader way)13:32
BluesKajno history in krunner, no separate wallpapers for VDs amongst other things , yossarianuk13:32
soeeBluesKaj: VD wallpapers are gone for good you have to live with it :)13:33
soeejust use Activities :)13:33
yossarianukBluesKaj: What do you mean VD desktops ? you can have different backgrounds on different displays/workspaces ?13:34
BluesKajsoee, why , i'll just stay with debian or kubuntu 14.10 13:34
yossarianukkubuntu 14.10 - EOL very soon13:34
Riddellyossarianuk: I can't stop people following me, I'm amazed the CC thinks this is how community works13:35
BluesKajactivities is pita , it's clunky and it doesn't do what I want13:35
soeedoesn't do what ?13:37
yossarianukriddell: I guess I just wanted to hear you were still working on the project... Glad you are - ' dont let the buggers drag you down.'13:41
RiddellI'll get wily out at least13:41
yossarianukBluesKaj: krunner history seems to work (at least on 5.3.1)13:41
yossarianuke.g - ALT + F2 - type something - it finds a document with string in.13:42
yossarianukRiddell: Glad to hear - after you will still work on KDE ?  Im sure debian would love to have you (although that may be slightly more conservative..)13:43
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Riddelldid you survive?16:02
ahoneybunhey all16:20
ahoneybunRiddell: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HnooSpzP9p9cvql8GEQe7J-A1rNLq8qpRs_cH_gaZIk/edit?pli=1#gid=016:20
Riddellahoneybun: ooh CDs :)16:25
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: I don't understand that spreadsheet16:25
ahoneybunI know16:25
mhall119ovidiu-florin: it's price estimates, from the printer that does the official Ubuntu DVDs16:29
mhall119broken down for different options and quantities16:29
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: are the romanian version DVDs in tehre or not?16:32
ahoneybunthey said that it would be too much to make a small batch16:32
clivejoLOL no, didnt survive!16:33
ovidiu-florintoo much what?16:33
clivejoI had no window controls16:33
ovidiu-florinclivejo: hello, have you received my memo?16:33
Riddellclivejo: install kwin-x1116:33
Riddellthat package was renamed16:33
RiddellI think I'll add a transitional16:33
Riddellcos that's a dangerous rename16:33
clivejoI had to revert16:34
clivejowill I try again and install kwin-x11?16:34
clivejoovidiu-florin: your memo?16:35
Riddellclivejo: yeah, works for me16:36
clivejofor some reason quassel openned half in and half off my screen16:37
clivejoand I couldnt move it so I could see what you were typing16:37
Riddelltesting is a risky game16:37
clivejohelps if you know how to fix it ;)16:38
Riddell!testers | plasma 5.3.2 on wily16:39
ubottuplasma 5.3.2 on wily: testers is Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley, alket, SourBlues, sgclark, neo31, vip, mparillo for information16:39
clivejook lets try that again!16:42
clivejothats better16:44
clivejoare fonts fuzzier on this build?16:44
Riddellthey look the same to me16:44
mamarleySubpixel rendering on elements that have a translucent background has been broken for a *long* time.16:45
clivejomy kdeconnect widget looks fuzzy16:45
clivejofonts definitaly are fuzzy in this, Kontact emails look fuzzy too16:51
Riddellclivejo: got oxygen-fonts installed?16:51
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
clivejoweird : E: Unable to locate package oxygen-fonts16:56
Riddellfonts-oxygen it is clivejo16:58
clivejonewest version16:58
ovidiu-florinclivejo: can you please edit your trello account and add your real name there?17:00
clivejoovidiu-florin: done17:05
ovidiu-florinclivejo: thank you17:13
mparillo_which ppa for 5.3.2?17:19
ovidiu-florinmparillo_: can you give me access to the Kubuntu Google+ page?18:02
mparilloovidiu-florin: Who are you on G+?18:13
ovidiu-florinmparillo_: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+OvidiuFlorinBogdan/posts18:14
ovidiu-florinmparillo: ^18:14
mparillohttps://plus.google.com/u/0/b/107577785796696065138/+OvidiuFlorinBogdan/posts 18:14
mparilloOh, never mind. Let me try now.18:14
mparilloAlas, I can see the managers, but I do not see how I can add any.18:16
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ahoneybun Showtime People!19:03
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sgclarkahoneybun: is there some sort of chat for this?19:15
ahoneybunirc: #kubuntu-podcast19:16
ahoneybunsgclark: ^19:16
soeeRiddell: only breeze left to build in 5.3.2  ?20:22
RiddellIt's built no?20:22
soeeah failed for vivd20:24
soeeso can i test it on wily ?20:24
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soeeuh i was disconnected20:36
soeeRiddell: so it is ready for tests ? :)20:36
soeeseems like they are not ready :)20:40
soeeRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11806722/ kubuntu-desktop and plasma-desktop are marked to be removed20:41
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RiddellHmm that's not gooe20:43
clivejoRiddell: calligra failed on LP20:51
shadeslayerwho needs plasma-desktop anyway :p20:53
clivejocp: cannot stat 'debian/tmp/usr/lib/kde4/calligra_filter_wps2odt.so': No such file or directory20:53
RiddellOk I'll look in the morning20:59
ahoneybunRick_Timmis: ovidiu-florin UserBase and Github are updated about Special Keys21:01
ahoneybunthanks mparillo21:04
mparillo_Thanks to the Kubuntu Podcast team for giving me something I felt like sharing.21:18
mparillo_Not sharing grumpiness, only {{{hugs}}} (when explicit consent is given in advance for each, of course)21:21
blizzzheyo. KDE keeps me locked out with my normal user. after suspend (and reboot) login goes only so far, then display stuff dies. kscreen_backend, ksplashqm, and others segfault. i can login with another user though. so looks like user config. happy about ideas. i removed alread kscreen config without luck.21:36
soeeel capitan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eefh2Nif-is :)21:57
blizzz solution: removing ~/.local/share/kscreen21:59
ahoneybunsgclark: so 5.3.2 is up for testing?22:25
sgclarkahoneybun: as of right now I have not touched wily sorry. I am still working on trusty/utopic backports.22:26
ahoneybunI see22:27
ahoneybunno love for vivid22:27
sgclarkahoneybun: lots of love for vivid, I am using it lol22:27
sgclarkjust only one person hun.22:27
ahoneybunyea but 5.3.2 fixes a shutdown bug22:28
sgclarkhmm. do you know if it was run?22:28
sgclarkRiddell: ^^ was vivid run?22:28
RiddellIt's only got packages for wily22:29
sgclarkahh ok, I will run the backports tomorrow then.22:30
sgclarkahoneybun: ^22:30
RiddellThanks :)22:31
ahoneybunfor 5.3.2 on vivid?22:31
ahoneybunsgclark: 622:31
RiddellMe snoozes22:31
sgclarkahoneybun: yeah22:31
sgclarknight Riddell22:31
ahoneybun {{{hugs}}} sgclark :)22:31
sgclarkWeee I am an official KDE E.v memeber!22:37
sgclarkerr member22:37
clivejowhat does E v mean22:46
clivejonot doubt is an Electron Volt 22:48
sgclarkheh not sure, valorie ^ ?22:50
mparillo_The German version of Inc. or Ltd.22:50
mparillo_YW and congrats.22:55

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