
_joeyhow do I upgrade to latest lubuntu using apt-get ?03:02
ianorlyn_joey: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade03:06
Unit193Unless you mean release upgrades, then that's do-release-upgrade.03:07
_joeyrelease upgrade03:28
_joeyi worked it out03:28
holstein_joey: there is a GUI for it..03:28
_joeyGUI sucks big times on my lubuntu03:28
holsteinworks fine here..03:29
_joeyNever met so buggy GUI on any Linux distro03:29
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.03:29
_joeyI reported few times03:29
holsteinotherwise, its not buggy here.. could be related to GPU drivers..03:29
_joeyThe bug was reported by other and it was never fixed03:29
_joeyI learned to live with it03:30
holsteinif its GPU driver supported, they company creating the hardware may not want to fix it03:30
_joeyanyway. I found how to upgrade using release03:30
holsteinand, "lubuntu" ubuntu/linux may not have any way to address it..03:30
_joeythe same old problem NetworkManager does not start on reboot05:01
_joeyStart Menu button is screwed05:01
_joeywhy is there no Application Menu in the bottom left corner?05:14
ianorlyncan you add a menu to the panel _joey05:14
_joeywhat is the name for menu?05:15
_joeyI cannot. I don't know how to05:18
ianorlynright click panel settings05:19
ianorlynclick panel applets05:19
ianorlynclick add and choose a menu05:19
_joeyit pops on the left hand side05:20
_joeyon the right hand side05:20
_joeyi want it on the left hand side05:20
ianorlynyeah you can move it up and down with the up and down buttons05:21
_joeyi need to move it to the left05:21
_joeyI was lazy a year ago migrating to Mint. I guess I need to spend a good time migration to move everything to Mint platform once and for all05:26
_joeysomething as simple as network manager and Menu button have been getting screwed05:27
_joeynot to mention all other things05:27
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voidArHi everyone16:56
ianorlinhi voidAr anyway I can help you?16:57
voidAryes, have anyone installed the Copy app in lubuntu 15.04 ?16:58
ianorlincopy app?16:58
voidAryes, is like Dropbox16:59
voidArit seems to use an image in the status bar17:00
voidArbut i'm getting a broken one17:00
voidArI wanted to ask if there is some place in the configuration where i can change/edit the image file location for the icons in the status bar17:01
ianorlinvoidAr: can you show a screenshot?17:01
ianorlinvoidar ah the X pic I am not sure how to fix that17:14
voidArok, thanks for your time17:15
Mr_CometHello ppl. seems Youtube plugin is outdated in Lubuntu18:38
holsteintheres a youtube plugin?18:58
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oo_miguelmaybe he refers to the flash plugin?19:41
krytarikOr *was* referring - since he left 8 mins later. :P19:44
oo_miguelah :)19:49
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Nairwolfhi guys21:21
Nairwolfhow I could change the screen size on lubuntu ?21:21
NairwolfI have tried to use the graphic application, but there is only one rezolution and it's not adapted to my screen21:21
Nairwolfmoreover I would like to change the language settings when I'm typing. I've tried to type "setxkbmap fr" but it doesn't work...21:22
ianorlynNairwolf: if lxrandr doesn't work I might try arandr which is another grapic one and if that still fails may have to go down to xrandr level21:23
Nairwolfin fact, I have a graphic way to change qwerty keyboard into azerty keyboard. But because of the screen size, I couldn't have access to the button. Now, I've succeded to change the keyboard21:24
NairwolfI'm trying to configure a ssh connexion21:24
NairwolfI use Lubuntu with an Odroid card (like Raspberry Pi)21:24

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